/* ** Creates a new JSON Object based on the db state of ** the given user name. On error (no record found) ** it returns NULL, else the caller owns the returned ** object. */ static cson_value * json_load_user_by_name(char const * zName){ cson_value * u = NULL; Stmt q; db_prepare(&q,"SELECT uid AS uid," " login AS name," " cap AS capabilities," " info AS info," " mtime AS timestamp" " FROM user" " WHERE login=%Q", zName); if( (SQLITE_ROW == db_step(&q)) ){ u = cson_sqlite3_row_to_object(q.pStmt); } db_finalize(&q); return u; }
static cson_value * json_report_get(){ int nReport; Stmt q = empty_Stmt; cson_value * pay = NULL; if(!g.perm.TktFmt){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 't' privileges."); return NULL; } nReport = json_report_get_number(3); if(nReport <=0){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "Missing or invalid 'report' (-r) parameter."); return NULL; } db_prepare(&q,"SELECT rn AS report," " owner AS owner," " title AS title," " cast(strftime('%%s',mtime) as int) as timestamp," " cols as columns," " sqlcode as sqlCode" " FROM reportfmt" " WHERE rn=%d", nReport); if( SQLITE_ROW != db_step(&q) ){ db_finalize(&q); json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, "Report #%d not found.", nReport); return NULL; } pay = cson_sqlite3_row_to_object(q.pStmt); db_finalize(&q); return pay; }
cson_value * json_artifact_file(cson_object * zParent, int rid){ cson_object * pay = NULL; Stmt q = empty_Stmt; cson_array * checkin_arr = NULL; char contentFormat; i64 contentSize = -1; char * parentUuid; if( ! g.perm.Read ){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'o' privileges."); return NULL; } pay = zParent; contentFormat = json_artifact_get_content_format_flag(); if( 0 != contentFormat ){ Blob content = empty_blob; const char *zMime; char const * zFormat = (contentFormat<1) ? "raw" : "html"; content_get(rid, &content); zMime = mimetype_from_content(&content); cson_object_set(zParent, "contentType", json_new_string(zMime ? zMime : "text/plain")); if(!zMime){/* text/plain */ if(0 < blob_size(&content)){ if( 0 < contentFormat ){/*HTML-size it*/ Blob html = empty_blob; wiki_convert(&content, &html, 0); assert( blob_size(&content) < blob_size(&html) ); blob_swap( &html, &content ); assert( blob_size(&content) > blob_size(&html) ); blob_reset( &html ); }/*else as-is*/ } cson_object_set(zParent, "content", cson_value_new_string(blob_str(&content), (unsigned int)blob_size(&content))); }/*else binary: ignore*/ contentSize = blob_size(&content); cson_object_set(zParent, "contentSize", json_new_int(contentSize) ); cson_object_set(zParent, "contentFormat", json_new_string(zFormat) ); blob_reset(&content); } contentSize = db_int64(-1, "SELECT size FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); assert( -1 < contentSize ); cson_object_set(zParent, "size", json_new_int(contentSize) ); parentUuid = db_text(NULL, "SELECT DISTINCT p.uuid " "FROM blob p, blob f, mlink m " "WHERE m.pid=p.rid " "AND m.fid=f.rid " "AND f.rid=%d", rid ); if(parentUuid){ cson_object_set( zParent, "parent", json_new_string(parentUuid) ); fossil_free(parentUuid); } /* Find checkins associated with this file... */ db_prepare(&q, "SELECT filename.name AS name, " " (mlink.pid==0) AS isNew," " (mlink.fid==0) AS isDel," " cast(strftime('%%s',event.mtime) as int) AS timestamp," " coalesce(event.ecomment,event.comment) as comment," " coalesce(event.euser,event.user) as user," #if 0 " a.size AS size," /* same for all checkins. */ #endif " b.uuid as checkin, " #if 0 " mlink.mperm as mperm," #endif " coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref" " WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0 AND " " rid=mlink.mid),'trunk') as branch" " FROM mlink, filename, event, blob a, blob b" " WHERE filename.fnid=mlink.fnid" " AND event.objid=mlink.mid" " AND a.rid=mlink.fid" " AND b.rid=mlink.mid" " AND mlink.fid=%d" " ORDER BY filename.name, event.mtime", TAG_BRANCH, rid ); /* TODO: add a "state" flag for the file in each checkin, e.g. "modified", "new", "deleted". */ checkin_arr = cson_new_array(); cson_object_set(pay, "checkins", cson_array_value(checkin_arr)); while( (SQLITE_ROW==db_step(&q) ) ){ cson_object * row = cson_value_get_object(cson_sqlite3_row_to_object(q.pStmt)); /* FIXME: move this isNew/isDel stuff into an SQL CASE statement. */ char const isNew = cson_value_get_bool(cson_object_get(row,"isNew")); char const isDel = cson_value_get_bool(cson_object_get(row,"isDel")); cson_object_set(row, "isNew", NULL); cson_object_set(row, "isDel", NULL); cson_object_set(row, "state", json_new_string(json_artifact_status_to_string(isNew, isDel))); cson_array_append( checkin_arr, cson_object_value(row) ); } db_finalize(&q); return cson_object_value(pay); }
/* ** Implementation of /json/timeline/ticket. ** */ static cson_value * json_timeline_ticket(){ /* This code is 95% the same as json_timeline_ci(), by the way. */ cson_value * payV = NULL; cson_object * pay = NULL; cson_value * tmp = NULL; cson_value * listV = NULL; cson_array * list = NULL; int check = 0; Stmt q = empty_Stmt; Blob sql = empty_blob; if( !g.perm.RdTkt && !g.perm.Read ){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Ticket timeline requires 'o' or 'r' access."); return NULL; } payV = cson_value_new_object(); pay = cson_value_get_object(payV); check = json_timeline_setup_sql( "t", &sql, pay ); if(check){ json_set_err(check, "Query initialization failed."); goto error; } db_multi_exec("%s", blob_buffer(&sql) /*safe-for-%s*/); #define SET(K) if(0!=(check=cson_object_set(pay,K,tmp))){ \ json_set_err((cson_rc.AllocError==check) \ ? FSL_JSON_E_ALLOC : FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN, \ "Object property insertion failed."); \ goto error;\ } (void)0 #if 0 /* only for testing! */ tmp = cson_value_new_string(blob_buffer(&sql),strlen(blob_buffer(&sql))); SET("timelineSql"); #endif blob_reset(&sql); /* REMINDER/FIXME(?): we have both uuid (the change uuid?) and ticketUuid (the actual ticket). This is different from the wiki timeline, where we only have the wiki page uuid. */ db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid AS rid," " uuid AS uuid," " mtime AS timestamp," #if 0 " timestampString AS timestampString," #endif " user AS user," " eventType AS eventType," " comment AS comment," " brief AS briefComment" " FROM json_timeline" " ORDER BY rowid"); listV = cson_value_new_array(); list = cson_value_get_array(listV); tmp = listV; SET("timeline"); while( (SQLITE_ROW == db_step(&q) )){ /* convert each row into a JSON object...*/ int rc; int const rid = db_column_int(&q,0); Manifest * pMan = NULL; cson_value * rowV; cson_object * row; /*printf("rid=%d\n",rid);*/ pMan = manifest_get(rid, CFTYPE_TICKET, 0); if(!pMan){ /* this might be an attachment? I'm seeing this with rid 15380, uuid [1292fef05f2472108]. /json/artifact/1292fef05f2472108 returns not-found, probably because we haven't added artifact/ticket yet(?). */ continue; } rowV = cson_sqlite3_row_to_object(q.pStmt); row = cson_value_get_object(rowV); if(!row){ manifest_destroy(pMan); json_warn( FSL_JSON_W_ROW_TO_JSON_FAILED, "Could not convert at least one timeline result row to JSON." ); continue; } /* FIXME: certainly there's a more efficient way for use to get the ticket UUIDs? */ cson_object_set(row,"ticketUuid",json_new_string(pMan->zTicketUuid)); manifest_destroy(pMan); rc = cson_array_append( list, rowV ); if( 0 != rc ){ cson_value_free(rowV); g.json.resultCode = (cson_rc.AllocError==rc) ? FSL_JSON_E_ALLOC : FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN; goto error; } } #undef SET goto ok; error: assert( 0 != g.json.resultCode ); cson_value_free(payV); payV = NULL; ok: blob_reset(&sql); db_finalize(&q); return payV; }