예제 #1
    template < class Q1, class R1>  BOOST_FORCEINLINE
    void do_it(A0& a0, const char& orient, Q1 & q1,  R1 & r1) const
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(q,  boost::proto::child_c<0>(a0));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(r,  boost::proto::child_c<1>(a0));
      size_t j =         boost::proto::child_c<2>(a0);
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(x,  boost::proto::child_c<3>(a0));
      table<value_t, nt2::of_size_<2, 2> >  g;
      size_t n = size(r, 2);
      size_t m = size(r, 1);
      if (orient == 'c')
        // Make room and insert x before j-th column.
        r1.resize(nt2::of_size(m, n+1));
        q1 = q;
        r1(nt2::_,nt2::_(1, j-1))  = r(nt2::_,nt2::_(1, j-1));
        r1(nt2::_,nt2::_(j+1, n+1)) = r(nt2::_,nt2::_(j, n));
        r1(nt2::_,j) = nt2::mtimes(nt2::ct(q), x);
        //  now r has nonzeros below the diagonal in the j-th column,
        //  and "extra" zeros on the diagonal in later columns.
        //     r = [x x x x x         [x x x x x
        //          0 x x x x    g     0 x x x x
        //          0 0 + x x   --->   0 0 * * *
        //          0 0 + 0 x          0 0 0 * *
        //          0 0 + 0 0]         0 0 0 0 *]
        //  use givens rotations to zero the +'s, one at a time, from bottom to top.
        //  q is treated to (the transpose of) the same rotations.
        //     q = [x x x x x    g'   [x x * * *
        //          x x x x x   --->   x x * * *
        //          x x x x x          x x * * *
        //          x x x x x          x x * * *
        //          x x x x x]         x x * * *]
         for(size_t k = m-1; k >= j; --k)
           BOOST_AUTO_TPL(p, nt2::cons(k, k+1));
           nt2::tie(g,r1(p,j)) = nt2::planerot(r1(p,j));
           if (k < n)
             r1(p,nt2::_(k+1, n)) = nt2::mtimes(g, r1(p,nt2::_(k+1, n)));
           q1(nt2::_,p) = nt2::mtimes(q1(nt2::_,p), nt2::ct(g));

        r1 = catv(x, r);
        q1 = catv(cath(nt2::One<value_t>(), nt2::zeros(1,m,meta::as_<value_t>())),
        //  now r is upper hessenberg.
        //     r = [x x x x         [* * * *
        //          + x x x    g       * * *
        //            + x x   --->       * *
        //              + x                *
        //                +          0 0 0 0
        //          0 0 0 0          0 0 0 0
        //          0 0 0 0]         0 0 0 0]
        //  use givens rotations to zero the +'s, one at a time, from top to bottom.
        //  q is treated to (the transpose of) the same rotations and then a row
        //  permutation, p, to shuffle row 1 down to row j.
        //     q = [1 | 0 0 0 0 0         [# # # # # #         [* * * * * *
        //          --|----------          -----------          -----------
        //          0 | x x x x x    g'    * * * * * *    p     * * * * * *
        //          0 | x x x x x   --->   * * * * * *   --->   # # # # # #
        //          0 | x x x x x          * * * * * *          * * * * * *
        //          0 | x x x x x          * * * * * *          * * * * * *
        //          0 | x x x x x]         * * * * * *]         * * * * * *]

        for(size_t i = 1; i <= nt2::min(m,n); ++i)
          BOOST_AUTO_TPL(p, nt2::cons(i, i+1));
          nt2::tie(g,r1(p,i)) = nt2::planerot(r1(p,i));
          r1(p,nt2::_(i+1, n)) = nt2::mtimes(g, r1(p,nt2::_(i+1, n)));
          q1(nt2::_,p) = nt2::mtimes(q1(nt2::_,p), nt2::ct(g));
        // this permutes row 1 of q*r to row j of q(p,:)*r
        if (j != 1)
          BOOST_AUTO_TPL(p, nt2::cath(nt2::cath(nt2::_(size_t(2), j), size_t(1)), nt2::_(j+1, m+1)));
          table<value_t> qq = q1(p,nt2::_);
          q1 = qq;

예제 #2
      value_type nn = n;
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(p, nt2::_(value_type(1), nn));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(j, nt2::trunc(nt2::mod(p,nt2::Four<value_type>())*nt2::Half<value_type>()));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(k, nt2::sx(nt2::tag::is_equal_(), j, nt2::colvect(j)));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(p1, colvect(nt2::_(value_type(1), nn, nt2::sqr(nn))));
      out =  nt2::sx(nt2::tag::plus_(),p1,nt2::minusone(p));
      out(k) = nt2::oneplus(sqr(nn)) - out(k);

    static void evenx1(A0& out, std::size_t n)
      std::size_t m = n >> 1;   //m is odd.
      oddOrderMagicSquare(out, m);
      value_type m2 = sqr(m);
      container::table<value_type> t =  nt2::catv(cath(out, out+Two<value_type>()*m2),
                                                  cath(out+Three<value_type>()*m2, out+m2));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(i,  colvect(nt2::_(1, m)));
      std::size_t k = (n-2) >> 2;
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(j, nt2::cath(nt2::_(std::size_t(1), k), nt2::_(n-k+2, n)));
      swap_lines(t, i, i+m, j);
      std::size_t k1 = k+1;
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(ii, nt2::_(k1, k1));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(jj, nt2::_(std::size_t(1), k+1));
      swap_lines(t, ii, ii+m, jj);
      out =  t;

    template < class M, class I1, class I2, class IDX > static
    void swap_lines(M& m, I1 i1, I2 i2, const IDX & j)