FGrab::FGrab(boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker, const std::string& name) : AL::ALModule(broker, name) { // Describe the module here. This will appear on the webpage setModuleDescription("Grab raw frames from the active camera."); functionName("grab_to_file", getName(), "Grab a frame and write it in a file. " "It is not necessary to call release() afterwards."); addParam("file", "The path and name of the file to be written"); BIND_METHOD(FGrab::grab_to_file); functionName("grab", getName(), "Returns a buffer containing a raw YUV422 picture. " "This buffer is not to be freed manually. Call release() for cleanup."); setReturn("unsigned char[]", "Buffer containing the YUV422 video frame"); BIND_METHOD(FGrab::grab); functionName("getImageSize", getName(), "Returns the size in bytes of the buffer " "currently on hold."); setReturn("char[]", "Buffer containing the YUV422 video frame"); BIND_METHOD(FGrab::grab); // Release the buffer, necessary before calling grab again functionName("release", getName(), "Releases the buffer allocated by grab()."); BIND_METHOD(FGrab::release); functionName("switchCamera", getName(), "Switch to the camera passed in parameter."); addParam("camera", "The camera code"); BIND_METHOD(FGrab::release); }
//______________________________________________ // constructor //______________________________________________ mainModule::mainModule(boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker, const std::string& name) : AL::ALModule(broker, name) { std::string bodyId, headId; setModuleDescription("This is the Kouretes Team root module "); functionName("Start", "mainModule", "Method to start Talws"); BIND_METHOD(mainModule::Start); functionName("Stop", "mainModule", "Method to stop Talws"); BIND_METHOD(mainModule::Stop); boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALMemoryProxy> memory; KAlBroker::Instance().SetBroker(broker); try { memory = KAlBroker::Instance().GetBroker()->getMemoryProxy(); } catch (AL::ALError& e) { std::cerr << "Error in getting memory proxy" << std::endl; std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } try { bodyId = std::string(memory->getData("Device/DeviceList/ChestBoard/BodyId")); headId = std::string(memory->getData("RobotConfig/Head/HeadId")); if (bodyId.size() > 15) { bodyId = bodyId.substr(16, 19);/*bodyId.size()-5, bodyId.size()-2*/ //manually because aldebarab forgot to put a \0... } else { try { bodyId = bodyId.substr(11, 14); } catch (const std::out_of_range& oor) { std::cerr << "Out of Range error: " << oor.what() <<" " << bodyId << '\n'; } } } catch (AL::ALError& e) { std::cerr << "Error in getting body and/or head id`s" << std::endl; bodyId = ""; headId = ""; } std::cout << "KRobot - Found Head ID: '" << headId << "'" << std::endl; //std::cout << "KRobot - Found Body ID: '" << _toString(KRobotConfig::Instance().getConfig(KDeviceLists::Interpret::BODY_ID).size()) << "'" << std::endl; std::cout << "KRobot - Found Body ID: '" << bodyId << "'" << std::endl; #ifndef KROBOT_IS_REMOTE Configurator::Instance().initConfigurator("/home/nao/naoqi/config/", headId, bodyId); #else Configurator::Instance().initConfigurator("./config/", "", ""); #endif tal = new Talws(); }
void QueryBuilder::addReturnFunctionValue( int function, int table, int value) { if ( !m_values.isEmpty() && m_values != "DISTINCT " ) m_values += ","; m_values += functionName( function ) + "("; m_values += tableName( table ) + "."; m_values += valueName( value )+ ")"; m_values += " AS "; m_values += functionName( function )+tableName( table )+valueName( value ); m_linkTables |= table; m_returnValues++; }
void QueryBuilder::sortByFunction( int function, int table, int value, bool descending ) { // This function should be used with the equivalent addReturnFunctionValue (with the same function on same values) // since it uses the "func(table.value) AS functablevalue" definition. //shall we sort case-sensitively? (not for integer columns!) bool b = true; if ( value & valID || value & valTrack || value & valScore || value & valLength || value & valBitrate || value & valSamplerate || value & valPlayCounter || value & valAccessDate || value & valCreateDate || value & valPercentage || table & tabYear ) b = false; if ( !m_sort.isEmpty() ) m_sort += ","; //m_sort += functionName( function ) + "("; if ( b ) m_sort += "LOWER( "; if ( table & tabYear ) m_sort += "("; QString columnName = functionName( function )+tableName( table )+valueName( value ); m_sort += columnName; if ( table & tabYear ) m_sort += "+0)"; if ( b ) m_sort += " ) "; //m_sort += " ) "; if ( descending ) m_sort += " DESC "; m_linkTables |= table; }
pwan::p_returnValue pwan::t_cmdlineParser::set(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) { std::string functionName("set"); dprint(className + "::" + functionName, name + " = " + value, 3); internalData[name] = value; return P_OK; }
VisitResult EvaluatorVisitor::Visit(FunctionNode* node) { std::string functionName(node->mName.mText, node->mName.mLength); auto& currentSymbols = symbol_stack_.back(); Function* functionSymbol; if(currentSymbols.find(functionName) == currentSymbols.end()) { functionSymbol = library_->CreateFunction(functionName, !parent_type_); } else { ErrorSameName(functionName); } node->mSymbol = functionSymbol; functionSymbol->mType = node->mSignatureType; if(parent_type_) { node->mSymbol->mParentType = parent_type_; parent_type_->mMembers.push_back(node->mSymbol); parent_type_->mMembersByName.insert(std::make_pair(node->mSymbol->mName, node->mSymbol)); } // symbol_stack_.back().insert(std::make_pair(functionSymbol->mName, functionSymbol)); auto storeParent = parent_function_; parent_function_ = node->mSymbol; symbol_stack_.push_back(std::unordered_map<std::string, Symbol*>()); node->Walk(this, false); symbol_stack_.pop_back(); parent_function_ = storeParent; return VisitResult::Stop; }
bool Log::shouldLog(CallSite& site) { LogLock lock; if (!lock.ok()) { return false; } Globals& g = Globals::get(); Settings& s = Settings::get(); s.shouldLogCallCounter += 1; std::string class_name = className(site.mClassInfo); std::string function_name = functionName(site.mFunction); if (site.mClassInfo != typeid(NoClassInfo)) { function_name = class_name + "::" + function_name; } ELevel compareLevel = s.defaultLevel; checkLevelMap(s.functionLevelMap, function_name, compareLevel) || checkLevelMap(s.classLevelMap, class_name, compareLevel) || checkLevelMap(s.fileLevelMap, abbreviateFile(site.mFile), compareLevel); site.mCached = true; g.addCallSite(site); return site.mShouldLog = site.mLevel >= compareLevel; }
// two instances of python processing processes should work TEST_F(SignalProcessingInterfaceTest, TwoInstanceTest) { SignalProcessingImpl* sp2 = new SignalProcessingImpl(); ASSERT_TRUE(sp2 != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(sp2->init(SignalProcessingImpl::MAIN_PROCESSING_SCRIPT)); android::String8 functionName("intsum"); int nInputs = 2; int nOutputs = 1; bool inputTypes[2] = { false, false }; bool outputTypes[1] = { false }; TaskCase::Value in0((int64_t)10); TaskCase::Value in1((int64_t)100); void* inputs[2] = { &in0, &in1 }; TaskCase::Value out0((int64_t)0); void *outputs[1] = { &out0 }; ASSERT_TRUE(mSp->run( functionName, nInputs, inputTypes, inputs, nOutputs, outputTypes, outputs) == TaskGeneric::EResultOK); ASSERT_TRUE(out0.getInt64() == (in0.getInt64() + in1.getInt64())); out0.setInt64(0); ASSERT_TRUE(sp2->run( functionName, nInputs, inputTypes, inputs, nOutputs, outputTypes, outputs) == TaskGeneric::EResultOK); ASSERT_TRUE(out0.getInt64() == (in0.getInt64() + in1.getInt64())); delete sp2; }
WhistelDetector(boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker, const std::string &name): AL::ALModule(broker, name), mWhistelCount(0) { setModuleDescription("Whistle Detector"); functionName("setPaused", getName(), "pause / unpause whistel detection"); addParam("paused", "bool for paused"); BIND_METHOD(WhistelDetector::setPaused); }
bool Log::shouldLog(CallSite& site) { LogLock lock; if (!lock.ok()) { return false; } AIAccess<Settings> settings_w(Settings::get()); settings_w->shouldLogCallCounter += 1; std::string class_name = className(site.mClassInfo); std::string function_name = functionName(site.mFunction); if (site.mClassInfo != typeid(NoClassInfo)) { function_name = class_name + "::" + function_name; } ELevel compareLevel = settings_w->defaultLevel; // The most specific match found will be used as the log level, // since the computation short circuits. // So, in increasing order of importance: // Default < Broad Tag < File < Class < Function < Narrow Tag ((site.mNarrowTag != NULL) ? checkLevelMap(settings_w->tagLevelMap, site.mNarrowTag, compareLevel) : false) || checkLevelMap(settings_w->functionLevelMap, function_name, compareLevel) || checkLevelMap(settings_w->classLevelMap, class_name, compareLevel) || checkLevelMap(settings_w->fileLevelMap, abbreviateFile(site.mFile), compareLevel) || ((site.mBroadTag != NULL) ? checkLevelMap(settings_w->tagLevelMap, site.mBroadTag, compareLevel) : false); site.mCached = true; AIAccess<Globals>(Globals::get())->addCallSite(site); return site.mShouldLog = site.mLevel >= compareLevel; }
JsonObj OnePeakSettings::toJson() const { QJsonObject ret; ret.insert("range", range_.toJson() ); ret.insert("type", functionName()); return ret; }
void StackIterator::Frame::print(int indentLevel) { int i = indentLevel; if (!this->callFrame()) { printif(i, "frame 0x0\n"); return; } CodeBlock* codeBlock = this->codeBlock(); printif(i, "frame %p {\n", this->callFrame()); CallFrame* callFrame = m_callFrame; CallFrame* callerFrame = this->callerFrame(); void* returnPC = callFrame->hasReturnPC() ? callFrame->returnPC().value() : 0; printif(i, " name '%s'\n", functionName().utf8().data()); printif(i, " sourceURL '%s'\n", sourceURL().utf8().data()); printif(i, " hostFlag %d\n", callerFrame->hasHostCallFrameFlag()); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) printif(i, " isInlinedFrame %d\n", isInlinedFrame()); if (isInlinedFrame()) printif(i, " InlineCallFrame %p\n", m_inlineCallFrame); #endif printif(i, " callee %p\n", callee()); printif(i, " returnPC %p\n", returnPC); printif(i, " callerFrame %p\n", callerFrame->removeHostCallFrameFlag()); unsigned locationRawBits = callFrame->locationAsRawBits(); printif(i, " rawLocationBits %u 0x%x\n", locationRawBits, locationRawBits); printif(i, " codeBlock %p\n", codeBlock); if (codeBlock) { JITCode::JITType jitType = codeBlock->jitType(); if (callFrame->hasLocationAsBytecodeOffset()) { unsigned bytecodeOffset = callFrame->locationAsBytecodeOffset(); printif(i, " bytecodeOffset %u %p / %zu\n", bytecodeOffset, reinterpret_cast<void*>(bytecodeOffset), codeBlock->instructions().size()); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) } else { unsigned codeOriginIndex = callFrame->locationAsCodeOriginIndex(); printif(i, " codeOriginIdex %u %p / %zu\n", codeOriginIndex, reinterpret_cast<void*>(codeOriginIndex), codeBlock->codeOrigins().size()); #endif } unsigned line = 0; unsigned column = 0; computeLineAndColumn(line, column); printif(i, " line %d\n", line); printif(i, " column %d\n", column); printif(i, " jitType %d <%s> isOptimizingJIT %d\n", jitType, jitTypeName(jitType), JITCode::isOptimizingJIT(jitType)); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) printif(i, " hasCodeOrigins %d\n", codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins()); if (codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins()) { JITCode* jitCode = codeBlock->jitCode().get(); printif(i, " jitCode %p start %p end %p\n", jitCode, jitCode->start(), jitCode->end()); } #endif } printif(i, "}\n"); }
void SDLError::outputFormattedMessage(std::ostream& os)noexcept{ os << what() << " : " << sdlErrorMessage() << "\n" << " at " << functionName() << " in " << fileName() << " line " << lineNumber() << std::endl; }
void t_hswidgetuninstaller::testWidgetInstallerSender() { HsWidgetInstallerSender sender; HsWidgetComponentDescriptor widgetDescriptor; QString functionName("widgetUninstalled(QVariantHash)"); sender.widgetChanged(functionName, widgetDescriptor); // nothing to verify }
Bumper::Bumper(boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker,const std::string& name): AL::ALModule(broker, name), fCallbackMutex(AL::ALMutex::createALMutex()){ std::cout<<"Bumper"<<std::endl; setModuleDescription("This module presents how to subscribe to a simple event (here RightBumperPressed) and use a callback method."); functionName("onRightBumperPressed", getName(), "Method called when the right bumper is pressed. Makes a LED animation."); BIND_METHOD(Bumper::onRightBumperPressed) }
ResponseToNameInterface::ResponseToNameInterface(boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> pBroker, const std::string& pName) : AL::ALModule(pBroker, pName) { setModuleDescription("Interface module, reacting to events generated by the Logger module, calling child by either name or by using special phrases"); functionName("startTask", getName(), "Function used to start/enable the task"); addParam("todo", "Tell the module either to start or enable the task"); BIND_METHOD(ResponseToNameInterface::startTask); functionName("onTactilTouched", getName(), "FrontTactilTouched callback, starts the session"); BIND_METHOD(ResponseToNameInterface::onTactilTouched); functionName("callChild", getName(), "CallChild callback, plays the sound"); BIND_METHOD(ResponseToNameInterface::callChild); functionName("endSession", getName(), "EndSession callback, resets the Interface"); BIND_METHOD(ResponseToNameInterface::endSession); }
void AutoEntryScript::DocshellEntryMonitor::Entry(JSContext* aCx, JSFunction* aFunction, JSScript* aScript, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aAsyncStack, JS::Handle<JSString*> aAsyncCause) { JS::Rooted<JSFunction*> rootedFunction(aCx); if (aFunction) { rootedFunction = aFunction; } JS::Rooted<JSScript*> rootedScript(aCx); if (aScript) { rootedScript = aScript; } nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> window = do_QueryInterface(xpc::NativeGlobal(JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(aCx))); if (!window || !window->GetDocShell() || !window->GetDocShell()->GetRecordProfileTimelineMarkers()) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShellForJSRunToCompletion = window->GetDocShell(); nsString filename; uint32_t lineNumber = 0; js::AutoStableStringChars functionName(aCx); if (rootedFunction) { JS::Rooted<JSString*> displayId(aCx, JS_GetFunctionDisplayId(rootedFunction)); if (displayId) { if (!functionName.initTwoByte(aCx, displayId)) { JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); return; } } } if (!rootedScript) { rootedScript = JS_GetFunctionScript(aCx, rootedFunction); } if (rootedScript) { filename = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(JS_GetScriptFilename(rootedScript)); lineNumber = JS_GetScriptBaseLineNumber(aCx, rootedScript); } if (!filename.IsEmpty() || functionName.isTwoByte()) { const char16_t* functionNameChars = functionName.isTwoByte() ? functionName.twoByteChars() : nullptr; JS::Rooted<JS::Value> asyncCauseValue(aCx, aAsyncCause ? StringValue(aAsyncCause) : JS::NullValue()); docShellForJSRunToCompletion->NotifyJSRunToCompletionStart(mReason, functionNameChars, filename.BeginReading(), lineNumber, aAsyncStack, asyncCauseValue); } }
HandVoiceControl(AL::ALBroker::Ptr broker, const std::string& name) : AL::ALModule(broker, std::string("HandVoiceControl")) , mutex(AL::ALMutex::createALMutex()) { setModuleDescription("Control hand open/close with voice commands."); functionName("onWordRecognized", getName(), "Handle voice command notifications."); BIND_METHOD(HandVoiceControl::onWordRecognized); }
/** * Constructor for NaoPre object * @param broker The parent broker * @param name The name of the module */ NaoPre::NaoPre( boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker, const std::string& name): AL::ALModule(broker, name) { setModuleDescription("Preview controller to translate zmp trajectory into com trajectory"); functionName("update", "NaoPre", "run the preview controller for one step"); BIND_METHOD(NaoPre::update); functionName("reset", "NaoPre", "reset the preview controller"); BIND_METHOD(NaoPre::reset); functionName("setVerbo", getName(), "set verbose level"); addParam("verbo_d", "desired verbose level"); BIND_METHOD(NaoPre::setVerbo); verbo = 1; }
// test to run processing/example.py TEST_F(SignalProcessingInterfaceTest, exampleTest) { android::String8 functionName("example"); int nInputs = 8; int nOutputs = 4; bool inputTypes[8] = { true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false }; bool outputTypes[4] = { true, true, false, false }; android::sp<Buffer> in0(new Buffer(16, 16, true)); char* data0 = in0->getData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < in0->getSize(); i++) { data0[i] = i; } android::sp<Buffer> in1(new Buffer(16, 16, true)); char* data1 = in1->getData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < in1->getSize(); i++) { data1[i] = i; } android::sp<Buffer> in2(new Buffer(8, 8, false)); char* data2 = in2->getData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < in2->getSize(); i++) { data2[i] = i; } android::sp<Buffer> in3(new Buffer(8, 8, false)); char* data3 = in3->getData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < in3->getSize(); i++) { data3[i] = i; } TaskCase::Value in4((int64_t)100); TaskCase::Value in5((int64_t)100); TaskCase::Value in6(1.0f); TaskCase::Value in7(1.0f); void* inputs[8] = { &in0, &in1, &in2, &in3, &in4, &in5, &in6, &in7 }; android::sp<Buffer> out0(new Buffer(16, 16, true)); char* outdata0 = out0->getData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < out0->getSize(); i++) { outdata0[i] = 0xaa; } android::sp<Buffer> out1(new Buffer(8, 8, false)); char* outdata1 = out1->getData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < out1->getSize(); i++) { outdata1[i] = 0xbb; } TaskCase::Value out2((int64_t)1000); TaskCase::Value out3(-1.0f); void *outputs[4] = { &out0, &out1, &out2, &out3 }; ASSERT_TRUE(mSp->run( functionName, nInputs, inputTypes, inputs, nOutputs, outputTypes, outputs) == TaskGeneric::EResultOK); ASSERT_TRUE(*(in0.get()) == *(out0.get())); ASSERT_TRUE(*(in2.get()) == *(out1.get())); ASSERT_TRUE(in4 == out2); ASSERT_TRUE(in6 == out3); }
SubscribeGyro::SubscribeGyro( boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker, const std::string& name): AL::ALModule(broker, name), fCallbackMutex(AL::ALMutex::createALMutex()) { setModuleDescription("This module presents how to subscribe to a simple event (here RightSubscribeGyroPressed) and use a callback method."); //functionName("onRightSubscribeGyroPressed", getName(), "Method called when the right subscribegyro is pressed. Makes a LED animation."); functionName("onMoveBackward", getName(), "MoveBackward"); //BIND_METHOD(SubscribeGyro::onRightSubscribeGyroPressed) BIND_METHOD(SubscribeGyro::onMoveBackward) functionName("onMoveForward", getName(), "MoveForward"); BIND_METHOD(SubscribeGyro::onMoveForward) functionName("GyroStart", getName(), "StartMovement"); BIND_METHOD(SubscribeGyro::GyroStart) //std::fstream file; file.open("/home/nao/data/gyroswingdata.txt"); }
static void windowObjectCleared(WebKitScriptWorld* world, WebKitWebPage* page, WebKitFrame* frame, gpointer) { JSGlobalContextRef jsContext = webkit_frame_get_javascript_context_for_script_world(frame, world); g_assert(jsContext); JSObjectRef globalObject = JSContextGetGlobalObject(jsContext); g_assert(globalObject); JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> functionName(Adopt, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("echo")); JSObjectRef function = JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback(jsContext, functionName.get(), echoCallback); JSObjectSetProperty(jsContext, globalObject, functionName.get(), function, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, 0); }
void QuickTestResult::startBenchmark(RunMode runMode, const QString &tag) { QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->result = QBenchmarkResult(); QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->resultAccepted = false; QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->context.tag = tag; QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->context.slotName = functionName(); Q_D(QuickTestResult); delete d->benchmarkIter; d->benchmarkIter = new QTest::QBenchmarkIterationController (QTest::QBenchmarkIterationController::RunMode(runMode)); }
// print the profiled data in a format that matches the tool sample's output. double ProfileNode::debugPrintSampleStyleRecursively(int indentLevel, FunctionCallHashCount& countedFunctions, const ProfileSubtreeData& data) { dataLogF(" "); auto it = data.selfAndTotalTimes.find(this); ASSERT(it != data.selfAndTotalTimes.end()); double nodeTotalTime = it->value.second; // Print function names const char* name = functionName().utf8().data(); double sampleCount = nodeTotalTime * 1000; if (indentLevel) { for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; ++i) dataLogF(" "); countedFunctions.add(functionName().impl()); dataLogF("%.0f %s\n", sampleCount ? sampleCount : 1, name); } else dataLogF("%s\n", name); ++indentLevel; // Print children's names and information double sumOfChildrensCount = 0.0; for (StackIterator currentChild = m_children.begin(); currentChild != m_children.end(); ++currentChild) sumOfChildrensCount += (*currentChild)->debugPrintSampleStyleRecursively(indentLevel, countedFunctions, data); sumOfChildrensCount *= 1000; // // Print remainder of samples to match sample's output if (sumOfChildrensCount < sampleCount) { dataLogF(" "); while (indentLevel--) dataLogF(" "); dataLogF("%.0f %s\n", sampleCount - sumOfChildrensCount, functionName().utf8().data()); } return nodeTotalTime; }
// declare constructor OnFaceDetection::OnFaceDetection(boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker, const std::string& name): AL::ALModule(broker, name), fMemoryProxy(getParentBroker()), fFaces(AL::ALValue()), fFaceCount(0), fCallbackMutex(AL::ALMutex::createALMutex()) { setModuleDescription("Module that detects faces and acts accordingly."); functionName("callback", getName(), ""); BIND_METHOD(OnFaceDetection::callback); }
void Profiler::functionEntry(qint64 scriptId) { positionDone(); QScriptContext *ctx = engine()->currentContext(); QScriptContextInfo info(ctx); //qDebug() << "push ->" << scriptId << info.functionName() << info.functionStartLineNumber(); Function *f = determineCurrentFunction(currentScriptId.isEmpty() ? -1 : currentScriptId.top()); QString infoFunctionName = info.functionName(); if (f) { Action action; action.line = currentLine.top(); action.callObject = scriptId; action.callFunction = functionName(ctx, scriptId); action.callFunctionLine = info.functionStartLineNumber(); Action *a = 0; QList<Action>::iterator i = qBinaryFind(f->actions.begin(), f->actions.end(), action); if (i != f->actions.end()) { a = &f->actions[i - f->actions.begin()]; } else { f->actions.append(action); a = &f->actions[f->actions.count() - 1]; } currentFunction.push(a); } currentLine.push(0); currentFunctionLine.push(info.functionStartLineNumber()); currentScriptId.push(scriptId); f = determineCurrentFunction(scriptId); if (!f) { Function fn; fn.startLine = info.functionStartLineNumber(); fn.functionName = functionName(ctx, scriptId); QList<Function>::iterator i = qLowerBound(objects[scriptId].functions.begin(), objects[scriptId].functions.end(), fn); objects[scriptId].functions.insert(i, fn); } }
@module_name@::@module_name@(boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker, const std::string& name) : AL::ALModule(broker, name) { // Describe the module here. This will appear on the webpage setModuleDescription("This is automatically generated comment. Please input short description on your own module."); /** * Define callable methods with their descriptions: * This makes the method available to other cpp modules * and to python. * The name given will be the one visible from outside the module. * This method has no parameters or return value to describe * functionName(<method_name>, <class_name>, <method_description>); * BIND_METHOD(<method_reference>); */ functionName("printHelloWorld", getName(), "Print hello to the world"); BIND_METHOD(@module_name@::printHelloWorld); /** * addParam(<attribut_name>, <attribut_descrption>); * This enables to document the parameters of the method. * It is not compulsory to write this line. * * setReturn(<return_name>, <return_description>); * This enables to document the return of the method. * It is not compulsory to write this line. */ functionName("echo", getName(), "Just echo back the argument."); setReturn("ALValue", "return argument"); BIND_METHOD(@module_name@::echo); // If you had other methods, you could bind them here... /** * Bound methods can only take const ref arguments of basic types, * or AL::ALValue or return basic types or an AL::ALValue. */ }
/** * Constructor for NaoSim object * @param broker The parent broker * @param name The name of the module */ NaoSim::NaoSim( boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALBroker> broker, const std::string& name): AL::ALModule(broker, name),fastMotionCommands(boost::shared_ptr<AL::ALMemoryFastAccess>(new AL::ALMemoryFastAccess())) { std::cout << "[NaoSim::NaoSim] initialize the simulation module" << std::endl; setModuleDescription("Simulate the Robot Motion by kinematics"); functionName("reset", "NaoSim", "reset the preview controller"); BIND_METHOD(NaoSim::reset); functionName("setVerbo", getName(), "set verbose level"); addParam("verbo_d", "desired verbose level"); BIND_METHOD(NaoSim::setVerbo); functionName("ControlSteps", getName(), "run the simulation"); addParam("num", "number of steps"); BIND_METHOD(NaoSim::ControlSteps); verbo = 9; }
static void makeFunctionTag (vString * const name, const char *dbp, int scope_index) { functionName (name, dbp); if (vStringLength (name) > 0 && ClojureKinds[K_FUNCTION].enabled) { tagEntryInfo e; initTagEntry (&e, vStringValue (name), &(ClojureKinds[K_FUNCTION])); e.lineNumber = getInputLineNumber (); e.filePosition = getInputFilePosition (); e.extensionFields.scopeIndex = scope_index; makeTagEntry (&e); } }
void BacktraceLineGdb::rate() { LineRating r; //for explanations, see the LineRating enum definition if (!fileName().isEmpty()) { r = Good; } else if (!libraryName().isEmpty()) { if (functionName() == "??") { r = MissingFunction; } else { r = MissingSourceFile; } } else { if (functionName() == "??") { r = MissingEverything; } else { r = MissingLibrary; } } d->m_rating = r; }