/* * call-seq: DB.version => Fixnum * * Return the version of the database */ VALUE notmuch_rb_database_version (VALUE self) { notmuch_database_t *db; Data_Get_Notmuch_Database (self, db); return INT2FIX (notmuch_database_get_version (db)); }
int notmuch_new_command (void *ctx, int argc, char *argv[]) { notmuch_config_t *config; notmuch_database_t *notmuch; add_files_state_t add_files_state; double elapsed; struct timeval tv_now, tv_start; int ret = 0; struct stat st; const char *db_path; char *dot_notmuch_path; struct sigaction action; _filename_node_t *f; int renamed_files, removed_files; notmuch_status_t status; int i; notmuch_bool_t timer_is_active = FALSE; add_files_state.verbose = 0; add_files_state.output_is_a_tty = isatty (fileno (stdout)); for (i = 0; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) { if (STRNCMP_LITERAL (argv[i], "--verbose") == 0) { add_files_state.verbose = 1; } else { fprintf (stderr, "Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]); return 1; } } config = notmuch_config_open (ctx, NULL, NULL); if (config == NULL) return 1; add_files_state.new_tags = notmuch_config_get_new_tags (config, &add_files_state.new_tags_length); add_files_state.synchronize_flags = notmuch_config_get_maildir_synchronize_flags (config); add_files_state.message_ids_to_sync = _filename_list_create (ctx); db_path = notmuch_config_get_database_path (config); dot_notmuch_path = talloc_asprintf (ctx, "%s/%s", db_path, ".notmuch"); if (stat (dot_notmuch_path, &st)) { int count; count = 0; count_files (db_path, &count); if (interrupted) return 1; printf ("Found %d total files (that's not much mail).\n", count); notmuch = notmuch_database_create (db_path); add_files_state.total_files = count; } else { notmuch = notmuch_database_open (db_path, NOTMUCH_DATABASE_MODE_READ_WRITE); if (notmuch == NULL) return 1; if (notmuch_database_needs_upgrade (notmuch)) { printf ("Welcome to a new version of notmuch! Your database will now be upgraded.\n"); gettimeofday (&add_files_state.tv_start, NULL); notmuch_database_upgrade (notmuch, upgrade_print_progress, &add_files_state); printf ("Your notmuch database has now been upgraded to database format version %u.\n", notmuch_database_get_version (notmuch)); } add_files_state.total_files = 0; } if (notmuch == NULL) return 1; /* Setup our handler for SIGINT. We do this after having * potentially done a database upgrade we this interrupt handler * won't support. */ memset (&action, 0, sizeof (struct sigaction)); action.sa_handler = handle_sigint; sigemptyset (&action.sa_mask); action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction (SIGINT, &action, NULL); talloc_free (dot_notmuch_path); dot_notmuch_path = NULL; add_files_state.processed_files = 0; add_files_state.added_messages = 0; gettimeofday (&add_files_state.tv_start, NULL); add_files_state.removed_files = _filename_list_create (ctx); add_files_state.removed_directories = _filename_list_create (ctx); if (! debugger_is_active () && add_files_state.output_is_a_tty && ! add_files_state.verbose) { setup_progress_printing_timer (); timer_is_active = TRUE; } ret = add_files (notmuch, db_path, &add_files_state); removed_files = 0; renamed_files = 0; gettimeofday (&tv_start, NULL); for (f = add_files_state.removed_files->head; f; f = f->next) { status = notmuch_database_remove_message (notmuch, f->filename); if (status == NOTMUCH_STATUS_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID) renamed_files++; else removed_files++; if (do_print_progress) { do_print_progress = 0; generic_print_progress ("Cleaned up", "messages", tv_start, removed_files + renamed_files, add_files_state.removed_files->count); } } gettimeofday (&tv_start, NULL); for (f = add_files_state.removed_directories->head, i = 0; f; f = f->next, i++) { _remove_directory (ctx, notmuch, f->filename, &renamed_files, &removed_files); if (do_print_progress) { do_print_progress = 0; generic_print_progress ("Cleaned up", "directories", tv_start, i, add_files_state.removed_directories->count); } } talloc_free (add_files_state.removed_files); talloc_free (add_files_state.removed_directories); /* Now that removals are done (hence the database is aware of all * renames), we can synchronize maildir_flags to tags for all * messages that had new filenames appear on this run. */ gettimeofday (&tv_start, NULL); if (add_files_state.synchronize_flags) { _filename_node_t *node; notmuch_message_t *message; for (node = add_files_state.message_ids_to_sync->head, i = 0; node; node = node->next, i++) { message = notmuch_database_find_message (notmuch, node->filename); notmuch_message_maildir_flags_to_tags (message); notmuch_message_destroy (message); if (do_print_progress) { do_print_progress = 0; generic_print_progress ( "Synchronized tags for", "messages", tv_start, i, add_files_state.message_ids_to_sync->count); } } } talloc_free (add_files_state.message_ids_to_sync); add_files_state.message_ids_to_sync = NULL; if (timer_is_active) stop_progress_printing_timer (); gettimeofday (&tv_now, NULL); elapsed = notmuch_time_elapsed (add_files_state.tv_start, tv_now); if (add_files_state.processed_files) { printf ("Processed %d %s in ", add_files_state.processed_files, add_files_state.processed_files == 1 ? "file" : "total files"); notmuch_time_print_formatted_seconds (elapsed); if (elapsed > 1) { printf (" (%d files/sec.).\033[K\n", (int) (add_files_state.processed_files / elapsed)); } else { printf (".\033[K\n"); } } if (add_files_state.added_messages) { printf ("Added %d new %s to the database.", add_files_state.added_messages, add_files_state.added_messages == 1 ? "message" : "messages"); } else { printf ("No new mail."); } if (removed_files) { printf (" Removed %d %s.", removed_files, removed_files == 1 ? "message" : "messages"); } if (renamed_files) { printf (" Detected %d file %s.", renamed_files, renamed_files == 1 ? "rename" : "renames"); } printf ("\n"); if (ret) { printf ("\nNote: At least one error was encountered: %s\n", notmuch_status_to_string (ret)); } notmuch_database_close (notmuch); return ret || interrupted; }