예제 #1
    void gmsh_render(bool doLabel, int nmpi=0)
        std::ofstream pp;
        pp << "$MeshFormat" << std::endl;
        pp << "2.2 0 8" << std::endl;
        pp << "$EndMeshFormat" << std::endl;
        pp << "$Nodes" << std::endl;
        pp << m_cartx_vert.size() << std::endl;

        int factor=10000000;
        for(int i=0; i < m_cartx_vert.size(); ++i){
            pp << i+1 << " " << (int)((m_cartx_vert[i])*factor) << " " << (int)((m_carty_vert[i])*factor) << " " <<
                                (int)((m_cartz_vert[i])*factor) << std::endl;

        pp << "$Elements" << std::endl;

        int ncell_partition = ncells()/nmpi;
            ncell_partition += (4-ncell_partition%4);

        pp << ncells() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i < ncells(); ++i)
            int partition = i/ncell_partition;
            pp << i+1 << " " << 2 << " " << 4 << " " << 1 << " " << 1 << " " << 1  << " " << partition << " " <<
                  m_vertex_of_cell.at(i+1, 0) << " " <<
                m_vertex_of_cell.at(i+1,1) << " " <<
                m_vertex_of_cell.at(i+1,2) << " " << std::endl;

        pp << "$EndElements" << std::endl;
예제 #2
void TranslationBasedLocalOutlierRejector::process(
        Size frameSize, InputArray points0, InputArray points1, OutputArray mask)
    CV_Assert(points0.type() == points1.type());
    CV_Assert(points0.getMat().checkVector(2) == points1.getMat().checkVector(2));

    int npoints = points0.getMat().checkVector(2);

    const Point2f* points0_ = points0.getMat().ptr<Point2f>();
    const Point2f* points1_ = points1.getMat().ptr<Point2f>();

    mask.create(1, npoints, CV_8U);
    uchar* mask_ = mask.getMat().ptr<uchar>();

    Size ncells((frameSize.width + cellSize_.width - 1) / cellSize_.width,
                (frameSize.height + cellSize_.height - 1) / cellSize_.height);

    // fill grid cells

    grid_.assign(ncells.area(), Cell());

    for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
        int cx = std::min(cvRound(points0_[i].x / cellSize_.width), ncells.width - 1);
        int cy = std::min(cvRound(points0_[i].y / cellSize_.height), ncells.height - 1);
        grid_[cy * ncells.width + cx].push_back(i);

    // process each cell

    RNG rng(0);
    int niters = ransacParams_.niters();
    std::vector<int> inliers;

    for (size_t ci = 0; ci < grid_.size(); ++ci)
        // estimate translation model at the current cell using RANSAC

        float x1, y1;
        const Cell &cell = grid_[ci];
        int ninliers, ninliersMax = 0;
        float dxBest = 0.f, dyBest = 0.f;

        // find the best hypothesis

        if (!cell.empty())
            for (int iter = 0; iter < niters; ++iter)
                int idx = cell[static_cast<unsigned>(rng) % cell.size()];
                float dx = points1_[idx].x - points0_[idx].x;
                float dy = points1_[idx].y - points0_[idx].y;

                ninliers = 0;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < cell.size(); ++i)
                    x1 = points0_[cell[i]].x + dx;
                    y1 = points0_[cell[i]].y + dy;
                    if (sqr(x1 - points1_[cell[i]].x) + sqr(y1 - points1_[cell[i]].y) <

                if (ninliers > ninliersMax)
                    ninliersMax = ninliers;
                    dxBest = dx;
                    dyBest = dy;

        // get the best hypothesis inliers

        ninliers = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < cell.size(); ++i)
            x1 = points0_[cell[i]].x + dxBest;
            y1 = points0_[cell[i]].y + dyBest;
            if (sqr(x1 - points1_[cell[i]].x) + sqr(y1 - points1_[cell[i]].y) <
                inliers[ninliers++] = cell[i];

        // refine the best hypothesis

        dxBest = dyBest = 0.f;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < inliers.size(); ++i)
            dxBest += points1_[inliers[i]].x - points0_[inliers[i]].x;
            dyBest += points1_[inliers[i]].y - points0_[inliers[i]].y;
        if (!inliers.empty())
            dxBest /= inliers.size();
            dyBest /= inliers.size();

        // set mask elements for refined model inliers

        for (size_t i = 0; i < cell.size(); ++i)
            x1 = points0_[cell[i]].x + dxBest;
            y1 = points0_[cell[i]].y + dyBest;
            if (sqr(x1 - points1_[cell[i]].x) + sqr(y1 - points1_[cell[i]].y) <
                mask_[cell[i]] = 1;
                mask_[cell[i]] = 0;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])

  // parse arguments ///////////////////////////////////////////
  // Declare the supported options.
  po::options_description desc("Visualize data");
    ("help", "produce help message")
    ("width", po::value<double>()->required(), "Width ")
    ("height", po::value<double>()->required(), "Height ")
    ("dir", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("."), "Data directory")

  po::positional_options_description pos;
  pos.add("width", 1);
  pos.add("height", 1);
  pos.add("dir", 1);

  po::variables_map vm;
  po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(pos).run(), vm);

  double width = vm["width"].as<double>();
  double height = vm["height"].as<double>();
  std::string datadirectory = vm["dir"].as<std::string>();
  // end of parse arguments ////////////////////////////////////
  cv::Mat laser_pose, laser_ranges, scan_angles;
  loadMat(laser_pose, datadirectory + "/laser_pose_all.bin");
  loadMat(laser_ranges, datadirectory + "/laser_range_all.bin");
  loadMat(scan_angles, datadirectory + "/scan_angles_all.bin");
  cv::Mat laser_reflectance(laser_ranges.rows, laser_ranges.cols, CV_8U);
  std::string floorplanfile = datadirectory + "/floorplan.png";
  cv::Mat floorplan = cv::imread(floorplanfile, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    if(! floorplan.data )                              // Check for invalid input
      std::cout <<  "Could not open or find the image" << std::endl ;
        return -1;
  cv::transpose(floorplan, floorplan);
  cv::flip(floorplan, floorplan, 1);
  cv::Vec2d size_bitmap(width, height);
  cv::Vec2d margin(1, 1);
  cv::Vec2d min_pt(- margin(0) - size_bitmap(0)/2, - margin(1) - size_bitmap(1)/2);
  double max_range = 8;
  cv::Vec2i gridsize(floorplan.size[0], floorplan.size[1]);
  cv::Vec2d cellsize; 
  cv::divide(size_bitmap , gridsize, cellsize);
  //std::cout << cellsize(0) << cellsize(1) << std::endl;
  cv::Vec2i ncells;
  cv::divide(min_pt, cellsize, ncells, -2);

  OccupancyGrid2D<double, int> map(
  // initialize map with occupancy with floorplan
  for (int r = 0; r < ncells(0); ++r) {
    for (int c = 0; c < ncells(1); ++c) {
      int fp_r = r - margin(0) / cellsize(0);
      int fp_c = c - margin(1) / cellsize(1);
      if ((0 <= fp_r) && (fp_r < floorplan.rows)
          && (0 <= fp_c) && (fp_c < floorplan.cols)) {
        map.og_.at<uint8_t>(r, c) = (floorplan.at<uint8_t>(fp_r, fp_c) > 127) ? map.FREE : map.OCCUPIED;
      } else {
        map.og_.at<uint8_t>(r, c) = map.OCCUPIED;

  boost::mt19937 gen;
  boost::normal_distribution<> norm_dist(1, NOISE_VARIANCE);
  boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::normal_distribution<> > norm_rand(gen, norm_dist);

  for (int r = 0; r < scan_angles.rows; r++) {
    double* pose = laser_pose.ptr<double>(r);
    double* angles = scan_angles.ptr<double>(r);
    double robot_angle = pose[2];
    for (int c = 0; c < scan_angles.cols; c++) {
      double total_angle = robot_angle + angles[c];
      cv::Vec2d final_pos;
      bool refl;
      double range = map.ray_trace(pose[0], pose[1], total_angle, max_range, final_pos, refl);
      range *= norm_rand();
      laser_ranges.at<double>(r, c) = range;
      laser_reflectance.at<uint8_t>(r, c) = (uint8_t) refl;

    // draw input 
    cv::Mat visin;
    cv::cvtColor(map.og_, visin, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
    cv::Vec2d position(pose[0], pose[1]);
    map.draw_lasers(visin, position, robot_angle, angles,
        CV_RGB(0, 255, 0));
    cv::imshow("c", visin);
  saveMat(laser_ranges, "laser_range_all.bin");
  saveMat(laser_reflectance, "laser_reflectance_all.bin");