예제 #1
void Residual<_Type>::jacobian( const DenseVector<_Type>& state, DenseMatrix<_Type>& jac ) const
    DenseVector<_Type> new_state( state );
    // evaluation of the function
    DenseVector<_Type> f_at_new_state( ORDER_OF_SYSTEM, 0.0 );
    // default is to FD the Jacobian
    for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_VARS; ++i )
        new_state[ i ] += DELTA;
        residual_fn( new_state, f_at_new_state );
        new_state[ i ] -= DELTA;
        jac.set_col( i, ( f_at_new_state - FN_AT_LAST_STATE ) / DELTA );
예제 #2
	void Tresidual<T>::jacobian( Tmatrix<T>& J, const Tvector<T>& x_k ) const
		Tvector<T> new_state( ORDER, 0.0 );			// New state vector 
		Tvector<T> f_eval( ORDER, 0.0 );			// Function evaluation
		Tvector<T> f_at_new_state( ORDER, 0.0); 	// Function evaluation at the new state
		for ( std::size_t alpha = 0; alpha < ORDER; ++alpha )	// Row index
			for ( std::size_t beta = 0; beta < ORDER; ++beta )	// Column index
				Tvector<T> delta(ORDER,0.0); 					// Perturbation vector
				delta[ beta ] += DELTA;
				new_state = x_k + delta;						// Perturb the known value
				// Perurbed function evaluation 
				residual_function( f_at_new_state, new_state );
				residual_function( f_eval, x_k );

				// Approximate the entry in the Jacobian
				J(alpha,beta) = ( f_at_new_state[ alpha ] - f_eval[ alpha ] ) / DELTA;