예제 #1
* PROCEDURE: canny
* PURPOSE: To perform canny edge detection.
* NAME: Mike Heath
* DATE: 2/15/96
void canny(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma,
           float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char **edge, char *fname)
    FILE *fpdir=NULL;          /* File to write the gradient image to.     */
    unsigned char *nms;        /* Points that are local maximal magnitude. */
    short int *smoothedim,     /* The image after gaussian smoothing.      */
          *delta_x,        /* The first devivative image, x-direction. */
          *delta_y,        /* The first derivative image, y-direction. */
          *magnitude;      /* The magnitude of the gadient image.      */
    float *dir_radians=NULL;   /* Gradient direction image.                */

    * Perform gaussian smoothing on the image using the input standard
    * deviation.
    if(VERBOSE) printf("Smoothing the image using a gaussian kernel.\n");
    smoothedim = gaussian_smooth(image, rows, cols, sigma);

    * Compute the first derivative in the x and y directions.
    if(VERBOSE) printf("Computing the X and Y first derivatives.\n");
    derrivative_x_y(smoothedim, rows, cols, &delta_x, &delta_y);

    * This option to write out the direction of the edge gradient was added
    * to make the information available for computing an edge quality figure
    * of merit.
    if(fname != NULL)
        * Compute the direction up the gradient, in radians that are
        * specified counteclockwise from the positive x-axis.
        radian_direction(delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, &dir_radians, -1, -1);

        * Write the gradient direction image out to a file.
        if((fpdir = fopen(fname, "wb")) == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error opening the file %s for writing.\n", fname);
        fwrite(dir_radians, sizeof(float), rows*cols, fpdir);

    * Compute the magnitude of the gradient.
    * Allocate an image to store the magnitude of the gradient.
    if((magnitude = (short *) malloc(rows*cols* sizeof(short))) == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the magnitude image.\n");

    if(VERBOSE) printf("Computing the magnitude of the gradient.\n");
    magnitude_x_y(delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, magnitude);

    * Perform non-maximal suppression.
    if(VERBOSE) printf("Doing the non-maximal suppression.\n");
    if((nms = (unsigned char *) malloc(rows*cols*sizeof(unsigned char)))==NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the nms image.\n");
    non_max_supp(magnitude, delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, nms);

    * Use hysteresis to mark the edge pixels.
    if(VERBOSE) printf("Doing hysteresis thresholding.\n");
    if( (*edge=(unsigned char *)malloc(rows*cols*sizeof(unsigned char))) == NULL )
        fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the edge image.\n");
    apply_hysteresis(magnitude, nms, rows, cols, tlow, thigh, *edge);

    * Free all of the memory that we allocated except for the edge image that
    * is still being used to store out result.
예제 #2
* PROCEDURE: canny
* PURPOSE: To perform canny edge detection.
* NAME: Mike Heath
* DATE: 2/15/96
void canny(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma,
         float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char **edge, char *fname)
	FILE *fpdir=NULL;          /* File to write the gradient image to.     */
	unsigned char *nms;        /* Points that are local maximal magnitude. */
	short int *smoothedim,     /* The image after gaussian smoothing.      */
             *delta_x,         /* The first devivative image, x-direction. */
             *delta_y,         /* The first derivative image, y-direction. */
             *magnitude;       /* The magnitude of the gadient image.      */
	int r, c, pos;
	float *dir_radians=NULL;   /* Gradient direction image.                */
	pthread_t radian_thread;
	thread_args_t targs;
	int rc;
	void *status;
   * Perform gaussian smoothing on the image using the input standard
   * deviation.
   if(VERBOSE) printf("Smoothing the image using a gaussian kernel.\n");
   gaussian_smooth(image, rows, cols, sigma, &smoothedim);

   * Compute the first derivative in the x and y directions.
   if(VERBOSE) printf("Computing the X and Y first derivatives.\n");
   derrivative_x_y(smoothedim, rows, cols, &delta_x, &delta_y);

   * This option to write out the direction of the edge gradient was added
   * to make the information available for computing an edge quality figure
   * of merit.
   if (fname != NULL){
      targs.delta_x = delta_x;
      targs.delta_y = delta_y;
      targs.rows = rows;
      targs.cols = cols;
      targs.fname = fname;
      rc = pthread_create(&radian_thread, NULL, radian_thread_function, (void *)&targs);
      if (rc){
         printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc);

   * Compute the magnitude of the gradient.
   if(VERBOSE) printf("Computing the magnitude of the gradient.\n");
   magnitude_x_y(delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, &magnitude);

   * Perform non-maximal suppression.
   if(VERBOSE) printf("Doing the non-maximal suppression.\n");
   if((nms = (unsigned char *) calloc(rows*cols,sizeof(unsigned char)))==NULL){
      fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the nms image.\n");

   non_max_supp(magnitude, delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, nms);

   * Use hysteresis to mark the edge pixels.
   if(VERBOSE) printf("Doing hysteresis thresholding.\n");
   if((*edge=(unsigned char *)calloc(rows*cols,sizeof(unsigned char))) ==NULL){
      fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the edge image.\n");

   apply_hysteresis(magnitude, nms, rows, cols, tlow, thigh, *edge);
   if (fname != NULL){
      rc = pthread_join(radian_thread, &status);
      if (rc){
         printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_join() is %d\n", rc);
   * Free all of the memory that we allocated except for the edge image that
   * is still being used to store out result.
예제 #3
* PROCEDURE: canny
* PURPOSE: To perform canny edge detection.
* NAME: Mike Heath
* DATE: 2/15/96
void canny(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma,
         float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char **edge)
   unsigned char *nms;        /* Points that are local maximal magnitude. */
   short int *smoothedim,     /* The image after gaussian smoothing.      */
             *delta_x,        /* The first devivative image, x-direction. */
             *delta_y,        /* The first derivative image, y-direction. */
             *magnitude;      /* The magnitude of the gadient image.      */
   float *dir_radians=NULL;   /* Gradient direction image.                */

   * Perform gaussian smoothing on the image using the input standard
   * deviation.
   if(VERBOSE) mexPrintf("Smoothing the image using a gaussian kernel.\n");
   gaussian_smooth(image, rows, cols, sigma, &smoothedim);

   * Compute the first derivative in the x and y directions.
   if(VERBOSE) mexPrintf("Computing the X and Y first derivatives.\n");
   derrivative_x_y(smoothedim, rows, cols, &delta_x, &delta_y);

   * Compute the magnitude of the gradient.
   if(VERBOSE) mexPrintf("Computing the magnitude of the gradient.\n");
   magnitude_x_y(delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, &magnitude);

   * Perform non-maximal suppression.
   if(VERBOSE) mexPrintf("Doing the non-maximal suppression.\n");
   if((nms = (unsigned char *) calloc(rows*cols,sizeof(unsigned char)))==NULL){
      fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the nms image.\n");

   non_max_supp(magnitude, delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, nms);

   * Use hysteresis to mark the edge pixels.
   if(VERBOSE) mexPrintf("Doing hysteresis thresholding.\n");
   if((*edge=(unsigned char *)calloc(rows*cols,sizeof(unsigned char))) ==NULL){
      fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the edge image.\n");

   apply_hysteresis(magnitude, nms, rows, cols, tlow, thigh, *edge);

   * Free all of the memory that we allocated except for the edge image that
   * is still being used to store out result.