int main (int argc, char **argv) { int c, errflg = 0; char *in, *out; int orbin, orbout; double maxpkts = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER ; int quit; char *pktmatch = strdup(".*/pf/evtinfo"), *reject = 0; int nmatch; int specified_after = 0; double after = 0.0, until = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER ; double start_time, end_time, delta_t ; double totpkts = 0, totbytes = 0; Flags flags; static int last_pktid = -1; static double last_pkttime = 0.0; char *statefile = 0; double last_burial = 0.0; double decent_interval = 300.0; int mode = PKT_NOSAMPLES; int rcode; char srcname[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE]; double pkttime = 0.0 ; int pktid; int nbytes; char *packet = 0; int packetsz = 0; Packet *unstuffed = 0; Pf *pf; Tbl *tbl; Arr *arr; char *arrkey; char *pffilename; Tbl *channels; char *net; char *sta; char *chan; char netstachan[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE]; Srcname parts; double maxtime,mintime,starttime,triggertime,duration,min_g,max_g,snr; char *datalogger; int evtfilesize,channelno,maxcts,mincts; char *errors,*evtfilename,*ft,*filter,*srcid; char *line; int i; Pf *pfnew; Dbptr db; int put_tests=0; char *chanmatch=0; Hook *hook=0; char *tdummy=0; char *match=malloc(100); memset (&flags, 0, sizeof (flags)); elog_init (argc, argv); elog_notify (0, "%s $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2005/05/10 07:34:43 $\n", Program_Name); while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "m:n:r:S:c:tvV")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'm': match = optarg; sprintf(pktmatch,"%s/pf/evtinfo",match); break; case 'c': chanmatch = optarg; break; case 't': put_tests = 1; break; case 'n': maxpkts = atoi (optarg); break; case 'r': reject = optarg; break; case 'S': statefile = optarg; break; case 'v': flags.verbose++; break; case 'V': flags.verbose++; flags.verbose++; break; case '?': errflg++; } } if (errflg || argc - optind < 2 || argc - optind > 4) usage (); in = argv[optind++]; out = argv[optind++]; if (argc > optind) { after = str2epoch (argv[optind++]); specified_after = 1; if (argc > optind) { until = str2epoch (argv[optind++]); if (until < after) { until += after ; } } } if ((orbin = orbopen (in, "r&")) < 0) die (0, "Can't open input '%s'\n", in); if (statefile != 0) { char *s; if (exhume (statefile, &quit, RT_MAX_DIE_SECS, 0) != 0) { elog_notify (0, "read old state file\n"); } if (orbresurrect (orbin, &last_pktid, &last_pkttime) == 0) { elog_notify (0, "resurrection successful: repositioned to pktid #%d @ %s\n", last_pktid, s = strtime (last_pkttime)); free (s); } else { complain (0, "resurrection unsuccessful\n"); } } if ((orbout = orbopen (out, "w&")) < 0) { die (0, "Can't open output '%s'\n", out); } if (pktmatch) { nmatch = orbselect (orbin, pktmatch); } if (nmatch < 0) { die (1, "select '%s' returned %d\n", pktmatch, nmatch); } if (reject) { nmatch = orbreject (orbin, reject); } if (nmatch < 0) { elog_die (1, "reject '%s' returned %d\n", reject, nmatch); } else { if (flags.verbose) { elog_notify (1,"%d sources selected\n", nmatch); } } if (specified_after) { pktid = orbafter (orbin, after); if (pktid < 0) { char *s; elog_complain (1, "seek to %s failed\n", s = strtime (after)); free (s); pktid = forbtell (orbin); elog_complain (1,"pktid is still #%d\n", pktid); } else { if (flags.verbose) elog_notify (1,"new starting pktid is #%d\n", pktid); } } start_time = now (); db = dbtmp("rt1.0"); while (!quit && pkttime < until && totpkts < maxpkts) { rcode = orbreap (orbin, &pktid, srcname, &pkttime, &packet, &nbytes, &packetsz); switch (rcode) { case 0: totpkts++; totbytes += nbytes; if (flags.verbose>2) { showPkt (pktid, srcname, pkttime, packet, nbytes, stdout, mode); } if (statefile != 0 && last_pkttime - last_burial > decent_interval) { bury (); last_burial = pkttime; } if ((unstuffPkt (srcname, pkttime, packet, nbytes, &unstuffed))==Pkt_pf) { pf = unstuffed->pf; tbl= pfkeys(pf); arrkey= gettbl(tbl,0); pfget(pf,arrkey,&pfnew); datalogger= pfget_string(pfnew,"datalogger"); duration= pfget_double(pfnew,"duration"); errors= pfget_string(pfnew,"errors"); evtfilename= pfget_string(pfnew,"evtfilename"); evtfilesize= pfget_int(pfnew,"evtfilesize"); ft= pfget_string(pfnew,"ft"); starttime= pfget_double(pfnew,"time"); triggertime= pfget_double(pfnew,"triggertime"); channels=pfget_tbl(pfnew,"channels"); if (strcasecmp(ft,"no")==0 || put_tests == 1) { for (i=0; i<maxtbl(channels);i++) { line=gettbl(channels,i); sscanf(line,"%s %d %lf %d %lf %lf %d %lf", netstachan,&channelno,&maxtime,&maxcts,&max_g,&mintime,&mincts,&min_g); split_srcname(netstachan,&parts); strcpy(parts.src_suffix,"GENC"); join_srcname(&parts,netstachan); if (flags.verbose>1) printf("%s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime)); if (chanmatch == 0 || strmatches(parts.src_chan,chanmatch,&hook)) { if (flags.verbose) elog_notify(1,"putting detev for %s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime)); db=dblookup(db,0,"detev",0,"dbSCRATCH"); dbputv(db,0,"sta",parts.src_sta,"chan",parts.src_chan, "filter",K2_FILTER, "time", triggertime, "tron", starttime - triggertime, "troff", starttime - triggertime + duration, "iphase","K2", "snr",(max_g * 1000.0 - min_g * 1000.0)/2.0, 0); db2orbpkt(db,orbout); } else { if (flags.verbose>1) elog_notify(1,"ignoring %s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime)); } } } } last_pktid = pktid; last_pkttime = pkttime; } } if (statefile != 0) bury (); end_time = now (); delta_t = end_time - start_time; if (flags.verbose>1) { if (totpkts > 0) { elog_notify (1,"\n%.0f %.2f byte packets (%.1f kbytes) in %.3f seconds\n\t%10.3f kbytes/s\n\t%10.3f kbaud\n\t%10.3f pkts/s\n", totpkts, totbytes / totpkts, totbytes / 1024, delta_t, totbytes / delta_t / 1024, totbytes / delta_t / 1024 * 8, totpkts / delta_t); } else { elog_notify (1,"\nno packets read\n"); } } if (orbclose (orbin)) { elog_complain (1, "error closing read orb\n"); } if (orbclose (orbout)) { elog_complain (1, "error closing write orb\n"); } return 0; }
static int get_instype (Dbptr db, char *instype, double *samprate) { static Dbptr dbsi = INVALID_DBPTR; static Hook *hook = 0; long nmatches; Tbl *tbl; char sta[MAX_STA_SIZE], chan[MAX_CHAN_SIZE]; double time; char *s; int errors = 0; if (dbsi.database < 0) { Dbptr dbsensor, dbinstrument; dbsensor = dblookup (db, 0, "sensor", 0, 0); dbinstrument = dblookup (db, 0, "instrument", 0, 0); dbsi = dbjoin (dbsensor, dbinstrument, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } nmatches = dbmatches (db, dbsi, 0, 0, &hook, &tbl); switch (nmatches) { case dbINVALID: case 0: dbgetv (db, 0, "sta", sta, "chan", chan, "time", &time, NULL); complain (0, "no matches in sensor/instrument join for %s:%s @ %s", sta, chan, s = strydtime (time)); free (s); errors++; break; default: dbgetv (db, 0, "sta", sta, "chan", chan, "time", &time, NULL); complain (0, "too many matches (%ld) in sensor/instrument join for %s:%s @ %s", nmatches, sta, chan, s = strydtime (time)); free (s); errors++; /* FALLTHRU */ case 1: dbsi.record = (long) gettbl (tbl, 0); dbgetv (dbsi, 0, "instype", instype, "samprate", samprate, NULL); break; } freetbl (tbl, 0); return errors; }
Dbptr join_tables(Dbptr db, Pf *pf, Arr *tables) { char *table_name; int *ilogic; Tbl *t; Dbptr dbj; long int nrec; int i; int ntables=0; /* This is an exact copy of above, but it is duplicated because this function could get stolen by another future program because it is pretty general */ t = pfget_tbl(pf,"join_tables"); if(t == NULL) { elog_die(0,"No list of tables to be joined\n"); } for(i=0;i<maxtbl(t);++i) { table_name = gettbl(t,i); ilogic = (int *)getarr(tables,table_name); if(ilogic == NULL) { elog_die(0,"Table %s was not handled previously by check_tables.\nProgramming logic error\n", table_name); } else if(*ilogic) { if(ntables == 0) dbj = dblookup(db,0,table_name,0,0); else dbj=dbjoin(dbj,dblookup(db,0,table_name,0,0), NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0); ++ntables; dbquery(dbj,dbRECORD_COUNT,&nrec); if(nrec == 0) { elog_complain(0, "join_tables error\njoined database has 0 length after joining table %s\n", table_name); dbj.record = dbINVALID; return(dbj); } } } return(dbj); }
Tbl * dbschema2sqlcreate( Dbptr db, long flags ) { Tbl *sql; char *cmd; Tbl *tables; char *table; long itable; sql = newtbl( 0 ); if( db.table >= 0 ) { cmd = generate_sqltable_create( db, flags ); pushtbl( sql, cmd ); } else { dbquery( db, dbSCHEMA_TABLES, &tables ); for( itable = 0; itable < maxtbl( tables ); itable++ ) { table = gettbl( tables, itable ); db = dblookup( db, "", table, "", "" ); cmd = generate_sqltable_create( db, flags ); pushtbl( sql, cmd ); } } return sql; }
int opendb( Dset *dset ) { char key[256]; Tbl *sort_sta_ch_tm; if (dbopen_database ( dset->dbname, "r+", &(dset->db) ) == dbINVALID ) die (0, "Can't open database %s\n", dset->dbname ); dset->db = dblookup ( dset->db, 0, "wfdisc", 0, 0); if ( dset->db.table == dbINVALID ) die (0, "Can't open '%s' wfdisc table.\n", dset->dbname ); /* Select specified sta&chan */ sprintf( key,"(chan =~ /%s/ && sta=~ /%s/)\0", dset->chan, dset->sta ); dset->db = dbsubset( dset->db, key, 0 ); sort_sta_ch_tm = strtbl("sta", "chan", "time", 0 ) ; dset->db = dbsort ( dset->db, sort_sta_ch_tm, 0, 0 ) ; dbquery ( dset->db, dbRECORD_COUNT, &(dset->dbrec) ); if( dset->dbrec <= 0 ) die( 0, " no record with sta == %s and chan == %s in %s.\n", dset->sta, dset->chan, dset->dbname ); return 1; }
/*This function adds a single row to the origerr table for this event. arguments: orid - orid assign to this solution h - Hypocenter object for this solution dbo - output db This version doesn't set much of this large table. Eventually, it needs to include all the error terms, but that function is not written yet. Author: Gary L. Pavlis Written: February 1997 */ void save_origerr(long orid, Hypocenter h, double **C, Dbptr dbo) { double sdobs; double lddate; /* Intentionally ignored: smajax,sminax,strike,sdepth,stime, conf,commid */ dbo = dblookup(dbo,0,"origerr",0,0); /* Bad news here is that we can't save the more useful statistics that this program calculates. css3.0 only allows sdobs = sswr/ndgf */ sdobs = h.rms_raw; lddate = std_now(); if(dbaddv(dbo,0, "orid",orid, "sxx",C[0][0], "syy",C[1][1], "szz",C[2][2], "stt",C[3][3], "sxy",C[0][1], "sxz",C[0][2], "syz",C[1][2], "stx",C[0][3], "sty",C[1][3], "stz",C[2][3], "sdobs",sdobs, "lddate",lddate, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_origerr: dbaddv error writing origerr record for orid %ld\n", orid); } }
/* This routines cautiously saves the emodel vector. It is cautious because the emodel table is not part of the css3.0 schema. If it cannot find info on the emodel table, it issues an error and returns. Otherwise, it will save the emodel vector to this special table. Author: Gary L. Pavlis Written: June 29, 1998 */ int save_emodel(int orid, float *emodel, Dbptr db) { Dbptr dbemod; dbemod = dblookup(db, 0,"emodel",0,0); if(dbemod.table == dbINVALID) { elog_log(0,"emodel table not defined for output database\nAdd genloc mods\n"); return(1); } else { if(dbaddv(dbemod,0, "orid",orid, "emodelx",emodel[0], "emodely",emodel[1], "emodelz",emodel[2], "emodelt",emodel[3], NULL ) == dbINVALID) { elog_log(0,"dbaddv error for emodel table\n"); return(-1); } } return(0); }
void save_run_parameters(Dbptr db,Pf *pf) { char *dir,*dfile; char filename[512]; char *vm,*vm3d; int ierr; dir = pfget_string(pf,"pmelrun_archive_directory"); if(dir==NULL)elog_die(0,"Parameter pmelrun_archive_directory not in parameter file\n"); if(makedir(dir)) elog_die(0,"makedir failed on directory %s\n",dir); dfile = pfget_string(pf,"pmel_run_name"); vm = pfget_string(pf,"travel_time_model"); vm3d=pfget_string(pf,"3Dreference_model"); if( (vm==NULL) || (vm3d==NULL) ) elog_die(0,"Missing required velocity model definitions\nCheck parameters travel_time model and 3Dreference_model\n"); db = dblookup(db,0,"pmelruns",0,0); ierr=dbaddv(db,0,"pmelrun",dfile, "vmodel",vm, "vmodel3d",vm3d, "dir",dir, "dfile",dfile,0); if(ierr < 0) elog_die(0, "dbaddv error on pmelrun table\nVerify schema extensions for dbpmel and that the pmel_run_name parameter is unique\n"); strcpy(filename,dir); strcat(filename,"/"); strcat(filename,dfile); if(pfwrite(filename,pf)) elog_die(0,"pfwrite error for file %s\n",filename); }
static int dbrows2orb(Dbptr db, int orb, char *prefix) { Packet *pkt; char srcname[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE]; double time; char *packet; int nbytes, packetsize = 0; Dbptr tmpdb; long t, nrecords, r, ntables; Arr *records = NULL; Tbl *tables = NULL, *static_tables; char *thistablename; Stbl *stbl; char *s; dbuntangle(db, &records); tables = keysarr(records); ntables = maxtbl(tables); if (ntables > 0) pkt = newPkt(); if (prefix) strncpy(pkt->parts.src_net, prefix, PKT_TYPESIZE); pkt->pkttype = suffix2pkttype("db"); for (t = 0; t < ntables; t++) { thistablename = gettbl(tables, t); tmpdb = dblookup(db, 0, thistablename, 0, 0); stbl = (Stbl *) getarr(records, thistablename); nrecords = maxstbl(stbl); if (nrecords > 0) { for (r = 0; r < nrecords; r++) { tmpdb.record = (long) getstbl(stbl, r); pkt->db = tmpdb; if (stuffPkt(pkt, srcname, &time, &packet, &nbytes, &packetsize) < 0) { elog_complain(0, "stuffPkt fails for pf packet"); return (-1); } if (orbput(orb, srcname, time, packet, nbytes) < 0) { elog_complain(0, "Couldn't send packet to orb\n"); return (-1); } } } } freetbl(tables, 0); dbfree_untangle(records); freePkt(pkt); if (verbose) { elog_notify(0, "%s: %d patcket(s) sent with sourcename: %s\n", s = strtime(now()), nrecords, srcname); free(s); } return (0); }
/* This first little function returns 0 if the table defined by the string t is a valid table name for the database pointed to by the database pointer db. Otherwise it returns a 1. This allows a general way to safely check for the validity of extension tables to a common schema like css3.0. General usage would be: if(dbtable_invalid(db,t)) elog_die(0,"blah blah"); Generally this routine should be called once for a given table, but it can be called repeatedly at the cost of efficiency. The later is specially bad if the table involved is hit often. */ int dbtable_invalid(Dbptr db,char *t) { Dbptr dbcheck; dbcheck = dblookup(db,0,t,0,0); if(dbcheck.table == dbINVALID) return(-1); else return(0); }
/* returns true if the table t is empty */ int dbtable_empty(Dbptr db,char *t) { long nrows; db=dblookup(db,0,t,0,0); dbquery(db,dbRECORD_COUNT,&nrows); if(nrows>0) return(0); else return(1); }
void set_shot_variable(Dbptr db, Arr *tables, int evid, SEGYTraceHeader *h) { int *ok; char ss_string[30]; long int ntest; double dnorth, deast, elev, edepth; ok = getarr(tables,"shot"); if(ok) { db = dblookup(db,0,"shot",0,0); sprintf(ss_string,"evid == %d",evid); db = dbsubset(db,ss_string,0); dbquery(db,dbRECORD_COUNT,&ntest); if(ntest <= 0) { elog_complain(0,"evid %d not found in shot table\nShot coordinates will not be saved in segy headers\n", evid); dbfree(db); return; } else if(ntest > 1) { elog_notify(0,"multiple rows in shot found for evid %d\n", evid); } db.record = 0; if(dbgetv(db,0, "dnorth",&dnorth, "deast", &deast, "elev", &elev, "edepth",&edepth, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_complain(0,"dbgetv error for evid %d\nShot coordinates will not be saved in segy headers\n", evid); return; } /*convert to m from km */ deast *= 1000.0; dnorth *= 1000.0; h->sourceLongOrX = htonl((int32_t) deast); h->sourceLatOrY = htonl((int32_t) dnorth); h->sourceSurfaceElevation = htonl((int32_t) elev); h->sourceDepth = htonl((int32_t) edepth); /* WARNING: This assumes receiver coordinates have already been set */ h->sourceToRecDist = htonl( (int32_t) hypot( dnorth - ((double)(ntohl(h->recLatOrY ))), deast - ((double)(ntohl(h->recLongOrX))) )); } dbfree(db); }
int save_origin(int nass, int evid, Dbptr master_db, Dbptr dbtmp, Hypocenter h,Location_options o, int orb) { int ndef; char dtype[2]; char algorithm[16]="ggnloc"; char auth[16]="orbgenloc"; int grn, srn; int orid; /* orid returned */ orid = dbnextid(master_db,"orid"); if(orid < 0 ) elog_die(1,"save_origin: dbnextid failure asking for new orid\n"); if(o.fix[2]) { ndef = h.degrees_of_freedom + 3; strcpy(dtype,"r"); } else { ndef = h.degrees_of_freedom + 4; strcpy(dtype,"f"); } grn = grnumber(, h.lon) ; srn = srnumber ( grn ) ; dbtmp = dblookup(dbtmp,0,"origin",0,0); dbtmp.record = dbSCRATCH; if((dbputv(dbtmp,0, "lat",, "lon",h.lon, "depth",h.z, "time",h.time, "orid",orid, "evid",evid, "nass",nass, "grn", grn, "srn", srn, "dtype",dtype, "ndef",ndef, "algorithm",algorithm, "auth",auth,0)) == dbINVALID) { elog_complain(0,"dbputv error while building origin record for orid %d\nNo results saved\n", orid); } else { if(save_dbrecord(dbtmp,orb)) elog_complain(0,"Errors saving orid %d\n",orid); } return(orid); }
/*This function adds a single row to the origerr table for this event. arguements: orid - orid assign to this solution h - Hypocenter object for this solution dbo - output db This version doesn't set much of this large table. Eventually, it needs to include all the error terms, but that function is not written yet. Author: Gary L. Pavlis Written: February 1997 */ void save_origerr(int orid, Hypocenter h, double **C, Dbptr db, int orb) { double sdobs; int rc; double smajax,sminax,strike,sdepth,stime; double conf=0.683; db = dblookup(db,0,"origerr",0,0); db.record = dbSCRATCH; /* computer error ellipse parameters */ rc = project_covariance(C,CHI_SQUARE,&conf, h.rms_weighted,h.degrees_of_freedom, &smajax,&sminax,&strike,&sdepth,&stime); /* Bad news here is that we can't save the more useful statistics that this program calculates. css3.0 only allows sdobs = sswr/ndgf */ sdobs = h.rms_raw; if(dbputv(db,0, "orid",orid, "sxx",C[0][0], "syy",C[1][1], "szz",C[2][2], "stt",C[3][3], "sxy",C[0][1], "sxz",C[0][2], "syz",C[1][2], "stx",C[0][3], "sty",C[1][3], "stz",C[2][3], "sdobs",sdobs, "smajax",smajax, "sminax",sminax, "strike",strike, "sdepth",sdepth, "stime",stime, "conf",conf, 0) == dbINVALID) { elog_complain(0,"save_origerr: dbputv error writing origerr record for orid %d\norigerr record not saved anywhere\n", orid); } else { if(save_dbrecord(db,orb)) elog_complain(0,"Error saving origerr record for orid %d\n", orid); } }
/* Initializes the scratch records for each table used in this program. That is, origin, origerr, and assoc. This only needs to be done once. The procedure loads NULL files into each attribute of the scratch records for these tables. This function is based on a tricky initialization condition using dbget. Setting the db record to dbNULL and then calling dbget(db,0) loads the scratch record with the contents of the NULL record. This works because the NULL record is initialized the first time it is accessed, and passing 0 to dbget is a shortcut that directly copies the NULL record to the scratch record. IMPORTANT: note that because this program uses dbputv directly to the scratch record the assumption is that the SAME set of attributes are always written to the scratch record of each table. This is correct for this program, but you are warned if you try to use functions from this program elsewhere. Arguments: db - db pointer of open database returns 0 on success. Any errors will always result in a return of dbINVALID. The later should, of course, be trapped but should probably not normally be fatal. */ initialize_scratch_records(Dbptr db) { int return_code; int error_count=0; db = dblookup(db,0,"origin",0,0); db.record = dbNULL; return_code = dbget(db,0); if(return_code) ++error_count; db = dblookup(db,0,"origerr",0,0); db.record = dbNULL; return_code = dbget(db,0); if(return_code) ++error_count; db = dblookup(db,0,"assoc",0,0); db.record = dbNULL; return_code = dbget(db,0); if(return_code) ++error_count; if(error_count) return(dbINVALID); else return(0); }
/* This routine looks for a Tbl in the parameter space that defines a set of auxiliary tables that are to be used. It cautiously checks to see if that table is defined in the schema and is nonempty. It sets logical variables in associative array it returns that define if the table is "ok". This is serious overkill added to make the code for expandable in the future. At the moment the only table that would be used is "shot". It would, however, be easy to add similar auxiliary tables for segy constructs like statics, mute definition, etc. In that case there probably should be a more general mechanism than this but I'm more or less laying out a useful functionality here rather than doing it in a completely general way. */ Arr *check_tables(Dbptr db, Pf *pf) { char *table; int *ilogic; int i; Tbl *t; Dbptr dbtmp; int table_ok; long int nrec; Arr *a; a = newarr(0); t = pfget_tbl(pf,"join_tables"); if(t == NULL) { elog_die(0,"No list of tables to be joined\n"); } for(i=0;i<maxtbl(t);++i) { /* This series of conditionals is safe: It certifies a table (a) is defined in this schema and (b) is not empty. */ table = (char *)gettbl(t,i); dbtmp = dblookup(db,0,table,0,0); if(dbtmp.table == dbINVALID) table_ok = 0; else table_ok = 1; if(table_ok) { dbquery(dbtmp,dbRECORD_COUNT,&nrec); if(nrec > 0) table_ok = 1; else table_ok = 0; } ilogic = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); if(ilogic == NULL) elog_die(0,"malloc error\n"); *ilogic = table_ok; setarr(a,table,ilogic); } return(a); }
/* Changed to int from void by JN in order to return evid. */ long save_event(Dbptr dbi, long is, long ie, long orid, Dbptr dbo) { /* these are variables in dbi copied to dbo */ long evid; char evname[16]; /*altered in output by this program */ long prefor; char auth[20]; double lddate; /* intentionally ignored: commid */ dbo = dblookup(dbo,0,"event",0,0); dbi.record = is; if( dbgetv(dbi,0, "event.evid",&evid, "event.evname",evname, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_event: dbgetv error reading event fields of input view at record %ld\n", is); } prefor = orid; my_username(auth); lddate = std_now(); if(dbaddv(dbo,0, "evid",evid, "evname",evname, "prefor",prefor, "auth",auth, "lddate",lddate, NULL ) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_event: dbaddv error writing event record for orid %ld\n", orid); } /* Added by JN */ return(evid); }
/* This routine saves array average amplitude estimates in a table called mwavgamp. This routine always adds one and only one record. arguments: array - array name assigned to the group of stations used to produce this set of averages evid - css3.0 event id bankid - multiwavelet group id phase - phase name as in css3.0 fc - center frequency (in Hz) of the wavelets used t0 - start time at reference station twin - length of analysis time window relative to t0 mwamp - computed array average amplitude erramp - estimate of error in mwamp Note: both mwap and erramp are log10 values derived from nm/s converted trace data (assumed). ndgf - degrees of freedom in estimate of mwamp db - pointer to output database Author: G Pavlis Written: March 2000 */ int MWdb_save_avgamp(char *array, int evid, int bankid, char *phase, double fc, double t0, double twin, double mwamp, double erramp, int ndgf, Dbptr db) { db = dblookup(db,0,"mwavgamp",0,0); /* Note algorithm and ampcomp are frozen here. */ if( dbaddv(db,0,"sta",array, "evid",evid, "bankid",bankid, "phase", phase, "fc",fc, "ampcomp",AMPCOMP, "time",t0, "twin",twin, "mwamp",mwamp, "erramp",erramp, "ndgf",ndgf, "algorithm","mwap",0) < 0) { elog_notify(0, "dbaddv error for mwavgamp table on evid %d with fc=%lf\n", evid,fc); return(-1); } else return(0); }
void announce_StachanCalib( void *sccp, char *sta, char *chan ) { StachanCalib *scc = (StachanCalib *) sccp; static Dbptr db = { dbINVALID, dbINVALID, dbINVALID, dbINVALID }; if( db.database == dbINVALID ) { db = dbtmp( "rt1.0" ); db = dblookup( db, "", "wfoffset", "", "dbSCRATCH" ); } if( abs( scc->offset ) < DBL_MIN ) { return; } dbputv( db, 0, "sta", sta, "chan", chan, "time", now(), "endtime", 9999999999.999, "valoffset", scc->offset, 0 ); if( db2orbpkt( db, Orbfd ) < 0 ) { elog_complain( 0, "Orbput failed for wfoffset packet!\n" ); } else { scc->announced++; } return; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *sift_expr, *wfdir, *format, *dbin, *dbout, *chan_maps; double calper; int overwrite=0; int ndec_stages; char **dec_stages; Tbl *chan_in_tbl, *chan_out_tbl; Dbptr dbi, dbo; Dbvalue dbv; Response *resp; Tbl *ncoefs, *coefs, *dec_fac; int dec_factor; int nwi, n, i, j, nchans; char string[512]; char expr[1024]; Dbptr dbwfi; char dbbase[1024]; char dir[128]; char dfile[128]; char fnamei[1024]; char fnameo[1024]; char wfdir1[512]; char wfdir2[512]; double time, tref; /* Get command line args */ if (!getargs(argc, argv, &sift_expr, &calper, &wfdir, &format, &dbin, &dbout, &chan_maps, &ndec_stages, &dec_stages)) { usage(); exit (1); } if (calper >= 0.0) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: -c option not operational.\n"); usage(); exit (1); } /* Parse channel maps and wfdir */ if (!parse_chan_maps(chan_maps, &chan_in_tbl, &chan_out_tbl)) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: Unable to parse channel maps, '%s'\n", chan_maps); usage(); exit (1); } if (!parse_wfdir(wfdir, wfdir1, wfdir2)) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: Unable to parse wfdir, '%s'\n", wfdir); usage(); exit (1); } /* Open and read decimation stage files */ if (!read_dec_files(ndec_stages, dec_stages, &resp, &dec_factor, &ncoefs, &coefs, &dec_fac)) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: Unable to read decimation stage(s).\n"); usage(); exit (1); } printf ("Total decimation factor = %d\n", dec_factor); /* Open the input database */ if (dbopen (dbin, "r+", &dbi) == dbINVALID) { elog_clear_register(1); fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: Unable to open input database '%s'.\n", dbin); exit (1); } dbi = dblookup (dbi, 0, "wfdisc", 0, 0); dbquery (dbi, dbRECORD_COUNT, &nwi); if (nwi < 1) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: No wfdisc rows for input database '%s'.\n", dbin); exit (1); } /* Compose a subset expression for the input channel mappings */ nchans = maxtbl (chan_in_tbl); for (i=0; i<nchans; i++) { sprintf (string, "chan == \"%s\"", gettbl(chan_in_tbl, i)); if (i == 0) { strcpy (expr, "("); strcat (expr, string); } else { strcat (expr, " || "); strcat (expr, string); } } strcat (expr, ")"); if (sift_expr) { strcat (expr, " && ("); strcat (expr, sift_expr); strcat (expr, ")"); } /* Subset the input wfdisc table */ dbwfi = dblookup (dbi, 0, "wfdisc", 0, 0); dbwfi = dbsubset (dbwfi, expr, 0); dbquery (dbwfi, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n); if (n < 1) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: No input channels for database '%s'.\n", dbin); exit (1); } printf ("Processing %d out of %d waveform segments.\n", n, nwi); /* Open the output database */ if (dbopen (dbout, "r+", &dbo) == dbINVALID) { elog_clear_register(1); fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: Unable to open output database '%s'.\n", dbout); exit (1); } dbo = dblookup (dbo, 0, "wfdisc", 0, 0); dbquery (dbo, dbTABLE_DIRNAME, &dbv); strcpy (dbbase, dbv.t); /* Make a pass through the input wfdiscs to look for wf file conflicts */ if (!overwrite) { printf ("Looking for waveform file conflicts..."); fflush (stdout); } tref = 1.e30; for (dbwfi.record=0; dbwfi.record<n; dbwfi.record++) { if (!overwrite && (!strcmp(wfdir1,wfdir2)) ){ if (!makeoutfname (dbwfi, wfdir1, wfdir2, dbbase, dir, dfile, fnameo)) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: makeoutfname() error.\n"); exit (1); } if (zaccess(fnameo, F_OK) != -1) { fprintf (stderr, "\ndbdec(Warning): wf file conflict for '%s'.\n", fnameo); fprintf(stderr,"Will append but may waste space\n"); } } dbgetv (dbwfi, 0, "time", &time, 0); if (time < tref) tref = time; } if (!overwrite) { printf ("OK\n"); } tref = (double)((int)tref); /* Loop through and do the decimation */ for (dbwfi.record=0; dbwfi.record<n; dbwfi.record++) { Trace *trace=NULL; /* Read in trace and convert to float */ SCV_free_trace (trace); trace = NULL; trace = read_trace (dbwfi); if (trace == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: read_trace() error.\n"); continue; } /* Decimate float trace */ if (!decimate_trace (trace, ncoefs, coefs, dec_fac, tref)) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: decimate_trace() error.\n"); exit (1); } /* Convert trace to output units and put back in data gaps */ trace = convert_trace (trace, format); if (trace == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: convert_trace() error.\n"); exit (1); } /* Write out decimated trace and wfdisc */ makeoutfname (dbwfi, wfdir1, wfdir2, dbbase, dir, dfile, fnameo); if (!write_trace (dbwfi, dbo, dir, dfile, fnameo, chan_in_tbl, chan_out_tbl, trace, overwrite)) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: write_trace() error.\n"); exit (1); } } /* Fix up the output sensor, sitechan, etc. tables */ if (!fixup_tables (dbi, dbo, chan_in_tbl, chan_out_tbl, calper, resp, dec_factor)) { fprintf (stderr, "dbdec: fixup_tables() error.\n"); exit (1); } /* Normal exit */ exit (0); }
/* This function computes the attributes of the predarr table. This is seriously complicated by the fact that the timedef and slowdef attributes in the css3.0 schema allow independently turning off time and slowness residuals. The way we solve this here is to first save results for all the entries in the Arrival tbl keeping a temporary list of all the arid values found in the Arrival tbl. We then use a stupid linear search algorithm against each arid found in the Slowness_vector table and only compute a new predarr row if the arid found for that Slowness vector did not match any found in arid. The linear search is acceptable here under an assumption that arrival data will outnumber slowness vector measurements in most locations. This algorithm looks for the stavel table that is also defined in the takeoff schema extensions. This table defines surface velocities to use in computing emergence angles (ema). If an entry is not found for a given phase in stavel, the program tries to decide if this is a P or S phase (by looking at the last character in the phase name) and using a default (hardwired below). This will generate a complain error because the values in predarr are not necessarily consistent with vmodel in this situation. arguments: db - database to save results to atbl - Tbl of Arrival structures used in genloc utbl - Tbl of Slowness_vector structures comparable to a h - hypocenter estimate to be used to compute predarr rows orid - orid database id assigned to this solution. vmodel - name of velocity model being used (key of stavel) Returns 0 for success, anything else indicates and error. A positive return indicates the number of warning messages issued. A negative return indicates nothing was written because the predarr table could not be written due to either: (1) undefined in the schema or (2) table is not writeable. Author: G Pavlis */ int save_predarr( Dbptr db, Tbl *atbl, Tbl *utbl, Hypocenter h, int orid, char *vmodel) { int natimes; int nslow; long *allarids; int errors=0; Arrival *atimes; Arrival a; Station station; Slowness_vector *slow; Slowness_vector u; Seismic_Array sta_array; Travel_Time_Function_Output tto; Slowness_Function_Output u_calc; /* These are the fields computed here and saved in predarr */ double time, utotal, seaz, esaz, ema, dip; int stavel_ok; /* set to 1 if stavel is found valid. Function returns immediately if the predarr table is not defined */ double ema_null=-1.0; int i,k; if(dbtable_invalid(db,"predarr")) { elog_log(0,"predarr table not defined in schema for this database\n"); return(-1); } if(dbtable_invalid(db,"stavel")) { elog_log(0,"stavel table is not defined. Using defaults for all stations and phases\n"); stavel_ok = 0; } else if(dbtable_empty(db,"stavel")) { stavel_ok=0; /* do this silently */ } else { stavel_ok = 1; /* This is the correct way to find the null value for a field*/ db = dblookup(db,0,"predarr",0,0); db.record = dbNULL; dbgetv(db,0,"ema",&ema_null,NULL ); } natimes = maxtbl(atbl); nslow = maxtbl(utbl); if(natimes > 0) { allarids = (long *)calloc(natimes,sizeof(long)); if(allarids == NULL) elog_die(0,"save_predarr cannot alloc %d long integers\n", natimes); } /* These quantities need to be explicitly initialized at the top of this loop. They stay fixed for the whole loop. Only the sta_array set really matters. */ u.ux = 0.0; = 0.0; u.array = &sta_array; db = dblookup(db,0,"predarr",0,0); for(i=0;i<natimes;++i) { atimes = (Arrival *) gettbl(atbl,i); /* discard - phases as predarr makes no sense for them */ if(strstr(atimes->phase->name,"-")!=NULL) continue; allarids[i] = atimes->arid; tto = calculate_travel_time(*atimes,h,ALL); if(tto.time == TIME_INVALID) { elog_log(0,"save_predarr failed to compute predicted arrival times for station %s and phase %s\n", atimes->sta->name, atimes->phase->name); ++errors; continue; } time = h.time + tto.time; dip = compute_dip(tto); esaz = compute_esaz(tto); /* This loads a fake slowness vector for each station. Note this is different from the location code and could fail in some situations when the location computation did not. In those situations, slow, ema, and esaz cannot be computed. */ u.arid = atimes->arid; strcpy(u.array->name,atimes->sta->name); u.array->lat = atimes->sta->lat; u.array->lon = atimes->sta->lon; u.array->elev = atimes->sta->elev; u.phase = atimes->phase; u_calc = calculate_slowness_vector(u,h,RESIDUALS_ONLY); if(u_calc.ux == SLOWNESS_INVALID) { elog_log(0,"predarr failed to compute slowness vector for station %s and phase %s\n", atimes->sta->name, atimes->phase->name); ++errors; if(dbaddv(db,0, "arid",atimes->arid, "orid",orid, "time",time, "esaz",esaz, "dip",dip, NULL ) == dbINVALID) { elog_log(0,"dbaddv on predarr table for station %s and phase %s\n", atimes->sta->name, atimes->phase->name); ++errors; } } else { utotal = hypot(u_calc.ux,; /* css3.0 stores slowness is s/deg so we have to convert */ utotal *= KMPERDEG; seaz = compute_seaz(u_calc); if(stavel_ok) ema = compute_ema(&u,&u_calc,db,vmodel); if(ema < 0.0) ema = ema_null; if(dbaddv(db,0, "arid",atimes->arid, "orid",orid, "time",time, "slow",utotal, "seaz",seaz, "ema", ema, "esaz",esaz, "dip",dip, NULL ) == dbINVALID) { elog_log(0,"dbaddv on predarr table for station %s and phase %s\n", atimes->sta->name, atimes->phase->name); ++errors; } } } /* Nww we have to hunt for slowness measurements that have not travel time computed above. Here we used a dumb linear search against arid for reasons give above. The rest of the algorithm closely parallels the above loop, except the role of arrival and slowness are reversed. */ a.time = 0.0; a.sta = &station; for(i=0;i<nslow;i++) { slow = (Slowness_vector *) gettbl(utbl,i); for(k=0;k<natimes;k++) if(allarids[k] == slow->arid) break; if(k>=natimes) { /* Only when the above search fails will we actually do anything in this loop */ a.arid = slow->arid; strcpy(a.sta->name,slow->array->name); a.sta->lat = slow->array->lat; a.sta->lon = slow->array->lon; a.sta->elev = slow->array->elev; a.phase = slow->phase; tto = calculate_travel_time(a,h,ALL); if(tto.time == TIME_INVALID) { elog_log(0,"save_predarr failed to compute predicted arrival times for station %s and phase %s\n", atimes->sta->name, atimes->phase->name); ++errors; continue; } time = h.time + tto.time; dip = compute_dip(tto); u_calc = calculate_slowness_vector(*slow,h,RESIDUALS_ONLY); if(u_calc.ux == SLOWNESS_INVALID) { elog_log(0,"predarr failed to compute slowness vector for station %s and phase %s\n", atimes->sta->name, atimes->phase->name); ++errors; if(dbaddv(db,0, "arid",atimes->arid, "orid",orid, "time",time, "esaz",esaz, "dip",dip, NULL ) == dbINVALID) { elog_log(0,"dbaddv on predarr table for station %s and phase %s\n", atimes->sta->name, atimes->phase->name); ++errors; } } else { utotal = hypot(u_calc.ux,; utotal *= KMPERDEG; seaz = compute_seaz(u_calc); if(stavel_ok) ema = compute_ema(&u,&u_calc,db,vmodel); if(ema < 0.0) ema = ema_null; if(dbaddv(db,0, "arid",atimes->arid, "orid",orid, "time",time, "slow",utotal, "seaz",seaz, "ema", ema, "esaz",esaz, "dip",dip, NULL ) == dbINVALID) { elog_log(0,"dbaddv on predarr table for station %s and phase %s\n", atimes->sta->name, atimes->phase->name); ++errors; } } } } free(allarids); return(errors); }
double compute_ema (Slowness_vector *u, Slowness_Function_Output *ucalc, Dbptr db, char *vmodel) { Dbptr dbm, dbsv; static Tbl *matches; static Tbl *kmatch; /* Used to hold keys for dbmatches. */ char *key; double velocity; static Hook *hook=0; long nmatches; char cphase; /* store last char of phase name here */ int name_len; int i; double utotal, ema; dbsv = dblookup(db,0,"stavel",0,0); dbm = dblookup(db,0,"stavel",0,"dbSCRATCH"); dbputv(dbm,0,"sta",u->array->name,"phase",u->phase->name,"vmodel",vmodel,NULL ); /* It seems to be necessary to explicitly define the match keys. Using natural keys defined with null patterns for dbmatches did not work correctly. */ kmatch = newtbl(0); key = strdup("sta"); pushtbl(kmatch,key); key = strdup("phase"); pushtbl(kmatch,key); key = strdup("vmodel"); pushtbl(kmatch,key); dbmatches(dbm,dbsv,&kmatch,&kmatch,&hook,&matches); freetbl(kmatch,free); nmatches = maxtbl(matches); if(nmatches >= 1) { if(nmatches > 1) elog_log(0,"warning(compute_ema): multiple records found in stavel table with same primary key\n"); dbsv.record = (long) gettbl(matches,0); dbgetv(dbsv,0,"velocity",&velocity,NULL ); } else { /* No matches are found when we end up here. Revert to default and decide to us P or S velocity by hunting backward from the string looking for the first occurence of P or S*/ if(!strcmp(u->phase->name,"Lg")) velocity = DEFAULT_VS; else { name_len = strlen(u->phase->name); velocity = DEFAULT_VS; /* This is the default default */ for(i=name_len-1;i>=0;i--) { cphase = u->phase->name[i]; if(cphase == 'S'){ velocity = DEFAULT_VS; break; } else if(cphase == 'P'){ velocity = DEFAULT_VP; break; } } elog_log(0,"compute_ema: no matching entry found in stavel table for station/phase/vmodel = %s/%s/%s\n" "Reverting to default surface velocity of %f\n", u->array->name,u->phase->name,vmodel,velocity); } freetbl(matches,0); } /* now the actual computation is pretty trivial */ utotal = hypot(ucalc->ux,ucalc->uy); ema = asin(utotal*velocity); return(deg(ema)); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int c, verbose = 0, errflg = 0; char *dbinname=malloc(1024); char *dboutname=malloc(1024); Point *poly; double lat,lon; char *subset_expr=NULL; char *name=malloc(100); long nregions, nvertices; Tbl *sortkeys; Dbptr dbin,dbout,dbi,dbo,dbs; long i,from,to,nv; long vertex; elog_init ( argc, argv ) ; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "s:vV")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 's': subset_expr=optarg; break; case 'v': verbose++ ; break; case 'V': usage (); break; case '?': errflg++; break ; } } if ((errflg) || argc < 3) usage (); dbinname = argv[optind++]; dboutname= argv[optind++]; if (dbopen(dbinname,"r",&dbin)) { elog_die(1,"cannot open database %s",dbinname); } dbi=dblookup(dbin,0,"polygon",0,0); if (subset_expr) { dbi=dbsubset(dbi,subset_expr,NULL); } sortkeys=newtbl(1); pushtbl(sortkeys,"pname"); dbs=dbsort(dbi,sortkeys,0,"sorted"); dbquery(dbs,dbRECORD_COUNT,&nregions); if (nregions <1) { elog_die(0,"table regions seems to be empty (or not present)"); } if (verbose) elog_notify(0,"creating database descriptor %s",dboutname); if (dbcreate(dboutname,"places1.2",0,0,0)) { elog_die(1,"cannot create database %s",dboutname); } dbopen(dboutname,"r+",&dbout); dbo=dblookup(dbout,0,"regions",0,0); for (i=0; i< nregions; i++) { dbs.record=i; dbgetv(dbs,0,"pname",name,NULL ); nvertices=readPolygon(dbs,&poly); for (nv=0;nv < nvertices;nv++) { lat=poly[nv].lat; lon=poly[nv].lon; dbaddv(dbo,0, "regname",name, "vertex",nv, "lat",lat,"lon",lon, NULL ); } free(poly); } dbclose(dbo); /* */ return 0; }
long save_origin(Dbptr dbi, long is, long ie, int depth_fixed, Hypocenter h, Dbptr dbo) { long orid; /* These are parameters copied from input db -- names = css names */ long evid; long jdate; long grn; long srn; char etype[8]; double mb; long mbid; double ms; long msid; double ml; long mlid; /* These obtained from this solution */ long nass; long ndef; char dtype[2]; char algorithm[16]="genloc-nlls"; char auth[20]; double lddate; /* these are intentionally left null: ndp,depdp,commid*/ /* set but obtained directly from hypo structure lat, lon, depth, time */ dbo = dblookup(dbo,0,"origin",0,0); /* Grab what we need from the input db for copying. Note that because the joins used here, each of the input db records have the same origin entries. Thus, we just fetch stuff from row is. */ dbi.record = is; if( dbgetv(dbi,0, "origin.evid", &evid, "origin.jdate", &jdate, "origin.grn", &grn, "origin.srn", &srn, "origin.etype", etype, "origin.mb", &mb, "origin.mbid", &mbid, "", &ms, "origin.msid", &msid, "", &ml, "origin.mlid", &mlid, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_origin: dbgetv error reading origin fields of input view at record %ld\n", is); } nass = ie - is; /* ndef is potentially wrong by this calculation. We set ndef from the number of degrees of freedom in the solution + npar where npar is 3 when depth is fixed and 4 otherwise. This does not match the real definition of ndef, especially when array data are used because each arrival then then has 3 data points used to constrain the solution. These is either an error in my (glp) understanding of the css3.0 schema or a flaw in its design.*/ if(depth_fixed) { ndef = h.degrees_of_freedom + 3; strcpy(dtype,"r"); } else { ndef = h.degrees_of_freedom + 4; strcpy(dtype,"f"); } my_username(auth); lddate = std_now(); orid = dbnextid(dbo,"orid"); if(dbaddv(dbo,0, "lat",, "lon",h.lon, "depth",h.z, "time",h.time, "orid",orid, "evid",evid, "jdate",jdate, "nass",nass, "ndef",ndef, "grn",grn, "srn",srn, "etype",etype, "dtype",dtype, "mb",mb, "mbid",mbid, "ms",ms, "msid",msid, "ml",ml, "mlid",mlid, "algorithm",algorithm, "auth",auth, "lddate",lddate, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_origin: dbaddv error writing orid %ld\n", orid); } return(orid); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *dbin; /* Input db name */ char *dbout; /* output db name */ Dbptr db; /* input db pointer */ Dbptr dbo; /* base output db pointer */ Dbptr dbv; /* set to view formed by join */ char *pfin=NULL; /* input parameter file */ char *sift_exp; /* sift expression for subset */ int sift = 0; /* default is no sift. */ Tbl *sortkeys; Tbl *joinkey1, *joinkey2; /*Pointers to views returned by dbgroup (keyed to origin and event respectively */ Dbptr dborigin_group; Tbl *origin_group; /* relation keys used in grouping*/ long nevents; /* db row variables */ long evid; long nrows, nrows_raw; int useold=0; Pf *pf; Tbl *ta,*tu; Tbl *reason_converged, *residual; Location_options o; Arr *arr_phase; int i; Tbl *converge_history; Hypocenter h0; Hypocenter *hypos; long niterations; char *vmodel; int ret_code; /* ggnloc return code */ double **C; /* covariance matrix*/ float emodel[4]; /* entries for S-P feature */ long nbcs; Arr *badclocks; /* need global setting of this to handle fixed depth solutions*/ int global_fix_depth; C=dmatrix(0,3,0,3); if(argc < 3) usage(); dbin = argv[1]; dbout = argv[2]; for(i=3;i<argc;++i) { if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-pf")) { ++i; if(i>=argc) usage(); pfin = argv[i]; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-sift")) { ++i; if(i>=argc) usage(); sift_exp = argv[i]; sift = 1; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-useold")) useold = 1; else usage(); } /* set default this way*/ if(pfin == NULL) pfin = strdup("relocate"); /* Initialize the error log and write a version notice */ elog_init (argc, argv) ; cbanner("Version $Revision$ $Date$\n", "relocate inputdb outputdb [-pf pf -sift expression -useold]\n", "Gary Pavlis", "Indiana University", "*****@*****.**"); /* Alway join assoc, arrival, and site. We join site to make sure station table is properly dynamic to account for time changes. With this setup, the stations can even move around and this should still work.*/ if(dbopen(dbin,"r",&db) == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"Unable to open input database %s\n",dbin); if(dbopen(dbout,"r+",&dbo) == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"Unable to open output database %s\n",dbout); dbv = dbjoin ( dblookup(db,0,"event",0,0), dblookup(db,0,"origin",0,0), 0,0,0,0,0); if(dbv.table == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"event->origin join failed\n"); dbv = dbjoin ( dbv, dblookup(db,0,"assoc",0,0), 0,0,0,0,0); if(dbv.table == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"event->origin->assoc join failed\n"); dbv = dbjoin ( dbv, dblookup(db,0,"arrival",0,0), 0,0,0,0,0); if(dbv.table == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"event->origin->assoc->arrival join failed\n"); /* We will explicitly set the keys for this join because it was found to fail sometimes */ joinkey1 = newtbl(0); joinkey2 = newtbl(0); pushtbl(joinkey1,"arrival.sta"); pushtbl(joinkey1,"arrival.time"); pushtbl(joinkey2,"sta"); pushtbl(joinkey2,"ondate::offdate"); dbv = dbjoin ( dbv, dblookup(db,0,"site",0,0), &joinkey1,&joinkey2,0,0,0); if(dbv.table == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"event->origin->assoc->arrival->site join failed\n"); /* Subset using sift_key if requested */ if(sift) { dbv = dbsubset(dbv,sift_exp,0); if(dbv.record == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"dbsubset of %s with expression %s failed\n", dbin, sift_exp); } /* This keeps only the prefered origin records intact */ dbv = dbsubset(dbv,"orid == prefor", 0); if(dbv.record == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"Subset to preferred origin records failed\n"); /* First we have to run a unique key sort in the following order to remove redundant picks made on multiple channels. We will issue a warning if the record count changes. */ dbquery(dbv, dbRECORD_COUNT, &nrows_raw); sortkeys = newtbl(0); pushtbl(sortkeys,"evid"); pushtbl(sortkeys,"sta"); pushtbl(sortkeys,"phase"); dbv = dbsort(dbv,sortkeys,UNIQUE,0); dbquery(dbv, dbRECORD_COUNT, &nrows); if(nrows != nrows_raw) elog_complain(0,"Input database has duplicate picks of one or more phases on multiple channels\n\ Which picks will be used here is unpredictable\n\ %ld total picks, %ld unique\nContinuing\n", nrows_raw, nrows); /* This sort is the required one for the grouping that follows*/ sortkeys = newtbl(3); pushtbl(sortkeys,"evid"); pushtbl(sortkeys,"orid"); pushtbl(sortkeys,"arrival.time"); dbv = dbsort(dbv,sortkeys,0,0); if(dbv.record == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"dbsort on evid,orid,arrival.time failed\n"); /* Set up grouping by events */ origin_group = newtbl(0); pushtbl(origin_group, "evid"); dborigin_group = dbgroup(dbv, origin_group, "origin_group",1); if(dborigin_group.record == dbINVALID) elog_die(1,"dbgroup by origin failed\n"); dbquery(dborigin_group,dbRECORD_COUNT,&nevents); elog_notify(0,"Attempting to relocate %ld events in subsetted database\n", nevents); /* DB is now set up correctly, now we turn to the parameter files */ i = pfread(pfin,&pf); if(i != 0) elog_die(1,"Pfread error\n"); o = parse_options_pf (pf); global_fix_depth=o.fix[2]; arr_phase = parse_phase_parameter_file(pf); vmodel = pfget_string(pf,"velocity_model_name"); /* set up minus phase for bad clock problems */ badclocks = newarr(0); if(db_badclock_definition(db,pf,badclocks)) elog_complain(0,"Warning: problems in database definitions of bad clock time periods\n"); pfget_badclocks(pf,badclocks); nbcs = cntarr(badclocks); if(nbcs>0) fprintf(stdout,"relocate: bad clock feature enabled\n\n"); /* Change by JN to output evid and orid. */ /* fprintf(stdout,"lat lon depth time rms wrms interquartile ndata ndgf iterations\n"); */ fprintf(stdout,"evid orid lat lon depth time rms wrms interquartile ndata ndgf iterations\n"); /* Main loop. We utilize the group views and loop through by events */ for(dborigin_group.record=0; dborigin_group.record< nevents;++dborigin_group.record) { Dbptr db_bundle; /* db pointer returned from bundle field of dborigin_group for current event */ Arr *station_table; Arr *array_table; long is, ie; long orid; /* orid assigned relocated event in output db */ if(dbgetv(dborigin_group,0,"evid", &evid, "bundle", &db_bundle,NULL ) == dbINVALID) elog_complain(1,"dbgetv error for row %ld of event group\n", dborigin_group.record); dbget_range(db_bundle,&is,&ie); station_table = dbload_station_table(dbv, is,ie,pf); array_table = dbload_array_table(dbv, is,ie,pf); ta = dbload_arrival_table(dbv, is,ie,station_table, arr_phase); tu = dbload_slowness_table(dbv, is,ie,array_table, arr_phase); /* this actually sets up the minus phase feature for bad clocks*/ if(nbcs) { if(minus_phases_arrival_edit(ta,arr_phase,badclocks)) elog_complain(0,"Warning(relocate): problems in minus_phase_arrival_edit function\n"); } if(useold) { char dtype[2]; h0 = db_load_initial(dbv,is); /* keep fixed depth if done before. setting dbv.record here is a bit of a potential maintenance problem */ dbv.record=is; dbgetv(dbv,0,"dtype",dtype,NULL ); if( (!strcmp(dtype,"g")) || (!strcmp(dtype,"r")) ) o.fix[2]=1; } else h0 = initial_locate(ta, tu, o, pf); ret_code = ggnloc(h0,ta,tu,o, &converge_history,&reason_converged,&residual); if(ret_code < 0) { elog_complain(1,"ggnloc failed to produce a solution\n"); } else { if(ret_code > 0) elog_complain(1,"%d travel time calculator failures in ggnloc\nSolution ok\n", ret_code); niterations = maxtbl(converge_history); hypos = (Hypocenter *)gettbl(converge_history, niterations-1); predicted_errors(*hypos,ta,tu,o,C,emodel); /* Next 3 calls changed by JN to output evid, orid and number_data */ orid = save_origin(dbv,is,ie,o.fix[3],*hypos,dbo); evid = save_event(dbv,is,ie,orid,dbo); fprintf(stdout,"%ld %ld %lf %lf %lf %lf %g %g %g %d %d %ld\n", evid, orid, hypos->lat,hypos->lon,hypos->z,hypos->time, hypos->rms_raw, hypos->rms_weighted, hypos->interquartile, hypos->number_data, hypos->degrees_of_freedom, niterations); save_origerr(orid,*hypos,C,dbo); save_assoc(dbv,is,ie,orid,vmodel,residual,*hypos,dbo); /* These save genloc add on tables */ save_emodel(orid,emodel,dbo); save_predarr(dbo,ta,tu,*hypos,orid,vmodel); } o.fix[2]=global_fix_depth; if(maxtbl(converge_history)>0)freetbl(converge_history,free); if(maxtbl(reason_converged)>0)freetbl(reason_converged,free); if(maxtbl(residual)>0)freetbl(residual,free); destroy_data_tables(tu, ta); destroy_network_geometry_tables(station_table,array_table); } return(0); }
void save_assoc(Dbptr dbi, long is, long ie, long orid, char *vmodel, Tbl *residual,Hypocenter h, Dbptr dbo) { /* These fields are copied from input assoc table */ long arid; char sta[8]; char phase[10]; double belief; /* These fields are set here */ double delta; double seaz; double esaz; double timeres; double azres; double slores; double lddate; double wgt; char timedef[2],slodef[2], azdef[2]; /* intentionally ignored: emares, commid */ /* passed through arg list; orid*/ /* We use this to produce a keyed arr list of the residual list passed into here as a Tbl */ Arr *residual_array; long i; char key[40]; double r, w, reswt,uxresid, uyresid; double stalat, stalon; double ux, uy, azimuth; double u,phi; /* polar form of measured slowness vector */ double duphi; dbo = dblookup(dbo,0,"assoc",0,0); lddate = std_now(); /* We build an associate array for the residual tbl keying each entry with a sta/phase/type key where type is set in ggnloc as time, ux, or uy. This complication is needed to sort out array residuals. */ residual_array = newarr(0); for(i=0;i<maxtbl(residual);++i) { char *s; char keysta[10], keyphase[10], keytype[5]; s = (char *)gettbl(residual,i); sscanf(s,"%s %s %s",keysta,keyphase,keytype); /* handle S-P case by having the same residual mapped to each half of - phase pair */ if(strchr(keyphase,'-')) { char *phase1,*phase2; /* algorithm to split phase names cloned from dbgenloc */ phase1 = strdup(keyphase); phase2= strchr(phase1,'-'); *phase2 = '\0'; ++phase2; sprintf(key,"%s %s %s",keysta,phase1,keytype); setarr(residual_array,key,s); sprintf(key,"%s %s %s",keysta,phase2,keytype); setarr(residual_array,key,s); free(phase1); } else { /* normal phases are one to one */ sprintf(key,"%s %s %s",keysta,keyphase,keytype); setarr(residual_array,key,s); } } for(dbi.record=is;dbi.record < ie;++dbi.record) { char *time_residual_record; char *ux_residual_record,*uy_residual_record; if( dbgetv(dbi,0, "assoc.arid",&arid, "assoc.sta",sta, "assoc.phase",phase, "assoc.belief",&belief, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_assoc: dbgetv error reading assoc fields of input view at record %ld\n", dbi.record); } if( dbgetv(dbi,0, "",&stalat, "site.lon",&stalon, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_assoc: dbgetv error reading site fields of input view at record %ld\n", dbi.record); } /* Find the time residual record for this arrival */ sprintf(key,"%s %s time",sta,phase); time_residual_record = (char *)getarr(residual_array,key); if(time_residual_record == NULL) { elog_complain(1,"save_assoc: getarr mismatch for key %s\nCannot set residual\n",key); timeres = TIMENULL; wgt = 0.0; strcpy(timedef,"n"); } else { /* Changed by JN to avoid gcc warning */ /* sscanf(time_residual_record,"%*s%*s%*s%*lg%lg%lg%lg", */ sscanf(time_residual_record,"%*s%*s%*s%*g%lg%lg%lg", &r,&w,&reswt); timeres = r; wgt = w*reswt; strcpy(timedef,"d"); } sprintf(key,"%s %s ux",sta,phase); ux_residual_record = (char *)getarr(residual_array,key); sprintf(key,"%s %s uy",sta,phase); uy_residual_record = (char *)getarr(residual_array,key); /* Corrected by JN if( (ux_residual_record == NULL) || (ux_residual_record == NULL)) */ if( (ux_residual_record == NULL) || (uy_residual_record == NULL)) { /* This trick is not documented. By setting the record filed to dbNULL, and then calling dbgetv each of the fields will be set to their NULL value */ dbo.record = dbNULL; dbgetv(dbo,0,"azres",&azres,"slores",&slores,NULL ); strcpy(azdef,"n"); strcpy(slodef,"n"); } else { /* This gets nasty because we have to convert to polar coordinates from ux, uy components */ sscanf(ux_residual_record,"%*s%*s%*s%*g%lg",&uxresid); sscanf(uy_residual_record,"%*s%*s%*s%*g%lg",&uyresid); /* We fetch the measured slowness vector to convert */ if( dbgetv(dbi,0, "arrival.slow",&u, "arrival.azimuth",&phi, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_assoc: dbgetv error reading arrival fields of input view at record %ld\n", dbi.record); } /* css stores slowness in s/deg, but we use s/km internally here so we have to convert */ slores = sqrt(uxresid*uxresid+uyresid*uyresid); slores *= KMPERDEG; /* this is the azimuth term */ u /= KMPERDEG; duphi = ux*cos(rad(azimuth)) - uy*sin(rad(azimuth)); duphi /= u; azres = deg(duphi); strcpy(azdef,"d"); strcpy(slodef,"d"); } dist(rad(,rad(h.lon),rad(stalat),rad(stalon), &delta,&esaz); dist(rad(stalat),rad(stalon),rad(,rad(h.lon), &delta,&seaz); delta = deg(delta); seaz = deg(seaz); esaz = deg(esaz); if(dbaddv(dbo,0, "arid",arid, "orid",orid, "sta",sta, "phase",phase, "belief",belief, "delta",delta, "seaz",seaz, "esaz",esaz, "timeres",timeres, "timedef",timedef, "azres",azres, "azdef",azdef, "slores",slores, "slodef",slodef, "wgt",wgt, "vmodel",vmodel, "lddate",lddate, NULL ) == dbINVALID) { elog_die(1,"save_assoc: dbaddv error writing assoc record for arid %ld\n", arid); } } freearr(residual_array,0); }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int c; int errflag = 0; int orb; int stop = 0; long nrecs; char *match = ".*/pf/st"; char *from = 0; char *statefile = 0; char *pfname = "orb2rrdc"; char *orbname; char *dbcache; char *rrdtool; char command[STRSZ]; char net[STRSZ]; char sta[STRSZ]; char rrdvar[STRSZ]; char key[STRSZ]; char path[FILENAME_MAX]; Dbptr db; Dbptr dbt; Pf *pf; char *Default_network; Tbl *dlslines; Arr *Dls_vars_dsparams; Arr *Dls_vars_rras; Tbl *Dls_vars_keys; char *line; char *dls_var; char *dsparams; Tbl *rras; int i; int j; OrbreapThr *ort; int pktid; char srcname[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE]; double time = 0; char *packet = 0; int nbytes = 0; int bufsize = 0; Packet *pkt = 0; int rc; char *s; Pf *dlspf; Tbl *dlspfkeys; char *element; Tbl *parts; double val; Pf *pfval = 0; elog_init( argc, argv ); while( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "vVd:s:p:m:f:" ) ) != -1 ) { switch( c ) { case 'd': CacheDaemon = optarg; break; case 'f': from = optarg; break; case 'm': match = optarg; break; case 'p': pfname = optarg; break; case 's': statefile = optarg; break; case 'v': Verbose++; break; case 'V': VeryVerbose++; Verbose++; break; default: elog_complain( 0, "Unknown option '%c'\n", c ); errflag++; break; } } if( errflag || argc - optind != 2 ) { usage(); } if( Verbose ) { elog_notify( 0, "Starting at %s (%s $Revision$ $Date$)\n", zepoch2str( str2epoch( "now" ), "%D %T %Z", "" ), Program_Name ); } orbname = argv[optind++]; dbcache = argv[optind++]; pfread( pfname, &pf ); rrdtool = pfget_string( pf, "rrdtool" ); if( rrdtool == NULL || ! strcmp( rrdtool, "" ) ) { elog_die( 0, "Error: no rrdtool executable name specified in parameter file\n" ); } else if( ( rrdtool[0] == '/' && ! is_present( rrdtool ) ) || ( rrdtool[0] != '/' && ! datafile( "PATH", rrdtool ) ) ) { elog_die( 0, "Error: can't find rrdtool executable by name of '%s' (check PATH environment " "variable, or absolute path name if given)\n", rrdtool ); } else if( rrdtool[0] == '/' ) { sprintf( command, "%s -", rrdtool ); } else { sprintf( command, "rrdtool -" ); } Suppress_egrep = pfget_string( pf, "suppress_egrep" ); if( Suppress_egrep != NULL && strcmp( Suppress_egrep, "" ) ) { if( ! datafile( "PATH", "egrep" ) ) { elog_complain( 0, "Ignoring suppress_egrep parameter: can't find egrep on path\n" ); } else { sprintf( command, "%s 2>&1 | egrep -v '%s'", command, Suppress_egrep ); } } if( VeryVerbose ) { elog_notify( 0, "Executing command: %s\n", command ); } Rrdfp = popen( command, "w" ); if( Rrdfp == (FILE *) NULL ) { elog_die( 0, "Failed to open socket to rrdtool command\n" ); } orb = orbopen( orbname, "r&" ); if( orb < 0 ) { elog_die( 0, "Failed to open orb '%s' for reading. Bye.\n", orbname ); } orbselect( orb, match ); if( from != NULL && statefile == NULL ) { pktid = orbposition( orb, from ); if( Verbose ) { elog_notify( 0, "Positioned to packet %d\n", pktid ); } } else if( from != NULL ) { elog_complain( 0, "Ignoring -f in favor of existing state file\n" ); } if( statefile != NULL ) { stop = 0; exhume( statefile, &stop, 15, 0 ); orbresurrect( orb, &pktid, &time ); if( Verbose ) { elog_notify( 0, "Resurrecting state to pktid %d, time %s\n", pktid, s = strtime( time ) ); free( s ); } orbseek( orb, pktid ); } dbopen( dbcache, "r+", &db ); if( db.database < 0 ) { elog_die( 0, "Failed to open cache database '%s'. Bye.\n", dbcache ); } else { db = dblookup( db, "", "rrdcache", "", "" ); if( db.table < 0 ) { elog_die( 0, "Failed to lookup 'rrdcache' table in '%s'. Bye.\n", dbcache ); } } dbcrunch( db ); dbt = dbsubset( db, "endtime == NULL", NULL ); Rrd_files = newarr( 0 ); dbquery( dbt, dbRECORD_COUNT, &nrecs ); for( dbt.record = 0; dbt.record < nrecs; dbt.record++ ) { dbgetv( dbt, 0, "net", &net, "sta", &sta, "rrdvar", &rrdvar, NULL ); dbfilename( dbt, (char *) &path ); sprintf( key, "%s:%s:%s", net, sta, rrdvar ); if( ! is_present( path ) ) { elog_complain( 0, "WARNING: rrd file '%s', listed in database, does not exist. " "Removing database entry.\n", path ); dbmark( dbt ); } else { setarr( Rrd_files, key, strdup( path ) ); if( VeryVerbose ) { elog_notify( 0, "Re-using rrd file '%s' for '%s'\n", path, key ); } } } Rrdfile_pattern = pfget_string( pf, "rrdfile_pattern" ); Status_stepsize_sec = pfget_double( pf, "status_stepsize_sec" ); Default_network = pfget_string( pf, "default_network" ); dlslines = pfget_tbl( pf, "dls_vars" ); Dls_vars_dsparams = newarr( 0 ); Dls_vars_rras = newarr( 0 ); for( i = 0; i < maxtbl( dlslines ); i++ ) { line = gettbl( dlslines, i ); strtr( line, "\t", " " ); rras = split( line, ' ' ); dls_var = shifttbl( rras ); dsparams = shifttbl( rras ); setarr( Dls_vars_dsparams, dls_var, dsparams ); setarr( Dls_vars_rras, dls_var, rras ); } ort = orbreapthr_new( orb, -1., 0 ); for( ; stop == 0; ) { orbreapthr_get( ort, &pktid, srcname, &time, &packet, &nbytes, &bufsize ); if( statefile ) { rc = bury(); if( rc < 0 ) { elog_complain( 0, "Unexpected failure of bury command! " "(are there two orb2rrdc's running with the same state" "file?)\n" ); clear_register( 1 ); } } rc = unstuffPkt( srcname, time, packet, nbytes, &pkt ); if( rc == Pkt_pf ) { if( VeryVerbose ) { /* Parameter files generally too big for elog */ fprintf( stderr, "Received a parameter-file '%s' at %s\n%s\n\n", srcname, s = strtime( time ), pf2string( pkt->pf ) ); free( s ); } else if( Verbose ) { elog_notify( 0, "Received a parameter-file '%s' at %s\n", srcname, s = strtime( time ) ); free( s ); } pfmorph( pkt->pf ); if( VeryVerbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "Morphed parameter-file '%s' to interpret 'opt':\n%s\n\n", srcname, pf2string( pkt->pf ) ); } pfget( pkt->pf, "dls", (void **) &dlspf ); dlspfkeys = pfkeys( dlspf ); Dls_vars_keys = keysarr( Dls_vars_dsparams ); for( i = 0; i < maxtbl( dlspfkeys ); i++ ) { element = gettbl( dlspfkeys, i ); if( strcontains( element, "_", 0, 0, 0 ) ) { parts = split( (s = strdup( element )), '_' ); sprintf( net, "%s", (char *) gettbl( parts, 0 ) ); sprintf( sta, "%s", (char *) gettbl( parts, 1 ) ); free( s ); freetbl( parts, 0 ); } else { sprintf( net, "%s", Default_network ); sprintf( sta, "%s", element ); } for( j = 0; j < maxtbl( Dls_vars_keys ); j++ ) { dls_var = gettbl( Dls_vars_keys, j ); sprintf( key, "%s{%s}", element, dls_var ); if( pfresolve( dlspf, key, 0, &pfval ) < 0 ) { elog_complain( 0, "Unable to extract variable '%s' " "(not present or wrong type) from element '%s' " "in packet from '%s', timestamped '%s'; Skipping\n", key, element, srcname, s = strtime( time ) ); free( s ); pfval = 0; continue; } else if( pfval != (Pf *) NULL && pfval->value.s != (char *) NULL && ! strcmp( pfval->value.s, "-" ) ) { if( VeryVerbose ) { elog_notify( 0, "Non-floating point value '-' in variable '%s', " "in packet from '%s', timestamped '%s'; Skipping data point\n", key, srcname, s = strtime( time ) ); free( s ); } continue; } else { val = pfget_double( dlspf, key ); } archive_dlsvar( db, net, sta, dls_var, (char *) getarr( Dls_vars_dsparams, dls_var ), (Tbl *) getarr( Dls_vars_rras, dls_var ), time, val ); } } freetbl( dlspfkeys, 0 ); freetbl( Dls_vars_keys, 0 ); } else if( rc == Pkt_stash ) { ; /* Do nothing */ } else { if( Verbose ) { elog_notify( 0, "Received a packet that's not a parameter file " "(type '%d' from unstuffPkt); skipping\n", rc ); } } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Dbptr db; char *dbname; Pf *pf; char *progname="Xphase2db"; char line[1024]; int year,jday,hour,min; double sec; double twin,deltim; int other1,other2,pol; char fname[512]; char tstring[100]; double time; char *seperators; /* holds seperators passed to strtok*/ int ista,ichan; /* token positions of station and channel strings */ char *phase; char *fm,*up="uc",*down="dr"; char *token; char *sta,*chan; int i,j; if(argc < 2) die(0,"usage: %s dbout [-phase x]\n",progname); if(argc == 4) { if(!strcmp(argv[2],"-phase")) die(0,"usage: %s dbout [-phase x]\n",progname); phase = argv[3]; } else phase = strdup("P"); dbname = argv[1]; if(pfread(progname,&pf)) die(0,"Failure reading parameter file\n", progname); if(dbopen(dbname,"r+",&db) == dbINVALID) die(0,"dbopen failure for database %s\n",dbname); db = dblookup(db,0,"arrival",0,0); seperators = pfget_string(pf,"seperators"); if(seperators == NULL) die(0,"required parameter separators no in parameter file\n"); ista = pfget_int(pf,"station_token_number"); ichan = pfget_int(pf,"chan_token_number"); while( fgets(line,1024,stdin) != NULL) { sscanf(line,"%d%d%d%d%lf%d%lf%lf%d%d%s", &year,&jday,&hour,&min, &sec,&other1,&twin,&deltim,&other2,&pol,fname); if(pol<0) fm = down; else fm = up; sprintf(tstring,"%4d%3d:%2d:%2d:%7.4lf",year,jday,hour,min,sec); /* There is a way to avoid this in formats for sprintf, but I'll be damned if I can find it. Easier to do by brute force*/ for(j=0;j<strlen(tstring);++j) if(tstring[j]==' ')tstring[j]='0'; time = str2epoch(tstring); token = strtok(fname,seperators); i=1; while(token != NULL) { if(i == ista) sta = token; if(i == ichan) chan = token; ++i; token = strtok(NULL,seperators); } dbaddv(db,0, "sta",sta, "chan",chan, "time",time, "deltim",deltim, "iphase",phase, "fm",fm, "auth","Xphase", 0); } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int c, verbose = 0, errflg = 0; char *dbinname=malloc(1024); char *dboutname=malloc(1024); Point *poly; double lat,lon; char *auth=strdup("regions2polygon"); char *ptype= strdup("rp"); char *dir=strdup("."); char *dfile=strdup("polygons"); int ftype=polyFLOAT; char *name; int nregions, nvertices; Tbl *sortkeys, *groupkeys; Dbptr dbin,dbout,dbi,dbo,dbg,dbb; int i,from,to,nv; int vertex; elog_init ( argc, argv ) ; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "vV")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'v': verbose++ ; break; case 'V': usage (); break; case '?': errflg++; break ; } } if ((errflg) || argc < 3) usage (); dbinname = argv[optind++]; dboutname= argv[optind++]; if (dbopen(dbinname,"r",&dbin)) { elog_die(1,"cannot open database %s",dbinname); } dbi=dblookup(dbin,0,"regions",0,0); sortkeys=newtbl(2); pushtbl(sortkeys,"regname"); pushtbl(sortkeys,"vertex"); groupkeys=newtbl(1); pushtbl(groupkeys,"regname"); dbi=dbsort(dbi,sortkeys,0,"regions.sorted"); dbg=dbgroup(dbi,groupkeys,0,0); dbquery(dbg,dbRECORD_COUNT,&nregions); if (nregions <1) { elog_die(0,"table regions seems to be empty (or not present)"); } if (verbose) elog_notify(0,"creating database descriptor %s",dboutname); if (dbcreate(dboutname,"polygon1.2",0,0,0)) { elog_die(1,"cannot create database %s",dboutname); } dbopen(dboutname,"r+",&dbout); dbo=dblookup(dbout,0,"polygon",0,0); for (i=0; i< nregions; i++) { dbg.record=i; dbgetv(dbg,0,"regname",name,"bundle",&dbb,0); dbget_range(dbb,&from,&to); nvertices= to - from; if (verbose) elog_notify(0,"%s (%i nvertices)",name,nvertices); poly=malloc(2 * nvertices * sizeof(double)); nv=0; for (dbi.record=from; dbi.record<to; dbi.record++) { dbgetv(dbi,0, "regname",name, "vertex",&vertex, "lat",&lat,"lon",&lon, 0); poly[nv].lat=lat; poly[nv].lon=lon; nv++; } writePolygonData(dbo,poly,nv,name,1,0,ptype,auth,dir,dfile,ftype); free(poly); } /* */ return 0; }
int grdb_sc_loadcss (Dbptr dbin, char *net_expr, char *sta_expr, char *chan_expr, double tstart, double tend, int coords, int ir, int orient, Dbptr *dbscgr, Dbptr *dbsc) { Dbptr dbout, db, dbout2; char string[1024]; char string2[1024]; char sta_wfdisc[32], chan_wfdisc[32]; int i, j, n, sensor=0, ok; Tbl *pat1, *pat2; Tbl *sortfields, *groupfields; FILE *file; Response *resp; int is_view=0; Dbptr db_to_clear; /* Subset the wfdisc by station-channel-time sifters. */ dbout = dblookup (dbin, 0, "wfdisc", 0, 0); strcpy (string, ""); if (sta_expr) { strcpy (string, "( "); sprintf (string2, "sta =~ /%s/", sta_expr); strcat (string, string2); } if (chan_expr) { if (string[0]) strcat (string, " && "); else strcpy (string, "( "); sprintf (string2, "chan =~ /%s/", chan_expr); strcat (string, string2); } if (tstart != 0.0 || tend != 0.0) { if (string[0]) strcat (string, " && "); else strcpy (string, "( "); sprintf (string2, "(time < %.5f && endtime > %.5f)", tend, tstart); strcat (string, string2); } if (string[0]) { strcat (string, " )"); dbout = dbsubset (dbout, string, 0); is_view=1; } dbquery (dbout, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n); if (n < 1) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: No wfdisc rows to process.\n"); return (-1); } /* Make the necessary joins and check for completeness. */ if (coords) { db = dblookup (dbin, 0, "site", 0, 0); if(is_view)db_to_clear=dbout; dbout = dbjoin (dbout, db, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if(is_view) dbfree(db_to_clear); is_view=1; dbquery (dbout, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n); if (n < 1) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: No data rows to process.\n"); return (-1); } for (dbout.record=0; dbout.record<n; dbout.record++) { if (dbgetv (dbout, 0, "wfdisc.sta", sta_wfdisc, "wfdisc.chan", chan_wfdisc, "site.sta", string, 0) == dbINVALID) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: dbgetv() error while checking site.\n"); return (-1); } if (coords > 1 && strcmp(string, sta_wfdisc)) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: Cannot find site parameters for %s %s.\n", sta_wfdisc, chan_wfdisc); return (-1); } } } if (ir) { db = dblookup (dbin, 0, "sensor", 0, 0); if(is_view)db_to_clear=dbout; dbout = dbjoin (dbout, db, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if(is_view) dbfree(db_to_clear); is_view=1; dbquery (dbout, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n); if (n < 1) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: No data rows to process.\n"); return (-1); } for (dbout.record=0; dbout.record<n; dbout.record++) { if (dbgetv (dbout, 0, "wfdisc.sta", sta_wfdisc, "wfdisc.chan", chan_wfdisc, "sensor.sta", string, 0) == dbINVALID) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: dbgetv() error while checking sensor.\n"); return (-1); } if (ir > 1 && strcmp(string, sta_wfdisc)) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: Cannot find sensor parameters for %s %s.\n", sta_wfdisc, chan_wfdisc); return (-1); } } sensor = 1; if(is_view)db_to_clear=dbout; db = dblookup (dbin, 0, "instrument", 0, 0); dbout = dbjoin (dbout, db, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if(is_view) dbfree(db_to_clear); is_view=1; dbquery (dbout, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n); if (n < 1) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: No data rows to process.\n"); return (-1); } for (dbout.record=0; dbout.record<n; dbout.record++) { if (dbgetv (dbout, 0, "wfdisc.sta", sta_wfdisc, "wfdisc.chan", chan_wfdisc, "sensor.inid", &j, "instrument.insname", string2, "instrument.inid", &i, 0) == dbINVALID) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: dbgetv() error while checking instrument.\n"); return (-1); } if (ir > 1 && (i != j)) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: Cannot find instrument parameters for %s %s.\n", sta_wfdisc, chan_wfdisc); return (-1); } if (i >= 0) { if (resp_arr == NULL) { resp_arr = newarr (0); if (resp_arr == NULL) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: newarr() error.\n"); return (-1); } } dbextfile (dbout, "instrument", string); resp = (Response *) getarr (resp_arr, string); if (resp == NULL) { file = fopen (string, "r"); if (file == NULL) { if (ir > 1) { register_error (1, "grdb_sc_loadcss: fopen('%s') error.\n", string); return (-1); } } else { if (read_response (file, &resp)) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: read_response('%s') error.\n", string); return (-1); } fclose (file); resp->insname = strdup(string2); } setarr (resp_arr, string, resp); } } } } if (orient) { ok = 1; if(is_view)db_to_clear=dbout; db = dblookup (dbin, 0, "sitechan", 0, 0); dbout2 = dbjoin (dbout, db, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); is_view=1; dbquery (dbout2, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n); if (n < 1) { ok = 0; } else { for (dbout2.record=0; dbout2.record<n; dbout2.record++) { dbgetv (dbout2, 0, "wfdisc.sta", sta_wfdisc, "wfdisc.chan", chan_wfdisc, "sitechan.sta", string, 0); if (strcmp(string, sta_wfdisc)) { ok = 0; break; } } } if (ok) { dbout = dbout2; if(is_view) dbfree(db_to_clear); } else { if (!sensor) { db = dblookup (dbin, 0, "sensor", 0, 0); if(is_view)db_to_clear=dbout; dbout = dbjoin (dbout, db, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if(is_view) { dbfree(dbout2); dbfree(db_to_clear); } is_view=1; dbquery (dbout, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n); if (n < 1) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: No data rows to process.\n"); return (-1); } for (dbout.record=0; dbout.record<n; dbout.record++) { if (dbgetv (dbout, 0, "wfdisc.sta", sta_wfdisc, "wfdisc.chan", chan_wfdisc, "sensor.sta", string, 0) == dbINVALID) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: dbgetv() error while checking sensor.\n"); return (-1); } if (orient > 1 && strcmp(string, sta_wfdisc)) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: Cannot find sensor parameters for %s %s.\n", sta_wfdisc, chan_wfdisc); return (-1); } } } db = dblookup (dbin, 0, "sitechan", 0, 0); pat1 = newtbl(1); if (pat1 == NULL) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: newtbl() error.\n"); return (-1); } pat2 = newtbl(1); if (pat2 == NULL) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: newtbl() error.\n"); return (-1); } if(is_view)db_to_clear=dbout; settbl (pat1, 0, strdup("sensor.chanid")); settbl (pat2, 0, strdup("sitechan.chanid")); dbout = dbjoin (dbout, db, &pat1, &pat2, 1, 0, 0); if(is_view) dbfree(db_to_clear); is_view=1; freetbl (pat1, free); freetbl (pat2, free); dbquery (dbout, dbRECORD_COUNT, &n); if (n < 1) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: No data rows to process.\n"); return (-1); } else { for (dbout.record=0; dbout.record<n; dbout.record++) { if (dbgetv (dbout, 0, "wfdisc.sta", sta_wfdisc, "wfdisc.chan", chan_wfdisc, "sitechan.sta", string, 0) == dbINVALID) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: dbgetv() error while checking sitechan.\n"); return (-1); } if (orient > 1 && strcmp(string, sta_wfdisc)) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: Cannot find sitechan parameters for %s %s.\n", sta_wfdisc, chan_wfdisc); return (-1); } } } } } /* Sort and group the output view. */ if(is_view)db_to_clear=dbout; sortfields = newtbl (3); if (sortfields == NULL) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: newtbl() error.\n"); return (-1); } settbl (sortfields, 0, strdup("wfdisc.sta")); settbl (sortfields, 1, strdup("wfdisc.chan")); settbl (sortfields, 2, strdup("wfdisc.time")); *dbsc = dbsort (dbout, sortfields, 0, 0); if(is_view) dbfree(db_to_clear); groupfields = newtbl (2); if (groupfields == NULL) { register_error (0, "grdb_sc_loadcss: newtbl() error.\n"); return (-1); } settbl (groupfields, 0, strdup("sta")); settbl (groupfields, 1, strdup("chan")); *dbscgr = dbgroup (*dbsc, groupfields, 0, 1); freetbl (sortfields, free); freetbl (groupfields, free); /* Normal exit */ return (0); }