예제 #1
파일: inbound.c 프로젝트: ArchUser/hexchat
clear_channel (session *sess)
	if (sess->channel[0])
		strcpy (sess->waitchannel, sess->channel);
	sess->channel[0] = 0;
	sess->doing_who = FALSE;
	sess->done_away_check = FALSE;

	log_close (sess);

	if (sess->current_modes)
		free (sess->current_modes);
		sess->current_modes = NULL;

	if (sess->mode_timeout_tag)
		fe_timeout_remove (sess->mode_timeout_tag);
		sess->mode_timeout_tag = 0;

	fe_clear_channel (sess);
	userlist_clear (sess);
	fe_set_nonchannel (sess, FALSE);
	fe_set_title (sess);
예제 #2
inbound_ujoin (server *serv, char *chan, char *nick, char *ip,
					const message_tags_data *tags_data)
	session *sess;
	int found_unused = FALSE;

	/* already joined? probably a bnc */
	sess = find_channel (serv, chan);
	if (!sess)
		/* see if a window is waiting to join this channel */
		sess = find_session_from_waitchannel (chan, serv);
		if (!sess)
			/* find a "<none>" tab and use that */
			sess = find_unused_session (serv);
			found_unused = sess != NULL;
			if (!sess)
				/* last resort, open a new tab/window */
				sess = new_ircwindow (serv, chan, SESS_CHANNEL, 1);

	safe_strcpy (sess->channel, chan, CHANLEN);
	if (found_unused)
		chanopt_load (sess);
		scrollback_load (sess);
		if (sess->scrollwritten && sess->scrollback_replay_marklast)
			sess->scrollback_replay_marklast (sess);

	fe_set_channel (sess);
	fe_set_title (sess);
	fe_set_nonchannel (sess, TRUE);
	userlist_clear (sess);

	log_open_or_close (sess);

	sess->waitchannel[0] = 0;
	sess->ignore_date = TRUE;
	sess->ignore_mode = TRUE;
	sess->ignore_names = TRUE;
	sess->end_of_names = FALSE;

	/* sends a MODE */
	serv->p_join_info (sess->server, chan);

	EMIT_SIGNAL_TIMESTAMP (XP_TE_UJOIN, sess, nick, chan, ip, NULL, 0,

	if (prefs.hex_irc_who_join)
		/* sends WHO #channel */
		serv->p_user_list (sess->server, chan);
		sess->doing_who = TRUE;
예제 #3
inbound_ujoin (server *serv, char *chan, char *nick, char *ip)
	session *sess;

	/* already joined? probably a bnc */
	sess = find_channel (serv, chan);
	if (!sess)
		/* see if a window is waiting to join this channel */
		sess = find_session_from_waitchannel (chan, serv);
		if (!sess)
			/* find a "<none>" tab and use that */
			sess = find_unused_session (serv);
			if (!sess)
				/* last resort, open a new tab/window */
				sess = new_ircwindow (serv, chan, SESS_CHANNEL);

	safe_strcpy (sess->channel, chan, CHANLEN);

	fe_set_channel (sess);
	fe_set_title (sess);
	fe_set_nonchannel (sess, TRUE);
	clear_user_list (sess);

	if (prefs.logging)
		log_open (sess);

	sess->waitchannel[0] = 0;
	sess->ignore_date = TRUE;
	sess->ignore_mode = TRUE;
	sess->ignore_names = TRUE;
	sess->end_of_names = FALSE;

	/* sends a MODE */
	serv->p_join_info (sess->server, chan);

	EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_UJOIN, sess, nick, chan, ip, NULL, 0);

	if (prefs.userhost)
		/* sends WHO #channel */
		serv->p_user_list (sess->server, chan);
		sess->doing_who = TRUE;
예제 #4
파일: inbound.c 프로젝트: ArchUser/hexchat
inbound_notice (server *serv, char *to, char *nick, char *msg, char *ip, int id)
	char *po,*ptr=to;
	session *sess = 0;
	int server_notice = FALSE;

	if (is_channel (serv, ptr))
		sess = find_channel (serv, ptr);

	if (!sess && ptr[0] == '@')
		sess = find_channel (serv, ptr);

	if (!sess && ptr[0] == '%')
		sess = find_channel (serv, ptr);

	if (!sess && ptr[0] == '+')
		sess = find_channel (serv, ptr);

	if (strcmp (nick, ip) == 0)
		server_notice = TRUE;

	if (!sess)
		ptr = 0;
		if (prefs.hex_gui_tab_notices)
			int stype = server_notice ? SESS_SNOTICES : SESS_NOTICES;
			sess = find_session_from_type (stype, serv);
			if (!sess)
				if (stype == SESS_NOTICES)
					sess = new_ircwindow (serv, "(notices)", SESS_NOTICES, 0);
					sess = new_ircwindow (serv, "(snotices)", SESS_SNOTICES, 0);
				fe_set_channel (sess);
				fe_set_title (sess);
				fe_set_nonchannel (sess, FALSE);
				userlist_clear (sess);
				log_open_or_close (sess);
			/* Avoid redundancy with some Undernet notices */
			if (!strncmp (msg, "*** Notice -- ", 14))
				msg += 14;
		} else
											/* paranoia check */
			if (msg[0] == '[' && (!serv->have_idmsg || id))
				/* guess where chanserv meant to post this -sigh- */
				if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (nick, "ChanServ") && !find_dialog (serv, nick))
					char *dest = strdup (msg + 1);
					char *end = strchr (dest, ']');
					if (end)
						*end = 0;
						sess = find_channel (serv, dest);
					free (dest);
			if (!sess)
				sess = find_session_from_nick (nick, serv);
		if (!sess)
			if (server_notice)	
				sess = serv->server_session;
				sess = serv->front_session;

	if (msg[0] == 1)
		if (!strncmp (msg, "PING", 4))
			inbound_ping_reply (sess, msg + 5, nick);
	po = strchr (msg, '\001');
	if (po)
		po[0] = 0;

	if (server_notice)
		EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_SERVNOTICE, sess, msg, nick, NULL, NULL, 0);
	else if (ptr)
		EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_CHANNOTICE, sess, nick, to, msg, NULL, 0);
		EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_NOTICE, sess, nick, msg, NULL, NULL, 0);
예제 #5
inbound_notice (server *serv, char *to, char *nick, char *msg, char *ip)
	char *po,*ptr=to;
	session *sess = 0;
	int server_notice = FALSE;

	if (is_channel (serv, ptr))
		sess = find_channel (serv, ptr);

	if (!sess && ptr[0] == '@')
		sess = find_channel (serv, ptr);

	if (!sess && ptr[0] == '+')
		sess = find_channel (serv, ptr);

	if (strcmp (nick, ip) == 0)
		server_notice = TRUE;

	if (!sess)
		ptr = 0;
		if (prefs.notices_tabs)
			int stype = server_notice ? SESS_SNOTICES : SESS_NOTICES;
			sess = find_session_from_type (stype, serv);
			if (!sess)
				register unsigned int oldh = prefs.hideuserlist;
				prefs.hideuserlist = 1;
				if (stype == SESS_NOTICES)
					sess = new_ircwindow (serv, "(notices)", SESS_NOTICES);
					sess = new_ircwindow (serv, "(snotices)", SESS_SNOTICES);
				prefs.hideuserlist = oldh;
				fe_set_channel (sess);
				fe_set_title (sess);
				fe_set_nonchannel (sess, FALSE);
				clear_user_list (sess);
				if (prefs.logging)
					log_open (sess);
			/* Avoid redundancy with some Undernet notices */
			if (!strncmp (msg, "*** Notice -- ", 14))
				msg += 14;
		} else
			sess = find_session_from_nick (nick, serv);
		if (!sess)
			if (server_notice)	
				sess = serv->server_session;
				sess = serv->front_session;

	if (msg[0] == 1)
		if (!strncmp (msg, "PING", 4))
			inbound_ping_reply (sess, msg + 5, nick);
	po = strchr (msg, '\001');
	if (po)
		po[0] = 0;

	if (server_notice)
		EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_SERVNOTICE, sess, msg, nick, NULL, NULL, 0);
	else if (ptr)
		EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_CHANNOTICE, sess, nick, to, msg, NULL, 0);
		EMIT_SIGNAL (XP_TE_NOTICE, sess, nick, msg, NULL, NULL, 0);