bool MemFileSystem::rename(const Path& from,const Path& to) { // Source must exist FileNodeRef source = mRootDir->resolve(from); if (source.isNull()) return false; // Destination must not exist FileNodeRef dest = mRootDir->resolve(to); if (source.isValid()) return false; // Get source parent FileNodeRef sourceParentRef; MemDirectory* sourceDir = getParentDir(from, sourceParentRef); // Get dest parent FileNodeRef destRef; MemDirectory* mDir = getParentDir(to, destRef); // Now move it/rename it if (dynamic_cast<MemDirectory*>(source.getPointer())) { MemDirectoryData* sourcedd; MemDirectoryData* d = sourceDir->mDirectoryData; for (U32 i = 0; i < d->mDirectories.size(); i++) { if (d->mDirectories[i]->mPath == from) { sourcedd = d->mDirectories[i]; d->mDirectories.erase_fast(i); sourcedd->mPath = to; mDir->mDirectoryData->mDirectories.push_back(sourcedd); return true; } } } else { MemFileData* sourceFile; MemDirectoryData* d = sourceDir->mDirectoryData; for (U32 i = 0; i < d->mFiles.size(); i++) { if (d->mFiles[i]->mPath == from) { sourceFile = d->mFiles[i]; d->mFiles.erase_fast(i); sourceFile->mPath = to; mDir->mDirectoryData->mFiles.push_back(sourceFile); return true; } } } return false; }
bool MemFileSystem::remove(const Path& path) { FileNodeRef parentRef; MemDirectory* mDir = getParentDir(path, parentRef); MemDirectoryData* mdd = mDir->mDirectoryData; for (U32 i = 0; i < mdd->mDirectories.size(); i++) { if (mdd->mDirectories[i]->mPath == path) { delete mdd->mDirectories[i]; mdd->mDirectories.erase_fast(i); return true; } } for (U32 i = 0; i < mdd->mFiles.size(); i++) { if (mdd->mFiles[i]->mPath == path) { delete mdd->mFiles[i]; mdd->mFiles.erase_fast(i); return true; } } return false; }
bool TFilePath::match(const TFilePath &fp) const { return getParentDir() == fp.getParentDir() && getName() == fp.getName() && getFrame() == fp.getFrame() && getType() == fp.getType(); }
int deteleFiles (int fd, char web_root[], char offset_dir[]) { int len = strlen(offset_dir); if ( ( *(offset_dir+len-1) != '.') ) { printf("_dir%s\n", offset_dir); printf("The last character is not '.',not delete command\n"); return -1; } *(offset_dir+len-1) = '\0'; char path[DIR_LENGTH]; memset(path,0,DIR_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); strcpy(path,web_root); strcat(path,offset_dir); printf("delete file %s\n",path); char parent_dir[DIR_LENGTH] ; memset(parent_dir,0,DIR_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); getParentDir(parent_dir,offset_dir); printf("uri %s parent dir %s\n",offset_dir,parent_dir); if( remove(path) != 0 ) { perror("delete file error!"); return -1; } printDir(fd, web_root, parent_dir); return 0; }
TFilePath TFilePath::decode(const std::map<string, string> &dictionary) const { TFilePath parent = getParentDir(); TFilePath filename = withParentDir(""); std::map<string, string>::const_iterator it = dictionary.find(filename.getFullPath()); if (it != dictionary.end()) filename = TFilePath(it->second); if (parent.isEmpty()) return filename; else return parent.decode(dictionary) + filename; }
File SDClass::open(const char *filepath, uint8_t mode) { /* Open the supplied file path for reading or writing. The file content can be accessed via the `file` property of the `SDClass` object--this property is currently a standard `SdFile` object from `sdfatlib`. Defaults to read only. If `write` is true, default action (when `append` is true) is to append data to the end of the file. If `append` is false then the file will be truncated first. If the file does not exist and it is opened for writing the file will be created. An attempt to open a file for reading that does not exist is an error. */ int pathidx; // do the interative search SdFile parentdir = getParentDir(filepath, &pathidx); // no more subdirs! filepath += pathidx; if (! filepath[0]) { // it was the directory itself! return File(parentdir, "/"); } // Open the file itself SdFile file; // failed to open a subdir! if (!parentdir.isOpen()) return File(); if ( !, filepath, mode)) { return File(); } // close the parent parentdir.close(); if (mode & (O_APPEND | O_WRITE)) file.seekSet(file.fileSize()); return File(file, filepath); }
/* SAction::initActions * Loads and parses all SActions configured in actions.cfg in the * program resource archive *******************************************************************/ bool SAction::initActions() { // Get actions.cfg from slade.pk3 auto cfg_entry = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive()->entryAtPath("actions.cfg"); if (!cfg_entry) return false; Parser parser(cfg_entry->getParentDir()); if (parser.parseText(cfg_entry->getMCData(), "actions.cfg")) { auto root = parser.parseTreeRoot(); for (unsigned a = 0; a < root->nChildren(); a++) { auto node = root->getChildPTN(a); // Single action if (S_CMPNOCASE(node->type(), "action")) { auto action = new SAction(node->getName(), node->getName()); if (action->parse(node)) actions.push_back(action); else delete action; } // Group of actions else if (S_CMPNOCASE(node->getName(), "group")) { int group = newGroup(); for (unsigned b = 0; b < node->nChildren(); b++) { auto group_node = node->getChildPTN(b); if (S_CMPNOCASE(group_node->type(), "action")) { auto action = new SAction(group_node->getName(), group_node->getName()); if (action->parse(group_node)) { action->group = group; actions.push_back(action); } else delete action; } } } } } return true; }
void getBg(Mat &bgIm, vector<string> &imPaths, float bgSub, int w, int h) { if (bgSub == 0.0) // not doing background subtraction return; std::cout <<"Starting Background Subtraction:" << std::endl; int choose = (int)(imPaths.size() * bgSub); map<double, int> meanToIndex; for (int i = 0; i < imPaths.size(); i++) { cout << imPaths[i] << endl; Mat im; loadFloatTiff(imPaths[i], im, w, h); double mean = cv::mean(abs(im))[0]; while (!meanToIndex.insert(pair<double, int>(mean, i)).second) { // deal with duplicate means mean += DBL_MIN; } } Mat bg = Mat::zeros(h, w, CV_32F); int count = 0; for (auto it = meanToIndex.begin(); it != meanToIndex.end(); ++it) { if (count >= choose) break; std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n'; Mat im; loadFloatTiff(imPaths[it->second], im, w, h); bg += im; count++; } bg /= choose; ostringstream ss; ss << getParentDir(imPaths[0]) << "bgimage.tif"; saveFloatTiff(ss.str(), bg); bgIm = bg.clone(); }
FileNodeRef MemFileSystem::create(const Path& path, FileNode::Mode mode) { // Already exists FileNodeRef result = mRootDir->resolve(path); if (result.isValid()) return result; // Doesn't exist, try to get parent node. FileNodeRef parentRef; MemDirectory* mDir = getParentDir(path, parentRef); if (mDir) { MemDirectoryData* mdd = mDir->mDirectoryData; switch (mode) { case FileNode::File : { MemFileData* mfd = new MemFileData(this, path); mdd->mFiles.push_back(mfd); return new MemFile(this, mfd); } break; case FileNode::Directory : { MemDirectoryData* mfd = new MemDirectoryData(this, path); mdd->mDirectories.push_back(mfd); return new MemDirectory(this, mfd); } break; default: // anything else we ignore break; } } return NULL; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ParseTreeNode::parsePreprocessor // // Parses a preprocessor directive at [tz]'s current token // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ParseTreeNode::parsePreprocessor(Tokenizer& tz) { //Log::debug(S_FMT("Preprocessor %s", CHR(tz.current().text))); // #define if (tz.current() == "#define") parser_->define(; // #if(n)def else if (tz.current() == "#ifdef" || tz.current() == "#ifndef") { // Continue if condition succeeds bool test = true; if (tz.current() == "#ifndef") test = false; string define =; if (parser_->defined(define) == test) return true; // Failed condition, skip section int skip = 0; while (true) { auto& token =; if (token == "#endif") skip--; else if (token == "#ifdef") skip++; else if (token == "#ifndef") skip++; // TODO: #else if (skip < 0) break; } } // #include else if (tz.current() == "#include") { // Include entry at the given path if we have an archive dir set if (archive_dir_) { // Get entry to include auto inc_path =; auto archive = archive_dir_->archive(); auto inc_entry = archive->entryAtPath(archive_dir_->getPath() + inc_path); if (!inc_entry) // Try absolute path inc_entry = archive->entryAtPath(inc_path); //Log::debug(S_FMT("Include %s", CHR(inc_path))); if (inc_entry) { // Save the current dir and set it to the included entry's dir auto orig_dir = archive_dir_; archive_dir_ = inc_entry->getParentDir(); // Parse text in the entry Tokenizer inc_tz; inc_tz.openMem(inc_entry->getMCData(), inc_entry->getName()); bool ok = parse(inc_tz); // Reset dir and abort if parsing failed archive_dir_ = orig_dir; if (!ok) return false; } else logError(tz, S_FMT("Include entry %s not found", CHR(inc_path))); } else tz.adv(); // Skip include path } // #endif (ignore) else if (tz.current() == "#endif") return true; // TODO: #else // Unrecognised else logError(tz, S_FMT("Unrecognised preprocessor directive \"%s\"", CHR(tz.current().text))); return true; }
int printDir (int fd, char web_root[], char offset_dir[]) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dirp; struct stat statbuf; char buf[DIR_LENGTH]; int num_dir,num_reg; char msg_head[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE], msg_txt[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; memset(buf,0,DIR_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); memset(msg_txt,0,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE*sizeof(char)); memset(msg_head,0,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE*sizeof(char)); //head sprintf(msg_head, "HTTP/1.1 WEB SERVER\r\n"); sprintf(msg_head, "%sServer: Web Server\r\n",msg_head); sprintf(msg_head, "%sContent-Type:text/html\r\n",msg_head); //txt sprintf(msg_txt, "<html><meta charset=\"UTF-8\">"); sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<head><title>WEB SERVER</title></head>",msg_txt); sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<body><h1>WEB SERVER</h1>",msg_txt); if ( strcmp(offset_dir,"/") != 0 ) { getParentDir(buf,offset_dir); printf("buf = %s\n", buf); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s<p><a href=\"/\">根目录: /</a>  <a href=\"%s\">父目录: %s</a></p>", msg_txt,buf,buf); } sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<p>----当前目录: %s</p>",msg_txt,offset_dir); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s<form action=\"rename.%s\" method=\"get\">", msg_txt,offset_dir); int len = strlen(offset_dir); if ( ( *(offset_dir+len-1) == '/') ) { if (len == 1) { offset_dir = "\0"; } else { *(offset_dir+len-1) = '\0'; } } char path[DIR_LENGTH]; memset(path, 0, DIR_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); strcpy(path,web_root); strcat(path,offset_dir); printf("当前磁盘目录: %s\n", path); printf("在服务器器中的偏移目录%s\n", offset_dir); //open dir if ( (dir = opendir(path)) == NULL ) { printf("can't open %s", path); exit(1); // sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<p>can't open %s</p>",msg_txt,path); } //tranvers dir num_dir = 0; num_reg = 0; // <form action="/html" method="get"> //sprintf(msg_txt,"%s<form action=\"rename\" method=\"get\">", msg_txt); while ( (dirp = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { sprintf(buf,"%s/%s",path,dirp->d_name); if (stat(buf, &statbuf) == -1) { printf("Get stat on %s\n", buf); exit(1); // sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<p>can't get stat on %s</p>",msg_txt,path); } if ( S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) ) { printf("%s\t\t%ld字节\t\t%s\n",dirp->d_name, statbuf.st_size, ctime(&statbuf.st_mtime)); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s<p><a href=\"%s/%s\">%s</a>     %ld -字节  %s", msg_txt,offset_dir,dirp->d_name,dirp->d_name,statbuf.st_size,ctime(&statbuf.st_mtime)); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s  <a href=\"%s/%s\">下载</a>  <a href=\"%s/%s.\">删除</a>", msg_txt,offset_dir,dirp->d_name,offset_dir,dirp->d_name); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s  <input type=\"text\"name=\"%s/%s\"style=\"width:50px\"/>", msg_txt,offset_dir,dirp->d_name); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s<input type=\"submit\"value=\"更名\"style=\"width:50px\"/></p>", msg_txt);//style=\"height:22px;width:50px\" num_reg++; } else { if ( strcmp(dirp->d_name,".") && strcmp(dirp->d_name,"..") ) { printf("%s\t\t文件夹\t\t%s\n",dirp->d_name,ctime(&statbuf.st_mtime)); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s<p><a href=\"%s/%s\">%s</a>  文件夹  %s", msg_txt,offset_dir,dirp->d_name,dirp->d_name,ctime(&statbuf.st_mtime)); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s  <a href=\"%s/%s\">打开</a>  <a href= \"%s/%s.\">删除</a>", msg_txt,offset_dir,dirp->d_name,offset_dir,dirp->d_name); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s  <input type=\"text\"name=\"%s/%s\"style=\"width:50px\"/>", msg_txt,offset_dir,dirp->d_name); sprintf(msg_txt,"%s<input type=\"submit\"value=\"更名\"style=\"width:50px\"/></p>", msg_txt); num_dir++; } } }//while sprintf(msg_txt,"%s</form>",msg_txt); //close dir closedir(dir); printf("路径\"%s\"下有%d个目录,%d个文件!\n", path, num_dir, num_reg); sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<p>当前路径下有%d个目录,%d个文件!</p>",msg_txt,num_dir,num_reg); sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"/\" method=post>\n", msg_txt); sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<input name=\"uploadFile\" type=\"file\"><br> \n", msg_txt); sprintf(msg_txt, "%s<input type=\"submit\" value=\"提交\"><input type=reset></form> </body></html>", msg_txt); sprintf(msg_head,"%sContent-Length:%d\r\n\r\n",msg_head,(int) strlen(msg_txt)); if (send(fd, msg_head, strlen(msg_head), 0) == -1) { perror("Send Head Fail --printDir\n"); exit(1); } if (send(fd, msg_txt, strlen(msg_txt), 0) == -1) { perror("Send Txt Fail --printDir\n"); exit(1); } return 0; }
static int _upload (const char *iRODSPath) { int status; rcComm_t *conn; rodsPathInp_t rodsPathInp; rErrMsg_t errMsg; char bufferPath[MAX_NAME_LEN]; char destiRODSDir[MAX_NAME_LEN]; status = getParentDir(iRODSPath, destiRODSDir); if(status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: failed to get parent dir - %s", iRODSPath); return status; } status = _getBufferPath(iRODSPath, bufferPath); if(status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: failed to get Buffered lazy upload file path - %s", iRODSPath); return status; } // set src path memset( &rodsPathInp, 0, sizeof( rodsPathInp_t ) ); addSrcInPath( &rodsPathInp, bufferPath ); status = parseLocalPath (&rodsPathInp.srcPath[0]); if(status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: parseLocalPath error : %d", status); return status; } // set dest path rodsPathInp.destPath = ( rodsPath_t* )malloc( sizeof( rodsPath_t ) ); memset( rodsPathInp.destPath, 0, sizeof( rodsPath_t ) ); rstrcpy( rodsPathInp.destPath->inPath, destiRODSDir, MAX_NAME_LEN ); status = parseRodsPath (rodsPathInp.destPath, LazyUploadRodsEnv); if(status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: parseRodsPath error : %d", status); return status; } // Connect conn = rcConnect (LazyUploadRodsEnv->rodsHost, LazyUploadRodsEnv->rodsPort, LazyUploadRodsEnv->rodsUserName, LazyUploadRodsEnv->rodsZone, RECONN_TIMEOUT, &errMsg); if (conn == NULL) { rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: error occurred while connecting to irods"); return -EPIPE; } // Login if (strcmp (LazyUploadRodsEnv->rodsUserName, PUBLIC_USER_NAME) != 0) { status = clientLogin(conn); if (status != 0) { rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: ClientLogin error : %d", status); rcDisconnect(conn); return status; } } // upload Buffered file rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: upload %s", bufferPath); bool prev = LazyUploadRodsArgs->force; LazyUploadRodsArgs->force = True; status = putUtil (&conn, LazyUploadRodsEnv, LazyUploadRodsArgs, &rodsPathInp); LazyUploadRodsArgs->force = prev; rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: complete uploading %s -> %s", bufferPath, destiRODSDir); // Disconnect rcDisconnect(conn); if(status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "_upload: putUtil error : %d", status); return status; } return 0; }