예제 #1
int handle_host_request(const char* service, TransportType type,
                        const char* serial, int reply_fd, asocket* s) {
    if (strcmp(service, "kill") == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "adb server killed by remote request\n");

        // On Windows, if the process exits with open sockets that
        // shutdown(SD_SEND) has not been called on, TCP RST segments will be
        // sent to the peers which will cause their next recv() to error-out
        // with WSAECONNRESET. In the case of this code, that means the client
        // may not read the OKAY sent above.


    // "transport:" is used for switching transport with a specified serial number
    // "transport-usb:" is used for switching transport to the only USB transport
    // "transport-local:" is used for switching transport to the only local transport
    // "transport-any:" is used for switching transport to the only transport
    if (!strncmp(service, "transport", strlen("transport"))) {
        TransportType type = kTransportAny;

        if (!strncmp(service, "transport-usb", strlen("transport-usb"))) {
            type = kTransportUsb;
        } else if (!strncmp(service, "transport-local", strlen("transport-local"))) {
            type = kTransportLocal;
        } else if (!strncmp(service, "transport-any", strlen("transport-any"))) {
            type = kTransportAny;
        } else if (!strncmp(service, "transport:", strlen("transport:"))) {
            service += strlen("transport:");
            serial = service;

        std::string error;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(type, serial, nullptr, &error);
        if (t != nullptr) {
            s->transport = t;
        } else {
            SendFail(reply_fd, error);
        return 1;

    // return a list of all connected devices
    if (!strncmp(service, "devices", 7)) {
        bool long_listing = (strcmp(service+7, "-l") == 0);
        if (long_listing || service[7] == 0) {
            D("Getting device list...");
            std::string device_list = list_transports(long_listing);
            D("Sending device list...");
            return SendOkay(reply_fd, device_list);
        return 1;

    if (!strcmp(service, "features")) {
        std::string error;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(type, serial, nullptr, &error);
        if (t != nullptr) {
            SendOkay(reply_fd, FeatureSetToString(t->features()));
        } else {
            SendFail(reply_fd, error);
        return 0;

    // remove TCP transport
    if (!strncmp(service, "disconnect:", 11)) {
        const std::string address(service + 11);
        if (address.empty()) {
            return SendOkay(reply_fd, "disconnected everything");

        std::string serial;
        std::string host;
        std::string error;
        if (!android::base::ParseNetAddress(address, &host, &port, &serial, &error)) {
            return SendFail(reply_fd, android::base::StringPrintf("couldn't parse '%s': %s",
                                                                  address.c_str(), error.c_str()));
        atransport* t = find_transport(serial.c_str());
        if (t == nullptr) {
            return SendFail(reply_fd, android::base::StringPrintf("no such device '%s'",
        return SendOkay(reply_fd, android::base::StringPrintf("disconnected %s", address.c_str()));

    // Returns our value for ADB_SERVER_VERSION.
    if (!strcmp(service, "version")) {
        return SendOkay(reply_fd, android::base::StringPrintf("%04x", ADB_SERVER_VERSION));

    // These always report "unknown" rather than the actual error, for scripts.
    if (!strcmp(service, "get-serialno")) {
        std::string error;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(type, serial, nullptr, &error);
        if (t) {
            return SendOkay(reply_fd, t->serial ? t->serial : "unknown");
        } else {
            return SendFail(reply_fd, error);
    if (!strcmp(service, "get-devpath")) {
        std::string error;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(type, serial, nullptr, &error);
        if (t) {
            return SendOkay(reply_fd, t->devpath ? t->devpath : "unknown");
        } else {
            return SendFail(reply_fd, error);
    if (!strcmp(service, "get-state")) {
        std::string error;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(type, serial, nullptr, &error);
        if (t) {
            return SendOkay(reply_fd, t->connection_state_name());
        } else {
            return SendFail(reply_fd, error);

    // Indicates a new emulator instance has started.
    if (!strncmp(service, "emulator:", 9)) {
        int  port = atoi(service+9);
        /* we don't even need to send a reply */
        return 0;

    if (!strcmp(service, "reconnect")) {
        if (s->transport != nullptr) {
        return SendOkay(reply_fd, "done");
#endif // ADB_HOST

    int ret = handle_forward_request(service, type, serial, reply_fd);
    if (ret >= 0)
      return ret - 1;
    return -1;
예제 #2
int handle_host_request(const char* service, TransportType type,
                        const char* serial, int reply_fd, asocket* s) {
    if (strcmp(service, "kill") == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "adb server killed by remote request\n");

        // At least on Windows, if we exit() without shutdown(SD_SEND) or
        // closesocket(), the client's next recv() will error-out with
        // WSAECONNRESET and they'll never read the OKAY.


    // "transport:" is used for switching transport with a specified serial number
    // "transport-usb:" is used for switching transport to the only USB transport
    // "transport-local:" is used for switching transport to the only local transport
    // "transport-any:" is used for switching transport to the only transport
    if (!strncmp(service, "transport", strlen("transport"))) {
        TransportType type = kTransportAny;

        if (!strncmp(service, "transport-usb", strlen("transport-usb"))) {
            type = kTransportUsb;
        } else if (!strncmp(service, "transport-local", strlen("transport-local"))) {
            type = kTransportLocal;
        } else if (!strncmp(service, "transport-any", strlen("transport-any"))) {
            type = kTransportAny;
        } else if (!strncmp(service, "transport:", strlen("transport:"))) {
            service += strlen("transport:");
            serial = service;

        std::string error_msg;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(kCsAny, type, serial, &error_msg);
        if (t != nullptr) {
            s->transport = t;
        } else {
            SendFail(reply_fd, error_msg);
        return 1;

    // return a list of all connected devices
    if (!strncmp(service, "devices", 7)) {
        bool long_listing = (strcmp(service+7, "-l") == 0);
        if (long_listing || service[7] == 0) {
            D("Getting device list...");
            std::string device_list = list_transports(long_listing);
            D("Sending device list...");
            return SendOkay(reply_fd, device_list);
        return 1;

    if (!strcmp(service, "features")) {
        std::string error_msg;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(kCsAny, type, serial, &error_msg);
        if (t != nullptr) {
            SendOkay(reply_fd, android::base::Join(t->features(), '\n'));
        } else {
            SendFail(reply_fd, error_msg);
        return 0;

    if (!strncmp(service, "check-feature:", strlen("check-feature:"))) {
        std::string error_msg;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(kCsAny, type, serial, &error_msg);
        if (t && t->CanUseFeature(service + strlen("check-feature:"))) {
            // We could potentially extend this to reply with the feature
            // version if that becomes necessary.
            SendOkay(reply_fd, "1");
        } else {
            // Empty response means unsupported feature.
            SendOkay(reply_fd, "");
        return 0;

    // remove TCP transport
    if (!strncmp(service, "disconnect:", 11)) {
        const std::string address(service + 11);
        if (address.empty()) {
            return SendOkay(reply_fd, "disconnected everything");

        std::string serial;
        std::string host;
        std::string error;
        if (!parse_host_and_port(address, &serial, &host, &port, &error)) {
            return SendFail(reply_fd, android::base::StringPrintf("couldn't parse '%s': %s",
                                                                  address.c_str(), error.c_str()));
        atransport* t = find_transport(serial.c_str());
        if (t == nullptr) {
            return SendFail(reply_fd, android::base::StringPrintf("no such device '%s'",
        return SendOkay(reply_fd, android::base::StringPrintf("disconnected %s", address.c_str()));

    // returns our value for ADB_SERVER_VERSION
    if (!strcmp(service, "version")) {
        return SendOkay(reply_fd, android::base::StringPrintf("%04x", ADB_SERVER_VERSION));

    // These always report "unknown" rather than the actual error, for scripts.
    if (!strcmp(service, "get-serialno")) {
        std::string ignored;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(kCsAny, type, serial, &ignored);
        return SendOkay(reply_fd, (t && t->serial) ? t->serial : "unknown");
    if (!strcmp(service, "get-devpath")) {
        std::string ignored;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(kCsAny, type, serial, &ignored);
        return SendOkay(reply_fd, (t && t->devpath) ? t->devpath : "unknown");
    if (!strcmp(service, "get-state")) {
        std::string ignored;
        atransport* t = acquire_one_transport(kCsAny, type, serial, &ignored);
        return SendOkay(reply_fd, t ? t->connection_state_name() : "unknown");

    // indicates a new emulator instance has started
    if (!strncmp(service, "emulator:", 9)) {
        int  port = atoi(service+9);
        /* we don't even need to send a reply */
        return 0;
#endif // ADB_HOST

    int ret = handle_forward_request(service, type, serial, reply_fd);
    if (ret >= 0)
      return ret - 1;
    return -1;