예제 #1
bool ofxKinectContext::open(ofxKinect& kinect, int id) {
	// rebuild if necessary (aka new kinects plugged in)
	if(numConnected() >= numTotal()) {
		ofLogWarning("ofxKinect") << "no available devices found";
		return false;
	// is the id available?
	if(id < 0) {
		id = nextAvailableId();
	if(isConnected(id)) {
		ofLogWarning("ofxKinect") << "device " << id << " already connected";
		return false;
	// open and add to vector
	if(freenect_open_device(kinectContext, &kinect.kinectDevice, id) < 0) {
		ofLogError("ofxKinect") << "could not open device " <<  id;
		return false;
	kinects.insert(pair<int,ofxKinect*>(id, &kinect));
	// set kinect id & serial from bus id
	kinect.deviceId = id;
	kinect.serial = deviceList[getDeviceIndex(id)].serial;

	return true;
예제 #2
bool ofxKinectContext::open(ofxKinect& kinect, string serial) {
	// rebuild if necessary (aka new kinects plugged in)
	if(numConnected() >= numTotal()) {
		ofLogWarning("ofxKinect") << "no available devices found";
		return false;
	// is the serial available?
	if(isConnected(serial)) {
		ofLogWarning("ofxKinect") << "device " << serial << " already connected";
		return false;
	// open and add to vector
	if(freenect_open_device_by_camera_serial(kinectContext, &kinect.kinectDevice, serial.c_str()) < 0) {
		ofLogError("ofxKinect") << "could not open device " << serial;
		return false;
	int index = getDeviceIndex(serial);
	kinects.insert(pair<int,ofxKinect*>(deviceList[index].id, &kinect));
	kinect.deviceId = deviceList[index].id;
	kinect.serial = serial;
	return true;
예제 #3
bool ofxKinectContext::open(ofxKinect& kinect, string serial) {
	// rebuild if necessary (aka new kinects plugged in)
	if(numConnected() >= numTotal()) {
		ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofxKinect: No available devices found");
		return false;
	// is the serial available?
	if(isConnected(serial)) {
		ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofxKinect: Device %s already connected", serial.c_str());
		return false;
	// open and add to vector
	if(freenect_open_device_by_camera_serial(kinectContext, &kinect.kinectDevice, serial.c_str()) < 0) {
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "ofxKinect: Could not open device %s", serial.c_str());
		return false;
	int id = getDeviceIndex(serial);
	kinects.insert(pair<int,ofxKinect*>(id, &kinect));
	kinect.deviceId = id;
	kinect.serial = deviceList[id].serial;
	return true;
예제 #4
bool ofxKinectContext::open(ofxKinect& kinect, int id) {
	// rebuild if necessary (aka new kinects plugged in)
	if(numConnected() >= numTotal()) {
		ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofxKinect: No available devices found");
		return false;
	// is the id available?
	if(id < 0) {
		id = nextAvailableId();
	if(isConnected(id)) {
		ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "ofxKinect: Device %d already connected", id);
		return false;
	// open and add to vector
	if(freenect_open_device(kinectContext, &kinect.kinectDevice, id) < 0) {
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "ofxKinect: Could not open device %d", id);
		return false;
	kinects.insert(pair<int,ofxKinect*>(id, &kinect));
	// set kinect id & serial from bus id
	int index = getDeviceIndex(id);
	kinect.deviceId = id;
	kinect.serial = deviceList[index].serial;

	return true;
예제 #5
void ofxKinectContext::clear() {
	if(isInited() && numConnected() < 1) {
		kinectContext = NULL;
		bInited = false;
예제 #6
void ofxKinectContext::clear() {
	if(isInited() && numConnected() < 1) {
		kinectContext = NULL;
		bInited = false;
		ofLogVerbose("ofxKinect") << "context cleared";
예제 #7
void ofxKinectContext::clear() {
	if(isInited() && numConnected() < 1) {
		kinectContext = NULL;
		bInited = false;
		ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "ofxKinect: Context cleared");