예제 #1
	void ProcessFeatureReport( const uint8_t *pBuf, size_t nBufSize )
		hid_mutex_guard cvl( &m_cvLock );
		if ( m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport )
			m_featureReport.assign( pBuf, nBufSize );

			m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport = false;
			m_nFeatureReportError = 0;
			pthread_cond_signal( &m_cv );
예제 #2
	bool BOpen()
		// Make sure thread is attached to JVM/env
		JNIEnv *env;
		g_JVM->AttachCurrentThread( &env, NULL );
		pthread_setspecific( g_ThreadKey, (void*)env );

		m_bIsWaitingForOpen = false;
		m_bOpenResult = env->CallBooleanMethod( g_HIDDeviceManagerCallbackHandler, g_midHIDDeviceManagerOpen, m_nId );

		if ( m_bIsWaitingForOpen )
			hid_mutex_guard cvl( &m_cvLock );

			const int OPEN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 60;
			struct timespec ts, endtime;
			clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts );
			endtime = ts;
			endtime.tv_sec += OPEN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS;
				if ( pthread_cond_timedwait( &m_cv, &m_cvLock, &endtime ) != 0 )
			while ( m_bIsWaitingForOpen && get_timespec_ms( ts ) < get_timespec_ms( endtime ) );

		if ( !m_bOpenResult )
			if ( m_bIsWaitingForOpen )
				LOGV( "Device open failed - timed out waiting for device permission" );
				LOGV( "Device open failed" );
			return false;

		m_pDevice = new hid_device;
		m_pDevice->nId = m_nId;
		m_nDeviceRefCount = 1;
		return true;
예제 #3
	int GetFeatureReport( unsigned char *pData, size_t nDataLen )
		// Make sure thread is attached to JVM/env
		JNIEnv *env;
		g_JVM->AttachCurrentThread( &env, NULL );
		pthread_setspecific( g_ThreadKey, (void*)env );

			hid_mutex_guard cvl( &m_cvLock );
			if ( m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport )
				LOGV( "Get feature report already ongoing... bail" );
				return -1; // Read already ongoing, we currently do not serialize, TODO
			m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport = true;

		jbyteArray pBuf = NewByteArray( env, pData, nDataLen );
		int nRet = env->CallBooleanMethod( g_HIDDeviceManagerCallbackHandler, g_midHIDDeviceManagerGetFeatureReport, m_nId, pBuf ) ? 0 : -1;
		env->DeleteLocalRef( pBuf );
		if ( nRet < 0 )
			LOGV( "GetFeatureReport failed" );
			m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport = false;
			return -1;

			hid_mutex_guard cvl( &m_cvLock );
			if ( m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport )
				LOGV("=== Going to sleep" );
				// Wait in CV until we are no longer waiting for a feature report.
				struct timespec ts, endtime;
				clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts );
				endtime = ts;
					if ( pthread_cond_timedwait( &m_cv, &m_cvLock, &endtime ) != 0 )
				while ( m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport && get_timespec_ms( ts ) < get_timespec_ms( endtime ) );

				// We are back
				if ( m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport )
					m_nFeatureReportError = -ETIMEDOUT;
					m_bIsWaitingForFeatureReport = false;
				LOGV( "=== Got feature report err=%d", m_nFeatureReportError );
				if ( m_nFeatureReportError != 0 )
					return m_nFeatureReportError;

			size_t uBytesToCopy = m_featureReport.size() > nDataLen ? nDataLen : m_featureReport.size();
			memcpy( pData, m_featureReport.data(), uBytesToCopy );
			LOGV( "=== Got %u bytes", uBytesToCopy );

			return uBytesToCopy;
예제 #4
bool VectorTest::performTest()

    const Elem cv_data[] = {  1, 2, 3 };
    const Elem rv_data[] = { -4, 0, 8 };
    ColVector cv(3, cv_data);
    RowVector rv(3, rv_data);
    cout << "Vector cv: " << cv << endl
         << "Vector rv: " << rv << endl;

    // Shift
        const Elem cv_left[] = { 2, 3, 0 };
        const Elem cv_right[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
        ColVector cvl(cv);
        cout << "Vector rv shifted left: " << cvl << endl;
        if (ColVector(3, cv_left) != cvl) return false;
        ColVector cvr(cv);
        cout << "Vector rv shifted right: " << cvr << endl;
        if (ColVector(3, cv_right) != cvr) return false;

    // rv + rv
        RowVector result = rv + rv;
        cout << "rv + rv = " << result << endl;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rv.dim(); i++) {
            if (!epsilonCheck(result(i), rv(i) + rv(i)))
                return false;

    // rv - rv
        RowVector result = rv - rv;
        cout << "rv - rv = " << result << endl;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rv.dim(); i++) {
            if (!epsilonCheck(result(i), rv(i) - rv(i)))
                return false;

    // cv + cv
        ColVector result = cv + cv;
        cout << "cv + cv = " << result << endl;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cv.dim(); i++) {
            if (!epsilonCheck(result(i), cv(i) + cv(i)))
                return false;

    // cv - cv
        ColVector result = cv - cv;
        cout << "cv - cv = " << result << endl;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cv.dim(); i++) {
            if (!epsilonCheck(result(i), cv(i) - cv(i)))
                return false;

    // Operators += and -=
        ColVector cvc(cv);
        cout << "cvc = " << cvc << endl;

        cvc += cv;
        cout << "cvc += cv => " << cvc << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(cvc(0), 2) ||
            !epsilonCheck(cvc(1), 4) ||
            !epsilonCheck(cvc(2), 6))
            return false;

        cvc -= cv;
        cout << "cvc -= cv => " << cvc << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(cvc(0), 1) ||
            !epsilonCheck(cvc(1), 2) ||
            !epsilonCheck(cvc(2), 3))
            return false;

        RowVector rvc(rv); // -4 0 8
        cout << "rvc = " << rvc << endl;

        rvc += rv;
        cout << "rvc += rv => " << rvc << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(rvc(0), -8) ||
            !epsilonCheck(rvc(1), 0) ||
            !epsilonCheck(rvc(2), 16))
            return false;

        rvc -= rv;
        cout << "rvc -= rv => " << rvc << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(rvc(0), -4) ||
            !epsilonCheck(rvc(1), 0) ||
            !epsilonCheck(rvc(2), 8))
            return false;

    // Operator *=
        ColVector cvc(cv);
        cout << "cvc = " << cvc << endl;
        cvc *= 5;
        cout << "cvc *= 5 => " << cvc << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(cvc(0), 5) ||
            !epsilonCheck(cvc(1), 10) ||
            !epsilonCheck(cvc(2), 15))
            return false;

    // rv * cv
        const Elem inner_prod = rv * cv;
        cout << "rv * cv = " << inner_prod << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(inner_prod, 20))
            return false;

    // cv * rv
        const Matrix cvrv(cv * rv);
        cout << "cv * rv = " << endl << cvrv;
        const Elem correct_cvrv_data[] = {  -4, 0,  8,
                                              -8, 0, 16,
                                             -12, 0, 24 };
        const Matrix correct_cvrv(3, 3, correct_cvrv_data);
        if (correct_cvrv != cvrv)
            return false;

    // cv * rv larger test
        int n_tests = 100;
        for (int k = 0; k < n_tests; ++k) {
            cout << "cv * rv #" << k << endl;
            const int m = 25;
            const int n = 500;
            double* data1 = new double[m];
            double* data2 = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                data1[i] = generators::random(i);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                data2[i] = generators::random(i);
            ColVector randomCv(m, data1);
            RowVector randomRv(n, data2);
            Matrix cvAsMatrix(m, 1, data1);
            Matrix rvAsMatrix(1, n, data2);
            Matrix ref(m, n);
            cvAsMatrix.multWithMatrix(rvAsMatrix, &ref);
            Matrix res(randomCv * randomRv);
            if (ref != res) 
                return false;
            delete[] data2;
            delete[] data1;

    // cv * 5
        ColVector tmp = cv * 5;
        cout << "cv * 5 = " << tmp << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(tmp(0), 5) ||
            !epsilonCheck(tmp(1), 10) ||
            !epsilonCheck(tmp(2), 15))
            return false;

    // 4 * cv
        ColVector tmp = 4 * cv;
        cout << "4 * cv = " << tmp << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(tmp(0), 4) ||
            !epsilonCheck(tmp(1), 8) ||
            !epsilonCheck(tmp(2), 12))
            return false;

    // rv * 5
        RowVector tmp = rv * 5;
        cout << "rv * 5 = " << tmp << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(tmp(0), -20) ||
            !epsilonCheck(tmp(1), 0) ||
            !epsilonCheck(tmp(2), 40))
            return false;

    // 4 * rv
        RowVector tmp = 4 * rv;
        cout << "4 * rv = " << tmp << endl;
        if (!epsilonCheck(tmp(0), -16) ||
            !epsilonCheck(tmp(1), 0) ||
            !epsilonCheck(tmp(2), 32))
            return false;

    // Maximum, minimum
    const Elem mv_data[] = { -16, -1, 4, 8 };
    RowVector mv(4, mv_data);
    cout << "mv = " << mv << endl;

    Elem m = mv.minimum();
    cout << "Minimum of mv:            " << m << endl;
    if (m != -16)
        return false;
    m = mv.minimum(true);
    cout << "Minimum of mv (absolute): " << m << endl;
    if (m != -1)
        return false;

    m = mv.maximum();
    cout << "Maximum of mv:            " << m << endl;
    if (m != 8)
        return false;
    m = mv.maximum(true);
    cout << "Maximum of mv (absolute): " << m << endl;
    if (m != -16)
        return false;

    // Length
    cout << "Length of rv: " << rv.length() << endl;
    if (!epsilonCheck(rv.length(), 8.94427191))
        return false;
    // Angle between cv and rv
    cout << "Angle between cv and rv: " << Vector::angle(cv, rv) << endl;
    if (!epsilonCheck(Vector::angle(cv, rv), 0.930274014115))
        return false;
    // Random vector of unit length
    ColVector randcv(3, generators::random);
    cout << "Random vector: " << randcv << endl;

    // Silent operator() check
    // In case of errors this would fail during compile time
    	ColVector a(5);
    	const ColVector b(3);
    	a(1) = b(2);
    // Dump and read
        const Elem v_data[] = {   3, 2.5, 1.5,   -1, -2.5, -1.5 };
        RowVector rv(6, v_data);
        ColVector cv(6, v_data);
        Poco::TemporaryFile rvTmpFile, cvTmpFile;
        RowVector rv2(rvTmpFile.path());
        ColVector cv2(cvTmpFile.path());
        cout << "---" << endl
             << "rv = " << rv << endl
             << "cv = " << cv << endl
             << "rv from file: " << rv2 << endl
             << "cv from file: " << cv2 << endl;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            if (rv(i) != rv2(i) || cv(i) != cv2(i))
                return false;
    return true;