int main() {

  igraph_t g;
  igraph_vector_ptr_t vecs;
  long int i;
  igraph_vs_t vs;

  igraph_ring(&g, 10, IGRAPH_DIRECTED, 0, 1);
  igraph_vector_ptr_init(&vecs, 5);
  for (i=0; i<igraph_vector_ptr_size(&vecs); i++) {
    VECTOR(vecs)[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(igraph_vector_t));
    igraph_vector_init(VECTOR(vecs)[i], 0);
  igraph_vs_vector_small(&vs, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1,  -1);
  igraph_get_shortest_paths(&g, &vecs, 0, vs, IGRAPH_OUT);
  for (i=0; i<igraph_vector_ptr_size(&vecs); i++) {
  return 0;
예제 #2
Bitvector GraphRepresentation::calculateFID(string &source, string &destination) {
    int vertex_id;
    Bitvector result(dm->fid_len * 8);
    igraph_vs_t vs;
    igraph_vector_ptr_t res;
    igraph_vector_t to_vector;
    igraph_vector_t *temp_v;
    igraph_integer_t eid;

    /*find the vertex id in the reverse index*/
    int from = (*reverse_node_index.find(source)).second;
    igraph_vector_init(&to_vector, 1);
    VECTOR(to_vector)[0] = (*reverse_node_index.find(destination)).second;
    /*initialize the sequence*/
    igraph_vs_vector(&vs, &to_vector);
    /*initialize the vector that contains pointers*/
    igraph_vector_ptr_init(&res, 1);
    temp_v = (igraph_vector_t *) VECTOR(res)[0];
    temp_v = (igraph_vector_t *) malloc(sizeof (igraph_vector_t));
    VECTOR(res)[0] = temp_v;
    igraph_vector_init(temp_v, 1);
    /*run the shortest path algorithm from "from"*/
    igraph_get_shortest_paths(&igraph, &res, from, vs, IGRAPH_OUT);
    /*check the shortest path to each destination*/
    temp_v = (igraph_vector_t *) VECTOR(res)[0];
    //click_chatter("Shortest path from %s to %s", igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "NODEID", from), igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "NODEID", VECTOR(*temp_v)[igraph_vector_size(temp_v) - 1]));

    /*now let's "or" the FIDs for each link in the shortest path*/
    for (int j = 0; j < igraph_vector_size(temp_v) - 1; j++) {
        igraph_get_eid(&igraph, &eid, VECTOR(*temp_v)[j], VECTOR(*temp_v)[j + 1], true);
        //click_chatter("node %s -> node %s", igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "NODEID", VECTOR(*temp_v)[j]), igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "NODEID", VECTOR(*temp_v)[j + 1]));
        //click_chatter("link: %s", igraph_cattribute_EAS(&graph, "LID", eid));
        string LID(igraph_cattribute_EAS(&igraph, "LID", eid), dm->fid_len * 8);
        for (int k = 0; k < dm->fid_len * 8; k++) {
            if (LID[k] == '1') {
                (result)[ dm->fid_len * 8 - k - 1].operator |=(true);
        //click_chatter("FID of the shortest path: %s", result.to_string().c_str());
    /*now for all destinations "or" the internal linkID*/
    vertex_id = (*reverse_node_index.find(destination)).second;
    string iLID(igraph_cattribute_VAS(&igraph, "iLID", vertex_id));
    //click_chatter("internal link for node %s: %s", igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "NODEID", vertex_id), iLID.c_str());
    for (int k = 0; k < dm->fid_len * 8; k++) {
        if (iLID[k] == '1') {
            (result)[ dm->fid_len * 8 - k - 1].operator |=(true);

    igraph_vector_destroy((igraph_vector_t *) VECTOR(res)[0]);


    return result;
예제 #3
void TMIgraph::calculateFID(string &source, string &destination, Bitvector &resultFID, unsigned int &numberOfHops) {
    int vertex_id;
    igraph_vs_t vs;
    igraph_vector_ptr_t res;
    igraph_vector_t to_vector;
    igraph_vector_t *temp_v;
    igraph_integer_t eid;

    /*find the vertex id in the reverse index*/
    int from = (*reverse_node_index.find(source)).second;
    igraph_vector_init(&to_vector, 1);
    VECTOR(to_vector)[0] = (*reverse_node_index.find(destination)).second;
    /*initialize the sequence*/
    igraph_vs_vector(&vs, &to_vector);
    /*initialize the vector that contains pointers*/
    igraph_vector_ptr_init(&res, 1);
    temp_v = (igraph_vector_t *) VECTOR(res)[0];
    temp_v = (igraph_vector_t *) malloc(sizeof (igraph_vector_t));
    VECTOR(res)[0] = temp_v;
    igraph_vector_init(temp_v, 1);
    /*run the shortest path algorithm from "from"*/
    igraph_get_shortest_paths(&graph, &res, from, vs, IGRAPH_OUT);
    /*check the shortest path to each destination*/
    temp_v = (igraph_vector_t *) VECTOR(res)[0];

    /*now let's "or" the FIDs for each link in the shortest path*/
    for (int j = 0; j < igraph_vector_size(temp_v) - 1; j++) {
        igraph_get_eid(&graph, &eid, VECTOR(*temp_v)[j], VECTOR(*temp_v)[j + 1], true);
        Bitvector *lid = (*edge_LID.find(eid)).second;
        (resultFID) = (resultFID) | (*lid);
    numberOfHops = igraph_vector_size(temp_v);

    /*now for the destination "or" the internal linkID*/
    Bitvector *ilid = (*nodeID_iLID.find(destination)).second;
    (resultFID) = (resultFID) | (*ilid);
    //cout << "FID of the shortest path: " << resultFID.to_string() << endl;
    igraph_vector_destroy((igraph_vector_t *) VECTOR(res)[0]);