예제 #1
double NumberOfLinks::compute( const unsigned& tindex, AtomValuePack& myatoms ) const {
   if( getBaseMultiColvar(0)->getNumberOfQuantities()<3 ) return 1.0; 

   unsigned ncomp=getBaseMultiColvar(0)->getNumberOfQuantities();

   std::vector<double> orient0( ncomp ), orient1( ncomp );
   getVectorForTask( myatoms.getIndex(0), true, orient0 ); 
   getVectorForTask( myatoms.getIndex(1), true, orient1 );

   double dot=0;
   for(unsigned k=2;k<orient0.size();++k){

   if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() ){
     unsigned nder=myatoms.getNumberOfDerivatives();   //getNumberOfDerivatives();
     MultiValue myder0(ncomp,nder), myder1(ncomp,nder);
     getVectorDerivatives( myatoms.getIndex(0), true, myder0 );
     mergeVectorDerivatives( 1, 2, orient1.size(), myatoms.getIndex(0), orient1, myder0, myatoms );
     getVectorDerivatives( myatoms.getIndex(1), true, myder1 ); 
     mergeVectorDerivatives( 1, 2, orient0.size(), myatoms.getIndex(1), orient0, myder1, myatoms );

   return dot;
예제 #2
double ContactAlignedMatrix::compute( const unsigned& tindex, multicolvar::AtomValuePack& myatoms ) const {
  double f_dot, dot_df; 

  std::vector<double> orient0(ncomp), orient1(ncomp);
  getOrientationVector( myatoms.getIndex(0), true, orient0 );
  getOrientationVector( myatoms.getIndex(1), true, orient1 );
  double dot=0; for(unsigned k=2;k<orient0.size();++k) dot+=orient0[k]*orient1[k];
  f_dot=0.5*( 1 + dot ); dot_df=0.5; 

  // Retrieve the weight of the connection
  double weight = myatoms.getValue(0); myatoms.setValue(0,1.0); 

  if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() ){
      Vector distance = getSeparation( myatoms.getPosition(0), myatoms.getPosition(1) );
      double dfunc, sw = switchingFunction( getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(0) ), getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(1) ) ).calculate( distance.modulo(), dfunc );
      addAtomDerivatives( 1, 0, (-dfunc)*f_dot*distance, myatoms );
      addAtomDerivatives( 1, 1, (+dfunc)*f_dot*distance, myatoms ); 
      myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 1, (-dfunc)*f_dot*Tensor(distance,distance) ); 

      // Add derivatives of orientation 
      for(unsigned k=2;k<orient0.size();++k){ orient0[k]*=sw*dot_df; orient1[k]*=sw*dot_df; }
      addOrientationDerivatives( 1, 0, orient1, myatoms );
      addOrientationDerivatives( 1, 1, orient0, myatoms );
  return weight*f_dot;
double InterMolecularTorsions::compute( const unsigned& tindex, multicolvar::AtomValuePack& myatoms ) const {
  Vector v1, v2, dv1, dv2, dconn, conn = getSeparation( myatoms.getPosition(0), myatoms.getPosition(1) );

  // Retrieve vectors
  std::vector<double> orient0( 5 ), orient1( 5 );
  getInputData( 0, true, myatoms, orient0 );
  getInputData( 1, true, myatoms, orient1 );
  for(unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i) { v1[i]=orient0[2+i]; v2[i]=orient1[2+i]; }
  if( getBaseMultiColvar(0)->getNumberOfQuantities()<3 ) return 1.0;

  // Evaluate angle
  Torsion t; double angle = t.compute( v1, conn, v2, dv1, dconn, dv2 );
  for(unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i) { orient0[i+2]=dv1[i]; orient1[i+2]=dv2[i]; }

  // And accumulate derivatives
  if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() ) {
    MultiValue& myder0=getInputDerivatives( 0, true, myatoms );
    mergeInputDerivatives( 1, 2, orient1.size(), 0, orient0, myder0, myatoms );
    MultiValue& myder1=getInputDerivatives( 1, true, myatoms );
    mergeInputDerivatives( 1, 2, orient0.size(), 1, orient1, myder1, myatoms );
    addAtomDerivatives( 1, 0, -dconn, myatoms ); addAtomDerivatives( 1, 1, dconn, myatoms );
    myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 1, -extProduct( conn, dconn ) );

  return angle;