예제 #1
void Unix_EntropySource::poll(Entropy_Accumulator& accum)
   // refuse to run setuid or setgid, or as root
   if((getuid() != geteuid()) || (getgid() != getegid()) || (geteuid() == 0))

   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);

      auto sources = get_default_sources();

      for(auto src : sources)
         const std::string path = find_full_path_if_exists(m_trusted_paths, src[0]);
         if(path != "")
            src[0] = path;

      return; // still empty, really nothing to try

   const size_t MS_WAIT_TIME = 32;


      while(m_procs.size() < m_concurrent)

      fd_set read_set;

      std::vector<int> fds;

      for(auto& proc : m_procs)
         int fd = proc.fd();
         if(fd > 0)
            FD_SET(fd, &read_set);


      const int max_fd = *std::max_element(fds.begin(), fds.end());

      struct ::timeval timeout;
      timeout.tv_sec = (MS_WAIT_TIME / 1000);
      timeout.tv_usec = (MS_WAIT_TIME % 1000) * 1000;

      if(::select(max_fd + 1, &read_set, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout) < 0)
         return; // or continue?

      for(auto& proc : m_procs)
         int fd = proc.fd();

         if(FD_ISSET(fd, &read_set))
            const ssize_t got = ::read(fd, m_buf.data(), m_buf.size());
            if(got > 0)
               accum.add(m_buf.data(), got, BOTAN_ENTROPY_ESTIMATE_SYSTEM_TEXT);
static int process_work_frame(AVFilterContext *ctx, int stop)
    FrameRateContext *s = ctx->priv;
    AVFilterLink *outlink = ctx->outputs[0];
    int64_t work_next_pts;
    AVFrame *copy_src1, *copy_src2, *work;
    int interpolate;

    ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame()\n");

    ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() pending_input_frames %d\n", s->pending_srce_frames);

    if (s->srce[s->prev]) ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() srce prev pts:%"PRId64"\n", s->srce[s->prev]->pts);
    if (s->srce[s->crnt]) ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() srce crnt pts:%"PRId64"\n", s->srce[s->crnt]->pts);
    if (s->srce[s->next]) ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() srce next pts:%"PRId64"\n", s->srce[s->next]->pts);

    if (!s->srce[s->crnt]) {
        // the filter cannot do anything
        ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() no current frame cached: move on to next frame, do not output a frame\n");
        return 0;

    work_next_pts = s->pts + s->average_dest_pts_delta;

    ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() work crnt pts:%"PRId64"\n", s->pts);
    ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() work next pts:%"PRId64"\n", work_next_pts);
    if (s->srce[s->prev])
        ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() srce prev pts:%"PRId64" at dest time base:%u/%u\n",
            s->srce_pts_dest[s->prev], s->dest_time_base.num, s->dest_time_base.den);
    if (s->srce[s->crnt])
        ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() srce crnt pts:%"PRId64" at dest time base:%u/%u\n",
            s->srce_pts_dest[s->crnt], s->dest_time_base.num, s->dest_time_base.den);
    if (s->srce[s->next])
        ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() srce next pts:%"PRId64" at dest time base:%u/%u\n",
            s->srce_pts_dest[s->next], s->dest_time_base.num, s->dest_time_base.den);


    // should filter be skipping input frame (output frame rate is lower than input frame rate)
    if (!s->flush && s->pts >= s->srce_pts_dest[s->next]) {
        ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() work crnt pts >= srce next pts: SKIP FRAME, move on to next frame, do not output a frame\n");
        return 0;

    // calculate interpolation
    interpolate = (int) ((s->pts - s->srce_pts_dest[s->crnt]) * 256.0 / s->average_srce_pts_dest_delta);
    ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() interpolate:%d/256\n", interpolate);
    copy_src1 = s->srce[s->crnt];
    if (interpolate > s->interp_end) {
        ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() source is:NEXT\n");
        copy_src1 = s->srce[s->next];
    if (s->srce[s->prev] && interpolate < -s->interp_end) {
        ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() source is:PREV\n");
        copy_src1 = s->srce[s->prev];

    // decide whether to blend two frames
    if ((interpolate >= s->interp_start && interpolate <= s->interp_end) || (interpolate <= -s->interp_start && interpolate >= -s->interp_end)) {
        double interpolate_scene_score = 0;

        if (interpolate > 0) {
            ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() interpolate source is:NEXT\n");
            copy_src2 = s->srce[s->next];
        } else {
            ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() interpolate source is:PREV\n");
            copy_src2 = s->srce[s->prev];
        if ((s->flags & FRAMERATE_FLAG_SCD) && copy_src2) {
            interpolate_scene_score = get_scene_score(ctx, copy_src1, copy_src2);
            ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() interpolate scene score:%f\n", interpolate_scene_score);
        // decide if the shot-change detection allows us to blend two frames
        if (interpolate_scene_score < s->scene_score && copy_src2) {
            uint16_t src2_factor = abs(interpolate);
            uint16_t src1_factor = 256 - src2_factor;
            int plane, line, pixel;

            // get work-space for output frame
            work = ff_get_video_buffer(outlink, outlink->w, outlink->h);
            if (!work)
                return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

            av_frame_copy_props(work, s->srce[s->crnt]);

            ff_dlog(ctx, "process_work_frame() INTERPOLATE to create work frame\n");
            for (plane = 0; plane < 4 && copy_src1->data[plane] && copy_src2->data[plane]; plane++) {
                int cpy_line_width = s->line_size[plane];
                uint8_t *cpy_src1_data = copy_src1->data[plane];
                int cpy_src1_line_size = copy_src1->linesize[plane];
                uint8_t *cpy_src2_data = copy_src2->data[plane];
                int cpy_src2_line_size = copy_src2->linesize[plane];
                int cpy_src_h = (plane > 0 && plane < 3) ? (copy_src1->height >> s->vsub) : (copy_src1->height);
                uint8_t *cpy_dst_data = work->data[plane];
                int cpy_dst_line_size = work->linesize[plane];
                if (plane <1 || plane >2) {
                    // luma or alpha
                    for (line = 0; line < cpy_src_h; line++) {
                        for (pixel = 0; pixel < cpy_line_width; pixel++) {
                            // integer version of (src1 * src1_factor) + (src2 + src2_factor) + 0.5
                            // 0.5 is for rounding
                            // 128 is the integer representation of 0.5 << 8
                            cpy_dst_data[pixel] = ((cpy_src1_data[pixel] * src1_factor) + (cpy_src2_data[pixel] * src2_factor) + 128) >> 8;
                        cpy_src1_data += cpy_src1_line_size;
                        cpy_src2_data += cpy_src2_line_size;
                        cpy_dst_data += cpy_dst_line_size;
                } else {
                    // chroma
                    for (line = 0; line < cpy_src_h; line++) {
                        for (pixel = 0; pixel < cpy_line_width; pixel++) {
                            // as above
                            // because U and V are based around 128 we have to subtract 128 from the components.
                            // 32896 is the integer representation of 128.5 << 8
                            cpy_dst_data[pixel] = (((cpy_src1_data[pixel] - 128) * src1_factor) + ((cpy_src2_data[pixel] - 128) * src2_factor) + 32896) >> 8;
                        cpy_src1_data += cpy_src1_line_size;
                        cpy_src2_data += cpy_src2_line_size;
                        cpy_dst_data += cpy_dst_line_size;