// . get collectionRec from name
// . returns NULL if not available
CollectionRec *Collectiondb::getRec ( char *coll ) {
	if ( ! coll ) coll = "";
	return getRec ( coll , gbstrlen(coll) );
// we only come back up here 1) in the very beginning or 2) when a url 
// completes its pipeline of requests
bool Msge0::launchRequests ( long starti ) {
	// reset any error code
	g_errno = 0;
	// stop if no more urls. return true if we got all replies! no block.
	if ( m_n >= m_numUrls ) return (m_numRequests == m_numReplies);
	// if all hosts are getting a diffbot reply with 50 spiders and they
	// all timeout at the same time we can very easily clog up the
	// udp sockets, so use this to limit... i've seen the whole
	// spider tables stuck with "getting outlink tag rec vector"statuses
	if ( g_udpServer.m_numUsedSlots > 500 ) maxOut = 1;
	// if we are maxed out, we basically blocked!
	if (m_numRequests - m_numReplies >= maxOut ) return false;
	// . skip if "old"
	// . we are not planning on adding this to spiderdb, so Msg16
	//   want to skip the ip lookup, etc.
	if ( m_urlFlags && (m_urlFlags[m_n] & LF_OLDLINK) && m_skipOldLinks ) {
		goto loop; 
	// if url is same host as the tagrec provided, just reference that!
	if ( m_urlFlags && (m_urlFlags[m_n] & LF_SAMEHOST) && m_baseTagRec) {
		m_tagRecPtrs[m_n] = (TagRec *)m_baseTagRec;
		goto loop; 
	// . get the next url
	// . if m_xd is set, create the url from the ad id
	char *p = m_urlPtrs[m_n];
	// get the length
	long  plen = gbstrlen(p);
	// . grab a slot
	// . m_msg8as[i], m_msgCs[i], m_msg50s[i], m_msg20s[i]
	long i;
	// make this 0 since "maxOut" now changes!!
	for ( i = 0 /*starti*/ ; i < MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE0 ; i++ )
		if ( ! m_used[i] ) break;
	// sanity check
	if ( i >= MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
	// normalize the url
	m_urls[i].set ( p , plen );
	// save the url number, "n"
	m_ns  [i] = m_n;
	// claim it
	m_used[i] = true;

	// note it
	//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
	//	log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: msge0: processing url %s",
	//	    m_urls[i].getUrl());

	// . start it off
	// . this will start the pipeline for this url
	// . it will set m_used[i] to true if we use it and block
	// . it will increment m_numRequests and NOT m_numReplies if it blocked
	sendMsg8a ( i );
	// consider it launched
	// inc the url count
	// try to do another
	goto loop;
예제 #3
// . THIS Msg0 class must be alloc'd, i.e. not on the stack, etc.
// . if list is stored locally this tries to get it locally
// . otherwise tries to get the list from the network
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . NOTE: i was having problems with queries being cached too long, you
//   see the cache here is a NETWORK cache, so when the machines that owns
//   the list updates it on disk it can't flush our cache... so use a small
//   maxCacheAge of like , 30 seconds or so...
bool Msg0::getList ( long long hostId      , // host to ask (-1 if none)
		     long      ip          , // info on hostId
		     short     port        ,
		     long      maxCacheAge , // max cached age in seconds
		     bool      addToCache  , // add net recv'd list to cache?
		     char      rdbId       , // specifies the rdb
		     char     *coll        ,
		     RdbList  *list        ,
		     //key_t     startKey    , 
		     //key_t     endKey      , 
		     char     *startKey    ,
		     char     *endKey      ,
		     long      minRecSizes ,  // use -1 for no max
		     void     *state       ,
		     void    (* callback)(void *state ),//, RdbList *list ) ,
		     long      niceness    ,
		     bool      doErrorCorrection ,
		     bool      includeTree ,
		     bool      doMerge     ,
		     long      firstHostId   ,
		     long      startFileNum  ,
		     long      numFiles      ,
		     long      timeout       ,
		     long long syncPoint     ,
		     long      preferLocalReads ,
		     Msg5     *msg5             ,
		     Msg5     *msg5b            ,
		     bool      isRealMerge      ,
		     bool      allowPageCache    ,
		     bool      forceLocalIndexdb ,
		     bool      noSplit , // doIndexdbSplit    ,
		     long      forceParitySplit  ) {
//		     bool      allowPageCache ) {
	// this is obsolete! mostly, but we need it for PageIndexdb.cpp to 
	// show a "termlist" for a given query term in its entirety so you 
	// don't have to check each machine in the network. if this is true it
	// means to query each split and merge the results together into a
	// single unified termlist. only applies to indexdb/datedb.
	//if ( doIndexdbSplit ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
	// note this because if caller is wrong it hurts performance major!!
	//if ( doIndexdbSplit ) 
	//	logf(LOG_DEBUG,"net: doing msg0 with indexdb split true");
	// warning
	if ( ! coll ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg0.");

	//if ( doIndexdbSplit ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// reset the list they passed us
	// get keySize of rdb
	m_ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
	// if startKey > endKey, don't read anything
	//if ( startKey > endKey ) return true;
	if ( KEYCMP(startKey,endKey,m_ks)>0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }//rettrue
	// . reset hostid if it is dead
	// . this is causing UOR queries to take forever when we have a dead
	if ( hostId >= 0 && g_hostdb.isDead ( hostId ) ) hostId = -1;
	// no longer accept negative minrecsize
	if ( minRecSizes < 0 ) {
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		    "net: msg0: Negative minRecSizes no longer supported.");
		char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
		return true;

	// debug msg
	//if ( niceness != 0 ) log("HEY start");
	// ensure startKey last bit clear, endKey last bit set
	//if ( (startKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x01 ) 
	//	log("Msg0::getList: warning startKey lastbit set"); 
	//if ( (endKey.n0   & 0x01) == 0x00 ) 
	//	log("Msg0::getList: warning endKey lastbit clear"); 
	// remember these
	m_state         = state;
	m_callback      = callback;
	m_list          = list;
	m_hostId        = hostId;
	m_niceness      = niceness;
	//m_ip            = ip;
	//m_port          = port;
	m_addToCache    = addToCache;
	// . these define our request 100%
	//m_startKey      = startKey;
	//m_endKey        = endKey;
	m_minRecSizes   = minRecSizes;
	m_rdbId         = rdbId;
	m_coll          = coll;
	m_isRealMerge   = isRealMerge;
	m_allowPageCache = allowPageCache;

	// . group to ask is based on the first key 
	// . we only do 1 group per call right now
	// . groupMask must turn on higher bits first (count downwards kinda)
	// . titledb and spiderdb use special masks to get groupId

	// did they force it? core until i figure out what this is
	if ( forceParitySplit >= 0 ) 
		m_groupId =  g_hostdb.getGroupId ( forceParitySplit );
		m_groupId = getGroupId ( m_rdbId , startKey , ! noSplit );
	// how is this used?
	if ( forceLocalIndexdb ) m_groupId = g_hostdb.m_groupId;

	// . store these parameters
	// . get a handle to the rdb in case we can satisfy locally
	// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( m_rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) return true;
	// we need the fixedDataSize
	m_fixedDataSize = rdb->getFixedDataSize();
	m_useHalfKeys   = rdb->useHalfKeys();
	// . debug msg
	// . Msg2 does this when checking for a cached compound list.
	//   compound lists do not actually exist, they are merges of smaller
	//   UOR'd lists.
	if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache && (numFiles > 0 || includeTree))
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: "
		    "Weird. check but don't add... rdbid=%li.",(long)m_rdbId);
	// set this here since we may not call msg5 if list not local
	//m_list->setFixedDataSize ( m_fixedDataSize );

	// . now that we do load balancing we don't want to do a disk lookup
	//   even if local if we are merging or dumping
	// . UNLESS g_conf.m_preferLocalReads is true
	if ( preferLocalReads == -1 ) 
		preferLocalReads = g_conf.m_preferLocalReads;

	// . always prefer local for full split clusterdb
	// . and keep the tfndb/titledb lookups in the same stripe
	// . so basically we can't do biased caches if fully split
	//if ( g_conf.m_fullSplit ) preferLocalReads = true;
	preferLocalReads = true;

	// it it stored locally?
	bool isLocal = ( m_hostId == -1 && g_hostdb.m_groupId == m_groupId );
	// only do local lookups if this is true
	if ( ! preferLocalReads ) isLocal = false;

	m_numSplit = 1;
	if ( g_hostdb.m_indexSplits > 1 &&
	     ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB || rdbId==RDB_DATEDB)&&
	     ! forceLocalIndexdb && doIndexdbSplit ) {
		isLocal  = false;
		//m_numSplit = INDEXDB_SPLIT;
		m_numSplit = g_hostdb.m_indexSplits;
		char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
	long long singleDocIdQuery = 0LL;
	if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB ) {
		long long d1 = g_posdb.getDocId(m_startKey);
		long long d2 = g_posdb.getDocId(m_endKey);
		if ( d1+1 == d2 ) singleDocIdQuery = d1;

	// . try the LOCAL termlist cache
	// . so when msg2 is evaluating a gbdocid:| query and it has to
	//   use msg0 to go across the network to get the same damn termlist
	//   over and over again for the same docid, this will help alot.
	// . ideally it'd be nice if the seo pipe in xmldoc.cpp can try to
	//   send the same gbdocid:xxxx docids to the same hosts. maybe hash
	//   based on docid into the list of hosts and if that host is busy
	//   just chain until we find someone not busy.
	if ( singleDocIdQuery &&
	     getListFromTermListCache ( coll,
					list ) )
		// found!
		return true;

	// but always local if only one host
	if ( g_hostdb.getNumHosts() == 1 ) isLocal = true;

	// force a msg0 if doing a docid restrictive query like
	// gbdocid:xxxx|<query> so we call cacheTermLists() 
	//if ( singleDocIdQuery ) isLocal = false;

	// . if the group is local then do it locally
	// . Msg5::getList() returns false if blocked, true otherwise
	// . Msg5::getList() sets g_errno on error
	// . don't do this if m_hostId was specified
	if ( isLocal ) { // && !g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) {
		if ( msg5 ) {
			m_msg5 = msg5;
			m_deleteMsg5 = false;
		else {
			try { m_msg5 = new ( Msg5 ); } 
			catch ( ... ) {
				g_errno = ENOMEM;
				log("net: Local alloc for disk read failed "
				    "while tring to read data for %s. "
				    "Trying remote request.",
				goto skip;
			mnew ( m_msg5 , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0" );
			m_deleteMsg5 = true;

		// same for msg5b
		if ( msg5b ) {
			m_msg5b = msg5b;
			m_deleteMsg5b = false;
		else if ( m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) {
			try { m_msg5b = new ( Msg5 ); } 
			catch ( ... ) {
				g_errno = ENOMEM;
				log("net: Local alloc for disk read failed "
				    "while tring to read data for %s. "
				    "Trying remote request. 2.",
				goto skip;
			mnew ( m_msg5b , sizeof(Msg5) , "Msg0b" );
			m_deleteMsg5b = true;
		if ( ! m_msg5->getList ( rdbId,
					 coll ,
					 m_list ,
					 m_startKey ,
					 m_endKey   ,
					 m_minRecSizes ,
					 includeTree   , // include Tree?
					 addToCache    , // addToCache?
					 maxCacheAge   ,
					 startFileNum  , 
					 numFiles      ,
					 this ,
					 gotListWrapper2   ,
					 niceness          ,
					 doErrorCorrection ,
					 NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
					 0    , // retryNum
					 -1   , // maxRetries
					 true , // compensateForMerge
					 syncPoint ,
					 m_msg5b   ,
					 m_isRealMerge ,
					 m_allowPageCache ) ) return false;
		// nuke it
		return true;
	// debug msg
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"net: msg0: Sending request for data to "
		    "group=%li listPtr=%li minRecSizes=%li termId=%llu "
		    //"startKey.n1=%lx,n0=%llx (niceness=%li)",
		    "startKey.n1=%llx,n0=%llx (niceness=%li)",
		    g_hostdb.makeHostId ( m_groupId ) ,(long)m_list,
		    m_minRecSizes, g_posdb.getTermId(m_startKey) , 
		    //m_startKey.n1,m_startKey.n0 , (long)m_niceness);

	char *replyBuf = NULL;
	long  replyBufMaxSize = 0;
	bool  freeReply = true;

	// adjust niceness for net transmission
	bool realtime = false;
	//if ( minRecSizes + 32 < TMPBUFSIZE ) realtime = true;

	// if we're niceness 0 we need to pre-allocate for reply since it
	// might be received within the asynchronous signal handler which
	// cannot call mmalloc()
	if ( realtime ) { // niceness <= 0 || netnice == 0 ) {
		// . we should not get back more than minRecSizes bytes since 
		//   we are now performing merges
		// . it should not slow things down too much since the hashing
		//   is 10 times slower than merging anyhow...
		// . CAUTION: if rdb is not fixed-datasize then this will
		//            not work for us! it can exceed m_minRecSizes.
		replyBufMaxSize = m_minRecSizes ;
		// . get a little extra to fix the error where we ask for 64 
		//   but get 72
		// . where is that coming from?
		// . when getting titleRecs we often exceed the minRecSizes 
		// . ?Msg8? was having trouble. was short 32 bytes sometimes.
		replyBufMaxSize += 36;
		// why add ten percent?
		//replyBufMaxSize *= 110 ;
		//replyBufMaxSize /= 100 ;
		// make a buffer to hold the reply
		if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
			m_replyBufSize = replyBufMaxSize * m_numSplit;
			replyBuf = (char *) mmalloc(m_replyBufSize, "Msg0");
			m_replyBuf  = replyBuf;
			freeReply = false;
			replyBuf = (char *) mmalloc(replyBufMaxSize , "Msg0");
		// g_errno is set and we return true if it failed
		if ( ! replyBuf ) {
			log("net: Failed to pre-allocate %li bytes to hold "
			    "data read remotely from %s: %s.",
			return true;

	// . make a request with the info above (note: not in network order)
	// . IMPORTANT!!!!! if you change this change 
	//   Multicast.cpp::sleepWrapper1 too!!!!!!!!!!!!
	//   no, not anymore, we commented out that request peeking code
	char *p = m_request;
	*(long long *) p = syncPoint        ; p += 8;
	//*(key_t     *) p = m_startKey       ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	//*(key_t     *) p = m_endKey         ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	*(long      *) p = m_minRecSizes    ; p += 4;
	*(long      *) p = startFileNum     ; p += 4;
	*(long      *) p = numFiles         ; p += 4;
	*(long      *) p = maxCacheAge      ; p += 4;
	*p               = m_rdbId          ; p++;
	*p               = addToCache       ; p++;
	*p               = doErrorCorrection; p++;
	*p               = includeTree      ; p++;
	*p               = (char)niceness   ; p++;
	*p               = (char)m_allowPageCache; p++;
	KEYSET(p,m_startKey,m_ks);          ; p+=m_ks;
	KEYSET(p,m_endKey,m_ks);            ; p+=m_ks;
	// NULL terminated collection name
	strcpy ( p , coll ); p += gbstrlen ( coll ); *p++ = '\0';
	m_requestSize    = p - m_request;
	// ask an individual host for this list if hostId is NOT -1
	if ( m_hostId != -1 ) {
		// get Host
		Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( m_hostId );
		if ( ! h ) { 
			g_errno = EBADHOSTID; 
			log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Bad hostId of %lli.",
			return true;
		// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
		UdpServer *us ;
		unsigned short port;
		//if ( niceness <= 0 || netnice == 0 ) { 
		//if ( realtime ) {
		//	us = &g_udpServer2; port = h->m_port2; }
		//else                 { 
		us = &g_udpServer ; port = h->m_port ; 
		// . returns false on error and sets g_errno, true otherwise
		// . calls callback when reply is received (or error)
		// . we return true if it returns false
		if ( ! us->sendRequest ( m_request     ,
					 m_requestSize ,
					 0x00          , // msgType
					 h->m_ip       ,
					 port          ,
					 m_hostId      ,
					 NULL          , // the slotPtr
					 this          ,
					 gotSingleReplyWrapper ,
					 timeout       ,
					 -1            , // backoff
					 -1            , // maxwait
					 replyBuf      ,
					 replyBufMaxSize ,
					 m_niceness     ) ) // cback niceness
			return true;
		// return false cuz it blocked
		return false;
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
		m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
		m_startTime = 0;
	//if ( m_rdbId == RDB_INDEXDB ) log("Msg0:: getting remote indexlist. "
	//			"termId=%llu, "
	//			"groupNum=%lu",
	//			g_indexdb.getTermId(m_startKey) ,
	//			g_hostdb.makeHostId ( m_groupId ) );

	// make the cache key so we can see what remote host cached it, if any
	char cacheKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
	//key_t cacheKey = makeCacheKey ( startKey     ,
	makeCacheKey ( startKey     ,
		       endKey       ,
		       includeTree  ,
		       minRecSizes  ,
		       startFileNum ,
		       numFiles     ,
		       cacheKey     ,
		       m_ks         );

	// . get the top long of the key
	// . i guess this will work for 128 bit keys... hmmmmm
	long keyTop = hash32 ( (char *)startKey , m_ks );

	// allocate space
	if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
		long  need = m_numSplit * sizeof(Multicast) ;
		char *buf  = (char *)mmalloc ( need,"msg0mcast" );
		if ( ! buf ) return true;
		m_mcasts = (Multicast *)buf;
		for ( long i = 0; i < m_numSplit ; i++ )

        // . otherwise, multicast to a host in group "groupId"
	// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
	// . calls callback on completion
	// . select first host to send to in group based on upper 32 bits
	//   of termId (m_startKey.n1)
	// . need to send out to all the indexdb split hosts
	m_numRequests = 0;
	m_numReplies  = 0;
	//for ( long i = 0; i < m_numSplit; i++ ) {

	long gr;
	char *buf;
	if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) {
		gr  = g_indexdb.getSplitGroupId ( baseGroupId, i );
		buf = &replyBuf[i*replyBufMaxSize];
	else {
	gr  = m_groupId;
	buf = replyBuf;

	// get the multicast
	Multicast *m = &m_mcast;
	//if ( m_numSplit > 1 ) m = &m_mcasts[i];

        if ( ! m->send ( m_request    , 
//        if ( ! m_mcast.send ( m_request    , 
			      0x00         , // msgType 0x00
			      false        , // does multicast own request?
			      gr           , // group + offset
//			      m_groupId    , // group to send to (groupKey)
			      false        , // send to whole group?
			      //m_startKey.n1, // key is passed on startKey
			      keyTop       , // key is passed on startKey
			      this         , // state data
			      NULL         , // state data
			      gotMulticastReplyWrapper0 ,
			      timeout      , // timeout in seconds (was 30)
			      niceness     ,
			      realtime     ,
			      firstHostId  ,
//			      &replyBuf[i*replyBufMaxSize] ,
//			      replyBuf        ,
			      buf             ,
			      replyBufMaxSize ,
			      freeReply       , // free reply buf?
			      true            , // do disk load balancing?
			      maxCacheAge     ,
			      //(key_t *)cacheKey        ,
			      // multicast uses it for determining the best
			      // host to send the request to when doing 
			      // disk load balancing. if the host has our 
			      // data cached, then it will probably get to
			      // handle the request. for now let's just assume
			      // this is a 96-bit key. TODO: fix...
			 0 , // *(key_t *)cacheKey        ,
			      rdbId           ,
			      minRecSizes     ) ) {
		log("net: Failed to send request for data from %s in group "
		    "#%li over network: %s.",
		    getDbnameFromId(m_rdbId),m_groupId, mstrerror(g_errno));
		// no, multicast will free this when it is destroyed
		//if (replyBuf) mfree ( replyBuf , replyBufMaxSize , "Msg22" );
		// but speed it up
		m_errno = g_errno;
		if ( m_numRequests > 0 )
			return false;
//		m_mcast.reset();
		return true;

	// we blocked
	return false;
char *getMatches2 ( Needle *needles          , 
		    int32_t    numNeedles       ,
		    char   *haystack         , 
		    int32_t    haystackSize     ,
		    char   *linkPos          ,
		    int32_t   *needleNum        ,
		    bool    stopAtFirstMatch ,
		    bool   *hadPreMatch      ,
		    bool    saveQuickTables  ,
		    int32_t    niceness         ) {

	// assume not
	if ( hadPreMatch ) *hadPreMatch = false;
	// empty haystack? then no matches
	if ( ! haystack || haystackSize <= 0 ) return NULL;
	// JAB: no needles? then no matches
	if ( ! needles  || numNeedles   <= 0 ) return NULL;

	//char tmp[8192];
	//char *t    = tmp;
	//char *tend = tmp + 8192;

	// reset counts to 0
	//if ( ! stopAtFirstMatch )
	//	for ( int32_t i=0 ; i < numNeedles ; i++ ) 
	//		needles[i].m_count = 0;

	// are we responsible for init'ing string lengths? this is much
	// faster than having to specify lengths manually.
	for ( int32_t i=0 ; i < numNeedles; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		// clear
		needles[i].m_count      = 0;
		needles[i].m_firstMatch = NULL;
		// set the string size in bytes if not provided
		if ( needles[i].m_stringSize == 0 )
			needles[i].m_stringSize = gbstrlen(needles[i].m_string);

	// . set up the quick tables.
	// . utf16 is not as effective here because half the bytes are zeroes!
	// . TODO: use a static cache of like 4 of these tables where the key
	//         is the Needles ptr ... done
	int32_t numNeedlesToInit = numNeedles;
	char space[256 * 4 * sizeof(BITVEC)];
	char *buf = NULL;

	BITVEC *s0;
	BITVEC *s1;
	BITVEC *s2;
	BITVEC *s3;

	static bool s_quickTableInit = false;
	static char s_qtbuf[128*(12+1)*2];

	int32_t slot = -1;
	if(saveQuickTables) {
		if ( ! s_quickTableInit ) {
			s_quickTableInit = true;
		uint64_t key = (uint32_t)needles;
		slot = s_quickTables.getSlot(&key);
		if ( slot >= 0 ) {
			buf = s_quickTables.getValueFromSlot(slot);
			numNeedlesToInit = 0;

	if(!buf) {
		buf = space;
		memset ( buf , 0 , sizeof(BITVEC)*256*4);

	if( useQuickTables && slot == -1 ) {
		//buf = (char*)mcalloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*256*5,
		//		     "matches");
		if(buf) s_quickTables.addKey(&key, &buf);
		//sanity check, no reason why there needs to be a 
		//limit, I just don't expect there to be this many
		//static needles at this point.
		if(s_quickTables.getNumSlotsUsed() > 32){
			char *xx=NULL; *xx = 0;

	// try 64 bit bit vectors now since we doubled # of needles
	int32_t offset = 0;
	s0 = (BITVEC *)(buf + offset);
	offset += sizeof(BITVEC)*256;
	s1 = (BITVEC *)(buf + offset);
	offset += sizeof(BITVEC)*256;
	s2 = (BITVEC *)(buf + offset);
	offset += sizeof(BITVEC)*256;
	s3 = (BITVEC *)(buf + offset);
	offset += sizeof(BITVEC)*256;

	BITVEC mask;

	// set the letter tables, s0[] through sN[], for each needle
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numNeedlesToInit ; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		unsigned char *w    = (unsigned char *)needles[i].m_string;
		unsigned char *wend = w + needles[i].m_stringSize;
		// BITVEC is now 64 bits
		mask = (1<<(i&0x3f)); // (1<<(i%64));
		// if the needle is small, fill up the remaining letter tables
		// with its mask... so it matches any character in haystack.
		s0[(unsigned char)to_lower_a(*w)] |= mask;
		s0[(unsigned char)to_upper_a(*w)] |= mask;
		w += 1;//step;
		if ( w >= wend ) {
			for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++ )  {
				s1[j] |= mask;
				s2[j] |= mask;
				s3[j] |= mask;

		s1[(unsigned char)to_lower_a(*w)] |= mask;
		s1[(unsigned char)to_upper_a(*w)] |= mask;
		w += 1;//step;
		if ( w >= wend ) {
			for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++ )  {
				s2[j] |= mask;
				s3[j] |= mask;

		s2[(unsigned char)to_lower_a(*w)] |= mask;
		s2[(unsigned char)to_upper_a(*w)] |= mask;
		w += 1;//step;
		if ( w >= wend ) {
			for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++ )  {
				s3[j] |= mask;

		s3[(unsigned char)to_lower_a(*w)] |= mask;
		s3[(unsigned char)to_upper_a(*w)] |= mask;
		w += 1;//step;

	// return a ptr to the first match if we should, this is it
	char *retVal = NULL;
	// debug vars
	//int32_t debugCount = 0;
	//int32_t pp = 0;
	// now find the first needle in the haystack
	unsigned char *p    = (unsigned char *)haystack;
	unsigned char *pend = (unsigned char *)haystack + haystackSize;
	char          *dend = (char *)pend;

	// do not breach!
	pend -= 4;

	for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
		// breathe
		//if ( (char *)p - (char *)haystack >= 12508 )
		//	log("hey");
		// analytics...
		// is this a possible match? (this should be VERY fast)
		mask  = s0[*(p+0)];
		if ( ! mask ) continue;
		mask &= s1[*(p+1)];
		if ( ! mask ) continue;
		mask &= s2[*(p+2)];
		if ( ! mask ) continue;
		mask &= s3[*(p+3)];
		if ( ! mask ) continue;
		// display
		char oo[148];
		char *xx ;
		xx = oo;
		//gbmemcpy ( xx , p , 8 );
		for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < 5 ; k++ ) {
			*xx++ = p[k];
		gbmemcpy ( xx , "..." , 3 );
		xx += 3;
		// XXX: do a hashtable lookup here so we have the candidate
		//      matches in a chain... 
		// XXX: for small needles which match frequently let's have
		//      a single char hash table, a 2 byte char hash table,
		//      etc. so if we have small needles we check the hash
		//      in those tables first, but only if mask & SMALL_NEEDLE
		//      is true! the single byte needle hash table can just
		//      be a lookup table. just XOR the bytes together for
		//      the hash.
		// XXX: just hash the mask into a table to get candidate
		//      matches in a chain? but there's 4B hashes!!
		// we got a good candidate, loop through all the needles
		for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < numNeedles ; j++ ) {
			// skip if does not match mask, will save time
			if ( ! ((1<<(j&0x3f)) & mask) ) continue;
			if( needles[j].m_stringSize > 3) {
				// ensure first 4 bytes matches this needle's
				if (needles[j].m_string[0]!=to_lower_a(*(p+0)))
				if (needles[j].m_string[1]!=to_lower_a(*(p+1)))
				if (needles[j].m_string[2]!=to_lower_a(*(p+2)))
				if (needles[j].m_string[3]!=to_lower_a(*(p+3)))
			// get needle size
			int32_t msize = needles[j].m_stringSize;
			// can p possibly be big enough?
			if ( pend - p < msize ) continue;
			// needle is "m" now
			char *m    = needles[j].m_string;
			char *mend = needles[j].m_stringSize + m;
			// use a tmp ptr for ptr into haystack
			char *d = (char *)p;
			// skip first 4 bytes since we know they match
			if(msize > 3) {
				d += 4;
				m += 4;
			// loop over each char in "m"
			//for ( ; *m ; m++ ) {
			for ( ; m < mend ; m++ ) {
				//while ( ! *d && d < dend ) d++;
				//while ( ! *m && m < mend ) m++;
				// if we are a non alnum, that will match
				// any string of non-alnums, like a space
				// for instance. the 0 byte does not count
				// because it is used in utf16 a lot. this
				// may trigger some false matches in utf16
				// but, oh well... this way "link partner"
				// will match "link  - partner" in the haystk
				if ( is_wspace_a(*m) && m < mend ) {
					// skip all in "d" then.
					while (d<dend&&is_wspace_a(*d)) d++;
					// advance m then
				// make sure we match otherwise
				if ( *m != to_lower_a(*d) ) break;
				// ok, we matched, go to next
			// if not null, keep going
			if ( m < mend ) continue;
			// if this needle is "special" AND it occurs AFTER
			// linkPos, then do not consider it a match. this is
			// if we have a comment section indicator, like
			// "div id=\"comment" AND it occurs AFTER linkPos
			// (the char ptr to our link in the haystack) then
			// the match does not count.
			if ( linkPos && needles[j].m_isSection && 
			     (char *)p>linkPos ) {
				// record this for LinkText.cpp
				if ( hadPreMatch ) *hadPreMatch = true;
			// store ptr if NULL
			if ( ! needles[j].m_firstMatch )
				needles[j].m_firstMatch = (char *)p;
			// return ptr to needle in "haystack"
			if ( stopAtFirstMatch ) {
				// ok, we got a match
				if ( needleNum ) *needleNum = j;
				//return (char *)p;
				retVal = (char *)p;
				p = pend;
			// otherwise, just count it
			// see if we match another needle, fixes bug
			// of matching "anal" but not "analy[tics]"
			// advance to next char in the haystack
		// ok, we did not match any needles, advance p and try again

	// HACK:
	// repeat above loop but for the last 4 characters in haystack!!
	// this fixes a electric fence mem breach core
	// it is slower because we check for \0
	pend += 4;

	for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
		// breathe
		//if ( (char *)p - (char *)haystack >= 12508 )
		//	log("hey");
		// is this a possible match? (this should be VERY fast)
		mask  = s0[*(p+0)];
		if ( ! mask ) continue;
		if ( p+1 < pend ) {
			mask &= s1[*(p+1)];
			if ( ! mask ) continue;
		if ( p+2 < pend ) {
			mask &= s2[*(p+2)];
			if ( ! mask ) continue;
		if ( p+3 < pend ) {
			mask &= s3[*(p+3)];
			if ( ! mask ) continue;
		// display
		char oo[148];
		char *xx ;
		xx = oo;
		//gbmemcpy ( xx , p , 8 );
		for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < 5 ; k++ ) {
			*xx++ = p[k];
		gbmemcpy ( xx , "..." , 3 );
		xx += 3;
		// XXX: do a hashtable lookup here so we have the candidate
		//      matches in a chain... 
		// XXX: for small needles which match frequently let's have
		//      a single char hash table, a 2 byte char hash table,
		//      etc. so if we have small needles we check the hash
		//      in those tables first, but only if mask & SMALL_NEEDLE
		//      is true! the single byte needle hash table can just
		//      be a lookup table. just XOR the bytes together for
		//      the hash.
		// XXX: just hash the mask into a table to get candidate
		//      matches in a chain? but there's 4B hashes!!
		// we got a good candidate, loop through all the needles
		for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < numNeedles ; j++ ) {
			// skip if does not match mask, will save time
			if ( ! ((1<<(j&0x3f)) & mask) ) continue;
			if( needles[j].m_stringSize > 3) {
				// ensure first 4 bytes matches this needle's
				if (needles[j].m_string[0]!=to_lower_a(*(p+0)))
				if (!p[1] ||
				if (!p[2] ||
				if (!p[3] ||
			// get needle size
			int32_t msize = needles[j].m_stringSize;
			// can p possibly be big enough?
			if ( pend - p < msize ) continue;
			// needle is "m" now
			char *m    = needles[j].m_string;
			char *mend = needles[j].m_stringSize + m;
			// use a tmp ptr for ptr into haystack
			char *d = (char *)p;
			// skip first 4 bytes since we know they match
			if(msize > 3) {
				d += 4;
				m += 4;
			// loop over each char in "m"
			//for ( ; *m ; m++ ) {
			for ( ; m < mend ; m++ ) {
				//while ( ! *d && d < dend ) d++;
				//while ( ! *m && m < mend ) m++;
				// if we are a non alnum, that will match
				// any string of non-alnums, like a space
				// for instance. the 0 byte does not count
				// because it is used in utf16 a lot. this
				// may trigger some false matches in utf16
				// but, oh well... this way "link partner"
				// will match "link  - partner" in the haystk
				if ( is_wspace_a(*m) && m < mend ) {
					// skip all in "d" then.
					while (d<dend&&is_wspace_a(*d)) d++;
					// advance m then
				// make sure we match otherwise
				if ( *m != to_lower_a(*d) ) break;
				// ok, we matched, go to next
			// if not null, keep going
			if ( m < mend ) continue;
			// if this needle is "special" AND it occurs AFTER
			// linkPos, then do not consider it a match. this is
			// if we have a comment section indicator, like
			// "div id=\"comment" AND it occurs AFTER linkPos
			// (the char ptr to our link in the haystack) then
			// the match does not count.
			if ( linkPos && needles[j].m_isSection && 
			     (char *)p>linkPos ) {
				// record this for LinkText.cpp
				if ( hadPreMatch ) *hadPreMatch = true;
			// store ptr if NULL
			if ( ! needles[j].m_firstMatch )
				needles[j].m_firstMatch = (char *)p;
			// return ptr to needle in "haystack"
			if ( stopAtFirstMatch ) {
				// ok, we got a match
				if ( needleNum ) *needleNum = j;
				//return (char *)p;
				retVal = (char *)p;
				p = pend;
			// otherwise, just count it
			// advance to next char in the haystack
		// ok, we did not match any needles, advance p and try again

	//if ( debugCount > 0 ) pp = haystackSize / debugCount;
	//log("build: debug count = %"INT32" uc=%"INT32" hsize=%"INT32" "
	//    "1 in %"INT32" chars matches.",
	//    debugCount,(int32_t)isHaystackUtf16,haystackSize,pp);

	// before we exit, clean up
	return retVal;
int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) {
	bool addWWW = true;
	bool stripSession = true;
	// check for arguments
	for (int32_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-w") == 0)
			addWWW = false;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0)
			stripSession = false;
	// initialize
	//g_conf.m_tfndbExtBits = 23;
	// read a url from stddin
	char sbuf[1024];
	if ( ! fgets ( sbuf , 1024 , stdin ) ) exit(1);
	char *s = sbuf;
	char fbuf[1024];
	// decode if we should
	if ( strncmp(s,"http%3A%2F%2F",13) == 0 ||
	     strncmp(s,"https%3A%2F%2F",13) == 0 ) {
		s = fbuf;
	// old url
	printf("old: %s",s);
	int32_t slen = gbstrlen(s);
	// remove any www. if !addWWW
	if (!addWWW) {
		if (slen >= 4 &&
		    strncasecmp(s, "www.", 4) == 0) {
			slen -= 4;
			memmove(s, &s[4], slen);
		else {
			// get past a ://
			int32_t si = 0;
			while (si < slen &&
			       ( s[si] != ':' ||
				 s[si+1] != '/' ||
				 s[si+2] != '/' ) )
			// remove the www.
			if (si + 7 < slen) {
				si += 3;
				if (strncasecmp(&s[si], "www.", 4) == 0) {
					slen -= 4;
					memmove(&s[si], &s[si+4], slen-si);
	// set it
	Url u;
	u.set ( s , slen ,
		addWWW   ,      /*add www?*/
		stripSession ); /*strip session ids?*/
	// print it
	char out[1024*4];
	char *p = out;
	p += sprintf(p,"tld: ");
	gbmemcpy ( p, u.getTLD(),u.getTLDLen());
	p += u.getTLDLen();
	char c = *p;
	*p = '\0';
	*p = c;

	// dom
	p = out;
	sprintf ( p , "dom: ");
	p += gbstrlen ( p );
	gbmemcpy ( p , u.getDomain() , u.getDomainLen() );
	p += u.getDomainLen();
	c = *p;
	*p = '\0';
	*p = c;
	// host
	p = out;
	sprintf ( p , "host: ");
	p += gbstrlen ( p );
	gbmemcpy ( p , u.getHost() , u.getHostLen() );
	p += u.getHostLen();
	c = *p;
	*p = '\0';
	*p = c;
	// then the whole url
	printf("url: %s\n", u.getUrl() );

	int32_t  siteLen;
	char *site = u.getSite ( &siteLen , NULL , false );
	if ( site ) {
		c = site[siteLen];
		site[siteLen] = '\0';
	printf("site: %s\n", site );
	if ( site ) site[siteLen] = c;
	SiteGetter sg;
	sg.getSite ( u.getUrl() ,
		     NULL , // tagrec
		     0 , // timestamp
		     NULL, // coll
		     0 , // niceness
		     //false , // addtags
		     NULL , // state
		     NULL ); // callback
	if ( sg.m_siteLen )
		printf("site: %s\n",sg.m_site);

	printf("isRoot: %"INT32"\n",(int32_t)u.isRoot());

	bool perm = ::isPermalink ( NULL        , // coll
				    NULL        , // Links ptr
				    &u          , // the url
				    CT_HTML     , // contentType
				    NULL        , // LinkInfo ptr
				    false       );// isRSS?
	printf ("isPermalink: %"INT32"\n",(int32_t)perm);

	// print the path too
	p = out;

	p += sprintf ( p , "path: " );
	gbmemcpy ( p , u.getPath(), u.getPathLen() );
	p += u.getPathLen();

	if ( u.getFilename() ) {
		p += sprintf ( p , "\nfilename: " );
		gbmemcpy ( p , u.getFilename(), u.getFilenameLen() );
		p += u.getFilenameLen();
		*p = '\0';
		printf("%s\n", out );

	// encoded
	char dst[MAX_URL_LEN+200];
	urlEncode ( dst,MAX_URL_LEN+100,
				u.getUrl(), u.getUrlLen(), 
				false ); // are we encoding a request path?
	printf("encoded: %s\n",dst);

	// the probable docid
	int64_t pd = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(&u);
	printf("pdocid: %"UINT64"\n", pd );
	printf("dom8: 0x%"XINT32"\n", (int32_t)g_titledb.getDomHash8FromDocId(pd) );
	//printf("ext23: 0x%"XINT32"\n",g_tfndb.makeExt(&u));
	if ( u.isLinkLoop() ) printf("islinkloop: yes\n");
	else                  printf("islinkloop: no\n");
	int64_t hh64 = u.getHostHash64();
	printf("hosthash64: 0x%016"XINT64"\n",hh64);
	uint32_t hh32 = u.getHostHash32();
	printf("hosthash32: 0x%08"XINT32" (%"UINT32")\n",hh32,hh32);
	int64_t dh64 = u.getDomainHash64();
	printf("domhash64: 0x%016"XINT64"\n",dh64);
	int64_t uh64 = u.getUrlHash64();
	printf("urlhash64: 0x%016"XINT64"\n",uh64);
	//if(isUrlUnregulated(NULL ,0,&u)) printf("unregulated: yes\n");
	//else                            printf("unregulated: no\n");
	goto loop;
// returns false on bad mime
bool HttpMime::parse ( char *mime , long mimeLen , Url *url ) {
	// reset locUrl to 0
	// return if we have no valid complete mime
	if ( mimeLen == 0 ) return false;
	// status is on first line
	m_status = -1;
	// skip HTTP/x.x till we hit a space
	char *p = mime;
	char *pend = mime + mimeLen;
	while ( p < pend && !is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
	// then skip over spaces
	while ( p < pend &&  is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
	// return false on a problem
	if ( p == pend ) return false;
	// then read in the http status
	m_status = atol2 ( p , pend - p );
	// if no Content-Type: mime field was provided, assume html
	m_contentType = CT_HTML;
	// assume default charset
	m_charset    = NULL;
	m_charsetLen = 0;
	// set contentLen, lastModifiedDate, m_cookie
	p = mime;
	while ( p < pend ) {
		// compute the length of the string starting at p and ending
		// at a \n or \r
		long len = 0;
		while ( &p[len] < pend && p[len]!='\n' && p[len]!='\r' ) len++;
		// . if we could not find a \n or \r there was an error
		// . MIMEs must always end in \n or \r
		if ( &p[len] >= pend ) return false;
		// . stick a NULL at the end of the line 
		// . overwrites \n or \r TEMPORARILY
		char c = p [ len ];
		p [ len ] = '\0';
		// parse out some meaningful data
		if      ( strncasecmp ( p , "Content-Length:" ,15) == 0 ) {
			m_contentLengthPos = p + 15;
			m_contentLen = atol( m_contentLengthPos);
		else if ( strncasecmp ( p , "Last-Modified:"  ,14) == 0 ) {
			// do not let them exceed current time for purposes
			// of sorting by date using datedb (see Msg16.cpp)
			time_t now = time(NULL);
			if (m_lastModifiedDate > now) m_lastModifiedDate = now;
		else if ( strncasecmp ( p , "Content-Type:"   ,13) == 0 ) 
			m_contentType = getContentTypePrivate ( p + 13 );
		else if ( strncasecmp ( p , "Set-Cookie: "   ,11) == 0 ) {
			m_cookie = p + 11;
			m_cookieLen = gbstrlen ( p + 11 );
		else if ( strncasecmp ( p , "Location:"       , 9) == 0 ) {
			// point to it
			char *tt = p + 9;
			// skip if space
			if ( *tt == ' ' ) tt++;
			if ( *tt == ' ' ) tt++;
			// at least set this for Msg13.cpp to use
			m_locationField    = tt;
			m_locationFieldLen = gbstrlen(tt);
			// . we don't add the "www." because of slashdot.com
			// . we skip initial spaces in this Url::set() routine
				m_locUrl.set ( url, p + 9, len - 9,
		else if ( strncasecmp ( p , "Content-Encoding:", 17) == 0 ) {
			//only support gzip now, it doesn't seem like servers
			//implement the other types much
			m_contentEncodingPos = p+17;
			if(strstr(m_contentEncodingPos, "gzip")) {
				m_contentEncoding = ET_GZIP;
			else if(strstr(m_contentEncodingPos, "deflate")) {
				//zlib's compression
				m_contentEncoding = ET_DEFLATE;
		//else if ( strncasecmp ( p, "Cookie:", 7) == 0 )
		//	log (LOG_INFO, "mime: Got Cookie = %s", (p+7));
		// re-insert the character that we replaced with a '\0'
		p [ len ] = c;
		// go to next line
		p += len;
		// skip over the cruft at the end of this line
		while ( p < pend && ( *p=='\r' || *p=='\n' ) ) p++;
	return true;
예제 #7
// this should be called when all docs have finished spidering
void Test::stopIt ( ) {

	// sanity
	if ( m_isAdding ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// flag that we are done
	m_isRunning = false;

	// print time
	log("test: took %lli ms to complete injections.",
	    gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_testStartTime );

	// get this before setting testParserEnabled to false
	char *testDir = g_test.getTestDir();

	// turn this off now too
	g_conf.m_testParserEnabled = false;
	g_conf.m_testSpiderEnabled = false;

	// save all!
	bool disabled = g_threads.m_disabled;
	// save it blocking style
	if ( ! disabled ) g_threads.enableThreads();

	// save ips.txt
	saveTestBuf ( testDir );

	log("test: test completed. making qa.html");

	// NOW MAKE THE qa.html FILE

	// only analyze up to last 7 runs
	long start = m_runId - 7;
	if ( start < 0 ) start = 0;

	SafeBuf sb;
	sb.safePrintf("<table border=1>\n");
		      "<td><b><nobr>run id</nobr></b></td>"
		      "<td><b><nobr>conf diff</nobr></b></td>"
		      "<td><b><nobr>coll diff</nobr></b></td>"
		      "<td><b><nobr>run info</nobr></b></td>"

	// take diffs between this run and the last run for confparms
	for ( long i = m_runId ; i > start ; i-- ) {
		// shortcut
		char *dir = g_hostdb.m_dir;
		// make diff filename
		char diff1[200];
		File f1;
		if ( ! f1.doesExist() ) {
			char df1[200];
			char df2[200];
			// do the diff
			char cmd[600];
			sprintf(cmd,"diff %s %s > %s",df1,df2,diff1);
			log("test: system(\"%s\")",cmd);
			system (cmd);
		long fs1 = f1.getFileSize();
		sb.safePrintf("<tr><td>%li</td><td>%li</td>", i,fs1);

		// make diff filename
		char diff2[200];
		File f2;
		if ( ! f2.doesExist() ) {
			char df1[200];
			char df2[200];
			// do the diff
			char cmd[600];
			sprintf(cmd,"diff %s %s > %s",df1,df2,diff2);
			log("test: system(\"%s\")",cmd);
			system (cmd);
		long fs2 = f2.getFileSize();
		sb.safePrintf("<td>%li</td>", fs2);

		// the version
		char vf[200]; 
		File f3; 
		f3.set ( vf );
		long fs3 = f3.getFileSize();
		char vbuf[1000];
		vbuf[0] = 0;
		if ( fs3 > 0 ) {
			long rs = f3.read(vbuf,fs3,0);
			vbuf[fs3] = '\0';
			if ( rs <= 0 ) continue;
		// show it
		sb.safePrintf("<td><pre>%s</pre></td></tr>\n", vbuf);

	// now diff each parser output file for each url in urls.txt

	// loop over url buf first so we can print one table per url

	char *next = NULL;
	// reset the url buf ptr
	m_urlPtr = m_urlBuf;
	// count em
	long count = 0;

	// ptrs to each url table
	long  un = 0;
	long  uptr [5000]; // offsets now, not char ptr since buf gets reallocd
	char  udiff[5000];
	long  ulen [5000];
	long  uhits[5000]; // critical errors! validateOutput() choked!
	long  uunchecked[5000]; // events/addresses found but were not validatd
	long  umiss[5000];
	long  usort[5000];
	long  uevents[5000];
	SafeBuf tmp;

	long niceness = MAX_NICENESS;

	// advance to next url
	for ( ; m_urlPtr < m_urlEnd ; m_urlPtr = next ) {
		// breathe
		// we converted all non-url chars into \0's so skip those!
		for ( ; m_urlPtr<m_urlEnd && !*m_urlPtr ; m_urlPtr++ );
		// breach check
		if ( m_urlPtr >= m_urlEnd ) break;
		// set this up
		next = m_urlPtr;
		// compute next url ptr
		for ( ; next < m_urlEnd && *next ; next++ );
		// point to this url
		char *u = m_urlPtr;
		// get hash
		long long h = hash64 ( u , gbstrlen(u) );
		// shortcut
		char *dir = g_hostdb.m_dir;

		// print into a secondary safe buf with a ptr to
		// it so we can sort that and transfer into the
		// primary safebuf later
		uptr[un] = tmp.length();
		// assume no diff
		udiff[un] = 0;

		// print number
		tmp.safePrintf("%li) ",count++);
		// . link to our stored http server reply
		// . TODO: link it to our [cached] copy in the test coll!!!
		char local[1200];
		tmp.safePrintf("<a href=\"%s\"><b>%s</b></a> ",local,u);
		// link to live page
		tmp.safePrintf(" <a href=\"%s\">live</a> ",u);
		// link to page parser
		char ubuf[2000];
		tmp.safePrintf(" <a href=\"/master/parser?c=test&"
			       "u=%s\">parser</a> ",ubuf);
		//tmp.safePrintf(" (%llu)",h);
		tmp.safePrintf("<table border=1>\n");
			      "<td><b><nobr>run id</nobr></b></td>"
			      "<td><b><nobr>crit hits</nobr></b></td>"
			      "<td><b><nobr>crit errors</nobr></b></td>"
			      "<td><b><nobr># e</nobr></b></td>"
			      "<td><b><nobr>diff chars</nobr></b></td>"
			      "<td><b><nobr>diff file</nobr></b></td>"
			      "<td><b><nobr>full output</nobr></b></td>"

		//SafeBuf sd;

		// loop over all the runs now, starting with latest run first
		for ( long ri = m_runId ; ri >= start ; ri-- ) {


			// the diff filename
			char pdiff[200];
			File f;
			long fs = f.getFileSize();
			if ( ! f.doesExist() && ri > 0 ) {
				// make the parse filename
				char pbuf1[200];
				char pbuf2[200];
				// sanity check
				//File tf; tf.set(pbuf1);
				//if ( ! tf.doesExist()) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
				// tmp file name
				char tmp1[200];
				char tmp2[200];
				// filter first
				char cmd[600];
					"cat %s | "
					"grep -v \"<!--ignore-->\" "
					" > %s", pbuf1,tmp1);
					"cat %s | "
					"grep -v \"<!--ignore-->\" "
					" > %s", pbuf2,tmp2);
				// make the system cmd to do the diff
					"echo \"<pre>\" > %s ; "
					"diff -w --text %s %s "
					// ignore this table header row
					//" | grep -v \"R#4\""
					" >> %s",
				log("test: system(\"%s\")",cmd);
				// try again
				fs = f.getFileSize();


			// this means 0 . it just has the <pre> tag in it!
			if ( fs < 0 || fs == 6 ) fs = 0;
			// . if no diff and NOT current run, do not print it
			// . print it if the run right before the current 
			//   now always too
			if ( ri != m_runId && ri != m_runId-1 && fs == 0 ) 
			// relative filename
			char rel[200];
			char full[200];
			char validate[200];
			// use red font for current run that has a diff!
			char *t1 = "";
			char *t2 = "";
			if ( ri == m_runId && fs != 0 ) {
				t1 = "<font color=pink><b>";
				t2 = "</b></font>";
				// a diff
				udiff[un] = 1;

			// . get critical errors
			// . i.e. XmlDoc::validateOutput() could not validate
			//   a particular event or address that was in the
			//   url's "validated.uh64.txt" file since the admin
			//   clicked on the checkbox in the page parser output
			// . if we do not find such a tag in the parser output
			//   any more then Spider.cpp creates this file!
			if ( ri == m_runId ) {
				char cfile[256];
				SafeBuf ttt;
				// first long is misses, then hits then events
				umiss[un] = 0;
				uhits[un] = 0;
				uevents[un] = 0;
				uunchecked[un] = 0;
				if ( ttt.length() >= 3 )
					       "%li %li %li %li",
				usort[un] = umiss[un] + uunchecked[un];
				//File cf;
				//if ( cf.doesExist()) ucrit[un] = 1;
				//else                 ucrit[un] = 0;

			// more critical?
			if ( ri == m_runId && umiss[un] != 0 ) {
				t1 = "<font color=red><b>";
				t2 = "</b></font>";

			// . these are good to have
			// . if you don't have 1+ critical hits then you
			//   probably need to be validate by the qa guy
			char *uhb1 = "";
			char *uhb2 = "";
			if ( ri == m_runId && uhits[un] != 0 ) {
				uhb1 = "<font color=green><b>**";
				uhb2 = "**</b></font>";


			char *e1 = "<td>";
			char *e2 = "</td>";
			long ne = uevents[un];
			if ( ne ) { 
				e1="<td bgcolor=orange><b><font color=brown>"; 
			char *u1 = "<td>";
			char *u2 = "</td>";
			if ( uunchecked[un] ) {
				u1="<td bgcolor=purple><b><font color=white>"; 
			// print the row!
				       "<td>%s%li%s</td>" // critical hits
				       "<td>%s%li%s</td>" // critical misses
				       "%s%li%s" // # events
				       "%s%li%s" // unchecked
				       "<td>%s%li%s</td>" // filesize of diff
				      // diff filename
				      "<td><a href=\"%s\">%s%s%s</a></td>"
				      // full parser output
				       "<a href=\"%s\">full</a> | "
				       "<a href=\"%s\">validate</a> "

			// only fill "sd" for the most recent guy
			if ( ri != m_runId ) continue;

			// now concatenate the parse-shortdisplay file
			// to this little table so qa admin can check/uncheck
			// validation checkboxes for addresses and events
			//	"%s/test/parse-shortdisplay.%llu.%li.html",
			//	g_hostdb.m_dir,h,ri);
			//sd.fillFromFile ( cfile );
		// end table

		// . and a separate little section for the checkboxes
		// . should already be in tables, etc.
		// . each checkbox should provide its own uh64 when it
		//   calls senddiv() when clicked now
		//tmp.cat ( sd );

		// set this
		ulen[un] = tmp.length() - uptr[un] ;
		// sanity check
		if ( ulen[un] > 10000000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// inc it
		// increase the 5000!!
		if ( un >= 5000 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }

	char flag ;
	flag = 0;
	// sort the url tables
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < un - 1 ; i++ ) {
		if ( usort[i] >  usort[i+1] ) continue;
		if ( usort[i] == usort[i+1] ) 
			if ( udiff[i] >= udiff[i+1] ) continue;
		// swap em
		long  tp = uptr[i];
		long  td = udiff[i];
		long  um = umiss[i];
		long  us = usort[i];
		long  uh = uhits[i];
		long  tl = ulen [i];
		uptr[i] = uptr[i+1];
		umiss[i] = umiss[i+1];
		usort[i] = usort[i+1];
		uhits[i] = uhits[i+1];
		udiff[i] = udiff[i+1];
		ulen[i]  = ulen[i+1];
		uptr[i+1] = tp;
		umiss[i+1] = um;
		usort[i+1] = us;
		uhits[i+1] = uh;
		udiff[i+1] = td;
		ulen [i+1] = tl;
		flag = 1;
	if ( flag ) goto bubble;

	// transfer into primary safe buf now
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < un ; i++ ) 
		sb.safeMemcpy(tmp.getBufStart() + uptr[i],ulen[i]);


	char dfile[200];
	sb.dumpToFile ( dfile );

	// free the buffer of urls

	// turn off spiders
	g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = 0;

	// all done
void Blaster::startBlastering(){
	int64_t now=gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	if(m_print && m_totalDone>0 && (m_totalDone % 20)==0){
		log("blaster: Processed %"INT32" urls in %"INT32" ms",m_totalDone,
		    (int32_t) (now-m_startTime));
	//Launch the maximum number of threads that are allowed
	while ( m_p1 < m_p1end && m_launched < m_maxNumThreads && m_totalUrls){
		// clear any error
		g_errno = 0;
		// make a new state
		StateBD *st;
		try { st = new (StateBD); }
		catch ( ... ) {
			g_errno = ENOMEM;
			log("blaster: Failed. "
			    "Could not allocate %"INT32" bytes for query. "
			    "Returning HTTP status of 500.",
		mnew ( st , sizeof(StateBD) , "BlasterDiff3" );
		// make into a url class. Set both u1 and u2 here.
		//st->m_u1.set ( m_p1 , gbstrlen(m_p1) );
		st->m_u1 = m_p1;
		// is it an injection url
		if ( m_doInjection || m_doInjectionWithLinks ) {
			// get host #0 i guess
			Host *h0 = g_hostdb.getHost(0);
			if ( ! h0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
			static bool s_flag = true;
			if ( s_flag ) {
				s_flag = false;
				log("blaster: injecting to host #0 at %s on "
				    "http/tcp port %"INT32"",
			// use spiderlinks=1 so we add the outlinks to spiderdb
			// but that will slow the spider rate down since it 
			// will have to do a dns lookup on the domain of every
			// outlink.
			if ( m_doInjectionWithLinks )
			st->m_u1 = st->m_injectUrl.getBufStart();
		// skip to next url
		m_p1 += gbstrlen ( m_p1 ) + 1;
		if (m_blasterDiff){
			//st->m_u2.set ( m_p2 , gbstrlen(m_p2) );
			st->m_u2 = m_p2;
			m_p2 += gbstrlen ( m_p2 ) + 1;

		//		log(LOG_WARN,"\n");
		log(LOG_WARN,"blaster: Downloading %s",st->m_u1);
		// set port if port switch is true
		//if ( m_portSwitch ) {
		//	int32_t r = rand() % 32;
		//	u.setPort ( 8000 + r );

		// count it
		int32_t ip=0;
		int32_t port=0;
		if (m_useProxy){
		// get it
		bool status = g_httpServer.getDoc ( st->m_u1 , // url
						    0, // ip
						    0 ,  // offset
						    -1 ,  // size
						    0 , // ifModifiedSince
						    st ,  // state
						    gotDocWrapper1, // callback
						    60*1000, // timeout
						    30*1024*1024, //maxLen
		// continue if it blocked
		if ( ! status ) continue;
		// If not blocked, there is an error.
		// log msg
		log("From file1, got doc1 %s: %s", st->m_u1 , 
		    mstrerror(g_errno) );
		// we gotta wait
	// bail if not done yet
	//if ( m_launched > 0 ) return;
	if (m_totalUrls) return;
	//otherwise return if launched have not come back
	if (m_launched) return;
	// exit now
	//	g_conf.save();
	//	closeALL(NULL,NULL);
	exit ( 0 );
예제 #9
bool CatRec::set ( Url *url , char *data , long dataSize , bool gotByIp ) {
	          //char rdbId ) {
	// assume url does not have a rec in tagdb
	m_hadRec = false;
	// set our collection
	//if ( coll ) memcpy ( m_coll , coll , collLen );
	//m_collLen = collLen;
	// . if "data" is i guess the rec did not exist... so make a dummy rec
	// . MDW: why?
	if ( ! data || dataSize <= 0 ) {
		// default m_site to the hostname
		m_site.set (url->getHost(),url->getHostLen(),false/*addwww?*/);
		// steal ip from url
		m_site.setIp ( url->getIp() );
		// default xml for this collection
		//m_xml = g_tagdb.getSiteXml ( 0,/*filenum*/
		//			      coll, collLen); //, NULL , 0 );
		m_filenum = 0 ;
		//if ( m_xml ) return true;
		//g_errno = ENODATA;
		//return log("db: Could not find the ruleset file "
		//	   "%stagdb0.xml.",g_hostdb.m_dir);
		return true;
	// return false and set g_errno if buf too small
	if ( dataSize >= CATREC_BUF_SIZE ) {
		g_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL;
		return false;
	// copy the raw data
	memcpy(m_data, data, dataSize);
	m_dataSize = dataSize;
	// set up a parsing ptr into "data"
	//char *p = data;
	char *p = m_data;
	// get the catids if using catdb
	//if (rdbId == RDB_CATDB) {
	m_numCatids = *(unsigned char*)p;
	m_catids = (long*)p;
	p += 4*m_numCatids;
	// point to the filenum so we can mod it!
	//m_filenumPtr = p;
	// get the filenum (0 is default)
	//m_filenum  = *(long *) p ;  p += 4;
	m_filenum  = *(long *) p ;  p += 3;
	// get the version
	if ( m_filenum == -1 ) {
		m_version = 0;
	else {
		m_filenum &= 0x00FFFFFF;
		m_version = *p;
	// calc site url length
	if ( m_version == 0 ) {
		m_urlLen = dataSize - 4;
		//if (rdbId == RDB_CATDB)
		m_urlLen -= (4*m_numCatids) + 1;
		m_urlLen = gbstrlen(p);
	// set our site url
	m_url = p;
	m_site.set ( p , m_urlLen , false/*addwww?*/);
	// move p to end of url
	p += m_urlLen;
	if ( m_version >= 1 )
	// add time stamp, comment, username
	if ( m_version >= 2 && rdbId != RDB_CATDB ) {
		// time stamp
		m_timeStamp = *(long*)p;
		p += 4;
		// comment
		m_comment = p;
		p += gbstrlen(m_comment) + 1;
		// username
		m_username = p;
		p += gbstrlen(m_username) + 1;
	unsigned char siteFlags = 0;
	m_spamBits   = 0;
	m_adultLevel = 0;

	if ( m_version >= 3 && rdbId != RDB_CATDB ) {
		siteFlags = *p++;
		m_spamBits = siteFlags & 0xc0;  

	//we've added a 1 byte quality and 2 bits for adult content level.
	if ( m_version >= 4 && rdbId != RDB_CATDB ) {
		m_siteQuality = *p++;
		m_adultLevel  = (siteFlags & 0x30);

	m_incHere = NULL;
	m_addHere = NULL;

	if ( m_version >= 5 && rdbId != RDB_CATDB ) {

		// a marker for addSiteType() function below
		m_incHere = (long *)p;

		m_numTypes = *(uint8_t*)p;
		p += sizeof(uint8_t);
		for(long i = 0; i < m_numTypes; i++) {
			m_siteTypes[i].m_type = *(uint8_t*)p;
			p += sizeof(uint8_t);

			// version 6 adds 32-bit scores to site type
			if (m_version >= 6 &&
			    SiteType::isType4Bytes(m_siteTypes[i].m_type)) {
				m_siteTypes[i].m_score = *(uint32_t*)p;
				p += sizeof(uint32_t);
			else {
				m_siteTypes[i].m_score = (uint32_t)*(uint8_t*)p;
				p += sizeof(uint8_t);

		// save ptr for addSiteTypes()
		m_addHere = p;

		//now for the languages
		m_numLangs = *(uint8_t*)p;
		p += sizeof(uint8_t);
		for(long i = 0; i < m_numLangs; i++) {
			m_siteLangs[i].m_type = *(uint8_t*)p;
			p += sizeof(uint8_t);
			m_siteLangs[i].m_score = (uint32_t)*(uint8_t*)p;
			p += sizeof(uint8_t);

	// sanity check
	if ( p - m_data != m_dataSize ) {
		log ( "tagdb: Deserialized datasize %i != %li for url %s so "
		      "ignoring tagdb record.",
		      p - m_data, m_dataSize , url->getUrl() );
		return false;
		char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;

	// if hostname is same as url we can use the ip from url
	if ( url && m_site.getHostLen() == url->getHostLen() )
		m_site.setIp ( url->getIp() );
	// . this url had it's own rec in the db
	// . Msg16 needs to know this so it won't auto-detect p**n/spam in
	//   this url itself and delete it from tfndb
	m_hadRec = true;
	// if rec was in tagdb, data will be non-null.. did we get the rec
	// from tagdb by matching an IP? (as oppossed to canonical name)
	m_gotByIp = gotByIp;
	// get the xml for this filenum
	//m_xml = g_tagdb.getSiteXml ( m_filenum , coll , collLen );
	//if ( m_xml ) return true;
	// should NEVER be NULL
	//g_errno = ENODATA;
	//return log("db: Could not find the ruleset file %stagdb%li.xml.",
	//	   g_hostdb.m_dir,m_filenum);
	return true;
void Blaster::runBlaster(char *file1,char *file2,
			 int32_t maxNumThreads, int32_t wait, bool isLogFile,
			 bool verbose,bool justDisplay,
			 bool useProxy ,
			 bool injectUrlWithLinks ,
			 bool injectUrl ) {
	if (!init())
	if (!file2)
	// set File class
	File f1;
	f1.set ( file1 );

	// open files
	if ( ! f1.open ( O_RDONLY ) ) {
		log("blaster:open: %s %s",file1,mstrerror(g_errno)); 

	// get file size
	int32_t fileSize1 = f1.getFileSize() ;
	// store a \0 at the end
	int32_t m_bufSize1 = fileSize1 + 1;

	m_doInjectionWithLinks = injectUrlWithLinks;
	m_doInjection = injectUrl;

	// make buffers to hold all
	m_buf1 = (char *) mmalloc ( m_bufSize1 , "blaster1" );
	if ( ! m_buf1) {
		log("blaster:mmalloc: %s",mstrerror(errno));

	//char *bufEnd = buf + bufSize;

	// set m_p1
	m_p1    = m_buf1;
	m_p1end = m_buf1 + m_bufSize1 - 1;

	// read em all in
	if ( ! f1.read ( m_buf1 , fileSize1 , 0 ) ) {
		log("blaster:read: %s %s",file1,mstrerror(g_errno));

	// change \n to \0
	//char *p = buf;
	int32_t  n = 0;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_bufSize1 ; i++ ) {
		if ( m_buf1[i] != '\n' ) continue;
		m_buf1[i] = '\0';

	if (m_blasterDiff){
		File f2;
		f2.set ( file2 );
		if ( ! f2.open ( O_RDONLY ) ) {
			log("blaster:open: %s %s",file2,mstrerror(g_errno)); 
		int32_t fileSize2 = f2.getFileSize() ;
		int32_t m_bufSize2 = fileSize2 + 1;
		m_buf2 = (char *) mmalloc ( m_bufSize2 , "blaster2" );
		if ( ! m_buf2) {
			log("blaster:mmalloc: %s",mstrerror(errno));
		// set m_p2
		m_p2    = m_buf2;
		m_p2end = m_buf2 + m_bufSize2 - 1;
		if ( ! f2.read ( m_buf2 , fileSize2 , 0 ) ) {
			log("blaster:read: %s %s",file2,mstrerror(g_errno));
		int32_t m=0;
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_bufSize2 ; i++ ) {
			if ( m_buf2[i] != '\n' ) continue;
			m_buf2[i] = '\0';
		// Working on only the least number of urls from both files, 
		//because we need to work in pairs
		if (m<n) n=m;
		else m=n;

		// should we print out all the logs?
		// Should we use the proxy for getting the first Doc
		// Should we just display the not present links and not fetch
		// the page to see if they are actually present ?
		/*if reading a gigablast log file, find the lines that have 
		  GET and POST commands for search, and register a sleep
		  callback for those lines with sleepWrapperLog*/
		else {
			char *p=m_buf1;
			char *pend=p+m_bufSize1;
			// start is the time in milliseconds of the first log 
			// message
			int64_t start=atoll(m_buf1);
			while(p<pend) {
				char *lineStart=p;
				char *urlStart=strstr(p," GET /search");
				if (!urlStart)
					urlStart=strstr(p," POST /search");
					p+=gbstrlen(p)+1; //goto next line
				// register it here
				g_loop.registerSleepCallback(m_wait , 
	log(LOG_INIT,"blaster: read %"INT32" urls into memory", 
	    m_totalUrls );

		// get min time bewteen each spider in milliseconds
		m_wait = wait;
		// # of threads
		m_maxNumThreads = maxNumThreads;
		m_portSwitch = 0;
		//if ( argc == 4 ) m_portSwitch = 1;
		//else             m_portSwitch = 0;
		// start our spider loop
		//startSpidering( );
		// wakeup wrapper every X ms
		g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( m_wait , NULL , 
					       sleepWrapper );
	// this print to print how many docs have been processed
	// . now start g_loops main interrupt handling loop
	// . it should block forever
	// . when it gets a signal it dispatches to a server or db to handle it
	if ( ! g_loop.runLoop()    ) {
		log("blaster::runLoop failed" ); return; }
	// dummy return (0-->normal exit status for the shell)
void Blaster::gotDoc4 ( void *state, TcpSocket *s){
	StateBD *st=(StateBD *)state;
	if (!s) {
		//Shouldn't happen, but still putting a checkpoint
		log (LOG_WARN,"blaster: Got a null s in gotDoc4."
		     "Happened because ip could not be found for gigablast"
		if (st->m_numUrlDocsReceived==st->m_numUrlDocsSent){
			// Free stateBD
	// bail if got cut off
	if ( s->m_readOffset == 0 ) {
		log("blasterDiff : lost the Request in gotDoc4");
		if (st->m_numUrlDocsReceived==st->m_numUrlDocsSent){
	char *reply = s->m_readBuf ;
	int32_t  size  = s->m_readOffset;
	HttpMime mime;
	mime.set ( reply , size , NULL );
	char *content    = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
	int32_t  contentLen = size  - mime.getMimeLen();

	//int16_t csEnum = get_iana_charset(mime.getCharset(), 
	//				mime.getCharsetLen());
	/*	if (csEnum == csUnknown)
		log(LOG_DEBUG, "blaster: Unknown charset : %s", mime.getCharset());*/
	Xml xml;
	if (!xml.set(
		     true, // setparents
		     0, // niceness
		     CT_XML )){
		log(LOG_WARN,"blaster: Couldn't set XML Class in gotDoc4");
	Links links;
	Url *url=mime.getLocationUrl();
	if (!links.set(0,//siterec xml
		log(LOG_WARN, "blaster: Coudn't set Links class in gotDoc4");
	for (int32_t i=0;i<links.getNumLinks();i++){
		char *ss=links.getLink(i);
		char *p;
		// This page *should* always be a gigablast page. So not adding
		// checks for msn or yahoo or google page.
		if(p) continue;
		p=strstr(ss,"cache:");  //googles cache page
		if(p) continue;
		p= strstr(ss,"gigablast.");
		if(p) continue;
		p= strstr(ss,"web.archive.org");//older copies on gigablast
		if(p) continue;
		p= strstr(ss,"search.yahoo.com");//from gigablast search
		if(p) continue;
		p= strstr(ss,"search.msn.com");//from gigablast search
		if(p) continue;
		p= strstr(ss,"s.teoma.com");//from gigablast search
		if(p) continue;
		p= strstr(ss,"search.dmoz.org");//from gigablast search
		if(p) continue;
		p= strstr(ss,"www.answers.com");//from gigablast search
		if(p) continue;
       		if (m_verbose)
			log(LOG_WARN,"blaster: Link Present on server2=%s",ss);
	// So if one of the links that is returned is the exact url,
	// then we know that the url is present.So get the url from the
	// mime, search for it in the links that are returned.
	char tmp[1024];
	char *sendBuf=s->m_sendBuf;
	char *p1,*p2;

	// First get the Host, which is the domain. Since socket s is going to
	// be useless after this function, changing m_sendBuf instead of using 
	// more space
		p2=strstr(p1," HTTP");
		if (p2){
			//Since I do not care about the sendbuf anymore
	if (!p1 || !p2){
		log(LOG_WARN,"blasterdiff: Could not find search link"
		    "from m_sendBuf in gotdoc4");
		//log(LOG_WARN,"blaster: tmp in gotDoc4 = %s",tmp);
		bool isFound=false;
		// So now we search for tmp in the links
		for (int32_t i=0;i<links.getNumLinks();i++){
			if(strstr(links.getLink(i),tmp) && 
				log(LOG_WARN,"blaster: %s in results1 but not"
				    " in results2 for query %s but does exist"
				    " in server2",tmp,st->m_u1);//->getQuery()
		if (!isFound)
			log(LOG_WARN,"blaster: %s in results1 but not"
			    " in results2 for query %s and does NOT exist"
			    " in server2",tmp,st->m_u1); // ->getQuery()

      	if (st->m_numUrlDocsReceived==st->m_numUrlDocsSent){
		// Free stateBD
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the config of this host
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageIndexdb ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
	// . get fields from cgi field of the requested url
	// . get the search query
	long  queryLen = 0;
	char *query = r->getString ( "q" , &queryLen , NULL /*default*/);
	// ensure query not too big
	if ( queryLen >= MAX_QUERY_LEN ) { 
		g_errno = EQUERYTOOBIG; 
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
	// get the collection
	long  collLen = 0;
	char *coll    = r->getString("c",&collLen);
	if ( ! coll || ! coll[0] ) {
		//coll    = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
		coll = g_conf.getDefaultColl( r->getHost(), r->getHostLen() );
		collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
	// ensure collection not too big
	if ( collLen >= MAX_COLL_LEN ) { 
		g_errno = ECOLLTOOBIG; 
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno)); 
	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(coll);
	if ( ! cr ) {
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno)); 
	// make a state
	State10 *st ;
	try { st = new (State10); }
	catch ( ... ) {
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("PageIndexdb: new(%i): %s", 
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));}
	mnew ( st , sizeof(State10) , "PageIndexdb" );
	// password, too
	long pwdLen = 0 ;
	char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
	if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
	if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( st->m_pwd , pwd , pwdLen );
	// get # of records to retreive from IndexList
	st->m_numRecs  = r->getLong ( "numRecs" , 100 );
	// use disk, tree, or cache?
	st->m_useDisk  = r->getLong ("ud" , 0 );
	st->m_useTree  = r->getLong ("ut" , 0 );
	st->m_useCache = r->getLong ("uc" , 0 );
	st->m_useDatedb= r->getLong ("ub" , 0 );
	st->m_add      = r->getLong ("add", 0 );
	st->m_del      = r->getLong ("del", 0 );
	// get the termId, if any, from the cgi vars
	st->m_termId = r->getLongLong ("t", 0LL ) ;
	// get docid and score
	st->m_docId  = r->getLongLong ("d", 0LL );
	st->m_score  = r->getLong ("score", 0 );
	// copy query/collection
	memcpy ( st->m_query , query , queryLen );
	st->m_queryLen = queryLen;
	st->m_query [ queryLen ] ='\0';
	//memcpy ( st->m_coll , coll , collLen );
	//st->m_collLen  = collLen;
	//st->m_coll [ collLen ] ='\0';
	st->m_coll = coll;
	st->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
	// save the TcpSocket
	st->m_socket = s;
	// and if the request is local/internal or not
	st->m_isAdmin = g_conf.isCollAdmin ( s , r );
	st->m_isLocal = r->isLocal();
	st->m_r.copy ( r );
	// . check for add/delete request
	if ( st->m_add || st->m_del ) {
		key_t startKey = g_indexdb.makeStartKey ( st->m_termId );
		key_t endKey   = g_indexdb.makeEndKey   ( st->m_termId );
		// construct the key to add/delete
		st->m_key = g_indexdb.makeKey ( st->m_termId,
						st->m_score ,
						st->m_docId ,
						st->m_del   );
		// make an RdbList out of the key
		st->m_keyList.set ( (char*)&st->m_key,
				    true  );
		log ( LOG_INFO, "build: adding indexdb key to indexdb: "
				"%lx %llx", st->m_key.n1, st->m_key.n0 );
		// call msg1 to add/delete key
		if ( ! st->m_msg1.addList ( &st->m_keyList,
					     MAX_NICENESS ) )
			return false;
		// continue to page if no block
		return gotIndexList ( st );

	if ( ! st->m_query[0] ) return gotIndexList(st);

	// . set query class
	// . a boolFlag of 0 means query is not boolean
	Query q;
	q.set2 ( query , langUnknown , true ); // 0 = boolFlag, not boolean!
	// reset 
	st->m_msg36.m_termFreq = 0LL;
	// if query was provided, use that, otherwise use termId
	if ( q.getNumTerms() > 0 ) st->m_termId = q.getTermId(0);
	// skip if nothing
	else return gotTermFreq ( st );
	// get the termfreq of this term!
	if ( ! st->m_msg36.getTermFreq ( st->m_collnum ,
					 0 , 
					 st ,
					 gotTermFreqWrapper ) ) return false;
	// otherwise, we didn't block
	return gotTermFreq ( st );
예제 #13
int32_t getContentTypeFromStr ( const char *s ) {

	int32_t slen = gbstrlen(s);

	// trim off spaces at the end
	char tmp[64];
	if ( s[slen-1] == ' ' ) {
		tmp[63] = '\0';
		int32_t newLen = gbstrlen(tmp);
		s = tmp;
		char *send = tmp + newLen;
		for ( ; send>s && send[-1] == ' '; send-- );
		*send = '\0';

	int32_t ct = CT_UNKNOWN;
	if ( !strncasecmp(s, "text/", 5) ) {
		if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/html") ) {
			ct = CT_HTML;
		} else if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/plain" ) ) {
			ct = CT_TEXT;
		} else if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/xml" ) ) {
			ct = CT_XML;
		} else if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/txt" ) ) {
			ct = CT_TEXT;
		} else if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/javascript" ) ) {
			ct = CT_JS;
		} else if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/x-js" ) ) {
			ct = CT_JS;
		} else if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/js" ) ) {
			ct = CT_JS;
		} else if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/css" ) ) {
			ct = CT_CSS;
		} else if ( !strcasecmp(s,"text/x-vcard" ) ) {
			// . semicolon separated list of info, sometimes an element is html
			// . these might have an address in them...
			ct = CT_HTML;
		} else {
			ct = CT_TEXT;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"text"                    ) ) ct = CT_TEXT;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"txt"                     ) ) ct = CT_TEXT;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/xml"         ) ) ct = CT_XML;
	// we were not able to spider links on an xhtml doc because
	// this was set to CT_XML, so try CT_HTML
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/xhtml+xml"   ) ) ct = CT_HTML;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/rss+xml"     ) ) ct = CT_XML;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"rss"                     ) ) ct = CT_XML;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/rdf+xml"     ) ) ct = CT_XML;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/atom+xml"    ) ) ct = CT_XML;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"atom+xml"                ) ) ct = CT_XML;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/pdf"         ) ) ct = CT_PDF;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/msword"      ) ) ct = CT_DOC;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/vnd.ms-excel") ) ct = CT_XLS;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint")) ct = CT_PPT;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/mspowerpoint") ) ct = CT_PPT;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/postscript"  ) ) ct = CT_PS;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/warc"        ) ) ct = CT_WARC;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/arc"         ) ) ct = CT_ARC;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"image/gif"               ) ) ct = CT_GIF;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"image/jpeg"              ) ) ct = CT_JPG;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"image/png"               ) ) ct = CT_PNG;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"image/tiff"              ) ) ct = CT_TIFF;
	else if (!strncasecmp(s,"image/",6               ) ) ct = CT_IMAGE;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/javascript"  ) ) ct = CT_JS;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/x-javascript") ) ct = CT_JS;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/x-gzip"      ) ) ct = CT_GZ;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/json"        ) ) ct = CT_JSON;
	// facebook.com:
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml") ) ct =CT_HTML;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"binary/octet-stream") ) ct = CT_UNKNOWN;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/octet-stream") ) ct = CT_UNKNOWN;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/binary" ) ) ct = CT_UNKNOWN;
	else if (!strcasecmp(s,"application/x-tar" ) ) ct = CT_UNKNOWN;
	else if ( !strncmp ( s , "audio/",6)  ) ct = CT_UNKNOWN;

	return ct;
bool Collectiondb::load ( bool isDump ) {
	char dname[1024];
	// MDW: sprintf ( dname , "%s/collections/" , g_hostdb.m_dir );
	sprintf ( dname , "%s" , g_hostdb.m_dir );
	Dir d; 
	d.set ( dname );
	if ( ! d.open ()) return log("admin: Could not load collection config "
	// note it
	log(LOG_INIT,"admin: Loading collection config files.");
	// . scan through all subdirs in the collections dir
	// . they should be like, "coll.main/" and "coll.mycollection/"
	char *f;
	while ( ( f = d.getNextFilename ( "*" ) ) ) {
		// skip if first char not "coll."
		if ( strncmp ( f , "coll." , 5 ) != 0 ) continue;
		// must end on a digit (i.e. coll.main.0)
		if ( ! is_digit (f[gbstrlen(f)-1]) ) continue;
		// point to collection
		char *coll = f + 5;
		// NULL terminate at .
		char *pp = strchr ( coll , '.' );
		if ( ! pp ) continue;
		*pp = '\0';
		// get collnum
		collnum_t collnum = atol ( pp + 1 );
		// add it
		if ( !addRec ( coll , NULL , 0 , false , collnum , isDump ,
			       true ) )
			return false;
	// note it
	log(LOG_INIT,"admin: Loaded data for %li collections. Ranging from "
	    "collection #0 to #%li.",m_numRecsUsed,m_numRecs-1);
	// update the time
	// don't clean the tree if just dumpin
	if ( isDump ) return true;
	// remove any nodes with illegal collnums
	Rdb *r;
	//r = g_indexdb.getRdb();
	//r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	r = g_posdb.getRdb();
	r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	//r = g_datedb.getRdb();
	//r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);

	r = g_titledb.getRdb();
	r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	//r = g_revdb.getRdb();
	//r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	//r = g_sectiondb.getRdb();
	//r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	//r = g_checksumdb.getRdb();
	//r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	//r = g_tfndb.getRdb();
	//r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	r = g_spiderdb.getRdb();
	r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	r = g_doledb.getRdb();
	r->m_tree.cleanTree    ((char **)r->m_bases);
	// success
	return true;
void gotDocWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
	// no longer launched
	char* url = (char*)state;
	// bail if got cut off
	if ( s->m_readOffset == 0 ) {
		log("lost %s",(char *) state);
		if(s_server) mfree(url, gbstrlen(url)+1, "saved url");
	// got one more result page
	// allow printing
	s_printIt = true;
	// get time now
	long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// get hash
	char *reply = s->m_readBuf ;
	long  size  = s->m_readOffset;
	HttpMime mime;
	mime.set ( reply , size , NULL );
	char *content    = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
	long  contentLen = size  - mime.getMimeLen();
	long status      = mime.getHttpStatus();
	unsigned long h = hash32 ( content , contentLen );
	char *p = mime.getMime();
	char *pend = p + mime.getMimeLen();
	char message[256];
	long mlen = 0;

	// parse status message out of response

	// HTTP/1.0
	while ( p < pend && !is_space(*p) ) p++;
	// skip space
	while ( p < pend &&  is_space(*p) ) p++;
	// copy to end of line
	while (p < pend && mlen < 255 && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n'){
		message[mlen++] = *p;
	message[mlen] = '\0';

	// log msg
	if ( g_errno ) 
		logf(LOG_INFO,"blaster: got doc (status=%li) (%li) (%lims) %s : "
		     "%s", status,
		      s->m_readOffset      , 
		      (long)(now - s->m_startTime) , 
		      (char *)state        , 
		      mstrerror(g_errno)   );
		logf(LOG_INFO,"blaster: got doc (status=%li) (%li) (%lims) "
		     "(hash=%lx) %s", status,
		      s->m_readOffset      , 
		      (long)(now - s->m_startTime) , 
		      h ,
		      (char *)state        );

	if(s_server) mfree(url, gbstrlen(url)+1, "saved url");
	// try to launch another
예제 #16
// . return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg1::sendData ( unsigned long shardNum, char *listData , long listSize) {
	// debug msg
	//log("sendData: mcast=%lu listSize=%li",
	//    (long)&m_mcast,(long)listSize);

	// bail if this is an interface machine, don't write to the main
	if ( g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) return true;
	// return true if no data
	if ( listSize == 0 ) return true;
	// how many hosts in this group
	//long numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
	// . NOTE: for now i'm removing this until I handle ETRYAGAIN errors
	//         properly... by waiting and retrying...
	// . if this is local data just for us just do an addList to OUR rdb
	if ( groupId == g_hostdb.m_groupId  && numHosts == 1 ) {
		// this sets g_errno on error
		Msg0 msg0;
		Rdb *rdb = msg0.getRdb ( (char) m_rdbId );
		if ( ! rdb ) return true;
		// make a list from this data
		RdbList list;
		list.set (listData,listSize,listSize,rdb->getFixedDataSize(),
			  false) ; // ownData?
		// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
		rdb->addList ( &list );
		// . if we got a ETRYAGAIN cuz the buffer we add to was full
		//   then we should sleep and try again!
		// . return false cuz this blocks for a period of time
		//   before trying again
		if ( g_errno == ETRYAGAIN ) {
			// try adding again in 1 second
			registerSleepCallback ( 1000, slot, tryAgainWrapper1 );
			// return now
			return false;
		// . always return true cuz we did not block
		// . g_errno may be set
		return true;
	// if the data is being added to our group, don't send ourselves
	// a msg1, if we can add it right now
	bool sendToSelf = true;
	if ( shardNum == getMyShardNum() &&
	     ! g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) {
		// get the rdb to which it belongs, use Msg0::getRdb()
		Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( (char) m_rdbId );
		if ( ! rdb ) goto skip;
		// key size
		long ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( m_rdbId );
		// reset g_errno
		g_errno = 0;
		// . make a list from this data
		// . skip over the first 4 bytes which is the rdbId
		// . TODO: embed the rdbId in the msgtype or something...
		RdbList list;
		// set the list
		list.set ( listData ,
			   listSize ,
			   listData ,
			   listSize ,
			   rdb->getFixedDataSize() ,
			   false                   ,  // ownData?
			   rdb->useHalfKeys()      ,
			   ks                      ); 
		// note that
		//log("msg1: local addlist niceness=%li",m_niceness);
		// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
		rdb->addList ( m_coll , &list , m_niceness );
		// if titledb, add tfndb recs to map the title recs
		//if ( ! g_errno && rdb == g_titledb.getRdb() && m_injecting ) 
		//	// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
		//	updateTfndb ( m_coll , &list , true , m_niceness);
		// if no error, no need to use a Msg1 UdpSlot for ourselves
		if ( ! g_errno ) sendToSelf = false;
		else {
			log("rdb: msg1 had error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
			// this is messing up generate catdb's huge rdblist add
			// why did we put it in there??? from msg9b.cpp
			//return true;
		// if we're the only one in the group, bail, we're done
		if ( ! sendToSelf &&
		     g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard() == 1 ) return true;
	// . make an add record request to multicast to a bunch of machines
	// . this will alloc new space, returns NULL on failure
	//char *request = makeRequest ( listData, listSize, groupId , 
	//m_rdbId , &requestLen );
	long collLen = gbstrlen ( m_coll );
	// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
	// . calculate total size of the record
	// . 1 byte for rdbId, 1 byte for flags,
	//   then collection NULL terminated, then list
	long requestLen = 1 + 1 + collLen + 1 + listSize ;
	// make the request
	char *request = (char *) mmalloc ( requestLen ,"Msg1" );
	if ( ! request ) return true;
	char *p = request;
	// store the rdbId at top of request
	*p++ = m_rdbId;
	// then the flags
	*p = 0;
	if ( m_injecting ) *p |= 0x80;
	// then collection name
	memcpy ( p , m_coll , collLen );
	p += collLen;
	*p++ = '\0';
	// sanity check
	if ( collLen <= 0 ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: No collection specified for list add.");
		//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
		g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
		return true;
	//if ( m_deleteRecs    ) request[1] |= 0x80;
	//if ( m_overwriteRecs ) request[1] |= 0x40;
	// store the list after coll
	memcpy ( p , listData , listSize );
	// debug msg
	//if ( ! m_waitForReply ) // (m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB || 
	//m_rdbId == RDB_TFNDB)  )
	//	// if we don't get here we lose it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	//	log("using mcast=%lu rdbId=%li listData=%lu listSize=%lu "
	//	    "gid=%lu",
	//	   (long)&m_mcast,(long)m_rdbId,(long)listData,(long)listSize,
	//	    groupId);
	// for small packets
	//long niceness = 2;
	//if ( requestLen < TMPBUFSIZE - 32 ) niceness = 0;
	//log("msg1: sending mcast niceness=%li",m_niceness);
	// . multicast to all hosts in group "groupId"
	// . multicast::send() returns false and sets g_errno on error
	// . we return false if we block, true otherwise
	// . will loop indefinitely if a host in this group is down
	key_t k; k.setMin();
	if ( m_mcast.send ( request    , // sets mcast->m_msg    to this
			    requestLen , // sets mcast->m_msgLen to this
			    0x01       , // msgType for add rdb record
			    true       , // does multicast own msg?
			    shardNum   , // group to send to (groupKey)
			    true       , // send to whole group?
			    0          , // key is useless for us
			    this       , // state data
			    NULL       , // state data
			    gotReplyWrapper1 ,
			    60         , // timeout in secs
			    m_niceness , // niceness 
			    false    , // realtime
			    -1    , // first host to try
			    NULL  , // replyBuf        = NULL ,
			    0     , // replyBufMaxSize = 0 ,
			    true  , // freeReplyBuf    = true ,
			    false , // doDiskLoadBalancing = false ,
			    -1    , // no max cache age limit
			    //(key_t)0 , // cache key
			    k    , // cache key
			    RDB_NONE , // bogus rdbId
			    -1    , // unknown minRecSizes read size
			    sendToSelf ))
		return false;

	// g_errno should be set
	log("net: Had error when sending request to add data to %s in shard "
	    "#%lu: %s.", getDbnameFromId(m_rdbId),shardNum,mstrerror(g_errno));
	return true;	
int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) {
	// let's ensure our core file can dump
	struct rlimit lim;
	lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
	if ( setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE,&lim) )
		log("blaster::setrlimit: %s", mstrerror(errno) );

	g_conf.m_maxMem = 500000000;

	// init our table for doing zobrist hashing
	if ( ! hashinit() ) {
		log("blaster::hashinit failed" ); return 1; }

	// init the memory class after conf since it gets maxMem from Conf
	//if ( ! g_mem.init ( 20000000 ) ) {
	//	log("blaster::Mem init failed" ); return 1; }
	g_mem.m_maxMem = 200000000;
	// start up log file
	if ( ! g_log.init( "/tmp/blasterLog" )        ) {
		log("blaster::Log open /tmp/blasterLog failed" ); return 1; }

	// get dns ip from /etc/resolv.conf
	g_conf.m_dnsIps[0] = 0;
	FILE *fd = fopen ( "/etc/resolv.conf" , "r" );
	if ( ! fd ) {
		log("blaster::fopen: /etc/resolve.conf %s",
		    mstrerror(errno)); return 1; }

	char tmp[1024];
	while ( fgets ( tmp , 1024 , fd ) ) {
		// tmp buf ptr
		char *p = tmp;
		// skip comments
		if ( *p == '#' ) continue;
		// skip nameserver name
		if ( ! isdigit(*p) ) while ( ! isspace ( *p ) ) p++ ;
		// skip spaces
		while ( isspace ( *p ) ) p++;
		// if this is not a digit, continue
		if ( ! isdigit(*p) ) continue;
		// get ip
		g_conf.m_dnsIps[0] = atoip ( p , gbstrlen(p) );
		// done
	fclose ( fd );

	// if no dns server found, bail
	if ( g_conf.m_dnsIps[0] == 0 ) {
		log("blaster:: no dns ip found in /etc/resolv.conf");return 1;}

	// hack # of dns servers
	g_conf.m_numDns         = 1;
	g_conf.m_dnsPorts[0]    = 53;
	//g_conf.m_dnsIps  [0]    = atoip ( "", 11 );
	//g_conf.m_dnsClientPort  = 9909;
	g_conf.m_dnsMaxCacheMem = 1024*10;
	// hack http server port to -1 (none)
	//g_conf.m_httpPort           = 0;
	g_conf.m_httpMaxSockets     = 200;
	//g_conf.m_httpMaxReadBufSize = 102*1024*1024;
	g_conf.m_httpMaxSendBufSize = 16*1024;
	//g_conf.m_httpMaxDownloadSockets = 200;

	if ( argc != 4 && argc != 5 && argc !=6 ) {
		log("USAGE: blaster [fileOfUrls | -r<num random words><server>] [maxNumThreads] [wait in ms] " 
		    "<lines to skip> <string to append>");
		log("USAGE: examples:");
		log("USAGE:  ./blaster queries.fromlog 10 1");
		log("USAGE:  ./blaster -r3http://www.gigablast.com/index.php?q= 1 100\n");
		return 1; 

	// init the loop
	if ( ! g_loop.init() ) {
		log("blaster::Loop init failed" ); return 1; }
	// . then dns client
	// . server should listen to a socket and register with g_loop
	if ( ! g_dns.init(6000)        ) {
		log("blaster::Dns client init failed" ); return 1; }
	// . then webserver
	// . server should listen to a socket and register with g_loop
	for(long i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
		if ( ! g_httpServer.init( 8333 + i, 9334+i ) ) {
			log("blaster::HttpServer init failed" ); 
			//return 1; 
		else break;
	// set File class
	char *fname = argv[1];
	long fnameLen = gbstrlen(fname);
	long fileSize = 0;
	long bufSize = 0;
	char *buf = NULL;
	long  n = 0;

	//should we generate random queries?
	if(fnameLen > 2 && fname[0] == '-' && fname[1] == 'r') {
		char *p = fname + 2;
		s_numRandWords = atoi( p );
		while(is_digit(*p)) p++;
		if(*p == '\0') goto printUsage;
		s_server = p;
		log("blaster server is %s", s_server);
		//		char x[1024];
		// 		while(1) {
		// 			long l = getRandomWords(x, x + 1024, s_numRandWords);
		// 			*(x + l) = '\0';
		// 			log("blaster: %s", x);
		// 		}
		//		exit(1);
	else { //it is a real file
		File f;
		f.set ( fname );

		// open file
		if ( ! f.open ( O_RDONLY ) ) {
			log("blaster::open: %s %s",fname,mstrerror(g_errno)); 
			return 1; 

		// get file size
		fileSize = f.getFileSize() ;

		// store a \0 at the end
		bufSize = fileSize + 1;

		// make buffer to hold all
		buf = (char *) mmalloc ( bufSize , "blaster" );
		if ( ! buf) {log("blaster::mmalloc: %s",mstrerror(errno));return 1;}

		//char *bufEnd = buf + bufSize;

		// set s_p
		s_p    = buf;
		s_pend = buf + bufSize - 1;

		// read em all in
		if ( ! f.read ( buf , fileSize , 0 ) ) {
			log("blaster::read: %s %s",fname,mstrerror(g_errno));return 1;}

		// change \n to \0
		//char *p = buf;
		for ( long i = 0 ; i < bufSize ; i++ ) {
			if ( buf[i] != '\n' ) continue;
			buf[i] = '\0';

	// log a msg
	log(LOG_INIT,"blaster: read %li urls into memory", n );

	long linesToSkip = 0;
	if ( argc >=  5 ) {
		linesToSkip = atoi ( argv[4] );
		log (LOG_INIT,"blaster: skipping %li urls",linesToSkip);
	for ( long i = 0; i < linesToSkip && s_p < s_pend; i++ )
		s_p += gbstrlen(s_p) + 1;
	if ( argc == 6 ) {
		long len  = gbstrlen ( argv[5] );
		if ( len > 512 )
			len = 512;
		strncpy ( s_append , argv[5] , gbstrlen (argv[5]) );
		s_append[0] = '\0';

	// get min time bewteen each spider in milliseconds
	s_wait = atoi( argv[3] );

	// # of threads
	s_maxNumThreads = 1;
	s_maxNumThreads = atoi ( argv[2] );

	s_portSwitch = 0;
	//if ( argc == 4 ) s_portSwitch = 1;
	//else             s_portSwitch = 0;

	// start our spider loop
	//startSpidering( );

	// wakeup wrapper every X ms
	g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( s_wait , NULL , sleepWrapper );

	//msg10.addUrls ( uu , gbstrlen(uu)+1, NULL,0,time(0),4,true,NULL,NULL);
	// . now start g_loops main interrupt handling loop
	// . it should block forever
	// . when it gets a signal it dispatches to a server or db to handle it
	if ( ! g_loop.runLoop()    ) {
		log("blaster::runLoop failed" ); return 1; }
	// dummy return (0-->normal exit status for the shell)
	return 0;
예제 #18
// . destroys the slot if false is returned
// . this is registered in Msg1::set() to handle add rdb record msgs
// . seems like we should always send back a reply so we don't leave the
//   requester's slot hanging, unless he can kill it after transmit success???
// . TODO: need we send a reply back on success????
// . NOTE: Must always call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so
//   read/send bufs can be freed
void handleRequest1 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {

	// extract what we read
	char *readBuf     = slot->m_readBuf;
	long  readBufSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
	long niceness = slot->m_niceness;

	// select udp server based on niceness
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// must at least have an rdbId
	if ( readBufSize <= 4 ) {
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
	char *p    = readBuf;
	char *pend = readBuf + readBufSize;
	// extract rdbId
	char rdbId = *p++;
	// get the rdb to which it belongs, use Msg0::getRdb()
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( (char) rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) { us->sendErrorReply ( slot, EBADRDBID ); return;}
	// keep track of stats
	rdb->readRequestAdd ( readBufSize );
	// reset g_errno
	g_errno = 0;
	// are we injecting some title recs?
	bool injecting;
	if ( *p & 0x80 ) injecting = true;
	else             injecting = false;
	// then collection
	char *coll = p;
	p += gbstrlen (p) + 1;
	// . make a list from this data
	// . skip over the first 4 bytes which is the rdbId
	// . TODO: embed the rdbId in the msgtype or something...
	RdbList list;
	// set the list
	list.set ( p        , // readBuf     + 4         ,
		   pend - p , // readBufSize - 4         ,
		   p        , // readBuf     + 4         ,
		   pend - p , // readBufSize - 4         ,
		   rdb->getFixedDataSize() ,
		   false                   ,  // ownData?
		   rdb->useHalfKeys()      ,
		   rdb->getKeySize ()      ); 
	// note it
	//log("msg1: handlerequest1 calling addlist niceness=%li",niceness);
	//log("msg1: handleRequest1 niceness=%li",niceness);
	// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
	rdb->addList ( coll , &list , niceness);
	// if titledb, add tfndb recs to map the title recs
	//if ( ! g_errno && rdb == g_titledb.getRdb() && injecting ) 
	//	updateTfndb ( coll , &list , true, 0);
	// but if deleting a "new" and unforced record from spiderdb
	// then only delete tfndb record if it was tfn=255
	//if ( ! g_errno && rdb == g_spiderdb.getRdb() )
	//	updateTfndb2 ( coll , &list , false );
	// retry on some errors
	addedList ( slot , rdb );
void Scraper::gotPhrase ( ) {
	// error getting random phrase? bail!
	if ( g_errno ) log("scraper: got error getting random phrase: %s",

	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );

	// what type of query should we do?
	m_qtype = rand() % 3;

	// make sure web, news, blog is enabled
	if ( m_qtype == 0 && ! cr->m_scrapingEnabledWeb   ) goto loop;
	if ( m_qtype == 1 && ! cr->m_scrapingEnabledNews  ) goto loop;
	if ( m_qtype == 2 && ! cr->m_scrapingEnabledBlogs ) goto loop;

	// scraping is off when repairing obviously
	if ( g_repairMode ) return;

	// get it
	char *s = g_wiki.m_randPhrase;
	// convert _'s to spaces
	for ( char *p = s ; *p ; p++ )
		if ( *p == '_' ) *p = ' ';
	// . url encode the random phrase
	// . truncate it to 200 bytes to keep things sane
	// . Wiki::doneReadingWiki() keeps it below 128 i think anyway
	char qe[400];
	urlEncode(qe, 200, s , gbstrlen(s) );
	char *end = qe + 390;

	// half the time append a random word from dictionary so that we 
	// discovery those tail-end sites better
	if ( m_qtype == 0 && (rand() % 2) ) { 
		// point into it for appending
		char *p = qe + gbstrlen(qe);
		// add a space, url encoded
		*p++ = '+';
		// append a random word to it from dictionary
		char *rw = g_speller.getRandomWord();
		// append that in
		urlEncode( p , end - p - 1 , rw , gbstrlen(rw) );

	// make a query to scrape
	char buf[2048];

	char *uf ;
	if      ( m_qtype == 0 )
	// google news query? sort by date.
	else if ( m_qtype == 1 )
	// google blog query?
	else if ( m_qtype == 2 ) 
	// sanity check
	else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// make the url we will download
	sprintf ( buf , uf , qe );

	SpiderRequest sreq;
	// set the SpiderRequest
	strcpy(sreq.m_url, uf);
	// . tell it to only add the hosts of each outlink for now!
	// . that will be passed on to when XmlDoc calls Links::set() i guess
	// . xd will not reschedule the scraped url into spiderdb either
	sreq.m_isScraping = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
	int32_t firstIp = hash32n(uf);
	if ( firstIp == 0 || firstIp == -1 ) firstIp = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
	// parent docid is 0

	// forceDEl = false, niceness = 0
	m_xd.set4 ( &sreq , NULL , m_coll , NULL , 0 ); 

	//m_xd.m_isScraping = true;

	// download without throttling
	//m_xd.m_throttleDownload = false;

	// disregard this
	m_xd.m_useRobotsTxt = false;

	// call this when index completes
	m_xd.setCallback ( NULL , indexedDocWrapper );

	// assume it blocked

	// scraper is special
	m_xd.m_usePosdb     = false;
	//m_xd.m_useDatedb    = false;
	m_xd.m_useClusterdb = false;
	m_xd.m_useLinkdb    = false;
	m_xd.m_useSpiderdb  = true; // only this one i guess
	m_xd.m_useTitledb   = false;
	m_xd.m_useTagdb     = false;
	m_xd.m_usePlacedb   = false;
	//m_xd.m_useTimedb    = false;
	//m_xd.m_useSectiondb = false;
	//m_xd.m_useRevdb     = false;

	// . return false if this blocks
	// . will add the spider recs to spiderdb of the outlinks
	// . will add "ingoogle", etc. tags for each outlink
	if ( ! m_xd.indexDoc ( ) ) return ;

	// we didn't block
	indexedDoc ( );
// . "uf" is printf url format to scrape with a %s for the query
// . example: uf="http://www.google.com/search?num=50&q=%s&scoring=d&filter=0";
bool Msg7::scrapeQuery ( ) {

	// advance round now in case we return early

	InjectionRequest *ir = &m_injectionRequest;

	// error?
	char *qts = ir->ptr_queryToScrape;
	if ( ! qts ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	if ( gbstrlen(qts) > 500 ) {
		g_errno = EQUERYTOOBIG;
		return true;

	// first encode the query
	SafeBuf ebuf;
	ebuf.urlEncode ( qts ); // queryUNEncoded );

	char *uf;
	if ( m_round == 1 )
		// set to 1 for debugging
		//uf = "https://startpage.com/do/search?q=%s";
		//uf = "http://www.google.com/"
		//	"/cse?cx=013269018370076798483%3A8eec3papwpi&"
		//	"ie=UTF-8&q=%s&"
		//	"num=20";

	// skip bing for now
	//if ( m_round == 2 )
	//	return true;
	//if ( m_round == 1 )
	//	return true;
	// make the url we will download
	char ubuf[2048];
	sprintf ( ubuf , uf , ebuf.getBufStart() );

	// log it
	log("inject: SCRAPING %s",ubuf);

	SpiderRequest sreq;
	// set the SpiderRequest
	strcpy(sreq.m_url, ubuf);
	// . tell it to only add the hosts of each outlink for now!
	// . that will be passed on to when XmlDoc calls Links::set() i guess
	// . xd will not reschedule the scraped url into spiderdb either
	sreq.m_isScraping = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
	int32_t firstIp = hash32n(ubuf);
	if ( firstIp == 0 || firstIp == -1 ) firstIp = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
	// parent docid is 0

	//char *coll2 = ir->m_coll;
	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( ir->m_collnum );//coll2 );

	// need to make a new one now
	XmlDoc *xd;
	try { xd = new (XmlDoc); }
	catch ( ... ) { 
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("PageInject: scrape failed: new(%i): %s", 
		return true;
	mnew ( xd, sizeof(XmlDoc) , "PageInject" );

	// save it
	m_xd = xd;

	// forceDEl = false, niceness = 0
	m_xd->set4 ( &sreq , NULL , cr->m_coll , NULL , 0 ); 

	//m_xd.m_isScraping = true;

	// download without throttling
	//m_xd.m_throttleDownload = false;

	// disregard this
	m_xd->m_useRobotsTxt = false;

	// this will tell it to index ahrefs first before indexing
	// the doc. but do NOT do this if we are from ahrefs.com
	// ourselves to avoid recursive explosion!!
	if ( m_useAhrefs )
		m_xd->m_useAhrefs = true;

	m_xd->m_reallyInjectLinks = true;//ir->m_injectLinks;

	// rather than just add the links of the page to spiderdb,
	// let's inject them!
	m_xd->setCallback ( this , doneInjectingLinksWrapper );

	// niceness is 0

	// do we actually inject the links, or just scrape?
	if ( ! m_xd->injectLinks ( &m_linkDedupTable ,
				  this , 
				  doneInjectingLinksWrapper ) ) 
		return false;
	// otherwise, just download the google/bing search results so we
	// can display them in xml
	//else if ( m_xd.getUtf8Content() == (char **)-1 )
	//	return false;
	// print reply..
	return true;
bool sendPageThesaurus( TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *r ) {
	SafeBuf p;
	char getBuf[64]; // holds extra values for GET method
	char formBuf[256]; // holds extra values for forms
	snprintf(getBuf, 64, "c=%s", 
		 r->getString("c", 0, ""));
	snprintf(formBuf, 256, 
		 "<input type=hidden name=\"c\" value=\"%s\">",
		 //"<input type=hidden name=\"pwd\" value=\"%s\">",
		 r->getString("c", 0, ""));
	g_pages.printAdminTop( &p, s, r);
	if (r->getLong("cancel", 0) != 0) {
		  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
		  "rebuild canceled"

	if (r->getLong("rebuild", 0) != 0) {
		bool full = r->getLong("full", 0);
		if (g_thesaurus.rebuild(0, full)) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error starting rebuild, check log for details"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "rebuild started"
	if (r->getLong("rebuildaff", 0) != 0) {
		bool full = r->getLong("full", 0);
		if (g_thesaurus.rebuildAffinity(0, full)) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error starting rebuild, check log for details"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "rebuild started"

	if (r->getLong("distribute", 0) != 0) {
		char cmd[1024];
		if (g_thesaurus.m_affinityState) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "cannot distribute during rebuild"
		} else {
			for ( long i = 0; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++ ) {
				Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
				snprintf(cmd, 512,
					"rcp -r "
					"./dict/thesaurus.* "
					"%s:%s/dict/ &",
				log(LOG_INFO, "admin: %s", cmd);
				system( cmd );
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "data distributed"

	if (r->getLong("reload", 0) != 0) {
		if (r->getLong("cast", 0) != 0) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "reload command broadcast"
		} else if (g_thesaurus.init()) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "thesaurus data reloaded"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error reloading thesaurus data"

	long manualAddLen = 0;
	char *manualAdd = NULL;
	SafeBuf manualAddBuf;
	if ((manualAdd = r->getString("manualadd", &manualAddLen))) {
		manualAddLen = gbstrlen(manualAdd);
		File manualFile;
		manualFile.set(g_hostdb.m_dir, "dict/thesaurus-manual.txt");
		if (manualFile.open(O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC) &&
			(manualFile.write(manualAdd, manualAddLen, 0) ==
			 manualAddLen)) {
			char newl = '\n'; // for write()
			if (manualAdd[manualAddLen-1] != '\n')
				manualFile.write(&newl, 1, manualAddLen);
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "updated manual add file sucessfully"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error writing manual add file"
	} else {
		char ff[PATH_MAX];
		snprintf(ff, PATH_MAX, "%sdict/thesaurus-manual.txt",
		if (manualAddBuf.fillFromFile(ff)) {
			if (*(manualAddBuf.getBuf()-1) != '\n')
			manualAdd = manualAddBuf.getBufStart();
			manualAddLen = manualAddBuf.length();

	long affinityAddLen = 0;
	char *affinityAdd = NULL;
	SafeBuf affinityAddBuf;
	if ((affinityAdd = r->getString("affinityadd", &affinityAddLen))) {
		affinityAddLen = gbstrlen(affinityAdd);
		File affinityFile;
		if (affinityFile.open(O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC) &&
			(affinityFile.write(affinityAdd, affinityAddLen, 0) ==
			 affinityAddLen)) {
			char newl = '\n'; // for write()
			if (affinityAdd[affinityAddLen-1] != '\n')
				affinityFile.write(&newl, 1, affinityAddLen);
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "updated affinity add file sucessfully"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error writing affinity add file"
	} else {
		char ff[PATH_MAX];
		snprintf(ff, PATH_MAX, "%sdict/thesaurus-affinity.txt",
		if (affinityAddBuf.fillFromFile(ff)) {
			if (*(affinityAddBuf.getBuf()-1) != '\n')
			affinityAdd = affinityAddBuf.getBufStart();
			affinityAddLen = affinityAddBuf.length();

	char *syn = r->getString("synonym");
	long len = 0;
	if (syn) len = gbstrlen(syn);

	if (len) {
		SynonymInfo info;
		bool r = g_thesaurus.getAllInfo(syn, &info, len, SYNBIT_ALL);
		p.safePrintf ( 
		  "<table cellpadding=4 width=100%% bgcolor=#%s border=1>"
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Synonym List (%ld)</b></center>"
		  LIGHT_BLUE, DARK_BLUE, info.m_numSyns);
		if (r) {
			  "<td align=right><tt>%s</tt></td>"
			  "<td align=left>"
			  "<tt>1.000/%08lX (1.000/%08lX)</tt>"
			  "</tr>\n", syn, MAX_AFFINITY, MAX_AFFINITY);
			for (long i = 0; i < info.m_numSyns; i++) {
				// get the reverse affinity as well
				long aff = g_thesaurus.getAffinity(
					info.m_syn[i], syn,
					info.m_len[i], len);
				  "<td width=40%% align=right>"
				p.safeMemcpy(info.m_syn[i], info.m_len[i]);
				  "<td width=60%% align=left>"
				if (info.m_affinity[i] >= 0) {
					p.safePrintf("%0.3f/%08lX ",
					  	/ MAX_AFFINITY,
				} else {
					p.safePrintf("u ");
				if (aff >= 0) {
					p.safePrintf("(%0.3f/%08lX) ",
					  (float)aff / MAX_AFFINITY, 
				} else {
					p.safePrintf("(u) ");
				p.safePrintf("(%ld) (%ld) (%ld) (%ld) "
					     "(%lld) (%lld)",
				  (long)info.m_type[i], (long)info.m_sort[i],
				  info.m_firstId[i], info.m_lastId[i],
				for (int j = info.m_firstId[i]; 
					j <= info.m_lastId[i];
					j++) {
					p.safePrintf(" (%lld)",
		} else {
			  "<td align=center><font color=#FF0000>"
			  "synonym not found: %s"

	p.safePrintf ( "<br><br>\n" );

	p.safePrintf ( 
		  "<table cellpadding=4 width=100%% bgcolor=#%s border=1>"
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Thesaurus Controls"
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>rebuild all data</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "rebuilds synonyms and then begins the rebuild process for "
		  "affinity data; this should only be run on one host, as the "
		  "data is copied when the process is finished; full rebuild "
		  "does not use existing affinity data"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<center><b><a href=\"/master/thesaurus?rebuild=1&%s\">"
		  "rebuild all data</a> <a href=\"/master/thesaurus?"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf, getBuf);

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>distribute data</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "distributes all thesaurus data to all hosts, this is "
		  "normally done automatically but if there was a problem "
		  "with the copy, this lets you do it manually"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<center><b><a href=\"/master/thesaurus?distribute=1&%s\">"
		  "distribute data</a></b></center>"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf);

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>reload data</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "reloads the synonyms and affinity table on this host only"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<a href=\"/master/thesaurus?reload=1&cast=0&%s\">"
		  "reload data</a></b></center>"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf);

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>reload data (all hosts)</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "reloads the synonyms and affinity table on all hosts"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<a href=\"/master/thesaurus?reload=1&cast=1&%s\">"
		  "reload data (all hosts)</a></b></center>"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf);

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>list synonyms</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "enter a word here to list all synonym entries and their "
		  "<td width=12%%>"
		  "<form action=\"/master/thesaurus>\">"
		  "<input type=text name=synonym size=20>"
		  "<input type=submit value=Submit>"
		  "</tr>\n", formBuf);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Affinity Controls"

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>cancel running rebuild</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "cancels the rebuild and throws all intermediate data away"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<center><b><a href=\"/master/thesaurus?cancel=1&%s\">"
		  "cancel running rebuild</a></b></center>"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>rebuild affinity only</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "begins the rebuild process for affinity data, has no "
		  "effect if a rebuild is already in progress; full rebuild "
		  "does not reuse existing affinity data"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<center><b><a href=\"/master/thesaurus?rebuildaff=1&%s\">"
		  "rebuild affinity</a> <a href=\"/master/thesaurus?"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf, getBuf);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Manual File Controls"

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td align=center colspan=2>");
		  "<b>manually added pairs</b><br>\n"
		  "<font size=1>place word pairs here that should be linked "
		  "as synonyms, one pair per line, seperated by a pipe '|' "
		  "character, optionally followed by another pipe and a type "
		  "designation; any badly formatted lines will be silently "
		  "<form action=\"/master/thesaurus\" method=post>"
		  "<textarea name=\"manualadd\" rows=20 cols=80>");

	if (manualAdd && manualAddLen) {
		p.htmlEncode(manualAdd, manualAddLen, true);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<input type=submit value=Submit>"
		  "<input type=reset value=Reset>"

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td align=center colspan=2>"
		  "<b>affinity value overrides</b><br>\n"
		  "<font size=1>place word/phrase pairs here that should have "
		  "there affinity values overridden, format is "
		  "\"word1|word2|value\", where value is a floating point, "
		  "integer (either decimal or hex), or the word \"max\"; "
		  "any badly formatted lines will be silently ignored; note "
		  "that these pairs will only work if the thesaurus otherwise "
		  "has an entry for them, so add them to the manual add file "
		  "above if need be</font><br>\n"
		  "<form action=\"/master/thesaurus\" method=post>"
		  "<textarea name=\"affinityadd\" rows=20 cols=80>");

	if (affinityAdd && affinityAddLen) {
		p.htmlEncode(affinityAdd, affinityAddLen, true);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<input type=submit value=Submit>"
		  "<input type=reset value=Reset>"

	p.safePrintf ( "</table>\n" );
	p.safePrintf ( "<br><br>\n" );

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<table cellpadding=4 width=100%% bgcolor=#%s border=1>"
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Affinity Builder Status"

	long long a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k;
	StateAffinity *aff = g_thesaurus.m_affinityState;
	if (!aff) {
		p.safePrintf (
		  "<tr><td colspan=2>"
		  "<center><b>Not running</b></center>"
		a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = i = j = k = 0;
	} else {
		a = aff->m_oldTable->getNumSlotsUsed();
		b = aff->m_oldTable->getNumSlotsUsed() - aff->m_n;
		c = aff->m_n;
		d = (gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - aff->m_time) / 1000;
		if (!d || !(c / d)) { 
			e = 0;
		} else {
			e = b / (c / d);
		f = aff->m_sent;
		g = aff->m_recv;
		h = aff->m_errors;
		i = aff->m_old;
		j = aff->m_cache;
		k = aff->m_hitsTable.getNumSlotsUsed();
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<tr><td><b># of total pairs</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of pairs remaining</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of pairs processed</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b>elapsed time in seconds</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b>estimated remaining time in seconds</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of requests sent</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of requests received</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of request errors</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of old values reused</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of cache hits</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b>cache size</b></td>"
		  a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k);
	p.safePrintf ( "</table>\n" );

	return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s, p.getBufStart(), p.length() );
// . sets m_fileOffset and m_bf
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . returns false if nothing to read too... but does not set g_errno
bool ImportState::setCurrentTitleFileAndOffset ( ) {

	// leave m_bf and m_fileOffset alone if there is more to read
	if ( m_fileOffset < m_bfFileSize )
		return true;

	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
	if ( ! cr ) return false;

	log("import: import finding next file");
	// if ( m_offIsValid ) {
	// 	//*off = m_fileOffset;
	// 	return &m_bf; 
	// }
	//m_offIsValid = true;

	// look for titledb0001.dat etc. files in the 
	// workingDir/inject/ subdir
	SafeBuf ddd;
	// now use the one provided. we should also provide the # of threads
	if ( cr->m_importDir.getBufStart() && 
	     cr->m_importDir.getBufStart()[0] ) {
		ddd.safeStrcpy ( cr->m_importDir.getBufStart() );

	// assume we are the first filename
	// set s_fileId to the minimum
	Dir dir;

	if ( ! dir.open() ) return false;

	// assume none
	int32_t minFileId = -1;

	// getNextFilename() writes into this
	char pattern[64]; strcpy ( pattern , "titledb*" );
	char *filename;
	while ( ( filename = dir.getNextFilename ( pattern ) ) ) {
		// filename must be a certain length
		int32_t filenameLen = gbstrlen(filename);
		// we need at least "titledb0001.dat"
		if ( filenameLen < 15 ) continue;
		// ensure filename starts w/ our m_dbname
		if ( strncmp ( filename , "titledb", 7 ) != 0 )
		// skip if not .dat file
		if ( ! strstr ( filename , ".dat" ) )
		// then a 4 digit number should follow
		char *s = filename + 7;
		if ( ! isdigit(*(s+0)) ) continue;
		if ( ! isdigit(*(s+1)) ) continue;
		if ( ! isdigit(*(s+2)) ) continue;
		if ( ! isdigit(*(s+3)) ) continue;
		// convert digit to id
		int32_t id = atol(s);
		// . do not accept files we've already processed
		// . -1 means we haven't processed any yet
		if ( m_bfFileId >= 0 && id <= m_bfFileId ) continue;
		// the min of those we haven't yet processed/injected
		if ( id < minFileId || minFileId < 0 ) minFileId = id;

	// get where we left off
	if ( ! m_loadedPlaceHolder ) {
		// read where we left off from file if possible
		char fname[256];
		SafeBuf ff;
		if ( ff.length() > 1 ) {
			m_loadedPlaceHolder = true;
			// get the placeholder
			sscanf ( ff.getBufStart() 
				 , "%"UINT64",%"INT32""
				 , &m_fileOffset
				 , &minFileId

	// if no files! return false to indicate we are done
	if ( minFileId == -1 ) return false;

	// set up s_bf then
	//if ( m_bfFileId != minFileId ) {
	SafeBuf tmp;
	m_bf.set ( dir.getDirname() ,tmp.getBufStart() );
	if ( ! m_bf.open( O_RDONLY ) ) {
		log("inject: import: could not open %s%s for reading",
		return false;
	m_bfFileId = minFileId;
	// reset ptr into file
	//*off = 0;
	// and set this
	m_bfFileSize = m_bf.getFileSize();

	m_fileOffset = 0;

	log("import: importing from file %s",m_bf.getFilename());

	return true;//&m_bf;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true on error and sets g_errno
bool SiteGetter::getSiteList ( ) {

	// . setSite() will return TRUE and set g_errno on error, and returns
	//   false if it blocked adding a tag, which will call callback once
	//   tag is added
	// . stop at this point
	if ( m_pathDepth >= 3 ) return setSite();
	// or if no more
	if ( m_pathDepth >= m_maxPathDepth ) return setSite();

	// . make the termid
	// . but here we get are based on "m_pathDepth" which ranges
	//   from 1 to N
	// . if m_pathDepth==0 use "www.xyz.com" as site
	// . if m_pathDepth==1 use "www.xyz.com/foo/" as site ...
	char *pend = getPathEnd ( m_url , m_pathDepth );
	// hash up to that
	//char *host = m_u.getHost();
	char *host = getHostFast ( m_url , NULL );
	// hash the prefix first to match XmlDoc::hashNoSplit()
	char *prefix = "siteterm";
	// hash that and we will incorporate it to match XmlDoc::hashNoSplit()
	int64_t ph = hash64 ( prefix , gbstrlen(prefix) );
	// . this should match basically what is in XmlDoc.cpp::hash()
	// . and this now does not include pages that have no outlinks 
	//   "underneath" them.
	int64_t termId = hash64 ( host , pend - host , ph ) & TERMID_MASK;

	// get all pages that have this as their termid!
	key144_t start ;
	key144_t end   ;
	g_posdb.makeStartKey ( &start, termId );
	g_posdb.makeEndKey   ( &end  , termId );

	// . now see how many urls art at this path depth from this hostname
	// . if it is a huge # then we know they are all subsites!
	//   because it is too bushy to be anything else
	// . i'd say 100 nodes is good enough to qualify as a homestead site

	int32_t minRecSizes = 5000000;
	// get the group this list is in
	//uint32_t gid ;
	//gid = getGroupId ( RDB_POSDB , (char *)&start , false ); //split?
	//uint32_t shardNum ;
	//shardNum = getShardNum( RDB_POSDB , (char *)&start , false ); //split?

	// i guess this is split by termid and not docid????
	int32_t shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId ( &start );

	// we need a group #. the column #.
	//int32_t split = g_hostdb.getGroupNum ( gid );
	// int16_tcut
	Msg0 *m = &m_msg0;
	// get the list. returns false if blocked.
	if ( ! m->getList ( -1                 , // hostId
			    0                  , // ip
			    0                  , // port
			    0                  , // maxCacheAge
			    false              , // addToCache
			    RDB_POSDB        ,
			    m_collnum             ,
			    &m_list            ,
			    (char *)&start     ,
			    (char *)&end       ,
			    minRecSizes        ,
			    this               ,
			    gotSiteListWrapper ,
			    m_niceness         , // MAX_NICENESS
			    // default parms follow
			    true  ,  // doErrorCorrection?
			    true  ,  // includeTree?
			    true  ,  // doMerge?
			    -1    ,  // firstHostId
			    0     ,  // startFileNum
			    -1    ,  // numFiles
			    999999,  // timeout
			    -1    ,  // syncPoint
			    -1    ,  // preferLocalReads
			    NULL  ,  // msg5
			    NULL  ,  // msg5b
			    false ,  // isrealmerge?
			    true  ,  // allowpagecache?
			    false ,  // forceLocalIndexdb?
			    false ,  // doIndexdbSplit? nosplit
			    shardNum ) )//split ))
		return false;

	// return false if this blocked
	if ( ! gotSiteList() ) return false;
	// error?
	if ( g_errno ) return true;
	// or all done
	if ( m_allDone ) return true;
	// otherwise, try the next path component!
	goto top;
// . "sir" is the serialized injectionrequest
// . this is called from the http interface, as well as from
//   XmlDoc::indexWarcOrArc() to inject individual recs/docs from the warc/arc
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
bool Msg7::sendInjectionRequestToHost ( InjectionRequest *ir , 
					void *state ,
					void (* callback)(void *) ) {

	// ensure it is our own
	if ( &m_injectionRequest != ir ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	//if ( strcmp ( ir->ptr_url , "http://www.indyweek.com/durham/current/news.html" )  == 0 )
	//	fprintf(stderr,"ey\n");

	// ensure url not beyond limit
	if ( ir->ptr_url &&
	     gbstrlen(ir->ptr_url) > MAX_URL_LEN ) {
		g_errno = EURLTOOBIG;
		return log("inject: url too big.");

	// hack fix core
	if ( ir->size_metadata == 0 ) ir->ptr_metadata = NULL;

	int32_t sirSize = 0;
	char *sir = serializeMsg2 ( ir ,
				    &ir->size_url ,
				    &sirSize );
	// oom?
	if ( ! sir ) 
		return log("inject: failed to serialize request");

	// free any old one if we are being reused
	if ( m_sir ) {
		mfree ( m_sir , m_sirSize , "m7ir" );
		m_sir = NULL;

	m_state = state;
	m_callback = callback;

	// save it for freeing later
	m_sir = sir;
	m_sirSize = sirSize;

	// forward it to another shard?
	Host *host = getHostToHandleInjection ( ir->ptr_url );

	log("inject: sending injection request of url %s reqsize=%i "
	    "to host #%"INT32"",

	// . ok, forward it to another host now
	// . and call got gotForwardedReplyWrapper when reply comes in
	// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
	// . returns true on success
	if ( g_udpServer.sendRequest ( sir , // req ,
					 0x07 , // msgtype
					 host->m_ip , // ip
					 host->m_port , // port
					 NULL, // retslot
					 99999999 , // timeout
					 -1 , // backoff
					 -1 , // maxwait
					 NULL, // replybuf
					 0, // replybufmaxsize
					 MAX_NICENESS // niceness
				       ) )
		// we also return true on success, false on error
		return true;

	if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// there was an error, g_errno should be set
	return false;
예제 #25
bool AutoBan::printTable( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
	SafeBuf sb(512 * 512,"autobbuf");
	//read in all of the possible cgi parms off the bat:
	//long  user     = g_pages.getUserType( s , r );
	//char *username = g_users.getUsername(r);
	//char *pwd  = r->getString ("pwd");

	char *coll = r->getString ("c");

	long banIpsLen;
	char *banIps = r->getString ("banIps" , &banIpsLen , NULL);

	long allowIpsLen;
	char *allowIps = r->getString ("allowIps" , &allowIpsLen , NULL);

 	long clearLen;
 	char *clear = r->getString ("clear" , &clearLen , NULL);

	bool changed = false;

 	long validCodesLen;
 	char *validCodes = r->getString ("validCodes", &validCodesLen, NULL);

	long showAllIps = r->getLong("showAllIps", 0);
	long showLongView = r->getLong("longview", 0);

	// do it all from parm now
	//long banRegexLen;
	//char *banRegex = r->getString("banRegex", &banRegexLen, NULL);

// 	char *ss = sb.getBuf();
// 	char *ssend = sb.getBufEnd();
	g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb, s , r );

	//sb.incrementLength(sss - ss);

	// MDW: moved to here

	long now = getTime();
	long days;
	long hours;
	long minutes;
	long secs;
	long msecs;

	if(r->getLong("resetcodes", 0)) {

	sb.safePrintf("\n<br><br><table %s>\n",TABLE_STYLE);

	getCalendarFromMs((now - m_codeResetTime) * 1000,
	sb.safePrintf("<tr><td colspan=18 bgcolor=#%s>"
		      "<center><b>Code Usage "
		      "(<a href=\"/admin/"
		      "autoban?c=%s&resetcodes=1\">reset</a> "
		      "%li days %li hours %li "
		      "minutes %li sec ago)"
	sb.safePrintf("<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
		      "<td><center><b>Query Count</b></center></td>"

		      "<td><center><b>Bytes Read</b></center></td>"
		      "<td><center><b>Bytes Sent</b></center></td>"
		      "<td><center><b>Outstanding Count</b></center></td>"
		      "<td><center><b>Most Ever Outstanding</b></center></td>"
		      "<td><center><b>Max Outstanding</b></center></td>"

	for(long i = 0; i < m_ht.getNumSlots(); i++) {
		if ( m_ht.getKey ( i ) == 0 ) continue;
		CodeVal *cv = m_ht.getValuePointerFromSlot ( i );
		if ( ! cv ) continue;
		sb.safePrintf("<td><center>%s</center> </td>",


		if ( cv->m_maxOutstanding != 50 )

	sb.safePrintf ("</table><br><br>\n" );

 	if(clear && clearLen < 64) {
 		long ip = atoip(clear, clearLen);
 		if(ip) {
			char *beginning;
			char ipbuf[64];//gotta NULL terminate for strstr
			memcpy(ipbuf, clear, clearLen);
			ipbuf[clearLen] = '\0';
			beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_banIps, ipbuf, 
			if(beginning) {
				char *to = beginning;
				char *from = beginning + clearLen;
				while(*to) *to++ = *from++;
			beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_allowIps, ipbuf,
			if(beginning) {
				char *to = beginning;
				char *from = beginning + clearLen;
				while(*to) *to++ = *from++;
			changed = true;

 	long allowLen;
 	char *allow = r->getString ( "allow" , &allowLen , NULL );
 	if(allow && allowLen < 64) {
 		long ip = atoip(allow, allowLen);
 		if(ip) {
			char *beginning;
			char ipbuf[64];//gotta NULL terminate for strstr
			memcpy(ipbuf, allow, allowLen);
			ipbuf[allowLen] = '\0';
			beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_allowIps, ipbuf, 
			if(!beginning) {
				//its not present, so add it.
				char *p = g_conf.m_allowIps;
				while(*p) p++;
				if(p - g_conf.m_allowIps + allowLen + 2 
					*p++ = '\n';
					memcpy(p, ipbuf,allowLen);
					*(p + allowLen) = '\0';
				else {
					sb.safePrintf("<font color=red>"
						      "Not enough stack space "
						      "to fit allowIps.  "
						      "Increase "
						      "AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in "
						      "Conf.h. "
						      "Had %i need %li."
						      p - g_conf.m_allowIps + 
						      allowLen + 2);
					goto dontRemove1;
			beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_banIps, ipbuf, 
			if(beginning) {
				//remove it from banned if present.
				char *to = beginning;
				char *from = beginning + allowLen;
				while(*to) *to++ = *from++;

			changed = true;
 	long denyLen;
 	char *deny = r->getString ( "deny" , &denyLen , NULL );
 	if(deny && denyLen < 64) {
 		long ip = atoip(deny, denyLen);
 		if(ip) {
			char *beginning;
			char ipbuf[64];//gotta NULL terminate for strstr
			memcpy(ipbuf, deny, denyLen);
			ipbuf[denyLen] = '\0';
			beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_banIps, ipbuf, denyLen);
			if(!beginning) {
				//its not present, so add it.
				char *p =g_conf.m_banIps;
				while(*p) p++;
				if(p - g_conf.m_banIps + denyLen + 2 < 
					*p++ = '\n';
					memcpy(p, ipbuf,denyLen);
					*(p + denyLen) = '\0';
				else {
					sb.safePrintf("<font color=red>Not "
						      "enough stack space "
						      "to fit bannedIPs.  "
						      "Increase "
						      "AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in "
						      "Conf.h. "
						      "Had %i need %li."
						      p - g_conf.m_banIps +
						      denyLen + 2);
					goto dontRemove2;
			beginning = findToken(g_conf.m_allowIps, ipbuf,
			if(beginning) {
				//remove it from allowed list if present.
				char *to = beginning;
				char *from = beginning + denyLen;
				while(*to) *to++ = *from++;
			changed = true;

	if(!g_conf.m_doAutoBan) {
		sb.safePrintf("<center><font color=red><b>Autoban is disabled, "
			      "turn it on in Master Controls.</b></font></center><br>");

 	if(validCodes) {
		if(validCodesLen >= AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE) {
			sb.safePrintf("<font color=red>Not enough stack space "
				      "to fit codes.  "
				      "Increase AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in Conf.h. "
				      "Had %i need %li.</font>", 
			validCodes = NULL;
			validCodesLen = 0;
		else {
			memcpy(g_conf.m_validCodes, validCodes, validCodesLen);
			g_conf.m_validCodes[validCodesLen] = '\0';

	//first remove all of the ips in the conf, then add the passed in 
	//  ones to the conf parm; 
	if (banIps) {
		//ack, the browser puts in crlf when this comes back, so
		//we will have a longer string here than the one we sent 
		//out. trim back all extrainious whitespace before we do
		//bounds checking.
		banIpsLen = gbstrlen(banIps);
		if(banIpsLen >= AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE) {
			sb.safePrintf("<font color=red>Not enough stack space "
				      "to fit bannedIps.  "
				      "Increase AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in Conf.h. "
				      "Had %i need %li.</font>", 
			banIpsLen = AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE - 1;
		for(long i = 0; i < m_tableSize; i++) {
			if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue;
			//check the 'set from conf' bit, and clear those.
			if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF) {
		memcpy(g_conf.m_banIps, banIps, banIpsLen);
		g_conf.m_banIps[banIpsLen] = '\0';
		changed = true;
	if (allowIps) {
		allowIpsLen = gbstrlen(allowIps);

		if(allowIpsLen >= AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE) {
			sb.safePrintf("<font color=red>Not enough stack space "
				      "to fit allowIps.  "
				      "Increase AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE in Conf.h. "
				      "Had %i need %li.</font>", 
			allowIpsLen = AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE - 1;
		for(long i = 0; i < m_tableSize; i++) {
			if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue;
			//check the 'set from conf' bit, and clear those.
			if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF) {
		memcpy(g_conf.m_allowIps, allowIps, allowIpsLen);
		g_conf.m_allowIps[allowIpsLen] = '\0';
		changed = true;
	if(changed) {

	sb.safePrintf("\n<table %s>\n",TABLE_STYLE);
	sb.safePrintf("<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		      "<center><b>Add IPs</b></center></td></tr>", 

// 	ss = sb.getBuf();
// 	ssend = sb.getBufEnd();
	g_parms.printParms (&sb, s, r);
	//	sb.incrementLength(sss - ss);

	sb.safePrintf ("<tr><td>"
		       "<input type=submit value=\"Update\" "
		       "method=\"POST\" border=0>"

	sb.safePrintf ("</table><br><br>\n" );

	if(!showLongView) {
		sb.safePrintf("<b><a href=\"autoban"
			      "&longview=1\">Show watched ips table...</a></b>",
		return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , 
						      sb.getBufStart() , 
						      sb.length() , 
						      -1 , 


	sb.safePrintf("\n<table %s>\n",TABLE_STYLE);

	sb.safePrintf("<tr><td colspan=3 bgcolor=#%s>"
		      "<center><b>Watched Ips</b></center></td></tr>", 

	sb.safePrintf("<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
		      //		      "<td><center><b>Time Added</b></center></td>"

	long *sortedIndices = (long*)mmalloc(m_tableSize * sizeof(long), 

	if(!sortedIndices) {
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(ENOMEM));

	long numEntries = 0;
	for(long i = 0; i < m_tableSize; i++) {
		if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue;
		sortedIndices[numEntries++] = i;
	SorterTable = m_detectKeys;

        gbsort(sortedIndices, numEntries, sizeof(long), ip_cmp);

	//lets put each class of watched ip in its own safebuf then cat 
	//them together at the end.
	SafeBuf allowed;
	SafeBuf banned; 
	SafeBuf feedLeachers; 
	SafeBuf cowBots; 
	SafeBuf *e;

	for(long j = 0; j < numEntries; j++) {
		long i = sortedIndices[j];
		if(m_detectKeys[i] == 0) continue;
		//if(!(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF)) continue;
		bool allow =  m_detectVals[i].m_flags & ALLOW && 
			m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF;
		bool deny  =  m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY && 
			m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF;
		bool explicitban = deny && m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF;
		unsigned short dayCount = m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount;
		unsigned char minuteCount = m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount;

		bool day =    dayCount >= g_conf.m_numFreeQueriesPerDay;
		bool minute = minuteCount >= g_conf.m_numFreeQueriesPerMinute;

		char *description;
		char *color;

		if(allow) {
			color = GREEN;
			description = "Allowed";
			e = &allowed;
		else if(explicitban) {
			color = RED;
			description = "Banned";
			e = &banned;
		else if(minute) {
			color = RED;
			description = "Cow Bot";
			e = &cowBots;
		else if(day) {
			color = RED;
			description = "Feed Leacher";
			e = &feedLeachers;
		else {
			//this can happen when someone was banned due to 
			//exceeding the quota, then the quota was lowered.
			m_detectVals[i].m_flags &= ~DENY;
			//log("autoban: ohshit-banning %s",iptoa(s->m_ip));


		e->safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%s><center>%s</center></td><td>"

// 			      "<td><center>"
// 			      "%li days %li hrs %li min ago"
// 			      "</center></td>"

			      "<td><center><a href=\"/admin/"

			      "<a href=\"/admin/"

			      "<a href=\"/admin/"

			      //      days,hours,minutes,



	sb.safePrintf ("</table><br><br>\n" );

	// MDW moved from here

	sb.safePrintf("\n<br><br><table %s>\n",TABLE_STYLE);

	sb.safePrintf("<tr><td colspan=5 bgcolor=#%s>"
		      "<center><b>Control Panel</b></center></td></tr>", 

		      "<td bgcolor=#%s><center><b>Show Ips by Number of Queries"
	sb.safePrintf("<td><center><font color=red><b><a href=\"/admin/"
		      "0 Queries</a></b>"
	sb.safePrintf("<td><center><font color=red><b><a href=\"/admin/"
		      "1 Query</a></b>"
	sb.safePrintf("<td><center><font color=red><b><a href=\"/admin/"
		      "10 Queries</a></b>"
	sb.safePrintf("<td><center><font color=red><b><a href=\"/admin/"
		      "100 Queries</a></b>"

	sb.safePrintf ("</table><br><br>\n");

	if(!showAllIps) {

		char* ss = (char*) sb.getBufStart();
		long sslen = sb.length();
		mfree(sortedIndices, m_tableSize * sizeof(long),"AutoBanH");

		return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , ss , sslen , -1 , false);

	sb.safePrintf("\n<br><br><table %s>\n",TABLE_STYLE);

	sb.safePrintf("<tr><td colspan=6 bgcolor=#%s>"
		      "<center><b>Queries Today</b></center></td></tr>", 

	sb.safePrintf("<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
		      "<td><center><b>Minute count</b></center></td>"
		      "<td><center><b>Day count</b></center></td>"
		      "<td><center><b>Time Until Reset</b></center></td>"
		      "<td><center><b>Times Banned</b></center></td>"

	char minBuf[128];
	char dayBuf[128];
	unsigned long lastIpGroup = 0;
	for(long j = 0; j < numEntries; j++) {
		long i = sortedIndices[j];
		long  dayCount = m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount;
		unsigned char minuteCount = m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount;

		if(!(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF)) {
			if(m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires < now) 
				minuteCount = 0;
			if(!(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY) && 
			   m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires < now) 
				dayCount = 0;
		//a hack:
		if( dayCount < showAllIps) continue;

		char *color = YELLOW;
		if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & ALLOW) {
			color = GREEN;
			snprintf(minBuf, 128, "--");
			snprintf(dayBuf, 128, "%li", dayCount);
		else if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & DENY) {
			color = RED;
			snprintf(minBuf, 128, "--");
			snprintf(dayBuf, 128, "%li", dayCount);
		else {
			snprintf(minBuf, 128, "%li", (long)minuteCount);
			snprintf(dayBuf, 128, "%li", (long)dayCount);

		unsigned long thisIpGroup = (unsigned long)m_detectKeys[i] & 


		if(m_detectVals[i].m_flags & FROMCONF) {
			sb.safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%s><center>%s%s%s</center></td>"
				      "<td><center>%s</center> </td>"
				      "<td><center><font color=red>"
				      (thisIpGroup == lastIpGroup)?"<b>":"",
				      (thisIpGroup == lastIpGroup)?"</b>":"",
		else {
			//they haven't done a query since being unbanned,
			//unban them now so we don't get negative resets displayed.
			  no, don't unban the bots!!! MDW yippy project
			if(m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires < now) {
				m_detectVals[i].m_flags &= ~DENY; 
				//log("autoban: dayexpire-unbanning %s",
				//    iptoa(ip));
				m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires = now + ONE_DAY;
				m_detectVals[i].m_minuteExpires = now + 60;
				m_detectVals[i].m_dayCount = 0;
				m_detectVals[i].m_minuteCount = 0;

			getCalendarFromMs((m_detectVals[i].m_dayExpires - now)* 1000,

			sb.safePrintf("<td bgcolor=#%s><center>%s%s%s</center></td>"
				      "<td><center>%s</center> </td>"
				      "<td><center><font color=red>"
				      "<b>%li days %li hrs %li min %li sec</b>"
				      (thisIpGroup == lastIpGroup)?"<b>":"",
				      (thisIpGroup == lastIpGroup)?"</b>":"",
				      days, hours, minutes, secs,
			      "<a href=\"/admin/"
			      "<a href=\"/admin/"

		lastIpGroup = thisIpGroup;

	sb.safePrintf ("</table><br><br>\n" );

	char* ss = (char*) sb.getBufStart();
	long sslen = sb.length();

	mfree(sortedIndices, m_tableSize * sizeof(long),"AutoBanH");

	return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , ss , sslen , -1 , false);
bool sendHttpReply ( void *state ) {
	// get the state properly
	Msg7 *msg7= (Msg7 *) state;

	InjectionRequest *ir = &msg7->m_injectionRequest;

	// extract info from state
	TcpSocket *sock = msg7->m_socket;

	//XmlDoc *xd = msg7->m_xd;

	int64_t docId  = msg7->m_replyDocId; // xd->m_docId;

	// might already be EURLTOOBIG set from above
	if ( ! g_errno ) g_errno = msg7->m_replyIndexCode;

	int32_t      hostId = 0;//msg7->m_msg7.m_hostId;

	// set g_errno to index code
	//if ( xd->m_indexCodeValid && xd->m_indexCode && ! g_errno )
	//	g_errno = xd->m_indexCode;

	char format = msg7->m_format;

	// no url parm?
	if ( ! g_errno && ! ir->ptr_url && format != FORMAT_HTML )
		g_errno = EMISSINGINPUT;

	if ( g_errno && g_errno != EDOCUNCHANGED ) {
		int32_t save = g_errno;
		mdelete ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
		delete (msg7);
		g_errno = save;
		char *msg = mstrerror(g_errno);
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(sock,save,msg,NULL);

	char abuf[320];
	SafeBuf am(abuf,320,0,false);
	char *ct = NULL;

	// a success reply, include docid and url i guess
	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) {
		// if xmldoc was a container of subdocs that XmlDoc::indexDoc()
		// call indexWarcOrArc() on then docid is not valid since
		// we do not index container docs.
		//int64_t docId = xd->m_docId;
		//if ( ! xd->m_docIdValid ) docId = 0;
		// this will have to be re-tooled if we deem necessary.
		// was being use to do section voting for diffbot
		// upon a url being injected.
		if ( ir->m_getSections ) {
			SafeBuf *secBuf = xd->getInlineSectionVotingBuf();
			if ( secBuf->length() ) 
		ct = "text/xml";

	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
		// this will have to be re-tooled if we deem necessary.
		// was being use to do section voting for diffbot
		// upon a url being injected.

		if ( ir->m_getSections ) {
			SafeBuf *secBuf = xd->getInlineSectionVotingBuf();
			if ( secBuf->length() ) 
		// subtract ",\n"
		am.m_length -= 2;
		ct = "application/json";

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML || format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
		mdelete ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
		delete (msg7);
		return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(sock,
						    ct );

	// debug

	// now get the meta list, in the process it will print out a 
	// bunch of junk into msg7->m_pbuf
	if ( xd->m_docId ) {
		char *metalist = xd->getMetaList ( 1,1,1,1,1,1 );
		if ( ! metalist || metalist==(void *)-1){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
		// print it out
		SafeBuf *pbuf = &msg7->m_sbuf;
		xd->printDoc( pbuf );
		bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage( msg7->m_socket , 
							    pbuf->length() ,
							    -1, //cachtime
							    false ,//postreply?
							    NULL, //ctype
							    -1 , //httpstatus
		// delete the state now
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
		delete (st);
		// return the status
		return status;
	// end debug

	char *url = ir->ptr_url;
	// . if we're talking w/ a robot he doesn't care about this crap
	// . send him back the error code (0 means success)
	if ( url && ir->m_shortReply ) {
		char buf[1024*32];
		char *p = buf;
		// return docid and hostid
		if ( ! g_errno ) p += sprintf ( p , 
						"hostId=%"INT32"," , 
						docId , hostId );
		// print error number here
		else  p += sprintf ( p , "%"INT32",0,0,", (int32_t)g_errno );
		// print error msg out, too or "Success"
		p += sprintf ( p , "%s", mstrerror(g_errno));
		mdelete ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
		delete (msg7);
		return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( sock,buf, gbstrlen(buf) ,

	SafeBuf sb;

	// print admin bar
	g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb, sock , &msg7->m_hr );

	// print a response msg if rendering the page after a submission
	if ( g_errno )
		sb.safePrintf ( "<center>Error injecting url: <b>%s[%i]</b>"
				mstrerror(g_errno) , g_errno);
	else if ( (ir->ptr_url && ir->ptr_url[0]) ||
		  (ir->ptr_queryToScrape&&ir->ptr_queryToScrape[0]) )
		sb.safePrintf ( "<center><b>Sucessfully injected %s"
				, ir->ptr_url
				//, xd->m_firstUrl.m_url

	// print the table of injection parms
	g_parms.printParmTable ( &sb , sock , &msg7->m_hr );

	// clear g_errno, if any, so our reply send goes through
	g_errno = 0;
	// calculate buffer length
	//int32_t bufLen = p - buf;
	// nuke state
	mdelete ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
	delete (msg7);
	// . send this page
	// . encapsulates in html header and tail
	// . make a Mime
	// . i thought we need -2 for cacheTime, but i guess not
	return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (sock, 
예제 #27
static bool isTLD ( char *tld , int32_t tldLen ) {

	int32_t pcount = 0;
	// now they are random!
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < tldLen ; i++ ) {
		// period count
		if ( tld[i] == '.' ) { pcount++; continue; }
		if ( ! is_alnum_a(tld[i]) && tld[i] != '-' ) return false;

	if ( pcount == 0 ) return true;
	if ( pcount >= 2 ) return false;

	// otherwise, if one period, check table to see if qualified

	// we use this as our hashtable
	static bool       s_isInitialized = false;
	// . i shrunk this list a lot
	// . see backups for the hold list
	static const char * const s_tlds[] = {

	  // From: https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt


	if ( ! s_isInitialized ) {
		// set up the hash table
		if ( ! s_table.set ( 8 , 0, sizeof(s_tlds)*2,NULL,0,false,0,
				     "tldtbl") ) 
			return log("build: Could not init table of TLDs.");
		// now add in all the stop words
		int32_t n = (int32_t)sizeof(s_tlds)/ sizeof(char *); 
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
			const char      *d    = s_tlds[i];
			int32_t       dlen = gbstrlen ( d );
			int64_t  dh   = hash64Lower_a ( d , dlen );
			if ( ! s_table.addKey (&dh,NULL) )
				return log("build: dom table failed");
		s_isInitialized = true;
	int64_t h = hash64Lower_a ( tld , tldLen ); // gbstrlen(tld));
	return s_table.isInTable ( &h );//getScoreFromTermId ( h );
void startSpidering ( ) {
	// url class for parsing/normalizing url
	Url u;
	// count total urls done
	static long long s_startTime = 0;
	// set startTime
	if ( s_startTime == 0 ) s_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// get time now
	long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// elapsed time to do all urls
	double took = (double)(now - s_startTime) / 1000.0 ;
	// log this every 20 urls
	if ( s_printIt && s_total > 0 && ( s_total % 20 ) == 0 ) {
		logf(LOG_INFO,"did %li urls in %f seconds. %f urls per second."
		    " threads now = %li.",
		    s_total ,  took , ((double)s_total) / took, s_launched);
		s_printIt = false;
	// did we wait long enough?
	if ( now - s_lastTime < s_wait ) return;
	s_lastTime = now;
	// . use HttpServer.getDoc() to fetch it
	// . fetch X at a time
	while ( (s_server || s_p < s_pend) && s_launched < s_maxNumThreads ) {
		// clear any error
		g_errno = 0;
		//append s_append to the url
		char url[MAX_URL_LEN];
		char *p = url;
		char *pend = url + MAX_URL_LEN;
		char *t = NULL;

		if(s_server) {
			long len = gbstrlen(s_server);
			memcpy ( p, s_server, len);
			p += len;
			p += getRandomWords(p, pend, s_numRandWords);
			long appendLen = gbstrlen(s_append);
			if ( p + appendLen < pend ) {
				memcpy ( p, s_append, gbstrlen(s_append) );
				p += gbstrlen(s_append);
			*p++ = '\0';
			u.set ( url , p - url);
			t = g_mem.strdup(url, "saved url");
		else {
			memcpy ( p, s_p, gbstrlen(s_p));
			p += gbstrlen ( s_p );
			if ( gbstrlen(s_p) + gbstrlen(s_append) < MAX_URL_LEN )
				memcpy ( p, s_append, gbstrlen(s_append) );
			p += gbstrlen(s_append);
			//null end
			*p ='\0';

			// make into a url class
			u.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) );
			// set port if port switch is true
			//if ( s_portSwitch ) {
			//	long r = rand() % 32;
			//	u.setPort ( 8000 + r );
			// save s_p
			t = s_p;
			// skip to next url
			s_p += gbstrlen ( s_p ) + 1;
		// count it
		// get it
		bool status = g_httpServer.getDoc ( &u , // url
						    0 ,  // offset
						    -1 ,  // size
						    0 , // ifModifiedSince
						    (void *)t ,  // state
						    gotDocWrapper, // callback
						    20*1000, // timeout
						    0, // proxy ip
						    0, // proxy port
						    30*1024*1024, //maxLen
		// continue if it blocked
		if ( ! status ) continue;
		// otherwise, got it right away
		// log msg
		log("got doc1 %s: %s", u.getUrl() , mstrerror(g_errno) );
		// we gotta wait
	// bail if not done yet
	//if ( s_launched > 0 ) return;
	if ( s_server || s_p < s_pend ) return;
	// otherwise, we're all done
	logf(LOG_INFO,"blaster: did %li urls in %f seconds. %f urls per "
	    s_total ,  took , ((double)s_total) / took );
	// exit now
	exit ( 0 );
bool sendReply ( void *state ) {
	// get the state properly
	Msg7 *msg7= (Msg7 *) state;

	GigablastRequest *gr = &msg7->m_gr;

	// extract info from state
	TcpSocket *sock = gr->m_socket;

	XmlDoc *xd = &msg7->m_xd;
	// log it
	//if ( msg7->m_url[0] ) xd->logIt();

	// msg7 has the docid for what we injected, iff g_errno is not set
	//long long docId  = msg7->m_msg7.m_docId;
	//long      hostId = msg7->m_msg7.m_hostId;
	long long docId  = xd->m_docId;
	long      hostId = 0;//msg7->m_msg7.m_hostId;

	// set g_errno to index code
	if ( xd->m_indexCodeValid && xd->m_indexCode && ! g_errno )
		g_errno = xd->m_indexCode;

	char format = gr->m_hr.getReplyFormat();

	// no url parm?
	if ( ! g_errno && ! gr->m_url && format != FORMAT_HTML )
		g_errno = EMISSINGINPUT;

	if ( g_errno && g_errno != EDOCUNCHANGED ) {
		long save = g_errno;
		mdelete ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
		delete (msg7);
		g_errno = save;
		char *msg = mstrerror(g_errno);
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(sock,save,msg,NULL);

	char abuf[320];
	SafeBuf am(abuf,320,0,false);
	char *ct = NULL;

	// a success reply, include docid and url i guess
	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) {
		if ( gr->m_getSections ) {
			SafeBuf *secBuf = xd->getInlineSectionVotingBuf();
			if ( secBuf->length() ) 
		ct = "text/xml";

	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
		if ( gr->m_getSections ) {
			SafeBuf *secBuf = xd->getInlineSectionVotingBuf();
			if ( secBuf->length() ) 
		// subtract ",\n"
		am.m_length -= 2;
		ct = "application/json";

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML || format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
		mdelete ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
		delete (msg7);
		return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(sock,
						    ct );

	// debug

	// now get the meta list, in the process it will print out a 
	// bunch of junk into msg7->m_pbuf
	if ( xd->m_docId ) {
		char *metalist = xd->getMetaList ( 1,1,1,1,1,1 );
		if ( ! metalist || metalist==(void *)-1){char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
		// print it out
		SafeBuf *pbuf = &msg7->m_sbuf;
		xd->printDoc( pbuf );
		bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage( msg7->m_socket , 
							    pbuf->length() ,
							    -1, //cachtime
							    false ,//postreply?
							    NULL, //ctype
							    -1 , //httpstatus
		// delete the state now
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
		delete (st);
		// return the status
		return status;
	// end debug

	char *url = gr->m_url;
	// . if we're talking w/ a robot he doesn't care about this crap
	// . send him back the error code (0 means success)
	if ( url && gr->m_shortReply ) {
		char buf[1024*32];
		char *p = buf;
		// return docid and hostid
		if ( ! g_errno ) p += sprintf ( p , 
					   "0,docId=%lli,hostId=%li," , 
					   docId , hostId );
		// print error number here
		else  p += sprintf ( p , "%li,0,0,", (long)g_errno );
		// print error msg out, too or "Success"
		p += sprintf ( p , "%s", mstrerror(g_errno));
		mdelete ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
		delete (msg7);
		return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( sock,buf, gbstrlen(buf) ,

	SafeBuf sb;

	// print admin bar
	g_pages.printAdminTop ( &sb, sock , &gr->m_hr );

	// print a response msg if rendering the page after a submission
	if ( g_errno )
		sb.safePrintf ( "<center>Error injecting url: <b>%s[%i]</b>"
				mstrerror(g_errno) , g_errno);
	else if ( (gr->m_url&&gr->m_url[0]) ||
		  (gr->m_queryToScrape&&gr->m_queryToScrape[0]) )
		sb.safePrintf ( "<center><b>Sucessfully injected %s"
				, xd->m_firstUrl.m_url

	// print the table of injection parms
	g_parms.printParmTable ( &sb , sock , &gr->m_hr );

	// clear g_errno, if any, so our reply send goes through
	g_errno = 0;
	// calculate buffer length
	//long bufLen = p - buf;
	// nuke state
	mdelete ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
	delete (msg7);
	// . send this page
	// . encapsulates in html header and tail
	// . make a Mime
	// . i thought we need -2 for cacheTime, but i guess not
	return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (sock, 
// . MDW: TODO: bring this back when we have a subdir for each collection
// . add a new rec
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . use a collnum_t of -1 if it is new
bool Collectiondb::addRec ( char *coll , char *cpc , long cpclen , bool isNew ,
			    collnum_t collnum , bool isDump ,
			    bool saveIt ) {
	// sanity check
	if ( ( isNew && collnum >= 0) ||
	     (!isNew && collnum <  0) ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"admin: Bad parms passed to addRec.");
		char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
	// ensure coll name is legit
	char *p = coll;
	for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
		if ( is_alnum_a(*p) ) continue;
		if ( *p == '-' ) continue;
	if ( *p ) {
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		log("admin: \"%s\" is a malformed collection name because it "
		    "contains the '%c' character.",coll,*p);
		return false;
	// . scan for holes
	// . i is also known as the collection id
	long i ;
	if ( collnum >= 0 ) i = (long)collnum;
	else for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numRecs ; i++ ) if ( ! m_recs[i] ) break;
	// ceiling?
	if ( i >= MAX_COLLS ) {
		g_errno = ENOBUFS;
		return log("admin: Limit of %li collection reached. "
			   "Collection not created.",(long)MAX_COLLS);
	// if empty... bail, no longer accepted, use "main"
	if ( ! coll || !coll[0] ) {
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		return log("admin: Trying to create a new collection "
			   "but no collection name provided. Use the \"c\" "
			   "cgi parameter to specify it.");
	// or if too big
	if ( gbstrlen(coll) > MAX_COLL_LEN ) {
		g_errno = ENOBUFS;
		return log("admin: Trying to create a new collection "
			   "whose name \"%s\" of %i chars is longer than the "
			   "max of %li chars.",coll,gbstrlen(coll),
	// ensure does not already exist in memory
	if ( getCollnum ( coll ) >= 0 ) {
		g_errno = EEXIST;
		return log("admin: Trying to create collection \"%s\" but "
			   "already exists in memory.",coll);
	// MDW: ensure not created on disk since time of last load
	char dname[512];
	sprintf(dname, "%scoll.%s.%li/",g_hostdb.m_dir,coll,i);
	if ( isNew && opendir ( dname ) ) {
		g_errno = EEXIST;
		return log("admin: Trying to create collection %s but "
			   "directory %s already exists on disk.",coll,dname);
	//char fname[512];
	// ending '/' is ALWAYS included in g_hostdb.m_dir
	//sprintf ( fname , "%s%li.%s.conf",g_hostdb.m_dir,i,coll);
	//File f;
	//f.set ( fname );
	//if ( f.doesExist() ) {
	//	g_errno = EEXIST;
	//	return log("admin: Trying to create collection \"%s\" but "
	//		   "file %s already exists on disk.",coll,fname);
	// create the record in memory
	m_recs[i] = new (CollectionRec);
	if ( ! m_recs[i] ) 
		return log("admin: Failed to allocated %li bytes for new "
			   "collection record for \"%s\".",
	mnew ( m_recs[i] , sizeof(CollectionRec) , "CollectionRec" ); 
	// get copy collection
	CollectionRec *cpcrec = NULL;
	if ( cpc && cpc[0] ) cpcrec = getRec ( cpc , cpclen );
	if ( cpc && cpc[0] && ! cpcrec )
		log("admin: Collection \"%s\" to copy config from does not "
	// get the default.conf from working dir if there
	g_parms.setToDefault( (char *)m_recs[i] );

	if ( isNew ) {
		// the default conf file
		char tmp1[1024];
		sprintf ( tmp1 , "%sdefault.conf" , g_hostdb.m_dir );
		// . set our parms from the file.
		g_parms.setFromFile ( m_recs[i] , NULL , tmp1 );

	// this will override all
	if ( cpcrec ) {
		// copy it, but not the timedb hashtable, etc.
		long size = (char *)&(cpcrec->m_END_COPY) - (char *)cpcrec;
		// JAB: bad memcpy - no donut!
		// this is not how objects are supposed to be copied!!!
		memcpy ( m_recs[i] , cpcrec , size);//sizeof(CollectionRec) );
		// perform the cleanup that a copy constructor might do...
		//for (int rx = 0; rx < MAX_FILTERS; rx++)
		//	m_recs[i]->m_pRegExParser[rx] = NULL;
		// don't NUKE the filters!
		// m_recs[i]->m_numRegExs = 0;
		// OK - done with cleaning up...
		// but never copy over the collection hostname, that is
		// problematic
		m_recs[i]->m_collectionHostname [0] = '\0';
		m_recs[i]->m_collectionHostname1[0] = '\0';
		m_recs[i]->m_collectionHostname2[0] = '\0';

	// set coll id and coll name for coll id #i
	strcpy ( m_recs[i]->m_coll , coll );
	m_recs[i]->m_collLen = gbstrlen ( coll );
	m_recs[i]->m_collnum = i;

	// point to this, so Rdb and RdbBase can reference it
	coll = m_recs[i]->m_coll;

	// . if has no password or ip add the default password, footbar
	// . no, just don't have any password, just use the ip
	//   that is the loopback
	if ( m_recs[i]->m_numAdminIps  == 0 &&
	     m_recs[i]->m_numAdminPwds == 0    ) {
		m_recs[i]->m_numAdminIps = 1;
		m_recs[i]->m_adminIps[0] = atoip("",7);
		//strcpy ( m_recs[i]->m_adminPwds[0] , "footbar23" );
		//m_recs[i]->m_numAdminPwds = 1;
		//log("admin: Using default password for new collection of "
		//    "'footbar23'.");

	// collection name HACK for backwards compatibility
	//if ( strcmp ( coll , "main" ) == 0 ) {
	//	m_recs[i]->m_coll[0] = '\0';
	//	m_recs[i]->m_collLen = 0;
	//	//coll[0] = '\0';

	// MDW: create the new directory
	if ( isNew ) {
		if ( ::mkdir ( dname , 
			       S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | 
			       S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | 
			       S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ) ) {
			// valgrind?
			if ( errno == EINTR ) goto retry22;
			g_errno = errno;
			mdelete ( m_recs[i] , sizeof(CollectionRec) , 
				  "CollectionRec" ); 
			delete ( m_recs[i]);
			m_recs[i] = NULL;
			return log("admin: Creating directory %s had error: "
				   "%s.", dname,mstrerror(g_errno));
		// save it into this dir... might fail!
		if ( ! m_recs[i]->save() ) {
			mdelete ( m_recs[i] , sizeof(CollectionRec) , 
				  "CollectionRec" ); 
			delete ( m_recs[i]);
			m_recs[i] = NULL;
			return log("admin: Failed to save file %s: %s",
	// load if not new
	if ( ! isNew && ! m_recs[i]->load ( coll , i ) ) {
		mdelete ( m_recs[i], sizeof(CollectionRec), "CollectionRec" ); 
		delete ( m_recs[i]);
		m_recs[i] = NULL;
		return log("admin: Failed to load conf for collection "
	// mark it as needing to be saved instead
	m_recs[i]->m_needsSave = false;
	// force this to off for now
	//m_recs[i]->m_queryExpansion = false;
	// reserve it
	if ( i >= m_numRecs ) m_numRecs = i + 1;
	// count it
	// update the time
	// if we are doing a dump from the command line, skip this stuff
	if ( isDump ) return true;
	bool verify = true;
	if(isNew) verify = false;
	// tell rdbs to add one, too
	//if ( ! g_indexdb.addColl    ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	if ( ! g_posdb.addColl    ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	//if ( ! g_datedb.addColl     ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;

	if ( ! g_titledb.addColl    ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	//if ( ! g_revdb.addColl      ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	//if ( ! g_sectiondb.addColl  ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	if ( ! g_tagdb.addColl      ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	//if ( ! g_catdb.addColl      ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	//if ( ! g_checksumdb.addColl ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	if ( ! g_spiderdb.addColl   ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	if ( ! g_doledb.addColl     ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	//if ( ! g_tfndb.addColl      ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	if ( ! g_clusterdb.addColl  ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	if ( ! g_linkdb.addColl     ( coll, verify ) ) goto hadError;
	// debug message
	log ( LOG_INFO, "admin: added collection \"%s\" (%li).",coll,(long)i);
	// tell SpiderCache about this collection, it will create a 
	// SpiderCollection class for it.

	// . make it set is CollectionRec::m_sortByDateTable now
	// . everyone else uses setTimeOfDayInMilliseconds() in fctypes.cpp
	//   to call this function once their clock is synced with host #0
	//if ( g_hostdb.m_initialized && g_hostdb.m_hostId == 0 )
	//	initSortByDateTable(coll);
	//else if ( g_hostdb.m_initialized && isClockInSync() )
	//	initSortByDateTable(coll);
	// . do it for all regard-less
	// . once clock is in sync with host #0 we may do it again!
	//if ( g_hostdb.m_initialized )
	//	initSortByDateTable(coll);

	// success
	return true;
	log("admin: Had error adding new collection: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
	// do not delete it, might have failed to add because not enough
	// memory to read in the tree *-saved.dat file on disk!! and if
	// you delete in then core the *-saved.dat file gets overwritten!!!
	return false;
	g_indexdb.getRdb()->delColl    ( coll );
	g_datedb.getRdb()->delColl     ( coll );
	g_timedb.getRdb()->delColl     ( coll );
	g_titledb.getRdb()->delColl    ( coll );
	g_revdb.getRdb()->delColl      ( coll );
	g_sectiondb.getRdb()->delColl  ( coll );
	g_placedb.getRdb()->delColl    ( coll );
	g_tagdb.getRdb()->delColl      ( coll );
	//g_catdb.getRdb()->delColl      ( coll );
	//g_checksumdb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
	g_spiderdb.getRdb()->delColl   ( coll );
	g_doledb.getRdb()->delColl     ( coll );
	g_tfndb.getRdb()->delColl      ( coll );
	g_clusterdb.getRdb()->delColl  ( coll );
	g_linkdb.getRdb()->delColl     ( coll );
	deleteRec                      ( coll );
	return false;