예제 #1
파일: server.c 프로젝트: krunt/projects
initialize_acceptor(acceptor_t acceptor) {
    acceptor->fd = create_listener_socket(PORT);
    if (acceptor->fd == -1) {
        return -1;
    event_set(&acceptor->event, acceptor->fd, 
                EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, acceptor_handler, (void *)acceptor);
    event_add(&acceptor->event, NULL);
    return acceptor->fd;
예제 #2
THREAD_CALL viewer_listen(LPVOID lpParam)
	listener_thread_params *thread_params = (listener_thread_params *)lpParam;
	SOCKET conn;
	struct sockaddr_in client;
  socklen_t socklen = sizeof(client);
	rfbProtocolVersionMsg protocol_version; 
	CARD32 auth_type;
	CARD32 auth_response;
	CARD8 client_init;
	unsigned char challenge[CHALLENGESIZE];
	char *ip_addr;

	thread_params->sock = create_listener_socket( thread_params->port );
	if (thread_params->sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
		notstopped = false;
    logp(DEBUG, "Listening for incoming viewer connections on port %d.", thread_params->port);

		conn = socket_accept(thread_params->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &socklen);
		if (conn == INVALID_SOCKET) {
			if (notstopped) logp(ERROR, "viewer_listen(): accept() failed, errno=%d", getLastErrNo());
		} else {
			ip_addr = inet_ntoa(client.sin_addr); /* IP Address for monitoring purposes */
			logp(INFO, "Viewer (socket=%d) connection accepted from %s.", conn, ip_addr);

			// Act like a server until the authentication phase is over. Send the protocol version.
			sprintf(protocol_version, rfbProtocolVersionFormat, rfbProtocolMajorVersion, rfbProtocolMinorVersion);
			if( socket_send(conn, protocol_version, sz_rfbProtocolVersionMsg, "protocol version to viewer") ) {
  			logp(DEBUG, "Protocol version sent to viewer (socket=%d).", conn);

			  // Read the protocol version the client suggests (Must be 3.3)
			  if( socket_recv(conn, protocol_version, sz_rfbProtocolVersionMsg, "protocol version from viewer") ) {
  			  logp(DEBUG, "Viewer (socket=%d) sent protocol version.", conn);

			    // Send Authentication Type (VNC Authentication to keep it standard)
			    auth_type = Swap32IfLE(rfbVncAuth);
			    if( socket_send(conn, (char *)&auth_type, sizeof(auth_type), "auth type to viewer") ) {
  			    logp(DEBUG, "Authentication scheme sent to viewer (socket=%d).", conn);

			      // We must send the 16 bytes challenge key. In order for this to work the challenge must be always the same.
			      if( socket_send(conn, (char *)challenge_key, CHALLENGESIZE, "challenge key to viewer") ) {
  			      logp(DEBUG, "Challenge sent to viewer (socket=%d).", conn);

			        // Read the password. It will be treated as the repeater IDentifier.
			        memset(challenge, 0, CHALLENGESIZE);
			        if( socket_recv(conn, (char *)challenge, CHALLENGESIZE, "challenge response from viewer") ) {
  			        logp(DEBUG, "Viewer (socket=%d) sent challenge response.", conn);

			          // Send Authentication response
			          auth_response = Swap32IfLE(rfbVncAuthOK);
			          if( socket_send(conn, (char *)&auth_response, sizeof(auth_response), "auth response to viewer") ) {
  			          logp(DEBUG, "Authentication response sent to viewer (socket=%d).", conn);

			            // Retrieve ClientInit and save it inside the structure.
			            if( socket_recv(conn, (char *)&client_init, sizeof(client_init), "ClientInit from viewer") ) {
			              logp(DEBUG, "Viewer (socket=%d) sent ClientInit message.", conn);
                    add_new_slot(INVALID_SOCKET, conn, challenge, -1);
	notstopped = false;
	log(INFO, "Viewer listening thread has exited.");
	return 0;
예제 #3
THREAD_CALL server_listen(LPVOID lpParam)
	listener_thread_params *thread_params = (listener_thread_params *)lpParam;
	SOCKET conn;
	struct sockaddr_in client;
	socklen_t socklen = sizeof(client);
	rfbProtocolVersionMsg protocol_version; 
	char host_id[MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN + 1];
	char phost[MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN + 1];
	CARD32 auth_type;
	unsigned char challenge[CHALLENGESIZE];
	uint32_t code;
	char *ip_addr;

	thread_params->sock = create_listener_socket( thread_params->port );
	if (thread_params->sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
    notstopped = false;
		logp(DEBUG, "Listening for incoming server connections on port %d.", thread_params->port);

		conn = socket_accept(thread_params->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &socklen);
		if (conn == INVALID_SOCKET) {
			if (notstopped) logp(ERROR, "server_listen(): accept() failed, errno=%d", getLastErrNo());
		} else {
			ip_addr = inet_ntoa(client.sin_addr); /* IP Address for monitoring purposes */
			logp(INFO, "Server (socket=%d) connection accepted from %s.", conn, ip_addr);

			// First thing is first: Get the repeater ID...
			if( socket_recv(conn, host_id, MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN, "hostid from server") ) {
		    // Check and cypher the ID
		    if( ParseDisplay(host_id, phost, MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN, (int *)&code, challenge) ) {
  		    logp(DEBUG, "Server (socket=%d) sent the host ID:%d.", conn, code);

			    // Continue with the handshake until ClientInit. Read the Protocol Version.
			    if( socket_recv(conn, protocol_version, sz_rfbProtocolVersionMsg, "protocol version from server") ) {
      			// ToDo: Make sure the version is OK!
  			    logp(DEBUG, "Server (socket=%d) sent protocol version.", conn);

			      // Tell the server we are using Protocol Version 3.3
			      sprintf(protocol_version, rfbProtocolVersionFormat, rfbProtocolMajorVersion, rfbProtocolMinorVersion);
			      if( socket_send(conn, protocol_version, sz_rfbProtocolVersionMsg, "protocol version to server") ) {
  			      logp(DEBUG, "Protocol version sent to server (socket=%d).", conn);

			        // The server should send the authentication type it whises to use.
			        // ToDo: We could add a password this would restrict other servers from connecting to our repeater, 
              // in the meanwhile, assume no auth is the only scheme allowed.
			        if( socket_recv(conn, (char *)&auth_type, sizeof(auth_type), "auth type from server") ) {
  			        logp(DEBUG, "Server (socket=%d) sent authentication scheme.", conn);

			          if( Swap32IfLE(auth_type) != rfbNoAuth ) {
				          logp(ERROR, "Invalid authentication scheme sent by server (socket=%d).", conn);
                  add_new_slot(conn, INVALID_SOCKET, challenge, code);
			    logp(ERROR, "server_listen(): Reading Proxy settings error %s", host_id);
	notstopped = false;
	log(INFO, "Server listening thread has exited.\n");
	return 0;