예제 #1
void main( int argc, char **argv)
   double state_vect2[6], jd = atof( argv[3]);
   const int home_planet = atoi( argv[1]), planet_no = atoi( argv[2]);
   double dist = 0., pvsun[6];
   int i, pass, center = 12;
   void *p;
   char *filename;

   if( argc > 4)
      center = atoi( argv[4]);
   printf( "Year approx %.3lf\n", 2000. + (jd - 2451545.) / 365.25);
   filename = "d:\\guide_b\\jpl_eph\\sub_de.406";
   p = jpl_init_ephemeris( filename, NULL, NULL);
   if( !p)
      printf( "JPL data not loaded\n");
      exit( -1);
   jpl_pleph( p, jd, center, home_planet, state_vect2, 1);
   printf( "Observer state vector:\n");
   show_state_vector( state_vect2);
// for( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//    pvsun[i] = jpl_get_pvsun( p)[i];
   for( pass = 0; pass < 4; pass++)
      double state_vect[6], ang;
      char buff[30];

      jpl_pleph( p, jd - dist * AU_IN_KM / (SPEED_OF_LIGHT * 86400.),
                     center, planet_no, state_vect, 1);
      if( pass == 3)
         for( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            pvsun[i] = state_vect[i] + jpl_get_pvsun( p)[i];
//          pvsun[i] += state_vect[i];
         printf( "%.11lf %.11lf %.11lf\n", pvsun[0], pvsun[1], pvsun[2]);
         printf( "Dist to sun: %.11lf\n", vector_length( pvsun));
      for( i = 0; i < 6; i++)
         state_vect[i] -= state_vect2[i];
      dist = vector_length( state_vect);
      show_state_vector( state_vect);

      ang = atan2( state_vect[1], state_vect[0]) * 12. / PI;
      format_base_sixty( buff, ang + 12.);
      buff[15] = '\0';
      printf( "%s   ", buff + 1);      /* skip leading '+' */

      ang = -asin( state_vect[2] / dist) * 180. / PI;
      format_base_sixty( buff, ang);
      buff[14] = '\0';
      printf( "%s   %.11lf (%.3lf km)\n", buff, dist, dist * AU_IN_KM);
   jpl_close_ephemeris( p);
예제 #2
bool GetDe431Coor(const double jde, const int planet_id, double * xyz, const int centralBody_id)
	// This may return some error code!
	int jplresult=jpl_pleph(ephem, jde, planet_id, centralBody_id, tempXYZ, 0);

	switch (jplresult)
		case 0: // all OK.
			qDebug() << "GetDe431Coor: JPL_EPH_OUTSIDE_RANGE at jde" << jde << "for planet" << planet_id;
			return false;
			qDebug() << "GetDe431Coor: JPL_EPH_READ_ERROR at jde" << jde << "for planet" << planet_id;
			return false;
			qDebug() << "GetDe431Coor: JPL_EPH_QUANTITY_NOT_IN_EPHEMERIS at jde" << jde << "for planet" << planet_id;
			return false;
			qDebug() << "GetDe431Coor: JPL_EPH_INVALID_INDEX at jde" << jde << "for planet" << planet_id;
			return false;
			qDebug() << "GetDe431Coor: JPL_EPH_FSEEK_ERROR at jde" << jde << "for planet" << planet_id;
			return false;
		default: // Should never happen...
			qDebug() << "GetDe431Coor: unknown error" << jplresult << "at jde" << jde << "for planet" << planet_id;
			return false;

        tempICRF = Vec3d(tempXYZ[0], tempXYZ[1], tempXYZ[2]);
        tempECL = StelCore::matJ2000ToVsop87 * tempICRF;

        xyz[0] = tempECL[0];
        xyz[1] = tempECL[1];
        xyz[2] = tempECL[2];
	return true;
    return false;
예제 #3
Ephem_step(const double JD,
           unsigned char select_bodies[JPL_NUMDEFS],
           unsigned int origin,
           double (*statevec)[JPL_NUMDEFS][6])
    /* FIXME: (Rody Oldenhuis) put this in global struct or something */
    #define AU              (149597870.700)
    #define SECONDS_PER_DAY (86400.0)

    int err_code = 0;

    unsigned int i = 0u,
                 j = 0u;

    /* Compute relevant ephemeris */
    for (i=0u; i<JPL_NUMDEFS && err_code==0; ++i)
        if (select_bodies[i])
            err_code = jpl_pleph(ephem, JD, i+1u, origin,
                                 (*statevec)[i], 1);

            /* Convert units from AU to km, and AU/day to km/s */
            for (j=0u; j<3u; ++j) (*statevec)[i][j] *= AU;
            for (j=3u; j<6u; ++j) (*statevec)[i][j] *= AU/SECONDS_PER_DAY;
        else {
            for (j=0u; j<6u; ++j)
                (*statevec)[i][j] = 0.0;

    /* error condition */
    if (err_code != 0)
        /* Output error, and explicitly assign all-zero output values */
        for (i=0u; i<JPL_NUMDEFS; ++i)
            for (j=0u; j<6u; ++j)
                (*statevec)[i][j] = 0.0;

    return err_code;
예제 #4
static void get_rectang( void *jpleph, double *loc, double t_c, int planet_no)
   if( !planet_no)
      loc[0] = loc[1] = loc[2] = 0.;
      double tloc[6];
//    static int count = 100;

//    if( count)
//       {
//       count--;
//       printf( "t: %.5lf pl %d: ", t_c, planet_no);
//       }
      jpl_pleph( jpleph, t_c * 36525. + 2451545., planet_no, 11, tloc, 0);
//    if( count)
//       {
//       count--;
//       printf( "got it\n");
//       }
      memcpy( loc, tloc, 3 * sizeof( double));
예제 #5
int main( const int argc, const char **argv)
  char nams[JPL_MAX_N_CONSTANTS][6], buff[102];
  double vals[JPL_MAX_N_CONSTANTS];
  double max_err_found[10][6];
  int line,  n_failures[10];
  size_t i, j;
  unsigned n_constants, n_columns;
  int output_frequency = 100;
  const char *ephfile_name = argv[1];
  double start_jd, end_jd;
  double roundoff_error = 0.;
  bool report_all_errors = false;
  bool pause_on_errors = true;
  FILE *testfile;
  clock_t timer;
  void *ephem;
  const char *test_file_name = NULL;
#if defined( __GNUC__) && !defined( __MINGW32__)
   const char path_separator = '/';
   const char path_separator = '\\';
   const char *error_messages[7] = {
       "Result outside acceptable error tolerance",
       "Outside date range",
       "Read error",
       "Quantity not in index",
       "? Obsolete error;  shouldn't happen",
       "Invalid index",
       "Seek error" };
   const int n_errors = sizeof( error_messages) / sizeof( error_messages[0]);

/***** Write a fingerprint to the screen. ***********************************/

  setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  puts("\n JPL test-ephemeris program (v.1.2)\n"
       " C version translated from the original JPL FORTRAN code.\n");

   if( argc < 2)
      error_exit( -1);
   for( i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      for( j = 0; j < 6; j++)
         max_err_found[i][j] = 0.;

   for( i = 2; i < (size_t)argc; i++)
      if( argv[i][0] == '-')
         switch( argv[i][1])
            case 'a': case 'A':
               report_all_errors = true;
            case 'f': case 'F':
               output_frequency = atoi( argv[i] + 2);
            case 'n': case 'N':
               pause_on_errors = false;
            case 't': case 'T':
               test_file_name = argv[i] + 2;
               printf( "Unrecognized option '%s'\n", argv[i]);
               error_exit( -2);

/****** Print the ephemeris constants. **************************************/

  ephem = jpl_init_ephemeris( ephfile_name, nams, vals);
  if( !ephem)
     printf( "Ephemeris file '%s' not loaded\n", ephfile_name);
     printf( "Error code: %d\n", jpl_init_error_code( ));
     error_exit( -2);
      printf( "Ephemeris initialized\n");

   n_constants = (unsigned)jpl_get_long( ephem, JPL_EPHEM_N_CONSTANTS);
   printf( "%u constants\n", n_constants);
   if( n_constants > JPL_MAX_N_CONSTANTS)
      n_constants = JPL_MAX_N_CONSTANTS;
   start_jd = jpl_get_double( ephem, JPL_EPHEM_START_JD),
   end_jd =   jpl_get_double( ephem, JPL_EPHEM_END_JD),
   printf("%.9f  %.9f  %.9f\n", start_jd, end_jd,
                           jpl_get_double( ephem, JPL_EPHEM_STEP));
   n_columns = (n_constants + 1) / 2;
   for( i = 0; i < (size_t)n_columns; i++)
      printf("%.6s  %24.16E",nams[i],vals[i]);
      if( i + n_columns < n_constants)
         printf("   %.6s  %24.16E",nams[i + n_columns],vals[i + n_columns]);
      printf( "\n");

   printf( "emrat = %.15f      AU = %.5f\n",
                           jpl_get_double( ephem, JPL_EPHEM_EARTH_MOON_RATIO),
                           jpl_get_double( ephem, JPL_EPHEM_AU_IN_KM));

/****** Skip the test points file header comments.  *************************/
  if( test_file_name)
     strcpy( buff, test_file_name);
     const char *extension;

     strcpy( buff, ephfile_name);
     for( i = strlen( buff); i && buff[i - 1] != path_separator; i--)
     strcpy( buff + i, "testpo");
     extension = strchr( ephfile_name + i, '.');
     if( extension)
        strcat( buff + i, extension);
        sprintf( buff + strlen( buff), ".%3ld",
            jpl_get_long( ephem, JPL_EPHEM_EPHEMERIS_VERSION));

  testfile = fopen( buff, "r");
  if( !testfile)
     printf( "Test data file '%s' not found\n", buff);
     error_exit( -3);

   while( fgets( buff, 100, testfile) && memcmp( buff, "EOT", 3))

   puts(" LINE  JED    t# c# x#  --- JPL value ---   "
          "--- user value --   -- difference --");

   timer = clock( );
   for( i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      n_failures[i] = 0;
   while( fgets( buff, 100, testfile) != NULL)
     int err_code, ntarg, nctr, ncoord;
     double del, et;
     double r[6], xi, xi_computed;
     bool fatal_error = false, report_this_error = false;

/*****  Read a value from the test case; Skip if not within the time-range
        of the present version of the ephemeris.                            */
     if( sscanf( buff + 15," %lf %d %d %d %lf", &et, &ntarg, &nctr, &ncoord,
                       &xi) != 5)
        printf( "Failure to parse line %d:\n%s\n", line, buff);
        fatal_error = true;
        err_code = jpl_pleph(ephem, et, ntarg, nctr, r, 1);
        if( err_code > 0 || err_code < -n_errors)
           printf( "Internal error:  unknown error code %d\n", err_code);
           fatal_error = true;
        else if( !roundoff_error)
           char *tptr = strchr( buff + 30, '.');

           assert( tptr);
           roundoff_error = .5;
           while( *tptr >= '0' && *tptr <= '9')
              roundoff_error /= 10.;
     if( fatal_error)
        printf( "\nThis error shouldn't happen,  ever.  It indicates a bug\n");
        printf( "that should be fixed.\n");
        printf( "Please contact [email protected] and report this.\n");
        return( -1);
     xi_computed = r[ncoord - 1];
     del = fabs( xi_computed - xi);
     if( err_code)
        if( n_failures[-err_code] == 1 || report_all_errors)
           report_this_error = true;
        const double tolerance = max_accepted_error( ntarg, ncoord)
                               + fabs( xi) * 1e-14 + roundoff_error;
        const unsigned idx = (ntarg <= 13 ? 0 : ntarg - 13);

        if( max_err_found[idx][ncoord - 1] < del - tolerance)
           max_err_found[idx][ncoord - 1] = del - tolerance;
        if( del > tolerance)
           if( n_failures[-err_code] == 1 || report_all_errors)
              report_this_error = true;
              printf( "*****  warning : next difference >= tolerance *****\n");
              printf( "%s", buff);

     if( (!err_code && !(line % output_frequency)) || report_this_error)
        printf("%4d %10.1f %2d %2d %2d %25.20f %25.20f %22.20f\n",
               line,et,ntarg,nctr,ncoord,xi, xi_computed, xi_computed - xi);
     if( report_this_error)
        printf( "Error message: '%s'\n", error_messages[-err_code]);
        if( err_code == JPL_EPH_OUTSIDE_RANGE)
           const double J2000 = 2451545.;

           printf( "WARNING:  The test file tests items outside the range\n");
           printf( "of this ephemeris!\n");
           printf( "The input ephemeris file covers years from %.1f to %.1f.\n",
                 2000. + (start_jd - J2000) / 365.25,
                 2000. + (end_jd - J2000) / 365.25);
           printf( "The test is for the year %.1f\n",
                 2000. + (et - J2000) / 365.25);
           printf( "It's common for DE files to be built that cover a subset of the\n");
           printf( "range of the original ephemerides,  so this may not be an error.\n");
        if( !report_all_errors)
           printf( "  Further errors of this type won't be shown,  but you'll get a count\n");
           printf( "  of how many are found. (Use the '-a' switch to report all errors.)\n");
        if( pause_on_errors)
           printf( "  Hit any key:\n");
           getchar( );
   for( i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      for( j = 0; j < 6; j++)
         if( max_err_found[i][j])
            printf( "%d %d %.8e %c\n", (int)i, (int)j + 1, max_err_found[i][j],
                       (max_err_found[i][j] > 0.) ? '*' : ' ');

   printf( "%d lines read and tested in %.3f seconds\n", line,
           (double)( clock( ) - timer) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
   for( i = 0; i < (size_t)n_errors; i++)
      if( n_failures[i])
         printf( "%d lines failed with error code %d ('%s').\n",
                          n_failures[i], -(int)i, error_messages[i]);
   fclose( testfile);
   jpl_close_ephemeris( ephem);
   return( 0);
예제 #6
static int planet_posn_raw( int planet_no, const double jd,
                            double *vect_2000)
   static void *ps_1996_data[10];
   const int jpl_center = 11;         /* default to heliocentric */
   int i, rval = 0;
   static const char *jpl_filename = NULL;
   static void *jpl_eph = NULL;
   const int bc405_start = 100;
   const int calc_vel = (planet_no & PLANET_POSN_VELOCITY_FLAG) ? 1 : 0;

   if( !planet_no)            /* the sun */
      vect_2000[0] = vect_2000[1] = vect_2000[2] = 0.;
      if( !jd && jpl_eph)       /* return version data: */
         vect_2000[0] = (double)jpl_get_long( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_EPHEMERIS_VERSION);
         vect_2000[1] = jpl_get_double( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_START_JD);
         vect_2000[2] = jpl_get_double( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_END_JD);
      return( 0);

   if( planet_no >= bc405_start && planet_no < bc405_start + 300)
      double temp_loc[4];

      rval = asteroid_position_raw( planet_no - bc405_start, jd, temp_loc);
      if( debug_level > 8)
         debug_printf( "JD %f, minor planet %d: (%f %f %f)\n",
                     jd, planet_no, temp_loc[0], temp_loc[1], temp_loc[2]);
      memcpy( vect_2000, temp_loc, 3 * sizeof( double));
      return( rval);

   if( !jpl_filename)
      FILE *ifile;

#if defined (_WIN32) || defined( __WATCOMC__)
      jpl_filename = get_environment_ptr( "JPL_FILENAME");
      jpl_filename = get_environment_ptr( "LINUX_JPL_FILENAME");
      if( *jpl_filename)
         jpl_eph = jpl_init_ephemeris( jpl_filename, NULL, NULL);
      if( !jpl_eph)
         if( (ifile = fopen_ext( "jpl_eph.txt", "fcrb")) != NULL)
            char buff[100];

            while( !jpl_eph && fgets_trimmed( buff, sizeof( buff), ifile))
               if( *buff && *buff != ';')
                  jpl_eph = jpl_init_ephemeris( buff, NULL, NULL);
                  if( !jpl_eph)
                     char tname[255];

                     make_config_dir_name( tname, buff);
                     jpl_eph = jpl_init_ephemeris( tname, NULL, NULL);
            if( debug_level)
               debug_printf( "Ephemeris file %s\n", buff);
            fclose( ifile);
      if( debug_level && jpl_eph)
         debug_printf( "\nEphemeris time span years %.3f to %.3f\n",
               (jpl_get_double( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_START_JD) - J0) / 365.25,
               (jpl_get_double( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_END_JD)   - J0) / 365.25);
         debug_printf( "Ephemeris version %ld\n", jpl_get_long( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_EPHEMERIS_VERSION));
         debug_printf( "Kernel size %ld, record size %ld, swap_bytes %ld\n",
               jpl_get_long( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_KERNEL_SIZE),
               jpl_get_long( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_KERNEL_RECORD_SIZE),
               jpl_get_long( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_KERNEL_SWAP_BYTES));
         debug_printf( "ncon = %ld AU=%f emrat = %f\n",
               jpl_get_long( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_N_CONSTANTS),
               jpl_get_double( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_AU_IN_KM),
               jpl_get_double( jpl_eph, JPL_EPHEM_EARTH_MOON_RATIO));

   if( jpl_eph)
      double state[6];            /* DE gives both posn & velocity */
      int failure_code;

      if( planet_no < 0)          /* flag to unload everything */
         jpl_close_ephemeris( jpl_eph);
         jpl_eph = NULL;
         jpl_filename = NULL;
         return( 0);
      else if( planet_no == 10)
         failure_code = jpl_pleph( jpl_eph, jd, 10, 3, state, calc_vel);
         failure_code = jpl_pleph( jpl_eph, jd,
              (planet_no == 3) ? 13 : planet_no, jpl_center, state, calc_vel);
      if( !failure_code)         /* we're done */
         if( debug_level > 8)
            debug_printf( "JD %f, planet %d: (%f %f %f)\n",
                     jd, planet_no, state[0], state[1], state[2]);
         equatorial_to_ecliptic( state);
         memcpy( vect_2000, state + calc_vel, 3 * sizeof( double));
         return( 0);
         if( debug_level)
            debug_printf( "Failed: JD %f, planet %d, code %d\n",
                           jd, planet_no, failure_code);

   if( planet_no == 10)        /* the moon */
      double tloc[4];

      if( !compute_elp_xyz( NULL, (jd - J2000) / 36525., 0., tloc))
         for( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            vect_2000[i] = tloc[i] / AU_IN_KM;
         static int first_time = 1;

         rval = -3;
         if( first_time)
            generic_message_box( get_find_orb_text( 2019), "o");
         first_time = 0;
         compute_rough_planet_loc( (jd - J2000) / 36525., 10, vect_2000);
      return( rval);

   if( planet_no < 0)          /* flag to unload everything */
      for( i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         if( ps_1996_data[i])
            unload_ps1996_series( ps_1996_data[i]);
            ps_1996_data[i] = NULL;
      return( 0);

   if( !ps_1996_data[planet_no])
      ps_1996_data[planet_no] = load_ps1996_series( NULL, jd, planet_no);

   if( !ps_1996_data[planet_no])
      rval = -1;
   else if( get_ps1996_position( jd, ps_1996_data[planet_no], vect_2000, 0))
      unload_ps1996_series( ps_1996_data[planet_no]);
      ps_1996_data[planet_no] = load_ps1996_series( NULL, jd, planet_no);
      if( !ps_1996_data[planet_no])
         rval = -2;
      else if( get_ps1996_position( jd, ps_1996_data[planet_no], vect_2000, 0))
         rval = -3;

   if( !rval)
      equatorial_to_ecliptic( vect_2000);
      static int first_time = 1;

      if( first_time)
         generic_message_box( get_find_orb_text( 2020), "o");
         debug_printf( "Loading ps_1996: rval %d, planet %d, JD %f\n",
                  rval, planet_no, jd);
      first_time = 0;
      if( planet_no > 0 && planet_no < 9)
         compute_rough_planet_loc( (jd - J2000) / 36525., planet_no, vect_2000);

   return( rval);