예제 #1
int parse_trying (uint8_t *data, int data_len, uint8_t *out_bssid, uint8_t **out_ssid, int *out_ssid_len)
    // Trying to associate with AB:CD:EF:01:23:45 (SSID='Some SSID' freq=2462 MHz)
    int p;
    if (!(p = data_begins_with((char *)data, data_len, "Trying to associate with "))) {
        return 0;
    data += p;
    data_len -= p;
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        uint8_t d1;
        uint8_t d2;
        if (data_len < 2 || !parse_hex_digit(data[0], &d1) || !parse_hex_digit(data[1], &d2)) {
            return 0;
        data += 2;
        data_len -= 2;
        out_bssid[i] = ((d1 << 4) | d2);
        if (i != 5) {
            if (data_len < 1 || data[0] != ':') {
                return 0;
            data += 1;
            data_len -= 1;
    if (!(p = data_begins_with((char *)data, data_len, " (SSID='"))) {
        return 0;
    data += p;
    data_len -= p;
    // find last '
    uint8_t *q = NULL;
    for (int i = data_len; i > 0; i--) {
        if (data[i - 1] == '\'') {
            q = &data[i - 1];
    if (!q) {
        return 0;
    *out_ssid = data;
    *out_ssid_len = q - data;
    return 1;
예제 #2
파일: rsp_or10.cpp 프로젝트: rdiez/orbuild
static void rsp_write_mem ( const rsp_buf * const buf )
  unsigned int    addr;
  int             len;

  assert( buf->data[0] == 'M' );

  if ( 2 != sscanf( buf->data, "M%x,%x:", &addr, &len ) )
    throw std::runtime_error( "Illegal write memory packet." );

  // Find the start of the data and check there is the amount we expect.
  const char * const symdat = ((const char *)memchr( buf->data, ':', GDB_BUF_MAX ) ) + 1;
  const int datlen = buf->len - (symdat - buf->data);

  // Sanity check.
  if ( len * 2 != datlen )
    throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Illegal write memory packet: Write of %d data hex digits requested, but %d digits were supplied.",
                                          len * 2, datlen ) );

  // Write the bytes to memory.

  // Put all the data into a single buffer, so it can be burst-written via JTAG.
  // One burst is much faster than many single-byte transactions.
  // NOTE: We don't support burst data accesses any more, but that may change in the future.

  std::vector< uint8_t > data;

  for ( int off = 0; off < len; off++ )
    const unsigned char nyb1 = parse_hex_digit( symdat[ off * 2     ] );
    const unsigned char nyb2 = parse_hex_digit( symdat[ off * 2 + 1 ] );
    data.push_back( (nyb1 << 4) | nyb2 );

  const bool error_bit = dbg_cpu0_write_mem( addr, len, &data );

  if ( error_bit )
    put_str_packet( rsp.client_fd, STD_ERROR_CODE );
    send_ok_packet( rsp.client_fd );
예제 #3
파일: common.c 프로젝트: planetminguez/data
prange_t parse_hex_string(const char *string) {
    if(string[0] == '0' && string[1] == 'x') {
        string += 2;
    const char *in = string;
    size_t len = strlen(string);
    size_t out_len = (len + 1)/2;
    uint8_t *out = malloc(out_len);
    prange_t result = (prange_t) {out, out_len};
    if(len % 2) {
        *out++ = parse_hex_digit(*in++, string);
    while(out_len--) {
        uint8_t a = parse_hex_digit(*in++, string);
        uint8_t b = parse_hex_digit(*in++, string);
        *out++ = (uint8_t) ((a * 0x10) + b);
    return result;
예제 #4
파일: color.cpp 프로젝트: Soares/fish-shell
bool rgb_color_t::try_parse_rgb(const wcstring &name) {
    bzero(&data, sizeof data);
    /* We support the following style of rgb formats (case insensitive):
    size_t digit_idx = 0, len = name.size();
    /* Skip any leading # */
    if (len > 0 && name.at(0) == L'#')
    bool success = false;
    size_t i;
    if (len - digit_idx == 3) {
        // type FA3
        for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
            int val = parse_hex_digit(name.at(digit_idx++));
            if (val < 0) break;
            data.rgb[i] = val*16+val;
        success = (i == 3);
    } else if (len - digit_idx == 6) {
        // type F3A035
        for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
            int hi = parse_hex_digit(name.at(digit_idx++));
            int lo = parse_hex_digit(name.at(digit_idx++));
            if (lo < 0 || hi < 0) break;
            data.rgb[i] = hi*16+lo;
        success = (i == 3);
    if (success) {
        this->type = type_rgb;
    return success;
예제 #5
int RichTextBox::process_tag(const char* text, int index, Font*& font)
    if (text[index] == '<') {
        char tag[64];
        int  i = 0;

        while (text[index] && (text[index] != '>'))
        tag[i++] = text[index++];

        if (text[index] == '>')
        tag[i++] = text[index++];

        tag[i] = 0;

        switch (tag[1]) {
        case 'c':
        case 'C':   if (_strnicmp(tag+1, "color", 5) == 0) {
                int r = 0;
                int g = 0;
                int b = 0;

                if (i > 12) {
                    r = 16 * parse_hex_digit(tag[ 7]) + parse_hex_digit(tag[ 8]);
                    g = 16 * parse_hex_digit(tag[ 9]) + parse_hex_digit(tag[10]);
                    b = 16 * parse_hex_digit(tag[11]) + parse_hex_digit(tag[12]);


        case 'f':
        case 'F':   if (_strnicmp(tag+1, "font", 4) == 0) {
                Color current_color = Color::White;

                if (font)
                current_color = font->GetColor();

                tag[i-1] = 0;
                font = FontMgr::Find(tag+6);

    return index;
예제 #6
파일: util.c 프로젝트: autrimpo/imv
int parse_hex_color(const char* str,
  unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b)
  if(str[0] == '#') {

  if(strlen(str) != 6) {
    return 1;

  for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
    if(!isxdigit(str[i])) {
      return 1;

  *r = (parse_hex_digit(str[0]) << 4) + parse_hex_digit(str[1]);
  *g = (parse_hex_digit(str[2]) << 4) + parse_hex_digit(str[3]);
  *b = (parse_hex_digit(str[4]) << 4) + parse_hex_digit(str[5]);
  return 0;
예제 #7
파일: lexer.cpp 프로젝트: storance/dcpu16
	char lexer::parse_escape_sequence() {
		char c = next_char();
		if (c == '\0') {
			return c;

		switch (c) {
		case '\'':
			return '\'';
		case '"':
			return '"';
		case '?':
			return '?';
		case '\\':
			return '\\';
		case '0':
			return '\0';
		case 'a':
			return '\a';
		case 'b':
			return '\b';
		case 'f':
			return '\f';
		case 'n':
			return '\n';
		case 'r':
			return '\r';
		case 't':
			return '\t';
		case 'v':
			return '\v';
		case 'x':
		case 'X':
				char firstDigit = next_char();
				if (firstDigit == '\0') {
					return firstDigit;

				if (!isxdigit(firstDigit)) {
					logger.error(make_location(), format("invalid hex digit '%c' following hex escape")
						% firstDigit);
					return '\0';

				uint8_t parsed_int = parse_hex_digit(firstDigit);
				// check if it's a two digit hex escape
				if (current != end && isxdigit(*current)) {
					parsed_int = (parsed_int * 16) + parse_hex_digit(next_char());

				if (parsed_int & 0x80) {
					logger.warning(make_location(), boost::format("invalid 7-bit ASCII character '%#02x'")
						% parsed_int);

				return parsed_int;
			logger.error(make_location(), format("unrecognized escape character '%c'") % c);
			return c;
예제 #8
std::vector<uint8_t> parse_hex_file(const std::string& filename)
  std::ifstream fin(filename);

  // store chunks of data, then merge them
  // this allows to check for overlaps
  struct Chunk {
    uint32_t addr;
    std::vector<uint8_t> data;
    uint32_t addr_end() const { return addr + data.size(); }
  std::vector<Chunk> chunks;

  std::string line;
  unsigned int lineno = 0;
  uint32_t ex_addr_mask = 0;
  bool eof = false;
  while(std::getline(fin, line)) {
    if(eof) {
      throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "end of file record not in the last line");
    // strip CR/LF
    size_t pos = line.find_first_of("\r\n");
    if(pos != std::string::npos) { // should always be true

    if(line.size() < 11) {
      throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "line is too short");
    if(line[0] != ':') {
      throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "invalid start code (':' expected)");
    if((line.size()-1) % 2 != 0) {
      throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "odd number of hex digits");

    // parse line bytes
    std::vector<uint8_t> bytes((line.size()-1)/2);
    for(unsigned int i=1; i<line.size(); i+=2) {
      int d0 = parse_hex_digit(line[i]);
      int d1 = parse_hex_digit(line[i+1]);
      if(d0 == -1 || d1 == -1) {
        throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "invalid hex digit");
      bytes[(i-1)/2] = (d0 << 4) + d1;

    // check checksum
    uint8_t checksum = 0;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<bytes.size(); i++) {
      checksum = (checksum + bytes[i]) & 0xff;
    if(checksum != 0) {
      throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "checksum mismatch");

    // check byte count
    unsigned int byte_count = bytes[0];
    if(byte_count != bytes.size()-5) {
      throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "invalid byte count");

    uint16_t address = (bytes[1] << 8) + bytes[2];
    switch(bytes[3]) {
      case 0: {  // data
        uint32_t data_addr = address | ex_addr_mask;
        if(data_addr >= 0x800000) {
          break;  // RAM data, ignore
        const std::vector<uint8_t> chunk_data(bytes.begin() + 4, bytes.begin() + 4 + byte_count);
        chunks.push_back({data_addr, std::move(chunk_data)});

      case 1:  // end of file
        if(byte_count != 0)  {
          throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "unexpected data in end of file record");
        eof = true;

      case 2:  // extended segment address
        if(byte_count != 2)  {
          throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "invalid byte count for extended segment address record");
        if(address != 0) {
          throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "address must be 0000 for extended segment address record");
        if((bytes[5] & 0xf) != 0) {
          throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "extended segment address least-signficant digit must be 0");
        ex_addr_mask &= ~0x000ffff0;
        ex_addr_mask |= (((uint32_t)bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[5]) << 4;

      case 3:  // start segment address record
        // ignored

      case 4:  // extended linear address
        if(byte_count != 2)  {
          throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "invalid byte count for extended linear address record");
        if(address != 0) {
          throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "address must be 0000 for extended linear address record");
        if((bytes[5] & 0xf) != 0) {
          throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "extended linear address least-signficant digit must be 0");
        ex_addr_mask &= 0x0000ffff;
        ex_addr_mask |= (((uint32_t)bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[5]) << 16;

      case 5:  // start linear address record
        // ignored

        throw hex_parsing_error(lineno, "invalid record type");

  // sort chunks, check for overlaps and merge them
  if(chunks.empty()) {
    throw hex_parsing_error(0, "no data");
  std::sort(chunks.begin(), chunks.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.addr < b.addr; });

  uint32_t total_size = chunks.back().addr_end();
  // align the end if needed
  if(total_size % 2 == 1) {
    total_size += 1;
  std::vector<uint8_t> ret(total_size, 0xff);

  uint32_t previous_addr = 0;
  for(auto const& chunk : chunks) {
    if(chunk.addr < previous_addr) {
      throw hex_parsing_error(0, fmt::format("data overlap at {}", chunk.addr));
    std::copy(chunk.data.begin(), chunk.data.end(), ret.begin() + chunk.addr);

  return ret;