예제 #1
double InvGammaLogPdf::f(double alpha, double beta, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part += (alpha + 1) * fastlog(xs[i]) + beta / xs[i];

    return n * (alpha * fastlog(beta) - lgamma(alpha)) - part;
예제 #2
double InvGammaLogPdf::df_dalpha(double alpha, double beta, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part += fastlog(xs[i]);

    return n * (fastlog(beta) - boost::math::digamma(alpha)) - part;
예제 #3
double AltGammaLogPdf::df_dshape(double mean, double shape, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double scale = mean / shape;
    double part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part += fastlog(xs[i]) - xs[i] / mean;

    return (double) n * (-boost::math::digamma(shape) + fastlog(scale) * (mean/sq(shape))) + part;
예제 #4
float AltGammaLogPdf::df_dshape(float mean, float shape, const float* xs, size_t n)
    float scale = mean / shape;
    float part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part += fastlog(xs[i]) - xs[i] / mean;

    return (float) n * (-boost::math::digamma(shape) + fastlog(scale) * (mean/sq(shape))) + part;
예제 #5
double LogNormalLogPdf::f(double mu, double sigma, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double part1 = n * (NEG_LOG_2_PI_DIV_2 - fastlog(sigma));
    double part2 = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        double logx = fastlog(xs[i]);
        part2 += sq(logx - mu) / (2 * sq(sigma)) + logx;

    return part1 - part2;
예제 #6
double AltGammaLogPdf::f(double mean, double shape, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double scale =  mean / shape;
    double part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part += (shape - 1.0) * fastlog(xs[i]) - xs[i] / scale;

    double ans = -(double) n * (lgamma(shape) + shape * fastlog(scale)) + part;
    return ans;
예제 #7
float AltGammaLogPdf::f(float mean, float shape, const float* xs, size_t n)
    float scale =  mean / shape;
    float part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part += (shape - 1.0) * fastlog(xs[i]) - xs[i] / scale;

    float ans = -(float) n * (lgammaf(shape) + shape * fastlog(scale)) + part;
    return ans;
예제 #8
float GammaLogPdf::f(float alpha, float beta, const float* xs, size_t n)
    float part1 = 0.0, part2 = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part1 += fastlog(xs[i]);
        part2 += xs[i];

        n * (alpha * fastlog(beta) - lgammaf(alpha)) +
        (alpha - 1) * part1 -
        beta * part2;
예제 #9
double GammaLogPdf::f(double alpha, double beta, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double part1 = 0.0, part2 = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part1 += fastlog(xs[i]);
        part2 += xs[i];

        n * (alpha * fastlog(beta) - lgamma(alpha)) +
        (alpha - 1) * part1 -
        beta * part2;
예제 #10
double Shredder::sample(rng_t& rng, double x0)
    double d0;
    double lp0 = f(x0, d0);


    double slice_height = fastlog(
            std::max<double>(constants::zero_eps, random_uniform_01(rng))) + lp0;

    x_min = find_slice_edge(x0, slice_height, lp0, d0, -1);
    x_max = find_slice_edge(x0, slice_height, lp0, d0,  1);

    double x = (x_max + x_min) / 2;
    while (x_max - x_min > tolerance) {
        x = x_min + (x_max - x_min) * random_uniform_01(rng);
        double d;
        double lp = f(x, d);

        if (lp >= slice_height) break;
        else if (x > x0) x_max = x;
        else             x_min = x;

    return x;
예제 #11
double LogNormalLogPdf::df_dmu(double mu, double sigma, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part += fastlog(xs[i]) - mu;
    return part / sq(sigma);
예제 #12
// thinplate spline kernel \phi(r)
static inline v4sf kerneldist4(const float *x, const float *y)
  const float r = sqrtf(
  return r*r*fastlog(MAX(1e-8f,r));
예제 #13
double LogNormalLogPdf::df_dsigma(double mu, double sigma, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part += sq(fastlog(xs[i]) - mu);

    return part / cb(sigma) - n/sigma;
예제 #14
float NormalLogPdf::f(float mu, float sigma, const float* xs, size_t n)
    float part1 = n * (NEG_LOG_2_PI_DIV_2 - fastlog(sigma));
    float part2 = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part2 += sq(xs[i] - mu) / (2 * sq(sigma));

    return part1 - part2;
예제 #15
static inline float kernel(const float *x, const float *y)
  // return r*r*logf(MAX(1e-8f,r));
  // well damnit, this speedup thing unfortunately shows severe artifacts.
  // return r*r*fasterlog(MAX(1e-8f,r));
  // this one seems to be a lot better, let's see how it goes:
  const float r2 = 
  return .5f * r2*fastlog(MAX(1e-8f,r2));
예제 #16
float StudentsTLogPdf::f(float nu, float mu, float sigma, const float* xs, size_t n)
    float part1 =
        n * (lgammaf((nu + 1) / 2) - lgamma(nu / 2) - fastlog(sqrt(nu * M_PI) * sigma));

    float part2 = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part2 += log1p(sq((xs[i] - mu) / sigma) / nu);

    return part1 - ((nu + 1) / 2) * part2;
예제 #17
double StudentsTLogPdf::f(double nu, double mu, double sigma, const double* xs, size_t n)
    double part1 =
        n * (lgamma((nu + 1) / 2) - lgamma(nu / 2) - fastlog(sqrt(nu * M_PI) * sigma));

    double part2 = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        part2 += log1p(sq((xs[i] - mu) / sigma) / nu);

    return part1 - ((nu + 1) / 2) * part2;
예제 #18
double DirichletLogPdf::df_dalpha(double alpha,
                                  const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double>* mean,
                                  const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double>* data,
                                  size_t n, size_t m)
    double part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
            part += (*mean)(i, j) * (fastlog((*data)(i, j)) -
                                     boost::math::digamma(alpha * (*mean)(i, j)));

    return n * boost::math::digamma(alpha) + part;
예제 #19
double DirichletLogPdf::f(double alpha,
                          const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double>* mean,
                          const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double>* data,
                          size_t n, size_t m)
    double part = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
            double am = alpha * (*mean)(i, j);
            part += (am - 1) * fastlog((*data)(i, j)) - lgamma(am);

    return n * lgamma(alpha) + part;
예제 #20
double LogisticNormalLogPdf::df_dx(double mu, double sigma, double x)
    double y = fastlog(x / (1 - x));
    return (1/(1-x)) - (1/x) - (mu - y) / (sq(sigma) * (x - 1) * x);
예제 #21
double LogisticNormalLogPdf::f(double mu, double sigma, double x)
    return -fastlog(sigma) - fastlog(sqrt(2*M_PI)) -
           sq(fastlog(x / (1 - x)) - mu) / (2 * sq(sigma)) -
           fastlog(x) - fastlog(1-x);
예제 #22
double BetaLogPdf::df_dgamma(double gamma, double c, double x)
    return c * (fastlog(x / (1 - x)) -
                boost::math::digamma(gamma * c) +
                boost::math::digamma((1 - gamma) * c));
예제 #23
double BetaLogPdf::f(double alpha, double beta, double x)
    return (alpha - 1) * fastlog(x) + (beta - 1) * fastlog(1 - x) - lbeta(alpha, beta);
예제 #24
float LogSum(float log_a, float log_b) {
  return (log_a < log_b) ? log_b + fastlog(1 + fastexp(log_a - log_b)) :
      log_a + fastlog(1 + fastexp(log_b-log_a));
예제 #25
double PoissonLogPdf::f(float lambda, unsigned int k)
    return k * fastlog(lambda) - lgammaf(k + 1) - lambda;
예제 #26
float AltGammaLogPdf::df_dshape(float mean, float shape, float x)
    float scale = mean / shape;
    float part = fastlog(x) - x / mean;
    return (-boost::math::digamma(shape) + fastlog(scale) * (mean/sq(shape))) + part;
예제 #27
double NormalLogPdf::f(double mu, double sigma, const double x)
    double part1 = NEG_LOG_2_PI_DIV_2 - fastlog(sigma);
    double part2 = sq(x - mu) / (2 * sq(sigma));
    return part1 - part2;
예제 #28
double LogNormalLogPdf::df_dx(double mu, double sigma, double x)
    return (mu - fastlog(x)) / (x * sq(sigma)) - 1.0 / x;
예제 #29
float AltGammaLogPdf::f(float mean, float shape, float x)
    float scale =  mean / shape;
    float part = (shape - 1.0) * fastlog(x) - x / scale;
    return -(lgammaf(shape) + shape * fastlog(scale)) + part;
예제 #30
double AltGammaLogPdf::f(double mean, double shape, double x)
    double scale =  mean / shape;
    double part = (shape - 1.0) * fastlog(x) - x / scale;
    return -(lgamma(shape) + shape * fastlog(scale)) + part;