예제 #1
static int
combine_files (enum comb_command_type command,
               struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds)
  struct comb_proc proc;

  bool saw_by = false;
  bool saw_sort = false;
  struct casereader *active_file = NULL;

  char *first_name = NULL;
  char *last_name = NULL;

  struct taint *taint = NULL;

  size_t n_tables = 0;
  size_t allocated_files = 0;

  size_t i;

  proc.files = NULL;
  proc.n_files = 0;
  proc.dict = dict_create (get_default_encoding ());
  proc.output = NULL;
  proc.matcher = NULL;
  subcase_init_empty (&proc.by_vars);
  proc.first = NULL;
  proc.last = NULL;
  proc.buffered_case = NULL;
  proc.prev_BY = NULL;

  dict_set_case_limit (proc.dict, dict_get_case_limit (dataset_dict (ds)));

  lex_match (lexer, T_SLASH);
  for (;;)
      struct comb_file *file;
      enum comb_file_type type;

      if (lex_match_id (lexer, "FILE"))
        type = COMB_FILE;
      else if (command == COMB_MATCH && lex_match_id (lexer, "TABLE"))
          type = COMB_TABLE;
      lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);

      if (proc.n_files >= allocated_files)
        proc.files = x2nrealloc (proc.files, &allocated_files,
                                sizeof *proc.files);
      file = &proc.files[proc.n_files++];
      file->type = type;
      subcase_init_empty (&file->by_vars);
      subcase_init_empty (&file->src);
      subcase_init_empty (&file->dst);
      file->mv = NULL;
      file->handle = NULL;
      file->dict = NULL;
      file->reader = NULL;
      file->data = NULL;
      file->is_sorted = true;
      file->in_name = NULL;
      file->in_var = NULL;

      if (lex_match (lexer, T_ASTERISK))
          if (!dataset_has_source (ds))
              msg (SE, _("Cannot specify the active dataset since none "
                         "has been defined."));
              goto error;

          if (proc_make_temporary_transformations_permanent (ds))
            msg (SE, _("This command may not be used after TEMPORARY when "
                       "the active dataset is an input source.  "
                       "Temporary transformations will be made permanent."));

          file->dict = dict_clone (dataset_dict (ds));
          file->handle = fh_parse (lexer, FH_REF_FILE, dataset_session (ds));
          if (file->handle == NULL)
            goto error;

          file->reader = any_reader_open (file->handle, NULL, &file->dict);
          if (file->reader == NULL)
            goto error;

      while (lex_match (lexer, T_SLASH))
        if (lex_match_id (lexer, "RENAME"))
            if (!parse_dict_rename (lexer, file->dict))
              goto error;
        else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "IN"))
            lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
            if (lex_token (lexer) != T_ID)
                lex_error (lexer, NULL);
                goto error;

            if (file->in_name)
                msg (SE, _("Multiple IN subcommands for a single FILE or "
                goto error;
            file->in_name = xstrdup (lex_tokcstr (lexer));
            lex_get (lexer);
        else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "SORT"))
            file->is_sorted = false;
            saw_sort = true;

      if (!merge_dictionary (proc.dict, file))
        goto error;

  while (lex_token (lexer) != T_ENDCMD)
      if (lex_match (lexer, T_BY))
          const struct variable **by_vars;
          size_t i;
          bool ok;

	  if (saw_by)
              lex_sbc_only_once ("BY");
	      goto error;
          saw_by = true;

	  lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
          if (!parse_sort_criteria (lexer, proc.dict, &proc.by_vars,
                                    &by_vars, NULL))
	    goto error;

          ok = true;
          for (i = 0; i < proc.n_files; i++)
              struct comb_file *file = &proc.files[i];
              size_t j;

              for (j = 0; j < subcase_get_n_fields (&proc.by_vars); j++)
                  const char *name = var_get_name (by_vars[j]);
                  struct variable *var = dict_lookup_var (file->dict, name);
                  if (var != NULL)
                    subcase_add_var (&file->by_vars, var,
                                     subcase_get_direction (&proc.by_vars, j));
                      if (file->handle != NULL)
                        msg (SE, _("File %s lacks BY variable %s."),
                             fh_get_name (file->handle), name);
                        msg (SE, _("Active dataset lacks BY variable %s."),
                      ok = false;
              assert (!ok || subcase_conformable (&file->by_vars,
          free (by_vars);

          if (!ok)
            goto error;
      else if (command != COMB_UPDATE && lex_match_id (lexer, "FIRST"))
          if (first_name != NULL)
              lex_sbc_only_once ("FIRST");
              goto error;

	  lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
          if (!lex_force_id (lexer))
            goto error;
          first_name = xstrdup (lex_tokcstr (lexer));
          lex_get (lexer);
      else if (command != COMB_UPDATE && lex_match_id (lexer, "LAST"))
          if (last_name != NULL)
              lex_sbc_only_once ("LAST");
              goto error;

	  lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS);
          if (!lex_force_id (lexer))
            goto error;
          last_name = xstrdup (lex_tokcstr (lexer));
          lex_get (lexer);
      else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "MAP"))
	  /* FIXME. */
      else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "DROP"))
          if (!parse_dict_drop (lexer, proc.dict))
            goto error;
      else if (lex_match_id (lexer, "KEEP"))
          if (!parse_dict_keep (lexer, proc.dict))
            goto error;
	  lex_error (lexer, NULL);
	  goto error;

      if (!lex_match (lexer, T_SLASH) && lex_token (lexer) != T_ENDCMD)
          lex_end_of_command (lexer);
          goto error;

  if (!saw_by)
      if (command == COMB_UPDATE)
          lex_sbc_missing ("BY");
          goto error;
      if (n_tables)
          msg (SE, _("BY is required when %s is specified."), "TABLE");
          goto error;
      if (saw_sort)
          msg (SE, _("BY is required when %s is specified."), "SORT");
          goto error;

  /* Add IN, FIRST, and LAST variables to master dictionary. */
  for (i = 0; i < proc.n_files; i++)
      struct comb_file *file = &proc.files[i];
      if (!create_flag_var ("IN", file->in_name, proc.dict, &file->in_var))
        goto error;
  if (!create_flag_var ("FIRST", first_name, proc.dict, &proc.first)
      || !create_flag_var ("LAST", last_name, proc.dict, &proc.last))
    goto error;

  dict_delete_scratch_vars (proc.dict);
  dict_compact_values (proc.dict);

  /* Set up mapping from each file's variables to master
     variables. */
  for (i = 0; i < proc.n_files; i++)
      struct comb_file *file = &proc.files[i];
      size_t src_var_cnt = dict_get_var_cnt (file->dict);
      size_t j;

      file->mv = xnmalloc (src_var_cnt, sizeof *file->mv);
      for (j = 0; j < src_var_cnt; j++)
          struct variable *src_var = dict_get_var (file->dict, j);
          struct variable *dst_var = dict_lookup_var (proc.dict,
                                                      var_get_name (src_var));
          if (dst_var != NULL)
              size_t n = subcase_get_n_fields (&file->src);
              file->mv[n] = var_get_missing_values (src_var);
              subcase_add_var (&file->src, src_var, SC_ASCEND);
              subcase_add_var (&file->dst, dst_var, SC_ASCEND);

  proc.output = autopaging_writer_create (dict_get_proto (proc.dict));
  taint = taint_clone (casewriter_get_taint (proc.output));

  /* Set up case matcher. */
  proc.matcher = case_matcher_create ();
  for (i = 0; i < proc.n_files; i++)
      struct comb_file *file = &proc.files[i];
      if (file->reader == NULL)
          if (active_file == NULL)
              proc_discard_output (ds);
              file->reader = active_file = proc_open_filtering (ds, false);
            file->reader = casereader_clone (active_file);
      if (!file->is_sorted)
        file->reader = sort_execute (file->reader, &file->by_vars);
      taint_propagate (casereader_get_taint (file->reader), taint);
      file->data = casereader_read (file->reader);
      if (file->type == COMB_FILE)
        case_matcher_add_input (proc.matcher, &file->by_vars,
                                &file->data, &file->is_minimal);

  if (command == COMB_ADD)
    execute_add_files (&proc);
  else if (command == COMB_MATCH)
    execute_match_files (&proc);
  else if (command == COMB_UPDATE)
    execute_update (&proc);

  case_matcher_destroy (proc.matcher);
  proc.matcher = NULL;
  close_all_comb_files (&proc);
  if (active_file != NULL)
    proc_commit (ds);

  dataset_set_dict (ds, proc.dict);
  dataset_set_source (ds, casewriter_make_reader (proc.output));
  proc.dict = NULL;
  proc.output = NULL;

  free_comb_proc (&proc);

  free (first_name);
  free (last_name);

  return taint_destroy (taint) ? CMD_SUCCESS : CMD_CASCADING_FAILURE;

  if (active_file != NULL)
    proc_commit (ds);
  free_comb_proc (&proc);
  taint_destroy (taint);
  free (first_name);
  free (last_name);
예제 #2
/* MAIN */
main( int argc, char **argv )
    size_t  results[] = {4255, 142803, 46838, 0}, i = 0,
            output = 0;
    const size_t b = 5;
    const char *count_bytes_files[] = {
            "/data/orig_breaks.txt", "/data/spawner_output.txt",
            "/data/zh_romance_of_three_kingdoms.txt", ""},
            *source_dir = getenv("SOURCE");
    char    buffer[BUFSIZ], tinybuffer[b], *locale = "root", *encoding = "UTF-8";
    OChar   obuffer[BUFSIZ], otinybuffer[b];
    struct  stat sts;
    time_t  now;
    FILE    *f;
    init_oly(argv[0], TEST_PKGDATADIR, encoding, locale);
    if (source_dir == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "requires SOURCE environment variable, supplied by runtest. Exiting...\n");
    diag("----- Testing oly_timestamp function. -----");
    is_double(((double)( now*1000)), oly_timestamp(), 1000.0, "Two times should be close enough.");

    diag("----- Testing count_file_bytes function. -----");
    for (i = 0; (results[i] != 0); i++) {
        strcpy(buffer, source_dir);
        strcat(buffer, count_bytes_files[i]);
        if (stat(buffer, &sts) == -1 && errno == ENOENT)
            printf ("The file %s doesn't exist...\n", buffer);
        f = fopen(buffer, "r");
        assert( count_file_bytes( f, &output ) == OLY_OKAY ) ;
        is_int(results[i], output, "File: %s", count_bytes_files[i]);
    diag("----- Testing get_default_locale and get_default_encoding function. -----");
    is_unicode_string( u"root", 
            get_default_locale(), "For this test, default locale should be root.");
    is_unicode_string( u"UTF-8", 
            get_default_encoding(), "For this test, default encoding should be UTF-8.");
    diag("----- Testing char_default_locale and char_default_encoding function. -----");
    is_string( "root", 
            char_default_locale(), "For this test, default locale should be root.");
    is_string( "UTF-8", 
            char_default_encoding(), "For this test, default encoding should be UTF-8.");
    diag("----- ostr_to_cstr and cstr_to_ostr -----");
    is_unicode_string( u"Lorum ipsum etc...", 
            cstr_to_ostr( obuffer, BUFSIZ, "Lorum ipsum etc..."), 
            "Char to ochar with space, BUFSIZ = %i", BUFSIZ);
    is_unicode_string( u"Loru", 
            cstr_to_ostr( otinybuffer, b, "Lorum ipsum etc..." ), 
            "Char to ochar with tiny buffer of %i characters.", (int)b );
    is_unicode_string( u"", 
            cstr_to_ostr( otinybuffer, b, "" ), 
            "Char to ochar With empty string" );
    is_unicode_string( u"", 
            cstr_to_ostr( otinybuffer, b, NULL ), 
            "Char to ochar from null" );
    is_string( "Back the other way!", 
            ostr_to_cstr( buffer, BUFSIZ, u"Back the other way!" ), 
            "OChar to char, BUFSIZ = %i", BUFSIZ );
    is_string( "five", 
            ostr_to_cstr( tinybuffer, b, u"five characters is all that fits." ), 
            "OChar to char, buffer of %i OChars", (int)b );
    is_string( "", 
            ostr_to_cstr( tinybuffer, b, NULL ), 
            "Char to ochar a NULL from string." );
    is_string( "", 
            ostr_to_cstr( tinybuffer, b, u"" ), 
            "Char to ochar with an empty string." );
