예제 #1
 *  sreadHeaderJp2k()
 *      Input:  data
 *              size
 *              &w (<optional return>)
 *              &h (<optional return>)
 *              &spp (<optional return>, samples/pixel)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The metadata is stored as follows:
 *          h:    4 bytes @ 48
 *          w:    4 bytes @ 52
 *          spp:  2 bytes @ 56
sreadHeaderJp2k(const l_uint8  *data,
                size_t          size,
                l_int32        *pw,
                l_int32        *ph,
                l_int32        *pspp)
l_int32  format, val, w, h, spp;


    if (pw) *pw = 0;
    if (ph) *ph = 0;
    if (pspp) *pspp = 0;
    if (!data)
        return ERROR_INT("data not defined", procName, 1);
    if (size < 60)
        return ERROR_INT("size < 60", procName, 1);
    findFileFormatBuffer(data, &format);
    if (format != IFF_JP2)
        return ERROR_INT("not jp2 file", procName, 1);

    val = *((l_uint32 *)data + 12);
    h = convertOnLittleEnd32(val);
    val = *((l_uint32 *)data + 13);
    w = convertOnLittleEnd32(val);
    val = *((l_uint16 *)data + 28);
    spp = convertOnLittleEnd16(val);
    if (w > MAX_JP2K_WIDTH || h > MAX_JP2K_HEIGHT)
        return ERROR_INT("unrealistically large sizes", procName, 1);
    if (pw) *pw = w;
    if (ph) *ph = h;
    if (pspp) *pspp = spp;
    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: pngio.c 프로젝트: 0xkasun/Dummy_Tes
 *  sreadHeaderPng()
 *      Input:  data
 *              &width (<return>)
 *              &height (<return>)
 *              &bps (<return>, bits/sample)
 *              &spp (<return>, samples/pixel)
 *              &iscmap (<optional return>; input NULL to ignore)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) If there is a colormap, iscmap is returned as 1; else 0.
sreadHeaderPng(const l_uint8  *data,
               l_int32        *pwidth,
               l_int32        *pheight,
               l_int32        *pbps,
               l_int32        *pspp,
               l_int32        *piscmap)
l_uint8    colortype, bps;
l_uint16   twobytes;
l_uint16  *pshort;
l_uint32  *pword;


    if (!data)
        return ERROR_INT("data not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!pwidth || !pheight || !pbps || !pspp)
        return ERROR_INT("input ptr(s) not defined", procName, 1);
    *pwidth = *pheight = *pbps = *pspp = 0;
    if (piscmap)
      *piscmap = 0;

        /* Check password */
    if (data[0] != 137 || data[1] != 80 || data[2] != 78 ||
        data[3] != 71 || data[4] != 13 || data[5] != 10 ||
        data[6] != 26 || data[7] != 10)
        return ERROR_INT("not a valid png file", procName, 1);

    pword = (l_uint32 *)data;
    pshort = (l_uint16 *)data;
    *pwidth = convertOnLittleEnd32(pword[4]);
    *pheight = convertOnLittleEnd32(pword[5]);
    twobytes = convertOnLittleEnd16(pshort[12]); /* contains depth/sample  */
                                                 /* and the color type     */
    colortype = twobytes & 0xff;  /* color type */
    bps = twobytes >> 8;   /* bits/sample */
    *pbps = bps;
    if (colortype == 2)  /* RGB */
        *pspp = 3;
    else if (colortype == 6)  /* RGBA */
        *pspp = 4;
    else   /* palette or gray */
        *pspp = 1;
    if (piscmap) {
        if (colortype & 1)  /* palette: see png.h, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_... */
            *piscmap = 1;
            *piscmap = 0;

    return 0;
예제 #3
 *  readHeaderMemJp2k()
 *      Input:  data
 *              size (at least 80)
 *              &w (<optional return>)
 *              &h (<optional return>)
 *              &bps (<optional return>, bits/sample)
 *              &spp (<optional return>, samples/pixel)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The ISO/IEC reference for jpeg2000 is
 *               http://www.jpeg.org/public/15444-1annexi.pdf
 *          and the file format syntax begins at page 127.
 *      (2) The Image Header Box begins with 'ihdr' = 0x69686472 in
 *          big-endian order.  This typically, but not always, starts
 *          byte 44, with the big-endian data fields beginning at byte 48:
 *               h:    4 bytes
 *               w:    4 bytes
 *               spp:  2 bytes
 *               bps:  1 byte   (contains bps - 1)
readHeaderMemJp2k(const l_uint8  *data,
                  size_t          size,
                  l_int32        *pw,
                  l_int32        *ph,
                  l_int32        *pbps,
                  l_int32        *pspp)
l_int32  format, val, w, h, bps, spp, loc, found, windex;
l_uint8  ihdr[4] = {0x69, 0x68, 0x64, 0x72};  /* 'ihdr' */


    if (pw) *pw = 0;
    if (ph) *ph = 0;
    if (pbps) *pbps = 0;
    if (pspp) *pspp = 0;
    if (!data)
        return ERROR_INT("data not defined", procName, 1);
    if (size < 80)
        return ERROR_INT("size < 80", procName, 1);
    findFileFormatBuffer(data, &format);
    if (format != IFF_JP2)
        return ERROR_INT("not jp2 file", procName, 1);

        /* Search for beginning of the Image Header Box: 'ihdr' */
    arrayFindSequence(data, size, ihdr, 4, &loc, &found);
    if (!found)
        return ERROR_INT("image parameters not found", procName, 1);
    if (loc != 44)
        L_INFO("Beginning of ihdr is at byte %d\n", procName, loc);

    windex = loc / 4 + 1;
    val = *((l_uint32 *)data + windex);
    h = convertOnLittleEnd32(val);
    val = *((l_uint32 *)data + windex + 1);
    w = convertOnLittleEnd32(val);
    val = *((l_uint16 *)data + 2 * (windex + 2));
    spp = convertOnLittleEnd16(val);
    bps = *(data + 4 * (windex + 2) + 2) + 1;
    if (w > MAX_JP2K_WIDTH || h > MAX_JP2K_HEIGHT)
        return ERROR_INT("unrealistically large sizes", procName, 1);
    if (pw) *pw = w;
    if (ph) *ph = h;
    if (pbps) *pbps = bps;
    if (pspp) *pspp = spp;
    return 0;