construct_mesh_object(int num_vertices,
                      const double *positions,
                      int num_triangles,
                      const int *triangles)
    exactinit(); // really only need to call this once, but safe to call always
    return new MeshObject(num_vertices, positions, num_triangles, triangles);
예제 #2
void PredWrapper::init( const Point3HVec& pointVec, Point3 ptInfty )
	_pointArr	= &pointVec[0]; 
	_pointNum	= pointVec.size(); 
	_infIdx		= _pointNum; 
	_ptInfty	= ptInfty; 

예제 #3
void tetraTests( void )

   * It should create a "working" tetrahedron out of 
   * a set of points
   * */
  const Real edge_length = 9;
  const Point<Real> a{ 0, 0, 0 };
  const Point<Real> b{ 0, edge_length, 0 };
  const Point<Real> c{ edge_length, 0, 0 };
  const Point<Real> d{ 0, 0, edge_length };

  Tetra t{ &a, &b, &c, &d };
  assert( t.orientation() == Orientation::Positive );

   * We should also be able to derive location codes
   * from a tetrahedron. In fact, we should be able
   * to derive a location code for the following :
   * 6 edges, 4 faces, inside tetrahedron and outside
   * */
  const int factor = 2;
  const Real m_el = edge_length / factor;
  const Point<Real> e10 = { 0, m_el, 0 };
  const Point<Real> e20 = { m_el, 0, 0 };
  const Point<Real> e30 = { 0, 0, m_el };
  const Point<Real> e21 = { m_el, m_el, 0 };
  const Point<Real> e31 = { 0, m_el, m_el };
  const Point<Real> e32 = { m_el, 0, m_el };

  const Point<Real> f321 = ( ( d - a ) + ( c - a ) + ( b - a ) ) / 3;
  const Point<Real> f023 = ( ( c - a ) + ( d - a ) ) / 3;
  const Point<Real> f031 = ( ( d - a ) + ( b - a ) ) / 3;
  const Point<Real> f012 = ( ( b - a ) + ( c - a ) ) / 3;

  const Point<Real> inside = ( ( b - a ) + ( c - a ) + ( d - a ) ) / 4;

  // all 6 edges
  assert( t.locationCode( e10 ) == 1 + 2 );
  assert( t.locationCode( e20 ) == 1 + 4 );
  assert( t.locationCode( e30 ) == 1 + 8 );
  assert( t.locationCode( e21 ) == 2 + 4 );
  assert( t.locationCode( e31 ) == 2 + 8 );
  assert( t.locationCode( e32 ) == 4 + 8 );

  // all 4 faces
  assert( t.locationCode( f321 ) == 2 + 4 + 8 );
  assert( t.locationCode( f023 ) == 1 + 4 + 8 );
  assert( t.locationCode( f031 ) == 1 + 2 + 8 );
  assert( t.locationCode( f012 ) == 1 + 2 + 4 );

  // inside the tetrahedron
  assert( t.locationCode( inside ) == 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 );

  // all 4 vertices
  assert( t.locationCode( a ) == 1 );
  assert( t.locationCode( b ) == 2 );
  assert( t.locationCode( c ) == 4 );
  assert( t.locationCode( d ) == 8 );