예제 #1
/* Draw a one-pixel-wide line. */
gz_draw_line_fixed(fixed ixf, fixed iyf, fixed itoxf, fixed itoyf,
  const gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
{	int ix = fixed2int_var(ixf);
	int iy = fixed2int_var(iyf);
	int itox = fixed2int_var(itoxf);
	int itoy = fixed2int_var(itoyf);
	gx_device *dev;
	if ( itoy == iy )		/* horizontal line */
	  { return (ix <= itox ?
		    gz_fill_rectangle(ix, iy, itox - ix + 1, 1, pdevc, pgs) :
		    gz_fill_rectangle(itox, iy, ix - itox + 1, 1, pdevc, pgs)
	if ( itox == ix )		/* vertical line */
	  { return (iy <= itoy ?
		    gz_fill_rectangle(ix, iy, 1, itoy - iy + 1, pdevc, pgs) :
		    gz_fill_rectangle(ix, itoy, 1, iy - itoy + 1, pdevc, pgs)
	if ( color_is_pure(pdevc) &&
	    (dev = pgs->device->info,
	     (*dev->procs->draw_line)(dev, ix, iy, itox, itoy,
				      pdevc->color1)) >= 0 )
	  return 0;
	{ fixed h = itoyf - iyf;
	  fixed w = itoxf - ixf;
	  fixed tf;
#define fswap(a, b) tf = a, a = b, b = tf
	  if ( (w < 0 ? -w : w) <= (h < 0 ? -h : h) )
	    { if ( h < 0 )
		fswap(ixf, itoxf), fswap(iyf, itoyf),
		h = -h;
	      return gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(ixf - fixed_half, fixed_1, iyf,
					     itoxf - fixed_half, fixed_1, h,
					     0, pdevc, pgs);
	    { if ( w < 0 )
		fswap(ixf, itoxf), fswap(iyf, itoyf),
		w = -w;
	      return gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(iyf - fixed_half, fixed_1, ixf,
					     itoyf - fixed_half, fixed_1, w,
					     1, pdevc, pgs);
#undef fswap
예제 #2
/* Draw a one-pixel-wide line. */
gz_draw_line_fixed(fixed ixf, fixed iyf, fixed itoxf, fixed itoyf,
  gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
{	int ix = fixed2int(ixf);
	int iy = fixed2int(iyf);
	int itox = fixed2int(itoxf);
	int itoy = fixed2int(itoyf);
	if ( itoy == iy )		/* horizontal line */
	   {	if ( ix <= itox )
			gz_fill_rectangle(ix, iy, fixed2int_ceiling(itoxf) -
						ix, 1, pdevc, pgs);
			gz_fill_rectangle(itox, iy, fixed2int_ceiling(ixf) -
						itox, 1, pdevc, pgs);
	   {	gx_device *dev = pgs->device->info;
		fixed h, w, tf;
#define fswap(a, b) tf = a, a = b, b = tf
		if ( color_is_pure(pdevc) &&
		    (*dev->procs->draw_line)(dev, ix, iy, itox, itoy,
					     pdevc->color1) >= 0 )
		  return 0;
		h = itoyf - iyf;
		w = itoxf - ixf;
#define fixed_eps (fixed)1
		if ( (w < 0 ? -w : w) <= (h < 0 ? -h : h) )
		   {	if ( h < 0 )
				fswap(ixf, itoxf), fswap(iyf, itoyf),
				h = -h;
			gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(ixf, fixed_eps, iyf,
						itoxf, fixed_eps, h,
						0, pdevc, pgs);
		   {	if ( w < 0 )
				fswap(ixf, itoxf), fswap(iyf, itoyf),
				w = -w;
			gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(iyf, fixed_eps, ixf,
						itoyf, fixed_eps, w,
						1, pdevc, pgs);
#undef fixed_eps
#undef fswap
	return 0;
예제 #3
/* We should swap axes to get best accuracy, but we don't. */
gz_fill_pgram_fixed(fixed px, fixed py, fixed ax, fixed ay,
  fixed bx, fixed by, const gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
{	fixed t;
	fixed qx, dx, wx, pax, qax;
	int code;
#define swap(r, s) (t = r, r = s, s = t)
	/* Reorder the points so that 0 <= ay <= by. */
	if ( ay < 0 ) px += ax, py += ay, ax = -ax, ay = -ay;
	if ( by < 0 ) px += bx, py += by, bx = -bx, by = -by;
	if ( ay > by ) swap(ax, bx), swap(ay, by);
	if ( by == 0 ) return 0;	/* degenerate (line) */
	qx = px + ax + bx;
	/* Compute the distance from p to the point on the line (p, p+b) */
	/* whose Y coordinate is equal to ay. */
	dx = (fixed)((double)bx * ay / by);
	if ( dx < ax ) pax = px + dx, qax = qx - ax, wx = ax - dx;
	else pax = px + ax, qax = qx - dx, wx = dx - ax;
	if ( ay >= fixed_1 ||
	    fixed_rounded(py) != fixed_rounded(py + ay)
	   {	code = gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(px, fixed_0, py, pax, wx, ay,
					       0, pdevc, pgs);
		if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	code = gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(pax, wx, py + ay, qax, wx, by - ay,
				       0, pdevc, pgs);
	if ( code < 0 ) return code;
	py += by;
	if ( ay >= fixed_1 ||
	    fixed_rounded(py) != fixed_rounded(py + ay)
		return gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(qax, wx, py, qx, fixed_0, ay,
					       0, pdevc, pgs);
#undef swap
	return 0;