예제 #1
Text::FontDescriptor FontConfig::GetDescriptor()
	std::string filename(String("FontFile"));

	float pointSize = Float("PointSize");
	if (!is_zero_general(pointSize))
		return Text::FontDescriptor(filename, pointSize);

	int pixelWidth = Int("PixelWidth");
	int pixelHeight = Int("PixelHeight");
	bool outline = Int("Outline") ? true : false;
	float advanceXAdjustment = Float("AdvanceXAdjustment");
	return Text::FontDescriptor(filename, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, outline, advanceXAdjustment);
예제 #2
void DynamicBody::UpdateInterpolatedTransform(double alpha)
	// interpolating matrices like this is a sure sign of madness
	vector3d outPos = alpha*vector3d(m_orient[12], m_orient[13], m_orient[14]) +
			(1.0-alpha)*vector3d(m_oldOrient[12], m_oldOrient[13], m_oldOrient[14]);

	m_interpolatedTransform = m_oldOrient;
		double len = m_oldAngDisplacement.Length() * double(alpha);
		if (! is_zero_general(len)) {
			vector3d rotAxis = m_oldAngDisplacement.Normalized();
			matrix4x4d rotMatrix = matrix4x4d::RotateMatrix(len,
					rotAxis.x, rotAxis.y, rotAxis.z);
			m_interpolatedTransform = rotMatrix * m_interpolatedTransform;
	m_interpolatedTransform[12] = outPos.x;
	m_interpolatedTransform[13] = outPos.y;
	m_interpolatedTransform[14] = outPos.z;
예제 #3
	FontDescriptor FontDescriptor::Load(FileSystem::FileSource &fs, const std::string &path, float scale_x, float scale_y)
		IniConfig cfg;
		// set defaults
		cfg.SetInt("PixelWidth", 12);
		cfg.SetInt("PixelHeight", 12);
		cfg.SetInt("AdvanceXAdjustment", 0);
		cfg.Read(fs, path);

		const float pointSize = cfg.Float("PointSize");
		if (!is_zero_general(pointSize))
			return FontDescriptor(cfg.String("FontFile"), pointSize);

		return FontDescriptor(
			cfg.Int("PixelWidth") / scale_x,
			cfg.Int("PixelHeight") / scale_y,
			cfg.Int("Outline") ? true : false,
예제 #4
void PlayerShipController::PollControls(const float timeStep, const bool force_rotation_damping, int *mouseMotion)
	static bool stickySpeedKey = false;
	if (m_controlsLocked) return;

	// if flying

		vector3d wantAngVel(0.0);
		double angThrustSoftness = 10.0;

		const float linearThrustPower = (KeyBindings::thrustLowPower.IsActive() ? m_lowThrustPower : 1.0f);

		// have to use this function. SDL mouse position event is bugged in windows
		if (Pi::MouseButtonState(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT))
			const matrix3x3d &rot = m_ship->GetOrient();
			if (!m_mouseActive) {
				m_mouseDir = -rot.VectorZ();	// in world space
				m_mouseX = m_mouseY = 0;
				m_mouseActive = true;
			vector3d objDir = m_mouseDir * rot;

			const double radiansPerPixel = 0.00002 * m_fovY;
			const int maxMotion = std::max(abs(mouseMotion[0]), abs(mouseMotion[1]));
			const double accel = Clamp(maxMotion / 4.0, 0.0, 90.0 / m_fovY);

			m_mouseX += mouseMotion[0] * accel * radiansPerPixel;
			double modx = clipmouse(objDir.x, m_mouseX);
			m_mouseX -= modx;

			const bool invertY = (Pi::IsMouseYInvert() ? !m_invertMouse : m_invertMouse);

			m_mouseY += mouseMotion[1] * accel * radiansPerPixel * (invertY ? -1 : 1);
			double mody = clipmouse(objDir.y, m_mouseY);
			m_mouseY -= mody;

			if(!is_zero_general(modx) || !is_zero_general(mody)) {
				matrix3x3d mrot = matrix3x3d::RotateY(modx) * matrix3x3d::RotateX(mody);
				m_mouseDir = (rot * (mrot * objDir)).Normalized();
		else m_mouseActive = false;

		if (m_flightControlState == CONTROL_FIXSPEED) {
			double oldSpeed = m_setSpeed;
			if (stickySpeedKey) {
				if (!(KeyBindings::increaseSpeed.IsActive() || KeyBindings::decreaseSpeed.IsActive())) {
					stickySpeedKey = false;

			if (!stickySpeedKey) {
				if (KeyBindings::increaseSpeed.IsActive())
					m_setSpeed += std::max(fabs(m_setSpeed)*0.05, 1.0);
				if (KeyBindings::decreaseSpeed.IsActive())
					m_setSpeed -= std::max(fabs(m_setSpeed)*0.05, 1.0);
				if ( ((oldSpeed < 0.0) && (m_setSpeed >= 0.0)) ||
						((oldSpeed > 0.0) && (m_setSpeed <= 0.0)) ) {
					// flipped from going forward to backwards. make the speed 'stick' at zero
					// until the player lets go of the key and presses it again
					stickySpeedKey = true;
					m_setSpeed = 0;

		if (KeyBindings::thrustForward.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(2, -linearThrustPower);
		if (KeyBindings::thrustBackwards.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(2, linearThrustPower);
		if (KeyBindings::thrustUp.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(1, linearThrustPower);
		if (KeyBindings::thrustDown.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(1, -linearThrustPower);
		if (KeyBindings::thrustLeft.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(0, -linearThrustPower);
		if (KeyBindings::thrustRight.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(0, linearThrustPower);

		if (KeyBindings::fireLaser.IsActive() || (Pi::MouseButtonState(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) && Pi::MouseButtonState(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT))) {
				//XXX worldview? madness, ask from ship instead
				m_ship->SetGunState(Pi::worldView->GetActiveWeapon(), 1);

		if (KeyBindings::yawLeft.IsActive()) wantAngVel.y += 1.0;
		if (KeyBindings::yawRight.IsActive()) wantAngVel.y += -1.0;
		if (KeyBindings::pitchDown.IsActive()) wantAngVel.x += -1.0;
		if (KeyBindings::pitchUp.IsActive()) wantAngVel.x += 1.0;
		if (KeyBindings::rollLeft.IsActive()) wantAngVel.z += 1.0;
		if (KeyBindings::rollRight.IsActive()) wantAngVel.z -= 1.0;
		if (KeyBindings::killRot.IsActive()) SetFlightControlState(CONTROL_FIXHEADING_KILLROT);

		if (KeyBindings::thrustLowPower.IsActive())
			angThrustSoftness = 50.0;

		vector3d changeVec;
		changeVec.x = KeyBindings::pitchAxis.GetValue();
		changeVec.y = KeyBindings::yawAxis.GetValue();
		changeVec.z = KeyBindings::rollAxis.GetValue();

		// Deadzone more accurate
		for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
				if (fabs(changeVec[axis]) < m_joystickDeadzone)
					changeVec[axis] = changeVec[axis] * 2.0;
		wantAngVel += changeVec;

		if (wantAngVel.Length() >= 0.001 || force_rotation_damping || m_rotationDamping) {
			if (Pi::game->GetTimeAccel()!=Game::TIMEACCEL_1X) {
				for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++)
					wantAngVel[axis] = wantAngVel[axis] * Pi::game->GetInvTimeAccelRate();

			m_ship->AIModelCoordsMatchAngVel(wantAngVel, angThrustSoftness);

		if (m_mouseActive) m_ship->AIFaceDirection(m_mouseDir);
예제 #5
bool AICmdDock::TimeStepUpdate()
	if (!ProcessChild()) return false;
	if (!m_target) return true;
	if (m_state == 1) m_state = 2;				// finished moving into dock start pos
	if (m_ship->GetFlightState() != Ship::FLYING) {		// todo: should probably launch if docked with something else
		return true; // docked, hopefully

	// if we're not close to target, do a flyto first
	double targdist = m_target->GetPositionRelTo(m_ship).Length();
	if (targdist > m_target->GetBoundingRadius() * VICINITY_MUL * 1.5) {
		m_child = new AICmdFlyTo(m_ship, m_target);
		ProcessChild(); return false;

	int port = m_target->GetMyDockingPort(m_ship);
	if (port == -1) {
		std::string msg;
		m_target->GetDockingClearance(m_ship, msg);
		port = m_target->GetMyDockingPort(m_ship);
		if (port == -1) { m_ship->AIMessage(Ship::AIERROR_REFUSED_PERM); return true; }

	// state 0,2: Get docking data
	if (m_state == 0 || m_state == 2 || m_state == 4) {
		const SpaceStationType *type = m_target->GetSpaceStationType();
		SpaceStationType::positionOrient_t dockpos;
		type->GetShipApproachWaypoints(port, (m_state==0)?1:2, dockpos);
		matrix4x4d trot; m_target->GetRotMatrix(trot);
		if (m_state != 2) m_dockpos = trot * dockpos.pos + m_target->GetPosition();
		m_dockdir = (trot * dockpos.xaxis.Cross(dockpos.yaxis)).Normalized();
		m_dockupdir = (trot * dockpos.yaxis).Normalized();		// don't trust these enough
		if (type->dockMethod == SpaceStationType::ORBITAL) m_dockupdir = -m_dockupdir;

	if (m_state == 1) {			// fly to first docking waypoint
		m_child = new AICmdFlyTo(m_ship, m_target->GetFrame(), m_dockpos, 0.0, false);
		ProcessChild(); return false;

	// second docking waypoint
	vector3d targpos = GetPosInFrame(m_ship->GetFrame(), m_target->GetFrame(), m_dockpos);
	vector3d relpos = targpos - m_ship->GetPosition();
	vector3d reldir = relpos.NormalizedSafe();
	vector3d relvel = m_ship->GetVelocityRelTo(m_target);
	double maxdecel = GetMaxDecel(m_ship, reldir, 0, 0);
	maxdecel -= GetGravityAtPos(m_target->GetFrame(), m_dockpos);
	m_ship->AIMatchPosVel2(reldir, relpos.Length(), relvel, 0.0, maxdecel);

	// massive pile of crap needed to get updir right outside the frame
	Frame *sframe = m_target->GetFrame();
	double ang = sframe->GetAngVelocity().Length() * Pi::game->GetTimeStep();
	matrix4x4d m; Frame::GetFrameTransform(sframe, m_ship->GetFrame(), m);
	if (!is_zero_general(ang) && sframe != m_ship->GetFrame()) {
		vector3d axis = sframe->GetAngVelocity().Normalized();
		m = m * matrix4x4d::RotateMatrix(ang, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
	vector3d updir = m.ApplyRotationOnly(m_dockupdir);
	bool fin = m_ship->AIFaceOrient(m_dockdir, updir);
	if (m_state < 5 && fin && m_ship->GetWheelState() >= 1.0f) m_state++;

printf("AICmdDock dist = %.1f, speed = %.1f, ythrust = %.2f, state = %i\n",
	targdist, relvel.Length(), m_ship->GetThrusterState().y, m_state);

	return false;
예제 #6
void Box::Layout()
	if (m_children.size() == 0) return;


	const Point boxSize = GetSize();

	Point::Component vc, fc;
	GetComponentsForOrient(m_orient == BOX_HORIZONTAL, vc, fc);

	float sizeRemaining = boxSize[vc] - (m_spacing * (m_children.size()-1));

	Point childPos(0);

	// the largest equal share each child can have
	const float maxChildSize = boxSize[vc]/m_children.size();

	for (std::list<Child>::iterator i = m_children.begin(); i != m_children.end(); ++i) {
		(*i).padding = 0;

		float childSize = 0;

		// if we have enough room to give _everyone_ what they want, do it
		if (boxSize[vc] >= m_preferredSize[vc])
			childSize = (*i).preferredSize[vc];

		// if this child wants less than their share, give it to them
		else if (maxChildSize >= (*i).preferredSize[vc])
			childSize = (*i).preferredSize[vc];

		// otherwise they get their share
			childSize = maxChildSize;

		(*i).size[vc] = childSize;
		(*i).size[fc] = boxSize[fc];

		sizeRemaining -= childSize;

		if (m_countExpanded == 0) {
			SetWidgetDimensions((*i).widget, childPos, (*i).size);
			childPos[vc] += childSize + m_spacing;

	if (m_countExpanded > 0) {
		int candidates = m_countExpanded;

		while (candidates > 0 && sizeRemaining > 0 && !is_zero_general(sizeRemaining)) {
			float allocation = sizeRemaining / candidates;

			for (std::list<Child>::iterator i = m_children.begin(); i != m_children.end(); ++i) {
				if (!((*i).flags & BOX_EXPAND)) continue;

				float amountAdded;
				if (!((*i).flags & BOX_FILL)) {
					(*i).padding += allocation * 0.5;
					amountAdded = allocation;
				else {
					(*i).size[vc] += allocation;
					amountAdded = allocation;

				sizeRemaining -= amountAdded;

		for (std::list<Child>::iterator i = m_children.begin(); i != m_children.end(); ++i) {
			Point pos = childPos;
			pos[vc] += (*i).padding;

			SetWidgetDimensions((*i).widget, pos, (*i).size);

			childPos[vc] = pos[vc] + (*i).size[vc] + (*i).padding + m_spacing;
