예제 #1
파일: petscw.c 프로젝트: primme/primme
void ApplyPCPrecPETSCSVD(void *x, PRIMME_INT *ldx, void *y, PRIMME_INT *ldy,
      int *blockSize, int *mode, primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr) {
   int i, one=1;
   SCALAR *aux;

   if (*mode == primme_svds_op_AtA) {
      aux = (SCALAR *)primme_calloc(primme_svds->mLocal, sizeof(SCALAR), "aux");
      for(i=0; i<*blockSize; i++) {
         ApplyPCPrecPETSCGen((SCALAR*)x+(*ldx)*i, ldx, aux, ldy, &one, 1,
            primme_svds->preconditioner, *(MPI_Comm*)primme_svds->commInfo);
         ApplyPCPrecPETSCGen(aux, ldx, (SCALAR*)y+(*ldy)*i, ldy, &one, 0,
            primme_svds->preconditioner, *(MPI_Comm*)primme_svds->commInfo);
   else if (*mode == primme_svds_op_AAt) {
      aux = (SCALAR *)primme_calloc(primme_svds->nLocal, sizeof(SCALAR), "aux");
      for(i=0; i<*blockSize; i++) {
         ApplyPCPrecPETSCGen((SCALAR*)x+(*ldx)*i, ldx, aux, ldy, &one, 0,
            primme_svds->preconditioner, *(MPI_Comm*)primme_svds->commInfo);
         ApplyPCPrecPETSCGen(aux, ldx, (SCALAR*)y+(*ldy)*i, ldy, &one, 1,
            primme_svds->preconditioner, *(MPI_Comm*)primme_svds->commInfo);
   else if (*mode == primme_svds_op_augmented) {
      ApplyPCPrecPETSCGen((SCALAR*)x+primme_svds->nLocal, ldx, y, ldy, blockSize, 0,
         primme_svds->preconditioner, *(MPI_Comm*)primme_svds->commInfo);
      ApplyPCPrecPETSCGen(x, ldx, (SCALAR*)y+primme_svds->nLocal, ldy, blockSize, 1,
         primme_svds->preconditioner, *(MPI_Comm*)primme_svds->commInfo);
   *ierr = 0;
예제 #2
파일: mat.c 프로젝트: nikoloutsa/primme
int createInvDavidsonDiagPrecNative(const CSRMatrix *matrix, double **prec) {
    double *diag;

    diag = (double*)primme_calloc(matrix->n, sizeof(double), "diag");
    getDiagonal(matrix, diag);
    *prec = diag;
    return 1;
예제 #3
void primme_initialize_f77_(primme_params **primme){
void primme_initialize_f77(primme_params **primme){

   *primme = (primme_params *)primme_calloc(1,sizeof(primme_params),"primme");
예제 #4
파일: petscw.c 프로젝트: primme/primme
int readMatrixPetsc(const char* matrixFileName, PRIMME_INT *m, PRIMME_INT *n,
      PRIMME_INT *mLocal, PRIMME_INT *nLocal, int *numProcs, int *procID,
      Mat **matrix, double *fnorm_, int **perm) {

   PetscErrorCode ierr;
   PetscReal fnorm;
   PetscBool pattern;
   PetscViewer viewer;
   PetscInt m0, n0, mLocal0, nLocal0;


   *matrix = (Mat *)primme_calloc(1, sizeof(Mat), "mat");
   if (!strcmp("mtx", &matrixFileName[strlen(matrixFileName)-3])) {  
      // coordinate format storing both lower and upper triangular parts
      ierr = loadmtx(matrixFileName, *matrix, &pattern); CHKERRQ(ierr);
   else if (!strcmp("petsc", &matrixFileName[strlen(matrixFileName)-5])) {
      ierr = PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, matrixFileName, FILE_MODE_READ, &viewer); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, *matrix); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatSetFromOptions(**matrix); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatLoad(**matrix, viewer); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscViewerDestroy(&viewer); CHKERRQ(ierr);
   else {
      SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Could not read matrix file.");
   if (fnorm_) {
      ierr = MatNorm(**matrix, NORM_FROBENIUS, &fnorm); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      *fnorm_ = fnorm;

   ierr = MatGetSize(**matrix, &m0, &n0); CHKERRQ(ierr);
   *m = m0;
   *n = n0;

   if (perm && *m == *n) {
      Mat Atemp;
      ierr = permutematrix(**matrix, NULL, &Atemp, NULL, perm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatDestroy(*matrix);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      **matrix = Atemp;
   else if (perm) {
      *perm = NULL;

   ierr = MatGetLocalSize(**matrix, &mLocal0, &nLocal0); CHKERRQ(ierr);
   *mLocal = mLocal0;
   *nLocal = nLocal0;
   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, numProcs);
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, procID);

예제 #5
파일: mat.c 프로젝트: nikoloutsa/primme
int createInvDiagPrecNative(const CSRMatrix *matrix, double shift, double **prec) {
    int i;
    double *diag, minDenominator=1e-14;

    diag = (double*)primme_calloc(matrix->n, sizeof(double), "diag");
    getDiagonal(matrix, diag);
    for (i=0; i<matrix->n; i++)
        diag[i] -= shift;
    for (i=0; i<matrix->n; i++)
        if (fabs(diag[i]) < minDenominator)
            diag[i] = copysign(minDenominator, diag[i]);
    *prec = diag;
    return 1;
예제 #6
 * Function to broadcast the primme data structure to all processors
void broadCast(primme_params *primme, primme_preset_method *method, 
   MPI_Comm comm){

   int i;

   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->numEvals), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->target), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->numTargetShifts), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);

   if (primme->numTargetShifts > 0 && procID !=0) {
      primme->targetShifts = (double *)primme_calloc(
         primme->numTargetShifts, sizeof(double), "targetShifts");
   for (i=0; i<primme->numTargetShifts; i++) {
      MPI_Bcast(&(primme->targetShifts[i]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->locking), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->dynamicMethodSwitch), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->initSize), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->numOrthoConst), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->maxBasisSize), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->minRestartSize), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->maxBlockSize), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->maxMatvecs), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->maxOuterIterations), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
      MPI_Bcast(&(primme->iseed[i]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->aNorm), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->eps), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->printLevel), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);

   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->restartingParams.scheme), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->restartingParams.maxPrevRetain), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);

   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.precondition), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.robustShifts), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.maxInnerIterations),1, MPI_INT, 0,comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.convTest), 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.relTolBase), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.projectors.LeftQ),  1, MPI_INT, 0,comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.projectors.LeftX),  1, MPI_INT, 0,comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.projectors.RightQ), 1, MPI_INT, 0,comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.projectors.RightX), 1, MPI_INT, 0,comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.projectors.SkewQ),  1, MPI_INT, 0,comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.projectors.SkewX),  1, MPI_INT, 0,comm);
   MPI_Bcast(&(primme->correctionParams.projectors.SkewX),  1, MPI_INT, 0,comm);

   MPI_Bcast(method, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
예제 #7
파일: petscw.c 프로젝트: primme/primme
int createInvNormalPrecPETSC(Mat matrix, double shift, double **prec) {
   int i;
   PetscInt mLocal, nLocal;
   double *diag, minDenominator=1e-14;

   MatGetLocalSize(matrix, &mLocal, &nLocal);
   diag = (double*)primme_calloc(mLocal+nLocal, sizeof(double), "diag");
   getSumSquares(matrix, diag);
   for (i=0; i<mLocal+nLocal; i++) {
      diag[i] -= shift*shift;
      if (fabs(diag[i]) < minDenominator)
         diag[i] = copysign(minDenominator, diag[i]);
   *prec = diag;
   return 1;
예제 #8
 * void generatePermutations() 
 * Given a proc array :  proc[i] = processor # where row i lies
 * it generates all other needed permutation arrays for processing in 
 * Parasails.
void generatePermutations(int n, int nParts, int *proc, int *perm,
   int *iperm, int *map) {

   int i;
   int *count;

   count = (int *)primme_calloc(nParts, sizeof(int), "counts");

   for (i=0; i < nParts; i++) {
      count[i] = 0;

   for (i=0; i < n; i++) {

   map[0] = 0;
   for (i=1; i <= nParts; i++) {
      map[i] = map[i-1] + count[i-1];

   for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
      iperm[map[proc[i]]] = i;

   for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
      perm[iperm[i]] = i;

   map[0] = 0;
   for (i=1; i <= nParts; i++) {
      map[i] = map[i-1] + count[i-1];

예제 #9
파일: mat.c 프로젝트: nikoloutsa/primme
int createILUTPrecNative(const CSRMatrix *matrix, double shift, int level,
                         double threshold, double filter, CSRMatrix **prec) {
    int ierr;
    int lenFactors;
    int *iW;
    CSRMatrix *factors;

    if (shift != 0.0) {
        shiftCSRMatrix(-shift, (CSRMatrix*)matrix);

    /* Work arrays */
    W = (PRIMME_NUM *)primme_calloc(matrix->n+1, sizeof(PRIMME_NUM), "W");
    iW = (int *)primme_calloc(matrix->n*2, sizeof(int), "iW");

    /* Max size of factorization */
    lenFactors = 9*matrix->nnz;

    factors = (CSRMatrix *)primme_calloc(1,  sizeof(CSRMatrix), "factors");
    factors->AElts = (PRIMME_NUM *)primme_calloc(lenFactors,
                     sizeof(PRIMME_NUM), "iluElts");
    factors->JA = (int *)primme_calloc(lenFactors, sizeof(int), "Jilu");
    factors->IA = (int *)primme_calloc(matrix->n+1, sizeof(int), "Iilu");
    factors->n = matrix->n;
    factors->nnz = lenFactors;

    ((int*)&matrix->n, (PRIMME_NUM*)matrix->AElts, (int*)matrix->JA,
     (int*)matrix->IA, &level, &threshold,
     factors->AElts, factors->JA, factors->IA, &lenFactors, W, iW, &ierr);

    if (ierr != 0)  {
        fprintf(stderr, "ZILUT factorization could not be completed\n");

    if (shift != 0.0L) {
        shiftCSRMatrix(shift, (CSRMatrix*)matrix);

    /* free workspace */

    *prec = factors;
    return 0;
    int ierr;
    int lenFactors;
    double *W1, *W2;
    int *iW1, *iW2, *iW3;
    CSRMatrix *factors;

    if (shift != 0.0) {
        shiftCSRMatrix(-shift, (CSRMatrix*)matrix);

    /* Work arrays */
    W1 = (double *)primme_calloc( matrix->n+1,  sizeof(double), "W1");
    W2 = (double *)primme_calloc( matrix->n,  sizeof(double), "W2");
    iW1 = (int *)primme_calloc( matrix->n,  sizeof(int), "iW1");
    iW2 = (int *)primme_calloc( matrix->n,  sizeof(int), "iW2");
    iW3 = (int *)primme_calloc( matrix->n,  sizeof(int), "iW2");
    /* Max size of factorization */
    lenFactors = 9*matrix->nnz;
    factors = (CSRMatrix *)primme_calloc(1,  sizeof(CSRMatrix), "factors");
    factors->AElts = (double *)primme_calloc(lenFactors,
                     sizeof(double), "iluElts");
    factors->JA = (int *)primme_calloc(lenFactors, sizeof(int), "Jilu");
    factors->IA = (int *)primme_calloc(matrix->n+1, sizeof(int), "Iilu");
    factors->n = matrix->n;
    factors->nnz = lenFactors;

    ((int*)&matrix->n, (double*)matrix->AElts, (int*)matrix->JA,
     (int*)matrix->IA, &level, &threshold,
     factors->AElts, factors->JA, factors->IA, &lenFactors,
     W1, W2, iW1, iW2, iW3, &ierr);

    if (ierr != 0)  {
        fprintf(stderr, "ILUT factorization could not be completed\n");

    if (shift != 0.0L) {
        shiftCSRMatrix(shift, (CSRMatrix*)matrix);

    /* free workspace */

    *prec = factors;
    return 0;
예제 #10
파일: primme_z.c 프로젝트: jornada/primme
int zprimme(double *evals, Complex_Z *evecs, double *resNorms, 
            primme_params *primme) {
   int ret;
   int *perm;
   double machEps;

   /* ------------------ */
   /* zero out the timer */
   /* ------------------ */

   /* ---------------------------- */
   /* Clear previous error reports */
   /* ---------------------------- */

   /* ----------------------- */
   /*  Find machine precision */
   /* ----------------------- */
   machEps = Num_dlamch_primme("E");

   /* ------------------ */
   /* Set some defaults  */
   /* ------------------ */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* If needed, we are ready to estimate required memory and return */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (evals == NULL && evecs == NULL && resNorms == NULL)
       return allocate_workspace(primme, FALSE);

   /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Reset random number seed if inappropriate for DLARENV */
   /* Yields unique quadruples per proc if procID < 4096^3  */
   /* ----------------------------------------------------- */

   if (primme->iseed[0]<0 || primme->iseed[0]>4095) primme->iseed[0] = 
      primme->procID % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[1]<0 || primme->iseed[1]>4095) primme->iseed[1] = 
      (int)(primme->procID/4096+1) % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[2]<0 || primme->iseed[2]>4095) primme->iseed[2] = 
      (int)((primme->procID/4096)/4096+2) % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[3]<0 || primme->iseed[3]>4095) primme->iseed[3] = 
      (2*(int)(((primme->procID/4096)/4096)/4096)+1) % 4096;

   /* ----------------------- */
   /* Set default convTetFun  */
   /* ----------------------- */

   if (!primme->convTestFun) {
      primme->convTestFun = convTestFunAbsolute;

   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Check primme input data for bounds, correct values etc. */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = check_input(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme);

   if (ret != 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_zprimme, Primme_check_input, ret,
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return ret;
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Compute AND allocate memory requirements for main_iter and subordinates */
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = allocate_workspace(primme, TRUE);

   if (ret != 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_zprimme, Primme_allocate_workspace, ret,
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);

   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Allocate workspace that will be needed locally by zprimme */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
   perm = (int *)primme_calloc((primme->numEvals), sizeof(int), "Perm array");

   if (perm == NULL) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_zprimme, Primme_malloc, 0, 
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return MALLOC_FAILURE;

   /* Call the solver                                                      */

   ret = main_iter_zprimme(evals, perm, evecs, resNorms, machEps, 
                   primme->intWork, primme->realWork, primme);

   if (ret < 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_zprimme, Primme_main_iter, 
                      ret, __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return MAIN_ITER_FAILURE;

   /* If locking is engaged, the converged Ritz vectors are stored in the  */
   /* order they converged.  They must then be permuted so that they       */
   /* correspond to the sorted Ritz values in evals.                       */

   permute_vecs_zprimme(&evecs[primme->numOrthoConst], primme->nLocal,
         primme->initSize, primme->nLocal, perm, (Complex_Z*)primme->realWork,


   primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
예제 #11
int dprimme(double *evals, double *evecs, double *resNorms, 
            primme_params *primme) {
   int ret;
   int *perm;
   double machEps;

   /* ------------------ */
   /* zero out the timer */
   /* ------------------ */

   /* ---------------------------- */
   /* Clear previous error reports */
   /* ---------------------------- */

   /* ----------------------- */
   /*  Find machine precision */
   /* ----------------------- */
   machEps = Num_dlamch_primme("E");

   /* ----------------------------------------- */
   /* Set some defaults for sequential programs */
   /* ----------------------------------------- */
   if (primme->numProcs == 1) {
      primme->nLocal = primme->n;
      primme->procID = 0;
      if (primme->globalSumDouble == NULL) 
         primme->globalSumDouble = primme_seq_globalSumDouble;

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Decide on whether to use locking (hard locking), or not (soft locking)*/
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (primme->target != primme_smallest &&
       primme->target != primme_largest ) {
      /* Locking is necessary as interior Ritz values can cross shifts */
      primme->locking = 1;
   else {
      if (primme->locking == 0) {
         /* use locking when not enough vectors to restart with */
         primme->locking = (primme->numEvals > primme->minRestartSize);   

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* If needed, we are ready to estimate required memory and return */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (evals == NULL && evecs == NULL && resNorms == NULL)
       return allocate_workspace(primme, FALSE);

   /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Reset random number seed if inappropriate for DLARENV */
   /* Yields unique quadruples per proc if procID < 4096^3  */
   /* ----------------------------------------------------- */

   if (primme->iseed[0]<0 || primme->iseed[0]>4095) primme->iseed[0] = 
      primme->procID % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[1]<0 || primme->iseed[1]>4095) primme->iseed[1] = 
      (int)(primme->procID/4096+1) % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[2]<0 || primme->iseed[2]>4095) primme->iseed[2] = 
      (int)((primme->procID/4096)/4096+2) % 4096;
   if (primme->iseed[3]<0 || primme->iseed[3]>4095) primme->iseed[3] = 
      (2*(int)(((primme->procID/4096)/4096)/4096)+1) % 4096;

   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Check primme input data for bounds, correct values etc. */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = check_input(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme);

   if (ret != 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_dprimme, Primme_check_input, ret,
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return ret;
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Compute AND allocate memory requirements for main_iter and subordinates */
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = allocate_workspace(primme, TRUE);

   if (ret != 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_dprimme, Primme_allocate_workspace, ret,
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);

   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Allocate workspace that will be needed locally by dprimme */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
   perm = (int *)primme_calloc((primme->numEvals), sizeof(int), "Perm array");

   if (perm == NULL) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_dprimme, Primme_malloc, 0, 
                      __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return MALLOC_FAILURE;

   /* Call the solver                                                      */

   ret = main_iter_dprimme(evals, perm, evecs, resNorms, machEps, 
                   primme->intWork, primme->realWork, primme);

   if (ret < 0) {
      primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_dprimme, Primme_main_iter, 
                      ret, __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
      primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
      return MAIN_ITER_FAILURE;

   /* If locking is engaged, the converged Ritz vectors are stored in the  */
   /* order they converged.  They must then be permuted so that they       */
   /* correspond to the sorted Ritz values in evals.                       */

   permute_evecs_dprimme(&evecs[primme->numOrthoConst], perm, 
        (double *) primme->realWork, primme->numEvals, primme->nLocal);


   primme->stats.elapsedTime = primme_wTimer(0);
예제 #12
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

   /* Timing vars */
//   double ut1,ut2,st1,st2,wt1,wt2;
   double wt1,wt2;

   /* Matrix */
   int n, nnz;
   double fnorm;
   CSRMatrix matrix;

   /* Preconditioner */
   CSRMatrix Factors;

   /* Files */
   char *DriverConfigFileName, *SolverConfigFileName;
   /* Driver and solver I/O arrays and parameters */
   double *evals, *evecs, *rnorms;
   driver_params driver;
   primme_params primme;
   primme_preset_method method;
#ifdef Cplusplus     /* C++ has a stricter type checking */
   void (*precond_function)(void *, void *, int *, primme_params *);
   void *precond_function;

   /* Other miscellaneous items */
   int i;
   int ret;

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*   Read matrix and driver setup                                        */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Get from command line the names for the 2 config files  */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */

   if (argc == 3) {
      DriverConfigFileName = argv[1];
      SolverConfigFileName = argv[2];

   /* ----------------------------- */
   /* Read in the driver parameters */
   /* ----------------------------- */
   if (read_driver_params(DriverConfigFileName, &driver) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Reading driver parameters failed\n");


   /* ------------------------------------------ */
   /* Read the matrix and store it in CSR format */
   /* ------------------------------------------ */
   fprintf(stderr," Matrix: %s\n",driver.matrixFileName);

   if (!strcmp("mtx", &driver.matrixFileName[strlen(driver.matrixFileName)-3]))
   {  // coordinate format storing both lower and upper triangular parts
      ret = readfullMTX(driver.matrixFileName, &matrix.AElts, &matrix.JA, 
         &matrix.IA, &n, &nnz);
      if (ret < 0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read matrix file\n");
   else if (driver.matrixFileName[strlen(driver.matrixFileName)-1] == 'U') {
      // coordinate format storing only upper triangular part
      ret = readUpperMTX(driver.matrixFileName, &matrix.AElts, &matrix.JA,
         &matrix.IA, &n, &nnz);
      if (ret < 0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read matrix file\n");
   else {  
      //Harwell Boeing format NOT IMPLEMENTED
      //ret = readmt()
      ret = -1;
      if (ret < 0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read matrix file\n");

   fnorm = frobeniusNorm(n, matrix.IA, matrix.AElts);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  Set up preconditioner if needed. We provide these sample options         */
/*  in driver.PrecChoice:  (driver.PrecChoice is read in read_driver_params) */
/*     choice = 0  no preconditioner                                         */
/*     choice = 1  K=Diag(A-shift),   shift provided once by user            */
/*     choice = 2  K=Diag(A-shift_i), shifts provided by primme every step   */
/*     choice = 3  K=ILUT(A-shift)  , shift provided once by user            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   ret = create_preconditioner
         (matrix, &Factors, &precond_function, n, nnz, driver);
   if (ret < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not create requested preconditioner \n");

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*    Primme solver setup                                                */
   /*       primme_initialize  (not needed if ALL primme struct members set)*/
   /*       primme_set_method  (bypass it to fully customize your solver)   */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   /* ----------------------------- */
   /* Initialize defaults in primme */
   /* ----------------------------- */

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Read in the primme configuration file   */
   /* --------------------------------------- */
   primme.n     = n;
   primme.aNorm = fnorm; /* ||A||_frobenius. A configFile entry overwrites it */

   if (read_solver_params(SolverConfigFileName, driver.outputFileName, 
			   &primme, &method) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Reading solver parameters failed\n");

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Pick one of the default methods(if set) */
   /* --------------------------------------- */

   if (primme_set_method(method, &primme) < 0 ) {
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "No preset method. Using custom settings\n");

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Optional: report memory requirements    */
   /* --------------------------------------- */

   ret = dprimme(NULL,NULL,NULL,&primme);
   fprintf(primme.outputFile,"PRIMME will allocate the following memory:\n");
   fprintf(primme.outputFile,"real workspace, %ld bytes\n",primme.realWorkSize);
   fprintf(primme.outputFile,"int  workspace, %d bytes\n",primme.intWorkSize);
   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Set up matrix vector and preconditioner */
   /* --------------------------------------- */

   primme.matrixMatvec        = MatrixMatvec;
   primme.applyPreconditioner = precond_function;

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Optional: provide matrix/preconditioner */
   /* --------------------------------------- */
   primme.matrix         = &matrix;
   primme.preconditioner = &Factors;

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Display given parameter configuration   */
   /* Place this after the dprimme() to see   */
   /* any changes dprimme() made to primme    */
   /* --------------------------------------- */

   fprintf(primme.outputFile," Matrix: %s\n",driver.matrixFileName);

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* 	                   Run the dprimme solver                           */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   /* Allocate space for converged Ritz values and residual norms */

   evals = (double *)primme_calloc(primme.numEvals, sizeof(double), "evals");
   evecs = (double *)primme_calloc(primme.n*
	   (primme.numEvals+primme.maxBlockSize), sizeof(double), "evecs");
   rnorms = (double *)primme_calloc(primme.numEvals, sizeof(double), "rnorms");

   /* ------------------------ */
   /* Initial guess (optional) */
   /* ------------------------ */
       for (i=0;i<primme.n;i++) evecs[i]=1/sqrt(primme.n);

   /* ------------- */
   /*  Call primme  */
   /* ------------- */

   wt1 = primme_wTimer2(1); 
//   primme_get_time(&ut1,&st1);

   ret = dprimme(evals, evecs, rnorms, &primme);

   wt2 = primme_wTimer2(0);
//   primme_get_time(&ut2,&st2);

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Reporting                                                             */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */


   fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Wallclock Runtime   : %-f\n", wt2-wt1);
//   fprintf(primme.outputFile, "User Time           : %f seconds\n", ut2-ut1);
//   fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Syst Time           : %f seconds\n", st2-st1);

   if (primme.procID == 0) {
      for (i=0; i < primme.numEvals; i++) {
         fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Eval[%d]: %-22.15E rnorm: %-22.15E\n", i+1,
            evals[i], rnorms[i]); 
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, " %d eigenpairs converged\n", primme.initSize);

      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Tolerance : %-22.15E\n", 
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Iterations: %-d\n", 
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Restarts  : %-d\n", primme.stats.numRestarts);
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Matvecs   : %-d\n", primme.stats.numMatvecs);
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Preconds  : %-d\n", primme.stats.numPreconds);

      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "\n\n#,%d,%.1f\n\n", primme.stats.numMatvecs,

      switch (primme.dynamicMethodSwitch) {
         case -1: fprintf(primme.outputFile, 
	       "Recommended method for next run: DEFAULT_MIN_MATVECS\n"); break;
         case -2: fprintf(primme.outputFile, 
	       "Recommended method for next run: DEFAULT_MIN_TIME\n"); break;
         case -3: fprintf(primme.outputFile, 
	       "Recommended method for next run: DYNAMIC (close call)\n"); break;


   if (ret != 0) {
         "Error: dprimme returned with nonzero exit status\n");
      return -1;



예제 #13
 * Creates one of 3 preconditioners depending on driver.PrecChoice:
 * Our sample choices are
 *   choice = 0  no preconditioner                                       
 *   choice = 1  K=Diag(A-shift),   shift provided once by user         
 *   choice = 2  K=Diag(A-shift_i), shifts provided by primme every step
 *   choice = 3  K=ILUT(A-shift)  , shift provided once by user         
 * on return:
 *    Factors:		pointer to the preconditioner CSR structure
 *    precond_function: pointer to the function that applies the preconditioner
 * For each choice we have:
 *		   generated by function:             Applied by function
 *		 -------------------------           -------------------
 *   choice = 0  	   -				   NULL
 *   choice = 1   generate_Inv_Diagonal_Prec	   Apply_Inv_Diagonal_Prec
 *   choice = 2   generate_Diagonal_Prec           Apply_Diagonal_Shifted_Prec
 *   choice = 3   ilut				   Apply_ILUT_Prec
 * The user is cautioned that ILUT is a nonsymmetric preconditioner, 
 * which could potentially prevent the QMR inner solver from converging.
 * We have not noticed this in our experiments.
int create_preconditioner(CSRMatrix matrix, CSRMatrix *Factors, 
#ifdef Cplusplus     /* C++ has a stricter type checking */
   void (**precond_function)(void *, void *, int *, primme_params *),
   void **precond_function,
   int n, int nnz, driver_params driver) {

   int lenFactors;

   *precond_function = NULL;

   switch (driver.PrecChoice) {
      case 0:  // No preconditioner created
      case 1: case 2:
	 // Diagonal: K = diag(A-shift I), shift can be primme provided
         Factors->AElts = (double *)primme_calloc(n, sizeof(double), 
         Factors->IA = (int *)primme_calloc(n+1, sizeof(int), "Factors.IA");
         Factors->JA = (int *)primme_calloc(n, sizeof(int),"Factors.JA");
         printf("Generating diagonal preconditioner");
	 if (driver.PrecChoice == 1) {
	    printf(" with the user provided shift %e\n",driver.shift);
            generate_Inv_Diagonal_Prec(n, driver.shift, matrix.IA, matrix.JA, 
	       matrix.AElts, Factors->IA, Factors->JA, Factors->AElts);
            *precond_function = Apply_Inv_Diagonal_Prec;
	 else {
	    printf(" that will use solver provided shifts\n");
	    generate_Diagonal_Prec(n, matrix.IA, matrix.JA, matrix.AElts, 
	       Factors->IA, Factors->JA, Factors->AElts);
            *precond_function = Apply_Diagonal_Shifted_Prec;
      case 3: { // ILUT(A-shift I) 
	 int ierr;
         int precondlfil = driver.level;
         double precondTol = driver.threshold;
         double *W1, *W2;
         int *iW1, *iW2, *iW3;

	 if (driver.shift != 0.0L) {
	    shiftCSRMatrix(-driver.shift, n, matrix.IA,matrix.JA,matrix.AElts);

         // Work arrays
         W1 = (double *)primme_calloc( n+1,  sizeof(double), "W1");
         W2 = (double *)primme_calloc( n,  sizeof(double), "W2");
         iW1 = (int *)primme_calloc( n,  sizeof(int), "iW1");
         iW2 = (int *)primme_calloc( n,  sizeof(int), "iW2");
         iW3 = (int *)primme_calloc( n,  sizeof(int), "iW2");
         // Max size of factorization                       //
         lenFactors = 9*nnz;				    //
         Factors->AElts = (double *)primme_calloc(lenFactors,
		       		                   sizeof(double), "iluElts");
         Factors->JA = (int *)primme_calloc(lenFactors, sizeof(int), "Jilu");
         Factors->IA = (int *)primme_calloc(n+1, sizeof(int), "Iilu");
	             Factors->AElts, Factors->JA, Factors->IA, &lenFactors, 
         if (ierr != 0)  {
            fprintf(stderr, "ILUT factorization could not be completed\n");

 	 if (driver.shift != 0.0L) {
	    shiftCSRMatrix(driver.shift, n, matrix.IA,matrix.JA,matrix.AElts);
	 // free workspace
         free(W1); free(W2); free(iW1); free(iW2); free(iW3);
         *precond_function = Apply_ILUT_Prec;
      case 4:  // Parasails(A - shift I)
	 // not implemented yet
   return 0;
예제 #14
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

   /* Timing vars */
   double ut1,ut2,st1,st2,wt1,wt2;

   /* Matrix */
   int n, nLocal, nnz;
   double fnorm;
   CSRMatrix matrix; 	     // The matrix in simple SPARSKIT CSR format
   Matrix *Par_matrix;       // Pointer to the matrix in Parasails CSR format

   /* Permutation/partitioning stuff */
   int *mask, *map;
   int *fg2or, *or2fg;
   /* Preconditioner */
   ParaSails *Par_Factors;   // Pointer to the matrix in Parasails CSR format

   /* Files */
   char *DriverConfigFileName, *SolverConfigFileName;
   char partFileName[512];
   FILE *partFile;
   /* Driver and solver I/O arrays and parameters */
   double *evals, *evecs, *rnorms;
   driver_params driver;
   primme_params primme;
   primme_preset_method method;
#ifdef Cplusplus     /* C++ has a stricter type checking */
   void (*precond_function)(void *, void *, int *, primme_params *);
   void *precond_function;

   /* Other miscellaneous items */
   int i,j;
   int ret, modulo;
   int rangeStart;
   int rangeEnd;
   int numProcs, procID;
   MPI_Comm comm;

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* MPI INITIALIZATION						    */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &procID);
   comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*   Read matrix and driver setup                                        */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Get from command line the names for the 2 config files  */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------- */

   if (argc == 3) {
      DriverConfigFileName = argv[1];
      SolverConfigFileName = argv[2];
   else {

   /* ----------------------------- */
   /* Read in the driver parameters */
   /* ----------------------------- */
   if (read_driver_params(DriverConfigFileName, &driver) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Reading driver parameters failed\n");

   /* ------------------------------------------ */
   /* Read the matrix and store it in CSR format */
   /* ------------------------------------------ */
   if (procID == 0) {

      fprintf(stdout," Matrix: %s\n",driver.matrixFileName);

      if (!strcmp("mtx", 
		&driver.matrixFileName[strlen(driver.matrixFileName)-3])) {  
         // coordinate format storing both lower and upper triangular parts
         ret = readfullMTX(driver.matrixFileName, &matrix.AElts, &matrix.JA, 
            &matrix.IA, &n, &nnz);
         if (ret < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read matrix file\n");
      else if (driver.matrixFileName[strlen(driver.matrixFileName)-1] == 'U') {
         // coordinate format storing only upper triangular part
         ret = readUpperMTX(driver.matrixFileName, &matrix.AElts, &matrix.JA,
            &matrix.IA, &n, &nnz);
         if (ret < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read matrix file\n");
      else {  
         //Harwell Boeing format NOT IMPLEMENTED
         //ret = readmt()
         ret = -1;
         if (ret < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read matrix file\n");
   } // if procID == 0

   /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
   // Allocate space on other processors and broadcast the matrix
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */

   MPI_Bcast(&nnz, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   MPI_Bcast(&n, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   if (procID != 0) {

      matrix.AElts = (double *)primme_calloc(nnz, sizeof(double), "A");
      matrix.JA = (int *)primme_calloc(nnz, sizeof(int), "JA");
      matrix.IA = (int *)primme_calloc(n+1, sizeof(int), "IA");
   else {
      // Proc 0 converts CSR to C indexing
      for (i=0; i < n+1; i++) {
      for (i=0; i < nnz; i++) {

   MPI_Bcast(matrix.AElts, nnz, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   MPI_Bcast(matrix.IA, n+1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   MPI_Bcast(matrix.JA, nnz, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   fnorm = frobeniusNorm(n, matrix.IA, matrix.AElts);

   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*  Partitioning of the matrix among the processors                       */
   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   mask = (int *)primme_calloc(n, sizeof(int), "mask");
   map = (int *)primme_calloc(numProcs+1, sizeof(int), "map");
   fg2or = (int *)primme_calloc(n, sizeof(int), "fg2or");
   or2fg = (int *)primme_calloc(n, sizeof(int), "or2fg");
//   /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
//    * Read the partition from a file
//    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
//   sprintf(partFileName, "%s/%s", driver.partDir, driver.partId);
//   partFile = fopen(partFileName, "r");
//   if (partFile == 0) {
//      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not open '%s'\n", partFileName);
//      MPI_Finalize();
//      return(-1);
//   }
//   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
//      fscanf(partFile, "%d", &mask[i]);
//   }
//   fclose(partFile);

   /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
   /* Simplistic assignment of processors to rows */
   /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
   nLocal = n / numProcs;
   modulo = n % numProcs;
   rangeStart = 0;
   for (i=0; i<numProcs; i++) {
      rangeEnd = rangeStart + nLocal;
      if (i < modulo) rangeEnd = rangeEnd + 1;
      for (j = rangeStart; j< rangeEnd; j++) mask[j] = i;
      rangeStart = rangeEnd;
   /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

   generatePermutations(n, numProcs, mask, or2fg, fg2or, map);
   rangeStart = map[procID];
   rangeEnd = map[procID+1]-1;
   nLocal = rangeEnd - rangeStart+1;
   Par_matrix = csrToParaSails(procID, map, fg2or, or2fg, 
		               matrix.IA, matrix.JA, matrix.AElts, comm);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*  Set up preconditioner if needed. For parallel programs the only choice   */
/*  in driver.PrecChoice:  (driver.PrecChoice is read in read_driver_params) */
/*     choice = 4    Parallel ParaSails preconditioners                      */
/*                   with parameters (level, threshold, filter, isymm)       */
/*                   as read in read_driver_params().                        */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   if (driver.PrecChoice == 4) {

      Par_Factors = generate_precond(&matrix, driver.shift, n,
	 procID, map, fg2or, or2fg, rangeStart, rangeEnd, driver.isymm, 
	 driver.level, driver.threshold, driver.filter, comm);
      precond_function = par_ApplyParasailsPrec;
   else {
      Par_Factors = NULL;
      precond_function = NULL;
      // Free A as it is not further needed
      free(matrix.AElts); free(matrix.IA); free(matrix.JA);

   free(mask); free(map); free(fg2or); free(or2fg);

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*    Primme solver setup                                                */
   /*       primme_initialize  (not needed if ALL primme struct members set)*/
   /*       primme_set_method  (bypass it to fully customize your solver)   */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   /* ----------------------------- */
   /* Initialize defaults in primme */
   /* ----------------------------- */

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Read in the primme configuration file   */
   /* --------------------------------------- */
   primme.n     = n;
   primme.aNorm = fnorm; /* ||A||_frobenius. A configFile entry overwrites it */

   if (procID == 0) {
      if (read_solver_params(SolverConfigFileName, driver.outputFileName, 
			   &primme, &method) < 0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Reading solver parameters failed\n");

   /* ------------------------------------------------- */
   // Send read common primme members to all processors
   // Setup the primme members local to this processor  
   /* ------------------------------------------------- */
   broadCast(&primme, &method, comm);

   primme.procID = procID;
   primme.numProcs = numProcs;
   primme.nLocal = nLocal;
   primme.commInfo = &comm;
   primme.globalSumDouble = par_GlobalSumDouble;

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Pick one of the default methods(if set) */
   /* --------------------------------------- */

   if (primme_set_method(method, &primme) < 0 ) {
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "No preset method. Using custom settings\n");

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Optional: report memory requirements    */
   /* --------------------------------------- */

   ret = dprimme(NULL,NULL,NULL,&primme);
   fprintf(primme.outputFile,"PRIMME will allocate the following memory:\n");
   fprintf(primme.outputFile," processor %d, real workspace, %ld bytes\n",
		   		procID, primme.realWorkSize);
   fprintf(primme.outputFile," processor %d, int  workspace, %d bytes\n",
		   		procID, primme.intWorkSize);

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Set up matrix vector and preconditioner */
   /* --------------------------------------- */

   primme.matrixMatvec        = par_MatrixMatvec;
   primme.applyPreconditioner = precond_function;

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Optional: provide matrix/preconditioner */
   /* --------------------------------------- */
   primme.matrix         = Par_matrix;
   primme.preconditioner = Par_Factors;

   /* --------------------------------------- */
   /* Display given parameter configuration   */
   /* Place this after the dprimme() to see   */
   /* any changes dprimme() made to primme    */
   /* --------------------------------------- */

   if (procID >= 0) {
      fprintf(primme.outputFile," Matrix: %s\n",driver.matrixFileName);

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* 	                   Run the dprimme solver                           */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   /* Allocate space for converged Ritz values and residual norms */

   evals = (double *)primme_calloc(primme.numEvals, sizeof(double), "evals");
   evecs = (double *)primme_calloc(primme.nLocal*
	   (primme.numEvals+primme.maxBlockSize), sizeof(double), "evecs");
   rnorms = (double *)primme_calloc(primme.numEvals, sizeof(double), "rnorms");

   /* ------------------------ */
   /* Initial guess (optional) */
   /* ------------------------ */
    for (i=0;i<primme.nLocal;i++) evecs[i]=1/sqrt(primme.n);

   /* ------------- */
   /*  Call primme  */
   /* ------------- */

   wt1 = primme_get_wtime(); 

   ret = dprimme(evals, evecs, rnorms, &primme);

   wt2 = primme_get_wtime();

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Reporting                                                             */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   if (procID == 0) {

   fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Wallclock Runtime   : %-f\n", wt2-wt1);
   fprintf(primme.outputFile, "User Time           : %f seconds\n", ut2-ut1);
   fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Syst Time           : %f seconds\n", st2-st1);

   if (primme.procID == 0) {
      for (i=0; i < primme.numEvals; i++) {
         fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Eval[%d]: %-22.15E rnorm: %-22.15E\n", i+1,
            evals[i], rnorms[i]); 
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, " %d eigenpairs converged\n", primme.initSize);

      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Tolerance : %-22.15E\n", 
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Iterations: %-d\n", 
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Restarts  : %-d\n", primme.stats.numRestarts);
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Matvecs   : %-d\n", primme.stats.numMatvecs);
      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "Preconds  : %-d\n", primme.stats.numPreconds);

      fprintf(primme.outputFile, "\n\n#,%d,%.1f\n\n", primme.stats.numMatvecs,

      switch (primme.dynamicMethodSwitch) {
         case -1: fprintf(primme.outputFile,
               "Recommended method for next run: DEFAULT_MIN_MATVECS\n"); break;
         case -2: fprintf(primme.outputFile,
               "Recommended method for next run: DEFAULT_MIN_TIME\n"); break;
         case -3: fprintf(primme.outputFile,
               "Recommended method for next run: DYNAMIC (close call)\n"); break;

   if (ret != 0 && procID == 0) {
         "Error: dprimme returned with nonzero exit status: %d \n",ret);
      return -1;




예제 #15
void primme_initialize_f90(primme_params **primme){
   *primme = (primme_params *)primme_calloc(1,sizeof(primme_params),"primme");