bool ElcRTSPServer::setSource(const string& url, const string& iname) { LOG_INFO("ElcRTSPServer::setSource -url="<<url<<" -name="<<iname); mUrl = url; mName = iname; Boolean reuseFirstSource = true; if(!rtspServer) { LOG_ERROR("ElcRTSPServer::setSource failed! Rtspserver does not created propertly"); return false; } mediaSession = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*mEnv, mName.c_str(), mName.c_str(), "ELC"); if(!mediaSession) return false; // if multicast streaming if(Config::isMulticast) { struct in_addr destinationAddress; if(Config::streamingDestinationIp == "default" || Config::streamingDestinationIp =="") destinationAddress.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*mEnv); else destinationAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(Config::streamingDestinationIp.c_str()); Port rtpPort(Config::rtpPortNum); Port rtcpPort(Config::rtcpPortNum); rtpGroupsock = new Groupsock(*mEnv, destinationAddress, rtpPort, 255/*Config::ttl*/); rtpGroupsock->multicastSendOnly(); // we're a SSM source rtcpGroupsock = new Groupsock(*mEnv, destinationAddress, rtcpPort, 255/*Config::ttl*/); rtcpGroupsock->multicastSendOnly(); // we're a SSM source videoSink = MPEG4ESVideoRTPSink::createNew(*mEnv, rtpGroupsock, 96); const unsigned estimatedSessionBandwidth = 500; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share const unsigned maxCNAMElen = 100; unsigned char CNAME[maxCNAMElen+1]; gethostname((char*)CNAME, maxCNAMElen); CNAME[maxCNAMElen] = '\0'; // just in case rtcp = RTCPInstance::createNew(*mEnv, rtcpGroupsock, estimatedSessionBandwidth, CNAME, videoSink, NULL /* we're a server*/ , True /* we're a SSM source */); mediaSession->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*videoSink, rtcp)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(mediaSession); LOG_INFO("ElcRTSPServer::setSource OK"); } else // unicast streaming { mediaSubSession = Mpeg4LiveServerMediaSubSession::createNew(*mEnv, reuseFirstSource, mUrl); mediaSession->addSubsession(mediaSubSession); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(mediaSession); LOG_INFO("ElcRTSPServer::setSource OK"); } return true; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Begin by setting up our usage environment: TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); // Define our destination (multicast) IP address: destinationAddress.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); // Note: This is a multicast address. If you wish instead to stream // using unicast, then you should use the "testOnDemandRTSPServer" // test program - not this test program - as a model. // Create our RTSP server. (Receivers will need to use RTSP to access the stream.) rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, 8554); if (rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, "testStream", inputFileName, "Session streamed by \"testMKVStreamer\"", True /*SSM*/); // Arrange to create a "MatroskaFile" object for the specified file. // (Note that this object is not created immediately, but instead via a callback.) MatroskaFile::createNew(*env, inputFileName, onMatroskaFileCreation, NULL, "jpn"); env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning }
void CCreateRTPServer::createGroupsock() { m_prtcpGroupsockAudio = NULL; m_prtpGroupsockAudio = NULL; m_prtcpGroupsockVideo = NULL; m_prtpGroupsockVideo = NULL; struct in_addr destAddress; //destAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(m_destAddressStr.c_str()); if(!m_rtpDestAddressStr.empty()) destAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(m_rtpDestAddressStr.c_str()); else destAddress.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); if(m_pAudioSourceQueue != NULL) { const unsigned short rtpPortNumAudio = m_rtpPortNum; const unsigned short rtcpPortNumAudio = rtpPortNumAudio + 1; const Port rtpPortAudio(rtpPortNumAudio); const Port rtcpPortAudio(rtcpPortNumAudio); m_prtpGroupsockAudio = new Groupsock(*env, destAddress, rtpPortAudio, m_ttl); m_prtcpGroupsockAudio = new Groupsock(*env, destAddress, rtcpPortAudio, m_ttl); if(m_prtpGroupsockAudio && m_prtcpGroupsockAudio) { m_rtpPortNum += 2; } } if(m_pVideoSourceQueue != NULL) { const unsigned short rtpPortNumVideo = m_rtpPortNum; const unsigned short rtcpPortNumVideo = rtpPortNumVideo + 1; const Port rtpPortVideo(rtpPortNumVideo); const Port rtcpPortVideo(rtcpPortNumVideo); m_prtpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, destAddress, rtpPortVideo, m_ttl); m_prtcpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, destAddress, rtcpPortVideo, m_ttl); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Begin by setting up our usage environment: TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP: struct in_addr destinationAddress; destinationAddress.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); // Note: This is a multicast address. If you wish instead to stream // using unicast, then you should use the "testOnDemandRTSPServer" // test program - not this test program - as a model. const unsigned short rtpPortNum = 18888; const unsigned short rtcpPortNum = rtpPortNum+1; const unsigned char ttl = 255; const Port rtpPort(rtpPortNum); const Port rtcpPort(rtcpPortNum); Groupsock rtpGroupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtpPort, ttl); rtpGroupsock.multicastSendOnly(); // we're a SSM source Groupsock rtcpGroupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtcpPort, ttl); rtcpGroupsock.multicastSendOnly(); // we're a SSM source // Create a 'H264 Video RTP' sink from the RTP 'groupsock': OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 100000; videoSink = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, &rtpGroupsock, 96); // Create (and start) a 'RTCP instance' for this RTP sink: const unsigned estimatedSessionBandwidth = 5000; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share const unsigned maxCNAMElen = 100; unsigned char CNAME[maxCNAMElen+1]; gethostname((char*)CNAME, maxCNAMElen); CNAME[maxCNAMElen] = '\0'; // just in case RTCPInstance* rtcp = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, &rtcpGroupsock, estimatedSessionBandwidth, CNAME, videoSink, NULL /* we're a server */, True /* we're a SSM source */); // Note: This starts RTCP running automatically RTSPServer* rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, 8554); if (rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } ServerMediaSession* sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, "testStream", inputFileName, "Session streamed by \"testH264VideoStreamer\"", True /*SSM*/); sms->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*videoSink, rtcp)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(sms); char* url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms); *env << "Play this stream using the URL \"" << url << "\"\n"; delete[] url; // Start the streaming: *env << "Beginning streaming...\n"; play(); env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning }
int main(int argc, char const** argv) { // Begin by setting up our usage environment: TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); // Parse command-line options: // (Unfortunately we can't use getopt() here; Windoze doesn't have it) programName = argv[0]; while (argc > 2) { char const* const opt = argv[1]; if (opt[0] != '-') break; switch (opt[1]) { case 'i': { // transmit video I-frames only iFramesOnly = True; break; } case 'a': { // transmit audio, but not video mediaToStream &=~ VOB_VIDEO; break; } case 'v': { // transmit video, but not audio mediaToStream &=~ VOB_AUDIO; break; } case 'p': { // specify port number for built-in RTSP server int portArg; if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &portArg) != 1) { usage(); } if (portArg <= 0 || portArg >= 65536) { *env << "bad port number: " << portArg << " (must be in the range (0,65536))\n"; usage(); } rtspServerPortNum = (unsigned short)portArg; ++argv; --argc; break; } default: { usage(); break; } } ++argv; --argc; } if (argc < 2) usage(); if (mediaToStream == 0) { *env << "The -a and -v flags cannot both be used!\n"; usage(); } if (iFramesOnly && (mediaToStream&VOB_VIDEO) == 0) { *env << "Warning: Because we're not streaming video, the -i flag has no effect.\n"; } inputFileNames = &argv[1]; curInputFileName = inputFileNames; // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP: struct in_addr destinationAddress; destinationAddress.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); const unsigned short rtpPortNumAudio = 4444; const unsigned short rtcpPortNumAudio = rtpPortNumAudio+1; const unsigned short rtpPortNumVideo = 8888; const unsigned short rtcpPortNumVideo = rtpPortNumVideo+1; const unsigned char ttl = 255; const Port rtpPortAudio(rtpPortNumAudio); const Port rtcpPortAudio(rtcpPortNumAudio); const Port rtpPortVideo(rtpPortNumVideo); const Port rtcpPortVideo(rtcpPortNumVideo); const unsigned maxCNAMElen = 100; unsigned char CNAME[maxCNAMElen+1]; gethostname((char*)CNAME, maxCNAMElen); CNAME[maxCNAMElen] = '\0'; // just in case if (mediaToStream&VOB_AUDIO) { rtpGroupsockAudio = new Groupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtpPortAudio, ttl); rtpGroupsockAudio->multicastSendOnly(); // because we're a SSM source // Create an 'AC3 Audio RTP' sink from the RTP 'groupsock': audioSink = AC3AudioRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockAudio, 96, 0); // set the RTP timestamp frequency 'for real' later // Create (and start) a 'RTCP instance' for this RTP sink: rtcpGroupsockAudio = new Groupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtcpPortAudio, ttl); rtcpGroupsockAudio->multicastSendOnly(); // because we're a SSM source const unsigned estimatedSessionBandwidthAudio = 160; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share audioRTCP = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, rtcpGroupsockAudio, estimatedSessionBandwidthAudio, CNAME, audioSink, NULL /* we're a server */, True /* we're a SSM source */); // Note: This starts RTCP running automatically } if (mediaToStream&VOB_VIDEO) { rtpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtpPortVideo, ttl); rtpGroupsockVideo->multicastSendOnly(); // because we're a SSM source // Create a 'MPEG Video RTP' sink from the RTP 'groupsock': videoSink = MPEG1or2VideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockVideo); // Create (and start) a 'RTCP instance' for this RTP sink: rtcpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtcpPortVideo, ttl); rtcpGroupsockVideo->multicastSendOnly(); // because we're a SSM source const unsigned estimatedSessionBandwidthVideo = 4500; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share videoRTCP = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, rtcpGroupsockVideo, estimatedSessionBandwidthVideo, CNAME, videoSink, NULL /* we're a server */, True /* we're a SSM source */); // Note: This starts RTCP running automatically } if (rtspServer == NULL) { rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, rtspServerPortNum); if (rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; *env << "To change the RTSP server's port number, use the \"-p <port number>\" option.\n"; exit(1); } ServerMediaSession* sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, "vobStream", *curInputFileName, "Session streamed by \"vobStreamer\"", True /*SSM*/); if (audioSink != NULL) sms->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*audioSink, audioRTCP)); if (videoSink != NULL) sms->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*videoSink, videoRTCP)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(sms); *env << "Created RTSP server.\n"; // Display our "rtsp://" URL, for clients to connect to: char* url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms); *env << "Access this stream using the URL:\n\t" << url << "\n"; delete[] url; } // Finally, start the streaming: *env << "Beginning streaming...\n"; play(); env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning }
// ----------------------------------------- // entry point // ----------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv) { // default parameters const char *dev_name = "/dev/video0"; int format = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264; int width = 640; int height = 480; int queueSize = 10; int fps = 25; unsigned short rtpPortNum = 20000; unsigned short rtcpPortNum = rtpPortNum+1; unsigned char ttl = 5; struct in_addr destinationAddress; unsigned short rtspPort = 8554; unsigned short rtspOverHTTPPort = 0; bool multicast = false; int verbose = 0; std::string outputFile; bool useMmap = false; // decode parameters int c = 0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hW:H:Q:P:F:v::O:T:mM")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'O': outputFile = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; if (optarg && *optarg=='v') verbose++; break; case 'm': multicast = true; break; case 'W': width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': height = atoi(optarg); break; case 'Q': queueSize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'P': rtspPort = atoi(optarg); break; case 'T': rtspOverHTTPPort = atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': fps = atoi(optarg); break; case 'M': useMmap = true; break; case 'h': { std::cout << argv[0] << " [-v[v]][-m] [-P RTSP port][-P RTSP/HTTP port][-Q queueSize] [-M] [-W width] [-H height] [-F fps] [-O file] [device]" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -v : verbose " << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -v v : very verbose " << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -Q length: Number of frame queue (default "<< queueSize << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -O file : Dump capture to a file" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t RTSP options :" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -m : Enable multicast output" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -P port : RTSP port (default "<< rtspPort << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -H port : RTSP over HTTP port (default "<< rtspOverHTTPPort << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t V4L2 options :" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -M : V4L2 capture using memory mapped buffers (default use read interface)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -F fps : V4L2 capture framerate (default "<< fps << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -W width : V4L2 capture width (default "<< width << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -H height: V4L2 capture height (default "<< height << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t device : V4L2 capture device (default "<< dev_name << ")" << std::endl; exit(0); } } } if (optind<argc) { dev_name = argv[optind]; } // create live555 environment TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); UsageEnvironment* env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); // create RTSP server RTSPServer* rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, rtspPort); if (rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; } else { // set http tunneling if (rtspOverHTTPPort) { rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(rtspOverHTTPPort); } // Init capture *env << "Create V4L2 Source..." << dev_name << "\n"; V4L2DeviceParameters param(dev_name,format,width,height,fps,verbose); V4L2Device* videoCapture = NULL; if (useMmap) { videoCapture = V4L2MMAPDeviceSource::createNew(param); } else { videoCapture = V4L2READDeviceSource::createNew(param); } V4L2DeviceSource* videoES = V4L2DeviceSource::createNew(*env, param, videoCapture, outputFile, queueSize, verbose); if (videoES == NULL) { *env << "Unable to create source for device " << dev_name << "\n"; } else { destinationAddress.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = videoCapture->getBufferSize(); StreamReplicator* replicator = StreamReplicator::createNew(*env, videoES, false); // Create Server Multicast Session if (multicast) { addSession(rtspServer, "multicast", MulticastServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,destinationAddress, Port(rtpPortNum), Port(rtcpPortNum), ttl, 96, replicator,format)); } // Create Server Unicast Session addSession(rtspServer, "unicast", UnicastServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,replicator,format)); // main loop signal(SIGINT,sighandler); env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&quit); *env << "Exiting..\n"; } Medium::close(videoES); delete videoCapture; Medium::close(rtspServer); } env->reclaim(); delete scheduler; return 0; }
// ----------------------------------------- // entry point // ----------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv) { // default parameters const char *dev_name = "/dev/video0"; int format = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264; int width = 640; int height = 480; int queueSize = 10; int fps = 25; unsigned short rtspPort = 8554; unsigned short rtspOverHTTPPort = 0; bool multicast = false; int verbose = 0; std::string outputFile; bool useMmap = true; std::string url = "unicast"; std::string murl = "multicast"; bool useThread = true; std::string maddr; bool repeatConfig = true; int timeout = 65; // decode parameters int c = 0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "v::Q:O:" "I:P:T:m:u:M:ct:" "rsfF:W:H:" "h")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'v': verbose = 1; if (optarg && *optarg=='v') verbose++; break; case 'Q': queueSize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'O': outputFile = optarg; break; // RTSP/RTP case 'I': ReceivingInterfaceAddr = inet_addr(optarg); break; case 'P': rtspPort = atoi(optarg); break; case 'T': rtspOverHTTPPort = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': url = optarg; break; case 'm': multicast = true; murl = optarg; break; case 'M': multicast = true; maddr = optarg; break; case 'c': repeatConfig = false; break; case 't': timeout = atoi(optarg); break; // V4L2 case 'r': useMmap = false; break; case 's': useThread = false; break; case 'f': format = 0; break; case 'F': fps = atoi(optarg); break; case 'W': width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': height = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': default: { std::cout << argv[0] << " [-v[v]] [-Q queueSize] [-O file]" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t [-I interface] [-P RTSP port] [-T RTSP/HTTP port] [-m multicast url] [-u unicast url] [-M multicast addr] [-c] [-t timeout]" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t [-r] [-s] [-W width] [-H height] [-F fps] [device] [device]" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -v : verbose" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -vv : very verbose" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -Q length: Number of frame queue (default "<< queueSize << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -O output: Copy captured frame to a file or a V4L2 device" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t RTSP options :" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -I addr : RTSP interface (default autodetect)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -P port : RTSP port (default "<< rtspPort << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -T port : RTSP over HTTP port (default "<< rtspOverHTTPPort << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -u url : unicast url (default " << url << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -m url : multicast url (default " << murl << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -M addr : multicast group:port (default is random_address:20000)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -c : don't repeat config (default repeat config before IDR frame)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -t secs : RTCP expiration timeout (default " << timeout << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t V4L2 options :" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -r : V4L2 capture using read interface (default use memory mapped buffers)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -s : V4L2 capture using live555 mainloop (default use a reader thread)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -f : V4L2 capture using current format (-W,-H,-F are ignore)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -W width : V4L2 capture width (default "<< width << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -H height: V4L2 capture height (default "<< height << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -F fps : V4L2 capture framerate (default "<< fps << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t device : V4L2 capture device (default "<< dev_name << ")" << std::endl; exit(0); } } } std::list<std::string> devList; while (optind<argc) { devList.push_back(argv[optind]); optind++; } if (devList.empty()) { devList.push_back(dev_name); } // init logger initLogger(verbose); // create live555 environment TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); UsageEnvironment* env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); // split multicast info std::istringstream is(maddr); std::string ip; getline(is, ip, ':'); struct in_addr destinationAddress; destinationAddress.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); if (!ip.empty()) { destinationAddress.s_addr = inet_addr(ip.c_str()); } std::string port; getline(is, port, ':'); unsigned short rtpPortNum = 20000; if (!port.empty()) { rtpPortNum = atoi(port.c_str()); } unsigned short rtcpPortNum = rtpPortNum+1; unsigned char ttl = 5; // create RTSP server RTSPServer* rtspServer = createRTSPServer(*env, rtspPort, rtspOverHTTPPort, timeout); if (rtspServer == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg(); } else { int nbSource = 0; std::list<std::string>::iterator devIt; for ( devIt=devList.begin() ; devIt!=devList.end() ; ++devIt) { std::string deviceName(*devIt); // Init capture LOG(NOTICE) << "Create V4L2 Source..." << deviceName; V4L2DeviceParameters param(deviceName.c_str(),format,width,height,fps, verbose); V4l2Capture* videoCapture = V4l2DeviceFactory::CreateVideoCapure(param, useMmap); if (videoCapture) { nbSource++; format = videoCapture->getFormat(); int outfd = -1; V4l2Output* out = NULL; if (!outputFile.empty()) { V4L2DeviceParameters outparam(outputFile.c_str(), videoCapture->getFormat(), videoCapture->getWidth(), videoCapture->getHeight(), 0,verbose); V4l2Output* out = V4l2DeviceFactory::CreateVideoOutput(outparam, useMmap); if (out != NULL) { outfd = out->getFd(); } } LOG(NOTICE) << "Start V4L2 Capture..." << deviceName; if (!videoCapture->captureStart()) { LOG(NOTICE) << "Cannot start V4L2 Capture for:" << deviceName; } V4L2DeviceSource* videoES = NULL; if (format == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264) { videoES = H264_V4L2DeviceSource::createNew(*env, param, videoCapture, outfd, queueSize, useThread, repeatConfig); } else { videoES = V4L2DeviceSource::createNew(*env, param, videoCapture, outfd, queueSize, useThread); } if (videoES == NULL) { LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to create source for device " << deviceName; delete videoCapture; } else { // extend buffer size if needed if (videoCapture->getBufferSize() > OutPacketBuffer::maxSize) { OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = videoCapture->getBufferSize(); } StreamReplicator* replicator = StreamReplicator::createNew(*env, videoES, false); std::string baseUrl; if (devList.size() > 1) { baseUrl = basename(deviceName.c_str()); baseUrl.append("/"); } // Create Multicast Session if (multicast) { LOG(NOTICE) << "RTP address " << inet_ntoa(destinationAddress) << ":" << rtpPortNum; LOG(NOTICE) << "RTCP address " << inet_ntoa(destinationAddress) << ":" << rtcpPortNum; addSession(rtspServer, baseUrl+murl, MulticastServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,destinationAddress, Port(rtpPortNum), Port(rtcpPortNum), ttl, replicator,format)); // increment ports for next sessions rtpPortNum+=2; rtcpPortNum+=2; } // Create Unicast Session addSession(rtspServer, baseUrl+url, UnicastServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,replicator,format)); } if (out) { delete out; } } } if (nbSource>0) { // main loop signal(SIGINT,sighandler); env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&quit); LOG(NOTICE) << "Exiting...."; } Medium::close(rtspServer); } env->reclaim(); delete scheduler; return 0; }
void play() { // Open the file as a 'WAV' file: WAVAudioFileSource* pcmSource = WAVAudioFileSource::createNew(*env, inputFileName); if (pcmSource == NULL) { *env << "Unable to open file \"" << inputFileName << "\" as a WAV audio file source: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } // Get attributes of the audio source: unsigned char const bitsPerSample = pcmSource->bitsPerSample(); if (bitsPerSample != 8 && bitsPerSample != 16) { *env << "The input file contains " << bitsPerSample << " bit-per-sample audio, which we don't handle\n"; exit(1); } sessionState.source = pcmSource; unsigned const samplingFrequency = pcmSource->samplingFrequency(); unsigned char const numChannels = pcmSource->numChannels(); unsigned bitsPerSecond = samplingFrequency*bitsPerSample*numChannels; *env << "Audio source parameters:\n\t" << samplingFrequency << " Hz, "; *env << bitsPerSample << " bits-per-sample, "; *env << numChannels << " channels => "; *env << bitsPerSecond << " bits-per-second\n"; // Add in any filter necessary to transform the data prior to streaming. // (This is where any audio compression would get added.) char const* mimeType; unsigned char payloadFormatCode; if (bitsPerSample == 16) { #ifdef CONVERT_TO_ULAW // Add a filter that converts from raw 16-bit PCM audio (in little-endian order) // to 8-bit u-law audio: sessionState.source = uLawFromPCMAudioSource::createNew(*env, pcmSource, 1/*little-endian*/); if (sessionState.source == NULL) { *env << "Unable to create a u-law filter from the PCM audio source: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } bitsPerSecond /= 2; mimeType = "PCMU"; if (samplingFrequency == 8000 && numChannels == 1) { payloadFormatCode = 0; // a static RTP payload type } else { payloadFormatCode = 96; // a dynamic RTP payload type } *env << "Converting to 8-bit u-law audio for streaming => " << bitsPerSecond << " bits-per-second\n"; #else // The 16-bit samples in WAV files are in little-endian order. // Add a filter that converts them to network (i.e., big-endian) order: sessionState.source = EndianSwap16::createNew(*env, pcmSource); if (sessionState.source == NULL) { *env << "Unable to create a little->bit-endian order filter from the PCM audio source: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } mimeType = "L16"; if (samplingFrequency == 44100 && numChannels == 2) { payloadFormatCode = 10; // a static RTP payload type } else if (samplingFrequency == 44100 && numChannels == 1) { payloadFormatCode = 11; // a static RTP payload type } else { payloadFormatCode = 96; // a dynamic RTP payload type } *env << "Converting to network byte order for streaming\n"; #endif } else { // bitsPerSample == 8 // Don't do any transformation; send the 8-bit PCM data 'as is': mimeType = "L8"; payloadFormatCode = 96; // a dynamic RTP payload type } // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP: struct in_addr destinationAddress; destinationAddress.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); // Note: This is a multicast address. If you wish instead to stream // using unicast, then you should use the "testOnDemandRTSPServer" // test program - not this test program - as a model. const unsigned short rtpPortNum = 2222; const unsigned short rtcpPortNum = rtpPortNum+1; const unsigned char ttl = 255; const Port rtpPort(rtpPortNum); const Port rtcpPort(rtcpPortNum); sessionState.rtpGroupsock = new Groupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtpPort, ttl); sessionState.rtpGroupsock->multicastSendOnly(); // we're a SSM source sessionState.rtcpGroupsock = new Groupsock(*env, destinationAddress, rtcpPort, ttl); sessionState.rtcpGroupsock->multicastSendOnly(); // we're a SSM source // Create an appropriate audio RTP sink (using "SimpleRTPSink") // from the RTP 'groupsock': sessionState.sink = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(*env, sessionState.rtpGroupsock, payloadFormatCode, samplingFrequency, "audio", mimeType, numChannels); // Create (and start) a 'RTCP instance' for this RTP sink: const unsigned estimatedSessionBandwidth = bitsPerSecond/1000; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share const unsigned maxCNAMElen = 100; unsigned char CNAME[maxCNAMElen+1]; gethostname((char*)CNAME, maxCNAMElen); CNAME[maxCNAMElen] = '\0'; // just in case sessionState.rtcpInstance = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, sessionState.rtcpGroupsock, estimatedSessionBandwidth, CNAME, sessionState.sink, NULL /* we're a server */, True /* we're a SSM source*/); // Note: This starts RTCP running automatically // Create and start a RTSP server to serve this stream: sessionState.rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, 8554); if (sessionState.rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } ServerMediaSession* sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, "testStream", inputFileName, "Session streamed by \"testWAVAudiotreamer\"", True/*SSM*/); sms->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*sessionState.sink, sessionState.rtcpInstance)); sessionState.rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(sms); char* url = sessionState.rtspServer->rtspURL(sms); *env << "Play this stream using the URL \"" << url << "\"\n"; delete[] url; // Finally, start the streaming: *env << "Beginning streaming...\n"; sessionState.sink->startPlaying(*sessionState.source, afterPlaying, NULL); }
// ----------------------------------------- // entry point // ----------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv) { #if AUDIO_STREAM StreamReplicator* audio_replicator = NULL; #endif // default parameters const char *dev_name = "/dev/video1"; int format = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264; int width = 1280; int height = 720; int queueSize = 10; int fps = 30; int isp_fps = 30; int bitrate = 1024; //(Kbps) int mjpeg_qp = 120; int m2m_en = 1; int gop = fps; unsigned short rtpPortNum = 20000; unsigned short rtcpPortNum = rtpPortNum+1; unsigned char ttl = 5; struct in_addr destinationAddress; unsigned short rtspPort = 554; unsigned short rtspOverHTTPPort = 0; bool multicast = false; int verbose = 0; std::string outputFile; //bool useMmap = true; std::string url = "unicast"; std::string murl = "multicast"; bool useThread = true; in_addr_t maddr = INADDR_NONE; bool audio_en = false; // decode parameters int c = 0; //while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hW:H:Q:P:F:v::O:T:m:u:rsM:")) != -1) #if AUDIO_STREAM while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hb:W:H:g:Q:P:F:i:O:T:m:u:M:aj:")) != -1) #else while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hb:W:H:g:Q:P:F:i:O:T:m:u:M:j:")) != -1) #endif { switch (c) { case 'O': outputFile = optarg; break; //case 'v': verbose = 1; if (optarg && *optarg=='v') verbose++; break; case 'm': multicast = true; if (optarg) murl = optarg; break; case 'M': multicast = true; if (optarg) maddr = inet_addr(optarg); break; case 'g': gop = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': bitrate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'W': width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': height = atoi(optarg); break; case 'Q': queueSize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'P': rtspPort = atoi(optarg); break; case 'T': rtspOverHTTPPort = atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': fps = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': isp_fps = atoi(optarg); break; //case 'r': useMmap = false; break; //case 's': useThread = false; break; case 'u': url = optarg; break; #if AUDIO_STREAM case 'a': audio_en = true; break; #endif case 'j': format = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG; mjpeg_qp = atoi(optarg);break; case 'h': default: { std::cout << argv[0] << "Version:" << SNX_RTSP_SERVER_VERSION << std::endl; std::cout << "Usage :" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t " << argv[0] << " [-a] [-j mjpeg_qp] [-m] [-P RTSP port][-T RTSP/HTTP port][-Q queueSize] [-M groupaddress] [-b bitrate] [-W width] [-H height] [-F fps] [-i isp_fps] [device]" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -Q length: Number of frame queue (default "<< queueSize << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t RTSP options :" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -u url : unicast url (default " << url << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -m url : multicast url (default " << murl << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -M addr : multicast group (default is a random address)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -P port : RTSP port (default "<< rtspPort << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -T port : RTSP over HTTP port (default "<< rtspOverHTTPPort << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t V4L2 options :" << std::endl; //std::cout << "\t -r : V4L2 capture using read interface (default use memory mapped buffers)" << std::endl; //std::cout << "\t -s : V4L2 capture using live555 mainloop (default use a separated reading thread)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -F fps : V4L2 capture framerate (default "<< fps << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -i isp_fps : ISP capture framerate (default "<< isp_fps << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -W width : V4L2 capture width (default "<< width << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -H height : V4L2 capture height (default "<< height << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t V4L2 H264 options :" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -b bitrate : V4L2 capture bitrate kbps(default "<< bitrate << " kbps)" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -g gop : V4L2 capture gop (default "<< gop << " )" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t device : V4L2 capture device (default "<< dev_name << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t V4L2 MJPEG options :" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t -j mjpeg_qp : MJPEG streaming and qp (default is 60)" << std::endl; #if AUDIO_STREAM std::cout << "\t -a : enable A-law pcm streaming " << std::endl; std::cout << "\t H264 example : "<< argv[0] << " -a -Q 5 -u media/stream1 -P 554" << std::endl; #else std::cout << "\t H264 example : "<< argv[0] << " -Q 5 -u media/stream1 -P 554" << std::endl; #endif std::cout << "\t MJPEG example : "<< argv[0] << " -W 640 -H 480 -j 120 -Q 5 -u media/stream1 -P 554" << std::endl; exit(0); } } } if (optind<argc) { dev_name = argv[optind]; } // create live555 environment scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); // create RTSP server rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, rtspPort); if (rtspServer == NULL) { //LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg(); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create RTSP server: %s \n", env->getResultMsg()); } else { // set http tunneling if (rtspOverHTTPPort) { rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(rtspOverHTTPPort); } // Init capture //LOG(NOTICE) << "Create V4L2 Source..." << dev_name; fprintf(stderr, "create Video source = %s \n", dev_name); V4L2DeviceParameters param(dev_name,format,width,height,fps, isp_fps, verbose, bitrate, m2m_en, gop, mjpeg_qp, queueSize ); videoCapture = createVideoCapure(param); #if AUDIO_STREAM if (audio_en) { audioCapture = createAudioCapure(); } #endif if (videoCapture) { int outputFd = -1; //int outputFd = createOutput(outputFile, videoCapture->getFd()); //LOG(NOTICE) << "Start V4L2 Capture..." << dev_name; fprintf(stderr, "Start V4L2 Capture... %s \n", dev_name); //videoCapture->captureStart(); snx98600_video_start(videoCapture); printf("\n\n------- V4L2 Infomation -------- \n"); printf("m2m_en: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->m2m); printf("codec_dev: %s\n", videoCapture->m2m->codec_dev); printf("codec_fps: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->codec_fps); if(videoCapture->m2m->m2m) printf("isp_fps: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->isp_fps); printf("width: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->width); printf("height: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->height); printf("scale: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->scale); printf("bit_rate: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->bit_rate); printf("dyn_fps_en: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->dyn_fps_en); if(videoCapture->m2m->dyn_fps_en) { printf("framerate: %d\n", videoCapture->rate_ctl->framerate); } printf("GOP: %d\n", videoCapture->rate_ctl->gop); printf("ds_font_num: %d\n", videoCapture->m2m->ds_font_num); printf("\n----------------------------- \n\n"); #if AUDIO_STREAM /* Start Audio Device */ if (audio_en) { int rc; if (audioCapture) { if ((rc = snx98600_record_audio_start(audioCapture))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to start audio source: %s\n", strerror(rc)); } } } #endif /* Determind which Class to use */ if (format == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264) videoES = H264_V4L2DeviceSource::createNew(*env, param, outputFd, useThread); else { videoES = V4L2DeviceSource::createNew(*env, param, outputFd, useThread); } /* check if create a Device source success */ if (videoES == NULL) { //LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to create source for device " << dev_name; fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create source for device %s \n", dev_name); } else { videoCapture->devicesource = videoES; // Setup the outpacket size; if (m2m_en) { //OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = (unsigned int)videoCapture->m2m->isp_buffers->length; OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = bitrate << 8; //2X Bitrate as the max packet size fprintf(stderr, "isp buffers: %u , outpack maxsize : %u\n", (unsigned int)videoCapture->m2m->isp_buffers->length, OutPacketBuffer::maxSize ); }else { OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = width * height * 3 / 2; } #if AUDIO_STREAM /* create Alsa Device source Class */ if (audio_en && audioCapture) { audioES = AlsaDeviceSource::createNew(*env, -1, queueSize, useThread); if (audioES == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create audio devicesource \n"); } else { audioCapture->devicesource = audioES; } } #endif replicator = StreamReplicator::createNew(*env, videoES, false); #if AUDIO_STREAM if (audio_en && audioCapture) audio_replicator = StreamReplicator::createNew(*env, audioES, false); #endif // Create Server Multicast Session if (multicast) { ServerMediaSubsession * multicast_video_subSession = NULL; ServerMediaSubsession * multicast_audio_subSession = NULL; if (maddr == INADDR_NONE) maddr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); destinationAddress.s_addr = maddr; //LOG(NOTICE) << "Mutlicast address " << inet_ntoa(destinationAddress); fprintf(stderr, "Mutlicast address %s \n", inet_ntoa(destinationAddress)); multicast_video_subSession = MulticastServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,destinationAddress, Port(rtpPortNum), Port(rtcpPortNum), ttl, replicator,format,param); #if AUDIO_STREAM if (audio_en && audioCapture) multicast_audio_subSession = MulticastServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,destinationAddress, Port(rtpPortNum), Port(rtcpPortNum), ttl, audio_replicator,WA_PCMA,param); #endif addSession(rtspServer, murl.c_str(), multicast_video_subSession, multicast_audio_subSession); } ServerMediaSubsession * video_subSession = NULL; ServerMediaSubsession * audio_subSession = NULL; video_subSession = UnicastServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,replicator,format, param); #if AUDIO_STREAM if (audio_en && audioCapture) audio_subSession = UnicastServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env,audio_replicator,WA_PCMA, param); #endif // Create Server Unicast Session addSession(rtspServer, url.c_str(), video_subSession, audio_subSession); // main loop signal(SIGINT,sighandler); env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&quit); fprintf(stderr, "Exiting.... \n"); #if AUDIO_STREAM if (audioES) { Medium::close(audioES); } #endif Medium::close(videoES); } #if AUDIO_STREAM if (audio_en && audioCapture) closeAudioCapure(audioCapture); #endif if (videoCapture) closeVideoCapure(videoCapture); //delete videoCapture; if (outputFd != -1) { close(outputFd); } } Medium::close(rtspServer); } env->reclaim(); delete scheduler; return 0; }
static void RtspServerStart(RTSP_PARAM_INFO *cRtspParamInfo) { enum {ENUM_UNICAST = 0, ENUM_MULTICAST}; scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); Boolean reuseFirstSource = true; OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 500000; const unsigned short statusPort = 10086; Port RTSPStatusPort(statusPort); Port RTSPServerPort(cRtspParamInfo->iRTSPServerPort); RTPSink *videoSinkMajor = NULL; RTPSink *videoSinkMinor = NULL; char streamName[RTSP_STRING_LEN] = {0}; char secondStreamName[RTSP_STRING_LEN] = {0}; strncpy(streamName, cRtspParamInfo->rgStreamName[RTSP_STREAM_MAJOR], RTSP_STRING_LEN - 1); strncpy(secondStreamName, cRtspParamInfo->rgStreamName[RTSP_STREAM_MINOR], RTSP_STRING_LEN - 1); // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP: struct in_addr destinationAddressMajor; struct in_addr destinationAddressMinor; UserAuthenticationDatabase *authDB = NULL; //#ifdef ACCESS_CONTROL if(cRtspParamInfo->iAuthenticateEnable){ authDB = new UserAuthenticationDatabase; // authDB->addUserRecord(cRtspParamInfo->rgUserName, cRtspParamInfo->rgPassword); authDB->addUserRecord("admin", "admin"); fprintf(stdout, "%s %d Authentication Enable!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } //#endif destinationAddressMajor.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); destinationAddressMinor.s_addr = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); // Note: This is a multicast address. If you wish instead to stream // using unicast, then you should use the "testOnDemandRTSPServer" // test program - not this test program - as a model. const unsigned short rtpPortNumMajor = 18888; const unsigned short rtcpPortNumMajor = rtpPortNumMajor + 1; const unsigned short rtpPortNumMinor = rtcpPortNumMajor + 1; const unsigned short rtcpPortNumMinor = rtpPortNumMinor + 1; const unsigned char ttl = 255; const Port rtpPortMajor(rtpPortNumMajor); const Port rtcpPortMajor(rtcpPortNumMajor); const Port rtpPortMinor(rtpPortNumMinor); const Port rtcpPortMinor(rtcpPortNumMinor); Groupsock rtpGroupsockMajor(*env, destinationAddressMajor, rtpPortMajor, ttl); rtpGroupsockMajor.multicastSendOnly(); // we're a SSM source Groupsock rtcpGroupsockMajor(*env, destinationAddressMajor, rtcpPortMajor, ttl); rtcpGroupsockMajor.multicastSendOnly(); // we're a SSM source Groupsock rtpGroupsockMinor(*env, destinationAddressMinor, rtpPortMinor, ttl); rtpGroupsockMinor.multicastSendOnly(); Groupsock rtcpGroupsockMinor(*env, destinationAddressMinor, rtcpPortMinor, ttl); rtcpGroupsockMinor.multicastSendOnly(); // Create a 'H264 Video RTP' sink from the RTP 'groupsock': OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 1000000; // Create (and start) a 'RTCP instance' for this RTP sink: const unsigned estimatedSessionBandwidth = 500; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share const unsigned maxCNAMElen = 100; unsigned char CNAME[maxCNAMElen+1]; gethostname((char*)CNAME, maxCNAMElen); CNAME[maxCNAMElen] = '\0'; // just in case RTSPServer* rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, RTSPServerPort, authDB); if (rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } //first stream if(cRtspParamInfo->rgCommunicationMode[RTSP_STREAM_MAJOR] == ENUM_UNICAST){ ServerMediaSession* smsMajor = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName, streamName, "Session streamed by \"testH264VideoStreamer\""); smsMajor->addSubsession(H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env, firstInputFileName, reuseFirstSource)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(smsMajor); }else if(cRtspParamInfo->rgCommunicationMode[RTSP_STREAM_MAJOR] == ENUM_MULTICAST){ videoSinkMajor = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, &rtpGroupsockMajor, 96); RTCPInstance* rtcpMajor = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, &rtcpGroupsockMajor, estimatedSessionBandwidth, CNAME, videoSinkMajor, NULL /* we're a server */, True /* we're a SSM source */); ServerMediaSession* smsMajor = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName, firstInputFileName, "Session streamed by \"swH264VideoStreamer\"", True /*SSM*/); smsMajor->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*videoSinkMajor, rtcpMajor)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(smsMajor); play(videoSinkMajor, firstInputFileName); } if((cRtspParamInfo->iRTSPStreamNum > 1) && (cRtspParamInfo->rgCommunicationMode[RTSP_STREAM_MINOR] == ENUM_UNICAST)){ ServerMediaSession* smsMinor = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, secondStreamName, secondStreamName, "Session streamed by \"testH264VideoStreamer\""); smsMinor->addSubsession(H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*env, secondInputFileName, reuseFirstSource)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(smsMinor); }else if((cRtspParamInfo->iRTSPStreamNum > 1) && (cRtspParamInfo->rgCommunicationMode[RTSP_STREAM_MINOR] == ENUM_MULTICAST)){ videoSinkMinor = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, &rtpGroupsockMinor, 96); RTCPInstance* rtcpMinor = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, &rtcpGroupsockMinor, estimatedSessionBandwidth, CNAME, videoSinkMinor, NULL /* we're a server */, True /* we're a SSM source */); ServerMediaSession *smsMinor = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, secondStreamName, secondInputFileName, "Session streamed by \"swH264VideoStreamer\"", True /*SSM*/); smsMinor->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*videoSinkMinor, rtcpMinor)); rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(smsMinor); play(videoSinkMinor, secondInputFileName); } rtspServer->setUpConnectionStatus(RTSPStatusPort); rtspServer->setStreamName(0, streamName, strlen(streamName)); //0 for major rtspServer->setStreamName(1, secondStreamName, strlen(secondStreamName)); rtspServer->setAutoControlBitrate(cRtspParamInfo->iAutoControlBitrateEnable); if(rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(80) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8000) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8080)) { *env << "\n(We use port " << rtspServer->httpServerPortNum() << " for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling.)\n"; } else { *env << "\n(RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling is not available.)\n"; } env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { init_signals(); setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0); int IsSilence = 0; int svcEnable = 0; int cnt=0; int activePortCnt=0; if( GetSampleRate() == 16000 ) { audioOutputBitrate = 128000; audioSamplingFrequency = 16000; }else{ audioOutputBitrate = 64000; audioSamplingFrequency = 8000; } // Begin by setting up our usage environment: TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(); UsageEnvironment* env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler); int msg_type, video_type; APPROInput* MjpegInputDevice = NULL; APPROInput* H264InputDevice = NULL; APPROInput* Mpeg4InputDevice = NULL; static pid_t child[4] = { -1,-1,-1,-1 }; StreamingMode streamingMode = STREAMING_UNICAST; netAddressBits multicastAddress = 0;//our_inet_addr(""); portNumBits videoRTPPortNum = 0; portNumBits audioRTPPortNum = 0; IsSilence = 0; svcEnable = 0; audioType = AUDIO_G711; streamingMode = STREAMING_UNICAST; for( cnt = 1; cnt < argc ;cnt++ ) { if( strcmp( argv[cnt],"-m" )== 0 ) { streamingMode = STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM; } if( strcmp( argv[cnt],"-s" )== 0 ) { IsSilence = 1; } if( strcmp( argv[cnt],"-a" )== 0 ) { audioType = AUDIO_AAC; } if( strcmp( argv[cnt],"-v" )== 0 ) { svcEnable = 1; } } #if 0 printf("###########IsSilence = %d ################\n",IsSilence); printf("###########streamingMode = %d ################\n",streamingMode); printf("###########audioType = %d ################\n",audioType); printf("###########svcEnable = %d ################\n",svcEnable); #endif child[0] = fork(); if( child[0] != 0 ) { child[1] = fork(); } if( child[0] != 0 && child[1] != 0 ) { child[2] = fork(); } if( child[0] != 0 && child[1] != 0 && child[2] != 0 ) { child[3] = fork(); } if(svcEnable) { if( child[0] != 0 && child[1] != 0 && child[2] != 0 && child[3] != 0) { child[4] = fork(); } if( child[0] != 0 && child[1] != 0 && child[2] != 0 && child[3] != 0 && child[4] != 0) { child[5] = fork(); } if( child[0] != 0 && child[1] != 0 && child[2] != 0 && child[3] != 0 && child[4] != 0 && child[5] != 0) { child[6] = fork(); } if( child[0] != 0 && child[1] != 0 && child[2] != 0 && child[3] != 0 && child[4] != 0 && child[5] != 0 && child[6] != 0) { child[7] = fork(); } } if( child[0] == 0 ) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE4; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_H264_CIF; rtspServerPortNum = 8556; H264VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6012; audioRTPPortNum = 6014; } if( child[1] == 0 ) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE3; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_MJPEG; rtspServerPortNum = 8555; MjpegVideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6008; audioRTPPortNum = 6010; } if( child[2] == 0 ) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_MPEG4; rtspServerPortNum = 8553; Mpeg4VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6000; audioRTPPortNum = 6002; } if( child[3] == 0 ) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE2; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_MPEG4_CIF; rtspServerPortNum = 8554; Mpeg4VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6004; audioRTPPortNum = 6006; } if(svcEnable) { if( child[4] == 0 ) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE5; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_30FPS; rtspServerPortNum = 8601; H264VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6016; audioRTPPortNum = 6018; } if( child[5] == 0 ) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE6; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_15FPS; rtspServerPortNum = 8602; H264VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6020; audioRTPPortNum = 6022; } if( child[6] == 0 ) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE7; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_7FPS; rtspServerPortNum = 8603; H264VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6024; audioRTPPortNum = 6026; } if( child[7] == 0 ) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE8; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_3FPS; rtspServerPortNum = 8604; H264VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6028; audioRTPPortNum = 6030; } if( child[0] != 0 && child[1] != 0 && child[2] != 0 && child[3] != 0 && child[4] != 0 && child[5] != 0 && child[6] != 0 && child[7] != 0) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE9; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_H264; rtspServerPortNum = 8557; H264VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6032; audioRTPPortNum = 6034; } } else { if( child[0] != 0 && child[1] != 0 && child[2] != 0 && child[3] != 0) { /* parent, success */ msg_type = LIVE_MSG_TYPE5; video_type = VIDEO_TYPE_H264; rtspServerPortNum = 8557; H264VideoBitrate = 12000000; videoRTPPortNum = 6032; audioRTPPortNum = 6034; } } videoType = video_type; // Objects used for multicast streaming: static Groupsock* rtpGroupsockAudio = NULL; static Groupsock* rtcpGroupsockAudio = NULL; static Groupsock* rtpGroupsockVideo = NULL; static Groupsock* rtcpGroupsockVideo = NULL; static FramedSource* sourceAudio = NULL; static RTPSink* sinkAudio = NULL; static RTCPInstance* rtcpAudio = NULL; static FramedSource* sourceVideo = NULL; static RTPSink* sinkVideo = NULL; static RTCPInstance* rtcpVideo = NULL; share_memory_init(msg_type); //init_signals(); *env << "Initializing...\n"; // Initialize the WIS input device: if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MJPEG) { MjpegInputDevice = APPROInput::createNew(*env, VIDEO_TYPE_MJPEG); if (MjpegInputDevice == NULL) { err(*env) << "Failed to create MJPEG input device\n"; exit(1); } } if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264 || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_CIF || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_30FPS || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_15FPS || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_7FPS || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_3FPS) { H264InputDevice = APPROInput::createNew(*env, video_type); if (H264InputDevice == NULL) { err(*env) << "Failed to create MJPEG input device\n"; exit(1); } } if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MPEG4 || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MPEG4_CIF ) { Mpeg4InputDevice = APPROInput::createNew(*env, video_type); if (Mpeg4InputDevice == NULL) { err(*env) << "Failed to create MPEG4 input device\n"; exit(1); } } // Create the RTSP server: RTSPServer* rtspServer = NULL; // Normal case: Streaming from a built-in RTSP server: rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, rtspServerPortNum, NULL); if (rtspServer == NULL) { *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n"; exit(1); } *env << "...done initializing\n"; if( streamingMode == STREAMING_UNICAST ) { if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MJPEG) { ServerMediaSession* sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, MjpegStreamName, MjpegStreamName, streamDescription,streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM); sms->addSubsession(WISJPEGVideoServerMediaSubsession ::createNew(sms->envir(), *MjpegInputDevice, MjpegVideoBitrate)); if( IsSilence == 0) { sms->addSubsession(WISPCMAudioServerMediaSubsession::createNew(sms->envir(), *MjpegInputDevice)); } rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(sms); char *url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms); *env << "Play this stream using the URL:\n\t" << url << "\n"; delete[] url; } if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264 || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_CIF || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_30FPS || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_15FPS || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_7FPS || video_type ==VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_3FPS) { ServerMediaSession* sms; sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, H264StreamName, H264StreamName, streamDescription,streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM); sms->addSubsession(WISH264VideoServerMediaSubsession ::createNew(sms->envir(), *H264InputDevice, H264VideoBitrate)); if( IsSilence == 0) { sms->addSubsession(WISPCMAudioServerMediaSubsession::createNew(sms->envir(), *H264InputDevice)); } rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(sms); char *url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms); *env << "Play this stream using the URL:\n\t" << url << "\n"; delete[] url; } // Create a record describing the media to be streamed: if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MPEG4 || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MPEG4_CIF ) { ServerMediaSession* sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, Mpeg4StreamName, Mpeg4StreamName, streamDescription,streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM); sms->addSubsession(WISMPEG4VideoServerMediaSubsession ::createNew(sms->envir(), *Mpeg4InputDevice, Mpeg4VideoBitrate)); if( IsSilence == 0) { sms->addSubsession(WISPCMAudioServerMediaSubsession::createNew(sms->envir(), *Mpeg4InputDevice)); } rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(sms); char *url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms); *env << "Play this stream using the URL:\n\t" << url << "\n"; delete[] url; } }else{ if (streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM) { if (multicastAddress == 0) multicastAddress = chooseRandomIPv4SSMAddress(*env); } else if (multicastAddress != 0) { streamingMode = STREAMING_MULTICAST_ASM; } struct in_addr dest; dest.s_addr = multicastAddress; const unsigned char ttl = 255; // For RTCP: const unsigned maxCNAMElen = 100; unsigned char CNAME[maxCNAMElen + 1]; gethostname((char *) CNAME, maxCNAMElen); CNAME[maxCNAMElen] = '\0'; // just in case ServerMediaSession* sms=NULL; if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MJPEG) { sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, MjpegStreamName, MjpegStreamName, streamDescription,streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM); sourceAudio = MjpegInputDevice->audioSource(); sourceVideo = WISJPEGStreamSource::createNew(MjpegInputDevice->videoSource()); // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP: const Port rtpPortVideo(videoRTPPortNum); const Port rtcpPortVideo(videoRTPPortNum+1); rtpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, dest, rtpPortVideo, ttl); rtcpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, dest, rtcpPortVideo, ttl); if (streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM) { rtpGroupsockVideo->multicastSendOnly(); rtcpGroupsockVideo->multicastSendOnly(); } setVideoRTPSinkBufferSize(); sinkVideo = JPEGVideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockVideo); } if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264 || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_CIF || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_30FPS || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_15FPS || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_7FPS || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_H264_SVC_3FPS) { sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, H264StreamName, H264StreamName, streamDescription,streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM); sourceAudio = H264InputDevice->audioSource(); sourceVideo = H264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(*env, H264InputDevice->videoSource()); // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP: const Port rtpPortVideo(videoRTPPortNum); const Port rtcpPortVideo(videoRTPPortNum+1); rtpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, dest, rtpPortVideo, ttl); rtcpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, dest, rtcpPortVideo, ttl); if (streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM) { rtpGroupsockVideo->multicastSendOnly(); rtcpGroupsockVideo->multicastSendOnly(); } setVideoRTPSinkBufferSize(); { char BuffStr[200]; extern int GetSprop(void *pBuff, char vType); GetSprop(BuffStr,video_type); sinkVideo = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockVideo,96, 0x64001F,BuffStr); } } // Create a record describing the media to be streamed: if( video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MPEG4 || video_type == VIDEO_TYPE_MPEG4_CIF ) { sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, Mpeg4StreamName, Mpeg4StreamName, streamDescription,streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM); sourceAudio = Mpeg4InputDevice->audioSource(); sourceVideo = MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew(*env, Mpeg4InputDevice->videoSource()); // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP: const Port rtpPortVideo(videoRTPPortNum); const Port rtcpPortVideo(videoRTPPortNum+1); rtpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, dest, rtpPortVideo, ttl); rtcpGroupsockVideo = new Groupsock(*env, dest, rtcpPortVideo, ttl); if (streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM) { rtpGroupsockVideo->multicastSendOnly(); rtcpGroupsockVideo->multicastSendOnly(); } setVideoRTPSinkBufferSize(); sinkVideo = MPEG4ESVideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockVideo,97); } /* VIDEO Channel initial */ if(1) { // Create (and start) a 'RTCP instance' for this RTP sink: unsigned totalSessionBandwidthVideo = (Mpeg4VideoBitrate+500)/1000; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share rtcpVideo = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, rtcpGroupsockVideo, totalSessionBandwidthVideo, CNAME, sinkVideo, NULL /* we're a server */ , streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM); // Note: This starts RTCP running automatically sms->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*sinkVideo, rtcpVideo)); // Start streaming: sinkVideo->startPlaying(*sourceVideo, NULL, NULL); } /* AUDIO Channel initial */ if( IsSilence == 0) { // there's a separate RTP stream for audio // Create 'groupsocks' for RTP and RTCP: const Port rtpPortAudio(audioRTPPortNum); const Port rtcpPortAudio(audioRTPPortNum+1); rtpGroupsockAudio = new Groupsock(*env, dest, rtpPortAudio, ttl); rtcpGroupsockAudio = new Groupsock(*env, dest, rtcpPortAudio, ttl); if (streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM) { rtpGroupsockAudio->multicastSendOnly(); rtcpGroupsockAudio->multicastSendOnly(); } if( audioSamplingFrequency == 16000 ) { if( audioType == AUDIO_G711) { sinkAudio = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockAudio, 96, audioSamplingFrequency, "audio", "PCMU", 1); } else { char const* encoderConfigStr = "1408";// (2<<3)|(8>>1) = 0x14 ; ((8<<7)&0xFF)|(1<<3)=0x08 ; sinkAudio = MPEG4GenericRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockAudio, 96, audioSamplingFrequency, "audio", "AAC-hbr", encoderConfigStr, audioNumChannels); } } else{ if(audioType == AUDIO_G711) { sinkAudio = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockAudio, 0, audioSamplingFrequency, "audio", "PCMU", 1); } else{ char const* encoderConfigStr = "1588";// (2<<3)|(11>>1) = 0x15 ; ((11<<7)&0xFF)|(1<<3)=0x88 ; sinkAudio = MPEG4GenericRTPSink::createNew(*env, rtpGroupsockAudio, 96, audioSamplingFrequency, "audio", "AAC-hbr", encoderConfigStr, audioNumChannels); } } // Create (and start) a 'RTCP instance' for this RTP sink: unsigned totalSessionBandwidthAudio = (audioOutputBitrate+500)/1000; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share rtcpAudio = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, rtcpGroupsockAudio, totalSessionBandwidthAudio, CNAME, sinkAudio, NULL /* we're a server */, streamingMode == STREAMING_MULTICAST_SSM); // Note: This starts RTCP running automatically sms->addSubsession(PassiveServerMediaSubsession::createNew(*sinkAudio, rtcpAudio)); // Start streaming: sinkAudio->startPlaying(*sourceAudio, NULL, NULL); } rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(sms); { struct in_addr dest; dest.s_addr = multicastAddress; char *url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms); //char *url2 = inet_ntoa(dest); *env << "Mulicast Play this stream using the URL:\n\t" << url << "\n"; //*env << "2 Mulicast addr:\n\t" << url2 << "\n"; delete[] url; } } // Begin the LIVE555 event loop: env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&watchVariable); // does not return if( streamingMode!= STREAMING_UNICAST ) { Medium::close(rtcpAudio); Medium::close(sinkAudio); Medium::close(sourceAudio); delete rtpGroupsockAudio; delete rtcpGroupsockAudio; Medium::close(rtcpVideo); Medium::close(sinkVideo); Medium::close(sourceVideo); delete rtpGroupsockVideo; delete rtcpGroupsockVideo; } Medium::close(rtspServer); // will also reclaim "sms" and its "ServerMediaSubsession"s if( MjpegInputDevice != NULL ) { Medium::close(MjpegInputDevice); } if( H264InputDevice != NULL ) { Medium::close(H264InputDevice); } if( Mpeg4InputDevice != NULL ) { Medium::close(Mpeg4InputDevice); } env->reclaim(); delete scheduler; ApproInterfaceExit(); return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning }