int decode_block(const char* code_in, const int length_in, char* plaintext_out, decodestate* state_in) { const char* codechar = code_in; char* plainchar = plaintext_out; char fragment; *plainchar = state_in->plainchar; switch (state_in->step) { while (1) { case step_a: do { if (codechar == code_in + length_in) { state_in->step = step_a; state_in->plainchar = *plainchar; return plainchar - plaintext_out; } fragment = (char)decode_value(*codechar++); } while (fragment < 0); *plainchar = (fragment & 0x03f) << 2; case step_b: do { if (codechar == code_in + length_in) { state_in->step = step_b; state_in->plainchar = *plainchar; return plainchar - plaintext_out; } fragment = (char)decode_value(*codechar++); } while (fragment < 0); *plainchar++ |= (fragment & 0x030) >> 4; *plainchar = (fragment & 0x00f) << 4; case step_c: do { if (codechar == code_in + length_in) { state_in->step = step_c; state_in->plainchar = *plainchar; return plainchar - plaintext_out; } fragment = (char)decode_value(*codechar++); } while (fragment < 0); *plainchar++ |= (fragment & 0x03c) >> 2; *plainchar = (fragment & 0x003) << 6; case step_d: do { if (codechar == code_in + length_in) { state_in->step = step_d; state_in->plainchar = *plainchar; return plainchar - plaintext_out; } fragment = (char)decode_value(*codechar++); } while (fragment < 0); *plainchar++ |= (fragment & 0x03f); } } /* control should not reach here */ return plainchar - plaintext_out; }
void Ardb::PrintDB(const DBID& db) { Slice empty; KeyObject start(empty, KV, db); Iterator* iter = FindValue(start); while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, NULL); if (kk->db != db) { DELETE(kk); break; } ValueObject v; Buffer readbuf(const_cast<char*>(iter->Value().data()), 0, iter->Value().size()); decode_value(readbuf, v, false); if (NULL != kk) { std::string str; DEBUG_LOG("[%d]Key=%s, Value=%s", kk->type, kk->, v.ToString(str).c_str()); } DELETE(kk); iter->Next(); } DELETE(iter); }
NetGameEvent NetGameNetworkData::decode_event(const DataBuffer &data) { const unsigned char *d = data.get_data<unsigned char>(); unsigned int length = data.get_size(); if (length < 3) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); unsigned int name_length = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(d); if (length < 2 + name_length + 1) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); std::string name = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(d + 2), name_length); NetGameEvent e(name); unsigned int pos = 2 + name_length; while (true) { if (pos >= length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); unsigned char type = d[pos++]; if (type == 0) break; e.add_argument(decode_value(type, d, length, pos)); } return e; }
void Ardb::Walk(WalkHandler* handler) { KeyObject start(Slice(), KV, 0); Iterator* iter = FindValue(start); uint32 cursor = 0; while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, NULL); if (NULL == kk) { break; } ValueObject v; Buffer readbuf(const_cast<char*>(iter->Value().data()), 0, iter->Value().size()); decode_value(readbuf, v, false); int ret = handler->OnKeyValue(kk, &v, cursor++); DELETE(kk); if (ret < 0) { break; } iter->Next(); } DELETE(iter); }
bool TupleIterator::next() { if (next_ == end_) { return false; } current_ = next_++; position_ = decode_value(position_); return true; }
bool CollectionIterator::next() { if (index_ + 1 >= count_) { return false; } ++index_; position_ = decode_value(position_); return true; }
void Ardb::Walk(KeyObject& key, bool reverse, WalkHandler* handler) { bool isFirstElement = true; Iterator* iter = FindValue(key); if (NULL != iter && !iter->Valid() && reverse) { iter->SeekToLast(); isFirstElement = false; } uint32 cursor = 0; while (NULL != iter && iter->Valid()) { Slice tmpkey = iter->Key(); KeyObject* kk = decode_key(tmpkey, &key); if (NULL == kk || kk->type != key.type || kk-> != 0) { DELETE(kk); if (reverse && isFirstElement) { iter->Prev(); isFirstElement = false; continue; } break; } ValueObject v; Buffer readbuf(const_cast<char*>(iter->Value().data()), 0, iter->Value().size()); decode_value(readbuf, v, false); int ret = handler->OnKeyValue(kk, &v, cursor++); DELETE(kk); if (ret < 0) { break; } if (reverse) { iter->Prev(); } else { iter->Next(); } } DELETE(iter); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) { int text = 0; int background = 0; int height = 50; int width = 0; int x = 0, y = 0; int size = 30; int string_rectangle[8]; double angle = 0.0; char value[255] = ""; char font[256] = "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf"; char *err = NULL; gdImagePtr im_out = NULL; decode_value("TEXT=", value, 255); // call gdImageStringFT with NULL image to obtain size err = gdImageStringFT(NULL, &string_rectangle[0], 0, font, size, angle, 0, 0, value); x = string_rectangle[2] - string_rectangle[6] + 6; y = string_rectangle[3] - string_rectangle[7] + 6; /* width = strlen(value) * 10 + 5; */ /* im_out = gdImageCreate(width, height); */ im_out = gdImageCreate(x, y); background = gdImageColorAllocate(im_out, 255, 0, 255); text = gdImageColorAllocate(im_out, 0, 0, 255); /* get starting position */ x = 3 - string_rectangle[6]; y = 3 - string_rectangle[7]; gdImageFilledRectangle(im_out, 0, 0, x - 1, y - 1, background); /* gdImageString(im_out, gdFontGetSmall(), 10, 10, value, text); */ err = gdImageStringFT(im_out, &string_rectangle[0], text, font, size, angle, x, y, value); printf("Content-type:image/gif\n\n"); gdImageGif(im_out, stdout); gdImageDestroy(im_out); return 0; }
void dcf2time(void) { if (signal_iter == 60) { time.seconds = 0; // Assume time signal is good only if all parities are correct if (check_parity(21, 27, 28) && check_parity(29, 34, 35) && check_parity(36, 57, 58)) { time.minutes = decode_value(21, 27); time.hours = decode_value(29, 34); = decode_value(36, 41); time.dow = decode_value(42, 44); time.month = decode_value(45, 49); time.year = decode_value(50, 57); time_valid = true; } } }
/** Decode DHCP option * * @param[in] ctx context to alloc new attributes in. * @param[in,out] cursor Where to write the decoded options. * @param[in] dict to lookup attributes in. * @param[in] data to parse. * @param[in] data_len of data to parse. * @param[in] decoder_ctx Unused. */ ssize_t fr_dhcpv4_decode_option(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_cursor_t *cursor, fr_dict_t const *dict, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len, UNUSED void *decoder_ctx) { ssize_t ret; uint8_t const *p = data; fr_dict_attr_t const *child; fr_dict_attr_t const *parent; FR_PROTO_TRACE("%s called to parse %zu byte(s)", __FUNCTION__, data_len); if (data_len == 0) return 0; FR_PROTO_HEX_DUMP(data, data_len, NULL); parent = fr_dict_root(dict); /* * Padding / End of options */ if (p[0] == 0) return 1; /* 0x00 - Padding option */ if (p[0] == 255) { /* 0xff - End of options signifier */ size_t i; for (i = 1; i < data_len; i++) { if (p[i] != 0) { FR_PROTO_HEX_DUMP(p + i, data_len - i, "ignoring trailing junk at end of packet"); break; } } return data_len; } /* * Everything else should be real options */ if ((data_len < 2) || (data[1] > data_len)) { fr_strerror_printf("%s: Insufficient data", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } child = fr_dict_attr_child_by_num(parent, p[0]); if (!child) { /* * Unknown attribute, create an octets type * attribute with the contents of the sub-option. */ child = fr_dict_unknown_afrom_fields(ctx, parent, fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(parent), p[0]); if (!child) return -1; } FR_PROTO_TRACE("decode context changed %s:%s -> %s:%s", fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, parent->type, "<invalid>"), parent->name, fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, child->type, "<invalid>"), child->name); ret = decode_value(ctx, cursor, child, data + 2, data[1]); if (ret < 0) { fr_dict_unknown_free(&child); return ret; } ret += 2; /* For header */ FR_PROTO_TRACE("decoding option complete, returning %zu byte(s)", ret); return ret; }
/** Decode DHCP suboptions * * @param[in] ctx context to alloc new attributes in. * @param[in,out] cursor Where to write the decoded options. * @param[in] parent of sub TLVs. * @param[in] data to parse. * @param[in] data_len of data parsed. */ static ssize_t decode_tlv(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_cursor_t *cursor, fr_dict_attr_t const *parent, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len) { uint8_t const *p = data; uint8_t const *end = data + data_len; fr_dict_attr_t const *child; if (data_len < 3) return -1; /* type, length, value */ FR_PROTO_TRACE("%s called to parse %zu byte(s)", __FUNCTION__, data_len); FR_PROTO_HEX_DUMP(data, data_len, NULL); /* * Each TLV may contain multiple children */ while (p < end) { ssize_t tlv_len; if (p[0] == 0) { p++; continue; } /* * RFC 3046 is very specific about not allowing termination * with a 255 sub-option. But it's required for decoding * option 43, and vendors will probably screw it up * anyway. */ if (p[0] == 255) { p++; return p - data; } /* * Everything else should be real options */ if ((end - p) < 2) { fr_strerror_printf("%s: Insufficient data: Needed at least 2 bytes, got %zu", __FUNCTION__, (end - p)); return -1; } if (p[1] > (end - p)) { fr_strerror_printf("%s: Suboption would overflow option. Remaining option data %zu byte(s) " "(from %zu), Suboption length %u", __FUNCTION__, (end - p), data_len, p[1]); return -1; } child = fr_dict_attr_child_by_num(parent, p[0]); if (!child) { fr_dict_attr_t const *unknown_child; FR_PROTO_TRACE("failed to find child %u of TLV %s", p[0], parent->name); /* * Build an unknown attr */ unknown_child = fr_dict_unknown_afrom_fields(ctx, parent, fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(parent), p[0]); if (!unknown_child) return -1; child = unknown_child; } FR_PROTO_TRACE("decode context changed %s:%s -> %s:%s", fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, parent->type, "<invalid>"), parent->name, fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, child->type, "<invalid>"), child->name); tlv_len = decode_value(ctx, cursor, child, p + 2, p[1]); if (tlv_len < 0) { fr_dict_unknown_free(&child); return tlv_len; } p += tlv_len + 2; FR_PROTO_TRACE("decode_value returned %zu, adding 2 (for header)", tlv_len); FR_PROTO_TRACE("remaining TLV data %zu byte(s)" , end - p); } FR_PROTO_TRACE("tlv parsing complete, returning %zu byte(s)", p - data); return p - data; }
NetGameEventValue NetGameNetworkData::decode_value(unsigned char type, const unsigned char *d, unsigned int length, unsigned int &pos) { switch (type) { case 1: // null return NetGameEventValue(NetGameEventValue::null); case 2: // uint { if (pos + 4 > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); unsigned int v = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int*>(d + pos); pos += 4; return NetGameEventValue(v); } case 3: // int { if (pos + 4 > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); int v = *reinterpret_cast<const int*>(d + pos); pos += 4; return NetGameEventValue(v); } case 4: // number { if (pos + 4 > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); float v = *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(d + pos); pos += 4; return NetGameEventValue(v); } case 5: // false boolean return NetGameEventValue(false); case 6: // true boolean return NetGameEventValue(true); case 7: // string { if (pos + 2 > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); unsigned short name_length = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(d + pos); pos += 2; if (pos + name_length > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); std::string value(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(d + pos), name_length); pos += name_length; return NetGameEventValue(value); } case 8: // complex { NetGameEventValue value(NetGameEventValue::complex); while (true) { if (pos >= length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); unsigned char type = d[pos++]; if (type == 0) break; value.add_member(decode_value(type, d, length, pos)); } return value; } case 9: // uchar { if (pos + 1 > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); unsigned char v = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(d + pos); pos += 1; return NetGameEventValue(v); } case 10: // char { if (pos + 1 > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); char v = *reinterpret_cast<const char*>(d + pos); pos += 1; return NetGameEventValue(v); } case 11: // binary { if (pos + 2 > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); unsigned short binary_length = *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(d + pos); pos += 2; if (pos + binary_length > length) throw Exception("Invalid network data"); DataBuffer value(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(d + pos), binary_length); pos += binary_length; return NetGameEventValue(value); } default: throw Exception("Invalid network data"); } }
KeyObject* decode_key(const Slice& key, KeyObject* expected) { Buffer buf(const_cast<char*>(, 0, key.size()); uint32 header; if (!BufferHelper::ReadFixUInt32(buf, header)) { return NULL; } uint8 type = header & 0xFF; uint32 db = header >> 8; if (NULL != expected) { if (type != expected->type || db != expected->db) { return NULL; } } Slice keystr; if (!BufferHelper::ReadVarSlice(buf, keystr)) { return NULL; } if (NULL != expected) { if (keystr != expected->key) { return NULL; } } switch (type) { case HASH_FIELD: { Slice field; if (!BufferHelper::ReadVarSlice(buf, field)) { return NULL; } return new HashKeyObject(keystr, field, db); } case LIST_ELEMENT: { float score; if (!BufferHelper::ReadFixFloat(buf, score)) { return NULL; } return new ListKeyObject(keystr, score, db); } case SET_ELEMENT: { SetKeyObject* sk = new SetKeyObject(keystr, Slice(), db); if (!decode_value(buf, sk->value, false)) { DELETE(sk); return sk; } return sk; } case ZSET_ELEMENT: { ZSetKeyObject* zsk = new ZSetKeyObject(keystr, Slice(), 0, db); double score; if (!BufferHelper::ReadFixDouble(buf, score) || !decode_value(buf, zsk->value)) { DELETE(zsk); return NULL; } zsk->score = score; return zsk; } case ZSET_ELEMENT_SCORE: { ZSetScoreKeyObject* zsk = new ZSetScoreKeyObject(keystr, Slice(), db); if (!decode_value(buf, zsk->value)) { DELETE(zsk); return NULL; } return zsk; } case TABLE_INDEX: { Slice kname; if (!BufferHelper::ReadVarSlice(buf, kname)) { return NULL; } TableIndexKeyObject* ik = new TableIndexKeyObject(keystr, kname, ValueObject(), db); if (!decode_value(buf, ik->colvalue)) { DELETE(ik); return NULL; } uint32 len; if (!BufferHelper::ReadVarUInt32(buf, len)) { DELETE(ik); return NULL; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < len; i++) { ValueObject v; if (!decode_value(buf, v)) { DELETE(ik); return NULL; } ik->index.push_back(v); } return ik; } case TABLE_COL: { TableColKeyObject* tk = new TableColKeyObject(keystr, Slice(), db); Slice col; if (!BufferHelper::ReadVarSlice(buf, col)) { DELETE(tk); return NULL; } tk->colname = col; uint32 len; if (!BufferHelper::ReadVarUInt32(buf, len)) { DELETE(tk); return NULL; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < len; i++) { ValueObject v; if (!decode_value(buf, v)) { DELETE(tk); return NULL; } tk->index.push_back(v); } return tk; } case BITSET_ELEMENT: { uint64 index; if (!BufferHelper::ReadVarUInt64(buf, index)) { return NULL; } return new BitSetKeyObject(keystr, index, db); } case KEY_EXPIRATION_ELEMENT: { uint64 ts; if (!BufferHelper::ReadVarUInt64(buf, ts)) { return NULL; } return new ExpireKeyObject(keystr, ts, db); } case SET_META: case ZSET_META: case LIST_META: case TABLE_META: case TABLE_SCHEMA: case BITSET_META: case KEY_EXPIRATION_MAPPING: case KV: case SCRIPT: default: { return new KeyObject(keystr, (KeyType) type, db); } } }