예제 #1
// load toplevel expressions, from (file ...)
void jl_load_file_expr(char *fname, jl_value_t *ast)
    jl_array_t *b = ((jl_expr_t*)ast)->args;
    size_t i;
    volatile size_t lineno=0;
    if (((jl_expr_t*)ast)->head == jl_continue_sym) {
        jl_errorf("syntax error: %s", jl_string_data(jl_exprarg(ast,0)));
    JL_TRY {
        // handle syntax error
        if (((jl_expr_t*)ast)->head == error_sym) {
        for(i=0; i < b->length; i++) {
            // process toplevel form
            jl_value_t *form = jl_cellref(b, i);
            if (jl_is_linenode(form)) {
                lineno = jl_linenode_line(form);
            else {
                (void)jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 0, &lineno);
    JL_CATCH {
        jl_value_t *fn=NULL, *ln=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH(&fn, &ln);
        fn = jl_pchar_to_string(fname, strlen(fname));
        ln = jl_box_long(lineno);
        jl_raise(jl_new_struct(jl_loaderror_type, fn, ln,
예제 #2
파일: toplevel.c 프로젝트: certik/julia
jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_expr_t *ex, int *plineno)
    assert(ex->head == module_sym);
    jl_module_t *last_module = jl_current_module;
    jl_sym_t *name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 0);
    if (!jl_is_symbol(name)) {
        jl_type_error("module", (jl_value_t*)jl_sym_type, (jl_value_t*)name);
    if (name == jl_current_module->name) {
        jl_errorf("module name %s conflicts with enclosing module", name->name);
    jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, name);
    if (b->value != NULL) {
        JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "Warning: redefinition of module %s ignored\n",
        return jl_nothing;
    jl_module_t *newm = jl_new_module(name);
    b->value = (jl_value_t*)newm;
    if (jl_current_module == jl_core_module && name == jl_symbol("Base")) {
        // pick up Base module during bootstrap, and stay within it
        // after loading.
        jl_base_module = last_module = newm;
    jl_current_module = newm;

    jl_array_t *exprs = ((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 1))->args;
    JL_TRY {
        for(int i=0; i < exprs->length; i++) {
            // process toplevel form
            jl_value_t *form = jl_cellref(exprs, i);
            if (jl_is_linenode(form)) {
                if (plineno)
                    *plineno = jl_linenode_line(form);
            else {
                (void)jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 0, plineno);
    JL_CATCH {
        jl_current_module = last_module;
    jl_current_module = last_module;
    return jl_nothing;
예제 #3
파일: builtins.c 프로젝트: yvesfr/julia
// load toplevel expressions, from (file ...)
void jl_load_file_expr(char *fname, jl_value_t *ast)
    jl_array_t *b = ((jl_expr_t*)ast)->args;
    size_t i;
    volatile size_t lineno=0;
    if (((jl_expr_t*)ast)->head == jl_continue_sym) {
        jl_errorf("syntax error: %s", jl_string_data(jl_exprarg(ast,0)));
    char oldcwd[512];
    char newcwd[512];
    get_cwd(oldcwd, sizeof(oldcwd));
    char *sep = strrchr(fname, PATHSEP);
    if (sep) {
        size_t n = (sep - fname)+1;
        if (n > sizeof(newcwd)-1) n = sizeof(newcwd)-1;
        strncpy(newcwd, fname, n);
        newcwd[n] = '\0';
    JL_TRY {
        // handle syntax error
        if (((jl_expr_t*)ast)->head == error_sym) {
        for(i=0; i < b->length; i++) {
            // process toplevel form
            jl_value_t *form = jl_cellref(b, i);
            if (jl_is_linenode(form)) {
                lineno = jl_linenode_line(form);
            else {
                (void)jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 0, &lineno);
    JL_CATCH {
        if (sep) set_cwd(oldcwd);
        jl_value_t *fn=NULL, *ln=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH(&fn, &ln);
        fn = jl_pchar_to_string(fname, strlen(fname));
        ln = jl_box_long(lineno);
        jl_raise(jl_new_struct(jl_loaderror_type, fn, ln,
    if (sep) set_cwd(oldcwd);
예제 #4
JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_method_init_properties(jl_method_t *m)
    jl_lambda_info_t *li = m->lambda_template;
    jl_value_t *body1 = skip_meta((jl_array_t*)li->code);
    if (jl_is_linenode(body1)) {
        m->line = jl_linenode_line(body1);
    else if (jl_is_expr(body1) && ((jl_expr_t*)body1)->head == line_sym) {
        m->file = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(body1, 1);
        m->line = jl_unbox_long(jl_exprarg(body1, 0));

    int i;
    uint8_t called=0;
    for(i=1; i < li->nargs && i <= 8; i++) {
        jl_value_t *ai = jl_array_ptr_ref(li->slotnames,i);
        if (ai == (jl_value_t*)unused_sym) continue;
        if (jl_array_uint8_ref(li->slotflags,i)&64)
            called |= (1<<(i-1));
    m->called = called;
예제 #5
파일: toplevel.c 프로젝트: fpepin/julia
jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_expr_t *ex, int *plineno)
    assert(ex->head == module_sym);
    jl_module_t *last_module = jl_current_module;
    jl_sym_t *name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 0);
    if (!jl_is_symbol(name)) {
        jl_type_error("module", (jl_value_t*)jl_sym_type, (jl_value_t*)name);
    jl_module_t *parent_module;
    if (jl_current_module == jl_core_module ||
        jl_current_module == jl_main_module) {
        parent_module = jl_root_module;
    else {
        parent_module = jl_current_module;
    jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(parent_module, name);
    if (b->value != NULL) {
        JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "Warning: replacing module %s\n", name->name);
    jl_module_t *newm = jl_new_module(name);
    newm->parent = (jl_value_t*)parent_module;
    b->value = (jl_value_t*)newm;
    if (parent_module == jl_root_module && name == jl_symbol("Base") &&
        jl_base_module == NULL) {
        // pick up Base module during bootstrap
        jl_base_module = newm;
    jl_current_module = newm;

    jl_array_t *exprs = ((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 1))->args;
    JL_TRY {
        for(int i=0; i < exprs->length; i++) {
            // process toplevel form
            jl_value_t *form = jl_cellref(exprs, i);
            if (jl_is_linenode(form)) {
                if (plineno)
                    *plineno = jl_linenode_line(form);
            else {
                (void)jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 1, plineno);
    JL_CATCH {
        jl_current_module = last_module;
    jl_current_module = last_module;

    size_t i;
    void **table = newm->bindings.table;
    for(i=1; i < newm->bindings.size; i+=2) {
        if (table[i] != HT_NOTFOUND) {
            jl_binding_t *b = (jl_binding_t*)table[i];
            // remove non-exported macros
            if (b->name->name[0]=='@' && !b->exportp)
                b->value = NULL;
            // error for unassigned exports
            if (b->exportp && b->owner==newm && b->value==NULL)
                jl_errorf("identifier %s exported from %s is not initialized",
                          b->name->name, newm->name->name);
    return jl_nothing;
예제 #6
static jl_value_t *eval(jl_value_t *e, jl_value_t **locals, size_t nl, size_t ngensym)
    if (jl_is_symbol(e)) {
        jl_value_t *v;
        size_t i;
        for(i=0; i < nl; i++) {
            if (locals[i*2] == e) {
                v = locals[i*2+1];
        if (i >= nl) {
            v = jl_get_global(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)e);
        if (v == NULL) {
        return v;
    if (jl_is_symbolnode(e)) {
        return eval((jl_value_t*)jl_symbolnode_sym(e), locals, nl, ngensym);
    if (jl_is_gensym(e)) {
        ssize_t genid = ((jl_gensym_t*)e)->id;
        if (genid >= ngensym || genid < 0)
            jl_error("access to invalid GenSym location");
            return locals[nl*2 + genid];
    if (jl_is_quotenode(e)) {
        return jl_fieldref(e,0);
    if (jl_is_topnode(e)) {
        jl_sym_t *s = (jl_sym_t*)jl_fieldref(e,0);
        jl_value_t *v = jl_get_global(jl_base_relative_to(jl_current_module),s);
        if (v == NULL)
        return v;
    if (!jl_is_expr(e)) {
        if (jl_is_globalref(e)) {
            jl_value_t *gfargs[2] = {(jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_mod(e), (jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_name(e)};
            return jl_f_get_field(NULL, gfargs, 2);
        if (jl_is_lambda_info(e)) {
            jl_lambda_info_t *li = (jl_lambda_info_t*)e;
            if (jl_boot_file_loaded && li->ast && jl_is_expr(li->ast)) {
                li->ast = jl_compress_ast(li, li->ast);
                jl_gc_wb(li, li->ast);
            return (jl_value_t*)jl_new_closure(NULL, (jl_value_t*)jl_emptysvec, li);
        if (jl_is_linenode(e)) {
            jl_lineno = jl_linenode_line(e);
        if (jl_is_newvarnode(e)) {
            jl_value_t *var = jl_fieldref(e,0);
            for(size_t i=0; i < nl; i++) {
                if (locals[i*2] == var) {
                    locals[i*2+1] = NULL;
            return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
        return e;
    jl_expr_t *ex = (jl_expr_t*)e;
    jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ex->args);
    size_t nargs = jl_array_len(ex->args);
    if (ex->head == call_sym) {
        if (jl_is_lambda_info(args[0])) {
            // directly calling an inner function ("let")
            jl_lambda_info_t *li = (jl_lambda_info_t*)args[0];
            if (jl_is_expr(li->ast) && !jl_lam_vars_captured((jl_expr_t*)li->ast) &&
                !jl_has_intrinsics((jl_expr_t*)li->ast, (jl_expr_t*)li->ast, jl_current_module)) {
                size_t na = nargs-1;
                if (na == 0)
                    return jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk(li);
                jl_array_t *formals = jl_lam_args((jl_expr_t*)li->ast);
                size_t nreq = jl_array_len(formals);
                if (nreq==0 || !jl_is_rest_arg(jl_cellref(formals,nreq-1))) {
                    jl_value_t **ar;
                    JL_GC_PUSHARGS(ar, na*2);
                    for(int i=0; i < na; i++) {
                        ar[i*2+1] = eval(args[i+1], locals, nl, ngensym);
                        jl_gc_wb(ex->args, ar[i*2+1]);
                    if (na != nreq) {
                        jl_error("wrong number of arguments");
                    for(int i=0; i < na; i++) {
                        jl_value_t *v = jl_cellref(formals, i);
                        ar[i*2] = (jl_is_gensym(v)) ? v : (jl_value_t*)jl_decl_var(v);
                    jl_value_t *ret = jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk_with(li, ar, na);
                    return ret;
        jl_function_t *f = (jl_function_t*)eval(args[0], locals, nl, ngensym);
        if (jl_is_func(f))
            return do_call(f, &args[1], nargs-1, NULL, locals, nl, ngensym);
            return do_call(jl_module_call_func(jl_current_module), args, nargs, (jl_value_t*)f, locals, nl, ngensym);
    else if (ex->head == assign_sym) {
        jl_value_t *sym = args[0];
        jl_value_t *rhs = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        if (jl_is_gensym(sym)) {
            ssize_t genid = ((jl_gensym_t*)sym)->id;
            if (genid >= ngensym || genid < 0)
                jl_error("assignment to invalid GenSym location");
            locals[nl*2 + genid] = rhs;
            return rhs;
        if (jl_is_symbol(sym)) {
            size_t i;
            for (i=0; i < nl; i++) {
                if (locals[i*2] == sym) {
                    locals[i*2+1] = rhs;
                    return rhs;
        jl_module_t *m = jl_current_module;
        if (jl_is_globalref(sym)) {
            m = jl_globalref_mod(sym);
            sym = (jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_name(sym);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(m, (jl_sym_t*)sym);
        jl_checked_assignment(b, rhs);
        return rhs;
    else if (ex->head == new_sym) {
        jl_value_t *thetype = eval(args[0], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_value_t *v=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH2(&thetype, &v);
        v = jl_new_struct_uninit((jl_datatype_t*)thetype);
        for(size_t i=1; i < nargs; i++) {
            jl_set_nth_field(v, i-1, eval(args[i], locals, nl, ngensym));
        return v;
    else if (ex->head == null_sym) {
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == body_sym) {
        return eval_body(ex->args, locals, nl, ngensym, 0, 0);
    else if (ex->head == exc_sym) {
        return jl_exception_in_transit;
    else if (ex->head == static_typeof_sym) {
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type;
    else if (ex->head == method_sym) {
        jl_sym_t *fname = (jl_sym_t*)args[0];
        jl_value_t **bp=NULL;
        jl_value_t *bp_owner=NULL;
        jl_binding_t *b=NULL;
        jl_value_t *gf=NULL;
        int kw=0;
        if (jl_is_expr(fname) || jl_is_globalref(fname)) {
            if (jl_is_expr(fname) && ((jl_expr_t*)fname)->head == kw_sym) {
                kw = 1;
                fname = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(fname, 0);
            gf = eval((jl_value_t*)fname, locals, nl, ngensym);
            if (jl_is_expr(fname))
                fname = (jl_sym_t*)jl_fieldref(jl_exprarg(fname, 2), 0);
            bp = &gf;
        else {
            for (size_t i=0; i < nl; i++) {
                if (locals[i*2] == (jl_value_t*)fname) {
                    bp = &locals[i*2+1];
            if (bp == NULL) {
                b = jl_get_binding_for_method_def(jl_current_module, fname);
                bp = &b->value;
                bp_owner = (jl_value_t*)jl_current_module;
        if (jl_expr_nargs(ex) == 1)
            return jl_generic_function_def(fname, bp, bp_owner, b);
        jl_value_t *atypes=NULL, *meth=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH2(&atypes, &meth);
        atypes = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        if (jl_is_lambda_info(args[2])) {
            jl_check_static_parameter_conflicts((jl_lambda_info_t*)args[2], (jl_svec_t*)jl_svecref(atypes,1), fname);
        meth = eval(args[2], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_method_def(fname, bp, bp_owner, b, (jl_svec_t*)atypes, (jl_function_t*)meth, args[3], NULL, kw);
        return *bp;
    else if (ex->head == copyast_sym) {
        return jl_copy_ast(eval(args[0], locals, nl, ngensym));
    else if (ex->head == const_sym) {
        jl_value_t *sym = args[0];
        for (size_t i=0; i < nl; i++) {
            if (locals[i*2] == sym) {
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)sym);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == global_sym) {
        // create uninitialized mutable binding for "global x" decl
        // TODO: handle type decls
        for (size_t i=0; i < jl_array_len(ex->args); i++) {
            jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)args[i]);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == abstracttype_sym) {
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *para = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_value_t *super = NULL;
        jl_value_t *temp = NULL;
        jl_datatype_t *dt = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH4(&para, &super, &temp, &dt);
        dt = jl_new_abstracttype(name, jl_any_type, (jl_svec_t*)para);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        temp = b->value;
        b->value = (jl_value_t*)dt;
        jl_gc_wb_binding(b, dt);
        super = eval(args[2], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        b->value = temp;
        if (temp==NULL || !equiv_type(dt, (jl_datatype_t*)temp)) {
            jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == bitstype_sym) {
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *super = NULL, *para = NULL, *vnb = NULL, *temp = NULL;
        jl_datatype_t *dt = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH4(&para, &super, &temp, &dt);
        para = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        vnb  = eval(args[2], locals, nl, ngensym);
        if (!jl_is_long(vnb))
            jl_errorf("invalid declaration of bits type %s", ((jl_sym_t*)name)->name);
        ssize_t nb = jl_unbox_long(vnb);
        if (nb < 1 || nb>=(1<<23) || (nb&7) != 0)
            jl_errorf("invalid number of bits in type %s",
        dt = jl_new_bitstype(name, jl_any_type, (jl_svec_t*)para, nb);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        temp = b->value;
        b->value = (jl_value_t*)dt;
        jl_gc_wb_binding(b, dt);
        super = eval(args[3], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        b->value = temp;
        if (temp==NULL || !equiv_type(dt, (jl_datatype_t*)temp)) {
            jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == compositetype_sym) {
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *para = eval(args[1], locals, nl, ngensym);
        jl_value_t *temp = NULL;
        jl_value_t *super = NULL;
        jl_datatype_t *dt = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH4(&para, &super, &temp, &dt);
        temp = eval(args[2], locals, nl, ngensym);  // field names
        dt = jl_new_datatype((jl_sym_t*)name, jl_any_type, (jl_svec_t*)para,
                             (jl_svec_t*)temp, NULL,
                             0, args[5]==jl_true ? 1 : 0, jl_unbox_long(args[6]));

        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        temp = b->value;  // save old value
        // temporarily assign so binding is available for field types
        b->value = (jl_value_t*)dt;

        JL_TRY {
            // operations that can fail
            inside_typedef = 1;
            dt->types = (jl_svec_t*)eval(args[4], locals, nl, ngensym);
            jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->types);
            inside_typedef = 0;
            for(size_t i=0; i < jl_svec_len(dt->types); i++) {
                jl_value_t *elt = jl_svecref(dt->types, i);
                if (!jl_is_type(elt) && !jl_is_typevar(elt))
                    jl_type_error_rt(dt->name->name->name, "type definition", (jl_value_t*)jl_type_type, elt);
            super = eval(args[3], locals, nl, ngensym);
            jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        JL_CATCH {
            b->value = temp;
        for(size_t i=0; i < jl_svec_len(para); i++) {
            ((jl_tvar_t*)jl_svecref(para,i))->bound = 0;
        if (para == (jl_value_t*)jl_emptysvec && jl_is_datatype_singleton(dt)) {
            dt->instance = newstruct(dt);
            jl_gc_wb(dt, dt->instance);

        b->value = temp;
        if (temp==NULL || !equiv_type(dt, (jl_datatype_t*)temp)) {
            jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        else {
            // TODO: remove all old ctors and set temp->name->ctor_factory = dt->name->ctor_factory

        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
예제 #7
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: ararslan/julia
// parse and eval a whole file, possibly reading from a string (`content`)
jl_value_t *jl_parse_eval_all(const char *fname,
                              const char *content, size_t contentlen,
                              jl_module_t *inmodule)
    jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
    if (ptls->in_pure_callback)
        jl_error("cannot use include inside a generated function");
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    value_t f, ast, expression;
    size_t len = strlen(fname);
    f = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, fname, len);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &f);
    if (content != NULL) {
        value_t t = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, content, contentlen);
        fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &t);
        ast = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 2, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parse-string-stream")), t, f);
        fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    else {
        assert(memchr(fname, 0, len) == NULL); // was checked already in jl_load
        ast = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parse-file")), f);
    fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    if (ast == fl_ctx->F) {
        jl_errorf("could not open file %s", fname);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &ast);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &expression);

    int last_lineno = jl_lineno;
    const char *last_filename = jl_filename;
    size_t last_age = jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age;
    jl_lineno = 0;
    jl_filename = fname;
    jl_module_t *old_module = ctx->module;
    ctx->module = inmodule;
    jl_value_t *form = NULL;
    jl_value_t *result = jl_nothing;
    int err = 0;
    JL_GC_PUSH2(&form, &result);
    JL_TRY {
        assert(iscons(ast) && car_(ast) == symbol(fl_ctx, "toplevel"));
        ast = cdr_(ast);
        while (iscons(ast)) {
            expression = car_(ast);
                if (fl_ctx->T == fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "contains-macrocall")), expression)) {
                    form = scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, expression, inmodule);
                    form = jl_expand_macros(form, inmodule, NULL, 0);
                    expression = julia_to_scm(fl_ctx, form);
                // expand non-final expressions in statement position (value unused)
                expression =
                    fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1,
                              symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, iscons(cdr_(ast)) ? "jl-expand-to-thunk-stmt" : "jl-expand-to-thunk")),
            jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = jl_world_counter;
            form = scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, expression, inmodule);
            jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = jl_world_counter;
            if (jl_is_linenode(form))
                jl_lineno = jl_linenode_line(form);
                result = jl_toplevel_eval_flex(inmodule, form, 1, 1);
            ast = cdr_(ast);
    JL_CATCH {
        form = jl_pchar_to_string(fname, len);
        result = jl_box_long(jl_lineno);
        err = 1;
    jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = last_age;
    jl_lineno = last_lineno;
    jl_filename = last_filename;
    fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 2);
    ctx->module = old_module;
    if (err) {
        if (jl_loaderror_type == NULL)
            jl_rethrow_other(jl_new_struct(jl_loaderror_type, form, result,
    return result;
예제 #8
파일: interpreter.c 프로젝트: HarlanH/julia
static jl_value_t *eval(jl_value_t *e, jl_value_t **locals, size_t nl)
    if (jl_is_symbol(e)) {
        jl_value_t *v;
        size_t i;
        for(i=0; i < nl; i++) {
            if (locals[i*2] == e) {
                v = locals[i*2+1];
        if (i >= nl) {
            v = jl_get_global(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)e);
        if (v == NULL) {
            jl_errorf("%s not defined", ((jl_sym_t*)e)->name);
        return v;
    if (jl_is_symbolnode(e)) {
        return eval((jl_value_t*)jl_symbolnode_sym(e), locals, nl);
    if (jl_is_quotenode(e)) {
        return jl_fieldref(e,0);
    if (jl_is_topnode(e)) {
        jl_sym_t *s = (jl_sym_t*)jl_fieldref(e,0);
        jl_value_t *v = jl_get_global(jl_base_relative_to(jl_current_module),s);
        if (v == NULL)
            jl_errorf("%s not defined", s->name);
        return v;
    if (!jl_is_expr(e)) {
        if (jl_is_getfieldnode(e)) {
            jl_value_t *v = eval(jl_getfieldnode_val(e), locals, nl);
            jl_value_t *gfargs[2] = {v, (jl_value_t*)jl_getfieldnode_name(e)};
            return jl_f_get_field(NULL, gfargs, 2);
        if (jl_is_lambda_info(e)) {
            return (jl_value_t*)jl_new_closure(NULL, (jl_value_t*)jl_null,
        if (jl_is_linenode(e)) {
            jl_lineno = jl_linenode_line(e);
        return e;
    jl_expr_t *ex = (jl_expr_t*)e;
    jl_value_t **args = &jl_cellref(ex->args,0);
    size_t nargs = jl_array_len(ex->args);
    if (ex->head == call_sym ||  ex->head == call1_sym) {
        jl_function_t *f = (jl_function_t*)eval(args[0], locals, nl);
        if (!jl_is_func(f))
            jl_type_error("apply", (jl_value_t*)jl_function_type,
        return do_call(f, &args[1], nargs-1, locals, nl);
    else if (ex->head == assign_sym) {
        jl_value_t *sym = args[0];
        size_t i;
        for (i=0; i < nl; i++) {
            if (locals[i*2] == sym) {
                return (locals[i*2+1] = eval(args[1], locals, nl));
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)sym);
        jl_value_t *rhs = eval(args[1], locals, nl);
        jl_checked_assignment(b, rhs);
        return rhs;
    else if (ex->head == new_sym) {
        jl_value_t *thetype = eval(args[0], locals, nl);
        jl_value_t *v=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH(&thetype, &v);
        v = jl_new_struct_uninit((jl_datatype_t*)thetype);
        for(size_t i=1; i < nargs; i++) {
            jl_set_nth_field(v, i-1, eval(args[i], locals, nl));
        return v;
    else if (ex->head == null_sym) {
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == body_sym) {
        return eval_body(ex->args, locals, nl, 0);
    else if (ex->head == exc_sym) {
        return jl_exception_in_transit;
    else if (ex->head == static_typeof_sym) {
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type;
    else if (ex->head == method_sym) {
        jl_sym_t *fname = (jl_sym_t*)args[0];
        jl_value_t **bp=NULL;
        jl_binding_t *b=NULL;
        jl_value_t *gf=NULL;
        int kw=0;
        if (jl_is_expr(fname)) {
            if (((jl_expr_t*)fname)->head == kw_sym) {
                kw = 1;
                fname = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(fname, 0);
            gf = eval((jl_value_t*)fname, locals, nl);
            if (!kw) {
                fname = (jl_sym_t*)jl_fieldref(jl_exprarg(fname, 2), 0);
                bp = &gf;
            else {
                bp = (jl_value_t**)&((jl_methtable_t*)((jl_function_t*)gf)->env)->kwsorter;
        else {
            for (size_t i=0; i < nl; i++) {
                if (locals[i*2] == (jl_value_t*)fname) {
                    bp = &locals[i*2+1];
            if (bp == NULL) {
                b = jl_get_binding_for_method_def(jl_current_module, fname);
                bp = &b->value;
        jl_value_t *atypes=NULL, *meth=NULL, *tvars=NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH(&atypes, &meth, &tvars);
        atypes = eval(args[1], locals, nl);
        meth = eval(args[2], locals, nl);
        tvars = eval(args[3], locals, nl);
        jl_method_def(fname, bp, b, (jl_tuple_t*)atypes,
                      (jl_function_t*)meth, (jl_tuple_t*)tvars);
        return *bp;
    else if (ex->head == const_sym) {
        jl_value_t *sym = args[0];
        for (size_t i=0; i < nl; i++) {
            if (locals[i*2] == sym) {
                return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)sym);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == global_sym) {
        // create uninitialized mutable binding for "global x" decl
        // TODO: handle type decls
        for (size_t i=0; i < jl_array_len(ex->args); i++) {
            jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)args[i]);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == abstracttype_sym) {
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *para = eval(args[1], locals, nl);
        jl_value_t *super = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH(&para, &super);
        jl_datatype_t *dt =
            jl_new_abstracttype(name, jl_any_type, (jl_tuple_t*)para);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        super = eval(args[2], locals, nl);
        jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == bitstype_sym) {
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *super = NULL, *para = NULL, *vnb = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH(&para, &super, &vnb);
        para = eval(args[1], locals, nl);
        vnb  = eval(args[2], locals, nl);
        if (!jl_is_long(vnb))
            jl_errorf("invalid declaration of bits type %s", ((jl_sym_t*)name)->name);
        int32_t nb = jl_unbox_long(vnb);
        if (nb < 1 || nb>=(1<<23) || (nb&7) != 0)
            jl_errorf("invalid number of bits in type %s",
        jl_datatype_t *dt =
            jl_new_bitstype(name, jl_any_type, (jl_tuple_t*)para, nb);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        super = eval(args[3], locals, nl);
        jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == compositetype_sym) {
        void jl_add_constructors(jl_datatype_t *t);
        jl_value_t *name = args[0];
        jl_value_t *para = eval(args[1], locals, nl);
        jl_value_t *fnames = NULL;
        jl_value_t *super = NULL;
        jl_datatype_t *dt = NULL;
        JL_GC_PUSH(&para, &super, &fnames, &dt);
        fnames = eval(args[2], locals, nl);
        dt = jl_new_datatype((jl_sym_t*)name, jl_any_type, (jl_tuple_t*)para,
                             (jl_tuple_t*)fnames, NULL,
                             0, args[6]==jl_true ? 1 : 0);
        dt->fptr = jl_f_ctor_trampoline;
        dt->ctor_factory = eval(args[3], locals, nl);
        jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding_wr(jl_current_module, (jl_sym_t*)name);
        jl_checked_assignment(b, (jl_value_t*)dt);
        inside_typedef = 1;
        dt->types = (jl_tuple_t*)eval(args[5], locals, nl);
        inside_typedef = 0;
        jl_check_type_tuple(dt->types, dt->name->name, "type definition");
        super = eval(args[4], locals, nl);
        jl_set_datatype_super(dt, super);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == macro_sym) {
        jl_sym_t *nm = (jl_sym_t*)args[0];
        jl_function_t *f = (jl_function_t*)eval(args[1], locals, nl);
        if (jl_boot_file_loaded &&
            f->linfo && f->linfo->ast && jl_is_expr(f->linfo->ast)) {
            jl_lambda_info_t *li = f->linfo;
            li->ast = jl_compress_ast(li, li->ast);
            li->name = nm;
        jl_set_global(jl_current_module, nm, (jl_value_t*)f);
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == line_sym) {
        jl_lineno = jl_unbox_long(jl_exprarg(ex,0));
        return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
    else if (ex->head == module_sym) {
        return jl_eval_module_expr(ex);
    else if (ex->head == error_sym || ex->head == jl_continue_sym) {
        if (jl_is_byte_string(args[0]))
            jl_errorf("syntax: %s", jl_string_data(args[0]));
    jl_errorf("unsupported or misplaced expression %s", ex->head->name);
    return (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing;
예제 #9
// `v` might be pointing to a field inlined in a structure therefore
// `jl_typeof(v)` may not be the same with `vt` and only `vt` should be
// used to determine the type of the value.
// This is necessary to make sure that this function doesn't allocate any
// memory through the Julia GC
static size_t jl_static_show_x_(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v, jl_datatype_t *vt,
                                struct recur_list *depth)
    size_t n = 0;
    if ((uintptr_t)vt < 4096U) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "<?#%p::%p>", (void*)v, (void*)vt);
    else if ((uintptr_t)v < 4096U) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "<?#%p::", (void*)v);
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)vt, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ">");
    else if (vt == jl_method_type) {
        jl_method_t *m = (jl_method_t*)v;
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)m->module, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ".%s(...)", jl_symbol_name(m->name));
    else if (vt == jl_method_instance_type) {
        jl_method_instance_t *li = (jl_method_instance_t*)v;
        if (jl_is_method(li->def.method)) {
            jl_method_t *m = li->def.method;
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)m->module, depth);
            if (li->specTypes) {
                n += jl_printf(out, ".");
                n += jl_show_svec(out, ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(li->specTypes))->parameters,
                                  jl_symbol_name(m->name), "(", ")");
            else {
                n += jl_printf(out, ".%s(?)", jl_symbol_name(m->name));
        else {
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)li->def.module, depth);
            n += jl_printf(out, ".<toplevel thunk> -> ");
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, li->inferred, depth);
    else if (vt == jl_simplevector_type) {
        n += jl_show_svec(out, (jl_svec_t*)v, "svec", "(", ")");
    else if (vt == jl_datatype_type) {
        jl_datatype_t *dv = (jl_datatype_t*)v;
        jl_sym_t *globname = dv->name->mt != NULL ? dv->name->mt->name : NULL;
        int globfunc = 0;
        if (globname && !strchr(jl_symbol_name(globname), '#') &&
            !strchr(jl_symbol_name(globname), '@') && dv->name->module &&
            jl_binding_resolved_p(dv->name->module, globname)) {
            jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_binding(dv->name->module, globname);
            if (b && jl_typeof(b->value) == v)
                globfunc = 1;
        jl_sym_t *sym = globfunc ? globname : dv->name->name;
        char *sn = jl_symbol_name(sym);
        int hidden = !globfunc && strchr(sn, '#');
        size_t i = 0;
        int quote = 0;
        if (hidden) {
            n += jl_printf(out, "getfield(");
        else if (globfunc) {
            n += jl_printf(out, "typeof(");
        if (dv->name->module != jl_core_module || !jl_module_exports_p(jl_core_module, sym)) {
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)dv->name->module, depth);
            if (!hidden) {
                n += jl_printf(out, ".");
                if (globfunc && !jl_id_start_char(u8_nextchar(sn, &i))) {
                    n += jl_printf(out, ":(");
                    quote = 1;
        if (hidden) {
            n += jl_printf(out, ", Symbol(\"");
            n += jl_printf(out, "%s", sn);
            n += jl_printf(out, "\"))");
        else {
            n += jl_printf(out, "%s", sn);
            if (globfunc) {
                n += jl_printf(out, ")");
                if (quote)
                    n += jl_printf(out, ")");
        if (dv->parameters && (jl_value_t*)dv != dv->name->wrapper &&
            (jl_has_free_typevars(v) ||
             (jl_value_t*)dv != (jl_value_t*)jl_tuple_type)) {
            size_t j, tlen = jl_nparams(dv);
            if (tlen > 0) {
                n += jl_printf(out, "{");
                for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) {
                    jl_value_t *p = jl_tparam(dv,j);
                    n += jl_static_show_x(out, p, depth);
                    if (j != tlen-1)
                        n += jl_printf(out, ", ");
                n += jl_printf(out, "}");
            else if (dv->name == jl_tuple_typename) {
                n += jl_printf(out, "{}");
    else if (vt == jl_intrinsic_type) {
        int f = *(uint32_t*)jl_data_ptr(v);
        n += jl_printf(out, "#<intrinsic #%d %s>", f, jl_intrinsic_name(f));
    else if (vt == jl_int64_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRId64, *(int64_t*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_int32_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRId32, *(int32_t*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_int16_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRId16, *(int16_t*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_int8_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRId8, *(int8_t*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_uint64_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "0x%016" PRIx64, *(uint64_t*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_uint32_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "0x%08" PRIx32, *(uint32_t*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_uint16_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "0x%04" PRIx16, *(uint16_t*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_uint8_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "0x%02" PRIx8, *(uint8_t*)v);
    else if (jl_is_cpointer_type((jl_value_t*)vt)) {
#ifdef _P64
        n += jl_printf(out, "0x%016" PRIx64, *(uint64_t*)v);
        n += jl_printf(out, "0x%08" PRIx32, *(uint32_t*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_float32_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "%gf", *(float*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_float64_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "%g", *(double*)v);
    else if (vt == jl_bool_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "%s", *(uint8_t*)v ? "true" : "false");
    else if ((jl_value_t*)vt == jl_typeof(jl_nothing)) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "nothing");
    else if (vt == jl_string_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "\"");
        jl_uv_puts(out, jl_string_data(v), jl_string_len(v)); n += jl_string_len(v);
        n += jl_printf(out, "\"");
    else if (v == jl_bottom_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "Union{}");
    else if (vt == jl_uniontype_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "Union{");
        while (jl_is_uniontype(v)) {
            // tail-recurse on b to flatten the printing of the Union structure in the common case
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, ((jl_uniontype_t*)v)->a, depth);
            n += jl_printf(out, ", ");
            v = ((jl_uniontype_t*)v)->b;
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, v, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, "}");
    else if (vt == jl_unionall_type) {
        jl_unionall_t *ua = (jl_unionall_t*)v;
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, ua->body, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, " where ");
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)ua->var, depth->prev);
    else if (vt == jl_tvar_type) {
        // show type-var bounds only if they aren't going to be printed by UnionAll later
        jl_tvar_t *var = (jl_tvar_t*)v;
        struct recur_list *p;
        int showbounds = 1;
        for (p = depth; p != NULL; p = p->prev) {
            if (jl_is_unionall(p->v) && ((jl_unionall_t*)p->v)->var == var) {
                showbounds = 0;
        jl_value_t *lb = var->lb, *ub = var->ub;
        if (showbounds && lb != jl_bottom_type) {
            // show type-var lower bound if it is defined
            int ua = jl_is_unionall(lb);
            if (ua)
                n += jl_printf(out, "(");
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, lb, depth);
            if (ua)
                n += jl_printf(out, ")");
            n += jl_printf(out, "<:");
        n += jl_printf(out, "%s", jl_symbol_name(var->name));
        if (showbounds && (ub != (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || lb != jl_bottom_type)) {
            // show type-var upper bound if it is defined, or if we showed the lower bound
            int ua = jl_is_unionall(ub);
            n += jl_printf(out, "<:");
            if (ua)
                n += jl_printf(out, "(");
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, ub, depth);
            if (ua)
                n += jl_printf(out, ")");
    else if (vt == jl_module_type) {
        jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)v;
        if (m->parent != m && m->parent != jl_main_module) {
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)m->parent, depth);
            n += jl_printf(out, ".");
        n += jl_printf(out, "%s", jl_symbol_name(m->name));
    else if (vt == jl_sym_type) {
        char *sn = jl_symbol_name((jl_sym_t*)v);
        int quoted = !jl_is_identifier(sn) && jl_operator_precedence(sn) == 0;
        if (quoted)
            n += jl_printf(out, "Symbol(\"");
            n += jl_printf(out, ":");
        n += jl_printf(out, "%s", sn);
        if (quoted)
            n += jl_printf(out, "\")");
    else if (vt == jl_ssavalue_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "SSAValue(%" PRIuPTR ")",
    else if (vt == jl_globalref_type) {
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)jl_globalref_mod(v), depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ".%s", jl_symbol_name(jl_globalref_name(v)));
    else if (vt == jl_labelnode_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRIuPTR ":", jl_labelnode_label(v));
    else if (vt == jl_gotonode_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "goto %" PRIuPTR, jl_gotonode_label(v));
    else if (vt == jl_quotenode_type) {
        jl_value_t *qv = *(jl_value_t**)v;
        if (!jl_is_symbol(qv)) {
            n += jl_printf(out, "quote ");
        else {
            n += jl_printf(out, ":(");
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, qv, depth);
        if (!jl_is_symbol(qv)) {
            n += jl_printf(out, " end");
        else {
            n += jl_printf(out, ")");
    else if (vt == jl_newvarnode_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "<newvar ");
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, *(jl_value_t**)v, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ">");
    else if (vt == jl_linenumbernode_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "#= ");
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_linenode_file(v), depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ":%" PRIuPTR " =#", jl_linenode_line(v));
    else if (vt == jl_expr_type) {
        jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)v;
        if (e->head == assign_sym && jl_array_len(e->args) == 2) {
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,0), depth);
            n += jl_printf(out, " = ");
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,1), depth);
        else {
            char sep = ' ';
            if (e->head == body_sym)
                sep = '\n';
            n += jl_printf(out, "Expr(:%s", jl_symbol_name(e->head));
            size_t i, len = jl_array_len(e->args);
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                n += jl_printf(out, ",%c", sep);
                n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,i), depth);
            n += jl_printf(out, ")::");
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, e->etype, depth);
    else if (jl_is_array_type(vt)) {
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)vt, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, "[");
        size_t j, tlen = jl_array_len(v);
        jl_array_t *av = (jl_array_t*)v;
        jl_datatype_t *el_type = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam0(vt);
        int nlsep = 0;
        if (av->flags.ptrarray) {
            // print arrays with newlines, unless the elements are probably small
            for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) {
                jl_value_t *p = jl_array_ptr_ref(av, j);
                if (p != NULL && (uintptr_t)p >= 4096U) {
                    jl_value_t *p_ty = jl_typeof(p);
                    if ((uintptr_t)p_ty >= 4096U) {
                        if (!jl_isbits(p_ty)) {
                            nlsep = 1;
        if (nlsep && tlen > 1)
            n += jl_printf(out, "\n  ");
        for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) {
            if (av->flags.ptrarray) {
                n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_array_ptr_ref(v, j), depth);
            else {
                char *ptr = ((char*)av->data) + j * av->elsize;
                n += jl_static_show_x_(out, (jl_value_t*)ptr, el_type, depth);
            if (j != tlen - 1)
                n += jl_printf(out, nlsep ? ",\n  " : ", ");
        n += jl_printf(out, "]");
    else if (vt == jl_loaderror_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "LoadError(at ");
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, *(jl_value_t**)v, depth);
        // Access the field directly to avoid allocation
        n += jl_printf(out, " line %" PRIdPTR, ((intptr_t*)v)[1]);
        n += jl_printf(out, ": ");
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, ((jl_value_t**)v)[2], depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ")");
    else if (vt == jl_errorexception_type) {
        n += jl_printf(out, "ErrorException(");
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, *(jl_value_t**)v, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ")");
    else if (jl_is_datatype(vt)) {
        int istuple = jl_is_tuple_type(vt);
        if (!istuple)
            n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)vt, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, "(");
        size_t nb = jl_datatype_size(vt);
        size_t tlen = jl_datatype_nfields(vt);
        if (nb > 0 && tlen == 0) {
            uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)v;
            n += jl_printf(out, "0x");
            for(int i = nb - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                n += jl_printf(out, "%02" PRIx8, data[i]);
        else {
            size_t i = 0;
            if (vt == jl_typemap_entry_type)
                i = 1;
            for (; i < tlen; i++) {
                if (!istuple) {
                    n += jl_printf(out, "%s", jl_symbol_name(jl_field_name(vt, i)));
                    n += jl_printf(out, "=");
                size_t offs = jl_field_offset(vt, i);
                char *fld_ptr = (char*)v + offs;
                if (jl_field_isptr(vt, i)) {
                    n += jl_static_show_x(out, *(jl_value_t**)fld_ptr, depth);
                else {
                    jl_datatype_t *ft = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type(vt, i);
                    if (jl_is_uniontype(ft)) {
                        uint8_t sel = ((uint8_t*)fld_ptr)[jl_field_size(vt, i) - 1];
                        ft = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_nth_union_component((jl_value_t*)ft, sel);
                    n += jl_static_show_x_(out, (jl_value_t*)fld_ptr, ft, depth);
                if (istuple && tlen == 1)
                    n += jl_printf(out, ",");
                else if (i != tlen - 1)
                    n += jl_printf(out, ", ");
            if (vt == jl_typemap_entry_type) {
                n += jl_printf(out, ", next=↩︎\n  ");
                n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_fieldref(v, 0), depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ")");
    else {
        n += jl_printf(out, "<?#%p::", (void*)v);
        n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)vt, depth);
        n += jl_printf(out, ">");
    return n;
예제 #10
파일: alloc.c 프로젝트: Blisse/julia
jl_lambda_info_t *jl_new_lambda_info(jl_value_t *ast, jl_svec_t *tvars, jl_svec_t *sparams,
                                     jl_module_t *ctx)
    jl_lambda_info_t *li =
    li->ast = ast;
    li->rettype = (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type;
    li->file = null_sym;
    li->module = ctx;
    li->sparam_syms = tvars;
    li->sparam_vals = sparams;
    li->tfunc = jl_nothing;
    li->fptr = NULL;
    li->jlcall_api = 0;
    li->roots = NULL;
    li->functionObjects.functionObject = NULL;
    li->functionObjects.specFunctionObject = NULL;
    li->functionObjects.cFunctionList = NULL;
    li->functionID = 0;
    li->specFunctionID = 0;
    li->specTypes = NULL;
    li->inferred = 0;
    li->inInference = 0;
    li->inCompile = 0;
    li->unspecialized = NULL;
    li->specializations = NULL;
    li->name = anonymous_sym;
    li->def = li;
    li->line = 0;
    li->pure = 0;
    li->called = 0xff;
    li->needs_sparam_vals_ducttape = 0;
    if (ast && jl_is_expr(ast)) {
        jl_array_t *body = jl_lam_body((jl_expr_t*)ast)->args;
        if (has_meta(body, pure_sym))
            li->pure = 1;
        jl_value_t *body1 = skip_meta(body);
        if (jl_is_linenode(body1)) {
            li->file = jl_linenode_file(body1);
            li->line = jl_linenode_line(body1);
        else if (jl_is_expr(body1) && ((jl_expr_t*)body1)->head == line_sym) {
            li->file = (jl_sym_t*)jl_exprarg(body1, 1);
            li->line = jl_unbox_long(jl_exprarg(body1, 0));
        jl_array_t *vis = jl_lam_vinfo((jl_expr_t*)li->ast);
        jl_array_t *args = jl_lam_args((jl_expr_t*)li->ast);
        size_t narg = jl_array_len(args);
        uint8_t called=0;
        int i, j=0;
        for(i=1; i < narg && i <= 8; i++) {
            jl_value_t *ai = jl_cellref(args,i);
            if (ai == (jl_value_t*)unused_sym || !jl_is_symbol(ai)) continue;
            jl_value_t *vj;
            do {
                vj = jl_cellref(vis, j++);
            } while (jl_cellref(vj,0) != ai);

            if (jl_unbox_long(jl_cellref(vj,2))&64)
                called |= (1<<(i-1));
        li->called = called;
        if (tvars != jl_emptysvec)
            if (jl_has_intrinsics(li, (jl_expr_t*)ast, ctx))
                li->needs_sparam_vals_ducttape = 1;
    return li;
예제 #11
파일: ast.c 프로젝트: Dominick-A/julia
// parse and eval a whole file, possibly reading from a string (`content`)
jl_value_t *jl_parse_eval_all(const char *fname,
                              const char *content, size_t contentlen)
    if (in_pure_callback)
        jl_error("cannot use include inside a generated function");
    jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx_enter();
    fl_context_t *fl_ctx = &ctx->fl;
    value_t f, ast;
    size_t len = strlen(fname);
    f = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, fname, len);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &f);
    if (content != NULL) {
        value_t t = cvalue_static_cstrn(fl_ctx, content, contentlen);
        fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &t);
        ast = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 2, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parse-string-stream")), t, f);
        fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    else {
        assert(memchr(fname, 0, len) == NULL); // was checked already in jl_load
        ast = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-parse-file")), f);
    fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    if (ast == fl_ctx->F) {
        jl_errorf("could not open file %s", fname);
    fl_gc_handle(fl_ctx, &ast);

    int last_lineno = jl_lineno;
    const char *last_filename = jl_filename;
    jl_lineno = 0;
    jl_filename = fname;
    jl_array_t *roots = NULL;
    jl_array_t **old_roots = ctx->roots;
    ctx->roots = &roots;
    jl_value_t *form=NULL, *result=jl_nothing;
    int err = 0;
    JL_GC_PUSH3(&roots, &form, &result);
    JL_TRY {
        assert(iscons(ast) && car_(ast) == symbol(fl_ctx,"toplevel"));
        ast = cdr_(ast);
        while (iscons(ast)) {
            value_t expansion = fl_applyn(fl_ctx, 1, symbol_value(symbol(fl_ctx, "jl-expand-to-thunk")), car_(ast));
            form = scm_to_julia(fl_ctx, expansion, 0);
            jl_sym_t *head = NULL;
            if (jl_is_expr(form)) head = ((jl_expr_t*)form)->head;
            if (head == jl_incomplete_sym)
                jl_errorf("syntax: %s", jl_string_data(jl_exprarg(form,0)));
            else if (head == error_sym)
            else if (head == line_sym)
                jl_lineno = jl_unbox_long(jl_exprarg(form,0));
            else if (jl_is_linenode(form))
                jl_lineno = jl_linenode_line(form);
                result = jl_toplevel_eval_flex(form, 1, 1);
            ast = cdr_(ast);
    JL_CATCH {
        form = jl_pchar_to_string(fname, len);
        result = jl_box_long(jl_lineno);
        err = 1;
    jl_lineno = last_lineno;
    jl_filename = last_filename;
    fl_free_gc_handles(fl_ctx, 1);
    ctx->roots = old_roots;
    if (err) {
        if (jl_loaderror_type == NULL)
            jl_rethrow_other(jl_new_struct(jl_loaderror_type, form, result,
    return result;
예제 #12
파일: builtins.c 프로젝트: Nagriar/julia
DLLEXPORT size_t jl_static_show(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v)
    // mimic jl_show, but never calling a julia method
    size_t n = 0;
    if (v == NULL) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<null>");
    else if (jl_is_lambda_info(v)) {
        jl_lambda_info_t *li = (jl_lambda_info_t*)v;
        n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)li->module);
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ".%s", li->name->name);
        if (li->specTypes) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)li->specTypes);
        else {
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "(?)");
    else if (jl_is_tuple(v)) {
        n += jl_show_tuple(out, (jl_tuple_t*)v, "(", ")", 1);
    else if (jl_is_vararg_type(v)) {
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_tparam0(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "...");
    else if (jl_is_datatype(v)) {
        jl_datatype_t *dv = (jl_datatype_t*)v;
        if (dv->name->module != jl_core_module) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)dv->name->module);
            JL_PUTS(".", out); n += 1;
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s", dv->name->name->name);
        if (dv->parameters) {
            size_t j, tlen = jl_tuple_len(dv->parameters);
            if (tlen > 0) {
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, "{");
                for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) {
                    jl_value_t *p = jl_tupleref(dv->parameters,j);
                    n += jl_static_show(out, p);
                    if (j != tlen-1)
                        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ", ");
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, "}");
    else if (jl_is_func(v)) {
        if (jl_is_gf(v)) {
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s", jl_gf_name(v)->name);
        else {
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<# function>");
    else if (jl_typeis(v, jl_intrinsic_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<# intrinsic function %d>", *(uint32_t*)jl_data_ptr(v));
    else if (jl_is_int64(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d", jl_unbox_int64(v));
    else if (jl_is_int32(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d", jl_unbox_int32(v));
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_int16_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d", jl_unbox_int16(v));
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_int8_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d", jl_unbox_int8(v));
    else if (jl_is_uint64(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%016x", jl_unbox_uint64(v));
    else if (jl_is_uint32(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%08x", jl_unbox_uint32(v));
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_uint16_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%04x", jl_unbox_uint16(v));
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_uint8_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%02x", jl_unbox_uint8(v));
    else if (jl_is_cpointer(v)) {
#ifdef _P64
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%016x", jl_unbox_voidpointer(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x%08x", jl_unbox_voidpointer(v));
    else if (jl_is_float32(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%g", jl_unbox_float32(v));
    else if (jl_is_float64(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%g", jl_unbox_float64(v));
    else if (v == jl_true) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "true");
    else if (v == jl_false) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "false");
    else if (jl_is_byte_string(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "\"%s\"", jl_iostr_data(v));
    else if (v == jl_bottom_type) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "Void");
    else if (jl_is_uniontype(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "Union");
        n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)((jl_uniontype_t*)v)->types);
    else if (jl_is_typector(v)) {
        n += jl_static_show(out, ((jl_typector_t*)v)->body);
    else if (jl_is_typevar(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s", ((jl_tvar_t*)v)->name->name);
    else if (jl_is_module(v)) {
        jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)v;
        if (m->parent != m && m->parent != jl_main_module) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)m->parent);
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, ".");
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s", m->name->name);
    else if (jl_is_symbol(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ":%s", ((jl_sym_t*)v)->name);
    else if (jl_is_symbolnode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%s::", jl_symbolnode_sym(v)->name);
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_symbolnode_type(v));
    else if (jl_is_getfieldnode(v)) {
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_getfieldnode_val(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ".%s", jl_getfieldnode_name(v)->name);
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "::");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_getfieldnode_type(v));
    else if (jl_is_labelnode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%d:", jl_labelnode_label(v));
    else if (jl_is_gotonode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "goto %d", jl_gotonode_label(v));
    else if (jl_is_quotenode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "quote ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v,0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, " end");
    else if (jl_is_newvarnode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<newvar ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v,0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ">");
    else if (jl_is_topnode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "top(");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v,0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")");
    else if (jl_is_linenode(v)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "# line %d", jl_linenode_line(v));
    else if (jl_is_expr(v)) {
        jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)v;
        if (e->head == assign_sym && jl_array_len(e->args) == 2) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, jl_exprarg(e,0));
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, " = ");
            n += jl_static_show(out, jl_exprarg(e,1));
        else {
            char sep = ' ';
            if (e->head == body_sym)
                sep = '\n';
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "Expr(:%s", e->head->name);
            size_t i, len = jl_array_len(e->args);
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, ",%c", sep);
                n += jl_static_show(out, jl_exprarg(e,i));
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")::");
            n += jl_static_show(out, e->etype);
    else if (jl_is_array(v)) {
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_typeof(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "[");
        size_t j, tlen = jl_array_len(v);
        for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) {
            n += jl_static_show(out, jl_arrayref((jl_array_t*)v,j));
            if (j != tlen-1)
               n += JL_PRINTF(out, ", ");
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "]");
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_loaderror_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "LoadError(at ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v, 0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, " line ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v, 1));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ": ");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v, 2));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")");
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_errorexception_type)) {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "ErrorException(");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_fieldref(v, 0));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")");
    else if (jl_is_datatype(jl_typeof(v))) {
        jl_datatype_t *t = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v);
        n += jl_static_show(out, (jl_value_t*)t);
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "(");
        size_t nb = jl_datatype_size(t);
        size_t tlen = jl_tuple_len(t->names);
        if (nb > 0 && tlen == 0) {
            char *data = (char*)jl_data_ptr(v);
            n += JL_PRINTF(out, "0x");
            for(int i=nb-1; i >= 0; --i)
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, "%02hhx", data[i]);
        else {
            jl_value_t *fldval=NULL;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < tlen; i++) {
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, ((jl_sym_t*)jl_tupleref(t->names, i))->name);
                //jl_fielddesc_t f = t->fields[i];
                n += JL_PRINTF(out, "=");
                fldval = jl_get_nth_field(v, i);
                n += jl_static_show(out, fldval);
                if (i != tlen-1)
                    n += JL_PRINTF(out, ", ");
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ")");
    else {
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, "<?::");
        n += jl_static_show(out, jl_typeof(v));
        n += JL_PRINTF(out, ">");
    return n;