예제 #1
main (int argc, char **argv)

    int             c,
                    errflg = 0;

    char           *in,
    int             orbin,
    double          maxpkts = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER ;
    int             quit;
    char           *pktmatch = strdup(".*/pf/evtinfo"),
                   *reject = 0;
    int             nmatch;
    int             specified_after = 0;
    double          after = 0.0,
                    until = VERY_LARGE_NUMBER ;
    double          start_time,
                    delta_t ;
    double          totpkts = 0,
                    totbytes = 0;
    Flags           flags;
    static int      last_pktid = -1;
    static double   last_pkttime = 0.0;
    char           *statefile = 0;
    double          last_burial = 0.0;
    double          decent_interval = 300.0;
    int             mode = PKT_NOSAMPLES;
    int             rcode;
    char            srcname[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE];
    double          pkttime = 0.0 ;
    int             pktid;
    int             nbytes;
    char           *packet = 0;
    int             packetsz = 0;
    Packet         *unstuffed = 0;
	Pf				*pf;
	Tbl				*tbl;
	Arr				*arr;
	char			*arrkey;
	char			*pffilename;

	Tbl				*channels;
	char			*net;
	char			*sta;
	char			*chan;
	char			netstachan[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE];
	Srcname			parts;
	double			maxtime,mintime,starttime,triggertime,duration,min_g,max_g,snr;
	char			*datalogger;
	int				evtfilesize,channelno,maxcts,mincts;
	char			*errors,*evtfilename,*ft,*filter,*srcid;
	char			*line;
	int				i;
	Pf				*pfnew;
	Dbptr			db;
	int 			put_tests=0;
	char 			*chanmatch=0;
	Hook			*hook=0;
	char			*tdummy=0;
	char 			*match=malloc(100);


    memset (&flags, 0, sizeof (flags));
    elog_init (argc, argv);
    elog_notify (0, "%s $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2005/05/10 07:34:43 $\n",

    while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "m:n:r:S:c:tvV")) != -1) {
	switch (c) {
	  case 'm':
	    match = optarg;
	  case 'c':
	 	chanmatch = optarg;
	  case 't':
	  	put_tests = 1;
	  case 'n':
	    maxpkts = atoi (optarg);

	  case 'r':
	    reject = optarg;

	  case 'S':
	    statefile = optarg;

	  case 'v':

	  case 'V':

	  case '?':

    if (errflg || argc - optind < 2 || argc - optind > 4)
	usage ();

    in = argv[optind++];
    out = argv[optind++];

    if (argc > optind) {
	after = str2epoch (argv[optind++]);
	specified_after = 1;
	if (argc > optind) {
	    until = str2epoch (argv[optind++]);
	    if (until < after) {
		until += after ;
    if ((orbin = orbopen (in, "r&")) < 0)
	die (0, "Can't open input '%s'\n", in);

    if (statefile != 0) {
		char           *s;
		if (exhume (statefile, &quit, RT_MAX_DIE_SECS, 0) != 0) {
	    elog_notify (0, "read old state file\n");
		if (orbresurrect (orbin, &last_pktid, &last_pkttime) == 0) {
	    	elog_notify (0, "resurrection successful: repositioned to pktid #%d @ %s\n",
			 last_pktid, s = strtime (last_pkttime));
	    	free (s);
		} else {
	    	complain (0, "resurrection unsuccessful\n");
    if ((orbout = orbopen (out, "w&")) < 0) {
	die (0, "Can't open output '%s'\n", out);
    if (pktmatch) {
	nmatch = orbselect (orbin, pktmatch);
    if (nmatch < 0) {
	die (1, "select '%s' returned %d\n", pktmatch, nmatch);
    if (reject) {
	nmatch = orbreject (orbin, reject);
    if (nmatch < 0) {
		elog_die (1, "reject '%s' returned %d\n", reject, nmatch);
    } else {
		if (flags.verbose) {
			elog_notify (1,"%d sources selected\n", nmatch);

    if (specified_after) {
	pktid = orbafter (orbin, after);
	if (pktid < 0) {
	    char           *s;
	    elog_complain (1, "seek to %s failed\n", s = strtime (after));
	    free (s);
	    pktid = forbtell (orbin);
	    elog_complain (1,"pktid is still #%d\n", pktid);
	} else {
	    if (flags.verbose) elog_notify (1,"new starting pktid is #%d\n", pktid);
    start_time = now ();

	db = dbtmp("rt1.0");

    while (!quit && pkttime < until && totpkts < maxpkts) {
	rcode = orbreap (orbin,
		    &pktid, srcname, &pkttime, &packet, &nbytes, &packetsz);

	switch (rcode) {
	  case 0:
	    totbytes += nbytes;

	    if (flags.verbose>2) {
		showPkt (pktid, srcname, pkttime, packet, nbytes, stdout, mode);
	    if (statefile != 0
		    && last_pkttime - last_burial > decent_interval) {
		bury ();
		last_burial = pkttime;
	    if ((unstuffPkt (srcname, pkttime, packet, nbytes, &unstuffed))==Pkt_pf) {
		  	pf = 			unstuffed->pf;
			tbl=			pfkeys(pf);
			arrkey=			gettbl(tbl,0);
			datalogger=		pfget_string(pfnew,"datalogger");
			duration=		pfget_double(pfnew,"duration");
			errors=			pfget_string(pfnew,"errors");
			evtfilename=	pfget_string(pfnew,"evtfilename");
			evtfilesize=	pfget_int(pfnew,"evtfilesize");
			ft=				pfget_string(pfnew,"ft");
			starttime=		pfget_double(pfnew,"time");
			triggertime=	pfget_double(pfnew,"triggertime");

			if (strcasecmp(ft,"no")==0 || put_tests == 1) {
				for (i=0; i<maxtbl(channels);i++) {
					sscanf(line,"%s %d %lf %d %lf %lf %d %lf",
					if (flags.verbose>1) printf("%s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime));	
					if (chanmatch == 0 || 
							strmatches(parts.src_chan,chanmatch,&hook)) {
						if (flags.verbose) elog_notify(1,"putting detev for %s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime));	
							"time",	triggertime,
							"tron",  starttime - triggertime,
							"troff", starttime - triggertime + duration,
							"snr",(max_g * 1000.0  - min_g * 1000.0)/2.0,
					} else {
						if (flags.verbose>1) elog_notify(1,"ignoring %s,%s\n", netstachan,tdummy=strtime(triggertime));	


	    last_pktid = pktid;
	    last_pkttime = pkttime;


    if (statefile != 0)
	bury ();

    end_time = now ();
    delta_t = end_time - start_time;
	if (flags.verbose>1) {
		if (totpkts > 0) {
		elog_notify (1,"\n%.0f %.2f byte packets (%.1f kbytes) in %.3f seconds\n\t%10.3f kbytes/s\n\t%10.3f kbaud\n\t%10.3f pkts/s\n",
			totpkts, totbytes / totpkts, totbytes / 1024,
			totbytes / delta_t / 1024,
			totbytes / delta_t / 1024 * 8,
			totpkts / delta_t);
		} else {

		elog_notify (1,"\nno packets read\n");

    if (orbclose (orbin)) {
	elog_complain (1, "error closing read orb\n");
    if (orbclose (orbout)) {
	elog_complain (1, "error closing write orb\n");
    return 0;
예제 #2
static void 
id_clients( Pf *pf )
	Pf	*pfclients;
	Pf	*pfclient;
	char	client_summary[STRSZ];
	char	*serveraddress;
	char	*serverport;
	Tbl	*client_keys;
	int	ikey;
	char	*client_key;
	char	clientid_key[STRSZ];
	char	*clientaddress;
	char	*what;
	char	clientid[33];

	pfeval( pf, "server{address}", &serveraddress );
	pfeval( pf, "server{port}", &serverport );

	pfget( pf, "clients", (void **) &pfclients );

	client_keys = pfkeys( pfclients );

	for( ikey = 0; ikey < maxtbl( client_keys ); ikey++ ) {

		client_key = gettbl( client_keys, ikey );

		pfget( pfclients, client_key, (void **) &pfclient );

		clientaddress = pfget_string( pfclient, "address" );
		what = pfget_string( pfclient, "what" );

		sprintf( client_summary, "%s %s %s %s", 
				serveraddress, serverport,
				clientaddress, what );

		sprintf( clientid_key, "clients{%s}{clientid}", client_key );

		mdhex( clientid, client_summary, strlen( client_summary ) );

		pfset( pf, clientid_key, clientid );

	freetbl( client_keys, 0 );

예제 #3
/* This is the opposite of the previous */
void *pfstream_write_data(void *arg)
    Pfstream_control *pfsc=(Pfstream_control *)arg;
    Pf *pf,*pftest;
    int fini;
    int itest;

        pmtfifo_pop(pfsc->mtf,(void **)(&pf));
        /* this is a safe test if FINISHED is not set.
        Should not require user to have to do this */
        itest = pfget(pf,"FINISHED",(void **)&pftest);
        fprintf(pfsc->fp,"%s\n", ENDPF_SENTINEL);
        /* We have release the memory for pf here as the caller
        is pushing this away a forgetting about it */
예제 #4
static void
pfmorph( Pf *pf ) {
	Pf	*dlspf;
	Pf	*stapf;
	Tbl	*stas;
	int	ista;
	char	*sta;
	char	*opt_string;

	if( pfget( pf, "dls", (void **) &dlspf ) == PFINVALID ) {


	stas = pfkeys( dlspf );

	for( ista = 0; ista < maxtbl( stas ); ista++ ) {

		sta = gettbl( stas, ista );

		if( pfget( dlspf, sta, (void **) &stapf ) == PFINVALID ) {

		if( ( opt_string = pfget_string( stapf, "opt" ) ) == (char *) NULL ||
		    ! strcmp( opt_string, "-" ) ) {

			pfset( stapf, "acok", "-" );
			pfset( stapf, "api",  "-" );
			pfset( stapf, "isp1", "-" );
			pfset( stapf, "isp2", "-" );
			pfset( stapf, "ti",   "-" );

		} else {

			if( strcontains( opt_string, "acok", NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) {

				pfset( stapf, "acok", "1" );
			} else {

				pfset( stapf, "acok", "0" );

			if( strcontains( opt_string, "api", NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) {

				pfset( stapf, "api", "1" );
			} else {

				pfset( stapf, "api", "0" );

			if( strcontains( opt_string, "isp1", NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) {

				pfset( stapf, "isp1", "1" );
			} else {

				pfset( stapf, "isp1", "0" );

			if( strcontains( opt_string, "isp2", NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) {

				pfset( stapf, "isp2", "1" );
			} else {

				pfset( stapf, "isp2", "0" );

			if( strcontains( opt_string, "ti", NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) {

				pfset( stapf, "ti", "1" );
			} else {

				pfset( stapf, "ti", "0" );

	freetbl( stas, 0 );

예제 #5
main( int argc, char **argv )
	int	c;
	int	errflag = 0;
	int	orb;
	int	stop = 0;
	long	nrecs;
	char	*match = ".*/pf/st";
	char	*from = 0;
	char	*statefile = 0;
	char	*pfname = "orb2rrdc";
	char	*orbname;
	char	*dbcache;
	char	*rrdtool;
	char	command[STRSZ];
	char	net[STRSZ];
	char	sta[STRSZ];
	char	rrdvar[STRSZ];
	char	key[STRSZ];
	char	path[FILENAME_MAX];
	Dbptr	db;
	Dbptr	dbt;
	Pf	*pf;
	char	*Default_network;
	Tbl	*dlslines;
	Arr	*Dls_vars_dsparams;
	Arr	*Dls_vars_rras;
	Tbl	*Dls_vars_keys;
	char	*line;
	char	*dls_var;
	char	*dsparams;
	Tbl	*rras;
	int	i;
	int	j;
	OrbreapThr *ort;
	int	pktid;
	char	srcname[ORBSRCNAME_SIZE];
	double	time = 0;
	char	*packet = 0;
	int	nbytes = 0;
	int	bufsize = 0;
	Packet	*pkt = 0;
	int	rc;
	char	*s;
	Pf	*dlspf;
	Tbl	*dlspfkeys;
	char	*element;
	Tbl	*parts;
	double	val;
	Pf	*pfval = 0;

	elog_init( argc, argv );

	while( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "vVd:s:p:m:f:" ) ) != -1 ) {

		switch( c ) {

		case 'd':
			CacheDaemon = optarg;

		case 'f':
			from = optarg;

		case 'm':
			match = optarg;

		case 'p': 
			pfname = optarg;

		case 's':
			statefile = optarg;
		case 'v':

		case 'V':
			elog_complain( 0, "Unknown option '%c'\n", c );

	if( errflag || argc - optind != 2 ) {


	if( Verbose ) {

		elog_notify( 0, "Starting at %s (%s $Revision$ $Date$)\n", 
				zepoch2str( str2epoch( "now" ), "%D %T %Z", "" ),
				Program_Name );

	orbname = argv[optind++];
	dbcache = argv[optind++];

	pfread( pfname, &pf );

	rrdtool = pfget_string( pf, "rrdtool" );

	if( rrdtool == NULL || ! strcmp( rrdtool, "" ) ) {

		elog_die( 0, "Error: no rrdtool executable name specified in parameter file\n" );

	} else if( ( rrdtool[0] == '/' && ! is_present( rrdtool ) ) || ( rrdtool[0] != '/' && ! datafile( "PATH", rrdtool ) ) ) {

		elog_die( 0, "Error: can't find rrdtool executable by name of '%s' (check PATH environment " 
			"variable, or absolute path name if given)\n", rrdtool );

	} else if( rrdtool[0] == '/' ) {

		sprintf( command, "%s -", rrdtool );

	} else {

		sprintf( command, "rrdtool -" );

	Suppress_egrep = pfget_string( pf, "suppress_egrep" );

	if( Suppress_egrep != NULL && strcmp( Suppress_egrep, "" ) ) {
		if( ! datafile( "PATH", "egrep" ) ) {

			elog_complain( 0, "Ignoring suppress_egrep parameter: can't find egrep on path\n" ); 

		} else {

			sprintf( command, "%s 2>&1 | egrep -v '%s'", command, Suppress_egrep );

	if( VeryVerbose ) {

		elog_notify( 0, "Executing command: %s\n", command );

	Rrdfp = popen( command, "w" );

	if( Rrdfp == (FILE *) NULL ) {

		elog_die( 0, "Failed to open socket to rrdtool command\n" );

	orb = orbopen( orbname, "r&" );

	if( orb < 0 ) {

		elog_die( 0, "Failed to open orb '%s' for reading. Bye.\n", orbname );

	orbselect( orb, match );

	if( from != NULL && statefile == NULL ) {

		pktid = orbposition( orb, from );

		if( Verbose ) {

			elog_notify( 0, "Positioned to packet %d\n", pktid );

	} else if( from != NULL ) {

		elog_complain( 0, "Ignoring -f in favor of existing state file\n" );

	if( statefile != NULL ) {

		stop = 0;

		exhume( statefile, &stop, 15, 0 );

		orbresurrect( orb, &pktid, &time );

		if( Verbose ) {

			elog_notify( 0, "Resurrecting state to pktid %d, time %s\n",
				pktid, s = strtime( time ) );

			free( s );

		orbseek( orb, pktid );

	dbopen( dbcache, "r+", &db );

	if( db.database < 0 ) {
		elog_die( 0, "Failed to open cache database '%s'. Bye.\n", dbcache );

	} else {
		db = dblookup( db, "", "rrdcache", "", "" );

		if( db.table < 0 ) {

			elog_die( 0, "Failed to lookup 'rrdcache' table in '%s'. Bye.\n", dbcache );

	dbcrunch( db );

	dbt = dbsubset( db, "endtime == NULL", NULL );

	Rrd_files = newarr( 0 );

	dbquery( dbt, dbRECORD_COUNT, &nrecs );

	for( dbt.record = 0; dbt.record < nrecs; dbt.record++ ) {

		dbgetv( dbt, 0, "net", &net, "sta", &sta, "rrdvar", &rrdvar, NULL );

		dbfilename( dbt, (char *) &path );

		sprintf( key, "%s:%s:%s", net, sta, rrdvar );

		if( ! is_present( path ) ) {
			elog_complain( 0, "WARNING: rrd file '%s', listed in database, does not exist. "
				"Removing database entry.\n", path );

			dbmark( dbt );

		} else {

			setarr( Rrd_files, key, strdup( path ) );

			if( VeryVerbose ) {

				elog_notify( 0, "Re-using rrd file '%s' for '%s'\n", path, key );

	Rrdfile_pattern = pfget_string( pf, "rrdfile_pattern" );
	Status_stepsize_sec = pfget_double( pf, "status_stepsize_sec" );
	Default_network = pfget_string( pf, "default_network" );
	dlslines = pfget_tbl( pf, "dls_vars" );

	Dls_vars_dsparams = newarr( 0 );
	Dls_vars_rras = newarr( 0 );

	for( i = 0; i < maxtbl( dlslines ); i++ ) {
		line = gettbl( dlslines, i );
		strtr( line, "\t", " " );
		rras = split( line, ' ' );

		dls_var = shifttbl( rras );
		dsparams = shifttbl( rras );

		setarr( Dls_vars_dsparams, dls_var, dsparams );
		setarr( Dls_vars_rras, dls_var, rras );

	ort = orbreapthr_new( orb, -1., 0 );

	for( ; stop == 0; ) {

		orbreapthr_get( ort, &pktid, srcname, &time, &packet, &nbytes, &bufsize );

		if( statefile ) {

			rc = bury();

			if( rc < 0 ) {

				elog_complain( 0, "Unexpected failure of bury command! " 
					"(are there two orb2rrdc's running with the same state" 
					"file?)\n" );

				clear_register( 1 );

		rc = unstuffPkt( srcname, time, packet, nbytes, &pkt );

		if( rc == Pkt_pf ) {

			if( VeryVerbose ) {

				/* Parameter files generally too big for elog */

				fprintf( stderr, "Received a parameter-file '%s' at %s\n%s\n\n", 
						s = strtime( time ), 
						pf2string( pkt->pf ) );

				free( s );

			} else if( Verbose ) {

				elog_notify( 0, "Received a parameter-file '%s' at %s\n", 
						srcname, s = strtime( time ) );

				free( s );

			pfmorph( pkt->pf );

			if( VeryVerbose ) {

				fprintf( stderr, "Morphed parameter-file '%s' to interpret 'opt':\n%s\n\n", 
						pf2string( pkt->pf ) );

			pfget( pkt->pf, "dls", (void **) &dlspf );

			dlspfkeys = pfkeys( dlspf );
			Dls_vars_keys = keysarr( Dls_vars_dsparams );

			for( i = 0; i < maxtbl( dlspfkeys ); i++ ) {
			   element = gettbl( dlspfkeys, i );

			   if( strcontains( element, "_", 0, 0, 0 ) ) {

				parts = split( (s = strdup( element )), '_' );

				sprintf( net, "%s", (char *) gettbl( parts, 0 ) );
				sprintf( sta, "%s", (char *) gettbl( parts, 1 ) );

				free( s );
				freetbl( parts, 0 );

			   } else {

				sprintf( net, "%s", Default_network );

				sprintf( sta, "%s", element );

			   for( j = 0; j < maxtbl( Dls_vars_keys ); j++ ) {

			   	dls_var = gettbl( Dls_vars_keys, j );

				sprintf( key, "%s{%s}", element, dls_var );

				if( pfresolve( dlspf, key, 0, &pfval ) < 0 ) {

					elog_complain( 0, "Unable to extract variable '%s' "
						"(not present or wrong type) from element '%s' "
						"in packet from '%s', timestamped '%s'; Skipping\n",
						key, element, srcname, s = strtime( time ) );

					free( s );

					pfval = 0;


				} else if( pfval != (Pf *) NULL &&
					   pfval->value.s != (char *) NULL &&
					   ! strcmp( pfval->value.s, "-" ) ) {

					if( VeryVerbose ) {

						elog_notify( 0, "Non-floating point value '-' in variable '%s', "
							"in packet from '%s', timestamped '%s'; Skipping data point\n",
							key, srcname, s = strtime( time ) );

						free( s );


				} else {

					val = pfget_double( dlspf, key );

				archive_dlsvar( db, net, sta, dls_var, 
						(char *) getarr( Dls_vars_dsparams, dls_var ),
						(Tbl *) getarr( Dls_vars_rras, dls_var ),
						time, val );


			freetbl( dlspfkeys, 0 );
			freetbl( Dls_vars_keys, 0 );

		} else if( rc == Pkt_stash ) {

			; /* Do nothing */

		} else {

			if( Verbose ) {

				elog_notify( 0, "Received a packet that's not a parameter file " 
					"(type '%d' from unstuffPkt); skipping\n", rc );
예제 #6
static Pf *
orbconnections2pf( Pf *pfanalyze )
	Pf	*pf;
	Pf	*pfserver;
	Pf	*pfconnections;
	Pf	*pfclients;
	Pf	*pfclient;
	Pf	*pfconnection;
	Tbl	*client_keys;
	int	ikey;
	char	*client_key;
	char	*clientid;
	char	*what;
	char	*perm;
	char	*clientaddress;
	char	*serveraddress;
	char	clientaddress_ipc[STRSZ];
	char	serveraddress_ipc[STRSZ];
	int	serverport;
	double	atime;
	regex_t	preg_findclient;
	char	closeorb[STRSZ];
	char	o2omachine[STRSZ];
	char	farorb[STRSZ];
	int	closeport;
	int	farport;
	char	orbstat_machine_hostname[STRSZ];
	char	orbstat_machine_ipc[STRSZ];
	int	orbstat_machine_ip;
	char	cmdline_fromorb[STRSZ];
	char	cmdline_toorb[STRSZ];
	char	cmdline_fromip[STRSZ];
	char	cmdline_fromipc[STRSZ];
	char	cmdline_toip[STRSZ];
	char	cmdline_toipc[STRSZ];
	char	formal_name[STRSZ];
	int	formal_count = 0;
	int	cmdline_fromport;
	int	cmdline_toport;
	struct in_addr addr;
	regcomp( &preg_findclient, "^orb2orb ", 0 );

	pf = pfnew( PFFILE );

	atime = pfget_time( pfanalyze, "client_when" );
	pfput_time( pf, "connections_when", atime );

	my_ip( orbstat_machine_hostname, 
	       &orbstat_machine_ip );

	if( is_localhost( orbstat_machine_ipc ) ) {
		elog_complain( 0, "libpforbstat: orbstat machine is localhost; giving up on connection analysis\n" );
		regfree( &preg_findclient );
		return pf;

	} else {

		pfput_string( pf, "orbstat_machine", orbstat_machine_ipc );

	pfget( pfanalyze, "server", (void **) &pfserver );
	serveraddress = pfget_string( pfserver, "address" );
	serverport = pfget_int( pfserver, "port" );

	if( is_nonroutable( serveraddress ) && 
	    report_nonroutable( serveraddress ) ) {

		elog_complain( 0, "libpforbstat: warning: monitored server %s is nonroutable\n", serveraddress );
	if( name2ip( serveraddress, &addr, serveraddress_ipc ) < 0 ) {
		elog_complain( 0, "libpforbstat: warning: name translation failed for %s\n", serveraddress );
		strcpy( serveraddress_ipc, serveraddress );

	if( is_localhost( serveraddress ) ) {

		strcpy( closeorb, orbstat_machine_ipc );

	} else {

		strcpy( closeorb, serveraddress_ipc );

	closeport = serverport;

	/* SCAFFOLD: this causes memory problems. Leave untranslated for now:
	pfput_string( pfserver, "address", closeorb ); Record the translated server address */

	pfget( pfanalyze, "clients", (void **) &pfclients );

	client_keys = pfkeys( pfclients );

	pfconnections = pfnew( PFTBL );

	for( ikey = 0; ikey < maxtbl( client_keys ); ikey++ ) {

		client_key = gettbl( client_keys, ikey );
		pfget( pfclients, client_key, (void **) &pfclient );

		what = pfget_string( pfclient, "what" );

		if( ! regexec( &preg_findclient, what, 0, 0, 0 ) ) {

			pfconnection = pfnew( PFARR );

			/* Easy things: */

			pfput_string( pfconnection, "what", what );

			if( ( clientid = pfget_string( pfclient, "clientid") ) != NULL ) {

				pfput_string( pfconnection, "clientid", clientid );
			/* Preparatory raw-information acquisition: */

			extract_orb2orb_orbargs( what, 
						 cmdline_toorb );

			parse_orbname( cmdline_fromorb, 
				       &cmdline_fromport );

			if( name2ip( cmdline_fromip, &addr, cmdline_fromipc ) < 0 ) {
				elog_complain( 0, 
					"libpforbstat: warning: name translation failed for %s\n", cmdline_fromipc );
				strcpy( cmdline_fromipc, cmdline_fromip );

			parse_orbname( cmdline_toorb, 
				       &cmdline_toport );

			if( name2ip( cmdline_toip, &addr, cmdline_toipc ) < 0 ) {
				elog_complain( 0, 
					"libpforbstat: warning: name translation failed for %s\n", cmdline_toipc );
				strcpy( cmdline_toipc, cmdline_toip );

			perm = pfget_string( pfclient, "perm" );

			clientaddress = pfget_string( pfclient, "address" );

			if( name2ip( clientaddress, &addr, clientaddress_ipc ) < 0 ) {
				elog_complain( 0, 
					"libpforbstat: warning: name translation failed for %s\n", clientaddress );
				strcpy( clientaddress_ipc, clientaddress );

			/* Analysis */

			if( is_nonroutable( clientaddress ) &&
			    report_nonroutable( clientaddress ) ) { 
				elog_complain( 0, "libpforbstat: warning: clientaddress %s is nonroutable\n", 
						clientaddress );
			if( is_localhost( clientaddress ) ) {
				strcpy( o2omachine, serveraddress_ipc );

			} else {
				strcpy( o2omachine, clientaddress_ipc );

			pfput_string( pfconnection, "o2omachine", o2omachine );

			if( STREQ( perm, "w" ) ) {

				strcpy( farorb, cmdline_fromipc );
				farport = cmdline_fromport;

			} else if( STREQ( perm, "r" ) ) {		

				strcpy( farorb, cmdline_toipc );
				farport = cmdline_toport;

			} else {
				elog_complain( 0, 
						"libpforbstat: unexpected perm '%s' in client info; giving up on client\n", 
						perm );
				pffree( pfconnection );

			if(is_localhost(farorb)) {

				strcpy( farorb, o2omachine );

			if( STREQ( perm, "w" ) ) {
				pfput_string( pfconnection, "fromaddress", farorb );
				pfput_int( pfconnection, "fromport", farport );

				pfput_string( pfconnection, "toaddress", closeorb );
				pfput_int( pfconnection, "toport", closeport );

				pfput_string( pfconnection, "closeorb", "toaddress" );

			} else {	/* perm == "r" */

				pfput_string( pfconnection, "fromaddress", closeorb );
				pfput_int( pfconnection, "fromport", closeport );

				pfput_string( pfconnection, "toaddress", farorb );
				pfput_int( pfconnection, "toport", farport );

				pfput_string( pfconnection, "closeorb", "fromaddress" );

			sprintf( formal_name, "client%03d", ++formal_count );
			pfput( pfconnections, formal_name, pfconnection, PFPF );

	pfput( pf, "connections", pfconnections, PFPF );

	regfree( &preg_findclient );

	return pf;
예제 #7
static Pf *
orbdatabases2pf( Pf *pfanalyze ) 
	Pf	*pf;
	Pf	*pfdatabases;
	Pf	*pfdatabase;
	Pf	*pfclients;
	Pf	*pfclient;
	double	atime;
	Tbl	*client_keys;
	int	ikey;
	char	*client_key;
	char	*what;
	char	*serverhost;
	char	*clientid;
	char	*clientaddress;
	char	*serveraddress;
	char	*serverport;
	char	dbprogram[STRSZ];
	char	dbpath[STRSZ];
	char	dir[STRSZ];
	char	dfile[STRSZ];
	char	formal_name[STRSZ];
	int	formal_count = 0;
	char	*delim = ":";
	char	*hostdir;
	char	*serverhostcopy;
	char	*abspath;

	pf = pfnew( PFFILE );

	pfdatabases = pfnew( PFTBL );

	atime = pfget_time( pfanalyze, "client_when" );
	pfput_time( pf, "databases_when", atime );

	pfeval( pfanalyze, "server{address}", &serveraddress );
	pfeval( pfanalyze, "server{port}", &serverport );
	pfeval( pfanalyze, "server{host}", &serverhost );

	serverhostcopy = strdup( serverhost );
	strtok_r( serverhostcopy, delim, &hostdir );

	pfget( pfanalyze, "clients", (void **) &pfclients );

	client_keys = pfkeys( pfclients );

	for( ikey = 0; ikey < maxtbl( client_keys ); ikey++ ) {

		client_key = gettbl( client_keys, ikey );
		pfget( pfclients, client_key, (void **) &pfclient );

		what = pfget_string( pfclient, "what" );
		clientaddress = pfget_string( pfclient, "address" );
		clientid = pfget_string( pfclient, "clientid" );

		if( is_dbprogram( what, dbprogram, dbpath ) ) {

			pfdatabase = pfnew( PFARR );

			pfput_string( pfdatabase, "clientid", clientid );
			pfput_string( pfdatabase, "serveraddress", serveraddress );
			pfput_string( pfdatabase, "serverport", serverport );
			pfput_string( pfdatabase, "dbprogram", dbprogram );

			if( is_localhost( clientaddress ) ) {

				pfput_string( pfdatabase, "dbmachine", serveraddress );

				abspath = concatpaths( hostdir, dbpath, 0 );
				parsepath( abspath, dir, dfile, 0 );
				free( abspath );

			} else {

				pfput_string( pfdatabase, "dbmachine", clientaddress );

				abspath = concatpaths( "", dbpath, 0 );
				parsepath( abspath, dir, dfile, 0 );
				free( abspath );

			pfput_string( pfdatabase, "dir", dir );
			pfput_string( pfdatabase, "dfile", dfile );

			sprintf( formal_name, "client%03d", ++formal_count );
			pfput( pfdatabases, formal_name, pfdatabase, PFPF );

	free( serverhostcopy );

	pfput( pf, "databases", pfdatabases, PFPF );

	return pf;
예제 #8
/* This function is used to check a list of pf names to verify they
are in the parameter space.  It is useful for any program that uses
parameter files that cracks the pf space anywhere except up front.
That is, the pf space is a convenient place to store all the run time
parameters of any program and is a convenient way to pass a large
control structure.  However, because flow can be complex it is possible
to have parameters that are only accessed deep within a program and 
in these situations it is desirable to run a check at program initialization
to verify the required parameters will be there when required.  

Normally a string variable will not cause pfget to die, but it will
here if it is listed as required

Parameters to be checked are grouped by type.  Each numerical fields
can contain an optional range check.  This is not allowed for strings.
Code below only checks int, double, boolean, and string variables.  Because of
the complexity of Tbl and Arrs I thought this not worth messing with.
Furthermore, it is not unusual to have an empty Tbl list or Arr that
the program should handle correctly.  

Function will die on the first occurence of a problem parameter.
It is void because it only returns if everything checks out.

Author:  Gary L. Pavlis
void check_required_pf(Pf *pf)
	Tbl *t,*testtbl;
	Pf *pf_required;
	char *key;
	int i,j,nitems;
	int itest, ilowcheck, ihighcheck;
	double dtest, dlowcheck, dhighcheck;
	int bool;
	char *line;
	char *ctest;
	char name[50];

	/* This cracks the "required" &Arr dies if it isn't present 
	at all.  This assumes you wouldn't call this routine if you
	weren't serious about checking */
	if(pfget(pf,"require",(void **)&pf_required) != PFARR)
		die(0,"Arr of required parameters (require &Arr) missing from parameter space\nMust be present to execute this program\n");
		key = gettbl(t,i);
			testtbl = pfget_tbl(pf_required,"int");
				line = gettbl(testtbl,i);
				nitems = sscanf(line,"%s%d%d",name,&ilowcheck,
				itest = pfget_int(pf,name);
				if(nitems == 3)
					if( (itest < ilowcheck)
					  || (itest > ihighcheck) ) die(0,
						"Parameter %s has value %d which is outside required range of %d to %d\n",
		else if(!strcmp(key,"double"))
			testtbl = pfget_tbl(pf_required,"double");
				line = gettbl(testtbl,i);
				nitems = sscanf(line,"%s%lg%lg",name,&dlowcheck,
				dtest = pfget_double(pf,name);
				if(nitems == 3)
					if( (dtest < dlowcheck)
					  || (dtest > dhighcheck) ) die(0,
						"Parameter %s has value %lg which is outside required range of %lg to %lg\n",
		else if(!strcmp(key,"boolean"))
			testtbl = pfget_tbl(pf_required,"boolean");
				line = gettbl(testtbl,i);
				itest = pfget_boolean(pf,line);
		else if(!strcmp(key,"string"))
				line = gettbl(testtbl,i);
				ctest = pfget_string(pf,line);
				if(ctest == NULL)
					die(0,"Missing required string variable = %s\n",
			elog_notify(0,"Unknown required type name = %s\nRequired parameters under this heading will not be checked\n",