예제 #1
static void PointSet2D_Draw(GF_Node *node, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
	GF_Path *path;
	Fixed alpha, w, h;
	u32 i;
	SFColor col;
	DrawableContext *ctx = tr_state->ctx;
	M_PointSet2D *ps2D = (M_PointSet2D *)node;
	M_Coordinate2D *coord = (M_Coordinate2D*) ps2D->coord;
	M_Color *color = (M_Color *) ps2D->color;

	/*never outline PS2D*/
	ctx->flags |= CTX_PATH_STROKE;
	if (!color || color->color.count<coord->point.count) {
		/*no texturing*/
		visual_2d_draw_path(tr_state->visual, ctx->drawable->path, ctx, NULL, NULL, tr_state);

	get_point_size(&ctx->transform, &w, &h);

	path = gf_path_new();
	alpha = INT2FIX(GF_COL_A(ctx->aspect.line_color)) / 255;
	for (i = 0; i < coord->point.count; i++) {
		col = color->color.vals[i];
		ctx->aspect.line_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(alpha, col.red, col.green, col.blue);
		gf_path_add_rect_center(path, coord->point.vals[i].x, coord->point.vals[i].y, w, h);
		visual_2d_draw_path(tr_state->visual, path, ctx, NULL, NULL, tr_state);
		ctx->flags &= ~CTX_PATH_FILLED;
예제 #2
static void PointSet2D_Draw(DrawableContext *ctx)
	LPM4PATH path;
	Float alpha, w, h;
	u32 i;
	SFColor col;
	M_PointSet2D *ps2D = (M_PointSet2D *)ctx->node->owner;
	M_Coordinate2D *coord = (M_Coordinate2D*) ps2D->coord;
	M_Color *color = (M_Color *) ps2D->color;

	/*never outline PS2D*/
	ctx->path_stroke = 1;
	if (!color || color->color.count<coord->point.count) {
		/*no texturing*/
		VS2D_DrawPath(ctx->surface, ctx->node->path, ctx, NULL, NULL);

	get_point_size(&ctx->transform, &w, &h);

	path = m4_new_path();
	alpha = (Float) M4C_A(ctx->aspect.line_color) / 255;
	for (i = 0; i < coord->point.count; i++) {
		col = color->color.vals[i];
		ctx->aspect.line_color = MAKE_ARGB_FLOAT(alpha, col.red, col.green, col.blue);
		m4_path_add_rectangle(path, coord->point.vals[i].x, coord->point.vals[i].y, w, h);
		VS2D_DrawPath(ctx->surface, path, ctx, NULL, NULL);
		ctx->path_filled = 0;
예제 #3
TextWriter& TextWriter::next_line()
   y += std::max(last_line_height, get_point_size());
   x = original_x;

   last_line_height = 0;
   return *this;
예제 #4
static void build_graph(Drawable *cs, M4Matrix2D *mat, M_PointSet2D *ps2D)
	u32 i;
	Float w, h;
	M_Coordinate2D *coord = (M_Coordinate2D *)ps2D->coord;
	get_point_size(mat, &w, &h);
	for (i=0; i < coord->point.count; i++) 
		m4_path_add_rectangle(cs->path, coord->point.vals[i].x, coord->point.vals[i].y, w, h);
예제 #5
static void pointset2d_check_changes(GF_Node *node, Drawable *stack, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
	u32 i;
	Fixed w, h;
	M_Coordinate2D *coord;

	if (!gf_node_dirty_get(node)) return;
	coord = (M_Coordinate2D *) ((M_PointSet2D *)node)->coord;


	get_point_size(&tr_state->transform, &w, &h);
	/*for PS2D don't add to avoid too  much antialiasing, just try to fill the given pixel*/
	for (i=0; i < coord->point.count; i++)
		gf_path_add_rect(stack->path, coord->point.vals[i].x, coord->point.vals[i].y, w, h);

	stack->path->flags |= GF_PATH_FILL_ZERO_NONZERO;

	gf_node_dirty_clear(node, 0);
	drawable_mark_modified(stack, tr_state);
예제 #6
TextWriter::TextWriter(int in_x, int in_y, Renderer &in_renderer, bool in_centered, int in_size, std::wstring fontname) :
x(in_x), y(in_y), size(in_size), original_x(0), last_line_height(0), centered(in_centered), renderer(in_renderer)
   x += renderer.m_xoffset;
   original_x = x;

   y += renderer.m_yoffset;

#ifdef WIN32

   Context c = renderer.m_context;
   point_size = MulDiv(size, GetDeviceCaps(c, LOGPIXELSY), 72);

   HFONT font = 0;
   if (font_size_lookup[in_size] == 0)
      // Set up the LOGFONT structure
      LOGFONT logical_font;
      logical_font.lfHeight = get_point_size();
      logical_font.lfWidth = 0;
      logical_font.lfEscapement = 0;
      logical_font.lfOrientation = 0;
      logical_font.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
      logical_font.lfItalic = false;
      logical_font.lfUnderline = false;
      logical_font.lfStrikeOut = false;
      logical_font.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
      logical_font.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
      logical_font.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
      logical_font.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
      logical_font.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
      lstrcpy(logical_font.lfFaceName, fontname.c_str()); 

      font = CreateFontIndirect(&logical_font);

      HFONT previous_font = (HFONT)SelectObject(c, font);

      wglUseFontBitmaps(c, 0, 128, next_call_list_start);
      font_size_lookup[in_size] = next_call_list_start;
      font_handle_lookup[in_size] = font;
      next_call_list_start += 130;

      SelectObject(c, previous_font);


   // TODO: is this sufficient?
   point_size = size;

   if (font_size_lookup[size] == 0)
      int list_start = glGenLists(128);

      // MACNOTE: Force Trebuchet MS.  It's what we mostly use anyway, but
      // I want to be sure they have it.
      const CFStringRef font_name = CFSTR("Trebuchet MS");
      ATSFontFamilyRef font = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName(font_name, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
      if (!font) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't get ATSFontFamilyRef for font '" << WideFromMacString(font_name) << L"'."));         
      AGLContext context = aglGetCurrentContext();
      if (!context) throw PianoGameError(L"Couldn't retrieve OpenGL context while creating font.");         
      GLboolean ret = aglUseFont(context, font, normal, size, 0, 128, list_start);
      if (ret == GL_FALSE) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"aglUseFont() call failed with error code: " << aglGetError()));
      font_size_lookup[size] = list_start;

      // Create the ATSU style object that we'll use for calculating text extents and store it for later.
      ATSUStyle style;

      OSStatus status = ATSUCreateStyle(&style);
      if (status != noErr) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't create ATSU style.  Error code: " << static_cast<int>(status)));

      Fixed fixed_size = Long2Fix(size);
      ATSUAttributeTag tags[] = { kATSUSizeTag };
      ByteCount sizes[] = { sizeof(Fixed) };
      ATSUAttributeValuePtr values[] = { &fixed_size };
      status = ATSUSetAttributes(style, sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(ByteCount), tags, sizes, values);
      if (status != noErr) throw PianoGameError(WSTRING(L"Couldn't set ATSU style attributes.  Error code: " << static_cast<int>(status)));
      atsu_style_lookup[size] = style;      

