예제 #1
RCODE FLMAPI f_rwlockAcquire(
	F_RWLOCK				hReadWriteLock,
	F_SEM					hSem,
	FLMBOOL				bWriter)
	RCODE					rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	F_RWLOCK_IMP *		pReadWriteLock = (F_RWLOCK_IMP *)hReadWriteLock;
	FLMBOOL				bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	f_mutexLock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if( bWriter)
		if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt != 0)
			rc = f_notifyWait( pReadWriteLock->hMutex, hSem, (void *)((FLMINT)bWriter),
		if( RC_OK( rc))
			f_assert( !pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
			pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt = -1;
			pReadWriteLock->uiWriteThread = f_threadId();
		if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt < 0 || pReadWriteLock->pNotifyList)
			rc = f_notifyWait( pReadWriteLock->hMutex, hSem, (void *)((FLMINT)bWriter), 
		if( RC_OK( rc))
	f_assert( RC_BAD( rc) || pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	return( rc);
예제 #2
Desc:	Ends a logging message
void flmEndLogMessage(
	IF_LogMessageClient **		ppLogMessage)
	if( *ppLogMessage)
		f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hLoggerMutex);
		flmAssert( gv_XFlmSysData.uiPendingLogMessages);
		*ppLogMessage = NULL;
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hLoggerMutex);
예제 #3
void FTKAPI F_IOBuffer::clearPending( void)
	f_assert( m_bPending);
	if( m_pBufferMgr)
		f_assert( m_eList == MGR_LIST_PENDING);
		f_mutexLock( m_pBufferMgr->m_hMutex);
		m_pBufferMgr->unlinkFromList( this);
		m_pBufferMgr->linkToList( &m_pBufferMgr->m_pFirstUsed, this);
		f_mutexUnlock( m_pBufferMgr->m_hMutex);

	m_bPending = FALSE;
	m_uiStartTime = 0;
예제 #4
Desc: Output a string in the DATA_COLUMN
void gigaOutputStr(
	FLMUINT			uiRow,
	const char *	pszStr,
	FLMBOOL			bMutexLocked)
	if( !bMutexLocked && gv_hWindowMutex != F_MUTEX_NULL)
		f_mutexLock( gv_hWindowMutex);
	FTXWinPrintStrXY( gv_pWindow, pszStr, DATA_COLUMN, uiRow);
	if( !bMutexLocked && gv_hWindowMutex != F_MUTEX_NULL)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_hWindowMutex);
예제 #5
void flmDbgLogUpdate(
	F_Database *	pDatabase,
	FLMUINT64		ui64TransId,
	FLMUINT			uiCollection,
	FLMUINT64		ui64NodeId,
	RCODE				rc,
	char *			pszEvent)
	char		pszTmpBuf[ 256];
	char		szErr [12];
	if (!g_bDbgLogEnabled)
	if (RC_BAD( rc))
		f_sprintf( szErr, " RC=%04X", (unsigned)rc);
		szErr [0] = 0;

	if (uiCollection)
		f_sprintf( (char *)pszTmpBuf, "d%X t%I64u c%u n%I64u %s%s",
			ui64TransId, (unsigned)uiCollection, 
			ui64NodeId, pszEvent, szErr);
		f_sprintf( (char *)pszTmpBuf, "d%X t%I64u %s%s",
			ui64TransId, pszEvent,

	f_mutexLock( g_hDbgLogMutex);
	_flmDbgOutputMsg( pszTmpBuf);
	f_mutexUnlock( g_hDbgLogMutex);
예제 #6
RCODE FLMAPI f_rwlockPromote(
	F_RWLOCK				hReadWriteLock,
	F_SEM					hSem)
	RCODE					rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	F_RWLOCK_IMP *		pReadWriteLock = (F_RWLOCK_IMP *)hReadWriteLock;
	FLMBOOL				bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	f_mutexLock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt <= 0)
		goto Exit;
	if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt != 0)
		rc = f_notifyWait( pReadWriteLock->hMutex, hSem, (void *)TRUE, 
	if( RC_OK( rc))
		f_assert( !pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
		pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt = -1;
		pReadWriteLock->uiWriteThread = f_threadId();


	f_assert( RC_BAD( rc) || pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	return( rc);
예제 #7
RCODE FLMAPI f_rwlockRelease(
	F_RWLOCK				hReadWriteLock)
	RCODE					rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	F_RWLOCK_IMP *		pReadWriteLock = (F_RWLOCK_IMP *)hReadWriteLock;
	FLMBOOL				bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	f_mutexLock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt > 0)
	else if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt == -1)
		f_assert( pReadWriteLock->uiWriteThread == f_threadId());
		pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt = 0;
		goto Exit;
	if( !pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt && pReadWriteLock->pNotifyList)
		f_rwlockNotify( pReadWriteLock);
	f_assert( RC_BAD( rc) || pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt >= 0);
	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);

	return( rc);
예제 #8
void gigaUpdateLoadTimes( void)
	FLMUINT		uiElapsedTime;
	FLMUINT		uiCurrTime;
	FLMUINT		uiSecs;
	FLMUINT		uiAddsPerSec;
	char			szElapsedTime [20];

	uiCurrTime = FLM_GET_TIMER();
	uiElapsedTime = FLM_ELAPSED_TIME( uiCurrTime, gv_ui10SecStartTime);

	// Calculate and display the average for the last 10 seconds.

	uiSecs = FLM_TIMER_UNITS_TO_SECS( uiElapsedTime);
	uiAddsPerSec = (gv_uiTotalLoaded - gv_ui10SecTotal) / uiSecs;

	f_mutexLock( gv_hWindowMutex);
	gigaOutputUINT( ADDS_PER_SEC_CURRENT, uiAddsPerSec, TRUE);

	gv_ui10SecTotal = gv_uiTotalLoaded;
	gv_ui10SecStartTime = uiCurrTime;

	// Calculate and display the overall average

	uiElapsedTime = FLM_ELAPSED_TIME( uiCurrTime, gv_uiStartTime);
	uiSecs = FLM_TIMER_UNITS_TO_SECS( uiElapsedTime);
	uiAddsPerSec = gv_uiTotalLoaded / uiSecs;

	gigaOutputUINT( ADDS_PER_SEC_OVERALL, uiAddsPerSec, TRUE);

	f_sprintf( szElapsedTime, "%u:%02u:%02u",
		(unsigned)uiSecs / 3600,
		(unsigned)(uiSecs % 3600) / 60,
		(unsigned)uiSecs % 60);

	gigaOutputStr( ELAPSED_TIME_ROW, szElapsedTime, TRUE);

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_hWindowMutex);
예제 #9
Desc:	Returns an IF_LogMessageClient object if logging is enabled for the
		specified message type
IF_LogMessageClient * flmBeginLogMessage(
	eLogMessageType	eMsgType)
	IF_LogMessageClient *		pNewMsg = NULL;

	f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hLoggerMutex);
	if( !gv_XFlmSysData.pLogger)
		goto Exit;
	if( (pNewMsg = gv_XFlmSysData.pLogger->beginMessage( eMsgType)) != NULL)

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hLoggerMutex);
	return( pNewMsg);
예제 #10
RCODE FLMAPI f_rwlockTryAcquire(
	F_RWLOCK				hReadWriteLock,
	FLMBOOL				bWriter)
	RCODE					rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	F_RWLOCK_IMP *		pReadWriteLock = (F_RWLOCK_IMP *)hReadWriteLock;
	f_mutexLock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	if( bWriter)
		if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt != 0)
			pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt = -1;
			pReadWriteLock->uiWriteThread = f_threadId();
		if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt < 0 || pReadWriteLock->pNotifyList)
	f_assert( RC_BAD( rc) || pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
	f_mutexUnlock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	return( rc);
예제 #11
void FTKAPI F_IOBuffer::setPending( void)
	f_assert( !m_bPending);
	if( m_pBufferMgr)
		f_assert( m_eList == MGR_LIST_USED);
		f_mutexLock( m_pBufferMgr->m_hMutex);
		m_pBufferMgr->unlinkFromList( this);
		m_pBufferMgr->linkToList( &m_pBufferMgr->m_pFirstPending, this);
		f_mutexUnlock( m_pBufferMgr->m_hMutex);

#ifndef FLM_UNIX
	f_assert( !m_pAsyncClient || 
				 f_semGetSignalCount( ((F_FileAsyncClient *)m_pAsyncClient)->m_hSem) == 0);

	m_bPending = TRUE;
	m_uiStartTime = FLM_GET_TIMER();
	m_uiEndTime = 0;
예제 #12
Desc: Make sure a database is NOT open.  If it is, return an error.
RCODE F_DbSystem::checkDatabaseClosed(
	const char *	pszDbName,
	const char *	pszDataDir)
	RCODE				rc = NE_XFLM_OK;
	F_Database *	pDatabase;

	f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	rc = findDatabase( pszDbName, pszDataDir, &pDatabase);
	f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	if (RC_BAD( rc))
		goto Exit;
	if (pDatabase)
		goto Exit;


	return( rc);
예제 #13
파일: ftrans.cpp 프로젝트: ajumi2/libflaim
Desc:	This routine starts a transaction for the specified database.  The
		transaction may be part of an overall larger transaction.
RCODE flmBeginDbTrans(
	FDB *			pDb,
	FLMUINT		uiTransType,
	FLMUINT		uiMaxLockWait,
	FLMUINT		uiFlags,
	FLMBYTE *	pucLogHdr)
	RCODE			rc = FERR_OK;
	FFILE *		pFile = pDb->pFile;
	FLMBOOL		bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	FLMBYTE *	pucLastCommittedLogHdr;
	DB_STATS *	pDbStats = pDb->pDbStats;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = flmCheckDatabaseState( pDb)))
		goto Exit;

	// Initialize a few things - as few as is necessary to avoid
	// unnecessary overhead.

	pDb->eAbortFuncId = FLM_UNKNOWN_FUNC;
	pDb->AbortRc = FERR_OK;
	pucLastCommittedLogHdr = &pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr [0];
	pDb->KrefCntrl.bKrefSetup = FALSE;
	pDb->uiTransType = uiTransType;
	pDb->uiThreadId = (FLMUINT)f_threadId();

	// Link the FDB to the file's most current FDICT structure,
	// if there is one.
	// Also, if it is a read transaction, link the FDB
	// into the list of read transactions off of
	// the FFILE structure.

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if (pFile->pDictList)

		// Link the FDB to the FDICT.

		flmLinkFdbToDict( pDb, pFile->pDictList);

	// If it is a read transaction, link into the list of
	// read transactions off of the FFILE structure.  Until we
	// get the log header transaction ID below, we set uiCurrTransID
	// to zero and link this transaction in at the beginning of the
	// list.

	if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)
		flmGetLogHdrInfo( pucLastCommittedLogHdr, &pDb->LogHdr);

		// Link in at the end of the transaction list.

		pDb->pNextReadTrans = NULL;
		if ((pDb->pPrevReadTrans = pFile->pLastReadTrans) != NULL)

			// Make sure transaction IDs are always in ascending order.  They
			// should be at this point.

			flmAssert( pFile->pLastReadTrans->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID <=
			pFile->pLastReadTrans->pNextReadTrans = pDb;
			pFile->pFirstReadTrans = pDb;
		pFile->pLastReadTrans = pDb;
		pDb->uiInactiveTime = 0;

		if( uiFlags & FLM_DONT_KILL_TRANS)
			pDb->uiFlags |= FDB_DONT_KILL_TRANS;
			pDb->uiFlags &= ~FDB_DONT_KILL_TRANS;
		if (pucLogHdr)
			f_memcpy( pucLogHdr, &pDb->pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr[0],

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = FALSE;

		pDb->uiFlags |= FDB_DONT_POISON_CACHE;
		pDb->uiFlags &= ~FDB_DONT_POISON_CACHE;

	// Put an exclusive lock on the database if we are not in a read
	// transaction.  Read transactions require no lock.

	if (uiTransType != FLM_READ_TRANS)
		flmAssert( pDb->pIxStats == NULL);

		// Set the bHadUpdOper to TRUE for all transactions to begin with.
		// Many calls to flmBeginDbTrans are internal, and we WANT the
		// normal behavior at the end of the transaction when it is
		// committed or aborted.  The only time this flag will be set
		// to FALSE is when the application starts the transaction as
		// opposed to an internal starting of the transaction.

		pDb->bHadUpdOper = TRUE;

		// Initialize the count of blocks changed to be 0

		pDb->uiBlkChangeCnt = 0;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = dbLock( pDb, uiMaxLockWait)))
			goto Exit;

		// If there was a problem with the RFL volume, we must wait
		// for a checkpoint to be completed before continuing.
		// The checkpoint thread looks at this same flag and forces
		// a checkpoint.  If it completes one successfully, it will
		// reset this flag.
		// Also, if the last forced checkpoint had a problem
		// (pFile->CheckpointRc != FERR_OK), we don't want to
		// start up a new update transaction until it is resolved.

		if (!pFile->pRfl->seeIfRflVolumeOk() ||
			 RC_BAD( pFile->CheckpointRc))
			goto Exit;

		// Set the first log block address to zero.

		pFile->uiFirstLogBlkAddress = 0;

		// Header must be read before opening roll forward log file to make
		// sure we have the most current log file and log options.

		f_memcpy( pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr, pucLastCommittedLogHdr,
		flmGetLogHdrInfo( pucLastCommittedLogHdr, &pDb->LogHdr);

		// Need to increment the current checkpoint for update transactions
		// so that it will be correct when we go to mark cache blocks.

		if (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_REPLAYING_RFL)
			// During recovery we need to set the transaction ID to the
			// transaction ID that was logged.

			pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID = pFile->pRfl->getCurrTransID();
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// Link FDB to the most current local dictionary, if there
		// is one.

		if (pFile->pDictList != pDb->pDict && pFile->pDictList)
			flmLinkFdbToDict( pDb, pFile->pDictList);
		pFile->uiUpdateTransID = pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID;
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// Set the transaction EOF to the current file EOF

		pDb->uiTransEOF = pDb->LogHdr.uiLogicalEOF;

		// Put the transaction ID into the uncommitted log header.

		UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
					&pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_CURR_TRANS_ID]);

		if (pucLogHdr)
			f_memcpy( pucLogHdr, &pDb->pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [0],

	if (pDbStats)
		f_timeGetTimeStamp( &pDb->TransStartTime);

	// If we do not have a dictionary, read it in from disk.
	// NOTE: This should only happen when we are first opening
	// the database.

	if (!pDb->pDict)
		flmAssert( pDb->pFile->uiFlags & DBF_BEING_OPENED);
		if (RC_BAD( rc = fdictRebuild( pDb)))
			if (pDb->pDict)
				flmFreeDict( pDb->pDict);
				pDb->pDict = NULL;
			goto Exit;
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		// At this point, we will not yet have opened the database for
		// general use, so there is no way that any other thread can have
		// created a dictionary yet.
		flmAssert( pDb->pFile->pDictList == NULL);
		// Link the new local dictionary to its file structure.
		flmLinkDictToFile( pDb->pFile, pDb->pDict);
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);


	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	if (uiTransType != FLM_READ_TRANS)
		if (RC_OK( rc))
			rc = pFile->pRfl->logBeginTransaction( pDb);
#ifdef FLM_DBG_LOG
		flmDbgLogUpdate( pFile->uiFFileId, pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
				0, 0, rc, "TBeg");

	if( uiTransType == FLM_UPDATE_TRANS &&
		flmTransEventCallback( F_EVENT_BEGIN_TRANS, (HFDB)pDb, rc,
					(FLMUINT)(RC_OK( rc)
								 ? pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID
								 : (FLMUINT)0));

	if (RC_BAD( rc))
		// If there was an error, unlink the database from the transaction
		// structure as well as from the FDICT structure.

		flmUnlinkDbFromTrans( pDb, FALSE);

		if (pDb->pStats)
			(void)flmStatUpdate( &gv_FlmSysData.Stats, &pDb->Stats);

	return( rc);
예제 #14
Desc:		Stops a background indexing thread
Notes:	This routine DOES NOT assume that the global mutex is locked.  It
			will lock and unlock the mutex as needed.
FSTATIC void stopBackgroundIndexThread(
	FDB *				pDb,
	FLMUINT			uiIndexNum,
	FLMBOOL			bWait,
	FLMBOOL *		pbStopped)
	F_BKGND_IX *	pBackgroundIx;
	FLMUINT			uiThreadId;
	FLMBOOL			bMutexLocked = FALSE;

	if( pbStopped)
		*pbStopped = FALSE;

	for( ;;)
		// Lock the global mutex

		if( !bMutexLocked)
			f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
			bMutexLocked = TRUE;

		// Get the background index

		if( (pBackgroundIx = flmBackgroundIndexGet( pDb->pFile,
			uiIndexNum, TRUE, &uiThreadId)) == NULL)
			if( pbStopped)
				*pbStopped = TRUE;
			goto Exit;

		// Set the thread's shutdown flag first.

		gv_FlmSysData.pThreadMgr->setThreadShutdownFlag( uiThreadId);

		// Unlock the global mutex

		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;

		// The thread may be waiting to start a transaction. 

		pDb->pFile->pFileLockObj->timeoutLockWaiter( uiThreadId);
		pDb->pFile->pWriteLockObj->timeoutLockWaiter( uiThreadId);
		if( !bWait)

		// Wait for the thread to terminate

		f_sleep( 50);


	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
예제 #15
Desc : Return the status of the index.
	HFDB					hDb,
	FLMUINT				uiIndexNum,
	FINDEX_STATUS *	pIndexStatus)
	RCODE					rc = FERR_OK;
	FLMBOOL				bStartedAutoTrans = FALSE;
	FLMUINT 				uiLastDrnIndexed;
	FDB *					pDb = (FDB *)hDb;
	F_BKGND_IX *		pBackgroundIx;
	FLMBOOL				bSuspended;
	FLMBOOL				bMutexLocked = FALSE;

	flmAssert( pIndexStatus != NULL);

	if( IsInCSMode( hDb))
		fdbInitCS( pDb);
		rc = flmIndexStatusCS( pDb, uiIndexNum, pIndexStatus);
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = fdbInit( (FDB *)hDb, FLM_READ_TRANS,
							FDB_TRANS_GOING_OK, 0, &bStartedAutoTrans)))
		goto Exit;

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;

	pBackgroundIx = flmBackgroundIndexGet( pDb->pFile, uiIndexNum, TRUE);
	if( pBackgroundIx)
		f_memcpy( pIndexStatus, &pBackgroundIx->indexStatus, 
			sizeof( FINDEX_STATUS));
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;
		flmAssert( pIndexStatus->uiIndexNum == uiIndexNum);
		IXD *		pIxd;
		FLMBOOL	bTrackerIxSuspended;

		if( RC_BAD( rc = fdictGetIndex( 
			pDb->pDict, pDb->pFile->bInLimitedMode,
			uiIndexNum,NULL, &pIxd, TRUE)))
			goto Exit;

		bSuspended = (pIxd->uiFlags & IXD_SUSPENDED)
												? TRUE
												: FALSE;

		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;

		// Get the index state from the tracker

		if( RC_BAD( rc = flmGetIxTrackerInfo( pDb, uiIndexNum, 
			NULL, &uiLastDrnIndexed, NULL, &bTrackerIxSuspended)))
			if( rc == FERR_NOT_FOUND)
				rc = RC_SET( FERR_BAD_IX);
			goto Exit;

		// Sanity check

#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
		if( pDb->pFile->FileHdr.uiVersionNum >= FLM_FILE_FORMAT_VER_4_51 &&
			bSuspended != bTrackerIxSuspended)
			flmAssert( 0);

		// Populate the index status structure.

		f_memset( pIndexStatus, 0, sizeof( FINDEX_STATUS));
		pIndexStatus->uiIndexNum = uiIndexNum;
		pIndexStatus->uiLastRecordIdIndexed = uiLastDrnIndexed;
		pIndexStatus->bSuspended = bSuspended;


	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	if( bStartedAutoTrans)
		rc = flmEndAutoTrans( pDb, rc);
	flmExit( FLM_INDEX_STATUS, pDb, rc);
	return( rc);
예제 #16
Desc: Looks for a background indexing thread that is running with 
		a matching action and value.
Note:	The shared semaphore must be locked on the outside while 
		calling this routine and accessing anything within the F_BKGND_IX
F_BKGND_IX * flmBackgroundIndexGet(
	FFILE *			pFile,
	FLMUINT			uiIndexNum,
	FLMBOOL			bMutexLocked,
	FLMUINT *		puiThreadId)
	RCODE				rc = FERR_OK;
	IF_Thread *		pThread;
	FLMUINT			uiThreadId;
	F_BKGND_IX *	pBackgroundIx = NULL;

	if( !bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	uiThreadId = 0;
	for( ;;)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pThreadMgr->getNextGroupThread( 
			&pThread, gv_uiBackIxThrdGroup, &uiThreadId)))
			if( rc == FERR_NOT_FOUND)
				rc = FERR_OK;
				flmAssert( 0);

		if( pThread->getThreadAppId())
			F_BKGND_IX *		pTmpIx = NULL;

			pTmpIx = (F_BKGND_IX *)pThread->getParm1();
			if( pTmpIx->indexStatus.uiIndexNum == uiIndexNum &&
				pTmpIx->pFile == pFile)
				flmAssert( pThread->getThreadAppId() == uiIndexNum);
				pBackgroundIx = pTmpIx;
				if( puiThreadId)
					*puiThreadId = uiThreadId;

	if( !bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	return( pBackgroundIx);
예제 #17
Desc:		Thread that will build an index in the background.
			Caller will create a pDb to use.  This pDb must be
			freed at the conclusion of the routine.
FSTATIC RCODE FLMAPI flmBackgroundIndexBuildThrd(
	IF_Thread *			pThread)
	RCODE					rc = FERR_OK;
	IXD *					pIxd;
	F_BKGND_IX * 		pBackgroundIx = (F_BKGND_IX *)pThread->getParm1();
	FLMBOOL				bStartedTrans;
	FLMBOOL				bDbInitialized;
	FLMUINT				uiContainerNum;
	FLMUINT				uiFirstDrn;
	FLMUINT				uiIndexNum;
	FDB *					pDb = NULL;
	FLMBOOL				bForcedShutdown = FALSE;
	FLMBOOL				bHitEnd;
	FINDEX_STATUS		savedIxStatus;
	FlmRecord *			pReusableRec = NULL;
	char					szMsg[ 128];
	FLMINT				iErrorLine = 0;
	FLMBOOL				bLimitedMode = FALSE;


	if( (pReusableRec = f_new FlmRecord) != NULL)
		if( RC_BAD( pReusableRec->preallocSpace( 512, 1024 * 64)))
			pReusableRec = NULL;


	rc = FERR_OK;
	uiIndexNum = pBackgroundIx->indexStatus.uiIndexNum;
	flmAssert( pThread->getThreadAppId() == uiIndexNum);
	bDbInitialized = FALSE;
	bStartedTrans = FALSE;
	pDb = NULL;

	// We could loop forever on flmOpenFile errors, check if we should exit.

	if( pThread->getShutdownFlag())
		bForcedShutdown = TRUE;
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = flmOpenFile( pBackgroundIx->pFile,
		pBackgroundIx->pFile->pszDbPassword, &pDb)))

		// If the file is being closed, this is not an error.

		if( pBackgroundIx->pFile->uiFlags & DBF_BEING_CLOSED)
			bForcedShutdown = TRUE;
			rc = FERR_OK;
			iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
		goto Exit;

	flmAssert( pDb->pSFileHdl);

	bDbInitialized = TRUE;
	if (RC_BAD( rc = fdbInit( pDb, FLM_NO_TRANS, 0, 0, &bStartedTrans)))
		iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
		goto Exit;
	flmAssert( !bStartedTrans);

		// Set the thread's status

		pThread->setThreadStatus( FLM_THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING);

		// See if we should shut down. 

		if( pThread->getShutdownFlag())
			bForcedShutdown = TRUE;

		// Obtain the file lock

		flmAssert( !(pDb->uiFlags & FDB_HAS_FILE_LOCK));
		if( RC_BAD( rc = pDb->pFile->pFileLockObj->lock( pDb->hWaitSem,  
			pDb->pDbStats ? &pDb->pDbStats->LockStats : NULL)))
			if( rc == FERR_IO_FILE_LOCK_ERR)
				// This would only happen if we were signaled to shut down.
				// So, it's ok to exit

				flmAssert( pThread->getShutdownFlag());
				bForcedShutdown = TRUE;
				rc = FERR_OK;
				iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
			goto Exit;

		// The lock needs to be marked as implicit so that flmCommitDbTrans
		// will unlock the file and allow the next update transaction to
		// begin before all writes are complete.


		// If there are higher priority waiters in the lock queue,
		// or we are being told to shut down, we want to relinquish.

		if( pThread->getShutdownFlag() ||
			if (RC_BAD( rc = pDb->pFile->pFileLockObj->unlock()))
				iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
				goto Exit;


		// Start an update transaction 

		if( RC_BAD( rc = flmBeginDbTrans( pDb, FLM_UPDATE_TRANS, FLM_NO_TIMEOUT, 
			if( rc == FERR_IO_FILE_LOCK_ERR)
				// This would only happen if we were signaled to shut down.
				// So, it's ok to exit

				flmAssert( pThread->getShutdownFlag());
				bForcedShutdown = TRUE;
				rc = FERR_OK;
				iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
			goto Exit;
		bStartedTrans = TRUE;

		if( RC_BAD( rc = fdictGetIndex( pDb->pDict, pDb->pFile->bInLimitedMode,
			uiIndexNum, NULL, &pIxd, TRUE)))
			// Index may have been deleted by another transaction, or
			// there may have been some other error.

			iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
			goto Exit;

		// If we're running in limited mode, then we can't mess with encrypted
		// indexes.  On the other hand, since the index is marked as offline,
		// but not suspended, this thread has to exist, or else it will cause
		// all kinds of problems elsewhere.  So, in such a case, we will simply
		// sleep in an inifinite loop until the shutdown flag is set.
		// (We consider this acceptable becase running in limited mode is not
		// the norm, and Flaim probably won't be up for very long in this mode.)

		if( pDb->pFile->bInLimitedMode && pIxd->uiEncId)
			bLimitedMode = TRUE;
			goto Exit;

		// Look up the tracker info to determine where we need to being indexing

		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmGetIxTrackerInfo( pDb,
			pBackgroundIx->indexStatus.uiIndexNum, &uiContainerNum,
			&uiFirstDrn, NULL, &pBackgroundIx->indexStatus.bSuspended)))
			iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
			goto Exit;

		// If the index is suspended, this thread should have been
		// shut down.  The suspending thread will keep the database
		// locked until we exit.  So, if we have the database locked,
		// the index better not be suspended.

		flmAssert( !pBackgroundIx->indexStatus.bSuspended &&
			!(pIxd->uiFlags & IXD_SUSPENDED));

		if (pIxd->uiContainerNum)
			uiContainerNum = pIxd->uiContainerNum;
			if( uiFirstDrn == DRN_LAST_MARKER)
				goto Exit;
			if( uiFirstDrn == DRN_LAST_MARKER && uiContainerNum == 0xFFFFFFFF)
				goto Exit;
				// The container number from the tracker record
				// may not be a real container.
				// Determine what the next actual container number is.

				if (uiContainerNum != FLM_DATA_CONTAINER)
					while( uiContainerNum < pDb->pDict->uiIttCnt)
						ITT *	pItt = &pDb->pDict->pIttTbl [uiContainerNum];
						if (ITT_IS_CONTAINER( pItt))

					if (uiContainerNum >= pDb->pDict->uiIttCnt)
						uiContainerNum = FLM_DATA_CONTAINER;

		// Setup the DRN range we want to index.

		flmAssert( pIxd->uiLastDrnIndexed == uiFirstDrn - 1);

		// Set the thread's status

		pThread->setThreadStatus( "Indexing %u:%u", 
			(unsigned)uiContainerNum, (unsigned)uiFirstDrn);

		// Read and index up to the highest drn (or record higher than uiEndDrn)
		// or until time runs out.  The 500 is millisecs to take for the transaction.

		f_memcpy( &savedIxStatus, 
			&pBackgroundIx->indexStatus, sizeof( FINDEX_STATUS));

		if( RC_BAD( rc = flmIndexSetOfRecords( pDb,
			uiIndexNum, uiContainerNum, uiFirstDrn, DRN_LAST_MARKER,
			&pBackgroundIx->indexStatus, &bHitEnd, pThread, pReusableRec)))
			// Lock the mutex while copying the saved index status back to
			// the main index status so that someone requesting the index status
			// won't see the status while the memcpy is in progress.

			f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
			f_memcpy( &pBackgroundIx->indexStatus, 
				&savedIxStatus, sizeof( FINDEX_STATUS));
			f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
			iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
			goto Exit;

		if( pBackgroundIx->indexStatus.uiRecordsProcessed - 
			if( RC_BAD( rc = pDb->pFile->pRfl->logIndexSet( uiIndexNum,
						uiContainerNum, uiFirstDrn, 
				iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
				goto Exit;

		// Commit the transaction (even if we didn't do any indexing work).

		if( RC_BAD( rc = flmCommitDbTrans( pDb, 0, FALSE)))
			iErrorLine = (FLMINT)__LINE__;
			goto Exit;

		bStartedTrans = FALSE;

		if( bHitEnd)
			// flmIndexSetOfRecords brought the index on-line

			if( gv_FlmSysData.UpdateEvents.pEventCBList)
				flmDoEventCallback( F_EVENT_UPDATES, 
						F_EVENT_INDEXING_COMPLETE, (void *)uiIndexNum, 
						(void *)0);

			// Log a message

			flmLogIndexingProgress( uiIndexNum, 0);


	pThread->setThreadStatus( FLM_THREAD_STATUS_TERMINATING);

	if( bStartedTrans)
		(void)flmAbortDbTrans( pDb);
		bStartedTrans = FALSE;

	if( pDb && pDb->uiFlags & FDB_HAS_FILE_LOCK)

	if( bDbInitialized)
		fdbExit( pDb);
		bDbInitialized = FALSE;

	if( pDb)
		(void)FlmDbClose( (HFDB *) &pDb);

	if( RC_BAD(rc) && !bForcedShutdown)
		if (rc == FERR_MEM || rc == FERR_IO_DISK_FULL ||
			// Log the error

			f_sprintf( (char *)szMsg,
				"Background indexing thread %u (index %u)",
				(unsigned)pThread->getThreadId(), (unsigned)uiIndexNum);
			flmLogError( rc, (char *)szMsg, __FILE__, iErrorLine);

			// Sleep a half second and try again.

			pThread->sleep( 500);
			goto Loop_Again;
			f_sprintf( (char *)szMsg,
				"Background indexing thread %u (index %u) -- unrecoverable error.",
				(unsigned)pThread->getThreadId(), (unsigned)uiIndexNum);
			flmLogError( rc, (char *)szMsg, __FILE__, iErrorLine);

	if( pReusableRec)
		flmAssert( pReusableRec->getRefCount() == 1);

	if( bLimitedMode)
		flmAssert( RC_OK( rc));

		for (;;)
			if( pThread->getShutdownFlag())

			pThread->sleep( 1000);

	// Set the thread's app ID to 0, so that it will not
	// be found now that the thread is terminating (we don't
	// want flmBackgroundIndexGet to find the thread).

	pThread->setThreadAppId( 0);

	// Free the background index structure

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	f_free( &pBackgroundIx);
	pThread->setParm1( NULL);
	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	return( rc);
예제 #18
파일: ftrans.cpp 프로젝트: ajumi2/libflaim
Desc:	This routine aborts an active transaction for a particular
		database.  If the database is open via a server, a message is
		sent to the server to abort the transaction.  Otherwise, the
		transaction is rolled back locally.
RCODE flmAbortDbTrans(
	FDB *				pDb,
	FLMBOOL			bOkToLogAbort)
	RCODE				rc = FERR_OK;
	FFILE *			pFile = pDb->pFile;
	FLMUINT			uiTransType;
	FLMBYTE *		pucLastCommittedLogHdr;
	FLMBYTE *		pucUncommittedLogHdr;
	FLMBOOL			bDumpedCache = FALSE;
	DB_STATS *		pDbStats = pDb->pDbStats;
	FLMBOOL			bKeepAbortedTrans;
	FLMUINT			uiTransId;
	FLMBOOL			bInvisibleTrans;

	// Get transaction type

	if ((uiTransType = pDb->uiTransType) == FLM_NO_TRANS)
		goto Exit;

	// No recovery required if it is a read transaction.

	if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)

		if( pDb->KrefCntrl.bKrefSetup)
			// KrefCntrlFree could be called w/o checking bKrefSetup because
			// it checks the flag, but it is more optimal to check the
			// flag before making the call because most of the time it will
			// be false.

			KrefCntrlFree( pDb);

		goto Unlink_From_Trans;

#ifdef FLM_DBG_LOG
	flmDbgLogUpdate( pFile->uiFFileId, pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
			0, 0, FERR_OK, "TAbrt");


	// If the transaction had no update operations, restore it
	// to its pre-transaction state - make it appear that no
	// transaction ever happened.

	pucLastCommittedLogHdr = &pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr [0];
	pucUncommittedLogHdr = &pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [0];
	uiTransId = pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID;

	// Free up all keys associated with this database.  This is done even
	// if we didn't have any update operations because the KREF may
	// have been initialized by key generation operations performed
	// by cursors, etc.

	KrefCntrlFree( pDb);

	// Free any index counts we may have allocated.

	FSFreeIxCounts( pDb);
	if (pDb->bHadUpdOper)
		// Dump any BLOB structures that should be aborted.

		FBListAfterAbort( pDb);

		// Dump any start and stop indexing stubs that should be aborted.

		flmIndexingAfterAbort( pDb);

		// Log the abort record to the rfl file, or throw away the logged
		// records altogether, depending on the LOG_KEEP_ABORTED_TRANS_IN_RFL
		// flag.  If the RFL volume is bad, we will not attempt to keep this
		// transaction in the RFL.

		if (!pFile->pRfl->seeIfRflVolumeOk())
			bKeepAbortedTrans = FALSE;
			bKeepAbortedTrans =
				(pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_KEEP_ABORTED_TRANS_IN_RFL])
				? TRUE
				: FALSE;
		bKeepAbortedTrans = FALSE;

	// Log an abort transaction record to the roll-forward log or
	// throw away the entire transaction, depending on the
	// bKeepAbortedTrans flag.

	// If the transaction is being "dumped" because of a failed commit,
	// don't log anything to the RFL.

	if( bOkToLogAbort)
		flmAssert( pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID == pFile->pRfl->getCurrTransID());
		if (RC_BAD( rc = pFile->pRfl->logEndTransaction(
									RFL_TRNS_ABORT_PACKET, !bKeepAbortedTrans)))
			goto Exit1;
#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
		// If bOkToLogAbort is FALSE, this always means that either a
		// commit failed while trying to log an end transaction packet or a
		// commit packet was logged and the transaction commit subsequently
		// failed for some other reason.  In either case, the RFL should be
		// in a good state, with its current transaction ID reset to 0.  If
		// not, either bOkToLogAbort is being used incorrectly by the caller
		// or there is a bug in the RFL logic.

		flmAssert( pFile->pRfl->getCurrTransID() == 0);

	// If there were no operations in the transaction, restore
	// everything as if the transaction never happened.

	if (!pDb->bHadUpdOper)
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		pFile->uiUpdateTransID = 0;
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// Pretend we dumped cache - shouldn't be any to worry about at
		// this point.

		bDumpedCache = TRUE;
		goto Exit1;

	// Dump ALL modified cache blocks associated with the DB.
	// NOTE: This needs to be done BEFORE the call to flmGetLogHdrInfo
	// below, because that call will change pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
	// and that value is used by flmRcaAbortTrans.

	ScaFreeModifiedBlocks( pDb);
	flmRcaAbortTrans( pDb);
	bDumpedCache = TRUE;

	// Reset the LogHdr from the last committed log header in pFile.

	flmGetLogHdrInfo( pucLastCommittedLogHdr, &pDb->LogHdr);
	if (RC_BAD( rc = flmPhysRollback( pDb,
				 (FLMUINT)FB2UD( &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_ROLLBACK_EOF]),
				 pFile->uiFirstLogBlkAddress, FALSE, 0)))
		goto Exit1;

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	// Put the new transaction ID into the log header even though
	// we are not committing.  We want to keep the transaction IDs
	// incrementing even though we aborted.

	UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)uiTransId,
			&pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_CURR_TRANS_ID]);

	// Preserve where we are at in the roll-forward log.  Even though
	// the transaction aborted, we may have kept it in the RFL instead of
	// throw it away.

	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_FILE_NUM],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_FILE_NUM], 4);
	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_LAST_TRANS_OFFSET],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_LAST_TRANS_OFFSET], 4);
	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_LAST_TRANS_RFL_SERIAL_NUM],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_LAST_TRANS_RFL_SERIAL_NUM],
	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_NEXT_SERIAL_NUM],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_RFL_NEXT_SERIAL_NUM],

	// The following items tell us where we are at in the roll-back log.
	// During a transaction we may log blocks for the checkpoint or for
	// read transactions.  So, even though we are aborting this transaction,
	// there may be other things in the roll-back log that we don't want
	// to lose.  These items should not be reset until we do a checkpoint,
	// which is when we know it is safe to throw away the entire roll-back log.

	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_ROLLBACK_EOF],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_ROLLBACK_EOF], 4);
	f_memcpy( &pucLastCommittedLogHdr [LOG_PL_FIRST_CP_BLOCK_ADDR],
				 &pucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_PL_FIRST_CP_BLOCK_ADDR], 4);

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	pFile->pRfl->commitLogHdrs( pucLastCommittedLogHdr,


	// Dump cache, if not done above.

	if (!bDumpedCache)
		ScaFreeModifiedBlocks( pDb);
		flmRcaAbortTrans( pDb);
		bDumpedCache = TRUE;

	// Throw away IXD_FIXUPs

	if (pDb->pIxdFixups)
		IXD_FIXUP *	pIxdFixup;
		IXD_FIXUP *	pDeleteIxdFixup;

		pIxdFixup = pDb->pIxdFixups;
		while (pIxdFixup)
			pDeleteIxdFixup = pIxdFixup;
			pIxdFixup = pIxdFixup->pNext;
			f_free( &pDeleteIxdFixup);
		pDb->pIxdFixups = NULL;

	if (uiTransType != FLM_READ_TRANS &&
		flmTransEventCallback( F_EVENT_ABORT_TRANS, (HFDB)pDb, rc,


	bInvisibleTrans = (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_INVISIBLE_TRANS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_HAS_WRITE_LOCK)
		RCODE	tmpRc;

		if (RC_BAD( tmpRc = pFile->pRfl->completeTransWrites( pDb, FALSE, FALSE)))
			if (RC_OK( rc))
				rc = tmpRc;

	// Unlink the database from the transaction
	// structure as well as from the FLDICT structure.

	flmUnlinkDbFromTrans( pDb, FALSE);

	if (pDbStats)
		FLMUINT64	ui64ElapMilli = 0;

		flmAddElapTime( &pDb->TransStartTime, &ui64ElapMilli);
		pDbStats->bHaveStats = TRUE;
		if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)
			pDbStats->ReadTransStats.AbortedTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=
			if (bInvisibleTrans)
				pDbStats->ReadTransStats.InvisibleTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=
			pDbStats->UpdateTransStats.AbortedTrans.ui64ElapMilli +=

	if (pDb->pStats)
		(void)flmStatUpdate( &gv_FlmSysData.Stats, &pDb->Stats);


	return( rc);
예제 #19
Desc:	Prints the web page for an SCACHEMGR struct
		(The URL for this page requires no parameters since there is only
		one SCACHE_MGR per copy of FLAIM.)
RCODE F_SCacheMgrPage::display(
	FLMUINT			uiNumParams,
	const char ** 	ppszParams)
	RCODE			rc = FERR_OK;
	SCACHE_MGR	LocalSCacheMgr;
	FLMBOOL		bAutoRefresh;
	char	*		pszSCacheRequestString[ NUM_CACHE_REQ_STRINGS];
	char			szOffsetTable[12][6];
	char			szAddressTable[2][20];
	FLMBOOL		bHighlight = FALSE;
	char *		pszTemp = NULL;
	FLMUINT		uiLoop;

	// Note: The SCacheBlock requests need the following params:
	// "BlockAddress", "File", "LowTransID" and "HighTransID"
	// ex:  <A href="SCacheBlock?BlockAddress=100?File=5?LowTransID=30?HighTransID=100"> pMRUCache </A>
	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 200, &pszTemp)))
		printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer");
		goto Exit;

	// First thing that we need to do is grab a local copy of gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr,
	// and of the data for the three SCache blocks that it has pointers to...
	for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_CACHE_REQ_STRINGS; uiLoop++)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150,
									&pszSCacheRequestString[ uiLoop])))
			printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer");
			goto Exit;
	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	f_memcpy (&LocalSCacheMgr, &gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr, sizeof (LocalSCacheMgr));
	flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[0], LocalSCacheMgr.pMRUCache);
	flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[1], LocalSCacheMgr.pLRUCache);
	flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[2], LocalSCacheMgr.pFirstFree);
	flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[3], LocalSCacheMgr.pLastFree);
	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	bAutoRefresh = DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Refresh");

	// Now - are we being asked to display the usage stats?  Or is this a regular page...
	if (DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Usage"))
		// There's a function to handle display the usage info (because both
		// RCacheMgr and SCacheMgr have usage stats).
		writeUsage( &LocalSCacheMgr.Usage, bAutoRefresh,
						"Usage Statistics for the SCache");
	else // This is a regular SCacheMgr page...
		// Determine if we are being requested to refresh this page or  not.


		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<HTML>\n");

		if (bAutoRefresh)
			// Send back the page with a refresh command in the header

			fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, 
				"<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5; url=%s/SCacheMgr?Refresh\">"
				"<TITLE>gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr</TITLE>\n", m_pszURLString);

			popupFrame();  //Spits out a Javascript function that will open a new window..
			fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "\n</HEAD>\n<body>\n");

			f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp,
							"<A HREF=%s/SCacheMgr>Stop Auto-refresh</A>", m_pszURLString);
		else  // bAutoRefresh == FALSE
			// Send back a page without the refresh command
			fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, 

			popupFrame();  //Spits out a Javascript function that will open a new window..
			fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "\n</HEAD>\n<body>\n");

			f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp,
						"<A HREF=%s/SCacheMgr?Refresh>Start Auto-refresh (5 sec.)</A>",

		// Write out the table headings
		printTableStart( "SCache Manager Structure", 4);

		printColumnHeading( "", JUSTIFY_LEFT, FLM_IMON_COLOR_PUTTY_1, 4, 1, FALSE);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheMgr>Refresh</A>, %s\n", m_pszURLString, pszTemp);

		// Write out the table headings.
		printColumnHeading( "Byte Offset (hex)");
		printColumnHeading( "Field Name");
		printColumnHeading( "Field Type");
		printColumnHeading( "Value");
		//Now - we have three rows in the table that may or may not have hyperlinks in them.  
		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[0], "pMRUCache", &LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.pMRUCache);
		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[1], "pLRUCache", &LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.pLRUCache);
		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[2], "pFirstFree", &LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.pFirstFree);
		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[3], "pLastFree", &LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.pLastFree);

		//Format the strings that are displayed in the Offset column on of the table
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.ppHashTbl, szOffsetTable[0]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.Usage, szOffsetTable[1]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.bAutoCalcMaxDirty, szOffsetTable[2]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiMaxDirtyCache, szOffsetTable[3]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiLowDirtyCache, szOffsetTable[4]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiTotalUses, szOffsetTable[5]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiBlocksUsed, szOffsetTable[6]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiPendingReads, szOffsetTable[7]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiIoWaits, szOffsetTable[8]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiHashTblSize, szOffsetTable[9]);
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiHashTblBits, szOffsetTable[10]);
#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
		printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.bDebug, szOffsetTable[11]);

		printAddress( LocalSCacheMgr.ppHashTbl, szAddressTable[0]);
		printAddress( &LocalSCacheMgr.Usage, szAddressTable[1]);

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s
				"<td><A HREF=\"%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=0\">ppHashTbl</A></td>\n"
				"<td>SCACHE **</td>\n"
				"<td><A href=\"%s/SCacheHashTbl\">%s</A></td>\n",
				szOffsetTable[0], m_pszURLString, m_pszURLString, szAddressTable[0]);

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s
			"<td><A href=\"javascript:openPopup('%s/SCacheMgr?Usage')\">Usage</A></td>\n"
			"<td><A href=\"javascript:openPopup('%s/SCacheMgr?Usage')\">%s</A></td>\n",
			szOffsetTable[1], m_pszURLString, m_pszURLString, szAddressTable[1]);

		// uiFreeCount
			(char *)"uiFreeCount",
			(char *)"FLMUINT",
			(void *)&LocalSCacheMgr,
			(void *)&LocalSCacheMgr.uiFreeCount,
			(bHighlight = ~bHighlight));

		// uiFreeBytes
			(char *)"uiFreeBytes",
			(char *)"FLMUINT",
			(void *)&LocalSCacheMgr,
			(void *)&LocalSCacheMgr.uiFreeBytes,
			(bHighlight = ~bHighlight));

		// uiReplaceableCount
			(char *)"uiReplaceableCount",
			(char *)"FLMUINT",
			(void *)&LocalSCacheMgr,
			(void *)&LocalSCacheMgr.uiReplaceableCount,
			(bHighlight = ~bHighlight));

		// uiReplaceableBytes
			(char *)"uiReplaceableBytes",
			(char *)"FLMUINT",
			(void *)&LocalSCacheMgr,
			(void *)&LocalSCacheMgr.uiReplaceableBytes,
			(bHighlight = ~bHighlight));

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>bAutoCalcMaxDirty</td>\n"
						"<td>FLMBOOL</td>\n" TD_i, szOffsetTable[2],

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiMaxDirtyCache</td>\n"
						"<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[3],

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiLowDirtyCache</td>\n"
						"<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[4],

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiTotalUses</td>\n"
						"<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[5],

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiBlocksUsed</td> <td>FLMUINT</td>\n"
					TD_lu, szOffsetTable[6], LocalSCacheMgr.uiBlocksUsed);

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiPendingReads</td>\n"
			"<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu,  szOffsetTable[7],

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiIoWaits</td>\n <td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu,
						szOffsetTable[8], LocalSCacheMgr.uiIoWaits);

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiHashTableSize</td>\n"
					"<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[9],

		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiHashTableBits</td>\n"
					"<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[10],

#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>bDebug</td>\n" "<td>FLMBOOL</td>\n"
					TD_i, szOffsetTable[11], LocalSCacheMgr.bDebug);

		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</BODY></HTML>\n");




	if (pszTemp)
		f_free( &pszTemp);

	for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_CACHE_REQ_STRINGS; uiLoop++)
		if( pszSCacheRequestString[uiLoop])
			f_free( &pszSCacheRequestString[uiLoop]);

	return( rc);
예제 #20
Desc:		This routine is used to see if a file is already in use somewhere.
			This is only called for files which are opened directly by the
Notes:	This routine assumes that the global mutex is locked, but it
			may unlock and re-lock the mutex if needed.
RCODE F_DbSystem::findDatabase(
	const char *	pszDbPath,
	const char *	pszDataDir,
	F_Database **	ppDatabase)
	RCODE				rc = NE_XFLM_OK;
	F_BUCKET *		pBucket;
	FLMUINT			uiBucket;
	FLMBOOL			bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	F_Database *	pDatabase;
	char				szDbPathStr1 [F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];
	char				szDbPathStr2 [F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];
	F_SEM				hWaitSem = F_SEM_NULL;

	*ppDatabase = NULL;

	// Normalize the path to a string before looking for it.
	// NOTE: On non-UNIX, non-WIN platforms, this will basically convert
	// the string to upper case.

	if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_XFlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathToStorageString( 
		pszDbPath, szDbPathStr1)))
		goto Exit;


	*ppDatabase = NULL;

	if( !bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = TRUE;

	pBucket = gv_XFlmSysData.pDatabaseHashTbl;
	uiBucket = f_strHashBucket( szDbPathStr1, pBucket, FILE_HASH_ENTRIES);
	pDatabase = (F_Database *)pBucket [uiBucket].pFirstInBucket;
	while (pDatabase)
		// Compare the strings.  On non-Unix platforms we must use
		// f_stricmp, because case does not matter for file names
		// on those platforms.

#ifdef FLM_UNIX
		if( f_strcmp( szDbPathStr1, pDatabase->m_pszDbPath) == 0)
		if( f_stricmp( szDbPathStr1, pDatabase->m_pszDbPath) == 0)

			// Make sure data paths match.

			if (pszDataDir && *pszDataDir)
				if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_XFlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathToStorageString(
					pszDataDir, szDbPathStr2)))
					goto Exit;
				if (pDatabase->m_pszDataDir)
					// f_stricmp must be used on non-unix platforms because file
					// names are case insensitive on those platforms.
#ifdef FLM_UNIX
					if (f_strcmp( pDatabase->m_pszDataDir, szDbPathStr2) != 0)
					if (f_stricmp( pDatabase->m_pszDataDir, szDbPathStr2) != 0)
						goto Exit;
					goto Exit;
			else if (pDatabase->m_pszDataDir)
				goto Exit;
			*ppDatabase = pDatabase;
		pDatabase = pDatabase->m_pNext;

	if (*ppDatabase && pDatabase->m_uiFlags & DBF_BEING_CLOSED)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_semCreate( &hWaitSem)))
			goto Exit;
		// Put ourselves into the notify list and then re-try
		// the lookup when we wake up

		if (RC_BAD( rc = f_notifyWait( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex, hWaitSem,
			NULL, &pDatabase->m_pCloseNotifies)))
			goto Exit;
		f_semDestroy( &hWaitSem);

		// The mutex will be locked at this point.  Re-try the lookup.
		// IMPORTANT NOTE: pDatabase will have been destroyed by this
		// time.  DO NOT use it for anything!

		goto Retry;


	if( hWaitSem != F_SEM_NULL)
		f_semDestroy( &hWaitSem);

	// Make sure the global mutex is re-locked before exiting

	if( !bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	return( rc);
예제 #21
Desc: This routine will open a database, returning a pointer to an IF_Db
		object that can be used to access it.
RCODE F_DbSystem::openDatabase(
	F_Database *			pDatabase,
	const char *			pszDbPath,
	const char *			pszDataDir,
	const char *			pszRflDir,
	const char *			pszPassword,
	FLMUINT					uiOpenFlags,
	FLMBOOL					bInternalOpen,
	IF_RestoreClient *	pRestoreObj,
	IF_RestoreStatus *	pRestoreStatus,
	IF_FileHdl *			pLockFileHdl,
	IF_Db **					ppDb)
	RCODE						rc = NE_XFLM_OK;
	FLMBOOL					bNewDatabase = FALSE;
	FLMBOOL					bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	F_Db *					pDb = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bNeedToOpen = FALSE;

	// Allocate and initialize an F_Db object.

	if (RC_BAD( rc = allocDb( &pDb, bInternalOpen)))
		goto Exit;

	f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;

	// Look up the file using findDatabase to see if we already
	// have the file open.

	if (!pDatabase)
		bNeedToOpen = TRUE;

		// May unlock and re-lock the global mutex.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = findDatabase( pszDbPath, pszDataDir, &pDatabase)))
			goto Exit;

	if (pDatabase)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = pDatabase->checkState( __FILE__, __LINE__)))
			goto Exit;

	if (!pDatabase)
		if (RC_BAD( rc = allocDatabase( pszDbPath, pszDataDir, FALSE, &pDatabase)))
			goto Exit;
		flmAssert( !pLockFileHdl);
		bNewDatabase = TRUE;
	else if( pLockFileHdl)
		flmAssert( pDatabase);
		flmAssert( !pDatabase->m_uiOpenIFDbCount);
		flmAssert( pDatabase->m_uiFlags & DBF_BEING_OPENED);

		pDatabase->m_pLockFileHdl = pLockFileHdl;

		// Set to NULL to prevent lock file from being released below

		pLockFileHdl = NULL;

		bNewDatabase = TRUE;
		bNeedToOpen = TRUE;
		FLMBOOL	bWaited = FALSE;
		flmAssert( !pLockFileHdl);

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pDatabase->verifyOkToUse( &bWaited)))
			goto Exit;

		if (bWaited)
			bNewDatabase = FALSE;
			bNeedToOpen = FALSE;

	// Link the F_Db object to the F_Database object.

	rc = pDb->linkToDatabase( pDatabase);
	f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	if (RC_BAD(rc))
		goto Exit;

	(void)flmStatGetDb( &pDb->m_Stats, pDatabase,
							0, &pDb->m_pDbStats, NULL, NULL);

	if (bNeedToOpen)
		if (RC_BAD( rc = pDatabase->physOpen( 
			pDb, pszDbPath, pszRflDir, pszPassword, uiOpenFlags,
			bNewDatabase, pRestoreObj, pRestoreStatus)))
			goto Exit;

	// Start a checkpoint thread

	if( bNewDatabase && !(uiOpenFlags & XFLM_DONT_REDO_LOG))
		flmAssert( !pDatabase->m_pCPThrd);
		flmAssert( !pDatabase->m_pMaintThrd);

		if( RC_BAD( rc = pDatabase->startCPThread()))
			goto Exit;

		if( !(uiOpenFlags & XFLM_DONT_RESUME_THREADS))
			if( RC_BAD( rc = pDb->startBackgroundIndexing()))
				goto Exit;

			if( RC_BAD( rc = pDatabase->startMaintThread()))
				goto Exit;


	if (bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	if (pLockFileHdl)

	if (pDb)
		// completeOpenOrCreate will delete pDb if RC_BAD( rc)

		pDb->completeOpenOrCreate( rc, bNewDatabase);

		if (RC_BAD( rc))
			pDb = NULL;
	*ppDb = (IF_Db *)pDb;
	return( rc);
예제 #22
파일: flmimon.cpp 프로젝트: ajumi2/libflaim
Desc:	This is the function that the HTTP server calls when it wants to
			display one of our pages
int flmHttpCallback(
	HRequest *			pHRequest,
	void *				//pvUserData
	RCODE							rc = FERR_OK;
	F_WebPage *					pPage = NULL;
	char *						pszPath = NULL;
	char *						pszQuery = NULL;
	char *						pszTemp = NULL;
	const char *				pszConstTemp = NULL;
#define MAX_PARAMS 10
	const char *				pszParams[ MAX_PARAMS];
	FLMUINT						uiNumParams;

	// If we get a NULL for the pHRequest object, then we are shutting down...

	if (pHRequest == NULL)
		// Remove the globals that enable the secure pages...

		// Delete the web page factory object
		if (gv_pWPFact)
			gv_pWPFact->Release( NULL);
		gv_pWPFact = NULL;
		goto Exit;

	// Increment the use count (helps ensure that the function pointers
	// that display() references don't go away while display() still needs
	// them.

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.hMutex);
	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.hMutex);

	// Must not access any HRequest function pointers prior to incrementing the
	// use count.

	if( !gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.fnReqPath)
		flmAssert( 0);
		goto Exit;

	// If the web page factory does not exist yet, then we need to create it.
	if (!gv_pWPFact)
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.hMutex);
		// In the time it took us to get the lock, some other thread might
		// have come along and created the factory already...
		if (!gv_pWPFact)
			if ((gv_pWPFact = f_new F_WebPageFactory) == NULL)
				rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
				f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.hMutex);
				goto Exit;
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.hMutex);
	pszConstTemp = gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.fnReqPath( pHRequest);
	flmAssert( pszConstTemp);

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 
		f_strlen( pszConstTemp) + 1, &pszPath)))
		goto Exit;

	f_strcpy( pszPath, pszConstTemp);
	pszConstTemp = gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.fnReqQuery( pHRequest);
	if( pszConstTemp)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( f_strlen( pszConstTemp) + 1, &pszQuery)))
			goto Exit;

		f_strcpy( pszQuery, pszConstTemp);
		pszConstTemp = pszQuery;
	else  // This URL had no query string...
		// If pszQuery is NULL, it causes problems further down, so we'll
		// make it a pointer to a null string...

		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 1, &pszQuery)))
			goto Exit;
		pszQuery[0] = '\0';				

	// Strip off pszURLString (and the next '/', if there is one) from the request and store 
	// what's left as pszParams[0].
	// (ie: /coredb/FlmSysData --> FlmSysData)

	// Note: The reason we're checking for the URL string first is because if
	// we're using our own http stack, then this callback is called for every
	// http request and we don't want to crash if we've got a short URI.
	// When we're running under DS, we're guarenteed that the URLString will
	// be part of the URI.

	if( f_strlen( pszPath) >= gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.uiURLStringLen)
		pszConstTemp = pszPath + gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.uiURLStringLen;
		if( *pszConstTemp == '/')
		pszConstTemp = pszPath;

	pszParams[0] = pszConstTemp;
	uiNumParams = 1;

	// Parse parameters in the query string 
	// Note that it's technically incorrect to have more than one ? in a
	// URL, but we didn't know that when we first started creating some of 
	// these pages and as a result, some queries are in the form of:
	// ?name1=value1?name2=value2?name3=value3...  (which is improper) and
	// some have the form:
	// ?name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3... (which is correct).
	pszTemp = pszQuery;
	while( *pszTemp != 0)
		flmAssert( uiNumParams < MAX_PARAMS);
		pszParams[ uiNumParams] = pszTemp;
		pszTemp = tokenizer( pszTemp, '?', '&');
		if (*pszTemp)
			*pszTemp = '\0';

	// Tell the factory to create the page
	if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_pWPFact->create( pszParams[0], &pPage, pHRequest)))
		goto Exit;
	pPage->setMembers( pHRequest);

	// display the page
	if( RC_BAD( rc = pPage->display (uiNumParams, &pszParams[0])))
		goto Exit;


	// Decrement the use count

	if( pHRequest)
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.hMutex);
		if( gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.uiUseCount > 0)
			flmAssert( 0);
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.HttpConfigParms.hMutex);
	if (pPage)
		gv_pWPFact->Release( &pPage);

	if (pszPath)
		f_free( &pszPath);

	if (pszQuery)
		f_free( &pszQuery);

	return (int)rc;
예제 #23
Desc:	Prints the web page for an SCACHE struct
RCODE F_SCacheBlockPage::display(
	FLMUINT			uiNumParams,
	const char ** 	ppszParams)
	RCODE				rc = FERR_OK;
	FLMUINT			uiBlkAddress = 0;
	FLMUINT			uiLowTransID = 0;
	FLMUINT			uiHighTransID = 0;
	FFILE *			pFile;
	FLMBOOL			bHighlight = FALSE;
	char *			pszTemp = NULL;
	char *			pszTemp1 = NULL;
	FLMUINT			uiLoop = 0;
	char				szOffsetTable[10][6];
	char				szAddressTable[4][20];
	SCACHE			LocalSCacheBlock;
	FLMUINT			uiPFileBucket = 0;
	char *			pszSCacheRequestString[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	char *			pszSCacheDataRequest = NULL;
	char *			pszSCacheAutoRequest = NULL; 
	char *			pszSCacheUseListRequest = NULL;
	char *			pszSCacheNotifyListRequest = NULL;
	char *			pszFFileRequest = NULL;
	char *			pszFlagNames = NULL;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 200, &pszTemp)))
		printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer");
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 200, &pszTemp1)))
		printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer");
		goto Exit;

	// Allocate memory for all those string pointers we declared above...
	for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < 8; uiLoop++)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheRequestString[ uiLoop])))
			goto Exit;
	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheDataRequest)))
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheAutoRequest)))
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheUseListRequest)))
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheNotifyListRequest)))
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 100, &pszFFileRequest)))
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 100, &pszFlagNames)))
		goto Exit;

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	rc = locateSCacheBlock( uiNumParams, ppszParams, &LocalSCacheBlock,
									&uiBlkAddress, &uiLowTransID,	&uiHighTransID,

	if (RC_OK(rc) && LocalSCacheBlock.pFile)
		uiPFileBucket = LocalSCacheBlock.pFile->uiBucket;

	if (RC_OK( rc))
		// Build the proper strings to request various other SCache blocks
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[0], LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInFile);
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[1], LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInFile);
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[2], LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInGlobalList);
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[3], LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInGlobalList);
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[4], LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInHashBucket);
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[5], LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInHashBucket);
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[6], LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInVersionList);
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[7], LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInVersionList);

		// Build the proper string to request the current Page
		flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheAutoRequest, &LocalSCacheBlock);

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	if (RC_BAD( rc))
		if (rc == FERR_NOT_FOUND)
			// The block wasn't there, print an error message and exit
			rc = FERR_OK;
		else if (rc == FERR_MEM)
			// Parameters were too long to store in the space provided.
			// Probably means that the URL was malformed...
			rc = FERR_OK;
		goto Exit;
	//Build the proper string to request this block's data...
	printAddress( pFile, szAddressTable[0]);
	f_sprintf( (char *)pszSCacheDataRequest,
		m_pszURLString, LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress, szAddressTable[0],
		uiLowTransID, uiHighTransID);
#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
	//Build the proper string to request this block's use list
	if( LocalSCacheBlock.pUseList)
		f_sprintf( (char *)pszSCacheUseListRequest,
			m_pszURLString, LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress, szAddressTable[0],
			uiLowTransID, uiHighTransID);
		pszSCacheUseListRequest[0] = '\0';

	//Build the proper string to request the notify list data...
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.pNotifyList)
		f_sprintf( (char *)pszSCacheNotifyListRequest,
			m_pszURLString, LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress, szAddressTable[0],
			uiLowTransID, uiHighTransID);
		pszSCacheNotifyListRequest[0] = '\0';

	//Build the proper string to request the FFile
	printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pFile, szAddressTable[0]);
	f_sprintf( (char *)pszFFileRequest, "%s/FFile?From=SCacheBlock&Bucket=%lu&Address=%s",
				 m_pszURLString, uiPFileBucket, szAddressTable[0]);

	// Build a string with the names of all the flags that have been set...
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_DIRTY)
		f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_DIRTY");
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_READ_PENDING)
		f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_READ_PENDING");
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_WRITE_TO_LOG)
		f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_WRITE_TO_LOG");
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_LOG_FOR_CP)
		f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_LOG_FOR_CP");
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_WAS_DIRTY)
		f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_WAS_DIRTY");
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_WRITE_PENDING)
		f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_WRITE_PENDING");
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_IN_WRITE_PENDING_LIST)
		f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_IN_WRITE_PENDING_LIST");

	// OK - Start outputting HTML...

	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<html>\n");
	// Determine if we are being requested to refresh this page or  not.
	if (DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Refresh"))
		// Send back the page with a refresh command in the header
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, 
			"<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5; url=\"%s\">"
			"<TITLE>SCache Block</TITLE>\n", pszSCacheAutoRequest);
		popupFrame();  //Spits out a Javascript function that will open a new window..
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</HEAD>\n<body>\n");
		f_sprintf( (char*)pszTemp,
					"<A HREF=\"%s\">Stop Auto-refresh</A>", pszSCacheAutoRequest);
		// Send back a page without the refresh command
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>\n");
		popupFrame();  //Spits out a Javascript function that will open a new window..
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</HEAD>\n<body>\n");
		f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp,
					"<A HREF=\"%s?Refresh\">Start Auto-refresh (5 sec.)</A>", pszSCacheAutoRequest);

	// Write out the table headings
	printTableStart( "SCache Block Structure", 4, 100);

	printColumnHeading( "", JUSTIFY_LEFT, FLM_IMON_COLOR_PUTTY_1, 4, 1, FALSE);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=\"%s\">Refresh</A>, %s\n",
				 pszSCacheAutoRequest, pszTemp);

	// Write out the table headings.
	printColumnHeading( "Byte Offset (hex)");
	printColumnHeading( "Field Name");
	printColumnHeading( "Field Type");
	printColumnHeading( "Value");

	// Print the two rows for pPrevInFile and pNextInFile
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[0], "pPrevInFile", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInFile);
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[1], "pNextInFile", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInFile);

	// Format the strings that are displayed in the Offset and Address
	// columns of the table
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pucBlk, szOffsetTable[0]);
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pFile, szOffsetTable[1]);
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress, szOffsetTable[2]);
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNotifyList, szOffsetTable[3]);
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.uiHighTransID, szOffsetTable[4]);
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.uiUseCount, szOffsetTable[5]);
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags, szOffsetTable[6]);
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize, szOffsetTable[7]);
#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.uiChecksum, szOffsetTable[8]);
	printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pUseList, szOffsetTable[9]);

	printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pucBlk, szAddressTable[0]);
	printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pFile, szAddressTable[1]);
	printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pNotifyList, szAddressTable[2]);
#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
	printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pUseList, szAddressTable[3]);

	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td><A HREF=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')\">pucBlk</A></td>\n"
				"<td>FLMBYTE *</td>\n<td><A HREF=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')\">%s</A></td>\n",
				szOffsetTable[0],	pszSCacheDataRequest, pszSCacheDataRequest, szAddressTable[0] );

	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td><A href=%s>pFile</A></td>\n"
				"<td>FFILE *</td>\n<td><A HREF=%s>%s</a></td>\n",
				szOffsetTable[1], pszFFileRequest, pszFFileRequest, szAddressTable[1]);

	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiBlkAddress</td>\n<td>FLMUINT</td>\n"
				"<td>0x%lX</td>\n", szOffsetTable[2], LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress);

	//Print the rows for the remaining SCache * fields
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[2], "pPrevInGlobalList", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInGlobalList);		
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[3], "pNextInGlobalList", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInGlobalList);
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[4], "pPrevInHashBucket", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInHashBucket);		
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[5], "pNextInHashBucket", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInHashBucket);
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[6], "pPrevInVersionList", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInVersionList);		
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[7], "pNextInVersionList", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInVersionList);

	//Notify list line
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	if (LocalSCacheBlock.pNotifyList)
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest,
			" <td> <A HREF=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')\"> pNotifyList </A> </td>	<td>FNOTIFY *</td> "
			"<td> <A HREF=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')\"> %s </A> </td>",
			szOffsetTable[3], pszSCacheNotifyListRequest,
			pszSCacheNotifyListRequest, szAddressTable[2]);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest,
			TD_s " <td> pNotifyList </td>	<td>FNOTIFY *</td> "
			"<td> 0x0 </td>", szOffsetTable[3]);

	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiHighTransID</td>\n"
				"<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_8x, szOffsetTable[4],

	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiUseCount</td>\n<td>FLMUINT</td>\n"
				 TD_lu,  szOffsetTable[5], LocalSCacheBlock.uiUseCount);

	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>ui16Flags</td>\n<td>FLMUINT16</td>\n"
					"<td>0x%04X %s</td>\n", szOffsetTable[6],
					LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags, pszFlagNames);

	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>ui16BlkSize</td>\n<td>FLMUINT16</td>\n" TD_i,
					szOffsetTable[7], LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize);

#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
	printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiChecksum</td>\n"
					"<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_8x,
					szOffsetTable[8], LocalSCacheBlock.uiChecksum);

#ifdef FLM_DEBUG
		//Last line - the use list...
		printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight);
		if (LocalSCacheBlock.pUseList)
			fnPrintf( m_pHRequest,
				TD_s " <td> <A href=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')> pUseList </A> </td>	<td> SCACHE_USE_p </td>		<td> <A href=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')> %s </A></td>",
				szOffsetTable[9], pszSCacheUseListRequest, pszSCacheUseListRequest, szAddressTable[3]);
			fnPrintf( m_pHRequest,
				TD_s " <td> pUseList </td>	<td> SCACHE_USE_p </td>	<td> 0x0 </td>",


	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TABLE_END "</BODY></HTML>\n");


	// Even though uiLoop2 is not in the same scope as uiLoop, VC6 still
	// complains if this is called uiLoop....
	for (FLMUINT uiLoop2 = 0; uiLoop2 < 8; uiLoop2++)
		if (pszSCacheRequestString[uiLoop2])
			f_free( &pszSCacheRequestString[uiLoop2]);

	if (pszSCacheDataRequest)
		f_free( &pszSCacheDataRequest);

	if (pszSCacheAutoRequest)
		f_free( &pszSCacheAutoRequest);

	if (pszSCacheUseListRequest)
		f_free( &pszSCacheUseListRequest);

	if (pszSCacheNotifyListRequest)
		f_free( &pszSCacheNotifyListRequest);
	if( pszFFileRequest)
		f_free( &pszFFileRequest);

	if( pszFlagNames)
		f_free( &pszFlagNames);

	if (pszTemp)
		f_free( &pszTemp);

	if (pszTemp1)
		f_free( &pszTemp1);

	return( rc);
예제 #24
	inline void lockMutex( void)
		f_mutexLock( m_hMutex);
예제 #25
Desc:	Prints the web page for the SCacheHashTable
RCODE F_SCacheHashTablePage::display(
	FLMUINT			uiNumParams,
	const char ** 	ppszParams)
	RCODE			rc = FERR_OK;
	FLMBOOL		bRefresh;
	FLMBOOL		bHighlight = TRUE;
  	FLMUINT		uiLoop;
	FLMUINT		uiHashTableSize;
	FLMUINT		uiUsedEntries = 0;
	char			szStart[10];
	char			szRefresh[] = "&Refresh";
	FLMUINT		uiStart;
	FLMUINT		uiNewStart;
	char *		pszTemp;
#define NUM_ENTRIES 20
	char *		pszHTLinks[NUM_ENTRIES];


	// Check for the refresh parameter
	bRefresh = DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Refresh");
	if (!bRefresh)
		szRefresh[0]='\0';  // Effectively turns szRefresh into a null string

	// Get the starting entry number...
	if (RC_BAD( rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams,
												  "Start", sizeof( szStart),
		flmAssert( 0);  
		goto Exit;
	uiStart = f_atoud( szStart);

	// Allocate space for the hyperlink text
	for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_ENTRIES; uiLoop++)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 250, &pszHTLinks[ uiLoop])))
			printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer");
			goto Exit;

		pszHTLinks[uiLoop][0] = '\0';

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 250, &pszTemp)))
		printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer");
		goto Exit;

	// Lock the database
	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	// Get the number of entries in the hash table
	uiHashTableSize = gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr.uiHashTblSize;
	// May need to modify starting number if it's out of range...
	if ((uiStart + NUM_ENTRIES) >= uiHashTableSize)
		uiStart = uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES;

	// Loop through the entire table counting the number of entries in use
	// If the entry is one of the one's we're going to display, store the 
	// appropriate text in pszHTLinks
	for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < uiHashTableSize; uiLoop++)
		if (gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr.ppHashTbl[uiLoop])

		if (	(uiLoop >= uiStart) &&
				(uiLoop < (uiStart + NUM_ENTRIES)) )
			// This is one of the entries that we will display
			if (gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr.ppHashTbl[uiLoop])
				flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszHTLinks[uiLoop - uiStart], 



	// Unlock the database
	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	// Begin rendering the page...

	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<html>\n");

	// Determine if we are being requested to refresh this page or  not.

	if (bRefresh)
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, 
			"<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5; url=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s\">"
			"<TITLE>Database iMonitor - SCache Hash Table</TITLE>\n", m_pszURLString, uiStart, szRefresh);
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>\n");

	// If we are not to refresh this page, then don't include the
	// refresh meta command
	if (!bRefresh)
		f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp,
			       "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu&Refresh>Start Auto-refresh (5 sec.)</A>",
					 m_pszURLString, uiStart);
		f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp,
			       "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu>Stop Auto-refresh</A>",
					 m_pszURLString, uiStart);

	// Print out a formal header and the refresh option.
	printTableStart("SCache Hash Table", 4);

	printColumnHeading( "", JUSTIFY_LEFT, FLM_IMON_COLOR_PUTTY_1, 4, 1, FALSE);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest,
				 "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Refresh</A>, %s\n",
				 m_pszURLString, uiStart, szRefresh, pszTemp);
	printTableRowStart( (bHighlight = !bHighlight));
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<TD>Table Size: %lu </TD>\n", uiHashTableSize);

	printTableRowStart( (bHighlight = !bHighlight));
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<TD>Entries Used: %lu (%lu%%) </TD>\n", uiUsedEntries,
				 ((uiUsedEntries * 100) / uiHashTableSize) );
	// The rest of the table is going to be a single row with two columns:  
	// one for the list of hash buckets and the other for everything else

	printTableRowStart( FALSE);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, " <TD>\n");
	// Print out the hash buckets
	for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_ENTRIES; uiLoop++)
		if (pszHTLinks[uiLoop][0] != '\0')
			fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s%s>%lu</A> <br>\n",
						 pszHTLinks[uiLoop], szRefresh, uiStart+uiLoop);
			fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "%lu<br>\n", uiStart+uiLoop);

	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</ul>\n</TD>\n<TD>\n");

	// Print out the other stuff...
	uiNewStart = (uiStart > 100)?(uiStart - 100):0;
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Previous 100</A> <BR>\n",
					m_pszURLString, uiNewStart, szRefresh);
	uiNewStart = (uiStart > 10)?(uiStart - 10):0;
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Previous 10</A> <BR>\n",
					m_pszURLString, uiNewStart, szRefresh);

	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<BR>\n");
	uiNewStart = (uiStart + 10);
	if (uiNewStart >= (uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES))
		uiNewStart = (uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Next 10</A> <BR>\n",
					m_pszURLString, uiNewStart, szRefresh);

	uiNewStart = (uiStart + 100);
	if (uiNewStart >= (uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES))
		uiNewStart = (uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES);
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Next 100</A> <BR>\n"
				"<form type=\"submit\" method=\"get\" action=\"/coredb/SCacheHashTable\">\n"
				"<BR> Jump to specific bucket:<BR> \n"
				"<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" name=\"Start\"></INPUT> <BR>\n",
				m_pszURLString, uiNewStart, szRefresh);
	printButton( "Jump", BT_Submit);
	// We use a hidden field to pass the refresh parameter back the the server
	if (bRefresh)
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"Refresh\"></INPUT>\n");
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</form>\n</TD>\n");



	// Free the space for the hyperlink text
	for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_ENTRIES; uiLoop++)
		f_free( &pszHTLinks[uiLoop]);

	f_free( &pszTemp);
	return( rc);

예제 #26
void flmDbgLogFlush( void)
	f_mutexLock( g_hDbgLogMutex);
	f_mutexUnlock( g_hDbgLogMutex);
예제 #27
Desc:	This destructor frees all of the structures associated with an
		F_Database object.
		Whoever called this routine has already determined that it is safe
		to do so.
Notes:	The global mutex is assumed to be locked when entering the
			routine.  It may be unlocked and re-locked before the routine
			exits, however.
	F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM *	pCloseNotifies;
	F_Dict *    			pDict;
	F_Dict *					pTmpDict;

	// At this point, the use count better be zero

	flmAssert( !m_uiOpenIFDbCount);

	// Shut down all background threads before shutting down the CP thread.


	if (m_pRfl)

	// Shouldn't have any pending input at this point

	flmAssert( !m_pPendingInput);

	// At this point, the use count better be zero

	flmAssert( !m_uiOpenIFDbCount);

	// Unlock the mutex

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	// Shut down the checkpoint thread

	if( m_pCPThrd)
		m_pCPThrd = NULL;

	// Unlink all of the F_Dict objects that are connected to the
	// database.

	while (m_pDictList)

	// Take the file out of its name hash bucket, if any.

	if (m_uiBucket != 0xFFFF)
		f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		if (m_pPrev)
			m_pPrev->m_pNext = m_pNext;
			gv_XFlmSysData.pDatabaseHashTbl[ m_uiBucket].pFirstInBucket = m_pNext;

		if (m_pNext)
			m_pNext->m_pPrev = m_pPrev;
		m_uiBucket = 0xFFFF;
		// After this point, we should not need to keep the global mutex locked
		// because the F_Database is no longer visible to any thread to find in
		// the hash table.
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	// Shouldn't have any queries at this point.  But we will be nice in case
	// we do and will unlink the queries from the list

	flmAssert( !m_pFirstQuery);
	while (m_pFirstQuery)
		F_Query *	pQuery = m_pFirstQuery;

		m_pFirstQuery = m_pFirstQuery->m_pNext;
		pQuery->m_pPrev = NULL;
		pQuery->m_pNext = NULL;
		pQuery->m_pDatabase = NULL;

	// Free the RFL data, if any.

	if (m_pRfl)
		m_pRfl = NULL;

	flmAssert( m_pOpenNotifies == NULL);
	m_pOpenNotifies = NULL;

	// Save pCloseNotifies -- we will notify any waiters once the
	// F_Database has been freed.

	pCloseNotifies = m_pCloseNotifies;

	// Free any dictionary usage structures associated with the database.

	pDict = m_pDictList;
	while (pDict)
		pTmpDict = pDict;
		pDict = pDict->getNext();
	m_pDictList = NULL;

	// Free any shared cache associated with the database.
	// Cannot have the global mutex locked when these are called because
	// these routines lock the block cache mutex and the node cache mutex.
	// If both the global mutex and the block or node cache mutexes are to be
	// locked, the rule is that the block or node cache mutex must be locked
	// before locking the global mutex.  This is because neededByReadTrans
	// will end up doing it in this order - when neededByReadTrans is called
	// either the block or node cache mutex is already locked, and it will
	// additionally lock the global mutex.  Since that order is already
	// required, we cannot have anyone else attempting to lock the mutexes
	// in a different order.
	// Release the lock objects.

	if (m_pWriteLockObj)
		m_pWriteLockObj = NULL;

	if (m_pDatabaseLockObj)
		m_pDatabaseLockObj = NULL;

	// Close and delete the lock file.

	if (m_pLockFileHdl)
		m_pLockFileHdl = NULL;

	// Free the write buffer managers.

	if (m_pBufferMgr)
		m_pBufferMgr = NULL;
	// Free the log header write buffer

	if (m_pDbHdrWriteBuf)
		f_freeAlignedBuffer( (void **)&m_pDbHdrWriteBuf);

	// Free the update buffer

	if (m_pucUpdBuffer)
		f_free( &m_pucUpdBuffer);
		m_uiUpdBufferSize = 0;

	if (m_ppBlocksDone)
		f_free( &m_ppBlocksDone);
		m_uiBlocksDoneArraySize = 0;

	// Notify waiters that the F_Database is gone

	while (pCloseNotifies)
		F_SEM		hSem;

		*(pCloseNotifies->pRc) = NE_XFLM_OK;
		hSem = pCloseNotifies->hSem;
		pCloseNotifies = pCloseNotifies->pNext;
		f_semSignal( hSem);

	f_free( &m_pszDbPath);
	// Encryption stuff
	if (m_pszDbPasswd)
		f_free( &m_pszDbPasswd);
	if (m_pWrappingKey)
		m_pWrappingKey = NULL;
	flmAssert( !m_pFirstNode && !m_pLastNode && !m_pLastDirtyNode);
	if (m_hMutex != F_MUTEX_NULL)
		f_mutexDestroy( &m_hMutex);
	// Global mutex is still expected to be locked at this point
	f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
예제 #28
Desc:	Prints the web page showing the binary data in an SCache block
RCODE F_SCacheDataPage::display( 
	FLMUINT			uiNumParams,
	const char ** 	ppszParams)
	RCODE			rc = FERR_OK;

	FLMUINT		uiBlkAddress = 0;
	FLMUINT		uiLowTransID = 0;
	FLMUINT		uiHighTransID = 0;
	FFILE *		pFile = NULL;
	FLMBOOL		bFlaimLocked = FALSE;
	SCACHE		LocalSCacheBlock;
	char *		pucData = NULL;
	char *		pucDataLine;
	char			szData[97];
	char			szOneChar[7];
	FLMUINT		uiCurrentOffset = 0;
	FLMUINT		uiLoop = 0;
	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bFlaimLocked = TRUE;
	rc = locateSCacheBlock( uiNumParams, ppszParams, &LocalSCacheBlock,
									&uiBlkAddress, &uiLowTransID,	&uiHighTransID,
	if (RC_BAD( rc))
		if(rc == FERR_NOT_FOUND)
			rc = FERR_OK;
		goto Exit;
		// Store the data in a local variable...
		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 
			LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize, &pucData)))
			goto Exit;

		f_memcpy( pucData, LocalSCacheBlock.pucBlk, LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize);

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bFlaimLocked = FALSE;

	// Start the HTML...
	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE 
				"<HTML> <BODY>\n<font face=arial><PRE>\n");

	while (uiCurrentOffset < LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize)
		szData[0] = '\0';
		pucDataLine =  pucData + uiCurrentOffset;
		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<font color=blue>0x%04X</font>    "
						"%02X %02X %02X %02X  %02X %02X %02X %02X  %02X %02X %02X %02X  %02X %02X %02X %02X    ",
						pucDataLine[ 0], pucDataLine[ 1], pucDataLine[ 2], pucDataLine[ 3],
						pucDataLine[ 4], pucDataLine[ 5], pucDataLine[ 6], pucDataLine[ 7],
						pucDataLine[ 8], pucDataLine[ 9], pucDataLine[10], pucDataLine[11],
						pucDataLine[12], pucDataLine[13], pucDataLine[14], pucDataLine[15]);
		for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < 16; uiLoop++)
			if (	(pucDataLine[uiLoop] >= 32) &&  // 32 is a space
					(pucDataLine[uiLoop] <= 126)  ) // 126 is a ~
				f_sprintf( szOneChar, "&#%d;", pucDataLine[uiLoop]);
				f_strcpy( szOneChar, "&#46;"); // 46 is a .
			f_strcat(szData, szOneChar);

			// The reason for all the &#xxx; nonsence is because if we just put
			// the characters into a string, when the brower comes across a <
			// character, it will try to interpret what follows as an HTML
			// tag...

		fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<font color=green>%s</font>\n", szData);
		uiCurrentOffset += 16;

	fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</PRE></font>\n</BODY> </HTML>\n");

	if (bFlaimLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	if (pucData)
		f_free( &pucData);

	return( rc);
예제 #29
Desc: This routine links a request into a notification list and
		then waits to be notified that the event has occurred.  The mutex
		is assumed to protect the notify list.
RCODE FLMAPI f_notifyWait(
	F_MUTEX						hMutex,
	F_SEM							hSem,
	void *						pvData,
	F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM **	ppNotifyList)
	RCODE							rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	RCODE							tmpRc;
	F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM		stackNotify;
	F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM *		pNotify = &stackNotify;
	f_assertMutexLocked( hMutex);
	f_assert( pNotify != *ppNotifyList);

	f_memset( &stackNotify, 0, sizeof( F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM));
	pNotify->uiThreadId = f_threadId();
	pNotify->hSem = F_SEM_NULL;
	if( hSem == F_SEM_NULL)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_semCreate( &pNotify->hSem)))
			goto Exit;
		pNotify->hSem = hSem;
	pNotify->pRc = &rc;
	pNotify->pvData = pvData;
	pNotify->pNext = *ppNotifyList;
	*ppNotifyList = pNotify;

	// Unlock the mutex and wait on the semaphore

	f_mutexUnlock( hMutex);

	if( RC_BAD( tmpRc = f_semWait( pNotify->hSem, F_WAITFOREVER)))
		rc = tmpRc;

	// Free the semaphore
	if( hSem != pNotify->hSem)
		f_semDestroy( &pNotify->hSem);

	// Relock the mutex

	f_mutexLock( hMutex);


	return( rc);
예제 #30
Desc: This routine performs all of the necessary steps to complete
		a create or open of a database, including notifying other threads
		waiting for the open or create to complete.
NOTE:	If RC_BAD( rc), this routine will delete the F_Db object.
void F_Db::completeOpenOrCreate(
	RCODE		rc,
	FLMBOOL	bNewDatabase
	if (RC_OK( rc))

		// If this is a newly created F_Database, we need to notify any
		// threads waiting for the database to be created or opened that
		// the create or open is now complete.

		if (bNewDatabase)
			f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
			m_pDatabase->newDatabaseFinish( NE_XFLM_OK);
			f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		F_Database *	pDatabase = m_pDatabase;

		// Temporarily increment the open count on the F_Database structure
		// so that it will NOT be freed when pDb is freed below.

		if (bNewDatabase)
			f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);
			f_mutexUnlock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// NOTE: Cannot access this F_Db object after this!
		// Must do this before potentially deleting the F_Database object
		// below, so that the F_Db object will unlink itself from
		// the F_Database object.

		// If we allocated the F_Database object, notify any
		// waiting threads.

		if (bNewDatabase)
			f_mutexLock( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);

			// Decrement the use count to compensate for the increment
			// that occurred above.


			// If this is a newly created F_Database, we need to notify any
			// threads waiting for the database to be created or opened that
			// the create or open is now complete.

			pDatabase->newDatabaseFinish( rc);
			f_mutexUnlock ( gv_XFlmSysData.hShareMutex);