예제 #1
/* print out a linky (or fail if it's Not Allowed)
static int
linkyformat(MMIOT *f, Cstring text, int image, Footnote *ref)
    linkytype *tag;

    if ( image )
	tag = &imaget;
    else if ( tag = pseudo(ref->link) ) {
	if ( f->flags & (MKD_NO_EXT|MKD_SAFELINK) )
	    return 0;
    else if ( (f->flags & MKD_SAFELINK) && T(ref->link)
				        && (T(ref->link)[0] != '/')
				        && !isautoprefix(T(ref->link), S(ref->link)) )
	/* if MKD_SAFELINK, only accept links that are local or
	 * a well-known protocol
	return 0;
	tag = &linkt;

    if ( f->flags & tag->flags )
	return 0;

    if ( f->flags & IS_LABEL )
	___mkd_reparse(T(text), S(text), tag->flags, f);
    else if ( tag->link_pfx ) {
	printlinkyref(f, tag, T(ref->link), S(ref->link));

	if ( tag->WxH ) {
	    if ( ref->height ) Qprintf(f," height=\"%d\"", ref->height);
	    if ( ref->width ) Qprintf(f, " width=\"%d\"", ref->width);

	if ( S(ref->title) ) {
	    Qstring(" title=\"", f);
	    ___mkd_reparse(T(ref->title), S(ref->title), MKD_TAGTEXT, f);
	    Qchar('"', f);

	Qstring(tag->text_pfx, f);
	___mkd_reparse(T(text), S(text), tag->flags, f);
	Qstring(tag->text_sfx, f);
	Qwrite(T(ref->link) + tag->szpat, S(ref->link) - tag->szpat, f);

    return 1;
} /* linkyformat */
예제 #2
/* The size-length token at cursor(f) is either a mailto:, an
 * implicit mailto:, one of the approved url protocols, or just
 * plain old text.   If it's a mailto: or an approved protocol,
 * linkify it, otherwise say "no"
static int
process_possible_link(MMIOT *f, int size)
    int address= 0;
    int mailto = 0;
    char *text = cursor(f);
    if ( f->flags & DENY_A ) return 0;

    if ( (size > 7) && strncasecmp(text, "mailto:", 7) == 0 ) {
	/* if it says it's a mailto, it's a mailto -- who am
	 * I to second-guess the user?
	address = 1;
	mailto = 7; 	/* 7 is the length of "mailto:"; we need this */
	address = maybe_address(text, size);

    if ( address ) { 
	Qstring("<a href=\"", f);
	if ( !mailto ) {
	    /* supply a mailto: protocol if one wasn't attached */
	    mangle("mailto:", 7, f);
	mangle(text, size, f);
	Qstring("\">", f);
	mangle(text+mailto, size-mailto, f);
	Qstring("</a>", f);
	return 1;
    else if ( isautoprefix(text, size) ) {
	printlinkyref(f, &linkt, text, size);
	Qchar('>', f);
	puturl(text,size,f, 1);
	Qstring("</a>", f);
	return 1;
    return 0;
} /* process_possible_link */