예제 #1
void TestCheckUser::setUp()
	//import licencing dll
	const TCHAR sDllName[] = _T("WPUserProfile.dll");

	m_hModule = ::LoadLibrary(sDllName);
	if(NULL == m_hModule)
		assertMessage(false, _T("Failed to load WPUserProfile.dll"));

	m_lpCheckUser = (LPFUNC_CHECKUSER) ::GetProcAddress(m_hModule, "CheckUserW");
	if(NULL == m_lpCheckUser)
		HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
		CStdString error;		
		error.AppendFormat(_T("Failed to load WPUserProfile.dll : %x"), hr);
		assertMessage(false, error);

	//ensure we haven't got a demo licence floating around
	CStdString licenceFile(UserProfile::GetAppDataPath() + _T("\\users.dat"));
	if (CGeneral::FileExists(licenceFile))

		m_showUI = false;
	if (m_showUI)
예제 #2
void TestIsProfileOk::setUp()
	//ensure we haven't got a demo licence floating around
	CStdString licenceFile(UserProfile::GetAppDataPath() + _T("\\users.dat"));
	if (CGeneral::FileExists(licenceFile))
예제 #3
파일: qgsabout.cpp 프로젝트: ChowZenki/QGIS
void QgsAbout::setLicence()
  // read the DONORS file and populate the text widget
  QFile licenceFile( QgsApplication::licenceFilePath() );
  printf( "Reading licence file %s.............................................\n",
          licenceFile.fileName().toLocal8Bit().constData() );
  if ( licenceFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
    QString content = licenceFile.readAll();
    txtLicense->setText( content );
예제 #4
\fn About::About( QWidget* parent, AboutMode diaMode )
\author Franz Schmid
\brief Constructor for About dialog box
\param parent QWidget pointer to parent window
\param diaMode a dialog mode. See AboutMode.
\retval About dialog
About::About( QWidget* parent, AboutMode diaMode ) : QDialog( parent )
	m_mode = diaMode;
	m_firstShow = true;
	setWindowTitle( tr("About Scribus %1").arg(VERSION) );
	setWindowIcon(IconManager::instance()->loadIcon("AppIcon.png", true));
	aboutLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
	aboutLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
	aboutLayout->setMargin( 10 );
	tabWidget2 = new QTabWidget( this );
//	tabWidget2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 438, 258 ) );
	tab = new QWidget( tabWidget2 );
	tabLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout( tab );
	tabLayout1->setSpacing( 6 );
	tabLayout1->setMargin( 15 );
	pixmapLabel1 = new QLabel( tab );
	pixmapLabel1->setPixmap(IconManager::instance()->loadPixmap("scribus_splash.png", true));
	pixmapLabel1->setFixedSize(QSize(pixmapLabel1->pixmap()->width(), pixmapLabel1->pixmap()->height()));
	tabLayout1->addWidget( pixmapLabel1 );
	buildID = new QLabel( tab );
	QString BUILD_DAY = "3";
	QString BUILD_MONTH = CommonStrings::april;
	QString BUILD_YEAR = "2016";
	QString BUILD_TIME = "";
	QString BUILD_TZ = "";
	QString BUILD_NAME = "";

	QString built = tr("%1 %2 %3").arg(BUILD_DAY).arg(BUILD_MONTH).arg(BUILD_YEAR);
	QString version = VERSION;
	if (BUILD_NAME != "")
		version += " \"" + BUILD_NAME + "\"";
	if (BUILD_NAME == "BleedingEdge")
		built = tr("%3-%2-%1 %4 %5").arg(BUILD_DAY).arg(BUILD_MONTH).arg(BUILD_YEAR).arg(BUILD_TIME).arg(BUILD_TZ);

#if defined(HAVE_SVNVERSION) && defined(SVNVERSION)
	QString revText;
	revText=QString(tr("SVN Revision: %1")).arg(SVNVERSION);
	built+=" - ";
	QString bu;
	bu += "C";
	bu += "-";
	bu += "-";
	bu += "T";
	bu += "-";
	bu += "F";
	bu += "*";
	bu += "-";
	bu += "C";
	bu += cairo_version_string();

// Some more information if we are not on a 32bit little endian Unix machine
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
	bu += "-Windows";
#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
	bu += "-Mac/";
#elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
	// dunno if anyone uses this...
	bu += "-Darwin";
	if (QSysInfo::WordSize != 32)
		bu += QString("-%1bit").arg(QSysInfo::WordSize);
	if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder==QSysInfo::BigEndian)
		bu += "-Big";
	QString gsver(getGSVersion());
	if (!gsver.isEmpty())
		gsver = tr("Using Ghostscript version %1").arg(gsver);
		gsver = tr("No Ghostscript version available");
	buildID->setText( tr("<p align=\"center\"><b>%1 %2</b></p><p align=\"center\">%3<br>%4 %5<br>%6</p>").arg( tr("Scribus Version")).arg(version).arg(built).arg( tr("Build ID:")).arg(bu).arg(gsver));
	tabLayout1->addWidget( buildID, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter );
	tabWidget2->addTab( tab, tr( "&About" ) );

	/*! AUTHORS tab */
	tab_2 = new QWidget( tabWidget2 );
	tabLayout = new QHBoxLayout( tab_2 );
	tabLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
	tabLayout->setMargin( 10 );
	authorView = new QTextBrowser( tab_2 );
	authorView->setHtml(About::parseAuthorFile(ScPaths::instance().docDir() + "AUTHORS"));
	tabLayout->addWidget( authorView );
	tabWidget2->addTab( tab_2, tr("A&uthors"));

	/*! TRANSLATION tab */
	tab_3 = new QWidget( tabWidget2 );
	tabLayout_2 = new QHBoxLayout( tab_3 );
	tabLayout_2->setSpacing( 6 );
	tabLayout_2->setMargin( 10 );
	transView = new QTextBrowser( tab_3);
	transView->setHtml(About::parseTranslationFile(ScPaths::instance().docDir() + "TRANSLATION"));
	tabLayout_2->addWidget( transView );
	tabWidget2->addTab( tab_3, tr( "&Translations" ) );

	/*! ONLINE tab (03/04/2004 petr vanek) */
	tab_4 = new QWidget( tabWidget2 );
	onlineView = new QTextBrowser( tab_4 );
	onlineView->setHtml(About::parseLinksFile(ScPaths::instance().docDir() + "LINKS"));
	tabLayout_4 = new QHBoxLayout( tab_4 );
	tabLayout_4->setSpacing( 6 );
	tabLayout_4->setMargin( 10 );
	tabLayout_4->addWidget( onlineView );
	tabWidget2->addTab( tab_4, tr( "&Online" ) );

	/*! UPDATE tab */
	tab_5 = new QWidget( tabWidget2 );
	tabWidget2->addTab( tab_5, tr( "&Updates" ) );
	updateLayout = new QVBoxLayout( tab_5 );
	updateLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
	updateLayout->setMargin( 10 );
	checkForUpdateButton = new QPushButton( tr( "Check for Updates" ), tab_5 );
	updateView = new QTextBrowser( tab_5);
	updateLayout->addWidget( checkForUpdateButton );
	updateLayout->addWidget( updateView );
	/*! LICENCE tab */
	tab_Licence = new QWidget( tabWidget2 );
	tabWidget2->addTab( tab_Licence, tr( "&Licence" ) );
	licenceLayout = new QVBoxLayout( tab_Licence );
	licenceLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
	licenceLayout->setMargin( 10 );
	textViewLicence = new QTextBrowser( tab_Licence);
	licenceLayout->addWidget( textViewLicence );
	QFile licenceFile(ScPaths::instance().docDir() + "/COPYING");
	if (!licenceFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
		textViewLicence->setPlainText(tr("Unable to open licence file. Please check your install directory or the Scribus website for licencing information.") );
		QTextStream inTS(&licenceFile);
		QString licenceText = inTS.readAll();

	//Add tab widget to about window
	aboutLayout->addWidget( tabWidget2 );

	layout2 = new QHBoxLayout;
	layout2->setSpacing( 6 );
	layout2->setMargin( 0 );
	QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
	layout2->addItem( spacer );
	okButton = new QPushButton( tr( "&Close" ), this );
	okButton->setDefault( true );
	layout2->addWidget( okButton );
	aboutLayout->addLayout( layout2 );

	buildID->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr( "This panel shows the version, build date and compiled in library support in Scribus.")+"<br>"
	+ tr("The C-C-T-F equates to C=littlecms C=CUPS T=TIFF support F=Fontconfig support.Last Letter is the renderer C=cairo or Q=Qt")+"<br>"
	+ tr("Missing library support is indicated by a *. This also indicates the version of Ghostscript which Scribus has detected.")+"<br>"
	+ tr("The Windows version does not use fontconfig or CUPS libraries." ) + "</qt>" );
	checkForUpdateButton->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr( "Check for updates to Scribus. No data from your machine will be transferred off it." ) + "</qt>" );
	// signals and slots connections
	connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
	connect( checkForUpdateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( runUpdateCheck() ) );