예제 #1
static CockpitChannelResponse *
cockpit_channel_response_create (CockpitWebService *service,
                                 CockpitWebResponse *response,
                                 CockpitTransport *transport,
                                 const gchar *logname,
                                 GHashTable *headers,
                                 JsonObject *open)
  CockpitChannelResponse *chesp;
  const gchar *payload;
  JsonObject *done;
  GBytes *bytes;

  payload = json_object_get_string_member (open, "payload");

  chesp = g_new0 (CockpitChannelResponse, 1);
  chesp->response = g_object_ref (response);
  chesp->transport = g_object_ref (transport);
  chesp->headers = g_hash_table_ref (headers);
  chesp->channel = cockpit_web_service_unique_channel (service);
  chesp->open = json_object_ref (open);

  if (!cockpit_json_get_string (open, "path", chesp->channel, &chesp->logname))
    chesp->logname = chesp->channel;

  json_object_set_string_member (open, "command", "open");
  json_object_set_string_member (open, "channel", chesp->channel);

  /* Special handling for http-stream1, splice in headers, handle injection */
  if (g_strcmp0 (payload, "http-stream1") == 0)
    chesp->transport_recv = g_signal_connect (transport, "recv", G_CALLBACK (on_httpstream_recv), chesp);
    chesp->transport_recv = g_signal_connect (transport, "recv", G_CALLBACK (on_transport_recv), chesp);

  /* Special handling for http-stream2, splice in headers, handle injection */
  if (g_strcmp0 (payload, "http-stream2") == 0)
    chesp->transport_control = g_signal_connect (transport, "control", G_CALLBACK (on_httpstream_control), chesp);
    chesp->transport_control = g_signal_connect (transport, "control", G_CALLBACK (on_transport_control), chesp);

  chesp->transport_closed = g_signal_connect (transport, "closed", G_CALLBACK (on_transport_closed), chesp);

  bytes = cockpit_json_write_bytes (chesp->open);
  cockpit_transport_send (transport, NULL, bytes);
  g_bytes_unref (bytes);

  done = cockpit_transport_build_json ("command", "done", "channel", chesp->channel, NULL);
  bytes = cockpit_json_write_bytes (done);
  json_object_unref (done);
  cockpit_transport_send (transport, NULL, bytes);
  g_bytes_unref (bytes);

  return chesp;
예제 #2
static const gchar *
process_transport_init (CockpitWebService *self,
                        CockpitTransport *transport,
                        JsonObject *options)
  JsonObject *object;
  GBytes *payload;
  gint64 version;

  if (!cockpit_json_get_int (options, "version", -1, &version))
      g_warning ("invalid version field in init message");
      return "protocol-error";

  if (version == 1)
      g_debug ("received init message");
      self->init_received = TRUE;
      g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (transport), "init",
                              json_object_ref (options),
                              (GDestroyNotify) json_object_unref);

      /* Always send an init message down the new transport */
      object = cockpit_transport_build_json ("command", "init", NULL);
      json_object_set_int_member (object, "version", 1);
      json_object_set_string_member (object, "host", "localhost");
      payload = cockpit_json_write_bytes (object);
      json_object_unref (object);
      cockpit_transport_send (transport, NULL, payload);
      g_bytes_unref (payload);
      g_message ("unsupported version of cockpit protocol: %" G_GINT64_FORMAT, version);
      return "not-supported";

  g_signal_emit (self, sig_transport_init, 0);
  return NULL;
예제 #3
cockpit_channel_response_serve (CockpitWebService *service,
                                GHashTable *in_headers,
                                CockpitWebResponse *response,
                                const gchar *where,
                                const gchar *path)
  CockpitChannelResponse *chesp = NULL;
  CockpitTransport *transport = NULL;
  CockpitCacheType cache_type = COCKPIT_WEB_RESPONSE_CACHE_PRIVATE;
  const gchar *host = NULL;
  const gchar *pragma;
  gchar *quoted_etag = NULL;
  GHashTable *out_headers = NULL;
  gchar *val = NULL;
  gboolean handled = FALSE;
  GHashTableIter iter;
  const gchar *checksum;
  JsonObject *object = NULL;
  JsonObject *heads;
  gchar *channel = NULL;
  gchar *language = NULL;
  gpointer key;
  gpointer value;

  g_return_if_fail (COCKPIT_IS_WEB_SERVICE (service));
  g_return_if_fail (in_headers != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (COCKPIT_IS_WEB_RESPONSE (response));
  g_return_if_fail (path != NULL);

  if (where == NULL)
      host = "localhost";
  else if (where[0] == '@')
      host = where + 1;
  else if (where[0] == '$')
      quoted_etag = g_strdup_printf ("\"%s\"", where);
      pragma = g_hash_table_lookup (in_headers, "Pragma");

      if ((!pragma || !strstr (pragma, "no-cache")) &&
          (g_strcmp0 (g_hash_table_lookup (in_headers, "If-None-Match"), where) == 0 ||
           g_strcmp0 (g_hash_table_lookup (in_headers, "If-None-Match"), quoted_etag) == 0))
          cockpit_web_response_headers (response, 304, "Not Modified", 0, "ETag", quoted_etag, NULL);
          cockpit_web_response_complete (response);
          handled = TRUE;
          goto out;

      transport = cockpit_web_service_find_transport (service, where + 1);
      if (!transport)
        goto out;

      host = cockpit_web_service_get_host (service, transport);
      if (!host)
          g_warn_if_reached ();
          goto out;
      goto out;

  cockpit_web_response_set_cache_type (response, cache_type);
  object = cockpit_transport_build_json ("command", "open",
                                         "payload", "http-stream1",
                                         "internal", "packages",
                                         "method", "GET",
                                         "host", host,
                                         "path", path,
                                         "binary", "raw",

  if (!transport)
      transport = cockpit_web_service_ensure_transport (service, object);
      if (!transport)
        goto out;

  if (where)
       * Maybe send back a redirect to the checksum url. We only do this if actually
       * accessing a file, and not a some sort of data like '/checksum', or a root path
       * like '/'
      if (where[0] == '@' && strchr (path, '.'))
          checksum = cockpit_web_service_get_checksum (service, transport);
          if (checksum)
              handled = redirect_to_checksum_path (service, response, checksum, path);
              goto out;

  out_headers = cockpit_web_server_new_table ();

  channel = cockpit_web_service_unique_channel (service);
  json_object_set_string_member (object, "channel", channel);

  if (quoted_etag)
       * If we have a checksum, then use it as an ETag. It is intentional that
       * a cockpit-bridge version could (in the future) override this.
      g_hash_table_insert (out_headers, g_strdup ("ETag"), quoted_etag);
      quoted_etag = NULL;

  heads = json_object_new ();

  g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, in_headers);
  while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
      val = NULL;

      if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Host") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Cookie") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Referer") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Connection") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Pragma") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Cache-Control") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "User-Agent") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Accept-Charset") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Accept-Ranges") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Content-Length") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Content-MD5") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Content-Range") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Range") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "TE") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Trailer") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Upgrade") == 0 ||
          g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "Transfer-Encoding") == 0)

      json_object_set_string_member (heads, key, value);
      g_free (val);

  /* Parse the language out of the CockpitLang cookie */
  language = cockpit_web_server_parse_cookie (in_headers, "CockpitLang");
  if (language)
    json_object_set_string_member (heads, "Accept-Language", language);

  json_object_set_string_member (heads, "Host", host);
  json_object_set_object_member (object, "headers", heads);

  chesp = cockpit_channel_response_create (service, response, transport,
                                           cockpit_web_response_get_path (response),
                                           out_headers, object);

  if (!where)
    chesp->inject = cockpit_channel_inject_new (service, path);

  handled = TRUE;

  g_free (language);
  if (object)
    json_object_unref (object);
  g_free (quoted_etag);
  if (out_headers)
    g_hash_table_unref (out_headers);
  g_free (channel);

  if (!handled)
    cockpit_web_response_error (response, 404, NULL, NULL);
예제 #4
파일: askpass.c 프로젝트: andreasn/cockpit
main (int argc,
      char *argv[])
  GOptionContext *context;
  JsonObject *request = NULL;
  JsonObject *reply = NULL;
  GError *error = NULL;
  const gchar *env;
  const gchar *command = NULL;
  const gchar *field = NULL;
  const gchar *response = NULL;
  gchar *user = NULL;
  gchar *cookie = NULL;
  gchar *challenge = NULL;
  gint ret = 1;

  static GOptionEntry entries[] = {
    { NULL }

  /* Debugging issues during testing */
  signal (SIGABRT, cockpit_test_signal_backtrace);
  signal (SIGSEGV, cockpit_test_signal_backtrace);

  context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
  g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, NULL);
  g_option_context_set_description (context, "cockpit-bridge uses cockpit-askpass during password prompts.\n");

  g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error);
  g_option_context_free (context);

  if (error)
      g_printerr ("cockpit-askpass: %s\n", error->message);
      g_error_free (error);
      return 1;

  if (isatty (0))
      g_printerr ("cockpit-askpass: this command is not meant to be run directly\n");
      return 2;

   * We don't send an init message. This is meant to be used either after an
   * "init" message has been sent, or with a caller that makes an exception for
   * the "authorize" command message.
  env = g_getenv ("USER");
  user = cockpit_hex_encode (env ? env : "", -1);
  challenge = g_strdup_printf ("plain1:%s:", user);
  cookie = g_strdup_printf ("askpass%u%u", (unsigned int)getpid (), (unsigned int)time (NULL));

  request = cockpit_transport_build_json ("command", "authorize",
                                          "challenge", challenge,
                                          "cookie", cookie,

  /* Yes, we write to stdin which we expect to be a socketpair() */
  if (write_control_message (STDIN_FILENO, request))
      reply = read_control_message (STDIN_FILENO);
      if (reply)
          if (cockpit_json_get_string (reply, "command", "", &command) &&
              cockpit_json_get_string (reply, "cookie", "", &field) &&
              cockpit_json_get_string (reply, "response", "", &response))
              if (g_str_equal (field, cookie) && g_str_equal (command, "authorize"))
                  /* The password is written back on stdout */
                  if (write_all (STDOUT_FILENO, response, -1) && write_all (STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1))
                    ret = 0;
                  g_message ("askpass received unexpected %s control message", command);
              g_message ("askpass response has invalid control message authorize fields");

  g_free (cookie);
  g_free (challenge);
  g_free (user);

  /* Clear the password memory owned by JsonObject */
  if (response)
    cockpit_memory_clear ((gchar *)response, -1);

  if (request)
    json_object_unref (request);
  if (reply)
    json_object_unref (reply);

  return ret;