void IBClient::commissionReport( const CommissionReport& commissionReport)
    auto dict = createDictionary(std::map<std::string, K> {
        { "commission",             kf(commissionReport.commission) },
        { "currency",               ks((S)commissionReport.currency.c_str()) },
        { "execId",                 ks((S)commissionReport.execId.c_str()) },
        { "realizedPNL",            kf(commissionReport.realizedPNL) },
        { "yield",                  kf(commissionReport.yield) },
        { "yieldRedemptionDate",    kp((S)stringFormat("%i", commissionReport.yieldRedemptionDate).c_str()) }
    receiveData("commissionReport", dict);
예제 #2
	void Animation::_applyBaseKeyFrame()
		if (mUseBaseKeyFrame)
			Animation* baseAnim = this;
			if (mBaseKeyFrameAnimationName != StringUtil::BLANK && mContainer)
				baseAnim = mContainer->getAnimation(mBaseKeyFrameAnimationName);
			if (baseAnim)
				for (NodeTrackList::iterator i = mNodeTrackList.begin(); i != mNodeTrackList.end(); ++i)
					NodeAnimationTrack* track = i->second;
					NodeAnimationTrack* baseTrack;
					if (baseAnim == this)
						baseTrack = track;
						baseTrack = baseAnim->getNodeTrack(track->getHandle());
					TransformKeyFrame kf(baseTrack, mBaseKeyFrameTime);
					baseTrack->getInterpolatedKeyFrame(baseAnim->_getTimeIndex(mBaseKeyFrameTime), &kf);
				for (VertexTrackList::iterator i = mVertexTrackList.begin(); i != mVertexTrackList.end(); ++i)
					VertexAnimationTrack* track = i->second;
					if (track->getAnimationType() == VAT_POSE)
						VertexAnimationTrack* baseTrack;
						if (baseAnim == this)
							baseTrack = track;
							baseTrack = baseAnim->getVertexTrack(track->getHandle());
						VertexPoseKeyFrame kf(baseTrack, mBaseKeyFrameTime);
						baseTrack->getInterpolatedKeyFrame(baseAnim->_getTimeIndex(mBaseKeyFrameTime), &kf);
			// Re-base has been done, this is a one-way translation
			mUseBaseKeyFrame = false;
void IBClient::updatePortfolio(const Contract &contract, int position, double marketPrice, double marketValue, double averageCost, double unrealizedPNL, double realizedPNL, const IBString &accountName)
    auto dict = createDictionary(std::map<std::string, K> {
        { "contract",       kj(contract.conId) },
        { "position",       ki(position) },
        { "marketPrice",    kf(marketPrice) },
        { "marketValue",    kf(marketValue) },
        { "averageCost",    kf(averageCost) },
        { "unrealizedPNL",  kf(unrealizedPNL) },
        { "realizedPNL",    kf(realizedPNL) },
        { "accountName",    kp((S)accountName.c_str()) }
    receiveData("updatePortfolio", dict);
void IBClient::tickEFP(TickerId tickerId, TickType tickType, double basisPoints, const IBString &formattedBasisPoints, double totalDividends, int holdDays, const IBString &futureExpiry, double dividendImpact, double dividendsToExpiry)
    auto dict = createDictionary(std::map<std::string, K> {
        { "tickerId",               kj(tickerId) },
        { "tickType",               ki(tickType) },
        { "basisPoints",            kf(basisPoints) },
        { "formattedBasisPoints",   kp((S)formattedBasisPoints.c_str()) },
        { "totalDividends",         kf(totalDividends) },
        { "holdDays",               ki(holdDays) },
        { "futureExpiry",           kp((S)futureExpiry.c_str()) },
        { "dividendImpact",         kf(dividendImpact) },
        { "dividendsToExpiry",      kf(dividendsToExpiry) }
    receiveData("tickEFP", dict);
void IBClient::realtimeBar(TickerId reqId, long time, double open, double high, double low, double close, long volume, double wap, int count)
    auto dict = createDictionary(std::map<std::string, K> {
        { "reqId",  kj(reqId) },
        { "time",   kj(time) }, // TODO: Convert
        { "open",   kf(open) },
        { "high",   kf(high) },
        { "low",    kf(low) },
        { "close",  kf(close) },
        { "volume", kj(volume) },
        { "wap",    kf(wap) },
        { "count",  ki(count) }
    receiveData("realtimeBar", dict);
예제 #6
파일: sampler.hpp 프로젝트: IGNF/librjmcmc
        void operator()(Engine& e, Configuration &c, double temp)
            typedef typename Configuration::modification Modification;

            //1 & 2
            Modification modif;
            m_temperature = temp;
            detail::kernel_functor<Engine,Configuration,Modification> kf(e,c,modif);
            m_kernel_ratio = random_apply(m_kernel_id,m_rand(e),m_kernel,kf);

            m_ref_pdf_ratio = m_density.pdf_ratio(c,modif);
            m_green_ratio = m_kernel_ratio*m_ref_pdf_ratio;

            if(m_green_ratio<=0) {
                m_delta   =0;
            m_delta       = c.delta_energy(modif);
            m_acceptance_probability  = m_acceptance(m_delta,m_temperature,m_green_ratio);

            m_accepted    = ( m_rand(e) < m_acceptance_probability );
            if (m_accepted) modif.apply(c);
예제 #7
파일: mpc_task.c 프로젝트: RobotLearning/SL
 * Estimate the balls position and velocity with a filter
static void filter_ball_state(int *init_filter, int *reset_sim) {

	int i;
	static double timeOfFlight = 0.0; // not being used now

	// calculate the racket orientation from endeffector
	calc_racket(&racket_state, &racket_orient, cart_state[RIGHT_HAND], cart_orient[RIGHT_HAND]);

	if(!simulation) {
		// estimate the initial ball state and the already taken time of flight
		if (estimate_ball_state(&ballPred, &timeOfFlight)) {
			// do nothing
	else { // for simulation
		// difference between simulate ball and integrate ball especially?
		simulate_ball(&sim_ball_state, &racket_state, &racket_orient, reset_sim);
		kf(&ballPred, blobs[BLOB1].blob, racket_state, racket_orient, init_filter);
		//estimate_ball_state(&ballPred, &timeOfFlight);
		/*for(i = 1; i <= N_CART; i++) {
			ballPred.x[i] = sim_ball_state.x[i];
			ballPred.xd[i] = sim_ball_state.xd[i];
	// saving blob data to file
void IBClient::orderStatus(OrderId orderId, const IBString &status, int filled, int remaining, double avgFillPrice, int permId, int parentId, double lastFillPrice, int clientId, const IBString &whyHeld)
    auto dict = createDictionary(std::map<std::string, K> {
        { "id",                 ki(orderId) },
        { "status",             kp((S)status.c_str()) },
        { "filled",             ki(filled) },
        { "remaining",          ki(remaining) },
        { "avgFillPrice",       kf(avgFillPrice) },
        { "permId",             ki(permId) },
        { "parentId",           ki(parentId) },
        { "lastFilledPrice",    kf(lastFillPrice) },
        { "clientId",           ki(clientId) },
        { "whyHeld",            kp((S)whyHeld.c_str()) }
    receiveData("orderStatus", dict);
예제 #9
void NxAnimation::Update( unsigned long elapsedMS )
	if( !mEnabled ) return;

	float divideBy1000 = 0.001f;
	float elapsedS = static_cast<float>(elapsedMS) * divideBy1000;

	mTotalElapsedTime += ( elapsedS * mSpeed );

	if( mKeyFrames.size() ){
		NxKeyframe kf( mTotalElapsedTime );
		GetInterpolatedKeyFrame( mTotalElapsedTime, &kf);
		OnValue( mTotalElapsedTime, kf.GetValue() );

	// Events
	mTotalEventElapsedTime += ( elapsedS * mSpeed );

	if( mEvents.size() ) {
		NxEvent ev( mTotalEventElapsedTime );
		GetInterpolatedEvent( mTotalEventElapsedTime, &ev ) ;
void IBClient::position(const IBString &account, const Contract &contract, int position, double avgCost)
    receiveData("position", knk(4,
예제 #11
Foam::scalar Foam::ReversibleReaction<ReactionThermo, ReactionRate>::kr
    const scalar T,
    const scalar p,
    const scalarField& c
) const
    return kr(kf(T, p, c), T, p, c);
void IBClient::updateMktDepth(TickerId id, int position, int operation, int side, double price, int size)
    receiveData("updateMktDepth", knk(6,
예제 #13
파일: pdep.cpp 프로젝트: anujg1991/cantera
TEST_F(PdepTest, ChebyshevIntermediate2) {
    // Test Chebyshev rates in the normal interpolation region
    vector_fp kf(6);

    set_TP(400.0, 0.1 * 101325);
    // Expected rates computed using RMG-py
    EXPECT_NEAR(1.713599902e+05, kf[4], 1e-3);
    EXPECT_NEAR(9.581780687e-24, kf[5], 1e-31);
예제 #14
파일: pdep.cpp 프로젝트: anujg1991/cantera
TEST_F(PdepTest, ChebyshevIntermediate1) {
    // Test Chebyshev rates in the normal interpolation region
    vector_fp kf(6);

    set_TP(1100.0, 20 * 101325);
    // Expected rates computed using RMG-py
    EXPECT_NEAR(3.130698657e+06, kf[4], 1e-1);
    EXPECT_NEAR(1.187949573e+00, kf[5], 1e-7);
void IBClient::updateMktDepthL2(TickerId id, int position, IBString marketMaker, int operation, int side, double price, int size)
    receiveData("updateMktDepthL2", knk(7,
예제 #16
// Callback function for /robot0/odom to update KF on movement
void updateOnMovement(const nav_msgs::Odometry &odom){
	if(odom.pose.pose.position.x != prevX && odom.pose.pose.position.y != prevY){
		ROS_INFO("KF time");
		prevY = odom.pose.pose.position.y;
		prevX = odom.pose.pose.position.x;
		float initCov[3][3] = {{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}};

		kf(initCov, vel_model_, sense_model_);

void IBClient::execDetails(int reqId, const Contract &contract, const Execution &execution)
    auto exec = createDictionary(std::map<std::string, K> {
        { "execId",         ks((S)execution.execId.c_str()) },
        { "time",           kp((S)execution.time.c_str()) }, // TODO: Convert
        { "acctNumber",     ks((S)execution.acctNumber.c_str()) },
        { "exchange",       ks((S)execution.exchange.c_str()) },
        { "side",           ks((S)execution.side.c_str()) },
        { "shares",         ki(execution.shares) },
        { "price",          kf(execution.price) },
        { "permId",         ki(execution.permId) },
        { "clientId",       kj(execution.clientId) },
        { "orderId",        kj(execution.orderId) },
        { "liquidation",    ki(execution.liquidation) },
        { "cumQty",         ki(execution.cumQty) },
        { "avgPrice",       kf(execution.avgPrice) },
        { "evRule",         kp((S)execution.evRule.c_str()) },
        { "evMultiplier",   kf(execution.evMultiplier) }
    receiveData("execDetails", knk(3, ki(reqId), kj(contract.conId), exec));
예제 #18
파일: pdep.cpp 프로젝트: anujg1991/cantera
TEST_F(PdepTest, PlogDuplicatePressures) {
    // Test that multiple rate expressions are combined when necessary
    set_TP(500.0, 1e10);
    vector_fp kf(6);

    double kf1 = k(1.3700e+14, -0.79, 17603.0) + k(1.2800e+03, 1.71, 9774.0);
    double kf2 = k(-7.4100e+27, -5.54, 12108.0) + k(1.9000e+12, -0.29, 8306.0);

    EXPECT_NEAR(kf1, kf[1], 1e-9 * kf1);
    EXPECT_NEAR(kf2, kf[2], 1e-9 * kf2);
예제 #19
파일: pdep.cpp 프로젝트: anujg1991/cantera
TEST_F(PdepTest, PlogHighPressure) {
    // Test that P-log reactions have the right high-pressure limit
    set_TP(500.0, 1e10);
    vector_fp kf(6);

    // Pre-exponential factor decreases by 10^3 for second-order reaction
    // when converting from cm + mol to m + kmol
    double kf0 = k(5.963200e+53, -11.529, 52599.6);
    double kf3 = k(1.740000e+04, 1.98, 4521.0);

    EXPECT_NEAR(kf0, kf[0], 1e-9 * kf0);
    EXPECT_NEAR(kf3, kf[3], 1e-9 * kf3);
void IBClient::tickOptionComputation(TickerId tickerId, TickType tickType, double impliedVol, double delta, double optPrice, double pvDividend, double gamma, double vega, double theta, double undPrice)
    auto dict = createDictionary(std::map<std::string, K> {
        { "tickerId",   kj(tickerId) },
        { "tickType",   ki(tickType) },
        { "impliedVol", kf(impliedVol) },
        { "delta",      kf(delta) },
        { "optPrice",   kf(optPrice) },
        { "pvDividend", kf(pvDividend) },
        { "gamma",      kf(gamma) },
        { "vega",       kf(vega) },
        { "theta",      kf(theta) },
        { "undPrice",   kf(undPrice) }
    receiveData("tickOptionComputation", dict);
예제 #21
파일: pdep.cpp 프로젝트: anujg1991/cantera
TEST_F(PdepTest, PlogCornerCases) {
    // Test rate evaluation at the corner cases where the pressure
    // is exactly of the specified interpolation values
    set_TP(500.0, 101325);
    vector_fp kf(6);

    double kf0 = k(4.910800e+28, -4.8507, 24772.8);
    double kf1 = k(1.2600e+17, -1.83, 15003.0) + k(1.2300e+01, 2.68, 6335.0);
    double kf2 = k(3.4600e+9, 0.442, 5463.0);

    EXPECT_NEAR(kf0, kf[0], 1e-9 * kf0);
    EXPECT_NEAR(kf1, kf[1], 1e-9 * kf1);
    EXPECT_NEAR(kf2, kf[2], 1e-9 * kf2);
예제 #22
    void NumericAnimationTrack::applyToAnimable(const AnimableValuePtr& anim, const TimeIndex& timeIndex,
        Real weight, Real scale)
        // Nothing to do if no keyframes or zero weight, scale
        if (mKeyFrames.empty() || !weight || !scale)

        NumericKeyFrame kf(0, timeIndex.getTimePos());
        getInterpolatedKeyFrame(timeIndex, &kf);
        // add to existing. Weights are not relative, but treated as
        // absolute multipliers for the animation
        AnyNumeric val = kf.getValue() * (weight * scale);


예제 #23
파일: Kernels.cpp 프로젝트: corburn/ISIS
   * @brief Check kernel type by file extension and special ISIS kernels
   * This method is a fallback attempt to determine the type of an expected NAIF
   * kernel.  This method assumes the proper way (inspecting first 8 characters
   * of the kernel file) did not succeed in making this determination.
   * There are some times that are expected to fail this test.  ISIS DEMs are
   * cube files and will not be determined using the NAIF 8 character approach.
   * As such, all files that end in .cub are assumed to be DEMs and are tagged
   * as such.
   * There are also some special ISIS IK addendum files that exist in the ISIS
   * system.  These files are used to augment an instruments' IK kernel and
   * potentially override some of the original IK contents.  This file type is
   * determined by checking for a ".ti" extension and then further checking the
   * base filename for the substring "Addendum".  This is the only way to ensure
   * it is an ISIS IAK file.  It must pass both tests or it is simply tagged as
   * an IK (due to the .ti extension).
   * The remainder of the tests are strictly testing the file extension. Here is
   * how the associations are made to the files based upon their file
   * extensions:
   * .cub         = DEM - ISIS cubes are DEMs
   * .ti          = IK - unless "Addendum" is in basename, then it is an IAK
   * .tf          = FK - frames kernel
   * .tsc         = SCLK - spacecraft clock kernel
   * .tsl         = LSK - leap seconds kernel
   * .tpc         = PCK - planetary ephemeris kernel
   * .bc          = CK - C-kernel
   * .bsp         = SPK - spacecraft position kernel
   * .bes         = EK - event kernels
   * If none of these file extensions or condition are found, then the value of
   * the parameter iktype is returned as the default type.
   * @param kfile  File to determine type for
   * @param iktype Default type to be used in none are determined from this
   *               methiod
   * @return QString Type of kernel found from file extensions
  QString Kernels::resolveTypeByExt(const QString &kfile,
                                    const QString &iktype) const {

    QString ktype(iktype);  // Set default condition

    //  Deciminate file parts
    FileName kf(kfile);
    string ext = IString(kf.extension()).DownCase();

    //  Check extensions for types
    if (ext == "cub") {
      ktype = "DEM";
    else if (ext == "ti") {
      //  Assume its an instrument kernel but check for ISIS IAK file
      ktype = "IK";
      string base = IString(kf.baseName()).DownCase();
      string::size_type idx = base.find("addendum");
      if (idx != string::npos) {   // This is an ISIS IK addendum (IAK)
        ktype = "IAK";
    else if (ext == "tsc") {
      ktype = "SCLK";
    else if (ext == "tf") {
      ktype = "FK";
    else if (ext == "tls") {
      ktype = "LSK";
    else if (ext == "tpc") {
      ktype = "PCK";
    else if (ext == "bc") {
      ktype = "CK";
    else if (ext == "bsp") {
      ktype = "SPK";
    else if (ext == "bes") {
      ktype = "EK";

    return (ktype);
예제 #24
파일: pdep.cpp 프로젝트: anujg1991/cantera
TEST_F(PdepTest, PlogLowPressure) {
    // Test that P-log reactions have the right low-pressure limit
    set_TP(500.0, 1e-7);
    vector_fp kf(6);

    // Pre-exponential factor decreases by 10^3 for second-order reaction
    // when converting from cm + mol to m + kmol
    double kf0 = k(1.212400e+13, -0.5779, 10872.7);
    double kf1 = k(1.230000e+05, 1.53, 4737.0);
    double kf2 = k(2.440000e+7, 1.04, 3980.0);
    double kf3 = k(1.740000e+04, 1.98, 4521.0);

    EXPECT_NEAR(kf0, kf[0], 1e-9 * kf0);
    EXPECT_NEAR(kf1, kf[1], 1e-9 * kf1);
    EXPECT_NEAR(kf2, kf[2], 1e-9 * kf2);
    EXPECT_NEAR(kf3, kf[3], 1e-9 * kf3);
예제 #25
static void poll_state(unsigned long ignored)
	printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: time\n",
	if (is_claimed)
	if (!is_claimed) {
		printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: could not claim port, giving up\n",
		poll_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ;
		poll_timer.data = (unsigned long)current;
		poll_timer.function = poll_state;
예제 #26
cv::KalmanFilter createKalmanFilter(int stateSize, int measSize, int contrSize, unsigned int type)
	// xdot = A*x + B*u + w with Cov(w)=Q
	// y = C*x + v with Cov(v) = R

	// create kalman filter object kf
	cv::KalmanFilter kf(stateSize, measSize, contrSize, type);
	cv::setIdentity(kf.transitionMatrix); //initialize state matrix A with and identity
	kf.transitionMatrix.at<float>(10) = 1; //CHANGE LATER
	kf.transitionMatrix.at<float>(15) = 1;

	// B
	kf.controlMatrix = cv::Mat::zeros(stateSize, 1,type);
	kf.controlMatrix.at<float>(3) = -1;

	// C
	kf.measurementMatrix = cv::Mat::zeros(measSize, stateSize, type); //initialize C matrix as a zero matrix
	kf.measurementMatrix.at<float>(0) = 1.0f; //C matrix; add a float value of 1.0f to the four entries in the matrix
	kf.measurementMatrix.at<float>(5) = 1.0f;
	// R
	cv::setIdentity(kf.measurementNoiseCov, cv::Scalar(1e-5)); //GEÄNDERT!!!!!!!!! R 1e-1

	// Q
	kf.processNoiseCov.at<float>(0) = 1e-2;//1e-2; //Q Matrix
	kf.processNoiseCov.at<float>(5) = 1e-2;//1e-2;
	kf.processNoiseCov.at<float>(10) = 5.0f;//5.0f;
	kf.processNoiseCov.at<float>(15) = 5.0f;//5.0f;

	// P, initialization
	kf.errorCovPre.at<float>(0) = 1; // px
	kf.errorCovPre.at<float>(5) = 1; // px
	kf.errorCovPre.at<float>(10) = 1;
	kf.errorCovPre.at<float>(15) = 1;

	return kf;
예제 #27
    void NodeAnimationTrack::applyToNode(Node* node, const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight,
        Real scl)
        // Nothing to do if no keyframes or zero weight or no node
        if (mKeyFrames.empty() || !weight || !node)

        TransformKeyFrame kf(0, timeIndex.getTimePos());
        getInterpolatedKeyFrame(timeIndex, &kf);

        // add to existing. Weights are not relative, but treated as absolute multipliers for the animation
        Vector3 translate = kf.getTranslate() * weight * scl;

        // interpolate between no-rotation and full rotation, to point 'weight', so 0 = no rotate, 1 = full
        Quaternion rotate;
        Animation::RotationInterpolationMode rim =
        if (rim == Animation::RIM_LINEAR)
            rotate = Quaternion::nlerp(weight, Quaternion::IDENTITY, kf.getRotation(), mUseShortestRotationPath);
        else //if (rim == Animation::RIM_SPHERICAL)
            rotate = Quaternion::Slerp(weight, Quaternion::IDENTITY, kf.getRotation(), mUseShortestRotationPath);

        Vector3 scale = kf.getScale();
        // Not sure how to modify scale for cumulative anims... leave it alone
        //scale = ((Vector3::UNIT_SCALE - kf.getScale()) * weight) + Vector3::UNIT_SCALE;
        if (scale != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE)
            if (scl != 1.0f)
                scale = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE + (scale - Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) * scl;
            else if (weight != 1.0f)
                scale = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE + (scale - Vector3::UNIT_SCALE) * weight;

예제 #28
파일: TDF_code.cpp 프로젝트: NeoRuby/q_Wind
TDF_API K K_DECL TDF_optionCodeInfo(K h, K windCode) {
	::THANDLE tdf = NULL;
	std::string code;
	try {
		TDF::parseTdfHandle(h, tdf);
		code = q::q2String(windCode);
	catch (std::string const& error) {
		return q::error2q(error);

	::TDF_OPTION_CODE info = { 0 };
	::TDF_ERR result = static_cast<::TDF_ERR>(::TDF_GetOptionCodeInfo(tdf, code.c_str(), &info));
	if (result != TDF_ERR_SUCCESS) {
		return q::error2q(::TDF::getError(result));

	q::K_ptr data(ktn(0, 6 + 12));
	kK(data.get())[0 +  0] = ks(const_cast<S>(info.basicCode.szWindCode));
	kK(data.get())[0 +  1] = ks(const_cast<S>(info.basicCode.szMarket));
	kK(data.get())[0 +  2] = ks(const_cast<S>(info.basicCode.szCode));
	kK(data.get())[0 +  3] = ks(const_cast<S>(info.basicCode.szENName));
	kK(data.get())[0 +  4] = ks(const_cast<S>(Wind::encoder::GB18030_UTF8::encode(info.basicCode.szCNName).c_str()));
	kK(data.get())[0 +  5] = kg(info.basicCode.nType);
	kK(data.get())[6 +  0] = ks(const_cast<S>(info.szContractID));
	kK(data.get())[6 +  1] = ks(const_cast<S>(info.szUnderlyingSecurityID));
	kK(data.get())[6 +  2] = kc(info.chCallOrPut);
	kK(data.get())[6 +  3] = kd(q::date2q(info.nExerciseDate));
	kK(data.get())[6 +  4] = kc(info.chUnderlyingType);
	kK(data.get())[6 +  5] = kc(info.chOptionType);
	kK(data.get())[6 +  6] = kc(info.chPriceLimitType);
	kK(data.get())[6 +  7] = ki(info.nContractMultiplierUnit);
	kK(data.get())[6 +  8] = kf(info.nExercisePrice);
	kK(data.get())[6 +  9] = kd(q::date2q(info.nStartDate));
	kK(data.get())[6 + 10] = kd(q::date2q(info.nEndDate));
	kK(data.get())[6 + 11] = kd(q::date2q(info.nExpireDate));
	return data.release();
예제 #29
파일: pdep.cpp 프로젝트: anujg1991/cantera
TEST_F(PdepTest, ChebyshevEdgeCases) {
    vector_fp kf(6);

    // Minimum P
    set_TP(500.0, 1000.0);
    EXPECT_NEAR(1.225785655e+06, kf[4], 1e-2);

    // Maximum P
    set_TP(500.0, 1.0e7);
    EXPECT_NEAR(1.580981157e+03, kf[4], 1e-5);

    // Minimum T
    set_TP(300.0, 101325);
    EXPECT_NEAR(5.405987017e+03, kf[4], 1e-5);

    // Maximum T
    set_TP(2000.0, 101325);
    EXPECT_NEAR(3.354054351e+07, kf[4], 1e-1);
예제 #30
파일: examples.c 프로젝트: kevinarpe/kx
//Calling functions with different valencies and with simple data types
int eg3()
K result=NULL;

//Monadic [Single argument function]
result=k(c,"f1s",ks("Hello World"),(K)0);
printf( "Executing f1s - This will return a symbol [type=%i] with value %s\n\n\n",result->t,result->s);

//Dyadic function
printf( "Executing f2s - This will return a integer [type=%i] with value %i\n\n\n",result->t,result->i);

//Triadic function
printf( "Executing f2s - This will return a float [type=%i] with value %f\n\n\n",result->t,result->f);

//The examples above can be extended to up to functions with eight arguments.
//[Errors are discussed later]

printf("Finished Example 3");

return 1;
