예제 #1
파일: ll_malloc.c 프로젝트: 2pac/kamailio
static inline void frag_push(struct sfm_frag** head, struct sfm_frag* frag)
	register struct sfm_frag* old;
	register struct sfm_frag* crt;
		crt=(void*)atomic_cmpxchg_long((void*)head, (long)old, (long)frag);
예제 #2
/* lockless insert: should be always safe */
int insert_tmcb(struct tmcb_head_list *cb_list, int types,
				transaction_cb f, void *param,
				release_tmcb_param rel_func)
	struct tm_callback *cbp;
	struct tm_callback *old;

	/* build a new callback structure */
	if (!(cbp=shm_malloc( sizeof( struct tm_callback)))) {
		LOG(L_ERR, "ERROR:tm:insert_tmcb: out of shm. mem\n");
		return E_OUT_OF_MEM;

	atomic_or_int(&cb_list->reg_types, types);
	/* ... and fill it up */
	cbp->callback = f;
	cbp->param = param;
	cbp->release = rel_func;
	cbp->types = types;
	old=(struct tm_callback*)cb_list->first;
	/* link it into the proper place... */
		cbp->next = old;
		if (cbp->next)
			cbp->id = cbp->next->id+1;
			cbp->id = 0;
		 -- callback ids are useless -- andrei */
										(long)old, (long)cbp);

	return 1;
예제 #3
/* should be called directly only if one of the condition bellow is true:
 *  - prepare_cancel_branch or prepare_to_cancel returned true for this branch
 *  - buffer value was 0 and then set to BUSY in an atomic op.:
 *     if (atomic_cmpxchg_long(&buffer, 0, BUSY_BUFFER)==0).
 * params:  t - transaction
 *          branch - branch number to be canceled
 *          reason - cancel reason structure
 *          flags - howto cancel: 
 *                   F_CANCEL_B_KILL - will completely stop the 
 *                     branch (stops the timers), use with care
 *                   F_CANCEL_B_FAKE_REPLY - will send a fake 487
 *                      to all branches that haven't received any response
 *                      (>=100). It assumes the REPLY_LOCK is not held
 *                      (if it is => deadlock)
 *                  F_CANCEL_B_FORCE_C - will send a cancel (and create the 
 *                       corresp. local cancel rb) even if no reply was 
 *                       received; F_CANCEL_B_FAKE_REPLY will be ignored.
 *                  F_CANCEL_B_FORCE_RETR - don't stop retransmission if no 
 *                       reply was received on the branch; incompatible
 *                       with F_CANCEL_B_FAKE_REPLY, F_CANCEL_B_FORCE_C and
 *                       F_CANCEL_B_KILL (all of them take precedence) a
 *                  default: stop only the retransmissions for the branch
 *                      and leave it to timeout if it doesn't receive any
 *                      response to the CANCEL
 * returns: 0 - branch inactive after running cancel_branch() 
 *          1 - branch still active  (fr_timer)
 *         -1 - error
 *          - F_CANCEL_B_KILL should be used only if the transaction is killed
 *            explicitly afterwards (since it might kill all the timers
 *            the transaction won't be able to "kill" itself => if not
 *            explicitly "put_on_wait" it might live forever)
 *          - F_CANCEL_B_FAKE_REPLY must be used only if the REPLY_LOCK is not
 *            held
 *          - checking for buffer==0 under REPLY_LOCK is no enough, an 
 *           atomic_cmpxhcg or atomic_get_and_set _must_ be used.
int cancel_branch( struct cell *t, int branch,
					struct cancel_reason* reason,
					int flags )
	char *cancel;
	unsigned int len;
	struct retr_buf *crb, *irb;
	int ret;
	struct cancel_info tmp_cd;
	void* pcbuf;


	if (crb->buffer!=BUSY_BUFFER) {
		LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: attempt to rewrite cancel buffer: %p\n",
#	endif

	if (flags & F_CANCEL_B_KILL){
		stop_rb_timers( irb );
		if ((t->uac[branch].last_received < 100) &&
				!(flags & F_CANCEL_B_FORCE_C)) {
			DBG("DEBUG: cancel_branch: no response ever received: "
			    "giving up on cancel\n");
			/* remove BUSY_BUFFER -- mark cancel buffer as not used */
			pcbuf=&crb->buffer; /* workaround for type punning warnings */
			atomic_set_long(pcbuf, 0);
			/* try to relay auto-generated 487 canceling response only when
			 * another one is not under relaying on the branch and there is
			 * no forced response per transaction from script */
			if((flags & F_CANCEL_B_FAKE_REPLY)
					&& !(irb->flags&F_RB_RELAYREPLY)
					&& !(t->flags&T_ADMIN_REPLY)) {
				if (relay_reply(t, FAKED_REPLY, branch, 487, &tmp_cd, 1) == 
					return -1;
			/* do nothing, hope that the caller will clean up */
			return ret;
		if (t->uac[branch].last_received < 100){
			if (!(flags & F_CANCEL_B_FORCE_C)) {
				/* no response received => don't send a cancel on this branch,
				 *  just drop it */
				if (!(flags & F_CANCEL_B_FORCE_RETR))
					stop_rb_retr(irb); /* stop retransmissions */
				/* remove BUSY_BUFFER -- mark cancel buffer as not used */
				pcbuf=&crb->buffer; /* workaround for type punning warnings */
				atomic_set_long(pcbuf, 0);
				if (flags & F_CANCEL_B_FAKE_REPLY){
					stop_rb_timers( irb ); /* stop even the fr timer */
					if (relay_reply(t, FAKED_REPLY, branch, 487, &tmp_cd, 1)== 
						return -1;
					return 0; /* should be inactive after the 487 */
				/* do nothing, just wait for the final timeout */
				return 1;
		stop_rb_retr(irb); /* stop retransmissions */

	if (cfg_get(tm, tm_cfg, reparse_invite) ||
			(t->uas.request && t->uas.request->msg_flags&(FL_USE_UAC_FROM|FL_USE_UAC_TO))) {
		/* build the CANCEL from the INVITE which was sent out */
		cancel = build_local_reparse(t, branch, &len, CANCEL, CANCEL_LEN,
									 (t->uas.request && t->uas.request->msg_flags&FL_USE_UAC_TO)?0:&t->to
									 , reason
	} else {
		/* build the CANCEL from the received INVITE */
		cancel = build_local(t, branch, &len, CANCEL, CANCEL_LEN, &t->to
								, reason
	if (!cancel) {
		LOG(L_ERR, "ERROR: attempt to build a CANCEL failed\n");
		/* remove BUSY_BUFFER -- mark cancel buffer as not used */
		pcbuf=&crb->buffer; /* workaround for type punning warnings */
		atomic_set_long(pcbuf, 0);
		return -1;
	/* install cancel now */
	crb->dst = irb->dst;
	crb->branch = branch;
	/* label it as cancel so that FR timer can better know how to
	   deal with it */
	crb->activ_type = TYPE_LOCAL_CANCEL;
	/* be extra carefully and check for bugs (the below if could be replaced
	 *  by an atomic_set((void*)&crb->buffer, cancel) */
	if (unlikely(atomic_cmpxchg_long((void*)&crb->buffer, (long)BUSY_BUFFER,
							(long)cancel)!= (long)BUSY_BUFFER)){
		BUG("tm: cancel_branch: local_cancel buffer=%p != BUSY_BUFFER"
				" (trying to continue)\n", crb->buffer);
		return -1;
	membar_write_atomic_op(); /* cancel retr. can be called from 
								 reply_received w/o the reply lock held => 
								 they check for buffer_len to 
								 see if a valid reply exists */
	crb->buffer_len = len;

	DBG("DEBUG: cancel_branch: sending cancel...\n");
	if (SEND_BUFFER( crb )>=0){
		if (unlikely (has_tran_tmcbs(t, TMCB_REQUEST_OUT)))
			run_trans_callbacks_with_buf(TMCB_REQUEST_OUT, crb, t->uas.request, 0, TMCB_LOCAL_F);
		if (unlikely (has_tran_tmcbs(t, TMCB_REQUEST_SENT)))
			run_trans_callbacks_with_buf(TMCB_REQUEST_SENT, crb, t->uas.request, 0, TMCB_LOCAL_F);
	/*sets and starts the FINAL RESPONSE timer */
	if (start_retr( crb )!=0)
		LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: cancel_branch: failed to start retransmission"
					" for %p\n", crb);
	return ret;