예제 #1
static void parse_geom_triangle( const MaterialMap& matmap, const TriVertMap& tvmap, BodyMap& bodies, Physics* phys, const TiXmlElement* elem, Triangle* geom )
    parse_geom_base( matmap, elem, geom );

    const TiXmlElement* child = elem->FirstChildElement( STR_VERTEX );
    size_t count = 0;
    while ( child ) {
        if ( count > 2 ) {
            print_error_header( child );
            std::cout << "To many vertices for triangle.\n";
            throw std::exception();

        parse_lookup_data( tvmap, child, STR_NAME, &geom->vertices[count] );

        child = child->NextSiblingElement( STR_VERTEX );

    if ( count < 2 ) {
        print_error_header( elem );
        std::cout << "To few vertices for triangle.\n";
        throw std::exception();
    child = elem->FirstChildElement( STR_BODY );
    if ( child ) {
        TriangleBody* body = new TriangleBody(geom);
        check_mem( body );
        parse_trianglebody( child, body );
        bodies[body->id] = body;
예제 #2
static void parse_geom_triangle( const MaterialMap& matmap, const TriVertMap& tvmap, const TiXmlElement* elem, Triangle* geom )
    parse_geom_base( matmap, elem, geom );

    const TiXmlElement* child = elem->FirstChildElement( STR_VERTEX );
    size_t count = 0;
    while ( child ) {
        if ( count > 2 ) {
            print_error_header( child );
            std::cout << "To many vertices for triangle.\n";
            throw std::exception();

        parse_lookup_data( tvmap, child, STR_NAME, &geom->vertices[count] );

        child = child->NextSiblingElement( STR_VERTEX );

    if ( count < 2 ) {
        print_error_header( elem );
        std::cout << "To few vertices for triangle.\n";
        throw std::exception();
예제 #3
static void parse_attrib_float( const TiXmlElement* elem, bool required, const char* name, float* val )
    int rv = elem->QueryFloatAttribute( name, val );
    if ( rv == TIXML_WRONG_TYPE ) {
        print_error_header( elem );
        std::cout << "error parsing '" << name << "'.\n";
        throw std::exception();
    } else if ( required && rv == TIXML_NO_ATTRIBUTE ) {
        print_error_header( elem );
        std::cout << "missing '" << name << "'.\n";
        throw std::exception();
예제 #4
int option_parser::parse_long_option(int argc, char * argv[], int argi)
	std::string argument(argv[argi] + 2);
	auto delimiter = argument.find(PARSE_OPTION_VALUE_DELIMITER);

	// argument has format --option=value.
	if (delimiter != std::string::npos) {
		std::string name = argument.substr(0, delimiter);
		std::string value = argument.substr(delimiter + 1);

		auto option_it = long_options_.find(name);
		if (option_it == long_options_.end()) {
			print_error_header(argc, argv, argi, 2, "uknown option");
			return PARSE_ERROR;

		if (option_it->second->size() == 0) {
			print_error_header(argc, argv, argi, 2, "option doesn't have value");
			return PARSE_ERROR;

		if (!option_it->second->parse_value(value)) {
			print_error_header(argc, argv, argi, name.length() + 3, "failed to parse argument");
			return PARSE_ERROR;

		return argi + 1;

	// argument has format --option.
	auto option_it = long_options_.find(argument);
	if (option_it == long_options_.end()) {
		print_error_header(argc, argv, argi, 2, "uknown option");
		return PARSE_ERROR;

	if (!option_it->second->empty()) {
		return parse_option_value(argc, argv, argi, argument.size() + 2, option_it->second);

	return argi + 1;
예제 #5
static void parse_attrib_string( const TiXmlElement* elem, bool required, const char* name, const char** val )
    const char* att = elem->Attribute( name );
    if ( !att && required ) {
        print_error_header( elem );
        std::cout << "missing '" << name << "'.\n";
        throw std::exception();
    } else if ( att ) {
        *val = att;
예제 #6
static const TiXmlElement* get_unique_child( const TiXmlElement* parent, bool required, const char* name )
    const TiXmlElement* elem = parent->FirstChildElement( name );

    if ( !elem ) {
        if ( required ) {
            print_error_header( parent );
            std::cout << "no '" << name << "' defined.\n";
            throw std::exception();
        } else {
            return 0;

    if ( elem->NextSiblingElement( name ) ) {
        print_error_header( elem );
        std::cout << "'" << name << "' multiply defined.\n";
        throw std::exception();

    return elem;
예제 #7
static void parse_lookup_data( const std::map< const char*, T, StrCompare > tmap, const TiXmlElement* elem, const char* name, T* val )
    typename std::map< const char*, T, StrCompare >::const_iterator iter;
    const char* att;

    parse_attrib_string( elem, true, name, &att );
    iter = tmap.find( att );
    if ( iter == tmap.end() ) {
        print_error_header( elem );
        std::cout << "No such " << name << " '" << att << "'.\n";
        throw std::exception();
    *val = iter->second;
예제 #8
파일: error.c 프로젝트: mpw/p2
static void
print_parse_error_header (void)

  if (original_file_name[0] != '\0' || file_name[0] != '\0')
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:",
            (original_file_name[0] != '\0') ? original_file_name : file_name);

  if (original_line_number != 0 || line_number != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "%d:",
            (original_line_number != 0) ? original_line_number : line_number);

  fprintf(stderr, " ");
예제 #9
파일: error.c 프로젝트: mpw/p2
error (const char *format, ...)
  va_list args;

  fprintf(stderr, "error: ");

  va_start(args, format);
  vfprintf(stderr, format, args);

  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
예제 #10
파일: error.c 프로젝트: mpw/p2
calling_error (const char *format, ...)
  va_list       args;

  fprintf(stderr, "calling error: ");

  va_start(args, format);
  vfprintf(stderr, format, args);

  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] layer_name[.%s]\n",
          program_name, program_name);
  fprintf(stderr, "For more information, type: %s --help\n",
예제 #11
파일: error.c 프로젝트: mpw/p2
warning (int priority, const char *format, ...)
  va_list args;

  assert(priority != 0);
  assert(min_warning_priority != 0);
  if (priority >= min_warning_priority) { 
    fprintf(stderr, "warning: ");

    va_start(args, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
예제 #12
int option_parser::parse_short_options(int argc, char * argv[], int argi)
	std::string argument(argv[argi]);
	for (size_t i = 1; i < argument.size(); ++i) {
		auto option_iterator = short_options_.find(argument[i]);
		if (option_iterator == short_options_.end()) {
			print_error_header(argc, argv, argi, i, "uknown option");
			return PARSE_ERROR;
		if (!option_iterator->second->empty()) {
			return parse_option_value(argc, argv, argi, i + 1, option_iterator->second);

	return argi + 1;
예제 #13
bool load_scene( Scene* scene, const char* filename )
    TiXmlDocument doc( filename );
    const TiXmlElement* root = 0;
    const TiXmlElement* elem = 0;
    MaterialMap materials;
    MeshMap meshes;
    TriVertMap triverts;

    assert( scene );

    // load the document

    if ( !doc.LoadFile() ) {
        std::cout << "ERROR, " << doc.ErrorRow() << ":" << doc.ErrorCol() << "; "
            << "parse error: " << doc.ErrorDesc() << "\n";
        return false;

    // check for root element

    root = doc.RootElement();
    if ( !root ) {
        std::cout << "No root element.\n";
        return false;

    // reset the scene


    try {
        // parse the camera
        elem = get_unique_child( root, true, STR_CAMERA );
        parse_camera( elem, &scene->camera );
        // parse background color
        parse_elem( root, true,  STR_BACKGROUND, &scene->background_color );
        // parse refractive index
        parse_elem( root, true,  STR_REFRACT, &scene->refractive_index );
        // parse ambient light
        parse_elem( root, false, STR_AMLIGHT, &scene->ambient_light );

        // parse the lights
        elem = root->FirstChildElement( STR_PLIGHT );
        while ( elem ) {
            PointLight pl;
            parse_point_light( elem, &pl );
            scene->add_light( pl );
            elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( STR_PLIGHT );

        // parse the materials
        elem = root->FirstChildElement( STR_MATERIAL );
        while ( elem ) {
            Material* mat = new Material();
            check_mem( mat );
            scene->add_material( mat );
            const char* name = parse_material( elem, mat );
            assert( name );
            // place each material in map by it's name, so we can associate geometries
            // with them when loading geometries
            // check for repeat name
            if ( !materials.insert( std::make_pair( name, mat ) ).second ) {
                print_error_header( elem );
                std::cout << "Material '" << name << "' multiply defined.\n";
                throw std::exception();
            elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( STR_MATERIAL );

        // parse the meshes
        elem = root->FirstChildElement( STR_MESH );
        while ( elem ) {
            Mesh* mesh = new Mesh();
            check_mem( mesh );
            scene->add_mesh( mesh );
            const char* name = parse_mesh( elem, mesh );
            assert( name );
            // place each mesh in map by it's name, so we can associate geometries
            // with them when loading geometries
            if ( !meshes.insert( std::make_pair( name, mesh ) ).second ) {
                print_error_header( elem );
                std::cout << "Mesh '" << name << "' multiply defined.\n";
                throw std::exception();
            elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( STR_MESH );

        // parse vertices (used by triangles)
        elem = root->FirstChildElement( STR_VERTEX );
        while ( elem ) {
            Triangle::Vertex v;
            const char* name = parse_triangle_vertex( materials, elem, &v );
            assert( name );
            // place each vertex in map by it's name, so we can associate triangles
            // with them when loading geometries
            if ( !triverts.insert( std::make_pair( name, v ) ).second ) {
                print_error_header( elem );
                std::cout << "Triangle vertex '" << name << "' multiply defined.\n";
                throw std::exception();
            elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( STR_VERTEX );

        // parse the geometries

        // spheres
        elem = root->FirstChildElement( STR_SPHERE );
        while ( elem ) {
            Sphere* geom = new Sphere();
            check_mem( geom );
            scene->add_geometry( geom );
            parse_geom_sphere( materials, elem, geom );
            elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( STR_SPHERE );

        // triangles
        elem = root->FirstChildElement( STR_TRIANGLE );
        while ( elem ) {
            Triangle* geom = new Triangle();
            check_mem( geom );
            scene->add_geometry( geom );
            parse_geom_triangle( materials, triverts, elem, geom );
            elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( STR_TRIANGLE );

        // models
        elem = root->FirstChildElement( STR_MODEL );
        while ( elem ) {
            Model* geom = new Model();
            check_mem( geom );
            scene->add_geometry( geom );
            parse_geom_model( materials, meshes, elem, geom );
            elem = elem->NextSiblingElement( STR_MODEL );

        // TODO add you own geometries here

    } catch ( std::bad_alloc const& ) {
        std::cout << "Out of memory error while loading scene\n.";
        return false;
    } catch ( ... ) {
        return false;

    return true;

예제 #14
int option_parser::parse_option_value(int argc, char * argv[], int argi, int index, option * operand)
	std::string argument(argv[argi]);

	// parsing options of type --option=value (-o=value).
	if (index < static_cast<int>(argument.size())) {
		if (argument[index] != PARSE_OPTION_VALUE_DELIMITER) {
			print_error_header(argc, argv, argi, index, "option value expected");
			return PARSE_ERROR;

		std::string option_value = argument.substr(index + 1);
		if (!operand->parse_value(option_value)) {
				index + 1,
				"failed to parse value or restriction does not accept it");

			return PARSE_ERROR;

		return argi + 1;

	// parsing option of type --option value1 value2 ... (-o value1 value2 ...).
	size_type parsed = 0;
	const size_type max_values = operand->size();
	for (; argi < argc; ++argi, ++parsed) {

		// everything is already parsed.
		if (parsed == max_values) {

		// we have another option or delimiter.
		if (type(argv[argi]) != ARGUMENT) {

		// parse argument.
		if (!operand->parse_value(argv[argi])) {
				"failed to parse value or restriction does not accept it");

			return PARSE_ERROR;

	if ((parsed == 0) && (operand->value_category() == REQUIRED)) {
			argi - 1,
			"option has required value");

			return PARSE_ERROR;

	return argi;