예제 #1
파일: csparse.c 프로젝트: chrfilip/Spice
cs *cs_transpose(const cs *A, int values) {

	int p, q, j, *Cp, *Ci, n, m, *Ap, *Ai, *w;
	double *Cx, *Ax;
	cs *C;
	if (!CS_CSC (A))
		return (NULL); /* check inputs */
	m = A->m;
	n = A->n;
	Ap = A->p;
	Ai = A->i;
	Ax = A->x;
	C = cs_spalloc(n, m, Ap[n], values && Ax, 0); /* allocate result */
	w = (int *) cs_calloc(m, sizeof(int)); /* get workspace */
	if (!C || !w)
		return (cs_done(C, w, NULL, 0)); /* out of memory */
	Cp = C->p;
	Ci = C->i;
	Cx = C->x;
	for (p = 0; p < Ap[n]; p++)
		w[Ai[p]]++; /* row counts */
	cs_cumsum(Cp, w, m); /* row pointers */
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
		for (p = Ap[j]; p < Ap[j + 1]; p++) {
			Ci[q = w[Ai[p]]++] = j; /* place A(i,j) as entry C(j,i) */
			if (Cx)
				Cx[q] = Ax[p];
	return (cs_done(C, w, NULL, 1)); /* success; free w and return C */
예제 #2
파일: csparse.c 프로젝트: chrfilip/Spice
css *cs_schol(int order, const cs *A) {

	int n, *c, *post, *P;
	cs *C;
	css *S;
	if (!CS_CSC (A))
		return (NULL); /* check inputs */
	n = A->n;
	S = (css *) cs_calloc(1, sizeof(css)); /* allocate result S */
	if (!S)
		return (NULL); /* out of memory */
	P = cs_amd(order, A); /* P = amd(A+A'), or natural */
	S->pinv = cs_pinv(P, n); /* find inverse permutation */
	if (order && !S->pinv)
		return (cs_sfree(S));
	C = cs_symperm(A, S->pinv, 0); /* C = spones(triu(A(P,P))) */
	S->parent = cs_etree(C, 0); /* find etree of C */
	post = cs_post(S->parent, n); /* postorder the etree */
	c = cs_counts(C, S->parent, post, 0); /* find column counts of chol(C) */
	S->cp = (int *) cs_malloc(n + 1, sizeof(int)); /* allocate result S->cp */
	S->unz = S->lnz = cs_cumsum(S->cp, c, n); /* find column pointers for L */
	return ((S->lnz >= 0) ? S : cs_sfree(S));
예제 #3
파일: csparse.c 프로젝트: chrfilip/Spice
cs *cs_compress(const cs *T) {

	int m, n, nz, p, k, *Cp, *Ci, *w, *Ti, *Tj;
	double *Cx, *Tx;
	cs *C;
	if (!CS_TRIPLET (T))
		return (NULL); /* check inputs */
	m = T->m;
	n = T->n;
	Ti = T->i;
	Tj = T->p;
	Tx = T->x;
	nz = T->nz;
	C = cs_spalloc(m, n, nz, Tx != NULL, 0); /* allocate result */
	w = (int *) cs_calloc(n, sizeof(int)); /* get workspace */
	if (!C || !w)
		return (cs_done(C, w, NULL, 0)); /* out of memory */
	Cp = C->p;
	Ci = C->i;
	Cx = C->x;
	for (k = 0; k < nz; k++)
		w[Tj[k]]++; /* column counts */
	cs_cumsum(Cp, w, n); /* column pointers */
	for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) {
		Ci[p = w[Tj[k]]++] = Ti[k]; /* A(i,j) is the pth entry in C */
		if (Cx)
			Cx[p] = Tx[k];
	return (cs_done(C, w, NULL, 1)); /* success; free w and return C */
예제 #4
파일: csparse.c 프로젝트: chrfilip/Spice
cs *cs_symperm(const cs *A, const int *pinv, int values) {

	int i, j, p, q, i2, j2, n, *Ap, *Ai, *Cp, *Ci, *w;
	double *Cx, *Ax;
	cs *C;
	if (!CS_CSC (A))
		return (NULL); /* check inputs */
	n = A->n;
	Ap = A->p;
	Ai = A->i;
	Ax = A->x;
	C = cs_spalloc(n, n, Ap[n], values && (Ax != NULL), 0); /* alloc result*/
	w = (int *) cs_calloc(n, sizeof(int)); /* get workspace */
	if (!C || !w)
		return (cs_done(C, w, NULL, 0)); /* out of memory */
	Cp = C->p;
	Ci = C->i;
	Cx = C->x;
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) /* count entries in each column of C */
		j2 = pinv ? pinv[j] : j; /* column j of A is column j2 of C */
		for (p = Ap[j]; p < Ap[j + 1]; p++) {
			i = Ai[p];
			if (i > j)
				continue; /* skip lower triangular part of A */
			i2 = pinv ? pinv[i] : i; /* row i of A is row i2 of C */
			w[CS_MAX (i2, j2)]++; /* column count of C */
	cs_cumsum(Cp, w, n); /* compute column pointers of C */
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
		j2 = pinv ? pinv[j] : j; /* column j of A is column j2 of C */
		for (p = Ap[j]; p < Ap[j + 1]; p++) {
			i = Ai[p];
			if (i > j)
				continue; /* skip lower triangular part of A*/
			i2 = pinv ? pinv[i] : i; /* row i of A is row i2 of C */
			Ci[q = w[CS_MAX (i2, j2)]++] = CS_MIN (i2, j2);
			if (Cx)
				Cx[q] = Ax[p];
	return (cs_done(C, w, NULL, 1)); /* success; free workspace, return C */
예제 #5
파일: private.c 프로젝트: zhangrj7/scs
static void transpose(const AMatrix * A, Priv * p) {
	scs_int * Ci = p->At->i;
	scs_int * Cp = p->At->p;
	scs_float * Cx = p->At->x;
	scs_int m = A->m;
	scs_int n = A->n;

	scs_int * Ap = A->p;
	scs_int * Ai = A->i;
	scs_float * Ax = A->x;

	scs_int i, j, q, *z, c1, c2;
	timer transposeTimer;
	scs_printf("transposing A\n");

	z = scs_calloc(m, sizeof(scs_int));
	for (i = 0; i < Ap[n]; i++)
		z[Ai[i]]++; /* row counts */
	cs_cumsum(Cp, z, m); /* row pointers */

	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
		c1 = Ap[j];
		c2 = Ap[j + 1];
		for (i = c1; i < c2; i++) {
			q = z[Ai[i]];
			Ci[q] = j; /* place A(i,j) as entry C(j,i) */
			Cx[q] = Ax[i];

	scs_printf("finished transposing A, time: %1.2es\n", tocq(&transposeTimer) / 1e3);
