int MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: newFile(); break; case 1: openFile(); break; case 2: loadFile((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: openRecentFile(); break; case 4: showOptions(); break; case 5: updateTime(); break; case 6: lookupAGS_ID(); break; case 7: lookupPCC_ID(); break; case 8: lookupPCC_ID((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 9: setEventType((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 10: setEventID((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 11: setEventTypeID((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 12: boo(); break; case 13: showError((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 14: login(); break; case 15: logout(); break; default: ; } _id -= 16; } return _id; }
void test_bind_non_const() { boost::mutex m; Boo boo(20); int res_bind = boost::with_lock_guard( m, boost::bind(&Boo::func, boo, 7, 3) ); BOOST_TEST(res_bind == 24); int a = 0; int res_bind_ref = boost::with_lock_guard( m, boost::bind(&Boo::func_ref, boo, boost::ref(a)) ); BOOST_TEST(res_bind_ref == 23); BOOST_TEST(a == 598); a = 0; int b = 0; int c = 0; Boo foo(67); boost::with_lock_guard( m, boost::bind(&Boo::func_ref, foo, boost::ref(a), boost::ref(b), &c) ); BOOST_TEST(a == 111); BOOST_TEST(b == 222); BOOST_TEST(c == 333); }
void test_bind() { boost::mutex m; Foo foo(2); int res_bind = boost::with_lock_guard( m, boost::bind(&Foo::func, foo, 1, 31) ); BOOST_TEST(res_bind == 34); int a = 0; int res_bind_ref = boost::with_lock_guard( m, boost::bind(&Foo::func_ref, foo, boost::ref(a)) ); BOOST_TEST(res_bind_ref == 36); BOOST_TEST(a == 133); a = 0; int b = 0; int c = 0; Foo boo(3); boost::with_lock_guard( m, boost::bind(&Foo::func_ref, boo, boost::ref(a), boost::ref(b), &c) ); BOOST_TEST(a == 567); BOOST_TEST(b == 897); BOOST_TEST(c == 345); }
void foo( PODS __near & np , PODS __far & fp , NONPODS __near & nn , NONPODS __far & fn ) { np = np; fp = fp; np = fp; fp = np; nn = nn; fn = fn; nn = fn; fn = nn; np.~PODS(); fp.~PODS(); nn.~NONPODS(); fn.~NONPODS(); PODS pa = np; PODS pb = fp; NONPODS na = nn; NONPODS nb = fn; poo( nn ); poo( fn ); poo( np ); poo( fp ); goo( nn ); goo( fn ); goo( np ); goo( fp ); boo( nn ); boo( fn ); boo( np ); boo( fp ); }
static void main_baz() { nop(); nop(); boo(); ((void (*)(void))dlsym(dlopen("./", RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY), "dso_baz"))(); nop(); nop(); }
int main() { int *a = (int *)malloc(8); int *b = (int *)malloc(8); *a = 5; *b = 4; return boo(a) + boo(a) + boo(b) + boo(b) + boo(a) + boo(b); }
int main (void) { struct X x[3] = {{1,0}, {2,0}, {3,0}}; int i; printf("Antes: "); for (i=0; i < 3; i++) printf("{%d,%d} ",x[i].val1, x[i].val2); boo(x,3,2); printf("\nDepois: "); for (i=0; i < 3; i++) printf("{%d,%d} ",x[i].val1, x[i].val2); printf("\n"); return 0; }
void direct2indirect(void) { struct item_head *p_le_ih; struct item_head ind_ih; unsigned int unfm_ptr; if (__builtin_expect(32, 0)) __asm__ ("break"); set_le_ih_k_type (&ind_ih); if (__builtin_constant_p(p_le_ih) ? 1 : 2) { (__builtin_constant_p(__builtin_constant_p(1) == 1)); boo(&ind_ih, (char *)&unfm_ptr); } }
int main() { int x = aoo() | boo() | coo() | doo() | foo() | groo() | qoo() | yoo() ; printf("test02 foo()=%d\n", x); return 0; }
unsigned char propagate_with_phi () { gimple use_stmt; unsigned char phi_inserted; phi_inserted = 0; for (; !end_imm_use_stmt_p (); next_imm_use_stmt ()) { if (!(arf () == 10 && boo () == 20)) continue; if (!phi_inserted) phi_inserted = 1; else update_stmt (); } }
int MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: eventChanged((*reinterpret_cast< AGSEventType(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 1: newFile(); break; case 2: openFile(); break; case 3: closeFile(); break; case 4: exportFile(); break; case 5: importToDatabase(); break; case 6: loadFile((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 7: openRecentFile(); break; case 8: showOptions(); break; case 9: updateTime(); break; case 10: lookupAGS_ID(); break; case 11: lookupPCC_ID(); break; case 12: lookupPCC_ID((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 13: setEventTypeID((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 14: setEvent((*reinterpret_cast< AGSEventType(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 15: setLogoutTime(); break; case 16: setLogoutTime((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 17: setTShirtCalc((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 18: setTimer((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[3]))); break; case 19: setTimer((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 20: boo(); break; case 21: showError((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 22: login(); break; case 23: logout(); break; case 24: about(); break; case 25: tutorial(); break; case 26: reportABug(); break; case 27: testConnection(); break; case 28: { QString _r = generateHeader(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 29: rewriteHeader(); break; default: ; } _id -= 30; } return _id; }
void Result::applyGuiFilter(const cv::Mat& valid){ if (valid.empty()){ DEV_INFOS("Empty filter!"); return; } std::vector<bool> boo(valid.rows); m_n_valid = 0; unsigned int nrow = (unsigned)valid.rows; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nrow; i++){ signed char val =<signed char>(i,0); v[i].setGUIValid(val); boo[i] = true; } applyFilter(boo); }
static void main_foo(int alpha, int beta) { float f = 33.44; double d = 55.66; long long ll = 77; static char const *str = "susu"; char const fourbytes[] = { 0x10, 0x20, 0xef, 0xff }; char const (*binaryp)[] = &fourbytes; void main_foo_foo(void) { BARF(); } nop(); nop(); main_foo_foo(); boo(); alpha *= 2; beta *= 3; f *= 4; d *= 5; ll *= 6; // return; lib_foo(); nop(); nop(); }
void testInts() { cout << "Testing with a simple data type: integers" << endl; cout << "First, we'll test the constructors:" << endl; cout << "Testing the default constructor, row and column should = 0)" << endl; Array2D<int> blob; cout << "Rows: " << blob.getRow() << " Columns: " << blob.getColumn() << endl << endl; cout << "Testing the constructor with both rows and columns defined at initialization: " << endl; Array2D<int> boo(3, 5); cout << "Rows: " << boo.getRow() << " Columns: " << boo.getColumn() << endl << endl; cout << "Testing subscript operators with valid input: " << endl; initializeArrayInts(boo); printArray(boo); cout << "Testing copy constructor: " << endl; Array2D<int> bo(boo); cout << "Rows: " << bo.getRow() << " Columns: " << bo.getColumn() << endl << endl; printArray(bo); cout << "Testing the assignment operator: " << endl; blob = bo; cout << "Rows: " << blob.getRow() << " Columns: " << blob.getColumn() << endl << endl; printArray(blob); cout << "Now testing mutator functions for both rows and columns: " << endl << endl; cout << "First with adding rows: " << endl; boo.setRow(6); cout << "Rows: " << boo.getRow() << " Columns: " << boo.getColumn() << endl << endl; initializeArrayInts(boo); printArray(boo); cout << "Now deleting rows: " << endl; boo.setRow(3); cout << "Rows: " << boo.getRow() << " Columns: " << boo.getColumn() << endl << endl; printArray(boo); cout << "Now passing an invalid row length: " << endl; try { boo.setRow(-1); } catch (Exception &except) { cout << except << endl << endl; } cout << "Now adding columns (maintains data position in current rows/columns): " << endl; boo.setColumn(7); cout << "Rows: " << boo.getRow() << " Columns: " << boo.getColumn() << endl << endl; printArray(boo); cout << "Now deleting columns (maintains data position in current rows/columns which are being kept): " << endl; boo.setColumn(5); cout << "Rows: " << boo.getRow() << " Columns: " << boo.getColumn() << endl << endl; printArray(boo); cout << "Now passing invalid value for column: " << endl; try { boo.setColumn(-1); } catch (Exception &except) { cout << except << endl << endl; } cout << "Rows: " << boo.getRow() << " Columns: " << boo.getColumn() << endl << endl; printArray(boo); cout << "Testing subscipt operator access on a const object: " << endl; const Array2D<int> const_boo(boo); printArray(const_boo); }
int main() { int x = 2; int y = 3; int z = 4; return foo(boo(doo(x), y),z); }
int foo(int m, int n) { return boo(m, n); }
int main() { std::cout << "Boo say:" << std::endl; boo(); }
void qoo() { foo(); // CHECK: macro_function(); boo(foo()); // CHECK: boo(macro_function()); moo(); boo(moo()); }
int far(const int& x); int moved(int&& x); // Test self-references within initializers which are guaranteed to be // uninitialized. int a = a; // no-warning: used to signal intended lack of initialization. int b = b + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'b' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int c = (c + c); // expected-warning 2 {{variable 'c' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int e = static_cast<long>(e) + 1; // expected-warning {{variable 'e' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int f = foo(f); // expected-warning {{variable 'f' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} // Thes don't warn as they don't require the value. int g = sizeof(g); void* ptr = &ptr; int h = bar(&h); int i = boo(i); int j = far(j); int k = __alignof__(k); int l = k ? l : l; // expected-warning 2{{variable 'l' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int m = 1 + (k ? m : m); // expected-warning 2{{variable 'm' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int n = -n; // expected-warning {{variable 'n' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int o = std::move(o); // expected-warning {{variable 'o' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} const int p = std::move(p); // expected-warning {{variable 'p' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int q = moved(std::move(q)); // expected-warning {{variable 'q' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int r = std::move((p ? q : (18, r))); // expected-warning {{variable 'r' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int s = r ?: s; // expected-warning {{variable 's' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} int t = t ?: s; // expected-warning {{variable 't' is uninitialized when used within its own initialization}} void test_stuff () { int a = a; // no-warning: used to signal intended lack of initialization.
TEST(argument_type, index_version) { boo(std::string{"String"}, true, 100); }
void foo() { printf(kFooCalledMessage); boo(); }