static void LoadPlayerTemplate( PlayerTemplate *t, json_t *node, const int version) { strcpy(t->name, json_find_first_label(node, "Name")->child->text); t->Class = StrCharacterClass( json_find_first_label(node, "Face")->child->text); CASSERT(t->Class != NULL, "cannot find character class"); if (version == 1) { // Version 1 used integer palettes int skin, arms, body, legs, hair; LoadInt(&skin, node, "Skin"); LoadInt(&arms, node, "Arms"); LoadInt(&body, node, "Body"); LoadInt(&legs, node, "Legs"); LoadInt(&hair, node, "Hair"); ConvertCharacterColors(skin, arms, body, legs, hair, &t->Colors); } else { LoadColor(&t->Colors.Skin, node, "Skin"); LoadColor(&t->Colors.Arms, node, "Arms"); LoadColor(&t->Colors.Body, node, "Body"); LoadColor(&t->Colors.Legs, node, "Legs"); LoadColor(&t->Colors.Hair, node, "Hair"); } }
static void LoadStaticKeys(Mission *m, json_t *node, char *name) { CArrayInit(&m->u.Static.Keys, sizeof(KeyPositions)); json_t *keys = json_find_first_label(node, name); if (!keys || !keys->child) { return; } keys = keys->child; for (keys = keys->child; keys; keys = keys->next) { KeyPositions kp; LoadInt(&kp.Index, keys, "Index"); CArrayInit(&kp.Positions, sizeof(Vec2i)); json_t *positions = json_find_first_label(keys, "Positions"); if (!positions || !positions->child) { continue; } positions = positions->child; for (positions = positions->child; positions; positions = positions->next) { Vec2i pos; json_t *position = positions->child; pos.x = atoi(position->text); position = position->next; pos.y = atoi(position->text); CArrayPushBack(&kp.Positions, &pos); } CArrayPushBack(&m->u.Static.Keys, &kp); } }
void AutosaveLoad(Autosave *autosave, const char *filename) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); json_t *root = NULL; if (f == NULL) { printf("Error loading autosave '%s'\n", filename); goto bail; } if (json_stream_parse(f, &root) != JSON_OK) { printf("Error parsing autosave '%s'\n", filename); goto bail; } // Note: need to load missions before LastMission because the former // will overwrite the latter, since AutosaveAddMission also // writes to LastMission LoadMissionNodes(autosave, root, "Missions"); if (json_find_first_label(root, "LastMission")) { LoadMissionNode( &autosave->LastMission, json_find_first_label(root, "LastMission")->child); } bail: json_free_value(&root); if (f != NULL) { fclose(f); } }
static void LoadStaticCharacters(Mission *m, json_t *node, char *name) { CArrayInit(&m->u.Static.Characters, sizeof(CharacterPositions)); json_t *chars = json_find_first_label(node, name); if (!chars || !chars->child) { return; } chars = chars->child; for (chars = chars->child; chars; chars = chars->next) { CharacterPositions cp; LoadInt(&cp.Index, chars, "Index"); CArrayInit(&cp.Positions, sizeof(Vec2i)); json_t *positions = json_find_first_label(chars, "Positions"); if (!positions || !positions->child) { continue; } positions = positions->child; for (positions = positions->child; positions; positions = positions->next) { Vec2i pos; json_t *position = positions->child; pos.x = atoi(position->text); position = position->next; pos.y = atoi(position->text); CArrayPushBack(&cp.Positions, &pos); } CArrayPushBack(&m->u.Static.Characters, &cp); } }
void BulletLoadJSON( BulletClasses *bullets, CArray *classes, json_t *bulletNode) { int version; LoadInt(&version, bulletNode, "Version"); if (version > VERSION || version <= 0) { CASSERT(false, "cannot read bullets file version"); return; } // Defaults json_t *defaultNode = json_find_first_label(bulletNode, "DefaultBullet"); if (defaultNode != NULL) { BulletClassFree(&bullets->Default); LoadBullet(&bullets->Default, defaultNode->child, NULL); } json_t *bulletsNode = json_find_first_label(bulletNode, "Bullets")->child; for (json_t *child = bulletsNode->child; child; child = child->next) { BulletClass b; LoadBullet(&b, child, &bullets->Default); CArrayPushBack(classes, &b); } bullets->root = bulletNode; }
static void LoadMissionNode(MissionSave *m, json_t *node) { MissionSaveInit(m); LoadCampaignNode(&m->Campaign, json_find_first_label(node, "Campaign")->child); strcpy(m->Password, json_find_first_label(node, "Password")->child->text); LoadInt(&m->MissionsCompleted, node, "MissionsCompleted"); // Check that file exists m->IsValid = access(m->Campaign.Path, F_OK | R_OK) != -1; }
static void LoadPlayerTemplate(PlayerTemplate *t, json_t *node) { strcpy(t->name, json_find_first_label(node, "Name")->child->text); t->Looks.face = StrFaceIndex(json_find_first_label(node, "Face")->child->text); LoadInt(&t->Looks.body, node, "Body"); LoadInt(&t->Looks.arm, node, "Arms"); LoadInt(&t->Looks.leg, node, "Legs"); LoadInt(&t->, node, "Skin"); LoadInt(&t->, node, "Hair"); }
void WeaponLoadJSON(GunClasses *g, CArray *classes, json_t *root) { int version; LoadInt(&version, root, "Version"); if (version > VERSION || version <= 0) { CASSERT(false, "cannot read guns file version"); return; } GunDescription *defaultDesc = &g->Default; json_t *defaultNode = json_find_first_label(root, "DefaultGun"); if (defaultNode != NULL) { LoadGunDescription(defaultDesc, defaultNode->child, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < GUN_COUNT; i++) { CArrayPushBack(&g->Guns, defaultDesc); } } json_t *gunsNode = json_find_first_label(root, "Guns")->child; for (json_t *child = gunsNode->child; child; child = child->next) { GunDescription gd; LoadGunDescription(&gd, child, defaultDesc); int idx = -1; LoadInt(&idx, child, "Index"); CASSERT( !(idx >= 0 && idx < GUN_COUNT && classes != &g->Guns), "Cannot load gun with index as custom gun"); if (idx >= 0 && idx < GUN_COUNT && classes == &g->Guns) { memcpy(CArrayGet(&g->Guns, idx), &gd, sizeof gd); } else { CArrayPushBack(classes, &gd); } } json_t *pseudoGunsNode = json_find_first_label(root, "PseudoGuns"); if (pseudoGunsNode != NULL) { for (json_t *child = pseudoGunsNode->child->child; child; child = child->next) { GunDescription gd; LoadGunDescription(&gd, child, defaultDesc); gd.IsRealGun = false; CArrayPushBack(classes, &gd); } } }
static void LoadMissionNodes(Autosave *a, json_t *root, const char *nodeName) { json_t *child; if (json_find_first_label(root, nodeName) == NULL) { return; } child = json_find_first_label(root, nodeName)->child->child; while (child != NULL) { MissionSave m; LoadMissionNode(&m, child); AutosaveAddMission(a, &m); child = child->next; } }
void MapObjectsLoadJSON(CArray *classes, json_t *root) { int version; LoadInt(&version, root, "Version"); if (version > VERSION || version <= 0) { CASSERT(false, "cannot read map objects file version"); return; } json_t *pickupsNode = json_find_first_label(root, "MapObjects")->child; for (json_t *child = pickupsNode->child; child; child = child->next) { MapObject m; LoadMapObject(&m, child); CArrayPushBack(classes, &m); } ReloadDestructibles(&gMapObjects); // Load blood objects CArrayClear(&gMapObjects.Bloods); for (int i = 0;; i++) { char buf[CDOGS_FILENAME_MAX]; sprintf(buf, "blood%d", i); if (StrMapObject(buf) == NULL) { break; } char *tmp; CSTRDUP(tmp, buf); CArrayPushBack(&gMapObjects.Bloods, &tmp); } }
static void LoadGameConfigNode(GameConfig *config, json_t *node) { if (node == NULL) { return; } node = node->child; LoadBool(&config->FriendlyFire, node, "FriendlyFire"); config->RandomSeed = atoi(json_find_first_label(node, "RandomSeed")->child->text); JSON_UTILS_LOAD_ENUM(config->Difficulty, node, "Difficulty", StrDifficulty); LoadBool(&config->SlowMotion, node, "SlowMotion"); LoadInt(&config->EnemyDensity, node, "EnemyDensity"); LoadInt(&config->NonPlayerHP, node, "NonPlayerHP"); LoadInt(&config->PlayerHP, node, "PlayerHP"); LoadBool(&config->Fog, node, "Fog"); LoadInt(&config->SightRange, node, "SightRange"); LoadBool(&config->Shadows, node, "Shadows"); LoadBool(&config->MoveWhenShooting, node, "MoveWhenShooting"); JSON_UTILS_LOAD_ENUM( config->SwitchMoveStyle, node, "SwitchMoveStyle", StrSwitchMoveStyle); LoadBool(&config->ShotsPushback, node, "ShotsPushback"); JSON_UTILS_LOAD_ENUM( config->AllyCollision, node, "AllyCollision", StrAllyCollision); LoadBool(&config->HealthPickups, node, "HealthPickups"); }
bool getFilecacheType_method(LSHandle* lshandle, LSMessage *message, void *ctx) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); if (access_denied(message)) return true; char filename[MAXLINLEN]; // Extract the id argument from the message json_t *object = json_parse_document(LSMessageGetPayload(message)); json_t *type = json_find_first_label(object, "type"); if (!type || (type->child->type != JSON_STRING) || (strspn(type->child->text, ALLOWED_CHARS) != strlen(type->child->text))) { if (!LSMessageRespond(message, "{\"returnValue\": false, \"errorCode\": -1, \"errorText\": \"Invalid or missing type\"}", &lserror)) goto error; return true; } sprintf(filename, "/etc/palm/filecache_types/%s", type->child->text); return read_file(message, filename, true); error: LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); end: return false; }
int MapNewScanJSON(json_t *root, char **title, int *numMissions) { int err = 0; int version; LoadInt(&version, root, "Version"); if (version > MAP_VERSION || version <= 0) { err = -1; goto bail; } *title = GetString(root, "Title"); *numMissions = 0; if (version < 3) { for (json_t *missionNode = json_find_first_label(root, "Missions")->child->child; missionNode; missionNode = missionNode->next) { (*numMissions)++; } } else { LoadInt(numMissions, root, "Missions"); } bail: return err; }
static const MapObject *LoadMapObjectRef(json_t *itemNode, const int version) { if (version <= 3) { int idx; LoadInt(&idx, itemNode, "Index"); return IntMapObject(idx); } else { const char *moName = json_find_first_label(itemNode, "MapObject")->child->text; const MapObject *mo = StrMapObject(moName); if (mo == NULL && version <= 11 && StrEndsWith(moName, " spawner")) { char buf[256]; // Old version had same name for ammo and gun spawner char itemName[256]; strncpy(itemName, moName, strlen(moName) - strlen(" spawner")); itemName[strlen(moName) - strlen(" spawner")] = '\0'; snprintf(buf, 256, "%s ammo spawner", itemName); mo = StrMapObject(buf); } if (mo == NULL) { LOG(LM_MAP, LL_ERROR, "Failed to load map object (%s)", moName); } return mo; } }
void LoadPlayerTemplates( CArray *templates, const CharacterClasses *classes, const char *filename) { // Note: not used, but included in function to express dependency CASSERT(classes->Classes.size > 0, "cannot load player templates without character classes"); json_t *root = NULL; int version = 1; // initialise templates CArrayInit(templates, sizeof(PlayerTemplate)); FILE *f = fopen(GetConfigFilePath(filename), "r"); if (!f) { printf("Error loading player templates '%s'\n", filename); goto bail; } if (json_stream_parse(f, &root) != JSON_OK) { printf("Error parsing player templates '%s'\n", filename); goto bail; } LoadInt(&version, root, "Version"); if (json_find_first_label(root, "PlayerTemplates") == NULL) { printf("Error: unknown player templates format\n"); goto bail; } json_t *child = json_find_first_label(root, "PlayerTemplates")->child->child; while (child != NULL) { PlayerTemplate t; LoadPlayerTemplate(&t, child, version); child = child->next; CArrayPushBack(templates, &t); } bail: json_free_value(&root); if (f != NULL) { fclose(f); } }
void LoadPic( const Pic **value, json_t *node, const char *name, const char *oldPicName) { if (json_find_first_label(node, name)) { char *tmp = GetString(node, name); *value = PicManagerGetPic(&gPicManager, tmp); CFREE(tmp); } if ((*value == NULL || ConfigGetBool(&gConfig, "Graphics.OriginalPics")) && json_find_first_label(node, oldPicName)) { int oldPic; LoadInt(&oldPic, node, oldPicName); *value = PicManagerGetFromOld(&gPicManager, oldPic); } }
void LoadPic(const Pic **value, json_t *node, const char *name) { if (json_find_first_label(node, name)) { char *tmp = GetString(node, name); *value = PicManagerGetPic(&gPicManager, tmp); CFREE(tmp); } }
static void LoadMapObject(MapObject *m, json_t *node) { memset(m, 0, sizeof *m); m->Idx = -1; LoadInt(&m->Idx, node, "Index"); m->Name = GetString(node, "Name"); LoadPic(&m->Normal.Pic, node, "Pic", "OldPic"); LoadPic(&m->Wreck.Pic, node, "WreckPic", "OldWreckPic"); if (m->Normal.Pic) { // Default offset: centered X, align bottom of tile and sprite m->Normal.Offset = Vec2iNew( -m->Normal.Pic->size.x / 2, TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - m->Normal.Pic->size.y); LoadVec2i(&m->Normal.Offset, node, "Offset"); } if (m->Wreck.Pic) { m->Wreck.Offset = Vec2iScaleDiv(m->Wreck.Pic->size, -2); LoadVec2i(&m->Wreck.Offset, node, "WreckOffset"); } // Default tile size m->Size = Vec2iNew(TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT); LoadVec2i(&m->Size, node, "Size"); LoadInt(&m->Health, node, "Health"); LoadBulletGuns(&m->DestroyGuns, node, "DestroyGuns"); json_t *flagsNode = json_find_first_label(node, "Flags"); if (flagsNode != NULL && flagsNode->child != NULL) { for (json_t *flagNode = flagsNode->child->child; flagNode; flagNode = flagNode->next) { m->Flags |= 1 << StrPlacementFlag(flagNode->text); } } // Special types JSON_UTILS_LOAD_ENUM(m->Type, node, "Type", StrMapObjectType); switch (m->Type) { case MAP_OBJECT_TYPE_NORMAL: // Do nothing break; case MAP_OBJECT_TYPE_PICKUP_SPAWNER: { char *tmp = GetString(node, "Pickup"); m->u.PickupClass = StrPickupClass(tmp); CFREE(tmp); } break; default: CASSERT(false, "unknown error"); break; } }
void ScriptDialog::setScript(const QString &filename) { json_t *root = BatDownUtils::readJsonFromFile(filename); json_t *idNode = json_find_first_label(root, "id"); json_t *titleNode = json_find_first_label(root, "title"); json_t *urlNode = json_find_first_label(root, "url"); json_t *stepsNode = json_find_first_label(root, "steps"); json_t *seqNode = json_find_first_label(stepsNode->child, "seq"); m_id = QString(idNode->child->text); m_title = QString::fromLocal8Bit(titleNode->child->text); m_url = QString::fromLocal8Bit(urlNode->child->text); json_t *item = item=seqNode->child->child; m_stepSeq.clear(); while( item ){ m_stepSeq.append(item->text); item = item->next; } item = seqNode->next; m_steps.clear(); while( item ){ json_t *testNode = item->child->child; json_t *scriptNode = testNode->next; char *t = json_unescape(testNode->child->text); char *c = json_unescape(scriptNode->child->text); m_steps.insert( item->text, QString::fromLocal8Bit(c) ); m_stepTests.insert( item->text, QString::fromLocal8Bit(t) ); m_stepFuncs.append( QString::fromLocal8Bit("Yew.%1=function(){%2};") .arg(item->text) .arg( QString::fromLocal8Bit(item->child->text) ) ); item = item->next; } json_free_value(&root); m_pSeqEdit->setText(m_stepSeq.join(",")); m_pStepsEdit->addItems(m_stepSeq); setWindowTitle(m_title); }
// // Return a polite response. // Called directly from webOS, and returns directly to webOS. // bool set_debug_log_method(LSHandle* lshandle, LSMessage *message, void *ctx) { log("set_debug_log_method"); LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); // Extract the id argument from the message json_t *object = json_parse_document(LSMessageGetPayload(message)); json_t *enableDebugLogging = json_find_first_label(object, "enableDebugLogging"); if(enableDebugLogging) { if(enableDebugLogging->child->type == JSON_TRUE) { log("enableDebugLogging: JSON_TRUE"); g_debugLoggingEnabled = true; } else if(enableDebugLogging->child->type == JSON_FALSE) { log("enableDebugLogging: JSON_FALSE"); g_debugLoggingEnabled = false; remove(LOG_FILE); } else { log("enableDebugLogging: %d", enableDebugLogging->child->type); } } else { if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, message, "{\"returnValue\": false, \"errorCode\": -1, \"errorText\": \"Invalid or missing parameters\"}", &lserror)) { LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); return false; } } // Local buffer to store the reply char reply[MAXLINLEN]; sprintf(reply, "{\"returnValue\": true, \"debugLoggingEnabled\": %s}", g_debugLoggingEnabled ? "true" : "false"); log(reply); if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, message, reply, &lserror)) { LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); return false; } return true; }
static void LoadStaticExit(Mission *m, json_t *node, char *name) { json_t *exitNode = json_find_first_label(node, name); if (!exitNode || !exitNode->child) { return; } exitNode = exitNode->child; LoadVec2i(&m->u.Static.Exit.Start, exitNode, "Start"); LoadVec2i(&m->u.Static.Exit.End, exitNode, "End"); }
static void LoadClassicPillars(Mission *m, json_t *node, char *name) { json_t *child = json_find_first_label(node, name); if (!child || !child->child) { return; } child = child->child; LoadInt(&m->u.Classic.Pillars.Count, child, "Count"); LoadInt(&m->u.Classic.Pillars.Min, child, "Min"); LoadInt(&m->u.Classic.Pillars.Max, child, "Max"); }
void LoadColor(color_t *c, json_t *node, const char *name) { if (json_find_first_label(node, name) == NULL) { return; } if (!TryLoadValue(&node, name)) { return; } *c = StrColor(node->text); }
static void LoadClassicDoors(Mission *m, json_t *node, char *name) { json_t *child = json_find_first_label(node, name); if (!child || !child->child) { return; } child = child->child; LoadBool(&m->u.Classic.Doors.Enabled, child, "Enabled"); LoadInt(&m->u.Classic.Doors.Min, child, "Min"); LoadInt(&m->u.Classic.Doors.Max, child, "Max"); }
void LoadSoundFromNode(Mix_Chunk **value, json_t *node, const char *name) { if (json_find_first_label(node, name) == NULL) { return; } if (!TryLoadValue(&node, name)) { return; } *value = StrSound(node->text); }
void ConfigLoadJSON(Config *config, const char *filename) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); json_t *root = NULL; int version; if (f == NULL) { printf("Error loading config '%s'\n", filename); goto bail; } if (json_stream_parse(f, &root) != JSON_OK) { printf("Error parsing config '%s'\n", filename); goto bail; } LoadInt(&version, root, "Version"); LoadGameConfigNode(&config->Game, json_find_first_label(root, "Game")); LoadGraphicsConfigNode(&config->Graphics, json_find_first_label(root, "Graphics")); LoadInputConfigNode(&config->Input, json_find_first_label(root, "Input")); LoadInterfaceConfigNode( &config->Interface, json_find_first_label(root, "Interface"), version); LoadSoundConfigNode(&config->Sound, json_find_first_label(root, "Sound")); LoadQuickPlayConfigNode(&config->QuickPlay, json_find_first_label(root, "QuickPlay")); bail: json_free_value(&root); if (f != NULL) { fclose(f); } }
void LoadPlayerTemplates(CArray *templates, const char *filename) { json_t *root = NULL; // initialise templates CArrayInit(templates, sizeof(PlayerTemplate)); FILE *f = fopen(GetConfigFilePath(filename), "r"); if (!f) { printf("Error loading player templates '%s'\n", filename); goto bail; } if (json_stream_parse(f, &root) != JSON_OK) { printf("Error parsing player templates '%s'\n", filename); goto bail; } if (json_find_first_label(root, "PlayerTemplates") == NULL) { printf("Error: unknown player templates format\n"); goto bail; } json_t *child = json_find_first_label(root, "PlayerTemplates")->child->child; while (child != NULL) { PlayerTemplate t; LoadPlayerTemplate(&t, child); child = child->next; CArrayPushBack(templates, &t); } bail: json_free_value(&root); if (f != NULL) { fclose(f); } }
static void LoadQuickPlayConfigNode(QuickPlayConfig *config, json_t *node) { if (node == NULL) { return; } node = node->child; config->MapSize = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "MapSize")->child->text); config->WallCount = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "WallCount")->child->text); config->WallLength = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "WallLength")->child->text); config->RoomCount = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "RoomCount")->child->text); config->SquareCount = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "SquareCount")->child->text); config->EnemyCount = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "EnemyCount")->child->text); config->EnemySpeed = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "EnemySpeed")->child->text); config->EnemyHealth = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "EnemyHealth")->child->text); LoadBool(&config->EnemiesWithExplosives, node, "EnemiesWithExplosives"); config->ItemCount = StrQuickPlayQuantity(json_find_first_label(node, "ItemCount")->child->text); }
static void LoadStaticItems( Mission *m, json_t *node, const char *name, const int version) { json_t *items = json_find_first_label(node, name); if (!items || !items->child) { return; } items = items->child; for (items = items->child; items; items = items->next) { MapObjectPositions mop; mop.M = LoadMapObjectRef(items, version); if (mop.M == NULL) { continue; } CArrayInit(&mop.Positions, sizeof(Vec2i)); json_t *positions = json_find_first_label(items, "Positions"); if (!positions || !positions->child) { continue; } positions = positions->child; for (positions = positions->child; positions; positions = positions->next) { Vec2i pos; json_t *position = positions->child; pos.x = atoi(position->text); position = position->next; pos.y = atoi(position->text); CArrayPushBack(&mop.Positions, &pos); } CArrayPushBack(&m->u.Static.Items, &mop); } }
void LoadBulletGuns(CArray *guns, json_t *node, const char *name) { node = json_find_first_label(node, name); if (node == NULL || node->child == NULL) { return; } CArrayInit(guns, sizeof(const GunDescription *)); for (json_t *gun = node->child->child; gun; gun = gun->next) { const GunDescription *g = StrGunDescription(gun->text); CArrayPushBack(guns, &g); } }