예제 #1
void IRGenerator::accept(MatchStmt& stmt)

    Value* cond = codegen(stmt.condition());
    BasicBlock* contBlock = createBlock("match.cont");
    MatchInstr* matchInstr = createMatch(stmt.op(), cond);

    for (const MatchCase& one: stmt.cases()) {
        BasicBlock* bb = createBlock("match.case");

        for (auto& labelNode: one.first) {
            Constant* label = getConstant(labelNode.get());
            matchInstr->addCase(label, bb);

    if (stmt.elseStmt()) {
        BasicBlock* elseBlock = createBlock("match.else");


void AudioPlayerControlRunner::match(Plasma::RunnerContext &context)
    if (context.query().length() < 3) {

    const QString term = context.query();

    QList<Plasma::QueryMatch> matches;

    if (m_useCommands) {
        /* DBus paths that are used in the command executes */
        /* The data variable looks like this:
         * "/PlayerQLatin1String( " " )org.freedesktop.MediaPlayerQLatin1String( " " )PlayQLatin1String( " " )actionsQLatin1String( " " )start" args...
         * <path>    <interface>                 <method> <actions> <start player>
         * <actions> is NONE if no action is needed

        QVariantList playcontrol;
        playcontrol  << QLatin1String( "/Player" ) << QLatin1String( "org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer" );

        /* The commands */

        if (context.isValid() && m_comPlay.startsWith(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
	    (!m_running || m_songsInPlaylist)) {
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            data << ((currentSong() == -1) ? QLatin1String( "Next" ) : QLatin1String( "Play" )) << NONE << QLatin1String( "start" );
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Start playing"), i18n("Audio player control"), QLatin1String( "play" ),
                                   KIcon( QLatin1String( "media-playback-start" )), data, 1.0);

        if (!context.isValid() || !m_running) {
            //The interface of the player is not availalbe, so the rest of the commands
            //is not needed

        if (context.isValid() && m_songsInPlaylist) {
            //The playlist isn't empty
            //Next song
            if (m_comNext.startsWith(term,Qt::CaseInsensitive)
                    && m_nextSongAvailable) {
                QVariantList data = playcontrol;
                data << QLatin1String( "Next" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" );
                matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Play next song"), i18n("Audio player control"),
                                       QLatin1String( "next" ), KIcon( QLatin1String( "media-skip-forward" )), data, 1.0);

            //Previous song
            if (context.isValid() && m_comPrev.startsWith(term,Qt::CaseInsensitive)
                    && m_prevSongAvailable) {
                QVariantList data = playcontrol;
                data << QLatin1String( "Prev" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" );
                matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Play previous song"), i18n("Audio player control") ,
                                       QLatin1String( "previous" ), KIcon( QLatin1String( "media-skip-backward" )), data, 1.0);
        }//--- if (m_songsInPlaylist)

        if (context.isValid() && m_comPause.startsWith(term,Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            data << QLatin1String( "Pause" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" );
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Pause playing"), i18n("Audio player control"),
                                   QLatin1String( "pause" ), KIcon( QLatin1String( "media-playback-pause" )), data, 1.0);

        if (context.isValid() && m_comStop.startsWith(term,Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            data << QLatin1String( "Stop" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" );
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Stop playing"), i18n("Audio player control"),
                                   QLatin1String( "stop" ), KIcon( QLatin1String( "media-playback-stop" )), data, 1.0);

        if (context.isValid() && m_comIncrease.startsWith(term,Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            data << QLatin1String( "VolumeUp" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" ) << m_increaseBy;
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Increase volume by %1" , m_increaseBy),
                                   QLatin1String( "volumeup" ), i18n("Audio player control"), KIcon(QLatin1String( "audio-volume-high" )), data, 1.0);
        } else if (context.isValid() && equals(term, QRegExp( m_comIncrease + QLatin1String( " \\d{1,2}0{0,1}" ) ) ) ) {
            int volumeChange = getNumber(term, ' ' );
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            data << QLatin1String( "VolumeUp" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" ) << volumeChange;
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Increase volume by %1" , volumeChange),
                                   QLatin1String( "volumeup" ), i18n("Audio player control"), KIcon(QLatin1String( "audio-volume-high" )), data, 1.0);

        if (context.isValid() && m_comDecrease.startsWith(term,Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            data << QLatin1String( "VolumeDown" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" ) << m_decreaseBy;
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Reduce volume by %1", m_decreaseBy),
                                   QLatin1String( "volumedown" ), i18n("Audio player control"), KIcon(QLatin1String( "audio-volume-low" )), data, 1.0);
        } else if (context.isValid() && equals(term, QRegExp( m_comDecrease + QLatin1String( " \\d{1,2}0{0,1}" ) ) ) ) {
            int volumeChange = getNumber(term, ' ');
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            data << QLatin1String( "VolumeDown" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" ) << volumeChange;
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Reduce volume by %1", volumeChange),
                                   QLatin1String( "volumedown" ), i18n("Audio player control"), KIcon(QLatin1String( "audio-volume-low" )), data, 1.0);

        //Set volume to
        if (context.isValid() && equals(term, QRegExp( m_comVolume + QLatin1String( " \\d{1,2}0{0,1}" ) ) ) ) {
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            int newVolume = getNumber(term , ' ');
            data << QLatin1String( "VolumeSet" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" ) << newVolume;
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Set volume to %1%" , newVolume),
                                   QLatin1String( "volume" ), i18n("Audio player control"), KIcon(QLatin1String( "audio-volume-medium" )), data, 1.0);

        if (context.isValid() && m_comMute.startsWith(term,Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
            QVariantList data = playcontrol;
            data << QLatin1String( "Mute" ) << NONE << QLatin1String( "nostart" );
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Mute"), i18n("Audio player control"),
                                   QLatin1String( "mute" ), KIcon( QLatin1String( "audio-volume-muted" )), data, 1.0);

        //Quit player
        if (context.isValid() && m_comQuit.startsWith(term,Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
            QVariantList data;
            data  << QLatin1String( "/" ) << QLatin1String( "org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer" ) << QLatin1String( "Quit" ) << NONE
            << QLatin1String( "nostart" );
            matches << createMatch(this, i18n("Quit %1", m_player),QLatin1String( "" ),
                                   QLatin1String( "quit" ), KIcon( QLatin1String( "application-exit" )), data, 1.0);
    }//--- if (m_useCommands)

    if (context.isValid() && m_searchCollection) {
        QString actionNames;
        QString searchTerm = term;
        QString command;

        if (term.startsWith(m_comPlay,Qt::CaseInsensitive)
                && term.length() > m_comPlay.length()) {
            command = m_comPlay;
            actionNames = PLAY;
        } else if (term.startsWith(m_comAppend, Qt::CaseInsensitive)
                   && term.length() > m_comAppend.length()) {
            command = m_comAppend;
            actionNames = APPEND;
        } else if (term.startsWith(m_comQueue, Qt::CaseInsensitive)
                   && term.length() > m_comQueue.length()) {
            command = m_comQueue;
            actionNames = QUEUE;
        } else {
            actionNames = QString::fromLatin1( "%1,%2,%3").arg(PLAY).arg(APPEND).arg(QUEUE);

	if (!context.isValid())
        searchTerm = searchTerm.right(searchTerm.length() - (command.length() + 1));
        matches << searchCollectionFor(searchTerm, actionNames);
        //Adds matches for all song matches for term
