int rotate_log(void) { char *tmp; int i; char *r1, *r2; if (rwl_trywrlock(&log_file_lock)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to wrlock log_file_lock for rotation\n"); return 0; } // check if still oversize and not rotated by another thread off_t l = lseek(log_file, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (l < log_rotate_size) { rwl_wrunlock(&log_file_lock); return 0; } // rename tmp = hmalloc(strlen(log_fname) + 6); sprintf(tmp, "%s.tmp", log_fname); if (rename(log_fname, tmp) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "aprsc logger: Failed to rename %s to %s: %s\n", log_fname, tmp, strerror(errno)); // continue anyway, try to reopen } // reopen if (close(log_file)) fprintf(stderr, "aprsc logger: Could not close log file %s: %s\n", log_fname, strerror(errno)); log_file = open(log_fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP); if (log_file < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "aprsc logger: Could not open %s: %s\n", log_fname, strerror(errno)); log_file = -1; } rwl_wrunlock(&log_file_lock); // do the rest of the rotation r1 = hmalloc(strlen(log_fname) + 16); r2 = hmalloc(strlen(log_fname) + 16); for (i = log_rotate_num-1; i > 0; i--) { sprintf(r1, "%s.%d", log_fname, i-1); sprintf(r2, "%s.%d", log_fname, i); if (rename(r1, r2) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "rename %s => %s failed:%s\n", r1, r2, strerror(errno)); } } if (rename(tmp, r1) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "aprsc logger: Failed to rename %s to %s: %s\n", tmp, r1, strerror(errno)); } hfree(tmp); hfree(r1); hfree(r2); return 0; }
struct cdata_t *cdata_alloc(const char *name) { int e; struct cdata_t *cd; cd = hmalloc(sizeof(*cd)); memset(cd, 0, sizeof(*cd)); pthread_mutex_init(&cd->mt, NULL); cd->name = hstrdup(name); cd->last_index = -1; // no data inserted yet cd->is_gauge = 0; if ((e = pthread_mutex_lock(&counterdata_mt))) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "cdata_allocate: failed to lock counterdata_mt: %s", strerror(e)); exit(1); } cd->next = counterdata; if (counterdata) counterdata->prevp = &cd->next; counterdata = cd; cd->prevp = &counterdata; if ((e = pthread_mutex_unlock(&counterdata_mt))) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "cdata_allocate: could not unlock counterdata_mt: %s", strerror(e)); exit(1); } //hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "cdata: allocated: %s", cd->name); return cd; }
static int *accept_rx_err_map(cJSON *rx_err_labels, int *old_rxerrs_len) { int *rxerr_map = NULL; int i, j; *old_rxerrs_len = cJSON_GetArraySize(rx_err_labels); if (*old_rxerrs_len > 0) { rxerr_map = hmalloc(sizeof(*rxerr_map) * *old_rxerrs_len); for (i = 0; i < *old_rxerrs_len; i++) { rxerr_map[i] = -1; // default: no mapping cJSON *rxerr = cJSON_GetArrayItem(rx_err_labels, i); if (!rxerr || rxerr->type != cJSON_String) continue; for (j = 0; j < INERR_BUCKETS; j++) { if (strcmp(inerr_labels[j], rxerr->valuestring) == 0) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Mapped old rxerr index %d with new index %d: %s", i, j, rxerr->valuestring); rxerr_map[i] = j; } } } } return rxerr_map; }
int clientlist_add(struct client_t *c) { struct clientlist_t *cl; int old_fd; /* allocate and fill in */ cl = hmalloc(sizeof(*cl)); strncpy(cl->username, c->username, sizeof(cl->username)); cl->username[sizeof(cl->username)-1] = 0; cl->validated = c->validated; cl->fd = c->fd; /* get lock for list and insert */ rwl_wrlock(&clientlist_lock); old_fd = check_if_validated_client(c->username, strlen(c->username)); if (clientlist) clientlist->prevp = &cl->next; cl->next = clientlist; cl->prevp = &clientlist; cl->client_id = (void *)c; clientlist = cl; rwl_wrunlock(&clientlist_lock); return old_fd; }
int do_uplink(struct uplink_config_t **lq, int argc, char **argv) { struct uplink_config_t *l; int uplink_proto = 0; if (argc < 3) return -1; if (strcasecmp(argv[2], "json") == 0) { uplink_proto = UPLINK_JSON; } else { hlog(LOG_ERR, "Uplink: Unsupported uplink protocol '%s'\n", argv[2]); return -2; } l = hmalloc(sizeof(*l)); l->proto = uplink_proto; l->name = hstrdup(argv[1]); l->url = hstrdup(argv[3]); /* put in the list */ l->next = *lq; if (l->next) l->next->prevp = &l->next; *lq = l; return 0; }
struct ssl_t *ssl_alloc(void) { struct ssl_t *ssl; ssl = hmalloc(sizeof(*ssl)); memset(ssl, 0, sizeof(*ssl)); return ssl; }
static struct listen_t *listener_alloc(void) { struct listen_t *l = hmalloc(sizeof(*l)); memset( l, 0, sizeof(*l) ); l->fd = -1; l->id = -1; l->listener_id = -1; return l; }
int open_log(char *name, int reopen) { if (!reopen) rwl_wrlock(&log_file_lock); if (log_name) hfree(log_name); if (!(log_name = hstrdup(name))) { fprintf(stderr, "aprsc logger: out of memory!\n"); exit(1); } if (log_basename) hfree(log_basename); log_basename = hmalloc(strlen(log_name) + 5); sprintf(log_basename, "%s.log", log_name); if (log_dest == L_SYSLOG) openlog(name, LOG_NDELAY|LOG_PID, log_facility); if (log_dest == L_FILE) { if (log_fname) hfree(log_fname); log_fname = hmalloc(strlen(log_dir) + strlen(log_basename) + 2); sprintf(log_fname, "%s/%s", log_dir, log_basename); log_file = open(log_fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP); if (log_file < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "aprsc logger: Could not open %s: %s\n", log_fname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } rwl_wrunlock(&log_file_lock); if (log_dest == L_FILE) hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Log file %s %sopened on fd %d", log_fname, (reopen) ? "re" : "", log_file); return 0; }
void status_init(void) { int i; char *n; static const char *cdata_start[][3] = { { "totals", "clients", "g" }, { "totals", "connects", "c" }, { "totals", "tcp_bytes_rx", "c" }, { "totals", "tcp_bytes_tx", "c" }, { "totals", "udp_bytes_rx", "c" }, { "totals", "udp_bytes_tx", "c" }, { "totals", "tcp_pkts_rx", "c" }, { "totals", "tcp_pkts_tx", "c" }, { "totals", "udp_pkts_rx", "c" }, { "totals", "udp_pkts_tx", "c" }, #ifdef USE_SCTP { "totals", "sctp_bytes_rx", "c" }, { "totals", "sctp_bytes_tx", "c" }, { "totals", "sctp_pkts_rx", "c" }, { "totals", "sctp_pkts_tx", "c" }, #endif { "dupecheck", "dupes_dropped", "c" }, { "dupecheck", "uniques_out", "c" }, { NULL, NULL } }; i = 0; while (cdata_start[i][0] != NULL) { n = hmalloc(strlen(cdata_start[i][0]) + 1 + strlen(cdata_start[i][1]) + 1); sprintf(n, "%s.%s", cdata_start[i][0], cdata_start[i][1]); struct cdata_list_t *cl = hmalloc(sizeof(*cl)); cl->tree = cdata_start[i][0]; cl->name = cdata_start[i][1]; cl->next = cdata_list; cl->cd = cdata_alloc(n); hfree(n); cl->gauge = cdata_start[i][2][0] == 'g' ? 1 : 0; cdata_list = cl; i++; } }
int initSoundDecoder(int buf_len,int _time_print_stats) { sound_channels=SOUND_CHANNELS_STEREO; channels = sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_MONO ? 1 : 2; time_print_stats=_time_print_stats; tprev=time(NULL); // for decoder statistics tprev_ppm=time(NULL); buffer = (short *) hmalloc(channels*sizeof(short)*buf_len); rx_a = init_receiver('A', 2, 0); rx_b = init_receiver('B', 2, 1); return 1; }
struct serial_state_t *serial_init() { struct serial_state_t *state = NULL; state = (struct serial_state_t *) hmalloc(sizeof(*state)); //Returns the file descriptor on success or -1 on error. /* File descriptor for the port */ state->fd = open(serial_port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); if (state->fd == -1) { // Could not open the port. hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Could not open serial port %s: %s", serial_port, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } hlog(LOG_INFO, "Opened serial port %s for NMEA output", serial_port); /* set file status flags to 0 - why? */ fcntl(state->fd, F_SETFL, 0); struct termios options; /* get the current options */ if (tcgetattr(state->fd, &options)) hlog(LOG_ERR, "Could not read serial port parameters on port %s: %s", serial_port, strerror(errno)); //set speed 4800 cfsetispeed(&options, B4800); cfsetospeed(&options, B4800); /* set raw input, 1 second timeout */ options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD); options.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; options.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; options.c_cc[VTIME] = 10; //No parity 8N1 options.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; options.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; options.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; options.c_cflag |= CS8; /* set the options */ if (tcsetattr(state->fd, TCSANOW, &options)) hlog(LOG_ERR, "Could not configure serial port parameters on port %s: %s", serial_port, strerror(errno)); return state; }
int main (){ void *abc = hmalloc (sizeof(int)); int *count = (int *)((int *)abc -1); printf ("%d\n", *count); __assert (*count== 0); (*count)++; int *count1 = (int *)((int *)abc-1); __assert(*count1 == 1); printf ("%d\n", *count1); hfree (abc); printf("success\n"); return 0; }
/* * hrealloc(p,size) * Re-allocate memory pointed to by p to be at least size. * No guarantees about optimality. */ void *hrealloc(void *p, int size) { init(); chunk *c = (chunk*)PTR_ADD(p,-H_IS); if (ck_payloadSize(c) < size) { void *q = hmalloc(size); memcpy(q,p,size); hfree(p); return q; } else { return p; } }
struct receiver *init_receiver(char name, int num_ch, int ch_ofs) { struct receiver *rx; rx = (struct receiver *) hmalloc(sizeof(struct receiver)); memset(rx, 0, sizeof(struct receiver)); rx->filter = filter_init(COEFFS_L, coeffs); rx->decoder = hmalloc(sizeof(struct demod_state_t)); protodec_initialize(rx->decoder, NULL, name); rx->name = name; rx->lastbit = 0; rx->num_ch = num_ch; rx->ch_ofs = ch_ofs; rx->pll = 0; rx->pllinc = 0x10000 / 5; rx->prev = 0; rx->last_levellog = 0; return rx; }
char *hex_encode(const char *buf, int len) { static const char *lut = "0123456789abcdef"; int i; char *s = hmalloc(len*2+1); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { const char c = buf[i]; s[i*2] = lut[c >> 4]; s[i*2+1] = lut[c & 15]; } s[i*2] = 0; return s; }
static int ssl_thread_setup(void) { int i; hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Creating OpenSSL mutexes (%d)...", CRYPTO_num_locks()); mutex_buf = hmalloc(CRYPTO_num_locks() * sizeof(MUTEX_TYPE)); for (i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++) MUTEX_SETUP(mutex_buf[i]); CRYPTO_set_id_callback(ssl_thread_id_function); CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(ssl_thread_locking_function); return 0; }
void Panel::doIncreaseObjArr(void) { unsigned short i; ObjSys** temp; temp = (ObjSys**)hmalloc(sizeof(ObjSys*)*(mMaxObj+8)); if(mMaxObj) { for(i=0;i<mMaxObj;i++) temp[i] = mObjArr[i]; hfree(mObjArr); } mMaxObj += 8; mObjArr = temp; }
struct status_error_t *status_error_find(const char *err) { struct status_error_t *e; for (e = status_errs; (e); e = e->next) { if (strcmp(e->err, err) == 0) return e; } e = hmalloc(sizeof(*e)); e->err = hstrdup(err); e->next = status_errs; e->set = -1; status_errs = e; return e; }
static void http_send_reply_ok(struct evhttp_request *r, struct evkeyvalq *headers, char *data, int len, int allow_compress) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ char *compr = NULL; /* Gzipping files below 150 bytes can actually make them larger. */ if (len > 150 && allow_compress) { /* Consider returning a compressed version */ int compr_type = http_check_req_compressed(r); /* if (compr_type) hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "http_send_reply_ok, client supports transfer-encoding: %s", compr_type_strings[compr_type]); */ if (compr_type == HTTP_COMPR_GZIP) { /* for small files it's possible that the output is actually * larger than the input */ int oblen = len + 60; compr = hmalloc(oblen); int olen = http_compress_gzip(data, len, compr, oblen); /* If compression succeeded, replace buffer with the compressed one and free the * uncompressed one. Add HTTP header to indicate compressed response. * If the file got larger, send uncompressed. */ if (olen > 0 && olen < len) { data = compr; len = olen; evhttp_add_header(headers, "Content-Encoding", "gzip"); } } } #endif struct evbuffer *buffer = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_add(buffer, data, len); evhttp_send_reply(r, HTTP_OK, "OK", buffer); evbuffer_free(buffer); #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ if (compr) hfree(compr); #endif }
spkey_t symbol_db_mem(const void *s, int slen, struct sptree *spt) { register spkey_t key; register struct syment *se, *pe; struct spblk *spl; if (s == NULL) return 0; key = crc32n(s,slen); /* Ok, time for the hard work. Lets see if we have this key in the symtab splay tree */ pe = NULL; spl = sp_lookup(key, spt); if (spl != NULL) { /* Got it ! Now see that we really have it, and not only have a hash collision */ se = (struct syment *)spl->data; do { if (se->namelen == slen && memcmp(se->name, s, slen) == 0) { /* Really found it! */ return (spkey_t)se; } pe = se; se = se->next; } while (se != NULL); } se = (struct syment *)hmalloc(sizeof (struct syment) + slen); memcpy((void*)se->name, s, slen); ((char*)se->name)[slen] = 0; se->namelen = slen; se->next = NULL; if (pe != NULL) pe->next = se; else { spl = sp_install(key, spt); spl->data = (void *)se; } return (spkey_t)se; }
int ssl_create_connection(struct ssl_t *ssl, struct client_t *c, int i_am_client) { struct ssl_connection_t *sc; sc = hmalloc(sizeof(*sc)); sc->connection = SSL_new(ssl->ctx); if (sc->connection == NULL) { ssl_error(LOG_ERR, "SSL_new failed"); hfree(sc); return -1; } if (SSL_set_fd(sc->connection, c->fd) == 0) { ssl_error(LOG_ERR, "SSL_set_fd failed"); SSL_free(sc->connection); hfree(sc); return -1; } if (i_am_client) { SSL_set_connect_state(sc->connection); } else { SSL_set_accept_state(sc->connection); } if (SSL_set_ex_data(sc->connection, ssl_connection_index, c) == 0) { ssl_error(LOG_ERR, "SSL_set_ex_data failed"); SSL_free(sc->connection); hfree(sc); return -1; } sc->validate = ssl->validate; c->ssl_con = sc; return 0; }
int accesslog_open(char *logd, int reopen) { if (!reopen) rwl_wrlock(&accesslog_lock); if (accesslog_fname) hfree(accesslog_fname); if (accesslog_dir) hfree(accesslog_dir); accesslog_dir = hstrdup(logd); accesslog_fname = hmalloc(strlen(accesslog_dir) + strlen(accesslog_basename) + 2); sprintf(accesslog_fname, "%s/%s", accesslog_dir, accesslog_basename); accesslog_file = open(accesslog_fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP); if (accesslog_file < 0) hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Could not open %s: %s", accesslog_fname, strerror(errno)); rwl_wrunlock(&accesslog_lock); return accesslog_file; }
/* * hstrdup(s). * Allocate new copy of string s using just the space necessary. */ char *hstrdup(char *s) { return strcpy((char*)hmalloc(strlen(s)),s); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int err; done = 0; snd_pcm_t *handle; FILE *sound_in_fd = NULL; FILE *sound_out_fd = NULL; int channels; short *buffer = NULL; int buffer_l; int buffer_read; struct serial_state_t *serial = NULL; struct ipc_state_t *ipc = NULL; struct receiver *rx_a = NULL; struct receiver *rx_b = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO pa_simple *pa_dev = NULL; #endif /* command line */ parse_cmdline(argc, argv); /* open syslog, write an initial log message and read configuration */ open_log(logname, 0); hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Starting up..."); if (read_config()) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Initial configuration failed."); exit(1); } /* fork a daemon */ if (fork_a_daemon) { int i = fork(); if (i < 0) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Fork to background failed: %s", strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr, "Fork to background failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } else if (i == 0) { /* child */ /* write pid file, now that we have our final pid... might fail, which is critical */ hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Writing pid..."); if (!writepid(pidfile)) exit(1); } else { /* parent, quitting */ hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Forked daemon process %d, parent quitting", i); exit(0); } } signal(SIGINT, closedown); signal(SIGPIPE, brokenconnection); /* initialize position cache for timed JSON AIS transmission */ if (uplink_config) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing cache..."); if (cache_init()) exit(1); hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing jsonout..."); if (jsonout_init()) exit(1); } /* initialize serial port for NMEA output */ if (serial_port) serial = serial_init(); /* initialize Unix domain socket for communication with gnuaisgui */ ipc = gnuais_ipc_init(); if(ipc == 0){ hlog(LOG_ERR, "Could not open Unix Domain Socket"); } /* initialize the AIS decoders */ if (sound_channels != SOUND_CHANNELS_MONO) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing demodulator A"); rx_a = init_receiver('A', 2, 0,serial,ipc); hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing demodulator B"); rx_b = init_receiver('B', 2, 1,serial,ipc); channels = 2; } else { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing demodulator A"); rx_a = init_receiver('A', 1, 0,serial,ipc); channels = 1; } #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO if(sound_device != NULL && ((strcmp("pulse",sound_device) == 0) || (strcmp("pulseaudio",sound_device) == 0))){ if((pa_dev = pulseaudio_initialize()) == NULL){ hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Error opening pulseaudio device"); return -1; } buffer_l = 1024; int extra = buffer_l % 5; buffer_l -= extra; buffer = (short *) hmalloc(buffer_l * sizeof(short) * channels); } else if (sound_device){ #else if (sound_device){ #endif if ((err = snd_pcm_open(&handle, sound_device, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, 0)) < 0) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Error opening sound device (%s)", sound_device); return -1; } if (input_initialize(handle, &buffer, &buffer_l) < 0) return -1; } else if (sound_in_file) { if ((sound_in_fd = fopen(sound_in_file, "r")) == NULL) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Could not open sound file %s: %s", sound_in_file, strerror(errno)); return -1; } hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Reading audio from file: %s", sound_in_file); buffer_l = 1024; int extra = buffer_l % 5; buffer_l -= extra; buffer = (short *) hmalloc(buffer_l * sizeof(short) * channels); } else { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Neither sound device or sound file configured."); return -1; } if (sound_out_file) { if ((sound_out_fd = fopen(sound_out_file, "w")) == NULL) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Could not open sound output file %s: %s", sound_out_file, strerror(errno)); return -1; } hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Recording audio to file: %s", sound_out_file); } #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL if (mysql_db) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Saving to MySQL database \"%s\"", mysql_db); if (!(my = myout_init())) return -1; if (mysql_keepsmall) hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Updating database rows only."); else hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Inserting data to database."); if (mysql_oldlimit) hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Deleting data older than %d seconds", mysql_oldlimit); } #endif hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Started"); while (!done) { if (sound_in_fd) { buffer_read = fread(buffer, channels * sizeof(short), buffer_l, sound_in_fd); if (buffer_read <= 0) done = 1; } #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO else if (pa_dev){ buffer_read = pulseaudio_read(pa_dev, buffer, buffer_l); } #endif else { buffer_read = input_read(handle, buffer, buffer_l); //printf("read %d\n", buffer_read); } if (buffer_read <= 0) continue; if (sound_out_fd) { fwrite(buffer, channels * sizeof(short), buffer_read, sound_out_fd); } if (sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_MONO) { receiver_run(rx_a, buffer, buffer_read); } if (sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_BOTH || sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_RIGHT) { /* ch a/0/right */ receiver_run(rx_a, buffer, buffer_read); } if (sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_BOTH || sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_LEFT) { /* ch b/1/left */ receiver_run(rx_b, buffer, buffer_read); } } hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Closing down..."); if (sound_in_fd) { fclose(sound_in_fd); } #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO else if (pa_dev) { pulseaudio_cleanup(pa_dev); } #endif else { input_cleanup(handle); handle = NULL; } if (sound_out_fd) fclose(sound_out_fd); hfree(buffer); gnuais_ipc_deinit(ipc); if (serial) serial_close(serial); if (uplink_config) jsonout_deinit(); if (cache_positions) cache_deinit(); if (rx_a) { struct demod_state_t *d = rx_a->decoder; hlog(LOG_INFO, "A: Received correctly: %d packets, wrong CRC: %d packets, wrong size: %d packets", d->receivedframes, d->lostframes, d->lostframes2); } if (rx_b) { struct demod_state_t *d = rx_b->decoder; hlog(LOG_INFO, "B: Received correctly: %d packets, wrong CRC: %d packets, wrong size: %d packets", d->receivedframes, d->lostframes, d->lostframes2); } free_receiver(rx_a); free_receiver(rx_b); free_config(); close_log(0); return 0; }
static void http_route_static(struct evhttp_request *r, const char *uri) { struct http_static_t *cmdp; struct stat st; char fname[HTTP_FNAME_LEN]; char last_modified[128]; char *contenttype; int fd; int file_size; char *buf; struct evkeyvalq *req_headers; const char *ims; for (cmdp = http_static_files; cmdp->name != NULL; cmdp++) if (strcmp(cmdp->name, uri) == 0) break; if (cmdp->name == NULL) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "HTTP: 404"); evhttp_send_error(r, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not found"); return; } snprintf(fname, HTTP_FNAME_LEN, "%s/%s", webdir, cmdp->filename); //hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "static file request %s", uri); fd = open(fname, 0, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { /* don't complain about missing motd.html - it's optional. */ int level = LOG_ERR; if (strcmp(cmdp->filename, "motd.html") == 0) level = LOG_DEBUG; hlog(level, "http static file '%s' not found", fname); evhttp_send_error(r, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not found"); return; } hlog(LOG_ERR, "http static file '%s' could not be opened for reading: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); evhttp_send_error(r, HTTP_INTERNAL, "Could not access file"); return; } if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1) { hlog(LOG_ERR, "http static file '%s' could not fstat() after opening: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); evhttp_send_error(r, HTTP_INTERNAL, "Could not access file"); if (close(fd) < 0) hlog(LOG_ERR, "http static file '%s' could not be closed after failed stat: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); return; } http_date(last_modified, sizeof(last_modified), st.st_mtime); contenttype = http_content_type(cmdp->filename); //hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "found content-type %s", contenttype); struct evkeyvalq *headers = evhttp_request_get_output_headers(r); http_header_base(headers, st.st_mtime); evhttp_add_header(headers, "Content-Type", contenttype); /* Consider an IMS hit */ req_headers = evhttp_request_get_input_headers(r); ims = evhttp_find_header(req_headers, "If-Modified-Since"); if ((ims) && strcasecmp(ims, last_modified) == 0) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "http static file '%s' IMS hit", fname); evhttp_send_reply(r, HTTP_NOTMODIFIED, "Not modified", NULL); if (close(fd) < 0) hlog(LOG_ERR, "http static file '%s' could not be closed after failed stat: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); return; } file_size = st.st_size; /* yes, we are not going to serve large files. */ buf = hmalloc(file_size); int n = read(fd, buf, file_size); if (close(fd) < 0) { hlog(LOG_ERR, "http static file '%s' could not be closed after reading: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); evhttp_send_error(r, HTTP_INTERNAL, "Could not access file"); hfree(buf); return; } if (n != file_size) { hlog(LOG_ERR, "http static file '%s' could only read %d of %d bytes", fname, n, file_size); evhttp_send_error(r, HTTP_INTERNAL, "Could not access file"); hfree(buf); return; } int allow_compress; if (strncmp(contenttype, "image/", 6) == 0) allow_compress = 0; else allow_compress = 1; http_send_reply_ok(r, headers, buf, n, allow_compress); hfree(buf); }
int read_config(void) { int failed = 0; char *s; if (read_cfgfile(cfgfile, cfg_cmds)) return -1; /* these parameters will only be used when reading the configuration * for the first time. */ if(log_dir){ /* Check if logdir passed from command line. In that case config file parameter should be ignored*/ logdir = hstrdup(log_dir); } else if(!logdir) { /* Using current directory as default if not given neither in config file or command line */ if(log_dest == L_FILE) hlog(LOG_WARNING, "Config: logdir not defined. Using . as log directory"); logdir = hstrdup("."); } /* mycall is only applied when running for the first time. */ if (!mycall) { mycall = hstrdup("NOCALLDEFINED"); hlog(LOG_WARNING, "Config: mycall is not defined - using: %s.",mycall); //failed = 1; } else if (!valid_aprsis_call(mycall)) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Config: mycall '%s' is not valid.", mycall); failed = 1; } if (!myemail) { myemail = hstrdup("notdefined@notdefined"); hlog(LOG_WARNING, "Config: myemail is not defined - using: %s.",myemail); //failed = 1; } if (!sound_in_file && !sound_device) { sound_device = def_sound_device; hlog(LOG_WARNING, "Config: SoundDevice is not defined - using: %s", sound_device); } if (sound_in_file && sound_device) { if (sound_device != def_sound_device) hfree(sound_device); sound_device = NULL; } /* put in the new uplink config */ free_uplink_config(&uplink_config); uplink_config = new_uplink_config; if (uplink_config) uplink_config->prevp = &uplink_config; new_uplink_config = NULL; if (failed) return -1; if (!pidfile) { s = hmalloc(strlen(logdir) + 1 + strlen(logname) + 3 + 2); sprintf(s, "%s/", logdir, logname); pidfile = s; } return 0; }
void accept_thread(void *asdf) { sigset_t sigs_to_block; int e, n; struct pollfd *acceptpfd = NULL; struct listen_t **acceptpl = NULL; int listen_n = 0; int poll_n = 0; struct listen_t *l; pthreads_profiling_reset("accept"); sigemptyset(&sigs_to_block); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGALRM); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGINT); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGQUIT); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGURG); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGPIPE); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGUSR1); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGUSR2); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigs_to_block, NULL); /* start the accept thread, which will start server threads */ hlog(LOG_INFO, "Accept thread starting..."); /* we allocate a worker structure to be used within the accept thread * for parsing incoming UDP packets and passing them on to the dupecheck * thread. */ udp_worker = worker_alloc(); udp_worker->id = 81; /* we also need a client structure to be used with incoming * HTTP position uploads */ udp_pseudoclient = pseudoclient_setup(81); udp_pseudoclient->flags |= CLFLAGS_UDPSUBMIT; accept_reconfiguring = 1; while (!accept_shutting_down) { if (accept_reconfiguring) { accept_reconfiguring = 0; listen_n -= close_removed_listeners(); /* start listening on the sockets */ listen_n += open_missing_listeners(); if (listen_n < 1) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Failed to listen on any ports."); exit(2); } /* reconfiguration must scan old clients against ACL */ rescan_client_acls(); /* how many are we polling */ poll_n = 0; for (l = listen_list; (l); l = l->next) if (!l->corepeer) poll_n++; hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Generating polling list for %d/%d listeners...", poll_n, listen_n); /* array of FDs for poll() */ if (acceptpfd) hfree(acceptpfd); acceptpfd = hmalloc(poll_n * sizeof(*acceptpfd)); /* array of listeners */ if (acceptpl) hfree(acceptpl); acceptpl = hmalloc(poll_n * sizeof(*acceptpl)); n = 0; for (l = listen_list; (l); l = l->next) { /* The accept thread does not poll() UDP sockets for core peers. * Worker 0 takes care of that, and processes the incoming packets. */ if (l->corepeer) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "... %d: fd %d (%s) - not polled, is corepeer", n, (l->udp) ? l->udp->fd : l->fd, l->addr_s); continue; } int fd; if (l->udp) { l->udp->polled = 1; fd = l->udp->fd; } else { fd = l->fd; } hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "... %d: fd %d (%s)", n, fd, l->addr_s); acceptpfd[n].fd = fd; acceptpfd[n].events = POLLIN|POLLPRI|POLLERR|POLLHUP; acceptpl[n] = l; n++; } hlog(LOG_INFO, "Accept thread ready."); /* stop the dupechecking and uplink threads while adjusting * the amount of workers... they walk the worker list, and * might get confused when workers are stopped or started. */ if (workers_running != workers_configured) { uplink_stop(); dupecheck_stop(); workers_start(); dupecheck_start(); uplink_start(); } /* * generate UDP peer clients */ peerip_clients_close(); if (peerip_config) peerip_clients_config(); /* accept liveupgrade clients */ if (liveupgrade_status) accept_liveupgrade_accept(); } /* check for new connections */ e = poll(acceptpfd, poll_n, 200); if (e == 0) continue; if (e < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; hlog(LOG_ERR, "poll() on accept failed: %s (continuing)", strerror(errno)); continue; } /* now, which socket was that on? */ for (n = 0; n < poll_n; n++) { l = acceptpl[n]; if (!(l) || (l->udp ? l->udp->fd : l->fd) != acceptpfd[n].fd) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "accept_thread: polling list and listener list do mot match!"); exit(1); } if (acceptpfd[n].revents) { if (l->udp) accept_udp_recv(l); /* receive UDP packets */ else do_accept(l); /* accept a single connection */ } } } if (accept_shutting_down == 2) worker_shutdown_clients = cJSON_CreateArray(); hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Accept thread shutting down listening sockets and worker threads..."); uplink_stop(); close_listeners(); dupecheck_stop(); http_shutting_down = 1; workers_stop(accept_shutting_down); hfree(acceptpfd); hfree(acceptpl); acceptpfd = NULL; acceptpl = NULL; /* free up the pseudo-client */ client_free(udp_pseudoclient); udp_pseudoclient = NULL; /* free up the pseudo-worker structure, after dupecheck is long dead */ worker_free_buffers(udp_worker); hfree(udp_worker); udp_worker = NULL; }
static void heard_list_update(struct client_t *c, struct pbuf_t *pb, struct client_heard_t **list, int *entrycount, char *which) { struct client_heard_t *h; int call_len; uint32_t hash, idx; int i; call_len = pb->srccall_end - pb->data; hash = keyhashuc(pb->data, call_len, 0); idx = hash; // "CLIENT_HEARD_BUCKETS" is 16.. idx ^= (idx >> 16); idx ^= (idx >> 8); idx ^= (idx >> 4); i = idx % CLIENT_HEARD_BUCKETS; //DLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "heard_list_update fd %d %s: updating heard table for %.*s (hash %u i %d)", c->fd, which, call_len, pb->data, hash, i); for (h = list[i]; (h); h = h->next) { if (h->hash == hash && call_len == h->call_len && strncasecmp(pb->data, h->callsign, h->call_len) == 0) { // OK, found it from the list //DLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "heard_list_update fd %d %s: found, updating %.*s", c->fd, which, call_len, pb->data); h->last_heard = pb->t; /* Because of digipeating we'll see the same station * really quickly again, and the less active stations are, well, less active, * let's move it in the beginning of the list to find it quicker. */ if (list[i] != h) { //DLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "heard_list_update fd %d %s: moving to front %.*s", c->fd, which, call_len, pb->data); *h->prevp = h->next; if (h->next) h->next->prevp = h->prevp; h->next = list[i]; h->prevp = &list[i]; if (h->next) h->next->prevp = &h->next; list[i] = h; } return; } } /* Not found, insert. */ DLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "heard_list_update fd %d %s: inserting %.*s", c->fd, which, call_len, pb->data); #ifndef _FOR_VALGRIND_ h = cellmalloc(client_heard_cells); if (!h) { hlog(LOG_ERR, "heard_list_update: cellmalloc failed"); return; } #else h = hmalloc(sizeof(*h)); #endif h->hash = hash; strncpy(h->callsign, pb->data, call_len); h->callsign[sizeof(h->callsign)-1] = 0; h->call_len = call_len; h->last_heard = pb->t; /* insert in beginning of linked list */ h->next = list[i]; h->prevp = &list[i]; if (h->next) h->next->prevp = &h->next; list[i] = h; *entrycount = *entrycount + 1; }
void* operator new (unsigned int size) { return hmalloc(size); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int err; done = 0; FILE *sound_in_fd = NULL; FILE *sound_out_fd = NULL; int channels; short *buffer = NULL; int buffer_l; int buffer_read; struct serial_state_t *serial = NULL; struct ipc_state_t *ipc = NULL; struct receiver *rx_a = NULL; struct receiver *rx_b = NULL; /* open syslog, write an initial log message and read configuration */ open_log(logname, 0); hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Starting up..."); if (read_config()) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Initial configuration failed."); exit(1); } /* initialize position cache for timed JSON AIS transmission */ if (uplink_config) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing cache..."); if (cache_init()) exit(1); hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing jsonout..."); if (jsonout_init()) exit(1); } /* initialize the AIS decoders */ if (sound_channels != SOUND_CHANNELS_MONO) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing demodulator A"); rx_a = init_receiver('A', 2, 0,ipc); hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing demodulator B"); rx_b = init_receiver('B', 2, 1,ipc); channels = 2; } else { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing demodulator A"); rx_a = init_receiver('A', 1, 0,ipc); channels = 1; } printf("HEJ!"); hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Reading audio from blob."); buffer_l = 1024; int extra = buffer_l % 5; buffer_l -= extra; buffer = (short *) hmalloc(buffer_l * sizeof(short) * channels); hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Started"); int dataoffset = 0; #define AAA 0 #if AAA sound_in_fd = fopen("xaa", "rb"); #endif while (!done) { printf("."); #if AAA buffer_read = fread(buffer, channels * sizeof(short), buffer_l, sound_in_fd); if (buffer_read <= 0) done = 1; #else memcpy(buffer, staticSoundData + dataoffset, buffer_l * channels * sizeof(short)); dataoffset += buffer_l * channels; if (dataoffset >= sizeof(staticSoundData) / sizeof(short)) { done = 1; } buffer_read = buffer_l; #endif # if 0 printf("buffer_read: %d\n", buffer_read); int xx; for (xx = 0; xx < buffer_l * channels; xx++) printf("%x ", buffer[xx]); done = 1; #endif if (sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_MONO) { receiver_run(rx_a, buffer, buffer_read); } if (sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_BOTH || sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_RIGHT) { /* ch a/0/right */ receiver_run(rx_a, buffer, buffer_read); } if (sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_BOTH || sound_channels == SOUND_CHANNELS_LEFT) { /* ch b/1/left */ receiver_run(rx_b, buffer, buffer_read); } } hlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Closing down..."); if (sound_in_fd) { fclose(sound_in_fd); } hfree(buffer); if (uplink_config) jsonout_deinit(); if (cache_positions) cache_deinit(); if (rx_a) { struct demod_state_t *d = rx_a->decoder; hlog(LOG_INFO, "A: Received correctly: %d packets, wrong CRC: %d packets, wrong size: %d packets", d->receivedframes, d->lostframes, d->lostframes2); } if (rx_b) { struct demod_state_t *d = rx_b->decoder; hlog(LOG_INFO, "B: Received correctly: %d packets, wrong CRC: %d packets, wrong size: %d packets", d->receivedframes, d->lostframes, d->lostframes2); } free_receiver(rx_a); free_receiver(rx_b); free_config(); close_log(0); return 0; }