예제 #1
  void GlobalStats::update()
    if ( !mEnabled )

    mNamesText->setCaption( "AvgFPS:\r\nAvgTime:" );

    auto stats = gEngine->getGraphics()->getRoot()->getFrameStats();

    static wchar_t values[64];
    swprintf_s( values, 64,
      stats->getAvgFps(), stats->getAvgTime() );

    mValuesText->setCaption( Ogre::UTFString( values ) );
예제 #2
파일: HdrApp.cpp 프로젝트: hzhamad/CG-MV
void HdrApp::renderText()
	// General informations
	Color c = Color::WHITE;
	font.addText(2, screenH-20, c, "OpenGL High Dynamic Range demo");
	font.addText(screenW-120, screenH-20, c, "Fps: %.1f", getAvgFps());

	// Selection informations
	c = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	font.addText(2, 2, c, "Press key to increase and Ctrl+key to decrease value.");
	font.addText(2, 22, c, "(m) Mesh: %s - %u faces", fileMesh.at(currentMesh).c_str(), mesh->getNumVertices()/3);
	font.addText(2, 42, c, "(c) Environment map: %s", fileCubeMap.at(currentCubeMap).c_str());
	c = Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f);
	font.addText(2, 62, c, "(h) Effect: %s", fileShaderEffect.at(currentEffect).c_str());

	// Brightness Threshold
	c = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	font.addText(2, 82, c, "(t) Bright: %.2f", brightThreshold);

	// Bloom factor
	font.addText(2, 102, c, "(o) Bloom: %.2f", bloomFactor);

	// Exposure
	font.addText(2, 122, c, "(e) Exposure: %.2f", exposure);

	// Fresnel parameters
	if (currentEffect == 3 || currentEffect == 4)
		c = Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f);
		font.addText(screenW-190, 62, c, "Fresnel effect:");
		font.addText(screenW-170, 42, c, "(b) bias: %.2f ", fresnelBias);
		font.addText(screenW-170, 22, c, "(s) scale: %.2f ", fresnelScale);
		font.addText(screenW-170, 2, c, "(p) power: %.2f ", fresnelPower);

	// Material color
	if (currentEffect == 0)
		c = Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f);
		font.addText(screenW-160, 62, c, "Material color:");
		font.addText(screenW-140, 42, c, "(1) R: %.2f ", matColor.r);
		font.addText(screenW-140, 22, c, "(2) G: %.2f ", matColor.g);
		font.addText(screenW-140, 2, c, "(3) B: %.2f ", matColor.b);

	// eta ratio
	if (currentEffect == 2 || currentEffect == 3)
		c = Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f);
		font.addText(2, 142, c, "(a) eta ratio: %.2f", etaRatio.x);

	// eta ratio : rgb
	if (currentEffect == 4)
		c = Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f);
		font.addText(screenW-360, 62, c, "(a) eta ratio:");
		font.addText(screenW-340, 42, c, "(5) R: %.2f ", etaRatio.x);
		font.addText(screenW-340, 22, c, "(6) G: %.2f ", etaRatio.y);
		font.addText(screenW-340, 2, c, "(7) B: %.2f ", etaRatio.z);

	// Reflection factor
	if (currentEffect == 0 || currentEffect == 1)
		c = Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f);
		font.addText(2, 142, c, "(r) Reflection factor: %.2f", reflectionFactor);

	// HDR and LDR
	c = Color(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
	font.addText((int)(mid*screenW), screenH-40, c, "HDR-->");
	font.addText((int)(mid*screenW)-70, screenH-40, c, "<--LDR");
