예제 #1
void Service::start() {
  // Assign a driver (VirtioNet) to a network interface (eth0)
  hw::Nic<VirtioNet>& eth0 = hw::Dev::eth<0,VirtioNet>();

  // Bring up a network stack, attached to the nic
  inet = std::make_unique<net::Inet4<VirtioNet> >(eth0);

  // Static IP configuration, until we (possibly) get DHCP
  inet->network_config( { 10,0,0,42 },      // IP
                        { 255,255,255,0 },  // Netmask
                        { 10,0,0,1 },       // Gateway
                        { 8,8,8,8 } );      // DNS

  // Set up a TCP server on port 80
  auto& server = inet->tcp().bind(80);
  inet->dhclient()->on_config([&server](bool timeout) {
      printf("Server IP updated: %s\n", server.local().to_string().c_str());
  printf("Server listening: %s \n", server.local().to_string().c_str());
  // When someone connects to our server
  server.onConnect([](Connection_ptr client) {
      printf("Connected [Client]: %s\n", client->to_string().c_str());
      // Make an outgoing connection to our python server
      auto outgoing = inet->tcp().connect(python_server);
      // When outgoing connection to python sever is established
      outgoing->onConnect([client](Connection_ptr python) {
          printf("Connected [Python]: %s\n", python->to_string().c_str());

          // Setup handlers for when data is received on client and python connection
          // When client reads data
          client->read(1024, [python](auto buf, size_t n) {
              std::string data{ (char*)buf.get(), n };
              handle_client_on_read(python, data);

          // When python server reads data
          python->read(1024, [client](auto buf, size_t n) {
              std::string data{ (char*)buf.get(), n };
              handle_python_on_read(client, data);

          // When client is disconnecting
          client->onDisconnect([python](Connection_ptr, Disconnect reason) {
              printf("Disconnected [Client]: %s\n", reason.to_string().c_str());

          // When python is disconnecting
          python->onDisconnect([client](Connection_ptr, Disconnect reason) {
              printf("Disconnected [Python]: %s\n", reason.to_string().c_str());
        }); // << onConnect (outgoing (python))
    }); // << onConnect (client)

예제 #2
void Service::start()
  auto& inet = net::Super_stack::get<net::IP4>(0);

  // Set up a TCP server on port 80
  auto& server = inet.tcp().listen(80);
  printf("Server listening: %s \n", server.local().to_string().c_str());

  // When someone connects to our server
  [&inet] (Connection_ptr client) {
    printf("Connected [Client]: %s\n", client->to_string().c_str());
    // Make an outgoing connection to our python server
    auto outgoing = inet.tcp().connect(python_server);
    // When outgoing connection to python sever is established
    [client] (Connection_ptr python) {
        printf("Connected [Python]: %s\n", python->to_string().c_str());

        // Setup handlers for when data is received on client and python connection
        // When client reads data
        client->on_read(1024, [python](auto buf, size_t n) {
            std::string data{ (char*)buf.get(), n };
            handle_client_on_read(python, data);

        // When python server reads data
        python->on_read(1024, [client](auto buf, size_t n) {
            std::string data{ (char*)buf.get(), n };
            handle_python_on_read(client, data);

        // When client is disconnecting
        client->on_disconnect([python](Connection_ptr, Disconnect reason) {
            printf("Disconnected [Client]: %s\n", reason.to_string().c_str());

        // When python is disconnecting
        python->on_disconnect([client](Connection_ptr, Disconnect reason) {
            printf("Disconnected [Python]: %s\n", reason.to_string().c_str());
      }); // << onConnect (outgoing (python))
  }); // << onConnect (client)