static string toStr(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleScriptWorldRef world, WKBundleRangeHandleRef rangeRef) { if (!rangeRef) return "(null)"; WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(page); JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContextForWorld(frame, world); JSValueRef rangeValue = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptWrapperForRangeForWorld(frame, rangeRef, world); ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, rangeValue)); JSObjectRef rangeObject = (JSObjectRef)rangeValue; JSValueRef startNodeValue = propertyValue(context, rangeObject, "startContainer"); ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, startNodeValue)); JSObjectRef startNodeObject = (JSObjectRef)startNodeValue; JSValueRef endNodeValue = propertyValue(context, rangeObject, "endContainer"); ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, endNodeValue)); JSObjectRef endNodeObject = (JSObjectRef)endNodeValue; int startOffset = propertyValueInt(context, rangeObject, "startOffset"); int endOffset = propertyValueInt(context, rangeObject, "endOffset"); ostringstream out; out << "range from " << startOffset << " of " << dumpPath(context, startNodeObject) << " to " << endOffset << " of " << dumpPath(context, endNodeObject); return out.str(); }
bool IqOrmSqlManyToOnePropertyDescriptionProcessor::postInsert(IqOrmDataSourceOperationResult *result) const { Q_CHECK_PTR(result); Q_CHECK_PTR(propertyDescription()); Q_CHECK_PTR(object()); Q_CHECK_PTR(object()->ormMetaModel()); if (propertyValue().isNull()) { result->setError(""); return true; } qint64 associatedObjectId = propertyValue().toLongLong(); if (associatedPropertyDescription()) { IqOrmOneToManyPropertyChanges *changes = result->changes(associatedOrmModel(), associatedObjectId)->propertyChanges(associatedPropertyDescription()); changes->addNewObjectId(object()->objectId()); } IqOrmManyToOnePropertyChanges *changes = result->changes(ormModel(), object()->objectId())->propertyChanges(propertyDescription()); changes->setOperation(IqOrmManyToOnePropertyChanges::Set); changes->setNewObjectId(associatedObjectId); result->setError(""); return true; }
void FontAttribPropItem::setModelData(QWidget *propertyEditor , QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) { model->setData(index,qobject_cast<CheckBoxEditor*>(propertyEditor)->isChecked()); QFont font = object()->property(parent()->propertyName().toLatin1()).value<QFont>(); if (propertyName()=="bold"){ font.setBold(propertyValue().toBool()); } if (propertyName()=="italic"){ font.setItalic(propertyValue().toBool()); } if (propertyName()=="underline"){ font.setUnderline(propertyValue().toBool()); } setValueToObject(parent()->propertyName(),font); }
FontPropItem::FontPropItem(QObject *object, ObjectPropItem::ObjectsList *objects, const QString &name, const QString &displayName, const QVariant &value, ObjectPropItem *parent, bool readonly) :ObjectPropItem(object, objects, name, displayName, value, parent, readonly) { m_bold = new FontAttribPropItem(object,objects,"bold",tr("bold"),propertyValue().value<QFont>().bold(),this,false); m_italic = new FontAttribPropItem(object,objects,"italic",tr("italic"),propertyValue().value<QFont>().italic(),this,false); m_underline = new FontAttribPropItem(object,objects,"underline",tr("underline"),propertyValue().value<QFont>().underline(),this,false); m_pointSize = new FontPointSizePropItem(object,0,"pointSize",tr("size"),propertyValue().value<QFont>().pointSize(),this,false); m_family = new FontFamilyPropItem(object,0,"family",tr("family"),propertyValue().value<QFont>(),this,false); this->appendItem(m_family); this->appendItem(m_pointSize); this->appendItem(m_bold); this->appendItem(m_italic); this->appendItem(m_underline); }
void BoolPropItem::setPropertyEditorData(QWidget *propertyEditor, const QModelIndex &) const { CheckBoxEditor *editor =qobject_cast<CheckBoxEditor *>(propertyEditor); editor->setEditing(true); editor->setChecked(propertyValue().toBool()); editor->setEditing(false); }
static double propertyValueDouble(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, const char* propertyName) { JSValueRef value = propertyValue(context, object, propertyName); if (!value) return 0; return JSValueToNumber(context, value, 0); }
bool ChromeProfile::IsAcceptLanguagesOk() { bool acceptLanguagesFound, bRslt; wstring langcode, firstlang; bRslt = false; acceptLanguagesFound = ReadAcceptLanguages(langcode); if (acceptLanguagesFound) { LanguageList propertyValue(langcode); firstlang = propertyValue.GetFirstLanguage(); std::transform(firstlang.begin(), firstlang.end(), firstlang.begin(), ::tolower); if ( == 0 || == 0) { bRslt = true; } } else { if (IsUiLocaleOk()) { bRslt = true; } } g_log.Log(L"ChromeProfile::IsAcceptLanguagesOk: %u", (wchar_t*) bRslt); return bRslt; }
static string dumpPath(JSGlobalContextRef context, JSObjectRef nodeValue) { JSValueRef nodeNameValue = propertyValue(context, nodeValue, "nodeName"); JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> jsStringNodeName(Adopt, JSValueToStringCopy(context, nodeNameValue, 0)); WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> nodeName = toWK(jsStringNodeName); JSValueRef parentNode = propertyValue(context, nodeValue, "parentNode"); ostringstream out; out << nodeName; if (parentNode && JSValueIsObject(context, parentNode)) out << " > " << dumpPath(context, (JSObjectRef)parentNode); return out.str(); }
static JSObjectRef propertyObject(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, const char* propertyName) { JSValueRef value = propertyValue(context, object, propertyName); if (!value || !JSValueIsObject(context, value)) return 0; return const_cast<JSObjectRef>(value); }
void UmlArtifact::genpro() { UmlPackage * pack = (UmlPackage *) parent()->parent(); Q3CString path; if (! propertyValue("genpro path", path)) { path = pack->cppSrcDir(); if (path.isEmpty()) path = root_dir(); else if (QDir::isRelativePath(path)) { QDir d(root_dir());; path = d.absPath(); } } if (stereotype() == "executable") { gen_app(path); } else UmlCom::trace(stereotype() + " : not managed"); }
void FontPointSizePropItem::setModelData(QWidget *propertyEditor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) { model->setData(index,qobject_cast<SpinBoxEditor*>(propertyEditor)->value()); QFont font = object()->property(parent()->propertyName().toLatin1()).value<QFont>(); font.setPointSize(propertyValue().toInt()); setValueToObject(parent()->propertyName(),font); }
QWidget *FontFamilyPropItem::createProperyEditor(QWidget *parent) const { FontFamilyEditor* editor = new FontFamilyEditor(parent); // QFontComboBox* editor = new QFontComboBox(parent); editor->setAutoFillBackground(true); editor->setFont(propertyValue().value<QFont>()); return editor; }
static double numericWindowPropertyValue(WKBundleFrameRef frame, const char* propertyName) { JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(frame); JSValueRef value = propertyValue(context, JSContextGetGlobalObject(context), propertyName); if (!value) return 0; JSValueRef exception; return JSValueToNumber(context, value, &exception); }
IntSetCellRenderer::IntSetCellRenderer() : Glib::ObjectBase(typeid(IntSetCellRenderer)), Gtk::CellRendererText(), m_propertyValue(*this, "stdintset", std::set<int>()) { propertyValue().signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &IntSetCellRenderer::valueChanged) ); }
JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> LayoutTestController::pageProperty(const char* propertyName, int pageNumber) const { const String property = DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::pageProperty(browser->mainFrame(), propertyName, pageNumber); if (property.isEmpty()) return 0; JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> propertyValue(Adopt, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(property.utf8().data())); return propertyValue; }
void IntSetCellRenderer::valueChanged() { Glib::ustring s; std::set<int> v = propertyValue(); for (std::set<int>::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { s += ToString(*it); if (*it != *v.rbegin()) s += "|"; } property_text() = s; property_foreground() = (v.size() > 1) ? "gray" : "black"; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsBoxObject::SetProperty(const PRUnichar* aPropertyName, const PRUnichar* aPropertyValue) { if (!mPresState) NS_NewPresState(getter_Transfers(mPresState)); nsDependentString propertyName(aPropertyName); nsDependentString propertyValue(aPropertyValue); return mPresState->SetStateProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); }
bool ChromeProfile::WriteSpellAndAcceptLanguages() { Json::Value root; wstring path = m_installLocation + GetPreferencesRelPathAndFile(); std::ifstream in(path.c_str()); Json::Reader reader; Json::FastWriter writer; string acceptLanguages; wstring wLang; bool rslt; if ( { g_log.Log(L"ChromeProfile::WriteSpellAndAcceptLanguages. Cannot open for reading %s", (wchar_t*) path.c_str()); return false; } rslt = reader.parse(in, root); in.close(); if (rslt == false) { g_log.Log(L"ChromeProfile::WriteSpellAndAcceptLanguages. Cannot parse %s", (wchar_t*) path.c_str()); return false; } if (m_setCatalanAsAcceptLanguage) { acceptLanguages = root["intl"]["accept_languages"].asString(); StringConversion::ToWideChar(acceptLanguages, wLang); LanguageList propertyValue(wLang); wLang = propertyValue.GetWithCatalanAdded(); StringConversion::ToMultiByte(wLang, acceptLanguages); root["intl"]["accept_languages"] = acceptLanguages; } if (m_setCatalanAsSpellLanguage) { root["spellcheck"]["dictionary"] = CHROME_SPELLCHECKER_LANGUAGECODE_STR; } std::ofstream out(path.c_str()); if ( { g_log.Log(L"ChromeProfile::WriteAcceptLanguageCode. Cannot open for writing %s", (wchar_t*) path.c_str()); return false; } m_prefCacheIsValid = false; std::string jsonMessage = writer.write(root); out << jsonMessage; out.close(); return true; }
void UmlItem::setUseless() { QByteArray dummy; if (propertyValue("STM generated", dummy)) set_PropertyValue("STM generated", "0"); const QVector<UmlItem*> v = children(); for (unsigned index = v.count(); index != 0; index -= 1) v[index - 1]->setUseless(); }
void UmlItem::loadFromProfile() { WrapperStr id; if (propertyValue("xmiId", id) && (All.find(id) == All.end())) All.insert(id, this); const Q3PtrVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned u = 0; u != n; u += 1) ch[u]->loadFromProfile(); }
void UmlItem::deleteUseless() { QByteArray v; if (propertyValue("STM generated", v) && (v == "0")) // useless deleteIt(); else { const QVector<UmlItem*> v = children(); for (unsigned index = v.count(); index != 0; index -= 1) v[index - 1]->deleteUseless(); } }
bool BoolPropItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItemV4 &option, const QModelIndex &index) { if (index.column()==1) { QStyleOptionButton so; int border = (option.rect.height() - QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_IndicatorWidth))/2; so.rect = option.rect.adjusted(border,border,0,-border); so.rect.setWidth(QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_IndicatorWidth)); if (!isValueReadonly()) so.state = QStyle::State_Enabled; else so.state &= ~QStyle::State_Enabled; so.state |= propertyValue().toBool() ? QStyle::State_On : QStyle::State_Off; option.widget->style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorCheckBox,&so,painter); return true; } else return false; }
UmlPackage * UmlPackage::findProfile(WrapperStr xmiId) { if (stereotype() == "profile") { WrapperStr id; if (propertyValue("xmiId", id) && (id == xmiId)) return this; } const Q3PtrVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); UmlPackage * r; for (unsigned u = 0; u != n; u += 1) { if ((ch[u]->kind() == aPackage) && ((r = ((UmlPackage *) ch[u])->findProfile(xmiId)) != 0)) return r; } return 0; }
QVariant QgsProperty::value( const QgsExpressionContext &context, const QVariant &defaultValue, bool *ok ) const { if ( ok ) *ok = false; bool valOk = false; QVariant val = propertyValue( context, defaultValue, &valOk ); if ( !d->transformer && !valOk ) // if transformer present, let it handle null values return defaultValue; if ( d->transformer ) { if ( !valOk ) val = QVariant(); val = d->transformer->transform( context, val ); } if ( ok ) *ok = true; return val; }
void UmlClass::write(FileOut & out) { QCString st = stereotype(); if (st == "metaclass") return; bool is_actor = (st == "actor"); bool is_enum = (st == "enum"); bool is_stereotype = (st == "stereotype") && (parent()->parent()->kind() == aPackage) && (parent()->parent()->stereotype() == "profile"); if (!is_actor) { switch (_lang) { case Cpp: if (cppDecl().isEmpty()) return; break; case Java: if (javaDecl().isEmpty()) return; default: break; } } const char * k = (parent()->kind() == aClass) ? "nestedClassifier" : ((!_uml_20) ? "packagedElement" : ((is_stereotype) ? "ownedStereotype" : "ownedMember")); bool is_assoc_class = (_assoc != 0); out.indent(); out << "<" << k << " xmi:type=\"uml:" << ((is_actor) ? "Actor" : ((is_assoc_class) ? "AssociationClass" : ((st == "interface") ? "Interface" : ((is_enum) ?"Enumeration" : ((is_stereotype) ? "Stereotype" : "Class"))))) << "\" name=\""; out.quote(name()); out << '"';; write_visibility(out); if (isAbstract()) out << " isAbstract=\"true\""; if (isActive()) out << " isActive=\"true\""; out << ">\n"; if (is_assoc_class) _assoc->write_ends(out); out.indent(+1); write_constraint(out); write_annotation(out); write_description_properties(out); if (_gen_extension && (st == "typedef")) { const UmlTypeSpec & base = baseType(); if ((base.type != 0) || !base.explicit_type.isEmpty()) { out.indent(); out << "<xmi:Extension extender=\"Bouml\">\n"; out.indent(); out << "\t<typedef>\n"; out.indent(+2); UmlItem::write_type(out, base, "base"); out.indent(-2); out.indent(); out << "\t</typedef>\n"; out.indent(); out << "</xmi:Extension>\n"; } } write_formals(out); write_actuals(out); const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->write(out); if (is_stereotype) { QCString path; if (propertyValue("stereotypeIconPath", path) && !path.isEmpty()) { out.indent(); out << "<icon xmi:type=\"uml:Image\""; out.id_prefix(this, "Icon_"); out << " location=\"" << path << "\"/>\n"; } } out.indent(-1); out.indent(); out << "</" << k << ">\n"; if (is_stereotype) for (i = 0; i != n; i += 1) if (ch[i]->kind() == aRelation) ((UmlRelation *) ch[i])->write_extension(out); unload(); }
std::string currentLink() const { return boost::get<std::string>(propertyValue("CURRENTLINK")); }
PassOwnPtrWillBeRawPtr<Keyframe::PropertySpecificKeyframe> StringKeyframe::createPropertySpecificKeyframe(CSSPropertyID property) const { return adoptPtrWillBeNoop(new PropertySpecificKeyframe(offset(), easing(), propertyValue(property), composite())); }
JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> LayoutTestController::pageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(int pageNumber, int width, int height, int marginTop, int marginRight, int marginBottom, int marginLeft) const { JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> propertyValue(Adopt, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(DumpRenderTreeSupportGtk::pageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(mainFrame, pageNumber, width, height, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft).data())); return propertyValue; }
JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> LayoutTestController::pageProperty(const char* propertyName, int pageNumber) const { JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> propertyValue(Adopt, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(DumpRenderTreeSupportGtk::pageProperty(mainFrame, propertyName, pageNumber).data())); return propertyValue; }
void UmlPackage::packageImport(FileIn & in, Token & tk) { if (! tk.closed()) { WrapperStr id = tk.xmiId(); WrapperStr k = tk.what(); const char * kstr = k; while (, !tk.close(kstr)) { if (tk.what() == "importedpackage") { if (tk.xmiType() == "uml:Model") { WrapperStr v; if (propertyValue("metamodelReference", v) && (v == id)) { WrapperStr href = tk.valueOf("href"); int index = href.find('#'); set_PropertyValue("metamodelReference", (index == -1) ? href : href.left(index)); } } else if (tk.xmiType() == "uml:Profile") { WrapperStr s = tk.xmiIdref(); UmlPackage * pf = 0; if (!s.isEmpty()) { QMap<WrapperStr, UmlItem *>::Iterator it = All.find(s); if (it == All.end()) UnresolvedRelation::add(4, this->id(), s, "", ""); else if ((*it)->kind() == aPackage) pf = (UmlPackage *) *it; } else pf = importProfile(in, tk.valueOf("href")); if (pf != 0) { UmlNcRelation * ncr = UmlNcRelation::create(aDependency, this, pf); if (ncr != 0) ncr->set_Stereotype("import"); } } } else if (tk.what() == "importedelement") { WrapperStr v; if (propertyValue("metaclassReference", v) && (v == id)) { WrapperStr href = tk.valueOf("href"); int index = href.find('#'); set_PropertyValue("metaclassReference", (index == -1) ? href : href.left(index)); } } if (! tk.closed()) in.finish(tk.what()); } } }