예제 #1
    void WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts( const BatchedCommandRequest& request,
                                          std::vector<WriteErrorDetail*>* errors ) {

        // Theory of operation:
        // Instantiates an ExecInsertsState, which represents all of the state involved in the batch
        // insert execution algorithm.  Most importantly, encapsulates the lock state.
        // Every iteration of the loop in execInserts() processes one document insertion, by calling
        // insertOne() exactly once for a given value of state.currIndex.
        // If the ExecInsertsState indicates that the requisite write locks are not held, insertOne
        // acquires them and performs lock-acquisition-time checks.  However, on non-error
        // execution, it does not release the locks.  Therefore, the yielding logic in the while
        // loop in execInserts() is solely responsible for lock release in the non-error case.
        // Internally, insertOne loops performing the single insert until it completes without a
        // PageFaultException, or until it fails with some kind of error.  Errors are mostly
        // propagated via the request->error field, but DBExceptions or std::exceptions may escape,
        // particularly on operation interruption.  These kinds of errors necessarily prevent
        // further insertOne calls, and stop the batch.  As a result, the only expected source of
        // such exceptions are interruptions.
        ExecInsertsState state(&request);
        normalizeInserts(request, &state.normalizedInserts, &state.pregeneratedKeys);

        ElapsedTracker elapsedTracker(128, 10); // 128 hits or 10 ms, matching RunnerYieldPolicy's

        for (state.currIndex = 0;
             state.currIndex < state.request->sizeWriteOps();
             ++state.currIndex) {

            if (elapsedTracker.intervalHasElapsed()) {
                // Consider yielding between inserts.

                if (state.hasLock()) {
                    int micros = ClientCursor::suggestYieldMicros();
                    if (micros > 0) {

            WriteErrorDetail* error = NULL;
            execOneInsert(&state, &error);
            if (error) {
                if (request.getOrdered())
예제 #2
void WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts( const BatchedCommandRequest& request,
                                      std::vector<WriteErrorDetail*>* errors ) {

    // Bulk insert is a bit different from other bulk operations in that multiple request docs
    // can be processed at once inside the write lock.

    const NamespaceString nss( request.getTargetingNS() );
    scoped_ptr<BatchItemRef> currInsertItem( new BatchItemRef( &request, 0 ) );

    // Go through our request and do some preprocessing on insert documents outside the lock to
    // validate and put them in a normalized form - i.e. put _id in front and fill in
    // timestamps.  The insert document may also be invalid.
    // TODO:  Might be more efficient to do in batches.
    vector<StatusWith<BSONObj> > normalInserts;
    normalizeInserts( request, &normalInserts );

    while ( currInsertItem->getItemIndex() < static_cast<int>( request.sizeWriteOps() ) ) {

        WriteOpResult currResult;

        // Don't (re-)acquire locks and create database until it's necessary
        if ( !normalInserts[currInsertItem->getItemIndex()].isOK() ) {
            currResult.error =
                toWriteError( normalInserts[currInsertItem->getItemIndex()].getStatus() );
        else {

            PageFaultRetryableSection pFaultSection;

            Lock::DBWrite writeLock( nss.ns() );

            // Check version inside of write lock

            if ( checkIsMasterForCollection( nss, &currResult.error )
                    && checkShardVersion( &shardingState, request, &currResult.error )
                    && checkIndexConstraints( &shardingState, request, &currResult.error ) ) {

                // Get the collection for the insert

                scoped_ptr<Client::Context> writeContext;
                Collection* collection = NULL;

                try {
                    // Context once we're locked, to set more details in currentOp()
                    // TODO: better constructor?
                    writeContext.reset( new Client::Context( request.getNS(),
                                        false /* don't check version */) );

                    Database* database = writeContext->db();
                    dassert( database );
                    collection = database->getCollection( nss.ns() );

                    if ( !collection ) {
                        // Implicitly create if it doesn't exist
                        collection = database->createCollection( nss.ns() );
                        if ( !collection ) {
                            currResult.error =
                                toWriteError( Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                                                      "could not create collection" ) );
                catch ( const DBException& ex ) {
                    Status status(ex.toStatus());
                    if (ErrorCodes::isInterruption(status.code())) {
                    currResult.error = toWriteError(status);

                // Perform writes inside write lock

                while ( collection
                        && currInsertItem->getItemIndex()
                        < static_cast<int>( request.sizeWriteOps() ) ) {

                    // BEGIN CURRENT OP

                    scoped_ptr<CurOp> currentOp( beginCurrentOp( _client, *currInsertItem ) );
                    incOpStats( *currInsertItem );

                    // Get the actual document we want to write, assuming it's valid
                    const StatusWith<BSONObj>& normalInsert = //

                    const BSONObj& normalInsertDoc =
                        normalInsert.getValue().isEmpty() ?
                        currInsertItem->getDocument() : normalInsert.getValue();

                    if ( !normalInsert.isOK() ) {
                        // This insert failed on preprocessing
                        currResult.error = toWriteError( normalInsert.getStatus() );
                    else if ( !request.isInsertIndexRequest() ) {
                        // Try the insert
                        singleInsert( *currInsertItem,
                                      &currResult );
                    else {
                        // Try the create index
                        singleCreateIndex( *currInsertItem,
                                           &currResult );

                    // END CURRENT OP

                    finishCurrentOp( _client, currentOp.get(), currResult.error );

                    // Faults release the write lock
                    if ( currResult.fault )

                    // In general, we might have stats and errors
                    incWriteStats( *currInsertItem,
                                   currentOp.get() );

                    // Errors release the write lock
                    if ( currResult.error )

                    // Increment in the write lock and reset the stats for next time
                    currInsertItem.reset( new BatchItemRef( &request,
                                                            + 1 ) );

                    // Destruct curop so that our parent curop is restored, so that we
                    // record the yield count in the parent.

                    // yield sometimes
                    int micros = ClientCursor::suggestYieldMicros();
                    if (micros > 0) {
                        ClientCursor::staticYield(micros, "", NULL);

        } // END WRITE LOCK

        // Store the current error if it exists

        if ( currResult.error ) {

            errors->push_back( currResult.releaseError() );
            errors->back()->setIndex( currInsertItem->getItemIndex() );

            // Break early for ordered batches
            if ( request.getOrdered() )

        // Fault or increment

        if ( currResult.fault ) {
            // Check page fault out of lock
        else {
            // Increment if not a fault
            currInsertItem.reset( new BatchItemRef( &request,
                                                    currInsertItem->getItemIndex() + 1 ) );
