예제 #1
** If key doesn't exist, puts key,value pair.
** If key does exist, converts by merging (if dict) or adding (if array)
static void wmupdf_dict_merge_keyval(fz_context *ctx,pdf_obj *dstdict,pdf_obj *key,pdf_obj *value)

    pdf_obj *dstval;

    if (!dstval)
    /* Values are same--no action required */
    if (!pdf_objcmp(dstval,value))
    if (pdf_is_dict(dstval) && pdf_is_dict(value))
        static char *okay_to_merge[] = {"Resources","XObject",""};
        int i;

        for (i=0;okay_to_merge[i][0]!='\0';i++)
            if (!stricmp(okay_to_merge[i],pdf_to_name(key)))
        if (okay_to_merge[i][0]!='\0')
            /* Merge source dict into dest dict */
            /* Just overwrite dest dict with source dict */
    /* This works for ProcSet array, but maybe not for any array (e.g. rectangle) */
    if (pdf_is_array(dstval) && pdf_is_array(value))
    /* Last resort:  overwrite with new value */

    /* This does NOT work--you can't just convert the value into an array of values */
    /* PDF will become non-conformant. */
예제 #2
파일: pdf_stream.c 프로젝트: Ernest0x/mupdf
 * Scan stream dictionary for an explicit /Crypt filter
static int
pdf_stream_has_crypt(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *stm)
    pdf_obj *filters;
    pdf_obj *obj;
    int i;

    filters = pdf_dict_getsa(stm, "Filter", "F");
    if (filters)
        if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(filters), "Crypt"))
            return 1;
        if (pdf_is_array(filters))
            int n = pdf_array_len(filters);
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                obj = pdf_array_get(filters, i);
                if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(obj), "Crypt"))
                    return 1;
    return 0;
예제 #3
 * Scan stream dictionary for an explicit /Crypt filter
static int
pdf_stream_has_crypt(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *stm)
	pdf_obj *filters;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	int i;

	filters = pdf_dict_geta(ctx, stm, PDF_NAME_Filter, PDF_NAME_F);
	if (filters)
		if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, filters, PDF_NAME_Crypt))
			return 1;
		if (pdf_is_array(ctx, filters))
			int n = pdf_array_len(ctx, filters);
			for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
				obj = pdf_array_get(ctx, filters, i);
				if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Crypt))
					return 1;
	return 0;
예제 #4
static void
pdf_annot_color_imp(fz_context *ctx, pdf_annot *annot, pdf_obj *key, int *n, float color[4])
	pdf_obj *obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, annot->obj, key);
	*n = 0;
	if (pdf_is_array(ctx, obj))
		switch (pdf_array_len(ctx, obj))
		case 1:
			*n = 1;
			color[0] = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, 0));
		case 3:
			*n = 3;
			color[0] = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, 0));
			color[1] = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, 1));
			color[2] = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, 2));
		case 4:
			*n = 4;
			color[0] = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, 0));
			color[1] = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, 1));
			color[2] = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, 2));
			color[3] = pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, 3));
예제 #5
파일: put-content.c 프로젝트: s-k2/Juggler
int adjust_bleed_clipping(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page, struct pos_info *pos)
	/* We clip each page two times... The first clipping rectangle just 
	   prevents the page from drawing outside of its area on the sheet.
	   The second clipping is done here and clips out all those things that
	   are located outside the bleed-box (e. g. printer's marks). */
	pdf_obj *bleed_box = 
		juggler_lookup_inherited_page_item(ctx, doc, page->me, "BleedBox");

	/* if no bleeding-box exists, there is no need for the second clipping */
	if(bleed_box == NULL) {
		pos->bleed_clip_x = pos->bleed_clip_y = 
			pos->bleed_clip_width = pos->bleed_clip_height = 0.0;

	if(!pdf_is_array(ctx, bleed_box) || pdf_array_len(ctx, bleed_box) != 4)

	fz_rect bleed_rect;
	pdf_to_rect(ctx, bleed_box, &bleed_rect);

	pos->bleed_clip_x = bleed_rect.x0;
	pos->bleed_clip_y = bleed_rect.y0;
	pos->bleed_clip_width = bleed_rect.x1 - bleed_rect.x0;
	pos->bleed_clip_height = bleed_rect.y1 - bleed_rect.y0;

예제 #6
파일: mupdfinfo.c 프로젝트: UIKit0/mupdf
static void
gatherdimensions(int page, pdf_obj *pageref, pdf_obj *pageobj)
	fz_rect bbox;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	int j;

	obj = pdf_dict_gets(pageobj, "MediaBox");
	if (!pdf_is_array(obj))

	bbox = pdf_to_rect(ctx, obj);

	for (j = 0; j < dims; j++)
		if (!memcmp(dim[j].u.dim.bbox, &bbox, sizeof (fz_rect)))

	if (j < dims)


	dim = fz_resize_array(ctx, dim, dims, sizeof(struct info));
	dim[dims - 1].page = page;
	dim[dims - 1].pageref = pageref;
	dim[dims - 1].pageobj = pageobj;
	dim[dims - 1].u.dim.bbox = fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(fz_rect));
	memcpy(dim[dims - 1].u.dim.bbox, &bbox, sizeof (fz_rect));

예제 #7
static pdf_obj *
resolve_dest_rec(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *dest, int depth)
	if (depth > 10) /* Arbitrary to avoid infinite recursion */
		return NULL;

	if (pdf_is_name(ctx, dest) || pdf_is_string(ctx, dest))
		dest = pdf_lookup_dest(ctx, doc, dest);
		dest = resolve_dest_rec(ctx, doc, dest, depth+1);
		return dest;

	else if (pdf_is_array(ctx, dest))
		return dest;

	else if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, dest))
		dest = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dest, PDF_NAME_D);
		return resolve_dest_rec(ctx, doc, dest, depth+1);

	else if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, dest))
		return dest;

	return NULL;
예제 #8
static pdf_obj *
resolve_dest_rec(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dest, int depth)
	if (depth > 10) /* Arbitrary to avoid infinite recursion */
		return NULL;

	if (pdf_is_name(dest) || pdf_is_string(dest))
		dest = pdf_lookup_dest(xref, dest);
		return resolve_dest_rec(xref, dest, depth+1);

	else if (pdf_is_array(dest))
		return dest;

	else if (pdf_is_dict(dest))
		dest = pdf_dict_gets(dest, "D");
		return resolve_dest_rec(xref, dest, depth+1);

	else if (pdf_is_indirect(dest))
		return dest;

	return NULL;
예제 #9
파일: page-add.c 프로젝트: s-k2/Juggler
static int find_destination_pages(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *current, int page_num, pdf_obj **dest_pages, int *index)
	if(!strcmp(pdf_to_name(ctx, pdf_dict_gets(ctx, current, "Type")), "Page")) {
	} if(!strcmp(pdf_to_name(ctx, pdf_dict_gets(ctx, current, "Type")), "Pages")) {
		pdf_obj *kids = pdf_dict_gets(ctx, current, "Kids");
		pdf_obj *count_obj = pdf_dict_gets(ctx, current, "Count");
		if(!pdf_is_array(ctx, kids) || !pdf_is_int(ctx, count_obj))

		int count = pdf_to_int(ctx, count_obj);
		int i;
		for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			pdf_obj *current_kid = pdf_array_get(ctx, kids, i);

			page_num = find_destination_pages(ctx, current_kid, page_num, dest_pages, index);
			if(page_num == -1) {
				*index = i;
				*dest_pages = current;
			} else if(page_num == -2) {
				return(-2); // just return, preserve index and dest_pages


예제 #10
pdf_add_annot_quad_point(fz_context *ctx, pdf_annot *annot, fz_rect bbox)
	pdf_document *doc = annot->page->doc;
	fz_matrix page_ctm, inv_page_ctm;
	pdf_obj *quad_points;

	check_allowed_subtypes(ctx, annot, PDF_NAME(QuadPoints), quad_point_subtypes);

	pdf_page_transform(ctx, annot->page, NULL, &page_ctm);
	fz_invert_matrix(&inv_page_ctm, &page_ctm);

	quad_points = pdf_dict_get(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME(QuadPoints));
	if (!pdf_is_array(ctx, quad_points))
		quad_points = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 8);
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME(QuadPoints), quad_points);

	/* Contrary to the specification, the points within a QuadPoint are NOT ordered
	 * in a counterclockwise fashion. Experiments with Adobe's implementation
	 * indicates a cross-wise ordering is intended: ul, ur, ll, lr.
	fz_transform_rect(&bbox, &inv_page_ctm);
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, quad_points, bbox.x0); /* ul */
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, quad_points, bbox.y1);
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, quad_points, bbox.x1); /* ur */
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, quad_points, bbox.y1);
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, quad_points, bbox.x0); /* ll */
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, quad_points, bbox.y0);
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, quad_points, bbox.x1); /* lr */
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, quad_points, bbox.y0);

	pdf_dirty_annot(ctx, annot);
예제 #11
파일: put-content.c 프로젝트: s-k2/Juggler
int adjust_page_position(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page, struct pos_info *pos)
	/* if page is rotated we must add this to the desired rotation of the page */
	pos->rotate = (pos->rotate + page->rotate) % 360;
	fz_matrix rotation_mtx; /* tranformation of the user-space due to the rotation */
	fz_rotate(&rotation_mtx, page->rotate);

	/* get the media-box (with rotation applied) */
	pdf_obj *media_box = juggler_lookup_inherited_page_item(ctx, doc, page->me, "MediaBox");
	if(!pdf_is_array(ctx, media_box) || pdf_array_len(ctx, media_box) != 4) 
		return(-1); /* the specification forces a valid media-box... */

	fz_rect media_rect;
	pdf_to_rect(ctx, media_box, &media_rect);
	fz_transform_rect(&media_rect, &rotation_mtx);

	/* get trim-box */
	pdf_obj *trim_box = juggler_lookup_inherited_page_item(ctx, doc, page->me, "TrimBox");
	if(trim_box == NULL)
		trim_box = media_box;
	if(!pdf_is_array(ctx, trim_box) || pdf_array_len(ctx, trim_box) != 4)

	fz_rect trim_rect;
	pdf_to_rect(ctx, trim_box, &trim_rect);
	fz_transform_rect(&trim_rect, &rotation_mtx);
	// TODO: Take scale into account

	double available_width = pos->width;
	double available_height = pos->height;

	double page_width = trim_rect.x1 - trim_rect.x0;
	double page_height = trim_rect.y1 - trim_rect.y0;

	/* position the page in the middle of the destination area */
	pos->content_translate_x = 
		media_rect.x0 - trim_rect.x0 + (available_width - page_width) / 2;
	pos->content_translate_y = 
		media_rect.y0 - trim_rect.y0 + (available_height - page_height) / 2;

	/* if needed, clip the contents to the bleed-box */
	if(adjust_bleed_clipping(ctx, doc, page, pos) < 0)

예제 #12
pdf_annot_border(fz_context *ctx, pdf_annot *annot)
	pdf_obj *border = pdf_dict_get(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME_Border);
	if (pdf_is_array(ctx, border))
		return pdf_to_real(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, border, 2));
	return 1;
예제 #13
파일: page-add.c 프로젝트: s-k2/Juggler
ErrorCode juggler_add_pages_from_file(juggler_t *dest, juggler_t *src, int dest_index)
	pdf_obj *dest_pages = pdf_dict_getp(dest->ctx, 
		pdf_trailer(dest->ctx, dest->pdf), "Root/Pages");
	int dest_pages_index = pdf_array_len(dest->ctx, 
		pdf_dict_gets(dest->ctx, dest_pages, "Kids"));
	/* be aware that this function does not change the two variables if the page
	   index is greater than the number of pages */
		dest_pages, dest_index, &dest_pages, &dest_pages_index);

	pdf_obj *dest_kids = pdf_dict_gets(dest->ctx, dest_pages, "Kids");
	if(!pdf_is_indirect(dest->ctx, dest_pages) || 
		!pdf_is_dict(dest->ctx, dest_pages) || !pdf_is_array(dest->ctx, dest_kids))
	pdf_obj *pages_root = pdf_dict_getp(src->ctx, pdf_trailer(src->ctx, src->pdf), "Root/Pages");
	if(!pdf_is_indirect(src->ctx, pages_root) || !pdf_is_dict(src->ctx, pages_root))

	/* if we copy the root pages-node and it's referenced objects, we will copy 
	   all pages and all objects those pages need */
	pdf_obj *new_pages_ref = copy_object_single(dest->ctx, dest->pdf, src->ctx, src->pdf, pages_root);

	/* insert new pages-node */
	pdf_array_insert_drop(dest->ctx, dest_kids, new_pages_ref, dest_pages_index);

	/* update the parent */
	pdf_obj *new_pages_parent = pdf_new_indirect(dest->ctx, dest->pdf, 
		pdf_to_num(dest->ctx, dest_pages), pdf_to_gen(dest->ctx, dest_pages));
	pdf_dict_puts_drop(dest->ctx, new_pages_ref, "Parent", new_pages_parent);

	/* TODO: If dest_pages contains anything inheritable but not the new node
	         we need to insert empty items to prevent this inerhitance */

	/* update count */
	int new_count = pdf_to_int(dest->ctx, 
		pdf_dict_gets(dest->ctx, dest_pages, "Count")) + src->pagecount;
	pdf_dict_puts_drop(dest->ctx, dest_pages, "Count", 
		pdf_new_int(dest->ctx, dest->pdf, new_count));

	/* let MuPDF rebuild the page tree */
	pdf_finish_edit(dest->ctx, dest->pdf);
	dest->pdf->page_count = new_count;

	/* update juggler's state */
	juggler_page_tree_changed_due_to_insert(dest, dest_index, src->pagecount);

예제 #14
static fz_colorspace *
load_separation(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *array)
	fz_colorspace *cs;
	struct separation *sep = NULL;
	fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx;
	pdf_obj *nameobj = pdf_array_get(array, 1);
	pdf_obj *baseobj = pdf_array_get(array, 2);
	pdf_obj *tintobj = pdf_array_get(array, 3);
	fz_colorspace *base;
	pdf_function *tint = NULL;
	int n;


	if (pdf_is_array(nameobj))
		n = pdf_array_len(nameobj);
		n = 1;

	if (n > FZ_MAX_COLORS)
		fz_throw(ctx, "too many components in colorspace");

	base = pdf_load_colorspace(xref, baseobj);
	/* RJW: "cannot load base colorspace (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(baseobj), pdf_to_gen(baseobj) */

		tint = pdf_load_function(xref, tintobj);
		/* RJW: fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, base);
		 * "cannot load tint function (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(tintobj), pdf_to_gen(tintobj) */

		sep = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, struct separation);
		sep->base = base;
		sep->tint = tint;

		cs = fz_new_colorspace(ctx, n == 1 ? "Separation" : "DeviceN", n);
		cs->to_rgb = separation_to_rgb;
		cs->free_data = free_separation;
		cs->data = sep;
		cs->size += sizeof(struct separation) + (base ? base->size : 0) + pdf_function_size(tint);
		fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, base);
		pdf_drop_function(ctx, tint);
		fz_free(ctx, sep);

	return cs;
예제 #15
파일: pdf-link.c 프로젝트: TamirEvan/mupdf
char *
pdf_parse_file_spec(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *file_spec, pdf_obj *dest)
	pdf_obj *filename = NULL;
	const char *path;
	char *uri;
	char frag[256];

	if (pdf_is_string(ctx, file_spec))
		filename = file_spec;

	if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, file_spec)) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		filename = pdf_dict_get(ctx, file_spec, PDF_NAME(DOS));
		filename = pdf_dict_get(ctx, file_spec, PDF_NAME(Unix));
		if (!filename)
			filename = pdf_dict_geta(ctx, file_spec, PDF_NAME(UF), PDF_NAME(F));

	if (!pdf_is_string(ctx, filename))
		fz_warn(ctx, "cannot parse file specification");
		return NULL;

	if (pdf_is_array(ctx, dest))
		fz_snprintf(frag, sizeof frag, "#page=%d", pdf_array_get_int(ctx, dest, 0) + 1);
	else if (pdf_is_name(ctx, dest))
		fz_snprintf(frag, sizeof frag, "#%s", pdf_to_name(ctx, dest));
	else if (pdf_is_string(ctx, dest))
		fz_snprintf(frag, sizeof frag, "#%s", pdf_to_str_buf(ctx, dest));
		frag[0] = 0;

	path = pdf_to_text_string(ctx, filename);
	uri = NULL;
#ifdef _WIN32
	if (!pdf_name_eq(ctx, pdf_dict_get(ctx, file_spec, PDF_NAME(FS)), PDF_NAME(URL)))
		/* Fix up the drive letter (change "/C/Documents/Foo" to "C:/Documents/Foo") */
		if (path[0] == '/' && (('A' <= path[1] && path[1] <= 'Z') || ('a' <= path[1] && path[1] <= 'z')) && path[2] == '/')
			uri = fz_asprintf(ctx, "file://%c:%s%s", path[1], path+2, frag);
	if (!uri)
		uri = fz_asprintf(ctx, "file://%s%s", path, frag);

	return uri;
예제 #16
파일: pdf-stream.c 프로젝트: iezbli/zbli
fz_stream *
pdf_open_contents_stream(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *obj)
	int num;

	if (pdf_is_array(ctx, obj))
		return pdf_open_object_array(ctx, doc, obj);

	num = pdf_to_num(ctx, obj);
	if (pdf_is_stream(ctx, obj))
		return pdf_open_image_stream(ctx, doc, num, NULL);

	fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "pdf object stream missing (%d 0 R)", num);
예제 #17
파일: put-content.c 프로젝트: s-k2/Juggler
int copy_content_streams_of_page(fz_context *dest_ctx, pdf_page *dest, 
	fz_context *src_ctx, pdf_page *src, 
	struct put_info *info, struct pos_info *pos)
	if(pdf_is_array(src_ctx, src->contents)) {
    int i;
		for(i = 0; i < pdf_array_len(src_ctx, src->contents); i++)
			copy_content_stream_of_page(dest_ctx, dest->contents, src_ctx, 
				pdf_array_get(src_ctx, src->contents, i), info, pos);
	} else {
		copy_content_stream_of_page(dest_ctx, dest->contents, 
			src_ctx, src->contents, info, pos);

예제 #18
파일: pdf_stream.c 프로젝트: JMQCode/iBooks
fz_stream *
pdf_open_contents_stream(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *obj)
	fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx;
	int num, gen;

	if (pdf_is_array(obj))
		return pdf_open_object_array(xref, obj);

	num = pdf_to_num(obj);
	gen = pdf_to_gen(obj);
	if (pdf_is_stream(xref, num, gen))
		return pdf_open_image_stream(xref, num, gen, num, gen, NULL);

	fz_warn(ctx, "pdf object stream missing (%d %d R)", num, gen);
	return NULL;
예제 #19
/* Check if an entry has a cached stream and return whether it is directly
 * reusable. A buffer is directly reusable only if the stream is
 * uncompressed, or if it is compressed purely a compression method we can
 * return details of in fz_compression_params.
 * If the stream is reusable return 1, and set params as required, otherwise
 * return 0. */
static int
can_reuse_buffer(fz_context *ctx, pdf_xref_entry *entry, fz_compression_params *params)
	pdf_obj *f;
	pdf_obj *p;

	if (!entry || !entry->obj || !entry->stm_buf)
		return 0;

	if (params)
		params->type = FZ_IMAGE_RAW;

	f = pdf_dict_geta(ctx, entry->obj, PDF_NAME_Filter, PDF_NAME_F);
	/* If there are no filters, it's uncompressed, and we can use it */
	if (!f)
		return 1;

	p = pdf_dict_geta(ctx, entry->obj, PDF_NAME_DecodeParms, PDF_NAME_DP);
	if (pdf_is_array(ctx, f))
		int len = pdf_array_len(ctx, f);

		/* Empty array of filters. It's uncompressed. We can cope. */
		if (len == 0)
			return 1;
		/* 1 filter is the most we can hope to cope with - if more,*/
		if (len != 1)
			return 0;
		p = pdf_array_get(ctx, p, 0);
	if (pdf_is_null(ctx, f))
		return 1; /* Null filter is uncompressed */
	if (!pdf_is_name(ctx, f))
		return 0;

	/* There are filters, so unless we have the option of shortstopping,
	 * we can't use the existing buffer. */
	if (!params)
		return 0;

	build_compression_params(ctx, f, p, params);

	return (params->type == FZ_IMAGE_RAW) ? 0 : 1;

예제 #20
static int
pdf_extgstate_uses_blending(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *dict)
	pdf_obj *obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "BM");
	/* SumatraPDF: properly support /BM arrays */
	if (pdf_is_array(obj))
		int k;
		for (k = 0; k < pdf_array_len(obj); k++)
			char *bm = pdf_to_name(pdf_array_get(obj, k));
			if (!strcmp(bm, "Normal") || fz_lookup_blendmode(bm) > 0)
		obj = pdf_array_get(obj, k);
	if (pdf_is_name(obj) && strcmp(pdf_to_name(obj), "Normal"))
		return 1;
	return 0;
예제 #21
static void
pdf_write_ch_widget_appearance(fz_context *ctx, pdf_annot *annot, fz_buffer *buf,
	fz_rect *rect, fz_rect *bbox, fz_matrix *matrix, pdf_obj **res)
	int ff = pdf_field_flags(ctx, annot->obj);
		/* TODO: Pop-down arrow */
		pdf_write_tx_widget_appearance(ctx, annot, buf, rect, bbox, matrix, res,
			pdf_field_value(ctx, annot->obj), 0);
		fz_buffer *text = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 1024);
			pdf_obj *opt = pdf_dict_get(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME(Opt));
			int i = pdf_dict_get_int(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME(TI));
			int n = pdf_array_len(ctx, opt);
			/* TODO: Scrollbar */
			/* TODO: Highlight selected items */
			if (i < 0)
				i = 0;
			for (; i < n; ++i)
				pdf_obj *val = pdf_array_get(ctx, opt, i);
				if (pdf_is_array(ctx, val))
					fz_append_string(ctx, text, pdf_array_get_text_string(ctx, val, 1));
					fz_append_string(ctx, text, pdf_to_text_string(ctx, val));
				fz_append_byte(ctx, text, '\n');
			pdf_write_tx_widget_appearance(ctx, annot, buf, rect, bbox, matrix, res,
				fz_string_from_buffer(ctx, text), PDF_TX_FIELD_IS_MULTILINE);
			fz_drop_buffer(ctx, text);
예제 #22
pdf_add_annot_ink_list(fz_context *ctx, pdf_annot *annot, int n, fz_point p[])
	pdf_document *doc = annot->page->doc;
	fz_matrix page_ctm, inv_page_ctm;
	pdf_obj *ink_list, *stroke;
	int i;

	check_allowed_subtypes(ctx, annot, PDF_NAME(InkList), ink_list_subtypes);

	pdf_page_transform(ctx, annot->page, NULL, &page_ctm);
	fz_invert_matrix(&inv_page_ctm, &page_ctm);

	ink_list = pdf_dict_get(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME(InkList));
	if (!pdf_is_array(ctx, ink_list))
		ink_list = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 10);
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME(InkList), ink_list);

	stroke = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, n * 2);
		for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
			fz_point tp = p[i];
			fz_transform_point(&tp, &inv_page_ctm);
			pdf_array_push_real(ctx, stroke, tp.x);
			pdf_array_push_real(ctx, stroke, tp.y);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, stroke);

	pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, ink_list, stroke);

	pdf_dirty_annot(ctx, annot);
예제 #23
파일: page-labels.c 프로젝트: amba/pdfout
pdfout_data *
pdfout_page_labels_get (fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)
  pdf_obj *trailer = pdf_trailer (ctx, doc);
  pdf_obj *labels_obj = pdf_dict_getp (ctx, trailer, "Root/PageLabels");
  pdf_obj *array = pdf_dict_gets (ctx, labels_obj, "Nums");

  if (array && pdf_is_array (ctx, array) == false)
    pdfout_throw (ctx, "Nums is not an array");
  int length = pdf_array_len (ctx, array);

  pdfout_data *labels = pdfout_data_array_new (ctx);

  for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; ++i)
      pdf_obj *object = pdf_array_get (ctx, array, 2 * i);
      if (pdf_is_int (ctx, object) == false)
	pdfout_throw (ctx, "key in number tree not an int");

      pdfout_data *hash = pdfout_data_hash_new (ctx);
      int page = pdf_to_int (ctx, object);
      if (page < 0)
	pdfout_throw (ctx, "key in number tree is < 0");

      push_int_key (ctx, hash, "page", page);
      pdf_obj *dict = pdf_array_get (ctx, array, 2 * i + 1);
      if (pdf_is_dict (ctx, dict) == false)
	pdfout_throw (ctx, "value in number tree not a dict");

      parse_dict (ctx, dict, hash);
      pdfout_data_array_push (ctx, labels, hash);
  return labels;
예제 #24
pdf_set_annot_border(fz_context *ctx, pdf_annot *annot, float w)
	pdf_document *doc = annot->page->doc;
	pdf_obj *border = pdf_dict_get(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME_Border);
	if (pdf_is_array(ctx, border))
		pdf_array_put_drop(ctx, border, 2, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, w));
		border = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 3);
		pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, border, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, 0));
		pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, border, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, 0));
		pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, border, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, w));
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME_Border, border);

	/* Remove border style and effect dictionaries so they won't interfere. */
	pdf_dict_del(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME_BS);
	pdf_dict_del(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME_BE);

	annot->changed = 1;
예제 #25
static int
showbox(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, pdf_obj *page, char *text, pdf_obj *name)
	fz_rect bbox;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	int failed = 0;

		obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, page, name);
		if (!pdf_is_array(ctx, obj))

		pdf_to_rect(ctx, obj, &bbox);

		fz_printf(ctx, out, "<%s l=\"%g\" b=\"%g\" r=\"%g\" t=\"%g\" />\n", text, bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1);
		failed = 1;

	return failed;
예제 #26
void pdf_add_annot_vertex(fz_context *ctx, pdf_annot *annot, fz_point p)
	pdf_document *doc = annot->page->doc;
	fz_matrix page_ctm, inv_page_ctm;
	pdf_obj *vertices;

	check_allowed_subtypes(ctx, annot, PDF_NAME(Vertices), vertices_subtypes);

	pdf_page_transform(ctx, annot->page, NULL, &page_ctm);
	fz_invert_matrix(&inv_page_ctm, &page_ctm);

	vertices = pdf_dict_get(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME(Vertices));
	if (!pdf_is_array(ctx, vertices))
		vertices = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 32);
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME(Vertices), vertices);

	fz_transform_point(&p, &inv_page_ctm);
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, vertices, p.x);
	pdf_array_push_real(ctx, vertices, p.y);

	pdf_dirty_annot(ctx, annot);
예제 #27
static pdf_font_desc *
load_cid_font(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *encoding, pdf_obj *to_unicode)
	pdf_obj *widths;
	pdf_obj *descriptor;
	pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL;
	FT_Face face;
	int kind;
	char collection[256];
	char *basefont;
	int i, k, fterr;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	int dw;
	fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx;


		/* Get font name and CID collection */

		basefont = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "BaseFont"));

			pdf_obj *cidinfo;
			char tmpstr[64];
			int tmplen;

			cidinfo = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDSystemInfo");
			if (!cidinfo)
				fz_throw(ctx, "cid font is missing info");

			obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Registry");
			tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj));
			memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen);
			tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0';
			fz_strlcpy(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection);

			fz_strlcat(collection, "-", sizeof collection);

			obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Ordering");
			tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj));
			memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen);
			tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0';
			fz_strlcat(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection);

		/* Load font file */

		fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx);

		descriptor = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontDescriptor");
		if (!descriptor)
			fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: missing font descriptor");
		pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, collection, basefont);

		face = fontdesc->font->ft_face;
		kind = ft_kind(face);

		/* Encoding */

		if (pdf_is_name(encoding))
			if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-H"))
				fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 2);
			else if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-V"))
				fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 1, 2);
				fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, pdf_to_name(encoding));
		else if (pdf_is_indirect(encoding))
			fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_embedded_cmap(xref, encoding);
			fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: font missing encoding");
		fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding);

		pdf_set_font_wmode(ctx, fontdesc, pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding));

		if (kind == TRUETYPE)
			pdf_obj *cidtogidmap;

			cidtogidmap = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDToGIDMap");
			if (pdf_is_indirect(cidtogidmap))
				fz_buffer *buf;

				buf = pdf_load_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(cidtogidmap), pdf_to_gen(cidtogidmap));

				fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len = (buf->len) / 2;
				fontdesc->cid_to_gid = fz_malloc_array(ctx, fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len, sizeof(unsigned short));
				fontdesc->size += fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len * sizeof(unsigned short);
				for (i = 0; i < fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len; i++)
					fontdesc->cid_to_gid[i] = (buf->data[i * 2] << 8) + buf->data[i * 2 + 1];

				fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);

			/* if truetype font is external, cidtogidmap should not be identity */
			/* so we map from cid to unicode and then map that through the (3 1) */
			/* unicode cmap to get a glyph id */
			else if (fontdesc->font->ft_substitute)
				fterr = FT_Select_Charmap(face, ft_encoding_unicode);
				if (fterr)
					fz_throw(ctx, "fonterror: no unicode cmap when emulating CID font: %s", ft_error_string(fterr));

				if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-CNS1"))
					fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2");
				else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-GB1"))
					fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2");
				else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan1"))
					fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2");
				else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan2"))
					fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan2-UCS2");
				else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Korea1"))
					fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2");

		pdf_load_to_unicode(xref, fontdesc, NULL, collection, to_unicode);

		/* Horizontal */

		dw = 1000;
		obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW");
		if (obj)
			dw = pdf_to_int(obj);
		pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw);

		widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W");
		if (widths)
			int c0, c1, w, n, m;

			n = pdf_array_len(widths);
			for (i = 0; i < n; )
				c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i));
				obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1);
				if (pdf_is_array(obj))
					m = pdf_array_len(obj);
					for (k = 0; k < m; k++)
						w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k));
						pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, w);
					i += 2;
					c1 = pdf_to_int(obj);
					w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2));
					pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, w);
					i += 3;

		pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc);

		/* Vertical */

		if (pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding) == 1)
			int dw2y = 880;
			int dw2w = -1000;

			obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW2");
			if (obj)
				dw2y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 0));
				dw2w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 1));

			pdf_set_default_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw2y, dw2w);

			widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W2");
			if (widths)
				int c0, c1, w, x, y, n;

				n = pdf_array_len(widths);
				for (i = 0; i < n; )
					c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i));
					obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1);
					if (pdf_is_array(obj))
						int m = pdf_array_len(obj);
						for (k = 0; k * 3 < m; k ++)
							w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 0));
							x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 1));
							y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 2));
							pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, x, y, w);
						i += 2;
						c1 = pdf_to_int(obj);
						w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2));
						x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 3));
						y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 4));
						pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, x, y, w);
						i += 5;

			pdf_end_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc);
		pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc);
		fz_throw(ctx, "cannot load cid font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict));

	return fontdesc;
예제 #28
static pdf_font_desc *
pdf_load_simple_font(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dict)
	pdf_obj *descriptor;
	pdf_obj *encoding;
	pdf_obj *widths;
	unsigned short *etable = NULL;
	pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL;
	char *subtype;
	FT_Face face;
	FT_CharMap cmap;
	int symbolic;
	int kind;

	char *basefont;
	char *estrings[256];
	char ebuffer[256][32];
	int i, k, n;
	int fterr;
	fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx;


	basefont = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "BaseFont"));

	/* Load font file */
		fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx);

		descriptor = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontDescriptor");
		if (descriptor)
			pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, NULL, basefont);
			pdf_load_builtin_font(ctx, fontdesc, basefont);

		/* Some chinese documents mistakenly consider WinAnsiEncoding to be codepage 936 */
		if (descriptor && pdf_is_string(pdf_dict_gets(descriptor, "FontName")) &&
			!pdf_dict_gets(dict, "ToUnicode") &&
			!strcmp(pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Encoding")), "WinAnsiEncoding") &&
			pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(descriptor, "Flags")) == 4)
			char *cp936fonts[] = {
				"\xCB\xCE\xCC\xE5", "SimSun,Regular",
				"\xBA\xDA\xCC\xE5", "SimHei,Regular",
				"\xBF\xAC\xCC\xE5_GB2312", "SimKai,Regular",
				"\xB7\xC2\xCB\xCE_GB2312", "SimFang,Regular",
				"\xC1\xA5\xCA\xE9", "SimLi,Regular",
			for (i = 0; cp936fonts[i]; i += 2)
				if (!strcmp(basefont, cp936fonts[i]))
			if (cp936fonts[i])
				fz_warn(ctx, "workaround for S22PDF lying about chinese font encodings");
				pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc);
				fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx);
				pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, "Adobe-GB1", cp936fonts[i+1]);
				fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "GBK-EUC-H");
				fontdesc->to_unicode = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2");
				fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2");

				face = fontdesc->font->ft_face;
				kind = ft_kind(face);
				goto skip_encoding;

		face = fontdesc->font->ft_face;
		kind = ft_kind(face);

		/* Encoding */

		symbolic = fontdesc->flags & 4;

		if (face->num_charmaps > 0)
			cmap = face->charmaps[0];
			cmap = NULL;

		for (i = 0; i < face->num_charmaps; i++)
			FT_CharMap test = face->charmaps[i];

			if (kind == TYPE1)
				if (test->platform_id == 7)
					cmap = test;

			if (kind == TRUETYPE)
				if (test->platform_id == 1 && test->encoding_id == 0)
					cmap = test;
				if (test->platform_id == 3 && test->encoding_id == 1)
					cmap = test;
				if (symbolic && test->platform_id == 3 && test->encoding_id == 0)
					cmap = test;

		if (cmap)
			fterr = FT_Set_Charmap(face, cmap);
			if (fterr)
				fz_warn(ctx, "freetype could not set cmap: %s", ft_error_string(fterr));
			fz_warn(ctx, "freetype could not find any cmaps");

		etable = fz_malloc_array(ctx, 256, sizeof(unsigned short));
		fontdesc->size += 256 * sizeof(unsigned short);
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			estrings[i] = NULL;
			etable[i] = 0;

		encoding = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Encoding");
		if (encoding)
			if (pdf_is_name(encoding))
				pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(encoding));

			if (pdf_is_dict(encoding))
				pdf_obj *base, *diff, *item;

				base = pdf_dict_gets(encoding, "BaseEncoding");
				if (pdf_is_name(base))
					pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(base));
				else if (!fontdesc->is_embedded && !symbolic)
					pdf_load_encoding(estrings, "StandardEncoding");

				diff = pdf_dict_gets(encoding, "Differences");
				if (pdf_is_array(diff))
					n = pdf_array_len(diff);
					k = 0;
					for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
						item = pdf_array_get(diff, i);
						if (pdf_is_int(item))
							k = pdf_to_int(item);
						if (pdf_is_name(item) && k >= 0 && k < nelem(estrings))
							estrings[k++] = pdf_to_name(item);

		/* start with the builtin encoding */
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			etable[i] = ft_char_index(face, i);

		fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);

		/* built-in and substitute fonts may be a different type than what the document expects */
		subtype = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Subtype"));
		if (!strcmp(subtype, "Type1"))
			kind = TYPE1;
		else if (!strcmp(subtype, "MMType1"))
			kind = TYPE1;
		else if (!strcmp(subtype, "TrueType"))
			kind = TRUETYPE;
		else if (!strcmp(subtype, "CIDFontType0"))
			kind = TYPE1;
		else if (!strcmp(subtype, "CIDFontType2"))
			kind = TRUETYPE;

		/* encode by glyph name where we can */
		if (kind == TYPE1)
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (estrings[i])
					etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
					if (etable[i] == 0)
						int aglcode = pdf_lookup_agl(estrings[i]);
						const char **dupnames = pdf_lookup_agl_duplicates(aglcode);
						while (*dupnames)
							etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, (char*)*dupnames);
							if (etable[i])

		/* encode by glyph name where we can */
		if (kind == TRUETYPE)
			/* Unicode cmap */
			if (!symbolic && face->charmap && face->charmap->platform_id == 3)
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					if (estrings[i])
						int aglcode = pdf_lookup_agl(estrings[i]);
						if (!aglcode)
							etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
							etable[i] = ft_char_index(face, aglcode);

			/* MacRoman cmap */
			else if (!symbolic && face->charmap && face->charmap->platform_id == 1)
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					if (estrings[i])
						k = lookup_mre_code(estrings[i]);
						if (k <= 0)
							etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
							etable[i] = ft_char_index(face, k);

			/* Symbolic cmap */
			else if (!face->charmap || face->charmap->encoding != FT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL)
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					if (estrings[i])
						etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
						if (etable[i] == 0)
							etable[i] = ft_char_index(face, i);

		/* try to reverse the glyph names from the builtin encoding */
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			if (etable[i] && !estrings[i])
				if (FT_HAS_GLYPH_NAMES(face))
					fterr = FT_Get_Glyph_Name(face, etable[i], ebuffer[i], 32);
					if (fterr)
						fz_warn(ctx, "freetype get glyph name (gid %d): %s", etable[i], ft_error_string(fterr));
					if (ebuffer[i][0])
						estrings[i] = ebuffer[i];
					estrings[i] = (char*) pdf_win_ansi[i]; /* discard const */

		/* symbolic Type 1 fonts with an implicit encoding and non-standard glyph names */
		if (kind == TYPE1 && symbolic)
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (etable[i] && estrings[i] && !pdf_lookup_agl(estrings[i]))
					estrings[i] = (char*) pdf_standard[i];

		fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);

		fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 1);
		fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding);
		fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len = 256;
		fontdesc->cid_to_gid = etable;

			pdf_load_to_unicode(xref, fontdesc, estrings, NULL, pdf_dict_gets(dict, "ToUnicode"));
			fz_warn(ctx, "cannot load ToUnicode CMap");


		/* Widths */

		pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, fontdesc->missing_width);

		widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Widths");
		if (widths)
			int first, last;

			first = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FirstChar"));
			last = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "LastChar"));

			if (first < 0 || last > 255 || first > last)
				first = last = 0;

			for (i = 0; i < last - first + 1; i++)
				int wid = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i));
				pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, i + first, i + first, wid);
			fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);
			fterr = FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 1000, 1000, 72, 72);
			if (fterr)
				fz_warn(ctx, "freetype set character size: %s", ft_error_string(fterr));
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, i, i, ft_width(ctx, fontdesc, i));
			fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);

		pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc);
		if (fontdesc && etable != fontdesc->cid_to_gid)
			fz_free(ctx, etable);
		pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc);
		fz_throw(ctx, "cannot load simple font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict));
	return fontdesc;
예제 #29
파일: pdf_image.c 프로젝트: clchiou/mupdf
static pdf_image *
pdf_load_image_imp(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *rdb, pdf_obj *dict, fz_stream *cstm, int forcemask)
	fz_stream *stm = NULL;
	pdf_image *image = NULL;
	pdf_obj *obj, *res;

	int w, h, bpc, n;
	int imagemask;
	int interpolate;
	int indexed;
	fz_image *mask = NULL; /* explicit mask/soft mask image */
	int usecolorkey;

	int i;
	fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx;


	image = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, pdf_image);

		/* special case for JPEG2000 images */
		if (pdf_is_jpx_image(ctx, dict))
			pdf_load_jpx(xref, dict, image, forcemask);

			if (forcemask)
				fz_pixmap *mask_pixmap;
				if (image->n != 2)
					fz_throw(ctx, "soft mask must be grayscale");
				mask_pixmap = fz_alpha_from_gray(ctx, image->tile, 1);
				fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, image->tile);
				image->tile = mask_pixmap;
			break; /* Out of fz_try */

		w = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Width", "W"));
		h = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Height", "H"));
		bpc = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "BitsPerComponent", "BPC"));
		if (bpc == 0)
			bpc = 8;
		imagemask = pdf_to_bool(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "ImageMask", "IM"));
		interpolate = pdf_to_bool(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Interpolate", "I"));

		indexed = 0;
		usecolorkey = 0;
		mask = NULL;

		if (imagemask)
			bpc = 1;

		if (w <= 0)
			fz_throw(ctx, "image width is zero (or less)");
		if (h <= 0)
			fz_throw(ctx, "image height is zero (or less)");
		if (bpc <= 0)
			fz_throw(ctx, "image depth is zero (or less)");
		if (bpc > 16)
			fz_throw(ctx, "image depth is too large: %d", bpc);
		if (w > (1 << 16))
			fz_throw(ctx, "image is too wide");
		if (h > (1 << 16))
			fz_throw(ctx, "image is too high");

		obj = pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "ColorSpace", "CS");
		if (obj && !imagemask && !forcemask)
			/* colorspace resource lookup is only done for inline images */
			if (pdf_is_name(obj))
				res = pdf_dict_get(pdf_dict_gets(rdb, "ColorSpace"), obj);
				if (res)
					obj = res;

			image->base.colorspace = pdf_load_colorspace(xref, obj);

			if (!strcmp(image->base.colorspace->name, "Indexed"))
				indexed = 1;

			n = image->base.colorspace->n;
			n = 1;

		obj = pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Decode", "D");
		if (obj)
			for (i = 0; i < n * 2; i++)
				image->decode[i] = pdf_to_real(pdf_array_get(obj, i));
			float maxval = indexed ? (1 << bpc) - 1 : 1;
			for (i = 0; i < n * 2; i++)
				image->decode[i] = i & 1 ? maxval : 0;

		obj = pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "SMask", "Mask");
		if (pdf_is_dict(obj))
			/* Not allowed for inline images or soft masks */
			if (cstm)
				fz_warn(ctx, "Ignoring invalid inline image soft mask");
			else if (forcemask)
				fz_warn(ctx, "Ignoring recursive image soft mask");
				mask = (fz_image *)pdf_load_image_imp(xref, rdb, obj, NULL, 1);
		else if (pdf_is_array(obj))
			usecolorkey = 1;
			for (i = 0; i < n * 2; i++)
				if (!pdf_is_int(pdf_array_get(obj, i)))
					fz_warn(ctx, "invalid value in color key mask");
					usecolorkey = 0;
				image->colorkey[i] = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, i));

		/* Now, do we load a ref, or do we load the actual thing? */
		FZ_INIT_STORABLE(&image->base, 1, pdf_free_image);
		image->base.get_pixmap = pdf_image_get_pixmap;
		image->base.w = w;
		image->base.h = h;
		image->base.bpc = bpc;
		image->n = n;
		image->interpolate = interpolate;
		image->imagemask = imagemask;
		image->usecolorkey = usecolorkey;
		image->base.mask = mask;
		if (!cstm)
			/* Just load the compressed image data now and we can
			 * decode it on demand. */
			int num = pdf_to_num(dict);
			int gen = pdf_to_gen(dict);
			image->buffer = pdf_load_compressed_stream(xref, num, gen);
			break; /* Out of fz_try */

		/* We need to decompress the image now */
		if (cstm)
			int stride = (w * image->n * image->base.bpc + 7) / 8;
			stm = pdf_open_inline_stream(xref, dict, stride * h, cstm, NULL);
			stm = pdf_open_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict));

		image->tile = decomp_image_from_stream(ctx, stm, image, cstm != NULL, indexed, 0, 0, 0);
		pdf_free_image(ctx, (fz_storable *) image);
	return image;
예제 #30
파일: pdf-clean.c 프로젝트: JorjMcKie/mupdf
	Performs the same task as
	pdf_clean_page_contents, but with an optional text filter

	text_filter: Function to assess whether a given character
	should be kept (return 0) or removed (return 1).

	after_text: Function called after each text object is closed
	to allow other output to be sent.

	arg: Opaque value to be passed to callback functions.
void pdf_filter_page_contents(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page, fz_cookie *cookie,
		pdf_page_contents_process_fn *proc_fn, pdf_text_filter_fn *text_filter, pdf_after_text_object_fn *after_text, void *proc_arg,
		int sanitize, int ascii)
	pdf_processor *proc_buffer = NULL;
	pdf_processor *proc_filter = NULL;
	pdf_obj *new_obj = NULL;
	pdf_obj *new_ref = NULL;
	pdf_obj *res = NULL;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	pdf_obj *contents;
	pdf_obj *resources;
	fz_buffer *buffer;


	buffer = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 1024);

		contents = pdf_page_contents(ctx, page);
		resources = pdf_page_resources(ctx, page);

		proc_buffer = pdf_new_buffer_processor(ctx, buffer, ascii);
		if (sanitize)
			res = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 1);
			proc_filter = pdf_new_filter_processor_with_text_filter(ctx, doc, proc_buffer, resources, res, text_filter, after_text, proc_arg);
			pdf_process_contents(ctx, proc_filter, doc, resources, contents, cookie);
			pdf_close_processor(ctx, proc_filter);
			res = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, resources);
			pdf_process_contents(ctx, proc_buffer, doc, resources, contents, cookie);
		pdf_close_processor(ctx, proc_buffer);

		/* Deal with page content stream. */

		if (pdf_is_array(ctx, contents))
			/* create a new object to replace the array */
			new_obj = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 1);
			new_ref = pdf_add_object(ctx, doc, new_obj);
			contents = new_ref;
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, page->obj, PDF_NAME(Contents), contents);
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, contents, PDF_NAME(Filter));
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, contents, PDF_NAME(DecodeParms));

		pdf_update_stream(ctx, doc, contents, buffer, 0);

		/* Now deal with resources. The spec allows for Type3 fonts and form
		 * XObjects to omit a resource dictionary and look in the parent.
		 * Avoid that by flattening here as part of the cleaning. This could
		 * conceivably cause changes in rendering, but we don't care. */

		/* ExtGState */
		obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, res, PDF_NAME(ExtGState));
		if (obj)
			int i, l;

			l = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj);
			for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
				pdf_obj *o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i), PDF_NAME(SMask));
				if (!o)
				o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, o, PDF_NAME(G));
				if (!o)
				/* Transparency group XObject */
				pdf_clean_stream_object(ctx, doc, o, resources, cookie, 1, text_filter, after_text, proc_arg, sanitize, ascii);

		/* Pattern */
		obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, res, PDF_NAME(Pattern));
		if (obj)
			int i, l;
			l = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj);
			for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
				pdf_obj *pat_res;
				pdf_obj *pat = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i);
				if (!pat)
				pat_res = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pat, PDF_NAME(Resources));
				if (pat_res == NULL)
					pat_res = resources;
				if (pdf_dict_get_int(ctx, pat, PDF_NAME(PatternType)) == 1)
					pdf_clean_stream_object(ctx, doc, pat, pat_res, cookie, 0, text_filter, after_text, proc_arg, sanitize, ascii);

		/* XObject */
		obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, res, PDF_NAME(XObject));
		if (obj)
			int i, l;
			l = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj);
			for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
				pdf_obj *xobj_res;
				pdf_obj *xobj = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i);
				if (!xobj)
				xobj_res = pdf_dict_get(ctx, xobj, PDF_NAME(Resources));
				if (xobj_res == NULL)
					xobj_res = resources;
				if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME(Form), pdf_dict_get(ctx, xobj, PDF_NAME(Subtype))))
					pdf_clean_stream_object(ctx, doc, xobj, xobj_res, cookie, 1, text_filter, after_text, proc_arg, sanitize, ascii);

		/* Font */
		obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, res, PDF_NAME(Font));
		if (obj)
			int i, l;
			l = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj);
			for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
				pdf_obj *o = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i);
				if (!o)
				if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME(Type3), pdf_dict_get(ctx, o, PDF_NAME(Subtype))))
					pdf_clean_type3(ctx, doc, o, resources, cookie, sanitize, ascii);

		/* ProcSet - no cleaning possible. Inherit this from the old dict. */
		obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, resources, PDF_NAME(ProcSet));
		if (obj)
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, res, PDF_NAME(ProcSet), obj);

		/* ColorSpace - no cleaning possible. */
		/* Properties - no cleaning possible. */

		if (proc_fn)
			(*proc_fn)(ctx, buffer, res, proc_arg);

		/* Update resource dictionary */
		if (sanitize)
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, page->obj, PDF_NAME(Resources), res);
		pdf_drop_processor(ctx, proc_filter);
		pdf_drop_processor(ctx, proc_buffer);
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buffer);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, new_obj);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, new_ref);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, res);