schur_result ( Input& xpr , char jobvs/* = 'V'*/ , char sort /* = 'N'*/ , char sense/* = 'N'*/) : jobvs_(jobvs) , sort_(sort) , sense_(sense) , a_(xpr) , aa_(xpr) , n_(nt2::height(xpr)) , lda_(a_.leading_size()) { BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(is_square(aa_), "Error using schur. Matrix must be square."); jobvs_ = (sense_ == 'E' || sense_ == 'B') ? 'V':jobvs_; sort_ = (sense_ == 'E') ? 'S' : sort_; ldvs_ = (jobvs_ == 'N') ? n_ : 1; w_.resize(nt2::of_size(n_, 1)); vs_.resize(of_size(ldvs_, ldvs_)); ldvs_ = vs_.leading_size(); nt2::details::geesx(&jobvs_, &sort_, &nt2::details::selectall , &sense_, &n_, aa_.raw(), &lda_, &sdim_, w_.raw(), vs_.raw(), &ldvs_, &rconde_, &rcondv_, &info_, wrk_); }
void print_map(char **map, t_sq *sq) { char full; int i; int j; full = map[0][ft_strlen(map[0]) - 1]; i = 1; while (map[i]) { j = 0; while (map[i][j]) { if (is_square(sq, i, j)) { ft_putchar(full); } else { ft_putchar(map[i][j]); } j++; } ft_putchar('\n'); i++; } }
T shanks_factor(const T n) { static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value, "Must be signed"); auto find_factor = [n](const T k) -> T { const T sqrt_kn = isqrt(k * n); T p = sqrt_kn, old_p; T q = (k * n - p * p), old_q = 1; if (q == 0) return k == 1 ? sqrt_kn : 1; auto iterate = [&] { old_p = p; T b = (sqrt_kn + old_p) / q, tmp; p = b * q - old_p; tmp = q, q = old_q + b * (old_p - p), old_q = tmp; }; for (size_t i = 1; i % 2 || !is_square(q); ++i) iterate(); const T sqrt_q = isqrt(q); const T b = (sqrt_kn - p) / sqrt_q; p = b * sqrt_q + p; old_q = sqrt_q, q = (k * n - p * p) / old_q; do iterate(); while (p != old_p); return gcd(n, p); }; const T max_k = std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / n; for (T k = 1; k <= max_k; ++k) { const T f = find_factor(k); if (f != 1 && f != n) return f; } throw std::overflow_error("Can't use a larger multiplier."); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { long long j, n, max, max_j, x; if(argc < 2) printf("Usage: %s n=%Ld\n", argv[0], n = 1000); else n = atoi(argv[1]); max = -1; max_j = -1; for(j = 2; j <= n; j++) { if(is_square(j)) continue; x = min_x_solution(j); printf("%Ld: %Ld\n", j, x); if(x > max) { max = x; max_j = j; } } printf("Largest minimal x solution for D <= %Ld: %Ld at D = %Ld.\n", n, max, max_j); return 0; }
mask_t is_even_tw(const struct tw_extensible_t* a) { struct p448_t L0, L1, L2; p448_sqr(&L2, &a->z); p448_sqr(&L1, &a->x); p448_add(&L0, &L1, &L2); p448_weak_reduce(&L0); return is_square(&L0); }
mask_t is_even_pt(const struct extensible_t* a) { struct p448_t L0, L1, L2; p448_sqr(&L2, &a->z); p448_sqr(&L1, &a->x); p448_sub(&L0, &L2, &L1); p448_bias(&L0, 2); p448_weak_reduce(&L0); return is_square(&L0); }
void Matrix::eig_sym(Matrix* U, Matrix* L, uint nb_eigenvectors) { if(!is_square()) throw std::runtime_error("Matrix must be square"); Matrix _U,_L; _U.init(height, width); _L.init(1,width); matrix_eigSym2_float(data,,, width); matrix_sortEig_float(,, width); *U = _U.trim_height(nb_eigenvectors); *L = _L.trim_width(nb_eigenvectors); }
int main(){ int m = 100; // printf("input m: "); scanf("%d", &m); int lp_square = 0; // answer for(int a = 1; a <= m; a++){ for(int b = 1; b <= m; b++){ for(int c = 1; c <= m; c++){ for(int d = 1; d <= m; d++){ if(is_square(a, b, c, d)) lp_square++; } } } } printf("answer: %d\n", lp_square); }
int main() { int N=0, k=0; if (!input("N", &N)) printf("INPUT ERROR\n"); else { printf("enter your sequence> "); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { if (!scanf("%d", &k)) printf("INPUT ERROR\n"); else if (is_square(k)) printf("%d ", k); } } return(0); }
int main(void) { int x; printf("1つの自然数を入力してください:"); scanf("%d",&x); if(is_square(x)){ printf("%d は平方数です\n",x); printf("%d は %d の2乗です\n",x,square_number(x)); } else{ printf("%d は平方数ではありません\n",x); } return 0; }
int main() { std::vector<long> sums[2]; std::vector<long> counters[2]; sums[0].resize (bound, 0); counters[0].resize (bound, 0); counters[0][0] = 1; long result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n_digits; ++i) { std::vector<long> & source = sums[i % 2]; std::vector<long> & dest = sums[(i + 1) % 2]; std::vector<long> & c_source = counters[i % 2]; std::vector<long> & c_dest = counters[(i + 1) % 2]; dest.clear(); dest.resize(bound, 0); c_dest.clear(); c_dest.resize(bound, 0); for (int s_squares = 0; s_squares < bound; ++s_squares) { long sum = source[s_squares]; long n_numbers = c_source[s_squares]; if (n_numbers == 0) { continue; } for (int digit = 0; digit < 10; ++digit) { long n_sum = (sum * 10 + digit * n_numbers) % mod; int n_s_sum = s_squares + digit * digit; if (is_square (n_s_sum)) { result = (result + n_sum) % mod; } dest[n_s_sum] += n_sum; c_dest[n_s_sum] += n_numbers; } c_dest[0] = 0; } } std::cout << result << std::endl; return 0; }
int main(){ pe::PrimeSieve<LIMIT> primes; for(int i = 1; i < LIMIT; i += 2){ bool found = false; if(!primes[i]){ for(int j = 0; j < primes.size() && !found; j++){ if(primes[j] && is_square((i - j) / 2)){ found = true; break; } } } if(!found && !primes[i]){ std::cout << i << std::endl; break; } } return 0; }
int main() { long long s = 0; for (long long d=1; d<int(sqrt(LIMIT)); d++) { for (int r=d-1; r>=1; r--) { long long n = d*d*d/r + r; if (n >= LIMIT || d/r > RATIO_LIMIT) break; if (d*d*d % r == 0 && is_square(n)) { s += n; std::cout << d << '\t' << r << '\t' << float(d)/r << '\t' << sqrt(n) << std::endl; } } } std::cout << s << std::endl; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int N, j, num_odd; if (argc < 2) printf("Usage: %s N=%d\n", argv[0], N = 10000); else N = atoi(argv[1]); init_period_func(); num_odd = 0; for (j = 2; j <= N; j++) if (!is_square(j) && period(j) % 2 == 1) num_odd++; printf("Number of numbers with odd period for N <= %d: %d\n", N, num_odd); free(nums); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { INT d, x, j, sqrt_d; INT max_x, max_d; max_d = 0; max_x = 0; for(d = 2; d <= 1000; d++) { if(is_square(d)) continue; for(j = 1; j > 0; j++) { if(is_valid_solution(d, d * j - 1)) { x = d * j - 1; break; } if(is_valid_solution(d, d * j + 1)) { x = d * j + 1; break; } } printf("%Ld ^ 2 - %Ld * %Ld ^ 2 == 1\n", x, d, dx_to_y(d, x)); if(max_x < x) { max_x = x; max_d = d; } } printf("Largest minimal x for x^2-D*y^2=1 for 1 <= D <= 1000: %Ld\n", max_x); return 0; }
int main(void) { char *sieve = prime_sieve(N); unsigned *primes = malloc(sizeof(unsigned) * N); unsigned i, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (!sieve[i]) { primes[j++] = i; } } primes[j] = 0; for (i = 3; i < N; i += 2) { if (!sieve[i]) { /* skip if i is prime */ continue; } for (j = 0; primes[j]; j++) { unsigned s; if (primes[j] > i) { printf("%u\n", i); goto FINISH; } s = (i - primes[j])/2; if (is_square(s)) { break; } } } FINISH: free(sieve); free(primes); return 0; }
void NRooks2D::set_bundle_size(int bundleSize) { assert( is_square(bundleSize) && "The number of samples in a bundle must be a square." ); bundleSize_ = bundleSize; }
int print_properties_num(longnum num) { printf("%llu:\nprime factors: ", num); print_prime_factors(num); printf("\n"); if ( is_abundant(num) ) printf(" abundant"); if ( is_amicable(num) ) printf(" amicable"); if ( is_apocalyptic_power(num) ) printf(" apocalyptic_power"); if ( is_aspiring(num) ) printf(" aspiring"); if ( is_automorphic(num) ) printf(" automorphic"); if ( is_cake(num) ) printf(" cake"); if ( is_carmichael(num) ) printf(" carmichael"); if ( is_catalan(num) ) printf(" catalan"); if ( is_composite(num) ) printf(" composite"); if ( is_compositorial(num) ) printf(" compositorial"); if ( is_cube(num) ) printf(" cube"); if ( is_deficient(num) ) printf(" deficient"); if ( is_easy_to_remember(num) ) printf(" easy_to_remember"); if ( is_ecci1(num) ) printf(" ecci1"); if ( is_ecci2(num) ) printf(" ecci2"); if ( is_even(num) ) printf(" even"); if ( is_evil(num) ) printf(" evil"); if ( is_factorial(num) ) printf(" factorial"); if ( is_fermat(num) ) printf(" fermat"); if ( is_fibonacci(num) ) printf(" fibonacci"); if ( is_google(num) ) printf(" google"); if ( is_happy(num) ) printf(" happy"); if ( is_hungry(num) ) printf(" hungry"); if ( is_hypotenuse(num) ) printf(" hypotenuse"); if ( is_lazy_caterer(num) ) printf(" lazy_caterer"); if ( is_lucky(num) ) printf(" lucky"); if ( is_mersenne_prime(num) ) printf(" mersenne_prime"); if ( is_mersenne(num) ) printf(" mersenne"); if ( is_narcissistic(num) ) printf(" narcissistic"); if ( is_odd(num) ) printf(" odd"); if ( is_odious(num) ) printf(" odious"); if ( is_palindrome(num) ) printf(" palindrome"); if ( is_palindromic_prime(num) ) printf(" palindromic_prime"); if ( is_parasite(num) ) printf(" parasite"); if ( is_pentagonal(num) ) printf(" pentagonal"); if ( is_perfect(num) ) printf(" perfect"); if ( is_persistent(num) ) printf(" persistent"); if ( is_power_of_2(num) ) printf(" power_of_2"); if ( is_powerful(num) ) printf(" powerful"); if ( is_practical(num) ) printf(" practical"); if ( is_prime(num) ) printf(" prime"); if ( is_primorial(num) ) printf(" primorial"); if ( is_product_perfect(num) ) printf(" product_perfect"); if ( is_pronic(num) ) printf(" pronic"); if ( is_repdigit(num) ) printf(" repdigit"); if ( is_repunit(num) ) printf(" repunit"); if ( is_smith(num) ) printf(" smith"); if ( is_sociable(num) ) printf(" sociable"); if ( is_square_free(num) ) printf(" square_free"); if ( is_square(num) ) printf(" square"); if ( is_tetrahedral(num) ) printf(" tetrahedral"); if ( is_triangular(num) ) printf(" triangular"); if ( is_twin(num) ) printf(" twin"); if ( is_ulam(num) ) printf(" ulam"); if ( is_undulating(num) ) printf(" undulating"); if ( is_untouchable(num) ) printf(" untouchable"); if ( is_vampire(num) ) printf(" vampire"); if ( is_weird(num) ) printf(" weird"); printf("\n\n"); return 0; }
void Matrix::eig_sym(Matrix* U, Matrix* L) { if(!is_square()) throw std::runtime_error("Matrix must be square"); U->init(height,width); L->init(1,width); matrix_eigSym2_float(data, U->data, L->data, width); }
Matrix Matrix::inv() { if(!is_square()) throw std::runtime_error("Matrix must be square"); Matrix m(height, width); matrix_inv2_float(, data, height); return m; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // int N = atoi(argv[1]); int B = atoi(argv[2]); // int P = atoi(argv[3]); // int C = atoi(argv[4]); int id = atoi(argv[5]); //Main mq mqd_t qdes; char qname[] = "/mailbox1_srajguru"; mode_t mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR; struct mq_attr attr; attr.mq_maxmsg = B; attr.mq_msgsize = sizeof(int); attr.mq_flags = 0; qdes = mq_open(qname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, mode, &attr); if (qdes == -1 ) { perror("mq_open() failed"); exit(1); } //Cons mq - communicates a counter to limit items consumed mqd_t consmq; char consqname[] = "/consmq"; mode_t modecmq = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR; struct mq_attr cmqattr; cmqattr.mq_maxmsg = 1; cmqattr.mq_msgsize = sizeof(int); cmqattr.mq_flags = 0; /* a blocking queue */ consmq = mq_open(consqname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, modecmq, &cmqattr); if (consmq == -1 ) { perror("mq_open() failed"); exit(1); } int conscount; while(1) { mq_receive(consmq, (char *) &conscount, sizeof(int), 0); if(conscount!=0) { //Decrement counter if all of the numbers produced still haven't been consumed conscount--; mq_send(consmq, (char *)&conscount, sizeof(int), 0); int number; if ((mq_receive(qdes, (char *) &number, sizeof(int), 0)) == -1) { perror("mq_receive() failed"); } else { //Check if the number received meets the print conditions as mentioned in the manual if(is_square(number) == 1) { int res = sqrt(number); printf("%i %i %i\n", id, number, res); } } } //Last number to be consumed else { mq_send(consmq, (char *)&conscount, sizeof(int), 0); break; } } if (mq_close(qdes) == -1) { perror("mq_close() failed"); exit(2); } if (mq_close(consmq) == -1) { perror("mq_close() failed"); exit(2); } return 0; }